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by brandon faloona
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2002 at 9:40 AM
brandon at faloona dot net
"Buy Nothing - Do Something"
 bnd.jpg8aayl0.jpg, image/jpeg, 420x320
It's Buy Nothing Day today (Nov 29), so go to your local mall and discuss the significance of American over-consumption with the shoppers you greet. Be sure to bring some handbills (like gift excemption vouchers) from the adbusters's site, or this site: http://www.brizone.com/buynothing/distro.html Need inspiration? "The Call" is a 45 second film shot on 16mm film. The film is an interpretation of a poem about being called upon by the Muse http://www.artspotsmedia.org/media/thecall.mov
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by Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2002 at 12:28 PM
Who gives a shit if you decide not to buy anything any given day, idiot..
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by apache
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2002 at 1:19 PM
Some activist you are...no vision, just consumption, I guess.
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by allen Ginsburg
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2002 at 10:32 PM
I saw babies amungst the cauliflower!
I wrote love letters to the hopes of humanity and left them with the tangerines.
I cathexed with pleasure at blockbuster, subverting at the site of corporate entertainment, leaving whispers tucked behind video tapes.
Je te ame', my dear, another world is possible.
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by Rivaldo
Monday, Dec. 02, 2002 at 2:19 PM
You should feel priveleged you have the option of not buying anything for a day. Human being making transactions of goods and services provides those of us lucky enough to live in a wealthy nation with a high standard of living, realative social harmony and allows us to focus on problems other than the mere survival. Your histrionics about the evils of global capitalism misses the point that a nations economy is much more than a few monopolistic companies feeding off human misery. The economy is an aggregate of human societal relations, including land, labour and capital. I do not see the logic behind simply refusing to be part of this system for a day (even if that were possible)
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by Jude
Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2002 at 6:38 AM
Walmart reported record sales of billions, thats B not M. So what did you buy that day? Well, I went to Victoria Secrets and bought a pricey yet (uplifting) bra, made in Israel. Why you ask me, because those on the mindnumbing left asked me not to buy things made in Israel. Plus its comfortable, made well and hell, I like to support a cause. I'm so glad I stayed with my S&P fund. Up by 14% so far.
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by tinky winky.
Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2002 at 9:56 AM
response to counter-arguments... a louder yawn.
The affect of Buy Nothing Day is as much cultural as it is capital oriented. The fact that it doesn't speak to you does nothing to limit the idea for me.
What is the affect of pre-Easter Lent, lunchbreak?, or of 4:12 (you know, that pot-smoking moment) or an family's singular traditions. Not much for folks who don't give a damn, for folks who don't work and need the break, who enjoy a ritually sanctioned toot, or for folks not a part of a family.
For folks who to whom this event speaks, it is a great thing, it is a international "holiday" and conscious protest.
Big whoop. I enjoyed sharing buy nothing day stories with other folks who participated and that's where the strength of the "holiday" is, not in anny supposed and possibly mistated claims to its affectivity (or for that matter its ineffectivity.)
It is in the long-term celebration of any ritual (measured on the scale of decades, if at all) where any tangible affectivity is notable.
La la la.
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by Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Sunday, Dec. 08, 2002 at 11:11 AM
Hey Apache,
you re an idiot, most likely a Cracker, White motha idiot as well
fudge off DLJ
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by The REAL Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Friday, Dec. 13, 2002 at 5:05 PM
Any posts above with my name on them are fraudulent. Anyone with questions email me ONLY at a onepeoplesproject.com address, such as the one in this post.
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by Donna Lamb
Monday, Dec. 16, 2002 at 12:27 AM
I am a NY activist, who had the misfortune of being associated with Daryle Lamont Jenkins at one time. I have heard and read this debacle involving him on Indy Media and other message boards. I am convinced that the whole fiasco is actually engineered by Jenkins himself to get attention and sympathy. He is but a shady and dishonest character. Email me for more info on this unsavoury individual at dlamb@gis.net
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Monday, Jan. 06, 2003 at 1:56 AM
Any posts above with my name on them are fraudulent. Anyone with questions email me ONLY at a hotmail.com address, such as the one in this post.
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by mook
Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003 at 10:05 AM
Dr. , of course we have a high standard of living in this country, but it is NOT luck. also, a few mega corporations are a few MEGA corporations, when you consider the number of people living on less than a dollar all around the world. the influence of these corporations is cultural, financial of course, and environmental. we live in a culture where the majority of people are spoon fed their beliefs, which include "it's them or us", "sex is all", "greed is good", "don't worry about it, we're taking care of everything", "buy this and you'll be (happy, sexy, fun, like the crowd)", and "you don't have to be responsible for what you do, just have fun and be young dude".
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by Donna Lamb
Saturday, Apr. 10, 2004 at 6:47 PM
I just read an unfavorable statement about Daryle Jenkins that is supposedly by me. It is NOT. I never even saw it before, let alone wrote it!
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Saturday, Apr. 10, 2004 at 7:37 PM
 bnd_offer_act_now_.jpg, image/jpeg, 420x320
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