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by Carolina
Friday, Nov. 22, 2002 at 8:06 PM
In my first e-mail/ post "Reversal of Fortune" I discussed how the 1962 Democratic sweep was a near mirror image of the reverse GOP victory in '02.
I asked what caused such a complete reversal of fortune over the last 40 years. The JFK assassination 13 months after the '62 election that had held so much hope for change was first step of such reversal.
> Nov. 22, the 39th anniversary of JFK's assassination.
> JFK's administration capitalized on the triumph in the Cuban Missile crisis of October '62 and the election a month later by introducing the first comprehensive civil rights bill in June '63, followed by a triumphal > presidential tour of Ireland, West Germany, & Italy.
In August, the Atmospheric Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, opposed rigoursly by the military industrial complex and delayed after the U-2 embarassment for Eisenhower in 1960, was finally agreed to. US missiles were quietly withdrawn from Turkey, and the US curtailed Cuban exiles' raids into Cuba from US soil, as part of the bargain for Soviet withdrawal of its missles from Cuba. > > These detente developments, however, angered anti-JFK elements in the Cuban exile community, the military and the wealthy elite. Several events portended that a plot was afoot to remove JFK: > > In that same August month, LEE HARVEY OSWALD passed out pro-Castro FAIR PLAY FOR CUBA literature, amongst other places, in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart. In one photo of this event the background shows CLAY SHAW, the founder of the Trade Mart who, documents released in the 1990's show, had worked as a CIA operative from the 1950's. > In September Oswald is seen by pro and anti voter rights demonstrators in northern Louisiana, in the presence of DAVID FERRIE, and either Shaw or ex FBI Chicago agent in charge GUY BANNISTER. A police report lists the car the three were in as registered to the New Orleans Trade Mart. Bannister's new Orleans detective agency is in same building as address listed on some of Oswald's Fair Play leaflets. > On Sept. 20, military intelligence operative RICHARD CASE NAGELL gets himself arrested for "bank robbery", though he asked for and received no cash, in El Paso, Tex. He said afterwards that he wanted to be in jail rathar than to kill Oswald in Mexico City the following week, which Nagell said he was ordered to do to prevent an attempt on President Kennedy's life in October in the Washington DC area. That same month Oswald writes letters claiming he plans to move to the DC area shortly. > About Sept. 30, when Oswald is supposedly traveling to Mexico City, Silvia Odio, daughter of an anti-Castro Cuban imprisioned by Castro, says she is visited by Oswald, or a look alike, and two Cubans, asking for help in a plot against JFK. Despite camera serveillance of the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City, no photos of Oswald have ever been produced by the FBI or CIA.. A tape recording of "Oswald" at the embassies, is said by FBI agents, who had just interviewed Oswald in jail on Nov. 23, to be of a voice other than Oswald's. In '64 to the Warren Commission, the CIA claims its tapes of Oswald in Mexico were "routinely destroyed" that same October '63!
Some CIA reports in October '63 claim Oswald spoke borken Russian at the Mexico embassy. Oswald's Russian in 1961 was so fluent that his soon to be wife Marina thought he was born in the USSR. > Meanwhile in early October, Kennedy issues National Security Action Memorandum 263, proposing to begin withdrawal of US troops from VIETNAM as early as December '63. > That same October month an US Army cryptologists stationed in Europe, EUGENE DINKINS goes AWOL to try to warn ambassadors that he's uncovered evidence of an military and right-wing plot vs. JFK. The military places him in a psychiatric ward. > Back in Dallas in October, General EDWIN WALKER, fired in '62 by JFK for indoctronating his troops in right wing ideology, appears in Birch Society meetings, one of which Oswald attends. [A week after Nov. 22 the then-dead Oswald would be accused of trying to shoot Walker at his Dallas home in April '63, though contemporary news reports quoted witnesses as seeing several men flee the area in cars. Oswald, said not to be able to drive, allegedly buried the same rifle he would use to kill JFK for at least one night in a park while he fled home on a bus.]
On UN Day, Oct. 24, Kennedy's UN ambassador Adlai Stevenson is physically attacked in Dallas by right wingers. Despite this, security for JFK's trip the next month is not increased. > On November 1 South Vietnam's Catholic President Diem and his brother, installed by Eisenhower in the '50's, are killed in a Buddhist lead coup tacitly approved of by the SOME of the CIA, although station chief WILLIAM COLBY maintained loyalty to his fellow Catholics. Diem's sister in law, MADAME NHU, in the US at the time, blames Kennedy's administrations for her husband and brother in law's deaths and predicts revenge.
On Nov. 9, Georgia right-wing militia leader JOSEPH MILTEER, is secretly taped by a Miami undercover agent in Florida discussing JFK's Nov. 18 trip to Miami. Milteer says JFK likely would be shot at from a tall building, and one scapegoat would be picked up shortly afterwards "to throw the public off" the trail of the true assassins. Amazingly this tape recording survives today! The Miami police warn the Secret Service, who cancel the planned motorcade in Miami, but not in Dallas four days later. A military unit that would normally have provided back up for the Secret Service in Dallas is told to stay home! > That same Novmber, according to one former employee of the FBI New Orleans office,who later becam a bank executive, a wire is received warning that a militant group will try to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas. FBI vigoursly denies that such a wire was sent. > On or about November 12, Oswald allegedly delivers a threatening note to the Dallas FBI office. Local FBI agent JAMES HOSTY, who had visited Marina twice in November, but not Oswald, despite being told where he worked, destroyed the note after JACK RUBY killed Oswald on Nov. 24. > About Nov. 19-20 gunn runners are arresed by Dallas police near Dealy Plaza. One car that escaped chase fits the descrption of Ruby's car. One of those arrested allegedly spoke to Oswald on Nov. 22 when they were in the same cell block. > Ambulance driver AUBREY RIKE, who later would drive JFK's body to the airport, said several false ambulance calls were made to the Dealy Plaza area druing the week before Nov. 22. Rike's ambulance was called to transport an epileptic to Parkland Hospital from Dealy Plaza just minutes before JFK was shot there and transported to Parkland. Before Nov. 22 several citings of Oswald or a look-alike are made at rifle ranges, car dealerships & stores, in which Oswald allegeldy makes incriminating statements. > > On or about Nov. 20 ROSE CHERAMIE, an aquaintance of Ruby's, is heard by doctors and local police at a Louisiana hospital to predict Kennedy would be assassinated on Friday in Dallas. She had been found injured on a highway and claimed the assassins, carrying rifles, threw her from the car when she became drunk. [In a 1980'S liable case brought by CIA Watergate convict E. HOWARD HUNT, the jury ruled against Hunt's claim that he'd not been in Dallas that fateful Nov. 22 week. He and some of his Cubans may have been Cheramie's ride.] On or about Nov. 21, future President George H. W. BUSH is said to be source of a false rumor that a Republican rival of his was involved in a plot to kill Kennedy in Houston on Nov. 21. After Nov. 22 a document describes a "Geroge Bush of the CIA" as the liason beteen the Cuban exile community and the interrogation of Oswald. > After the run-through of the motorcade route ends near Houston & Main on Nov. 21, the route is altered to run the actual route over to Elm Street, right in front of the Depository where Oswald works, requiring the JFK limo to slow almost to a halt to make the turn. > Many, many warnings of doom for JFK, in what would be the firs step in the reversal of fortune over the next 40 years.
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