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by What really bought down the towers? Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002 at 5:49 PM

This Article Claims Evidence of Explosives In The South Tower Collapse. What do you think?

lines-of-explosives.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x1680

Evidence of Explosives In The South Tower Collapse.

The evidence showing that the World Trade Center towers were demolished is compelling. Here are a few photos of explosives detonating during the collapse of the South Tower. Each frame is numbered by its position in the video. The video was shot at 30 frames per second. So an eight frame interval covers about one quarter of a second.

Frame 147 shows a row of explosives detonating right across the east face at the 79th floor.
Frame 203 shows a row of explosives detonating right across the east face at the 75th floor.

The right photos show the dust from the explosions outlined in red.

The third row the photos show the relative positions of the two lines of dust.

It has been claimed that the explosions of dust that span the east face of the tower, were caused by air being forced from the windows as each of the floors above collapsed. This explanation is obviously incorrect. If it was correct, such lines of dust would have been expelled from the windows of each floor in succession. That is, we would have seen such lines of dust expelled from floors 79, 78, 77, 76 and 75 in succession, but what we observe is an explosion of dust at floor 79, no new clouds of dust for a few floors, then another explosion of dust at floor 75. It is worth noting that the second line of (much larger) explosions occur at the center of a section of mechanical floors (the three mechanical floors appear as a slightly darker gray band across the building and are important for the strength they impart to the building). It is possible that the mechanical floors 76 and 75 (and also 74) have no windows, but of course, if this is so, it raises many more questions than it answers. In particular, if the mechanical floors have no windows, then the explosions of dust from floor 75 cannot be caused by air being forced from them as the floors above collapsed.

The dust due to the visible explosions is a whitish grey. The dust from the demolition of the upper section (which is disintegrating as it falls) is dark grey. One wonders what caused this difference.

A sequence of still photos of the collapse (at quarter second intervals) is included in

In these frames, we can see that the top 35 or so floors have snapped off and are toppling eastward. In the above frames we follow the north-east corner of the tower as this 35 floor section collapses. Using the north-east corner as a reference I have outlined in red the progress of this 35 floor top section as it descends.

The first thing to note is that the top section itself must be disintegrating otherwise (as the above frames show) the top section would have extended far into parts of the building that are clearly as yet unaffected by the collapse.

But what could possibly cause the top section to disintegrate? And in fact, what could possibly cause the top section to almost entirely disintegrate, before the lower section begins to collapse?

You have to realize that most of the top section had not been affected by the aircraft strike or fires and was thus still the same immensely strong structure that had supported the building for more than 30 years. If this section was going to fall at all, this section would fall as one piece (like a tree in the forest). Unless, of course, this section had been laced with explosives and was undergoing a controlled demolition of its own, just a few moments before the lower part of the building was demolished.

Try these for a little truth about 9-11.

The World Trade Center Demolition. 740 KB
Evidence of Explosives In The South Tower Collapse.
Chapter One of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 850 KB
Chapter Two of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 1.9 MB
The Pentagon Crash Hoax. 1.4 MB
Stranger Than Fiction. 600 KB
Arabs Not To Blame For 9-11.
The Air National Guard Mission And Vision Statements. (How did the ANG measure up on September 11? In one word: treasonous.)
Full list of articles from

Some of Eric Hufschmid's early web articles on 9-11 can be found at

Who Blew Up the World Trade Center.
Clouds Of Concrete.
What Identifies A Demolition?
Full listing of Eric Hufschmid's early web articles.

Articles from and others

The World Trade Center Demolition from
McMichael's Analysis Of The World Trade Center Demolition.
The World Trade Center Demolition As An Insurance Scam?
Many Hijackers Still Alive.
Hijackers Still Alive From the BBC.
Another Article On The Hijackers Who Are Still Alive.

For faster downloads you can find 3 of the above articles mirrored at

The World Trade Center Demolition. 740 KB
Chapter Two of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 1.9 MB
The Pentagon Crash Hoax. 1.4 MB
For a full list of articles from, click here.
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by Wonderer Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 1:16 AM

Some of these links do not work.
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Again and again...

by Diogenes Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 9:12 AM

...the photographic record shows a uniform, symmetrical, collapse.

This does not occur in a natural catastrophic failure. The weakest link will fail first causing an assymetrical collapse i.e., it will tip over as it collapses.

NONE of the collapsing buildings tipped over.

This is a contrary datum. It is not adequately explained by the Official "Conspiracy Theory".

The party line is that the buildings imploded and collapsed from weakened steel support columns caused by burning kerosene which:

A. Supposedly blew up in a ball of fire when the planes hit the buildings.

B. Reconstituted itself after burning up in a ball of fire to heat the steel columns to twice the temperature of the normal combustion temperature of Kerosene. As well it magically distributed itself throughout the building so that everything would heat equally and collapse simultaneously.

Was this Super Duper Kerosene from the Planet Krypton?

Or was it magical Kerosene blessed by Allah? (No insult intended to Islam.)

Notice that the smoke coming from the building is Black. This indicates an Oxygen starved fire. This means the Magical Kerosene was not burning at maximum temperature due to lack of Oxygen for combustion.

Also unexplained by the Official "Conspiracy Theory" is how Fire Fighters were able to make it to the 85th Floor and start radioing back for instructions and help on evacuating the survivors of the initial impact.

A. If there was a Fire Hot enough to melt steel there should not have been an environment for Fire Fighters to work in without Heat Suits.

B. There should have been no survivors left alive.

Too many pieces of the puzzle do not fit the Official "Conspiracy Theory".

911 - What Really Happened?
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911 comes later

by golfer Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 9:36 AM

Hoffa - What Really Happened?
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by KOBE SBM Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 9:37 AM

Would somebody please help me take my head out of my ass?
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by C4 and more Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 10:03 AM

Hasn't anyone done a test on the dust
to determine the presence of high pro explosives
or their by-products?
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What really happened?

by daveman Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 10:53 AM

911 was not a conspiracy because Fox News said so.
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by Diogenes Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 11:18 AM analysis of the debris exists - on the public record.

Another intriging anomaly is that in some of the photos of the debris you can see where someone has put up large sheets of black plastic to, apparently, obscure what was behind. Why? Structural damage from explosives? Something too obvious to explain away?

I do not pretend to know the story of what exactly happened. All I do know is that the Official "Conspiracy Theory" has enough holes to make a Swiss Cheese look like a solid block.

911 - What Really Happened?
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If you want to know...

by daveman Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 11:20 AM

...what really happened, just watch Fox News like I do.
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HaHa, privacy curtains

by Sheepdog Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 11:40 AM

HaHa, privacy curtai...
plastic.jpg, image/jpeg, 700x474

There were plastic sheets in front of the OK bombing
damage, also. An enlargement shows the careful covering
and wraping of the black plastic over Something in lower right hand corner.
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9/11 WAS a conspiracy...

by Libby McLefty Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 12:27 PM

...because Imdymedia said so.
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No that's not true...

by Diogenes Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 12:30 PM

...the Official "Conspiracy Theory" has been proven false by contradictory facts. If they came from Indymedia that is to their credit.
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Coming from you...

by Diogenes Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 4:29 PM

...I simply must take that as a compliment.
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of course you will.....

by fresca Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 6:08 PM

"...I simply must take that as a compliment." it requires no more irrational twisting of the truth than believing that muslims DID NOT attack us on 9/11.
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I take it...

by Diogenes Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 7:06 PM

...that it is part of your FAITH that Arabs committed the acts of 911. Cite your evidence.

Of course you cannot cite any evidence because there is none.

8 of the 19 named hijackers have been proven to be among the living. They were not on board those aircraft.

There is no solid evidence proving that it was committed by Mohammed Atta and the boys.

They could not even fly a Cessna 180 competently let alone 4 modern airliners.

And where was NORAD and the U.S. Air Force for 2 hours?

You are as always engaged in disinformation.

Hows the weather in Tel Aviv?
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outa curiosity

by fresca Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 7:39 PM

What sort of evidence would penetrate your schizophrenia?


I suspect by "none exists" what you mean to say is "none that I would accept".

so far you've not accepted confessions, videotapes, mountains of intel etc.

You quickly accept as fact ANY notion that WE somehow attacked ourselves.

It's amazing how un discriminating you are when that's the story you want to believe.

all it takes is for some fellow fool to FTP it up to the net and you buy it hook line and sinker.

Oh well, I'm glad I don't live in your head. It must be awful thinking the world is lying and out to get you.

Better you than me though.

We all choose our own crosses.
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fairly obvious

by C4 and more Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 1:07 AM

the rate of descent, the fine dust, the visual evidence of sequenced floor by floor detonations...
lots of amateurs out there to believe this was caused by
impact and/or fire.
you guys should go out and get your pyrotechnics license.
or do a little R&D if you can find a nice test area.
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the truth has been around for some time.

by DeadlyForce Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 1:57 AM

This article was posted in 2002.

So the truth about the collapse has been around for some time.
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Of Cabbages and Kings

by Diogenes Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 6:05 AM

fresca, fresca, as always your ongoing artifice of distorting my position is so ridiculously easy to defuse I sometimes wonder why I bother. Sighhhh.

A. There are no confessions. If you are referring to the Faked Bin Laden Tape it has been thoroughly discredited by professional film analysts. The Actor in the “film” is not even a real close double for Bin Laden. Side by side comparison of known photos of Bin Laden and the Actor in the film show many descrepencies. Cheekbones and Nose are two of the big giveaways.

B. What “mountain of intel”? The Bush Junta has claimed that they have it but nothing has ever been made public - other than that the Bush Junta had advance warning. Which upset them to no end. We weren’t supposed to see THAT intel.

The standard of evidence I pose for this event is no different than any other. The explanation must fit the evidence not the evidence tailored to fit the explanation.

I do not believe the World is out to get me, but then I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny, Magic Bullets, or 19 terrists’ who cannot be identified - but are presented as something other than what the evidence supports.

And the Building demolition shows all the hallmarks of a Controlled Demolition.

You may Believe in the Bush Junta’s Fairy Tales all you wish. I believe in what the evidence tells me.

911 - What Really Happened
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by fresca Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 7:28 AM

"A. There are no confessions. If you are referring to the Faked Bin Laden Tape it has been thoroughly discredited by professional film analysts. The Actor in the “film” is not even a real close double for Bin Laden. Side by side comparison of known photos of Bin Laden and the Actor in the film show many descrepencies. Cheekbones and Nose are two of the big giveaways. "


Here's a perfect example of why there are no discussions around here.

Faced with a clear fact, your only defense is to make an incredibly stupid charge like the one above.
You know as well as anyone that there has never evn been a suggestion that those tapes were phony let alone any ananlysis.

You're flat out making shit up.

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Oh, and

by fresca Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 7:31 AM

I guess the numerous cell phone calls from the hijacked planes, identifying the hijackers as Arab are all faked as well.

Please let me know of the analysis pointing to that.

Jeez, you're right about one thing however. Why do I bother trying to teach an obvious schizophrenic like yourself.

Who knows?
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by ooooooo Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 7:50 AM

I guess the numerous cell phone calls from the hijacked planes, identifying the hijackers as
Arab are all faked as well.-
This is a possibility.
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The New X

by The New X Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 8:32 AM

Ummm fresca.

we're talking bout americans here.

they are so fucking dumb they cant tell an Arab from a Chinese person.
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A few links and things

by Diogenes Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 8:51 AM

Well frescoid:

Bin Laden’s Face Side by Side Comparison:

Another analysis:

Special Effects Expert on Osama Tape:

Mistranslation of the Audio:

As for the Cell Phone Calls - Red Herring - you are trying to get me to crawl out on a limb for you. I'm not biting.

However, I am sure by your comment that your are aware that there are, and have been, a couple of different people running low budget experiments which tend to suggest that the Cell Phone Calls are dubious - and nearly impossible from about 8,000 feet on up as the speed of the Planes (making it difficult to impossible to make a link with a cell tower as you would move too quickly from one Cell to the next thus raising the question as to whether you could establish a link) and attenuation of the Signal by the metal fabric of the Plane's Skin raises technologic questions as it would tend to block transmission - Aluminum is not transparent to Radio Frequency Transmissions. Your comment is nothing more than a cheap, shallow, attempt to divert the debate. I don't want to dance to your tune so Fuck Off.
People can Judge for themselves. A couple of different sites have reprinted the preliminary results.
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by fresca Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 4:37 PM

"but you have to admit
americans can't tell the difference between a Sikh and an Arab"

so what? Arabs can't tell the difference between Koreans or Vietnamese. Vietnamese can't tell from Arabs and Israelis.

Whats your point.
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"People can Judge for themselves."

by daveman Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 4:37 PM

Unless they come up with different conclusions than Diogones Warwick, in which case they are cordially invited to, let's see, "Fuck Off".

"but you have to admit
americans can't tell the difference between a Sikh and an Arab"

No, I don't have to admit it...because it's a sweeping generalization and patently false.
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The New X

by The New X Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 5:04 PM

yes but vietnamese don't have arabs arrested because they look like israelis

and arabs dont have koreans arrested because they look like vietnamese

the same way that

americans cant tell the difference between a sikh and an arab so just coz they see a guy with a beard and a turban they think he is an arab terrorist (even tho arabs dont wear "turbans")

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by fresca Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 5:09 PM

"americans cant tell the difference between a sikh and an arab so just coz they see a guy with a beard and a turban they think he is an arab terrorist "

Uh, actually, no we don't.

We're overwelmingly the most powerful and advanced country on Earth. We're not complete morons.
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You see, the New X Files,

by daveman Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 5:15 PM

..Americans don't really care where anyone is from.

Until they do extremely stupid, anti-survival-behaviour things like blow up innocent civilians.

We don't take too kindly to that.

You'll have to forgive us; we're kinda silly that way.
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Logic Chopping again eh fresca?

by Diogenes Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 6:30 PM

I don't accept your premise:

"Obviously the tapes are not faked.
and obviously the cellphone calls are real.

To suggest otherwise is nonsensical."

The only nonsense here is the acceptance of a conclusion not supported by any evidence.

You are welcome to accept the Official "Conspiracy Theory" without questioning.

I do not accept conclusions without evidence. There is sufficient evidence to question the authenticity of the Bin Laden Video. There is sufficient evidence to question the veracity of the translation.

There is no evidence whatsoever beyond unsupported allegations that the planes were hijacked by "Ayrab Terrists". None, nada, zip, zero, not a damn thing.
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by THE BIGGEST LIARS ON THE PLANET. Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 7:18 PM


Bin Laden denies terror attacks and points finger at Jews. Annanova News.
Bin Laden denies attacks as Taliban talks holy war. ABC news online Sept 17 2001.
Bin Laden denies being behind attacks. JS ONline Milwaukee Jornal Sentinal Sept 16 2001
Osama Bin Laden claims terrorist attacks in USA were committed by some American terrorist group. Pravda Sept 12 2001
Bin Laden Denies US attack says paper. Middle East News
Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks CNN sept 17 2001
Bin Laden denies role in attacks. Newsday.Com Sept 17 2001,0,7370581.story
Taliban says Bin Laden denied role in attacks. Yahoo news Sept 13 2001.
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wow Duh!

by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 7:26 PM

Sounds like Benlauden is the only one with a consistent
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by fresca Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 9:01 PM

I've seen this colorful post before around here and it's so much fun to trample it I think I'll do it again.

All the links point to , at best, 2nd hand or farther removed "reports" that Bin Laden denied the attacks.
Here's the kicker. All within DAYS of the attack. Fools falling all over themselves to try and protect their hero who was obviously responsible. Funny how those denials just stopped.

No actual verifiable statements from our arab friend. That came later when he released a few videos bragging about his work.

Get your head outa your asses. LOL.
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girl, you crazy

by zofo Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 9:15 PM

Fresca, you are so stupid.
Obviously responsible?
How so?
Please provide relevant links
showing the connection between Bin Laden
and 9-11...
Were waiting.......
Dumb bitch....
bet you got a nice set of titties though..
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by Q&A Saturday, May. 17, 2003 at 9:21 PM

She hates that!
Right, fresca?
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don't call her a bitch.

by Sheepdog Monday, May. 19, 2003 at 12:16 AM

she's a female weasel.
Don't insult bitches.
I know a few nice ones.
When they're in heat.
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by Daz Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 at 3:23 PM

America has a history of only getting involved in matters of war when we are "attacked first"

Think about this: it has been admitted that Pearl Harbor incident could have been avoided... there was advance notice of the attack. We allowed it to happen to stir our economy. The world war II pulled us out of the great depression.

But the war machine still demanded fresh blood and bodies so under the guise of "defending the free world" from communism, we entered first Korea, and then the Gulf of Tonkin incident happened ...proven to be a hoax perpetrated by the Johnson administration to give us an excuse to enter Vietnam... The bodies of the people of these countries were fed into the machine.

But at the time we were also waging secret wars that were the true iceberg... CIA plots and terrorism schools, you name it. How about the importation of LSD into the United States in the largest ever quantities and testing it on people without their knowledge, letting people die of syphilis so they could study it when in fact penicillin was known to cure the disease... inserting radioactive ink into peoples bloodstreams to view the damage that it caused to people..etc. The tip was just the violence you SAW the machine committing... The so called "justified violence". The stuff we were doing to "stop communism"

... next came the immense increase in the war on drugs and the subsequent increases in military spending. The machine was hungry for war again. But the eighties was just a time when we were building up weapons, creating more and more potential for violence while exercising economic hegemony over the rest of the world, draining their resources and subjugating their people to the will of our international banking and trade laws.

Who is the only country that has employed CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR WARFARE? Not just ONE, but ALL FOUR? You guessed it. The good old United States Of America.

Then the Nineties came, and oil started to get really really cheap. It started to go as low as 12 dollars a barrel. We needed an excuse to go to war. We needed to raise the price to 25 dollars a barrel because our economists had proven that the economy was getting too "hot" ...basically it came down to the fact that we were exerting military pressure on Iraq in order to control world market prices on oil.

But we did not finish the job. Why is that you may ask? Because we would rather keep a beligerant dictator in office who will not comply with our outrageous demands to see and inspect every square inch of his sovereign country. We WANTED sanctions. It restricted the flow of oil from Iraq... effectively raising the price of oil to an optimum level determined by our government to be necessary for sustainable, optimum growth of the world economy, which it is our goal to dominate and control completely.

Now we have another, yet the most brazen, attempt to justify war in history... the FAKED destruction of the WTC towers in order to justify our war against the Arab world, in order to justify an indefinite presence of our troops in the middle east, with the goal of protecting and supporting the flow of oil into our country because we are so addicted to it that we import 60 percent of it from these backward, fanatically religious countries who are starting to not like us, even in spite of our money. On religious grounds, they oppose our lifestyles. Eventually, the Bush administration was fearing that the pipeline they built through Afghanistan would be placed in jeopardy as well. (Which is why we invaded Afghanistan in the first place) ... It is now time to free up Iraq's oil to sell on the world market, as oil prices are probably projected to be rising too quickly. We had to get in there and remove the dictator we had raised and provided for since the early eighties. The one we provided chemical weapons to fight Iran with because we wanted Iran to be our bitch also and Saddam was being a good little puppet at the time. Saddam just got too big for his britches just as expected in the early nineties, and then once our 10 year oil embargo was complete, we decided to get rid of him and have Iraq start exporting vast quantities of oil again.






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Who did it?

by researcher Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 9:59 PM

Why are candidates for President the same?
by researcher
(No verified email address) 09 Jun 2005
It's ok to demonize Moslems, but not ok to critize a foreign country. No wonder our country is in such a mess!
News :: International
J. Farah is yet to acknoledge Israel's complicity in 911, He keeps Deamonizing Arabs!
by American woman
(No verified email address) 08 Jun 2005
911 was pulled off by our own corrput CIA leaders, with Israel's help. Read for yourself how a supposedly Christian Conservative Website is Demonizing Arabs.
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News :: International
J. Farah of wants U.S. to fight Isral's wars of expansion
by Letter to the Editor
(No verified email address) 07 Jun 2005
J. Farah is very Anti- Moslem. Read his website at ! He speaks for the evanglical Christian majority???
Reader’s letter to Joseph Farad, editor at in response to his story that Senator John Kerry was more of a C student at Yale than President Bush . The chance of this letter getting printed is the same as the rich man getting into heaven!

Both C Students! Goes to show the power of the Jewish vote. 89% of the American Jewish population live in the 12 electoral states that are crucial for the Presidency. I guess Sharon was right when he said, "We the Jewish people control America" And they do vote.

They make sure no candidate that opposes massive aid to Israel will ever get elected. The Octopus Israel has it's tentacles into spying The recent ADL case for spying on government computers was settled with the ADL paying millions in damages. The Israel leaders of their Lobby are being charged with passing government secrets. The Israel businesses have sold Drones to China which passes their knowledge to Korea. These drones can wipe out American radar..., thereby endangering every America soldier incase action comes again in Korea, or Taiwan.

Ever wonder why the candidates look so much the same? From wealthy families, dynasties, and it's hard to see any real differences?

If the U.S. would stop funding Israel's wars of expansion, we wouldn't have to send our sons and daughters to die in the Middle East!

Israel would have to make peace with the Palestinians to make up for the loss of money if the US stopped all foreign aid to both of these parties. The Israelis can remove themselves from Gaza, and Bethlehem and Jericho. They can have peace if we exit gracefully. They do have Nukes if any Arab country decides to attack them. They can then be flooded with tourists who want to go to the Holy Land. Surcharges could be put on tourists for roads, hospitals, etc. to be paid to both governments.

But Israel with its policy of the Right of Return for any Jew has a space problem. They need to build upwards not outward! Yes there are some Talmudic Jews who will never rest until the Third Temple is built, and unfortunately the land now sits under the Dome of the Rock. Hence we're fighting Moslems who did not do 911. So let the talented Israelis build their Third Temple for their animal sacrifices over the Dome of the Rock. Let them use modern engineering and do it now before dragging all of us into World War III.

If you say the Palestinians deserted their lands when the Arabs attacked
Israel and deserve no compensation you are wrong! The Israelis deserted their lands when the Romans came.
The British should pay them full compensation for their properties because Britain had not right to give away someone else's property.

The Rockefellers are behind their strings, most Zionists are atheists in Israel, and so are the Jesuits. Look at their Inquisition in the New World. They're the ones most to gain with Moslems fighting the Protestants!

I dare you to print the God's truth!

This work is in the public domain

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Re: J. Farah of wants U.S. to fight Isral's wars of expansion
by researcher
(No verified email address) 07 Jun 2005
newswire article commentary
19.Apr.2005 15:09

9.11 investigation

Evidence points to 911 was executed by Mossad, with High governmental Pro-Zionist help!
author: researcher
The Mossad carried out 911, with high governmental Pro Zionist help and Cover-up!
LEASE take the time to read this in its entirety!!

For years I believed the Official version of 911, including the Arab hijackers but now I believe the Arab hijackers were Mossad imposters, and they had Zionist high governmental help.

Mossad attacked on 911 with U.S. ProZionist Official Help 15.Apr.2005 04:57

,Zionists are the enemy. Not all Jews, especially the relatives of those killed in the 911 attack!!!

A few days ago Aaron Klein reports that EU is calling Hamas, "freedom fighters."Mr. Sharon is reacting to this negative attention and U.S. pressure by trying to create a Palestinian state in Gaza, so that the Zionist" war on terrorism," war on Israelis neighbors, will continue, not withdraw, as there are so many rumors The US wants to pull out troops from Iraq. He's trying to buy time to get a US draft going, so the US will effectively help fight Iran.

Israel's had no reservations in sacrificing its own citizens in the past, the Israelis who dressed as Arabs not only killed British rulers, but also Israeli citizens. Israel also killed American allies in their attack on the U.S. Liberty.

Sharon thinks he can buy off the settlers with compensation, as Israel did with the survivors of the Liberty murders. Congress never investigated the case, nor demanded further explanation from Israel, despite the fact that Israelis have admitted to trying to sink the ship.

Given the fact that "terrorist" was coined by the British press to refer to the Israelis who dressed up as Arabs and bombed the King David hotel and given the long history of Mossad and Zionists even turning against their own allies (US Liberty) for the sake of the Israeli State I can understand Hamas saying they're freedom fighters, and that Israeli carried out 911.

Two books

pieces the puzzle together, by showing how there were active Mossad agents in this country then, and many false flag operations. Other 200 Mossad agents were found with explosives in the Mexican Parliament, some with videos of the Sears Towers, some with nuclear U.S. Power plant plans, some posing as art students checking out Defense buildings.

Other glaring in discrepancies of the official 911 version ::Attars' passport was stolen and found blocks away from the Towers, the extremely impossible behavior of the "doubles in Florida, and Las Vegas, the demolition of building 7 by its owner Silverstein, the warnings to Odgio and only three deaths of Israelis in the disaster, one of which Daniel Levin , a member of Israel's top commando team, as a cover to throw suspicion away from Israel,(CNN doesn't have his name on thier list of those killed in the attack) shot with a gun brought through Logan airport owned by Israeli businessmen. The Pentagon was hit (probably a missile, (see for yourself the photographs in this book and on other 911 sites), to cover Pentagon involvement, no stand down action, the fact FEMA was in NY the night before, the put options showing somebody knew in Israel.

explains how infiltrated the government is with pro Zionist leaders. These 200 found Israeli Mossad agents were deported with the help of Michael Chertoff, an American with dual citizenship, born to first stweerdas of El Al. Seven of the so called highjackers from Saudi Arabia are alive. Someone else was doing this, someone who knew about remote control, and these planes were guided to their targets. Then the trade center was demolished with controlled demolitions and the evidence carted off pdq to do away with the evidence, by another Israeli company.

Other cases lead support, the imprisonment of Lt. Veerland, the Navy Lt who wrote down most of the attack sites three weeks before it happened, stating he didn't think Bin Laden was responsible, but "our brothers in faith." He noted the World Trade Center, Pentagon, Sears Towers?, Malaysia, Haidar among others.

Given the sex scandal of child abuse in Washington, many Congressmen and many higher ups in the administration, might have traded their votes and loyalties out of fear of blackmail. This even included the former President Bush. And how do you explain their perversion to visit Bohemian Grove and go through rituals like "The cremation of care"? Donning hoods and robes the elite jetsetters burn a body to throw away their cares before a tall Owl Statute. What about Trance Formation in America? All fiction?

All this was very convenient for Plans already under way to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. By duping Americans into fighting Moslems the Washington heads now have a green light to achieve Full Spectrum Dominance = World Control.

Zionists and Jesuits have entered into a plan to make Jerusalem the city of the earthly ruler, and Zionists may yet even double cross American interests by creating another financial depression through the manipulation of the privately owned Federal reserve banks who pay for the printing of money and then lend it back to the U.S. and other governments, thereby driving up the national debt, and through calling in foreign debtors to demand collateral, Western lands, signed by President Nixon)or carry out attacks to get American Jews to move back to Israel and having the President imitate martial law in this land.

They've placed the expansion of the State of Israel higher that the religion they profess. History shows the Mossad will kill innocent people, even their own.

The recent Tsunami may have prematurely started with a nuclear device, thereby getting rid of millions of their enemies, even Veerland's note mentions Malaysia.( see Joe Vialis) Veerland is now locked up in solitary confinement for child prostitution charges in Colorado and his interview notes says he knows some people who knew George Bush personally. (KNEW?)

Knowing Ariel Sharon blocked the escape of thousands in a massacre in the state of Israeli's interest, it's not impossible he'd ok the Mossad to act by deception to draw America in to fight Israel's greatest enemies( as it did in WW1. and WW2) We're now being told by him something has to be done about Iran. Latest I've read, a business man, Sarfraz Haidar was killed for selling 6 Russian KH-55 cruise missiles to Iran. These missiles are said to have a nuclear 200 killoton warhead and can travel 3000 kilometers.

about Zionist complicity: Zim International vacates WTCs 15.Apr.2005

Another point that has slipped off the collective 'map' of 9-11 is that the shipper/trader organization, Zim International, broke its lease in the days before 9-11. It vacated rather quickly.

What is interesting about Zim International is that it is a corporation half owned by the Israeli Government.

Another point that is interesting is that despite the cover being "rent was high," why loose $40,000 right then and there for breaking your lease? And is money really all that important when you are half owned by a subsidy-based state like the State of Israel?


just grouping the posts: more here:

1. ISRAELIS were 9-11 short sale stock buyers, betting on WTC terror strikes, story killed...
00:40 Apr-11 (19 comments)

2. Israel Honors Lavon Affair Terrorists Who Attacked U.S. in '54, attempted to blame "Arabs"
21:20 Apr-03 (2 comments)

3. 9-11 False Flag Operation
author: Vicky
Link to a video This is a must see video.
"9/11 is an _Expression of a Deep and Abiding Crisis in the Capitalist
World Order: 9/11 a CIA- MOSSAD False Flag Operation," by Ralph Schoenman
911 PEOPLE'S INQUIRY SF, 2004, 18 February 2005
The URL of this article is: CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO

4. newswire article reposts united states 11.Feb.2005 18:39
9.11 investigation
author: Phillip Yardley
It is a little known, but historical fact that Israel has attacked the United States several times. Yet, we now know that our New Homeland Security Chief helped Israel to do so.

5. newswire article coverage united states 11.Feb.2005 18:24
9.11 investigation
author: Dr. David Duke
There is hard, factual evidence that Michael Chertoff, the new Homeland Security Chief, has ties with the financiers of 9-11.
As incredible as this news may seem, it has now been revealed that the nominee of President Bush for the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, has ties with a man suspected of financing the 911 attacks, Dr. Magdy Elamir. There is also convincing evidence that Chertoff as head of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department shielded this financier of 911 from prosecution in a terrorist case.

6. newswire article reposts united states 11.Dec.2004 05:05
9.11 investigation
Silverstein admits PRE-RIGGING WTC7 to "pull it" on 9-11; & 1 BLOCK OVER,collects insur.?!
author: pink elephant in the room watch
Price of false cover story on 9-11 getting bigger and it frays thinner and thinner.

7. newswire article announcements global 10.Nov.2004 06:43
9.11 investigation | media criticism | police / legal
Censored Fox News series available: MOSSAD trails/helps[?] false flag terrorists of 9-11
author: repost
To rewrite history, the 4 part series that aired in December 2001 was even removed from Fox News so-called archives!
However, the documentary is still available from another source, below:

the 1983 marine barracks bombing. They had foreknowledge then too.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Even some Israelis think their own government is in a Conspiracy 19.Apr.2005 00:02

Israel Clears Officer of Killing Journalist Who Had White Flag
By Donald Macintyre
The Independent UK
Friday 15 April 2005
The British government formally protested to Israel after the army officer who opened fire when the film-maker James Miller was shot dead in Gaza two years ago was acquitted of disciplinary charges.
The decision by the head of Israel's Southern Command to clear the officer overturned a recommendation by the military advocate general that he should be severely disciplined. Mr. Miller was killed in Rafah in 2003 while walking back to his lodgings displaying a white flag and clearly identifying himself to troops as a journalist.
The officer acquitted yesterday has admitted opening fire and a 79-page report by Brigadier-General Avihai Mandelblit, the advocate general, held that the first lieutenant in the Bedouin Desert Reconnaissance Battalion had fired in clear breach of army rules of engagement.
Mr. Miller's widow Sophy said the decision "makes a mockery of Israeli claims that they follow due process where IDF soldiers have acted criminally and outside their own rules of engagement".
Mr. Miller's family had been bitterly disappointed when they were told at a meeting with General Mandleblit in Tel Aviv last month that the officer would not be prosecuted because of a lack of ballistic evidence proving the bullet which killed Mr. Miller came from the officer's weapon. But they - and British officials - were assured that the advocate general was recommending a stiff disciplinary sentence.
Baroness Symons, the Foreign Office minister, has summoned Zvi Heifetz, the Israeli ambassador in London, on Monday to protest at the decision and urge that it be reversed, a message also strongly conveyed in a letter last night by Simon McDonald, the British ambassador in Tel Aviv, in a letter to Shaul Mofaz, Israel's Defence Minister.
Yesterday, Baroness Symons said she was "shocked and saddened" by the decision by the Brigadier-General Guy Tzur, the Southern Command chief of staff. The Israeli army said General Tzur decided that under the conditions then - including "frequent terrorist attacks; thick darkness and earlier that same day the soldiers were fired at by anti-tank missiles" - the shooting was "reasonable". The family's lawyers are seeking reversal of the decision. .
Mr. Miller, an award-winning documentary maker who had been working on a film about Palestinian children caught up in the conflict, was shot while walking openly with two colleagues to their apartment.
They were carrying a white flag with a torch shone on it, their helmets were clearly marked "TV" and they called out that they were British journalists as they approached an armoured personnel carrier to ask permission to leave. Israeli claims of heavy fire between Palestinians and Israeli troops at the time were disproved because an Associated Press cameraman filmed the incident.
Mrs. Miller said the family believed there had been no "genuine will" to uncover the truth because the site of the shooting had not been secured for forensic investigation. It was bulldozed three days later and Israeli authorities took 11 weeks to impound the guns involved in Mr. Miller's death for ballistic examination.
Web » Opinion » Article

Apr. 19, 2005 3:32
We've lost our way

On April 10, three Palestinian youths aged 14 were killed by Israeli troops in Rafah. The two sides presented very different reports regarding the circumstances of the killings.
Israeli sources reported that the youths were smuggling weapons, that warning shots were fired before they were shot and killed. Palestinian sources reported that they were playing soccer and were shot for no reason. A later Palestinian report stated that they may have been trying to steal surveillance cameras.
Regardless of which of the stories is correct, I fail to see why three 14-year-olds were given a death sentence. Beyond the anger of such a senseless and ugly loss of life, I am amazed and distraught about why there was absolutely no discussion of these senseless killings in the Israeli body politic or press. The only part of the story that made the media and political debate was the Palestinian reaction to the killing - the shooting of tens of mortars into Gush Katif and Israel.
I am outraged by these youths' killing. Was there no other way to respond? Couldn't the army have arrested them? The boys were only a few hundred meters away - within the soldiers' gun sights and in clear range of the lethal bullets. Couldn't our soldiers have called the Palestinian police to arrest them?
Why was there no public outcry over these senseless killings? Do we simply not care about Palestinians who are killed? Have we lost our humanity?
As if a script had been prepared and played out, just as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was off to Texas to meet with President George Bush at his Texas ranch, the Palestinians could be accused of breaking the cease-fire. Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) could be described as not doing anything to fulfill his road map commitments - just look how the Palestinians are shooting mortars and Abbas is doing nothing.
How convenient for Sharon. How manipulative can we be?
Abbas is in trouble. Everyone shares this assessment. On the streets of Palestine, people give him weeks, perhaps months, before he disappears from the scene. His supporter-critics in Palestine say he is not decisive enough, that he should immediately fire all the senior officers who are not implementing his policies - beginning with Musa Arafat, who recently threatened to kill Interior Minister Nasser Yousef, should he come to Gaza.
Abu Mazen should have immediately launched a corruption investigation; many people should already be standing trial. They say he should have fired the attorney-general and brought in a more serious senior prosecutor, one with clean hands. They say he should have arrested all the Fatah gunmen who have paraded around the Palestinian cities threatening to use their weapons against the Palestinian Authority.
This is all true. There are many other issues that also must be immediately addressed by Abu Mazen. The new political parties law is long overdue. The election law and the shape of the elections must be decided and legislated without delay. The list of what Abbas must do is almost endless. But if he falls, the blame will not lie on his own shoulders only. We must also ask ourselves: What has Israel done to support Abu Mazen and advance his chances of success?
Perhaps we should first ask ourselves if Israel is really interested in Abu Mazen's success. I do not have a definitive answer to this question. Unfortunately, I cannot say categorically that Israel is working to ensure Hamas does not replace Abbas and the Palestinian Authority. I cannot say Sharon would not prefer to have the Palestinians run by people who really cannot be viewed as partners.

Apr. 19, 2005 3:32
We've lost our way

(Continued from page 1 of 2)
Isn't it easier for Israel to continue its expansionist settlement policies when the Palestinians are led by Islamic extremists? What could be a better situation for Israel's right wing than a Palestinian public that democratically elects a Hamas leadership?
Imagine a scenario where, after Palestinian legislative elections in July, Hamas emerges the victor. What is the future of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations for the creation of a Palestinian state, according to Bush's vision, when Islamic fundamentalism is on the other side of the negotiating table?
There would probably be no negotiations at all. It is completely likely that Hamas would not even participate in negotiations with Israel - at least at anytime in the near future.
Some Palestinian analysts state that Hamas is afraid of the upcoming elections because it may win a majority of seats. That would place it in the position of having to confront the question of negotiating with Israel, something it is not yet ready to accept.
Wouldn't that be convenient for Sharon? Increasing support for Hamas in Palestine is not only because it is presenting clean hands to a public fed up with corruption. Its members are also asking themselves, every day, what has Abu Mazen and his moderation brought us? There are still 7,500 Palestinians in Israeli prisons. New arrests take place everyday. Jericho and Tulkarm have been turned over to Palestinian control, but Israeli roadblocks continue to surround them. What about the rest of the cities?
Every day Palestinians witness more land confiscation, more olive trees uprooted and more walls constructed, putting them in ghettos and enclaves. More Palestinians are being killed, albeit far fewer than this time last year, but there is supposed to be a cessation of violence - at least the violence controlled and directed at the official levels.
What has changed in Israel's policies since the election of Abu Mazen? In the eyes of the Palestinian public, nothing.
I don't usually believe conspiracy theories. But in light of the reality we witness every day, what else is there left to believe? If Israel really wanted Abbas to succeed, there is a lot that we could be doing to increase his chances. Instead, it seems to me, we are doing almost everything possible to ensure his failure.
I do not believe this is acting in the interests of Israel, and I cannot understand our obtuseness.
The writer is the Israeli CEO of the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information.

How convenient was 911! 19.Apr.2005 00:35

add in link





GROUP #1: MUSLIM TERRORISTS seeking to avenge U.S. policies in the Middle East..


GROUP #2: ZIONIST TERRORISTS seeking to frame their enemies as a pretext for involving the US in a war against Arab/Muslim states.




We know this because Bin Laden strongly denied any involvement in 9-11 and suggested that the Zionists were behind it. (1) It is widely believed throughout the Arab and Muslim world (and even much of Europe) that Israeli and U.S. elements staged 9-11 as a pretext for a war against the Islamic world.

The Zionists and the U.S. scoff at this idea and insist that Muslim terrorists carried out 9-11.




Given that both Group 1 or Group 2 would be in serious trouble if it were discovered to be responsible for 9-11, and given the fact that each group blames the other, we would therefore expect the true culprit to attempt to divert the investigation towards the innocent group and away from itself. This trick is as old as crime itself. As surely as night follows day, a phony evidence trail would had to have surfaced following the 9-11 operation.



By simply reversing the direction to which the phony trail points towards, we can logically deduce who the true culprits were. Whichever group has phony-looking evidence directed towards it must therefore be the innocent group. Find the phony trail and you will find the guilty party.



1. A few weeks before 9-11, Israeli Mossad officials flew to the U.S. and met with leaders of the FBI and CIA. The Mossad claimed that a major terrorist attack was imminent and that the culprits would be Osama Bin Laden and Iraq's Saddam Hussein. They gave no other details.(2)

2. After the attacks, there were widely publicized reports that the government had a tape recording of Bin laden calling his mother just a few days before the attacks and telling her: "Something big is about to happen and you won't be hearing from me for a while." This claim was broadcast repeatedly on every news network and convinced many people that Bin Laden was indeed guilty.

Weeks later, CNN corrected itself and revealed that the story turned out to be baseless. Although the story is now UNIVERSALLY repudiated by even the mainstream media, far fewer people ever heard the repudiation than did the original hyped-up claim. (3)

3. Hours after the attacks, investigators received a report of a suspicious car left behind at Boston's Logan Airport by a group of belligerent Arabs. Inside the car, investigators find an Arab language flight manual. (4) HOW CONVENIENT!

4. Investigators then find a suitcase supposedly "forgotten" by Mohammed Atta, "ringleader" of the suicide hijackers (why would someone pack a suitcase for a suicide mission?) Inside the suitcase they find a Koran, a fuel consumption calculator, a suicide note, and more Arab flight manuals. (5) Why would they need a suicide note? Do they need to justify anything to those who find it? HOW CONVENIENT!

5. At the crash site in Pennsylvania, investigators find an incriminating letter written by one of the hijackers. (6) The destruction at the crash site was so complete that the largest piece of human remains found was an 8-inch piece of spine. (7) Yet the letter survived the awesome crash and incineration unscathed. HOW CONVENIENT!

6. Days after the attacks, a slightly burned passport belonging to one of the "Saudi hijackers" is miraculously found just a few blocks away from the rubble of the World Trade Center. (8) HOW CONVENIENT!

7. FBI Director Mueller even admitted that identity thefts were used in connection with 9-11. (9) As many as 7 of the 19 "Arab hijackers" are alive and well and some had reported their passports stolen in 1999. (10)

8. Weeks after 9-11, Anthrax letters killed 5 people. The wording of the letters was designed to implicate Muslims. "Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great" It has long since been established that the anthrax came from a US army lab and was not mailed by Muslims. (11)

9. The Zionist run Pentagon claimed to have found a "confession video" from Osama Bin Laden. How convenient that the man who was clever enough to pull off 9-11 would suddenly become so careless and leave a self - incriminating video laying around Afghanistan. Independent translations of the barely audible video later exposed the US translation as "manipulative and inaccurate" (12). Other analyses of the video raises even more questions of fraud and doctoring.

10. It is then revealed that investigators also found a business card belonging to one of the hijackers at the Pennsylvania crash site. On the back of this miraculous business card is a telephone number linking one of the hijackers to the "20th hijacker" Zaccarias Moussaoui. (13) HOW CONVENIENT!

11. Also at the Pennsylvania crash site, another miracle passport belonging to "hijacker pilot" Ziad Jarrah was found. (14) HOW CONVENIENT!

Why were these hijackers carrying passports for internal domestic flights anyway?

12. The Friday before the attacks, three loud mouthed, drunken "hijackers" ( Mohammed Atta and the Al-Shehhi brothers) make a memorable scene at a restaurant in Hollywood, Florida. (keep the name Hollywood, Florida in your mind for a moment) The London Telegraph (and many other sources) tells us:

"Mohammed Atta, 33, who almost certainly was the Florida-trained pilot who rammed American Airlines Flight 11 into the north tower of the World Trade Centre, his cousin Marwan al-Shehhi, 23, and an Arab believed to be a brother of al-Shehhi, appeared to have been in a bibulous celebratory mood last week.

Tony Amos, the manager of Shuckums Oyster Bar and Restaurant in Hollywood (Florida) just north of Miami, was interviewed by the FBI and he and his barman and a waitress all identified Atta and his cousin as some hard drinkers who propped up the bar last Friday.

Atta's bill for three hours of vodka drinking came to $48. When he drunkenly disputed the charge, Mr Amos intervened. "Of course I can pay the bill," Atta told him. "I'm an airline pilot." (emphasis added) (15)

Devout fundamentalist Muslim "martyrs" drinking vodka for three hours? And notice how "Mohammed Atta" purposely goes out of his way to tell the manager he was "an airline pilot". This is very similar to the way in which he purposely told his flight school instructor he was "leaving for Boston".

13. The night before the attacks, three loud-mouthed "hijackers" (one of them again being the "ringleader" Mohammed Atta) visited a Florida strip club where they again cause a scene and make a deliberate point of telling people about a pending terror attack. They then conveniently "forget" yet another Koran at the bar! CBS News reported on September 14, 2001:

"The three men spewed anti-American sentiments in a bar and talked of impending bloodshed the night before the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, a Daytona Beach strip club manager interviewed by the FBI said Thursday."

"They were talking about what a bad place America is. They said 'Wait 'til tomorrow. America is going to see bloodshed,"' said John Kap, manager of the Pink Pony and Red Eyed Jack's Sports Bar. Kap said they made the claims to a bartender and a patron. Kap said he told FBI investigators the men in his bar spent $200 to $300 apiece on lap dances and drinks, paying with credit cards. Kap said he gave the FBI credit card receipts, photocopied driver's licenses, a business card left by one man and a copy of the Quran - the sacred book of Islam - that was left at the bar. (16) (emphasis added)

This one takes the grand prize! Devout, fundamentalist Muslim "martyrs" not only getting drunk, but fondling naked dancers just hours before they were scheduled to meet with God! These highly skilled secret operatives then jeopardize their mission by drawing attention to themselves while publicly bashing America and boasting about pending bloodshed, to take place the following day? And what on earth were they doing in Florida instead of Boston the eve of 9-11 anyway? Didn't they realize that if either of their two early morning connecting flights (first to Maine, and then to Boston) were a bit delayed the next morning, their whole operation would have been at risk? And finally, they oh-so-conveniently forget their business cards and Koran at the bar!

This Mohammed Atta character sure is an absent-minded fellow isn't he? He "loses" his passport in 1999, he "forgets" how to speak German when his flight school instructor tries to make small talk with him (see Chapter 11 ), he "forgets" his suitcase before the 9-11 attacks (or perhaps he remembered at the last moment that he wasn't going to need a suitcase for a suicide mission! ), he "forgets" a Koran in a Florida strip club, and then "forgets" yet another Koran in Boston, and also "forgets" his Arabic language flight manual and "forgets" his fuel consumption calculator! How did this guy ever get to be an electrical engineer?

My dear reader- no disrespect intended- but if you can't see through these little stunts as the obvious work of a team of "false flag" imposters, then you are either truly stupid or willfully blind. So who, if not Mohammed Atta and his friends, could these drunken, womanizing, Koran-toting, "Muslims" in Florida actually have been? An excellent May 7, 2002 story written by Christopher Ketcham of Salon Magazine provides a clue. Ketcham writes about the Israeli "art student" spy ring that was uncovered in 2001. In an article entitled "The Israeli Art Student Mystery", Ketcham informs us:

"For almost two years, hundreds of young Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices...... No one knows why -- and no one seems to want to find out.

"In HOLLYWOOD, (Florida) several students lived at 4220 Sheridan St., just down the block from the 3389 Sheridan St. apartment where terrorist mastermind Mohammed Atta holed up with three other Sept. 11 plotters. Many of the students, the DEA report noted, had backgrounds in Israeli military intelligence and/or electronics surveillance; one was the son of a two-star Israeli general, and another had served as a bodyguard to the head of the Israeli army. (emphasis added) 17

Need I connect these dots for you too, or are you now seeing the picture? How appropriate that these Israeli actors should stage their stunts in a town called "Hollywood"!

These are just a few of the highly suspect pieces of "evidence" that have turned up in the wake of 9-11. ON THE OTHER HAND, Nothing resembling such a phony, transparent, and ridiculous trail has been found to point towards Israelis and Zionists. No Jewish skullcaps left behind at the airport, no Jewish Torahs found in "forgotten" suitcases, no six-pointed Stars of David found at crash sites, no mysterious videos of rabbis taking credit for 9-11, no Israeli passports turning up at the WTC or other crash sites, etc




Zionists and allies within the U.S. government carried out 9-11 and the anthrax mailings. They then planted a phony evidence trail designed to frame Arabs/Muslims. Is there any other logical explanation?

Anti-Semitism you say? Then perhaps you prefer to hear it from a Jewish scholar instead. In an article entitled: The Zionist Roots of the War on Terror, Dr. Henry Makow, (inventor of the board game Scruples) writes:

"Until recently I accepted Israel's self-image as a beleaguered, peace-loving nation in a sea of blood thirsty Arabs. The idea that this tiny state had imperialist designs seemed ludicrous. But what if, unknown to most people, including Israelis, the world's power elite were using Israel to advance their plan for New World Order?... Israel's image of vulnerability is a ruse. Israel has always planned to become the dominant power in the region, and "invented dangers" in order to dupe its citizens and provoke wars. ...The Mossad's fingerprints are all over 9-11."(emphasis added) (18)

According to Abe Foxman's and the ADL's dubious logic, Makow must therefore be a "self-hating" Jew.
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I am really open-minded but this is incontrovertible bullshit 20.Apr.2005 08:41

avi link

mixing apples and oranges and calling it papaya is crazy - really crazy - and does nothing to advance anything but confusion which is the bushcabal's trademark. ergo, is this a fascist troll?

Avi knows himself 20.Apr.2005 20:09

hee hee link

To avi: yes, you are a fascist troll. Did you have something to say about the evidence?

Americans are ugly and stupid 21.Apr.2005 09:11

crusader bunnypants link

The biggest government conspiracy is to claim that there are no government conspiracies. 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! Why didn't the Secret Service hustle The President out of the classroom after he was told the nation is under attack? Why did Bush stay in Texas on vacation for the month of August and Cheney in Wyoming? Why did Cheney say that everyone in the White House started taking Cipro on September 12 when the first anthrax letter wasn't postmarked until September 18? Why was Cheney running several war games on 9/11 including scenarios where commercial jets were hijacked and flown into buildings? Why did the U.S. Military Stand Down on 9/11? Why didn't jets intercept the airliners since they had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks? Why did none of the 19 hijackers appear on the passenger lists? Why were the Black Boxes never recovered? Why has the U.S. Government classified evidence linking Israeli Spies to 9/11?

Evidence points to 9/11 and Mossad 21.Apr.2005 09:44

Lazarus MacDonal link

The evidence points to Mossad and 9/11/01? It is entirely possible. It is entirely possible that George Bush is an ignoramous. It is entirely possible that Donald Rumsfeld is the Angel of Death. It is entirely possible that the entire U.S. government has slipped the cognitive gears and run completely out of control and insane. It is entirely possible that Karl Rove brought his pedophile ways with him from Utah and spread a discipleship of child sexual torture through out Washington D.C.. It is entirely possible that the U.S. government is corrupt beyond redemption. It is entirely possible that Ariel Sharon is a chunky genocidal dough-boy. It is entirely possible that the U.S. throws way too much money at Israel. It is entirely possible that Condoleeza Rice is Bush's on the side squeeze. But, I would bet that Vlad Putin could whip Ms. Rice in an arm wrestling contest. I would bet that Germany and France would like to see the U.S. and the U.K. go down like a burning kite. I would bet that if push comes to shove, China could kick the U.S.'s ass in a straight up grudge match. But, the evidence presented is more than a mite convoluted.

Anybody but... 21.Apr.2005 09:52

Jack Straw link

Yep. 19 Arab hijackers working for bin Laden did it. No, it was the Mossad. No, it was....
Anybody but the actual perps, the US gov't, working on behalf of the American elite, with the Mossad, ISI (Pakistan's CIA), MI6 and others working as *subcontractors* and being set up as patsies. This account is nothing more than an "alternative legend", in case the main cover-up frays. see
and look at articles by "Chaim Kupferberg" regarding alternative legends.

It is entirely within the realm of possibility 21.Apr.2005 11:06

question authority link

that 19 Arabs were recruited by an organization that represented itself as Al Quada but in reality was the Mossad. It's possible that only four or five of the perps actually knew was was really going to go down.
What has always amazed me about the whole 9/11 deal was how little the government claimed it knew before 9/11 and how fast they knew the names of all 19 of the alleged hijackers after 9/11.
Also if the Mossad wasn't actively involved in 9/11 then it is surely possible they knew it was going to happen and maybe even facilitated it by giving false leads to take the FBI etc away from the actual perps.
The Israeli right wing is the most dangerous group of people in the world today. Israeli as run by them has not been, is not, and never will be a ally of the United States. The history of Israeli treachery towards the U.S. spans back for its entire existance. We should be very wary of them. If ever there is another terrorist attact on the U.S. note the location. If done by Arabs it will be in a place of with a high concentration of Jewish residents. If it's not then my bet is it will have been carried out by the Mossad or rogue factions from Israel.


Do the research link

Saying "the Jews" did it, or Israel "did it", is quite naive. Complicity was required by many, MANY ethnicities and states, and the like.

For instance, calling Bush a Zionista is pretty silly, because every last link in his chains points to Nazism, fascism, and esoteric occultists bullshit like the Masons and Bohemian Grove and the Franklin Cover-up. NONE of this can be accurately attributed to any one religion or state, and thinking about it in terms of such stifle inquiry by providing easy (and fallacious) answers.

Israel benefits - Sharon said exactly that. But Monsanto, Betchel, and Halliburton benefit a whole lot more, and those companies are simply NOT jewish or Israeli.

As you TRULY study the facts, you will see that "the jews" are just another Nazi scapegoat, this time falling behind the "ay-rabs" in order of use. But they are STILL just scapegoats for the masons, for the British Crown, for the premise of empire, etc. If it ever came out that it WASN'T the ay-rabs, the Jews were the fall back story: "THEY conspired, not US!"

Bullspittle. Do not let ideology overwhelm evidence. The evidence points STRAIGHT to the military-industrial complex Ike warned us about. The Masons. The same masons who were Nazi sympathizers. They killed both Kennedys, MLK, and Diana, to name a few. Warren Commish? ALL MASONS.

Tho it goes back much further than that, of course.

I always used to think David Icke was a crank (shapeshifters? I doubt it.), but after watching his 6 hour lecture "Secrets Of The Matrix" the other day, I realized he had at least as good an understanding of long-term historical meaning as I did. Watch it - I didn't hear "reptilian" once, and was frankly impressed. His stuff about symbology is right on, and he's well versed in the darker details of Luciferianism and occultism, and the like. Again, 3 days ago I would have said Alex Jones' "Martial Law", or "Road To Tyranny", but Icke's lecture is simply brilliant, and if you want to get your head around the big picture, it's the best docu I've seen yet, and I've seen most of 'em by now.

It's not the Mossad. Arguably Israel is a Nazi front anyway. Funny how it shows up in the middle of their plans a century after Balfour.

Who Benefitted from 9-11? 21.Apr.2005 12:21

glowform link

If you want to know who was involved in 9-11, the only question you need to ask is who benefitted.
Check out "Masters of Terror" at
and it will be very appearant how terrorism is used by government to scare the population into submission.
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." --Adolf Hitler

American Plans for Terrorism on American Soil! 21.Apr.2005 12:32

Got Truth? link

Go to:
and check out these links:

Dead in the Water - USS Liberty
Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor
Northwood Documents
the New Pearl Harbor
and many others, and then it will be very obvious that they it's the same old script be8ing used over and over again:
Problem Reaction Solution

Keep it simple 21.Apr.2005 12:56

Saladin link

I can see a lot of time and thought went into that essay. However, I'm afraid it only serves to complicate the issue. While it is obvious the official story is a complete farce I think it is best to stick to evidence that proves beyond a doubt the lies and complicity of Bush&Co. The one thing I always point out to people is the impossible collapse of WTC7. Even the most stubborn skeptics I have spoken with were forced to admit there is something wrong with that picture. #7 straddled the city's Con Ed electrical substation. It was constructed of some of the thickest steel beams of any building anywhere on the planet. Yet the Govt. expects us to believe that a few minor office fires reduced these beams to toothpicks in a total collapse. And FEMA's final report claims they have no idea why that building came down even though Larry Silverstein admitted to pulling it. Bring this to peoples attention first, then show them a little more at a time. This tactic has worked well for me.

how come you are so sure of what you are saying? 21.Apr.2005 12:59

Boris Epstein borepstein (at)

...Yet you wouldn't even sign your name to it?

Mossad could not have been a sole perpetrator of this attack in a foreign country. It may have participated - but there had to be other participants, in my opinion. The idea that the American oil and gas industry elite was behind it is, in my opinion, far more plausible.


The Mossad was only WATCHING and RECORDING 21.Apr.2005 13:10

Wise One link

The Mossad was ONLY WATCHING and DOCUMENTING the Bush/American Military cabal's complete complicity in 9-11 to blackmail them and cover their own asses. They wanted to make DAMN sure that Bush didn't frame THEM for 9-11 and stab THEM in the back like all other former Bush allies... Saddam, McVeigh, Osama. The Mossad has INDISPUTABLE PROOF of Bush 9-11 complicity and it's the only thing keeping Sharon alive at this point. Yes they benefited tangentially, but they're too damn smart to ever have involved themselves in this in the first place, especially after Bush asked. But that was enough to make them document the entire thing, from Marvin Bush's company wiring the towers, right down to the final implosion. The Mossad and Israelis know full well that, once the Mideast "arab" problem final solution is implemented, THEY'LL BE NEXT ON THE LIST. Yes they knew in advance, but are using the knowledge (and protecting it with disinfo) as INSURANCE and BLACKMAIL AMMO.

There are no true allies in this operation... all are out for their own agenda, fighting like lions over a tiny piece of raw meat (oil) for survival, and all will readily take a fatal chunk out of their nearest neighbor as soon as feast beside them.

Problem is, this proof will be held over Bush's head, forcing him to attack Iran in June, at which time China and Russia will take care of the worlds' "Amerikan Empire" problem, and permanently, through a scalar attack that will result in Amerikan nuclear reprisals and corresponding China and Russian nuke retaliation. Russia will let China take the lead, and then bring up the rear as Amerika's capabibility to retaliate is decimated. China will survive; Amerika will not.

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song) 21.Apr.2005 14:13

Johnny Wizard link

(A Johnny Wizard snip from Google 'groups' tab, "")

The Son of Man rocks!

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)




Johnny Wizard's "Time.mp3"

/ / Think of all those people in that situation as God. And these, the
bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are completely irrational,
they're making no sense, your fuking up. It's like a cancer that
God of that whole situation, is inflicted with. They're lying to
themselves. If your there to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a
position to demand all the money that has been taken through this
Iraq Development Fund, be returned.


/ / Worse yet, the commission concluded in a 600-page report that
intelligence wasn't politicized. Uh-huh. Frankly, only a
politicized commission could possibly have concluded that "no one
from the White House or Pentagon contributed to the mistaken

Hmmm. Is it that they would have us believe, that the neo-con
faith initiatives are solely based on lies?, for none of the facts
trumpeted by the bushites, were established in their own minds by
critical thinking?

/ / "The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally
agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to
skew or alter any of their analytical judgments.

Yeah but, the American analysts concurred that bush was
misrepresenting their facts.

/ / 26. "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a
lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." --aboard
Air Force One, June 4, 2003


/ / The U.N. scandal did not cost the taxpayers any money, but
this one is coming right out of our pockets. And, if we can't even
sue the bastards to get it back, we are in big trouble.

The crime is now funneled through the made victim American tax
payers pocket as left unaccounted to through frauds blatant, and
still no cries for Justice, Freedom, REPRESENTATION?


/ / Citizens may be held indefinitely, with or without charges
being made, upon the direction of government officials.

SATIRE? Hardly..

Infinite Injustice In The Global Gulag

/ / There he languished for more than two years until he was hauled
before one of Bush's "military tribunals" last fall. The khaki
kangaroo court duly ruled that Kurnaz was a heinous terrorist who
should be locked up forever -- despite the fact that both U.S.
military intelligence and German police had cleared him of any
connection whatsoever to terrorist activity anywhere in the world.
Completely ignoring almost 100 pages of exculpatory evidence
offered by these experts, the kangaroos relied instead on a brief,
uncorroborated memo submitted by an unidentified Bush official just
before the proceedings began.

[... ]

The judge ruled that Kurnaz's imprisonment, indeed, Bush's whole
kangaroo pen, was illegal and unconstitutional. To which Bush -- a
staunch defender of law, liberty and civilization -- answered: Who
cares? So Kurnaz, 23, remains in captivity: year after year of
hellish limbo, his youth sacrificed to the caprice of the prissy
autocrat in the White House.

[... ]

But last week, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17 soldiers for
brutal murders of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the
recommendation of Army prosecutors. Army investigators also
released 1,200 pages of new evidence last week detailing widespread
"systematic and intentional" abuse of prisoners throughout Iraq,
especially in Mosul; again, the Pentagon declined to prosecute.


The Scandal Behind the Scandal

/ / ``In the EO, Bush is handing U.S. firms `a blank check for
corporate anarchy' in an `outlandish cancellation of the rule of
law,' said legal director Tom Devine with the Government
Accountability Project.

The antiChrist in action, while quasi-Christians go, "Oh, I don't


Look you might not care for me personally, okay, but this George W.
Bush's treason of nine-eleven is an evil we together, will never,
be too weak to stand against as. As indecisive humans without a
leader, we will never be too few from demanding Justice be served
in respect of Humanity's interest.


/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally peruse the actual evil doers.


/ / All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is...


Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11

A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power plant
in India was on the White House desk on the ninth of September. A plan
to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence. Then
9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of the
suspects were from Afghanistan, so why not seek the true culprits
responsible? FBI officers have claimed publicly that warrant requests
were sabotaged by someone at headquarters just prior to 9/11. The CIA
has publicly claimed stock options were played on the loss of the two
airline companies as insider trading. FBI officers claim Mr. Atta
received $100,000 in terrorist funding by General Amed, who was
meeting with the Bush administration a week prior and after 9/11. Then
rumsfeld and bush stood against our humanity without reason to steal
our lives, playing out an evil never before shown to sway their
capture as traitors to the American dream. I demand my voice be heard
through our corporate news services, to accept any debate from those
who fight to keep us ignorant on our ability to freely communicate.

The difficult struggles of equal representation are systemic to the
entire body politic. Equal rights for all, is understood to best serve
every individual. The reasons stand in a mutual agreement, when
understood. The truth of living is of living as truth is. We exist.
Those in positions against the betterment of the whole, are honestly
shown to be by illustration. By CNN ignoring everyone, setting no
priorities on behalf of the dying humans, censoring basic facts known
by everyone else with a concern, makes US as the living, demand to be
in the balance. For you alone as creation looking for comfort as of
being a part of perception, as shared with all as love, can bring to
understand Justice to be a human thing. My struggle to be heard is to
be alive for my love as God to do what I can as a man capable of
understanding such wonders as basic simple things.

[Goto Google 'groups' and search "Johnny Wizard"]

Again, we witness no counter argument for bush and rumsfeld's treason
against all the American people. They both have struggled diliberately
to hide the culprits responsible for 9/11, blamed a nation of millions
without evidence to murder for Enron, have attacked the American
Constitution, stolen billions from cowardly Americans silenced by the
corporate agenda through frauds blatant...
And, they both need to immediately be tried for war crimes, or taken
out by loyal American Patriots who will stand up for freedom to be

Johnny 21.Apr.2005 14:16

Johnny link

(A Johnny Wizard snip from Google 'groups' tab, "")

The Son of Man rocks!

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)




Johnny Wizard's "Time.mp3"

/ / Think of all those people in that situation as God. And these, the
bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are completely irrational,
they're making no sense, your fuking up. It's like a cancer that
God of that whole situation, is inflicted with. They're lying to
themselves. If your there to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a
position to demand all the money that has been taken through this
Iraq Development Fund, be returned.


/ / Worse yet, the commission concluded in a 600-page report that
intelligence wasn't politicized. Uh-huh. Frankly, only a
politicized commission could possibly have concluded that "no one
from the White House or Pentagon contributed to the mistaken

Hmmm. Is it that they would have us believe, that the neo-con
faith initiatives are solely based on lies?, for none of the facts
trumpeted by the bushites, were established in their own minds by
critical thinking?

/ / "The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally
agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to
skew or alter any of their analytical judgments.

Yeah but, the American analysts concurred that bush was
misrepresenting their facts.

/ / 26. "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a
lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." --aboard
Air Force One, June 4, 2003


/ / The U.N. scandal did not cost the taxpayers any money, but
this one is coming right out of our pockets. And, if we can't even
sue the bastards to get it back, we are in big trouble.

The crime is now funneled through the made victim American tax
payers pocket as left unaccounted to through frauds blatant, and
still no cries for Justice, Freedom, REPRESENTATION?


/ / Citizens may be held indefinitely, with or without charges
being made, upon the direction of government officials.

SATIRE? Hardly..

Infinite Injustice In The Global Gulag

/ / There he languished for more than two years until he was hauled
before one of Bush's "military tribunals" last fall. The khaki
kangaroo court duly ruled that Kurnaz was a heinous terrorist who
should be locked up forever -- despite the fact that both U.S.
military intelligence and German police had cleared him of any
connection whatsoever to terrorist activity anywhere in the world.
Completely ignoring almost 100 pages of exculpatory evidence
offered by these experts, the kangaroos relied instead on a brief,
uncorroborated memo submitted by an unidentified Bush official just
before the proceedings began.

[... ]

The judge ruled that Kurnaz's imprisonment, indeed, Bush's whole
kangaroo pen, was illegal and unconstitutional. To which Bush -- a
staunch defender of law, liberty and civilization -- answered: Who
cares? So Kurnaz, 23, remains in captivity: year after year of
hellish limbo, his youth sacrificed to the caprice of the prissy
autocrat in the White House.

[... ]

But last week, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17 soldiers for
brutal murders of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the
recommendation of Army prosecutors. Army investigators also
released 1,200 pages of new evidence last week detailing widespread
"systematic and intentional" abuse of prisoners throughout Iraq,
especially in Mosul; again, the Pentagon declined to prosecute.


The Scandal Behind the Scandal

/ / ``In the EO, Bush is handing U.S. firms `a blank check for
corporate anarchy' in an `outlandish cancellation of the rule of
law,' said legal director Tom Devine with the Government
Accountability Project.

The antiChrist in action, while quasi-Christians go, "Oh, I don't


Look you might not care for me personally, okay, but this George W.
Bush's treason of nine-eleven is an evil we together, will never,
be too weak to stand against as. As indecisive humans without a
leader, we will never be too few from demanding Justice be served
in respect of Humanity's interest.


/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally peruse the actual evil doers.


/ / All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is...


Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11

A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power plant
in India was on the White House desk on the ninth of September. A plan
to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence. Then
9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of the
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What a crock of crap.

by Duke Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 7:08 AM

I'm sorry, it's 100% based on assumptions that may or may not be true. I don't really have time to go into this, but I can't stop myself from rebutting it a little. The quotes below are from your link.

[quote]It has been claimed that the explosions of dust that span the east face of the tower, were caused by air being forced from the windows as each of the floors above collapsed. This explanation is obviously incorrect. If it was correct, such lines of dust would have been expelled from the windows of each floor in succession. That is, we would have seen such lines of dust expelled from floors 79, 78, 77, 76 and 75 in succession, but what we observe is an explosion of dust at floor 79, no new clouds of dust for a few floors, then another explosion of dust at floor 75.[/quote]

100% pure assumption. There's no guarantee at all that the floors would fail in strict linear order. There's absolutely nothing preventing the shock from above being transmitted through the columns of one floor and causing the floor below to fail. Even assuming the floors were identical, it's perfectly possible just by the nature of progressive failure - variations in construction tolerances could be a large enough difference. And that's leaving out the possiblity that the floors [i]aren't[/i] identical in strength, either by initial design of the shell or by later tenant modifications to the structure.

[quote]It is worth noting that the second line of (much larger) explosions occur at the center of a section of mechanical floors (the three mechanical floors appear as a slightly darker gray band across the building and are important for the strength they impart to the building). It is possible that the mechanical floors 76 and 75 (and also 74) have no windows, but of course, if this is so, it raises many more questions than it answers. In particular, if the mechanical floors have no windows, then the explosions of dust from floor 75 cannot be caused by air being forced from them as the floors above collapsed.[/quote]

It is [b]also[/b] worth noting that the mechanical floors are differently structured from the office floors, and likely from each other, depending on the nature of the equipment each floor was designed for. In a building this size it's likely that one floor in the 74-75-76 group housed a lot of big electrical equipment (with one set of load criteria and little need for penetrations in the outside walls), one floor housed chillers for air conditioning (with a second set of load criteria, and a large need for outside air ventiliation, including a set of very large louvers running all the way around the building), and yet a third floor housed boilers for heat (with yet a third set of load criteria, and a moderate need for outside air ventilation, likely resulting in fewer louvers, but not no louvers). These factors would all affect the precise sequence in which the floors collapsed and also the order in which the dust appeared.

[quote]The dust due to the visible explosions is a whitish grey. The dust from the demolition of the upper section (which is disintegrating as it falls) is dark grey. One wonders what caused this difference.[/quote]

One doesn't have to wonder for very long. The floors above had been involved in a large fire for some time, resulting in lots of very dark combustion smoke from burning office furniture, curtains, plastics, paper, etc. The floors below were not on fire and in fact it's concrete and gypsum dust, both very light in color, rather than smoke at all.

[quote]A sequence of still photos of the collapse (at quarter second intervals) is included in [url][/url].

In these frames, we can see that the top 35 or so floors have snapped off and are toppling eastward. In the above frames we follow the north-east corner of the tower as this 35 floor section collapses. Using the north-east corner as a reference I have outlined in red the progress of this 35 floor top section as it descends.

The first thing to note is that the top section itself must be disintegrating otherwise (as the above frames show) the top section would have extended far into parts of the building that are clearly as yet unaffected by the collapse.[/quote]

Correct, as far as it goes.

[quote]But what could possibly cause the top section to disintegrate? And in fact, what could possibly cause the top section to almost entirely disintegrate, before the lower section begins to collapse?

You have to realize that most of the top section had not been affected by the aircraft strike or fires and was thus still the same immensely strong structure that had supported the building for more than 30 years. If this section was going to fall at all, this section would fall as one piece (like a tree in the forest).[/quote]

What your author here [i]doesn't[/i] realize is that the top 35 floors were designed to hold themselves up, and had done so for 30 years, but they were never designed to be [i]dropped[/i] 30 feet and then [i]still[/i] remain intact.

Prop a watermelon on its long end. It will stand there indefinitely without structural failure. Now pick it up 2 feet and drop it on its long end. Get it yet?

The other factor he's ignoring is that the top 35 floors were designed to hold themselves up with the force of gravity acting directly through the axis of each column (IE straight down). Tip the building over 15 or 20 degrees and [i]every structural joint in the entire skeleton[/i] will be overstressed. It's no surprise at all that the top part disintegrated, and in fact it held together for a reasonably long time. Remember in [i]Titanic[/i] when the aft half of the ship ripped off of the bow after sticking up out of the water so far? Same effect, except that the WTC suffered a much more sudden impact when the collapse began, and the resulting stresses caused faster failures. This is ignoring the fact that the WTC outweighs the [i]Titanic[/i] by a factor of many thousands of times, and that ship's hulls are a stressed-skin structure that is very resistant to this kind of failure.

[quote]Unless, of course, this section had been laced with explosives and was undergoing a controlled demolition of its own, just a few moments before the lower part of the building was demolished.[/quote]

100% pure, unsubstantiated conjecture, presented as fact. Sorry, not buying.

I've been in buildings slated for explosive demolition. There's a huge amount of prep work involved, usually including gutting all the interior finishes to get to the key structural members they need to destroy. Can you walk up to a column or floor girder in your workplace and touch the actual piece of structural steel? Didn't think so. There's ZERO chance that anyone could rig the building without any of the 5,000 people who went to work that day noticing [i]something[/i] was going on.

And that's assuming that they could complete a job that normally takes a few weeks under the easiest circumstances over a single weekend, with nobody noticing anything.

Also, they don't install the explosives until the last possible moment because of the safety factors. Or do you think that the demolitions people were actually a suicide squad and they went in disguise that morning?
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The Bush Tribunal on 9-11

by The Bush Tribunal Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2005 at 8:52 AM

Bush: "Sorry to Oil the Hijackings and Planted Explosives but Oil comes first."
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What will it take to get everyone to open their minds?

by truth seeker Thursday, Jan. 03, 2008 at 1:25 PM

My only real concern is that we are arguing over the facts that have been presented, rather than the facts that have not been presented. Like why did Bush get to sit around for 7 minutes during an attack on the US? Because when Clinton was in office and they tried to blow up the Trade center he was in a secure facility immediately. WHY did they wait to move Bush? When he was asked about the events of 9-11 in an interview some months later specificaly abou hearing of the first plane hitting he said he saw the first plane hit, how did he do that? We all know there was only one way for that to have happened, CCTV. How about why was it that Cheney's first act as vice president was to take controll of Norad away from the joint chiefs and place that controll in his court? Because he proved that no one except for the joint chiefs should have had controll on 9-11. Or wait how about the patriot act? it was in it's completed form within 18 days after 9-11, yet they can't get a bill that would stop drug trafficing completely typed and approved in under 6 months? Let's ask another out in the public eye question, why did we spend $65 million on fining out if clinton got a blow job and only $45 million on the investigation of 3000 murdered citizens, then instead of collecting evidence we sold it the highest bidder?
Forget the how the buildings came down, just focus on how the tragedy was handled and ask the obvious questions and you tell me if they aren't covering something up that they did. Because no terrorist action happens anywhere in the world that governments don't know about and approve or stop. So the biggest question of all that must be asked, if Bush didn't do it, then why did he refuse to answer subpeonas using executive priveledge, if he just answered the questions maybe we wouldn't think so little of him. But people who have things to hide don't like being forced to tell them and that is why he did not answer the subpeonas. So just look at wht you have been told and then ask the obvious, who, what, where, when, why, HOW? then see if it adds up. If not then the questions that arise are what you have to get answers to.
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