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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
Boring & ineffective protest. Here are the pictures.
 birdy2gray.jpg, image/jpeg, 397x369
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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rockin the drums! much respect.
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
 dvc00262.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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Cops Breaking Up the drums
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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Appeared to be head-honcho LAPD cheeseball. Wearing a lot of makeup too. He likes cameras apparently.
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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People billboards.
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by Gin & Juice
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 4:58 PM
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LAPD sealing off the blocks not allowing people to cross the streets.
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by vic in oaktown
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002 at 5:15 PM
You guys are great with these images at the top, and some of the signs were hilarious - God Bless Enron???
I'm so glad to know there was at least a contingent large enough for a few AP photos. You guys had it twice as hard because you aren't 'Little Beirut,' so congratulate yourselves on showing up!
No effigies got lit on fire, did they?
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by marcusa garvey
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 8:46 AM
this is why i'm terrified to go first this guy, then they knock at our doors & off we go to asscrack's camp.
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by Christine
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 9:06 AM
They *want* us to be scared to protest... but we can't give in to a police state.
I saw a few people with scarves over their faces. Personally I don't care if they photograph me because the more I feel repressed, the more energy I have to fight back - but also my sign was large enough that I could hide behind it if I'd wanted to!
As for the protest being ineffective, I'm not sure what defines an effective protest from an ineffective one. I thought the point of a protest was largely simply to be seen, to show that people are speaking out. Any protest is better than nothing, as far as I'm concerned.
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by apache
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 8:31 AM
Yes, to those who are ready to throw down with the pigs, Saturday's action may have seemed "light as a feather" but it was effective in that it helped some Angelenos come out of their shell (or with those 5 Simon supporters, pull their head out of their ass). I was there and I noticed that alot of people were scared shitless, but what did you expect. Some have seen the Portland, Oregon footage, but that was a different situation and context. Some Portland activists are just more aggressive because 1.) they have a more immediate concern with environmental activist and some of the most passionate activists are in that scene 2.) they're also alot more younger, including the hardcore of the hardcore in the anarchist movement. Sorry to bag, but Angelenos get too caught up in the superficiality of our great city and all its appearances--we're too preoccupied with how we are seen. ...And then you add the Post 911 repression of political dissent, all of those obnoxious flags, and a general nationwide numbness, so of course people are going to be scared about "coming out of the closet." But now is the time to take a lesson from the younger crowd, and don't be a wuss--come on out and let your voice be heard!! Besides, the LAPD is too stupid to know what to do with all of their surveillance footage anyways.
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by DL
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 7:28 PM
As a patriotic Oil Dummy(I mean drummy), I salute our selected Commander-in-brief in trying to "drum up" a real war against one of the world's top terrorist chieftain, Saddam Hussein. Of course, it takes one to know one, so my hero King George II-- the world's #1 deployer of weapons of mass destruction--is just trying to eliminate the competition. this is, after all, the logic of the survival of the fittest...
If the U.S. doesn't attack Baghdad now, how are our oil companies going to get "our" oil under Saddam's regime? Only when we establish a puppet regime--preferrably like the pliant regime we set up in Kabul--will our mega-Oil corporations(like Harken & Halliburton Oil) make billions $$ for their top directors?
I say, let's fight to access that oil, while we still the technological superiority and billions of $$ to bribe those who won't kowtow to our new Manifest Destiny!
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by Jay
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 at 7:56 PM
From the streets of Portland. It wasn't how we acted, the police over reactted. I was there on that wonderful day and I will always be there. We did not do anything wrong, just the cops did not expect such a large crowd. Some people had police scanners and heard the cops say that the crowd was to large. I was on the front line all day and the only thing I saw thrown was aroll of toilet paper. So to all of you in Southern Cal. please if you can get out and be active far all.
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by marcusa garvey
Saturday, Aug. 31, 2002 at 2:04 PM
thanx everyone for being brave. i am still scared - in fact, TERRORIZED by the war on Terror the take over of the world - today on msnbc they said coming up - first iran! then they never mentioned that they want to kill iran first. before iraq. shrub lets sharon MURDER palestinians no water no food i'm scared guys. what to do??? Love & peace
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by Joe Hooper
Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 at 10:19 AM
Scared?! Police state?! Like an adolescent shipped back to Cuba under the pressure of a dictator? Or did you mean being gunned down in Waco for your religious views? Or did you mean watching your mother and brothers being sniped off on Ruby Ridge because you stepped on Reno's toes? The propaganda machine churned for 8 years. You and your kind swayed and loewed behind it. Now that it's safe, and democracy has emerged from her seeming grave, you reptiles step out with your 'drums and banners'. You compare GW with Hitler? Hitler that was Anti-Semitic? Anti-religious? Anti-gun? Pro-abortion. I've got a new slogan to chant at your rallies! "Save Socialism" or, the initials, "SS"! Goebels would be proud! Fathom
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by Joe Willie
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 1:58 PM
Y ou are so stupid. Bush is nothing like Hitler. Hitler was a genocidal maniac that dreamed of the perfect race. BUsh is trying to stop a man that is very much like Hitler.
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by Joe Willie
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 1:58 PM
Y ou are so stupid. Bush is nothing like Hitler. Hitler was a genocidal maniac that dreamed of the perfect race. BUsh is trying to stop a man that is very much like Hitler.
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by Dhoore Maarten
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 12:21 AM
dhooreacc@hotmail.com 050716731 belgium adegem
dont hate bush my dier friends,because that will reflect on you and many more people. Only love will stop this war and that is the truth,so please meditate and think about your own way of solving problems. Give love to Bush and to your "enemys" link to inward journey DHOORE MAARTEN I HOPE WITH YOU
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by jon
Monday, May. 19, 2003 at 7:49 PM
I have never seen anything more pathetic. I mean seriously, what the hell are these people wasting their time for. This is no way to throw any kind of rally; stuck on some street corner while everyone holds up their generic wall-mart blue-light-special "stop bush" signs. Where the hell is any creativity in that? Jesus, I think i even saw a "make love not war" one. I pretty sure you have to pay someone for the rights to use that slogan. Everyone in this "protest" watched a little too much of the VH1 Behind the Music about Woodstock when looking for inspiration. Something really needs to be done about this, cause theres no way lameness of this magnitude can be any good for these people's agenda. Oh, and another thing: in the picture with the bush-hitler character, why is the woman standing next to him doing the salute thing? Is that protesting? Maybe she thinks it has something to do with protesting bush. Maybe shes a neo-nazi just glad to find a friend in the midst of all this unpatriotic, anti-government madness, if you could even call it that. Seriously people, you all need to raise the bar a few notches and think of some good slogans and you better do it quick, cause if you dont get on the ball, bush is gunna kill more babies. Lots of em. And its going to be all your fault.
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by daveman eats at
Tuesday, May. 20, 2003 at 2:11 AM
i hate the president because he gets all the chicks.
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by Darwin
Tuesday, May. 20, 2003 at 7:47 AM
Kindly remove yourself from the gene pool. You seem to be polluting it.
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by Ari Fleischer
Wednesday, May. 21, 2003 at 3:34 AM
Would you like to apply for my job? You are quite the BS'er.
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