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by actionseed
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 7:23 AM
A few weak photos I shot Sat. morning. To those who said it was an ineffective protest:
1. Better continuous small protests than letting W's sycophants dominate
2. Some of us were also organizing and agitating besides holding signs
 8-24organizing.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
My sign does not appear in these photos. It read "Now that the pretense of democracy is over, ON WITH THE non violent REVOLUTION"
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by actionseed
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 7:23 AM
 8-24worriedcops.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by actionseed
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 7:23 AM
 8-24.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by actionseed
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 7:23 AM
 8-24.5.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by San Francisco Salute
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 9:52 AM
The pictures are excellent as is the demonstration. It is not the numbers; it is the commitment that counts. Pres. Nixon got upset when one person picketed the White House regularly to protest the war in Vietnam. As I understand it, this was a 7 a.m. breakfast meeting, a difficult hour for most people. Most demonstrations are not hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of people. They are mostly just like this, and they are very effective. This is exactly how we protested the nuclear war, the Korean War, the witchhunts by HUAC (House Committee on Un-American Activities) and the re-arming of Germany in the 1950s, segregation and the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s, and all the other causes since then. Large movements are built with these small protests. The commercial press had photos of this demonstration on their Top Stories yesterday. See: http://www.sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/142939.php Keep Protesting!
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by I am Joaquin
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 9:08 PM
Building up to Aug. 29th, Indymedia L.A. had as it's focus the protest to met George Bush's visit to L.A. It has barely mentioned the important events going on in Highland Park, one of L.A.'s most vibrant Latino communities.
While the White Left was busy rousing support for a demonstration to greet Bush on the Westside, across town in Highland Park, some 300 Chicanos demonstrated to commemorate the CHICANO MORATORIUM of 1970 (where the authorities shot and killed three Chicanos)... why has Indymedia NOT focused on the Chicano Moratorium events as well, placing it up front in it's coverage? The MAINSTREAM Corporate Media has given more attention to the current Chicano Moratorium than has Indymedia!!!!
How is it that you Westside White Lefties can get up at 6 in the morning... be at a demonstration against President Bush at 7 in the morning, go up against not just the LAPD but the Secret Service as well... but you CAN'T get your sorry behinds to Highland Park to express solidarity with the Brown People of this city? It seems you are more afraid of Chicanos than you are of the Secret Service!
I've looked at the photos on this page... it's the same people I see at all the demonstrations. But you know... I didn't see any of these people in Highland Park marching with us. Yes... there were a few White folks who came to be with us. But where were the rest of you? It is easy for you to express your "solidarity" with people on the other side of the world... but when it comes to doing the same for the Brown people who live in the same city you do... you are no where to be found.
Last Friday night the Chicano Moratorium 2002 held a film night that showed several very important films about the Chicano Struggle and the bloodbath that was Aug. 29th 1970. Over 100 people came to see the movies. There were young and old in attendance... but only 2 Anglos showed up. Why is that? Are you afraid of us? Are you afraid to come to our communities? Do you not consider our history of struggle to be of importance? Do you think you have nothing to learn from us? Wise up... you talk big but your actions are racist.
Raza Si - Guerra No!
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by spammdex
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 10:23 PM
To Joaquin,
Bush is a danger to all of us. Why did you not join the others to protest Bush? Are you afraid of white people? :-) Perhaps while there you could have also promoted the Chicano rally.
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by I am Joaquin
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 6:49 AM
The title of Michael Moore's book does NOT just apply to rich white men with power.
I was at the Bush Protest on Wilshire... and as you can see from the photos... so were other Chicano/Mexicanos. We are not afraid to come to your communities. We come to your demonstrations, but you do NOT come to ours! Are you afraid of "gangs"?
Chicano Moratorium 2002 put out thousands of flyers and posters about it's events (which are still ongoing). We did outreach outside of our Brown community. We see the result... our community came out strong to support our anti-War activities. But there were virtually NO WHITE FOLKS in attendence. Now you make jokes about it... but it's no laughing matter.
Examine your own actions, look into your heart. Racism exists even in the "movement", and Stupid White Men are found everywhere.
Poder Popular!
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by actionseed
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 7:43 AM
Joaquin, I agree with you that racism is a problem to overcome within the revolution. Many white people are unconciously racist, some are outright racist and others are conciously anti-racist.
I heard of the Bush protest while quickly checking LA Indymedia. The announcement was posted in the section open to everyone. I did not hear about the Chicano Moratorium events. Does that make me racist? I teach high school in Compton and have greatly improved my Spanish speaking by talking with students. But my students did not hear about the events in Highland Park either. Are they racist too?
Try solving the problem of left racism in a more positive way. It is a problem that must be confronted, yes. But you don't have to put people down just because they weren't at your event!
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by LA-IMC web editor
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 10:44 AM
Good points- Though I'd like to explain why I didnt post Chicano Moratorium on the center column while editing this story: I recieved an announcement about the Moratorium March through an arts list serve, and seeing it pertainant to LA-IMc, I posted it like a normal IMC user on the newswire. After the event, I didn't see any report backs writen to the newswire and knowing that the corporate media had covered the event, I chose not to put it into the center column as a wrap up. If someone had posted a story about it to the wire, I would have put it in the center column as well because I was interested in the event. If you are interested in joining IMC's webitorial to make sure certain events get there fair coverage, contact imc-la-web@regenerationtv.com and we will get you involved. I am not saying that your points are not valid. I am explaining how I focused on some stories and not on others. If we are going to turn this mess around, we have to work figure out how to better work together.
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by uromi
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 11:06 AM
Joaquin, you = FBI agent, after all we know that von Ashcroft has effectively brought back Cointelpro http://www.derechos.net/paulwolf/cointelpro/cointel.htm. I noticed a similar "race card" post on Portland's indymedia site, was that you posting as well? Go take your divide and conquer strategies elsewhere. By focusing on race, we lose focus on the true villians, namely the MALEFACTORS OF GREAT WEALTH.
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by I am Joaquin
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 1:21 PM
Someone posting by the name "uromi" makes the accusation that I'm an FBI agent. My criticism of the White Left paying little attention to what is going on in the Brown community of L.A. is turned into the accusation that I'm playing "the race card." I'm amazed at this accusation, it is something that Right-wing talk radio hosts say about people of color who struggle for their rights! When people of color stand up and demand their rights... they are accused of "playing the race card."
This is NOT about race... it is about equality and justice. If Brown people are struggling for justice in their communities then everyone should be supporting those struggles. And IMC should be writing about it and advocating participation in the efforts.
The facts stand... information regarding the Chicano Moratorium 2002 events were posted to the IMC well over a week in advance. Not only that... but those events are CONTINUING and will be culminating in a Panel Discussion this coming Aug 30th at the Latino Museum in downtown L.A. If the IMC Editors bother to look at their own site, they will find those facts posted. The information should be the focus of the IMC page up until the 30th.
Everyone knows about Kent State, where 4 White Students protesting the Vietnam War were shot dead on May 4th. But here... in your own city of L.A., THREE Chicanos were killed by the authorities for the very same reason... yet it is STILL a story that is almost unknown. So don't accuse ME of "playing the race card" because I want my people's history to be known.
Do NOT turn my heart felt criticism into baseless accusations about being an agent for the FBI. You say you are for social justice... then come and support your struggling Chicano/Chicana brothers and sisters... come and learn from us. We promise not to bite you. The reason I wrote this criticism in the first place was to ENCOURAGE people to come join hands with us! I pointed out your failings for not having made that effort after we had extended invitations.
Don't tell me you are for peace and justice in Columbia... while at the same time you won't make the effort to help La Raza in this very city. The State Board of Supervisors just voted a few days ago to CLOSE 11 out of 18 Health Clinics in L.A. These hospitals sevice our communities... our people will suffer and die because of this. Justicia starts right here, right now. No more excuses. Join with us, learn from us, work with us... Solidaridad Siempre!
Viva la Causa! Joaquin
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by same editor as before
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 2:23 PM
Joaquim, As I stated before, I posted some of the stuff about the moratorium events that you are refering to.
As a volunteer I dont have time to do all the work spreading out info. While I do agree with your previous comment regarding FBI, I would appreciate if you wouldnt throw shit in the wrong direction because of some sloppy attacks.
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by same guy
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 2:56 PM
If you think the event should be the IMC's focus, there isn't no one who can make it happen but you- until the community starts paying us for our time and the imc becomes a hierarchical organization that doesnt ask you or anyone else with an opionion on what we should be doing to come inside and do it.
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by uromi
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 3:24 PM
Sorry about the FBI thing, bit I did think that your post seemed to be rather provocative and potentially devisive. Martin Luther King Jr., in his "I have a dream" speech, said:
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
What do you think he menat by this?
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by DL
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 9:25 PM
Don't lose heart, all ye dedicated Peace activists! All significant social movements start out as small and discredited programs. But if the original program has relevance to social reality and is supported by persevering believers, it will grow & grow into a massive historical event...
So don't sell ourselves short. So we may be a few dozen in each city at first, but know that there are literally hundreds and thousands of cities all across N. america where there are dozens of non-violence activists. We are the beginning of the multitudes. We shall overcome.
Words of admiration & solidarity from a mid-Pac Peace activist.
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by boob
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002 at 12:56 PM
I'm a bit disappointed with the fact that instead of opposing corporate media with FAIR UNBIASED REPORTING....indymedia resorts to spinning everything so far left no one but lefties will ever read this site.
How about some REAL reporting where both sides of an issue are heard (corporate media doesn't do that you know)
Oh...and to the person whining about L.A. Indymedia not covering a rally in Highland Park; YOU COULD'VE COVERED IT YOU KNOW! So stop looking to others to do work for you and do it yourself.
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by apache
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002 at 6:16 PM
If your pious "objective" self thinks the IMC is so biased to the left then maybe you need to plant your ass in front of the TV and watch some more CNN as an antidote. Give me a ferking break. I could give a s#$t if the IMC is slanted to the left because they post the info that CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. aren't going to provide anyways. And if you're going to judge the IMC by the corporate's standards or some other facetious notion of objectivity (what the f$#k is "both sides" anyways?) then you're just too stupid and naive to understand. In the mainstream., there aren't two sides to every issue, especially when one side is usually the status quo or the opinion of the rich (or corporate media) to begin with, so f$#k them. If people don't understand leftist politics, then they need to pull their head out of their ass, or their TV, LA Times, LA "Weakly," MSNBC, CNN, etc. If you don't understand, please read Rudy Acuna's book, "Sometimes There is No Other Side" and maybe you'll understand and stop being such a boob tube.
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by gadfly
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 at 8:01 PM
joaquin, i agree with you that even the progressive white movement is many times oblivious to struggles specific to communities of color. even when people put effort into being socially conscious about the role that racism plays in the movement, its implicit attitudes that make many peole resistant to their eurocentric role. this resistance is a result of what is called called "cognitive dissonance", thus we cant totally blame white progressives for white blindness. by nature their awareness may be limited, but we have to give them the credit of being alot more aware than their right, and moderate counterparts. what it comes down to is that it is the responsibility of us, black, brown, and red people to continue our struggles, yet welcome the help of white progressives as well. i guess that my point is that it is not their responsibility, unless they want it, and the ones that are willing to take the resoponsibility as a duty are greatly appreciated.
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by I am not Joaquin
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 at 8:33 PM
Thank god, I am not Joaquin.
Unlike Joaquin, I have my head screwed on straight. My nose points the approximate same direction as my toes. I'm not self deluded.
We are fortunate Americans, who live in the time of GW Bush's Presidency. We have (amazingly) managed to somehow survive Clinton.
Let's take out Saddam.
Let's elect Replubicans this November. If we do that we'll be able to break the Tom Daschle logjam in the Senate and get some economic relief.
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 at 9:01 PM
Now they have to be coaxed back to Bravenet with a trail of peanuts.
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by prole
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002 at 6:46 PM
economic relief? like that wonderful tax refund that's been such a help? or a tax break for your boss?
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by Sheepdog
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002 at 7:08 PM
Tell us more about losers. You have the floor, you are a prime example.
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by .............
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002 at 7:51 PM
Content? You call that content? five or six dumb slurs strung together? You're as sharp as a spoon The last person who had content was gadfly, in this thread. BA has not one comment on the whole of IMC with anything other than petty ad hominems, but has the nerve to go around bawling about 'content' Getting back to the subject, those are some wonderful photographs. Does anyone have any estimate on numbers in attendance?
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by Ryan
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 1:08 PM
You say stupid white men, I say stupid thinking. How can you talk about stopping racism, when stupid white men is being said. You say search your hearts, I say search yours. How is peace supposed to unit other countries, If your angry words don't unit us!!! White pride, brown pride, black pride, this is why wars start. We have to end the wars here before we can end the wars there. How do we make a positive difference with negitive words?
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