“This is a movement that bills itself as a non-political opportunity for Christian men to live their lives by biblical values and to affirm their commitment to God and their families. In fact, however, Promise Keepers and their leadership are closely linked to right wing organizing in this country, and through its network of stadium events and small groups, is growing faster than the Christian Coalition. The larger agenda behind Promise Keepers and its leaders is of grave concern to all who care about equality and social justice. The Promise Keepers' outwardly wholesome appearance of male bonding and family responsibility is a cover for a strong anti-woman/male dominating message that invalidates the worth and dignity of women and of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people. Their pledge to strengthen families scapegoats women and gay people, blaming them for the collapse of family and community. Their pledge of ‘racial reconciliation’ rings hollow” with continued support for institutional slavery. (Kerry Lobel, executive director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force)
Note what leaders in the Promise Keepers have said regarding:
Racism and Slavery
Wellington Boone, a frequent PK rally speaker and member of the editorial board for the original PK journal, states that “I want to boldly affirm Uncle Tom. The black community must stop criticizing Uncle Tom. He is a role model, who, when he was stepped on like a worm, at a point of crisis, evidenced the nature of the classic, model worm, Jesus.”
Boone has also stated, “I believe that slavery, and the understanding of it when you see it God's way, was redemptive.”
Boone has also stated, “Blacks have had more than two centuries of training in being a slave of man. It can be added as a long-term qualification to prepare them to be a fine slave of God….”
Tony Evans stated, "Don't you understand, mister, you are royalty and God has chosen you to be priest of your home?"
Evans also stated, “. . . I believe that feminists of the more aggressive persuasion are frustrated women unable to find the proper male leadership. If a woman were receiving the right kind of love and attention…she would not want to be liberated from that.” And has stated that, “The demise of our community and culture is the fault of sissified men who have been overly influenced by women.”
Evans stated, "I am not suggesting that you ask for your role back, I am urging you to take it back. There can be no compromise here."
A young woman at a "Chosen Women" Rally, a female counterpart to the all-male Promise Keepers, stated "Our job is to submit to our teachers and our Professors...even if we know they are wrong. It is then in God's hands." PK expects women to submit not only in our homes but also in the secular world of the classroom and workplace.
Rev. Jerry Falwell stated, "It appears that America's anti-Biblical feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced by a Christ-centered men's movement ."
Gay Rights
PK founder Bill McCartney has said that "homosexuality is an abomination of Almighty God," that gay people are "curable," are "a group of people who don't reproduce, yet want to be compared to people who do reproduce," and "a lifestyle doesn't entitle anyone to special rights." McCartney was instrumental in passing Colorado's anti-lesbian and gay Amendment 2, which was so extreme that it was later ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. McCartney has also been a featured speaker at rallies of Operation Rescue.
PK’s literature reads, "homosexuality violates God's creative design for a husband and a wife and is a sin."
Tony Evans stated, “It's been too long that three percent of homosexuals control our moral majority.” And that “The primary cause of this national crisis is the feminization of men.”
Ed Cole stated, “The nation is plagued with ‘wrong conduct.’ Prisoners believed they could get away with it. Homosexuals believe they were born that way...”
Bill Bright stated, “Arrogantly demanding their rights, activist gays and lesbians have become a militant voice in American politics, influencing elections and affecting the policies of high government leaders. Their public demonstrations and political lobbying have fooled many in our country into believing that they deserve special status.”
Bill McCartney stated, “You do know, don't you, that we're raising our children at a time when it's an effeminate society. It's not the proper climate. We need young boys that are launched to be men and that has to be imitated for them by a godly man.”
The Promise Keepers Conference makes it’s way to the Great Western Forum on Sept 27-28th. Join us in protest at the Great Western Forum on Friday, Sept 27th from 3:30 to 6:30pm. Also, we are calling all self-identified womyn to join in the planning meetings for a counter-educational assault and counter-protest of the Promise Keepers every Monday at 8pm at the Long Beach Infoshoppe/REACH Center, 684 Redondo Ave, Long Beach. Call 562-434-6934 or e-mail for more information. We hope all will be involved in protesting the Promise Keepers, but please respect our right, as a womyn’s collective to organize through sisterhood against this group. We are looking to work in coalition with other groups and are looking for individuals and organizations interested in supporting our statement against the Promise Keepers. Please contact us if you are interested or want more information.