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by the Echo Park Film Center
Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002 at 11:07 AM
(213) 484-8846 1200 N. Alvarado Street (at Sunset Blvd.)
If the main story about Hollywood celebrities coming out against the war interested you, pay a visit to the Echo Park Film Center sometime this month and see an art exhibit called BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN! It deals with Hollywood's involvement in war propaganda - it also comments on celebrities who've come out against the war and makes the point that they're working within a corrupt industry and their voices are not more important than yours or mine - or rather, as long as we give them importance, our voices will be less important.
If you liked the main story about Hollywood celebrities coming out against the war, pay a visit to the Echo Park Film Center sometime this month and see an art exhibit called...
The exhibit deals with Hollywood's involvement in war propaganda - it also comments on celebrities who've come out against the war and makes the point that they're working within a corrupt industry and their voices are not more important than yours or mine - or rather, as long as we give them importance our voices will be less important.
The exhibition makes the case for supporting and making independent media and art!
Drop by and pick up some lots of free anti-Hollywood stickers (original designs for the paintings in the show) and help in the local campaign to destroy Hollywood!
Visit the film center Mon - Fri 12-5pm or go to one of their awesome film nights. And don't forget your free stickers...
Echo Park Film Center 1200 N. Alvarado Street (NE corner of Sunset and Alvarado) Call (213)484-8846 for schedules and directions, or go to www.echoparkfilmcenter.org
The film center supports independent filmmaking - they fix old movie cameras and projectors, provide low cost filmmaking classed to adults and FREE filmmaking classed to Echo Park local kids! They also show underground films, many of which are activist - oriented. It's an amazing place and we all should support it - it's volunteer run and non profit and right next to 33 1/3 Books (great radical bookshop) and Labor Fruit ( all hand made one of a kind clothing and jewelry - former Luna Sol people) v
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by 48
Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002 at 11:38 AM
last night I noticed a huge billboard at sunset/hollywood/hillhurst intersection that says "WAR IS TERRORISM--NEIGHBORS FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE." I was heartened by it. but I did wonder where the money came from to fund it, and it made me think of all this Hollywood celebrity hoopla around the newly "hip" idea of opposing war. Who knows, maybe it was funded by grassroots neighborhood orgs, and individuals, I don't know. I imagine though that somewhere in there are businesses and individuals who are "wealthy," or "Hollywood," or both.
I thought about all those lonely anonymous individuals out there scribbling red "BUSH IS LYING" graffiti all over the streets, and wheatpasting NO WAR ON IRAQ posters, and stickering busses and street poles.
I also thought about how killradio used to be right across the street from this giant billboard. I wondered how many Hollywood and media people have ever lent support to projects like killradio, or if they ever would. maybe if killradio did spots like, "Brought to you by Big Star Joe Schmoe, starring in the new blockbuster sequel hit Blabbidy Bla II," they might get their agents on the horn to find out about it.
Maybe instead of using their celebrity "clout" to oppose the war, people with wealth who want to help (celebrities and non-celebrities alike) could focus on supporting efforts like this instead, anonymously, to avoid infecting things with the spectacle of their fame. seems similar to the problem of how all these leftist groups have been using front groups to co-opt the anti-war movement and infecting it with their own kind of ideology spectacle.
of course in a spectacle society, having some famous mug speak out against the war carries "power" over all the fame-worshippers, and that's exactly why they do things like band together in an anti-war star club and hold a press conference. but it's illusory power because it's still just spectacle power, and unless the "stars" are willing to give up their status as such, they're still just feeding the spectacle even when they're trying to help like this. in the long run, could this be more counter-productive than doing nothing at all? a star-studded anti-war press conference, or the anonymous street jam scrawl by some anonymous individual living down here in the real world with you and me?
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by stever
Monday, Dec. 16, 2002 at 9:44 PM
Celebrities provide an open forum to the world, I personally can careless what their economical/social status is. The point is that the message of war is not the answer or solution! Celebrities appeal to the mainstream. For example, Rage Against the Machine used their mainstream label to inform the masses of the atrocities occuring in Chipas, Mexico. Their effort has had a latent effect throughout the world! From Los Angeles to Spain etc. And the Zapatistas movement has gained worldwide support. So to make a long story short if you were passionate about your beliefs you would find an avenue to voice your opinion and enlighten others, celebrities eat and shit like we do, they are not supreme beings, WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER and that is the "celebrities" voice! Let them use their forum, like "Rage" did, to enlighten others.
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by Phallus Di Angelo
Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 at 6:41 AM
Village of Damned, LA to LA , USA
 bbb_latola.jpg, image/jpeg, 248x218
From Lower Alabama to Los Angeles, it is the same story--business as usual for the ruling upper 2%, the fascists on our throats, the poor, the lower 90% of us. Lesson 1 of Hell on Earth---The upper 2% of wealth holders in US control over 50% of the wealth, and therefore they have "Controlling" interest in corporations. Corporations control what Democratic and Republicans do with our nation, our lives. We are the lower 90% of wealth holders and own nothing. Therefore, it matters little to us if every Radio and TV is destroyed, through fire, as fire is the great purifier. BURN THE PROPAGANDA APPARATUS LA TO LA> Below is a link to a website illustrating the attack against just one of the many Americans suffering under the heel of tyranny. Congressman Traficant said, "When Americans fear their government, tyranny rules." The upper 2% rule all of us lower 90%. Read the new BLUEPRINT TO DEMOCRACY AT THIS LINK http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/Observations.htm Burn baby burn, LA to LA
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by Baphomet
Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 at 1:21 PM
Back up your spew with some statistics. What percentage of "leftists" have no ambition. What percentage of Vietnam era hippies have not succeeded financially. And since when is working for social justice and human rights a "waste of potential."
You completely miss the point as usual, BA. You also show your own callous materialism and shallow world view. Try caring about someone besides yourself.
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by ...........
Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 at 2:33 PM
I thnk BA's talking about himsel, actually. Especially these parts:
"Bitching and moaning instead of working hard is the road to nowhere."
" It's because I wasted my energies instead of applying myself. I was bright enough and had the potential. Shame to see that potential wasted on crap like I'm posting here"
So DO something about it BA ... make something of yourself instead of just being a loser troll.
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by Dale hogard
Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003 at 10:25 PM
Where are the rich hollywood protesters when our military fights all over the world to keep us free. Freedom is not free and neither is peace of mind and safety. 9/11 roved that. We live in a differant world. Soldiers are fighting all over this world against the acts of Terror. and dying. Do these peace keepers care? I THINK NOT> Saddom is a dangerous man. with dangerous tools. and weapons that do more than kill. They do horrible things to the human body. To innocent bodies. DO THEY CARE???. Do they think it carries no cost. How about all the Iraq population who lives in fear and starvation. How about supporting our troops as they protest the war. Letters and care packages. When is the last time they cried because one of ours died? When did they start caring? Maybe they know Jane fonda????? Maybe they never heard of prayer! Maybe they only know the war in the movies. Not reality!
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by KPC
Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003 at 11:07 PM
Yeah, I got a dangerous tool for ya too...better run and hide under the bed...
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by Decker
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 8:53 AM
These morrons should be arrested for treason. Especially that Himes lady. She hopes the muslims win and says we deserve to be bombed. She should be thrown in a military prison.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 9:03 AM
The new mantra is 'protest is treason' nice try, Adolph. We are armed, come and get us. Many of us have combat experience, we remember; come and get us. Some of us are real patriots. You WILL have to take this country with more than PR directed from the pentagon of evil. 9-11 What Really Happened ?
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by Pissed Off and Insulted in Ohio
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:36 AM
Bush Admirer your consistent bipartisan bullshit is repetitive and stupid. You seem hell bent on associating anyone apposed to dubya as a card carrying Democrat. This is an obvious ploy to then let you explore the myriad of problems with the democrats party, of which there are certainly many, and associate these problems accordingly to whoever didn't agree with the gospel of Bush. This has been the republican strategy for a long time, long before bush even, and its getting old. I'm not a leftist, I'm not a right wing nazi, I'm not some pussy pacifist, I'm none of your typical stereotypical crap and i think very rarely are any of the adults voicing their disent in any of these groups either. You and yours just seek to contrive an association between your enemies and certain easy targets for the sake of discrediting them and their arguements. Its disgusting, obvious, and not working.
Also, to everyone looking to jump on hollywoods nuts for what they're doing now, take care that this exact same ploy doesn't 'trap' you. You may agree with some of what they're saying now but as soon as you share a label, watch how quickly you start having differences of opinion. They are actors. They are for hire. Its their job.
I'm not Republican, I'm not Democrat, I'm not Green, or Pink, or commie, or pacifist, or hippie, or any of your other preconcieved simplistic labels.
I'm just... pissed off.
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by David
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 9:21 PM
Celebrities should stick to what they do best.........entertain. What they are doing lately is not entertaining. It's discraceful! Obviously the big hollywood movie producers can't think of a new movie to produce so the stars are sitting around on the couch in the multi-million dollar mansion bored to death with nothing to do so they band together and tell everyone they are now the voice of america and know what's best for her! Remember this.........It is the soldier that is americas voice because it is the soldier that keeps her free by sacrificing everything including life so even the hollywood elite are free to voice their opinion so rant on hollywood but remember where you live because in some countries you would be killed for voicing your opinion. Try sending a soldier a letter of thanks.
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Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:24 PM
Just shut already. We win, you lose!
Democracy wins out!
The silent MAJORITY are in favor of this.
Time for me to watch the bombs drop on Hussein, so bye bye!
Keep protesting, its a waste of breathe. Hhahaa.
We WIN!!!! Time to find those WMDs now.
Bye bye for now!
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:28 PM
And the inmates are running the asylum. Well. I guess I'm as ready as I can ever be in this period of madness.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 5:28 AM
Yummy yummy yummy, i got cock in my tummy!
MMMMmmmmmMMMM!!!! Not just any cock, but the cock of my beloved MASTER Saddam Hussein! TASTY!!!!! MMMMMMMmmmMMMM!!!!
Tastes like chicken!
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by Eric
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 5:33 AM
We can have threads entitled "BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN!!!!!!!!" but not "Kill a cop for the cause!"??
Does anyone see any inconsistencies besides me? I just got through thanking the LA IMC staff for their efforts and then this thread floats to the top.
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by anti-LA
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 8:03 AM
Yeah, I've seen you pathetic souls out there marching for your cause, with your piddley little "Ashamed American" signs. Guess what? You can feel free to get your sorry asses out of my country any time. Do you realize that you have the RIGHT to protest because of your military and what they're doing right now? The US would be better without you. Hal Fishman said it best on the nightly news the other night--all this protest over Bush and America...why doesn't somebody get the balls and protest Saddam and what it is he's doing? Have you all heard of genocide? You're perfectly ok with Saddam's gassing of his own people, but then oust Bush for trying to get someone like this out of power. You all better take a step back and re-evaluate your thought process. I've heard some of you speak out--intelligence is definitely not your forte is it? I've heard foreigners who can barely speak English express more solid and profound thoughts than 95% of you. And you Hollywood do-gooders with all of your freakin' money and fame--why don't you do all the rest of us a favor? Go buy yourselves (and each other) a plane ticket, fly to Iraq, and protest the war...during the bombing campaign, of course, otherwise it would be a waste of time. Half of you pricks have already done war movies--your anti-war speeches and protests are null and void.
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by Ridiculous
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 8:44 AM
It kills me how you assholes seem to rally around a veteran who comes on here posting opposition to the war. Anyone who questions what he says is an insensitive prick for opposing him. After all, HE has seen the horrors of war and knows better than we do that it should be avoided under any circumstances.
But you let a veteran, who has served his country as well, come on here and say that he supports this effort and you jump right up his ass. He's seen the horrors of war just as much as those veterans who oppose it, but he's a warmonger because he realizes that war, as horrible as we can all agree that it is, is sometimes an unfortunate necessity.
Don't bother shooting back that I would jump all over the first vet that I mentioned either. I would never attack an American veteran because, even though I might disagree with their position, I believe that EVERY veteran deserves the respect and gratitude of the people they have served.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:04 AM
Yeah, thats right I'm having a fun time raping Hussein with my gay partner Diogenes. Hussein's cock is really yummy, that's why we hate America!
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by IndependentRep
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 10:02 AM
Look, whats done is done - we are at war and you guys want to complain to each other and spit personal insults? Your being pathetic. Hussein has commited atrocities against his own people - anit-war protestors talk about humanitarian issues, what about Hussein, suddenly he is not accountable for setting fire to Shiite Muslims or torturing people who were against his decisions? We are trying to free people of this tyrant (who murderd his own son-in-laws!) with as little civilian casualties as possible - most people are uneducated about the situation, too young and naive to understand that Hussein has to go to protect the WORLD, not just the US. And for all you Democrats out there - Clinton set Mohammed Atta free, remember him? He flew a plane into the World Trade Center that killed one of my friends. You think this war is personal? It is, especially when we know that Hussein harbors terrorists!
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by -S
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 10:30 AM
Different can.
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