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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
Great rally! Great march!
Images the media won't show...send them to everyone!
 fedbuild_masses.jpg, image/jpeg, 442x448
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 stopbushcop.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x333
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 edasnernion.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x336
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 nomore.jpg, image/jpeg, 336x448
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 masses.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x336
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 corpmonstor.jpg, image/jpeg, 369x448
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 heilbush.jpg, image/jpeg, 361x448
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 march.jpgkazsqs.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x336
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 marchbegins.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x336
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 rally2.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x336
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 statementofconscience.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x336
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 corpamerflag.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x336
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 dc_westwood.jpg, image/jpeg, 336x448
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 chelarally.jpg, image/jpeg, 299x448
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by David A. Coennen
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 11:20 AM
 armando3.jpg, image/jpeg, 448x447
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by m
Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002 at 10:45 AM
I had thought our rally was bigger and better... then I see you had Ed Asner! I'm very, very jealous!
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by Satin
Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002 at 2:13 PM
Hey Los Angeles! Wow, looks like it was a great rally! Seattle got theirs together too, it was AWESOME! Love the pictures. The only thing I regret is the lack of media coverage on these or any of the peace rallies. Damn Bush, damn corporate-cowed media, and damn our "democratic" imperialism!! Let's not let the people lose faith! I'll keep my voice raised, you do the same! :)
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by D. Coennen
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002 at 5:33 AM
The only helicopter I saw in the air was LAPD there was an ABC van and one other, but that's all I saw.
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by freethinker
Friday, Oct. 11, 2002 at 7:47 PM
Is it just me or are there some critical thinking skills going out the window in this giant feel-good fest? The captions in this series of photos make me wanna barf, "patriots, every one" and "American values (sic)"??? I was at that LA march and I'll tell you I'm no goddamn patriot I'm proud to be anti-American.
To say that the Adbusters flag represents American values is a disturbing UNDERSTATEMENT not a (sic) nothing. A far more accurate image of American values might be like this:
That's a Colombian peasant stuffed into a fucking hole in the ground by US funded paramilitary death squads so that the U$A can get more oil and keep living off the money from the illegal drug trade.
and what did we do about it in LA? (i don't live there, I was just traveling through) I saw people playing frisbee! I also talked to several people who were disgusted and ashamed to see people playing frisbee, having fun in this insidious country. We looked like a bunch of overprivileged, half assed shit heads who just want to absolve ourselves from the inevitable guilt of genocide without actually stopping it.
now i'm not neccesarily saying that October 6th should have seen riots nationwide, but I haven't seen anything else that works. If your pacifist stuff is going to get the job done, then I'd like to see it ASAP. Don't tell me you're going to change the minds of politicians, or that they secretly want to agree with what you really believe behind the shallow analysis you've prepared to manipulate the "ignorant masses" that just aren't as "ready for the truth" as you and the politicians.
how long do we wave signs and smile at cops until we admit to ourselves that this isn't working and blood is going to be on our hands too? Are there folks pushing a giant campaign to talk to school kids about not driving cars anymore? Are people going door to door to tell people the truth, that they live in the most genocidal, ecocidal, imperialist nation in the history of the planet and we're all about to die becuase of it?
or are people doing little more than what I saw in LA on Sunday and feeling super smug about it? Perhaps a little "weekend" activism while people less privileged are dying torturous deaths FULL TIME. Let's fucking do something about it. Let's reach deep into ourselves for energy and commitment and deep into our culture to remove this pathology at its roots.
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by Kassia
Friday, Oct. 11, 2002 at 8:44 PM
I think the American Values comment was clearly ironic - though accurate!
What is wrong with people playing frisbee?
I say that as we protest war, we also need to do all we can to create more LOVE in the world - because only love will lead to peace. Frisbee is about people having fun, rather than people killing each other.
If you would prefer we all go become part of guerrilla armies rather than protest, why are you posting on the internet about it rather than doing it?
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by FluxRostrum
Friday, Nov. 22, 2002 at 11:10 PM
In order to convience the general population (the one's that still watch all those TV hours and don't wish to be forced to think about bad things) it's important that those dumbasses can look at the protesters and identify with with some of them and not be immediatly turned off or afraid... frisbees is a completly nonthreatening, dumbass activity ,,, Hopefully some passerbys said... "hey, they're playing frisbe, maybe I'll come to next protest so I can play frisbee too" ... just a thought.
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