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by dickens
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 3:02 AM
LA Not In Our Name - KPFK Radio Host Sonali Kolhatkar Speaking
 nion29.jpg, image/jpeg, 960x1280
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by Joe Citizen
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 1:14 AM
I've never heard this woman say one good thing about anything America has ever done. A true progressive might turn her withering eye to her own opinions, and appreciate that they are free to be expressed in this country.
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by what?
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 2:06 AM
I don't listen to fat chicks with droopy elbows. obviously she's attained maximum weight in the u.s. so even if not spoken she must like something about it...the food. Women of afghanistan speaking out in favor the system that keeps them in vail's and out of school is special. This stupid bitch should go back and spread her word. I'll laugh at the funeral.
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by wavemaster
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 3:10 AM
She doesn't critize America ,she critizes the theif who stold the Election. Why do all you racisist assholes keep saying we hate America, we love America and so does Sonalie. We just want to free it from the fachist king george and his warmongering throne. Fuck McCarthyisim, why don't you listen to Rush fat head or Sean the spitting viper Hannity or Dr Nazi Bitch Selesinger or any of the other clear channel hacks.
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Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 3:25 AM
i want a society that classes me to rule. I think it's great that my husband can kill me if i disagree with him.I need a bigger burka because my retarded head keeps expanding. I or my people don't live 500 yrs. ago we are just chosen. Kepping women covered and 3rd grade science will keep us afloat. what a couple guys came up with 2000's years ago is good enough for me. long live allah and down syndrome.
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by Thomas Lasswell
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 3:28 AM
If I wear a skirt and sit while peeing, does that mean that I am a chick stuck in an underdeveloped male's body?
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by wavemaster
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 3:49 AM
The religious fundementilist took over after Afghanstan was
destroyed by our little secret war with the Soviets. And now the war lords have taken over. So nobody is buying your racisist satire
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by Mustafa
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 11:09 AM
This one needs to get back in uniform. But first, let's get that stylish black t-shirt off (she won't need that under her burka) and see what Allah gave her.
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Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 2:17 PM
I'm more fond of wearing panties, myself.
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Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 2:57 PM
it's racist not racisist. Now you can run around calling everybody racist without looking like an idiot.
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Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 3:03 PM
How can I run around doing ANYTHING without looking like an idiot?
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Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 4:15 PM
We support the killing of Muslims and niggers. Please visit our website.
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by savagelover
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 5:57 PM
A message to all you hypocritical self-hating two-legged lemmings of the leftist liberal persuasion.
Wake up you bozos! If you think this country sucks and that we are all a bunch of war-mongering idiots, then Dr. Savage, myself, and every other self-respecting, proud American say "Get the hell out of my country, you slime!" Go live in the jungle with the rest of your bretheren. Im sure Uday and Qusay have a rotting cement jail cell for you to spend the rest of your days ponderig your ignorancy and self-hatred in.
I am so tired of the deplorable actions and words that come from the cancer of the lemmings of the leftist persuasion IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! They take everything that this country stands for and trample on it daily. Why you ask? because they can! because you and I let them! We should treat them like the traitors and criminals that they are and deal with them as their 'friends' the saudis, or the iraqis would!
This is a call for every American that still has red, white, and blue in his/her veins to stand up and be counted. Do not sit idly by while these cancerous, self-hating ignoramuses destroy our country from within.
You may ask why I refer to these leeches as lemmings. I will tell you why.
The lemming is a small animal, about the size of a rat. The lemming is a strange animal with a very strange custom. Every few years, lemmings gather together and march to the sea. The lemming and all the other lemmings march shoulder to shoulder and when they reach the sea they do a very strange thing: they jump in and drown. The lemming is a very strange animal and few can understand it. But the Liberal lemming, the lemming of the Liberal persuasion, is the strangest of them all. Psychologists and sociologists and anthropologists and biologists and students of irrational behavior from far and wide gather to study the march of the Liberal lemming.
Thank you for your time.
Savage Rocks!
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by Savage Rocks
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 5:58 PM
A message to all you hypocritical self-hating two-legged lemmings of the leftist liberal persuasion.
Wake up you bozos! If you think this country sucks and that we are all a bunch of war-mongering idiots, then Dr. Savage, myself, and every other self-respecting, proud American say "Get the hell out of my country, you slime!" Go live in the jungle with the rest of your bretheren. Im sure Uday and Qusay have a rotting cement jail cell for you to spend the rest of your days ponderig your ignorancy and self-hatred in.
I am so tired of the deplorable actions and words that come from the cancer of the lemmings of the leftist persuasion IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! They take everything that this country stands for and trample on it daily. Why you ask? because they can! because you and I let them! We should treat them like the traitors and criminals that they are and deal with them as their 'friends' the saudis, or the iraqis would!
This is a call for every American that still has red, white, and blue in his/her veins to stand up and be counted. Do not sit idly by while these cancerous, self-hating ignoramuses destroy our country from within.
You may ask why I refer to these leeches as lemmings. I will tell you why.
The lemming is a small animal, about the size of a rat. The lemming is a strange animal with a very strange custom. Every few years, lemmings gather together and march to the sea. The lemming and all the other lemmings march shoulder to shoulder and when they reach the sea they do a very strange thing: they jump in and drown. The lemming is a very strange animal and few can understand it. But the Liberal lemming, the lemming of the Liberal persuasion, is the strangest of them all. Psychologists and sociologists and anthropologists and biologists and students of irrational behavior from far and wide gather to study the march of the Liberal lemming.
Thank you for your time.
Savage Rocks!
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by Bush Admirer
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 7:44 PM
"... Dr. Savage, myself, and every other self-respecting, proud American say "Get the hell out of my country, you slime!""
Way to go, Savage Rocks. Whenever we conservatives don't have anything intelligent to say, we can always resort to the trusty "love it or leave it." It has served us well. It really helps demonstrate how simpleminded we are. Great job!
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by Bush Admirer
Saturday, May. 31, 2003 at 10:46 PM
It would be nice if you could delete the kids who post under someone else's handle, as with the one directly above.
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by Josef
Monday, Jun. 02, 2003 at 3:48 PM
Read the post from Hayder, near the end of the comments.
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by anti-moron
Monday, Jun. 02, 2003 at 3:57 PM
And I'm the Queen Mum! I've got some swampland I'd like to sell you!!!!
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by Josef
Friday, Jun. 06, 2003 at 4:09 PM
In addition to believing that Hayder is an actual Iraqi, I also believe in the tooth fairy.
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by Lincoln Rockwell
Sunday, Jun. 22, 2003 at 1:54 PM
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