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by Andrew s157
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:49 PM
" Not In Our Name! " Anti-War Protest & March, Sunday October 6, 2002 in Westwood, Los Angeles, California
 100602_s157_noin_01.jpg, image/jpeg, 375x500
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by Andrew s157
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:49 PM
 100602_s157_noin_02.jpg, image/jpeg, 375x500
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by Andrew s157
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:49 PM
 100602_s157_noin_03.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375
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by Andrew s157
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:49 PM
 100602_s157_noin_04.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375
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by Andrew s157
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:49 PM
 100602_s157_noin_05.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375
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by Andrew s157
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:49 PM
 100602_s157_noin_06.jpg, image/jpeg, 375x500
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by Andrew s157
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:58 PM
I'm in the process of getting my black and white photos developed... and If anyone needs higher resolution copies of the images above, just e-mail me.
NOIN 10.06.02 was one of the best and largest protest I've ever been to... but we still don't compare to many of the other major cities... Angelinos/as get out and represent!
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by madeline
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 4:03 PM
i was too chicken to go but my mom went. ( i'm paranoid of cops & scarey government tips freaks.) my mom said she didn't care if the cops bashed her head in. afterwords, she said it was a beautiful demonstration. can we stop the war party? in between tears, i call & call & email & write daschle & other traitors. can we reverse the insanity that is making me want to die. i don't think i can live this orwellian nitemare. i'm trying everything i can but i'm so scared. i don't want a smallpox vacination, or anything else offered by the war mongers. today sharon again dropped bombs on palestinian children. what can i do? in between tears pouring i write this....
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by Peacenik
Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002 at 12:00 AM
Dry your tears and keep writing, marching, calling, writing peace songs, singing those songs, making posters and costumes for the marches, and doing whatever else you can while carrying out your daily activities. The peace movement today is bigger than it has ever been, even before any war resolution passes, any draft is re-started, any invasion starts. You are not alone; you are among the majority who want peace, and the majority is growing by the minute. The economy is very weak, and any war will certainly make it much weaker as we cannot have both guns and butter.
No war machine in history, not even Nazi Germany, could continue without political and economic support at home. A weak economy mandates a labor movement which will certainly put an end to the blood for oil wars, as it put an end to the Kaiser's imperialist wars of World War 1, forcing the Kaiser to flee to Holland and allowing soldiers and workers' councils to take over some German provinces. The soldiers were the workingclass draftees who had enough of imperialist wars.
We must all consider ourselves spokespersons for those who cannot speak: The people who are in jail, the sick who have serious illnesses that make participation impossible, and the very young. We must be strong for them, and we can easily be strong for history is with us, we are the majority, and we shall win.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for we shall inherit the earth!
Victory, victory is our cry, the class struggle is the reason why!
The people united shall never be defeated! Die Leute vereinigten nie werden uberraschen! (German) El peublo unido jamas seran vencido! (Spanish)
Venceremos! We shall win!
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by Wedad Abdou
Friday, Oct. 11, 2002 at 3:21 AM
After 9/11 I got depressed and shut myself out of many activities and even friends. The peace demonstrations gave me hope. The media does not sadden and depress me any more. I know they are onesided and do not tell the truth. I knew that for a long time and it used to hurt. It does not now after all these peace demonstrations. When I see people protesting in such large numbers and from all ethenic and age groups, I know that the media is loosing. Now I do not feel depressed, I am hopeful.
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