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by IMCer-on-the-web
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 1:46 AM
I myself can't estimate crowd size. I was in Westwood today and there were certainly many thousands of others as well. 10, 20, hell-maybe-even 50 thousand. Whatever the number, it was huge and it rocked!!!
And I say: Next time let's shoot for 100,000. And let's organize at the demos (and through indymedia) -- so that we have tens-of-thousands willing to do peaceful CD if they ever start this war. http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=207267&group=webcast
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by Kyle
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 1:47 AM
Good idea too. I'll be there.
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by Mrknowitall
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:05 AM
i don't think it was near even 10k. maybe 5. i know it couldn't have been near 50. it sucks enough that the media deflates our numbers...we don't need to take our one asset and play Enron games with them. or do we?....
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by bean counter
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:16 AM
The numbers actually matter at this event today as the country drives for war and dissent is one thing pushing back total war.
I'd say it was more then 5,000- at the palestine march in April was around 5,000 and this event had many more folks. Though, it tops out at 8,000 in my estimates.
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by corinna kirsch
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 3:22 AM
yeah, it was definitely more than 5,000, but i'm terrible with physical numbers anyways...it was great that there was a broad spectrum of groups represented that don't want to go to war-some had different reasons...but the amorphous train of people was inspiring...but next time, I think that a march would reach more people, I mean bystanders, rather than the people participating, if we marched somewhere that other people could see us, rather than down a blockaded street...now I know that there are legal implications to this, but even if we did something where maybe 10 people would stand on each corner around Wilshire, where the stores are, then there wouldn't be a mass of protesters, which would be easy to get in trouble with the law...but only a few on every corner with signs-then we could also reach more civilians.
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by Silvia Pompei
Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 5:48 PM
Awsome job to everyone who helped organize! We need to make it HUGE next time! Is there a legal or ethical reason why LA Times couldn't print a call for the rally on the NION full page ad? Only those who checked web site found out the info... Wouldn't pictures taken from the air or a tall building help with headcount? It's very important to know how many we were. A plea to all musicians, especially drummers...I love your drums and beats DURING the march, but let's make it easier next time for people to hear the speakers...maybe we need a better sound system. I and all my friends weren't able to hear much of what was said, I had to rely on later news reports to even know who came on to speak.
Do we have a communal message board for all peace activists, or pece "intersted", that would encompass EVERYBODY, not just NION or ANSWER coalition?
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