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by builder123
Tuesday, Aug. 06, 2002 at 7:32 PM
8/3/02 "Protest Police Brutality in Long Beach" rally.
Indigenous performers lead march.
![Indigenous Performer...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2002/08/dancing_to_the_drum.jpgmid.jpg) dancing_to_the_drum.jpg, image/jpeg, 512x682
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by Jessica
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2002 at 8:28 AM
Hello, I'm one of the Aztec dancers that was at the march, and I was just wondering if we could get a hold of some of the pictures that people took of us. We would just want to see some of our own pictures, you know. Thanks! You could email me back at Gessikah13@hotmail.com. -JN PS We're not performers....
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by Hannah
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2002 at 10:31 AM
Boy, that's neat...maybe you can also expose why Mexican teens girls have one of the highest incidences of unwed pregnancy; or, why Mexicans drop out of high school in droves, and the few that do don't go to college; or, why we're being invaded by hordes of illegals daily; or, why the gang violence epidemic, which mostly affects Mexicans in the first place. Dance your way through those little issues, and then worry about the cops.
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by builder123
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2002 at 4:43 PM
Jessica, When covering events for posting on Indymedia I try to get participant information. For one reason or another this didn't happen with you guys. The word "performer" applied in a general way. Please accept my apologies.
regards, Builder123
PS Drop me an e-mail with future event and group info. if you get a chance.
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by builder123
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2002 at 5:57 PM
Aztec Dancers provide a valuable cultural experience and are a hallmark of the region. People of all social and political strips recognise this. How these pictures trigger your everything including the kitchen sink form of immigrant bashing would suprise even a immigrant basher.
Hey, take care of yourself, builder123
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by toltecatl
Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002 at 7:54 AM
If I may I would like to attmpt enlightened just a little bit perhaps your narrow mind may be opened enough for you to capture some of the concept. You are right about some of your comments about the state of many Mexicans in the "U.S." but if you take a look at the situation in a broad sociological way you may see that this conditions are a product of actions of conquest by the "U.S" and other european controlled governments. Mexican people have been on this continent for thousands of years and have had a pretty bad experience under the control of europeans and their decendants. Many of the problems you have stated are a direct result of being conquerd and enslaved and later marginalized by those in control. Our participation in a march against police brutality is an outcry against one of the tools used to keep us in the oppressed lower tier of this countrie's society. But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't understand and surely do not expect you to, enjoy your privilege now while you still have it. "I wouldn't mind sharing my continent if you would stop calling me an immigrant".
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by Hannah
Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002 at 11:24 AM
...you failed to mention HOW your dance brings any kind of exposure to police brutality. Didn't I just see the same style of dance when the pope visited Mexico? Anyway, I believe I had better enlighten YOU, since you appear so confused that it's bringing a tear to my eye...almost:
"...your narrow mind may be opened enough for you to capture some of the concept."
Let's see...my question was, why is only ONE issue being addressed, when there are a myriad of other, more important issues that need to be dealt with. This makes me "narrow-minded"? By any standard, this makes me PROGRESSIVE. If anyone is to be labeled "narrow-minded", you, who can only see one problem, are it.
"...this conditions are a product of actions of conquest by the "U.S" and other european controlled governments."
Okay, so the fact that a Latina goes out and gets pregnant, joins, a gang, gets on drugs/booze, and drops out of school, is the fault of the ""U.S" and other european controlled governments." ? Please! I realize you've been indoctrinated, but even you can see the lack of reason in your argument.
"Mexican people have been on this continent for thousands of years and have had a pretty bad experience under the control of europeans and their decendants."
They didn't have it so good under the Aztec rule, either, unless you consider being slaughtered by your "own" kind a good thing...
"Many of the problems you have stated are a direct result of being conquerd and enslaved and later marginalized by those in control."
Every year, here in El Norte, everyone goes nuts over Cinco De Mayo, where the Mexican people repelled the French. Are you implying that Mexicans CANNOT put such incidences out of their collective conciousness, and they are forever doomed to wallow in victimhood? I believe the Mexicans won that battle (obviously), so shouldn't they "get over it", and start taking responsibility for their actions?
"Our participation in a march against police brutality is an outcry against one of the tools used to keep us in the oppressed lower tier of this countrie's society."
Again, HOW ? What does the dance convey that an average citizen watching you guys dance would say, "Wow! Did you see the way they addressed police brutality?!?" As far as oppression goes, if you commit a crime, you should be held accountable!! What's more oppressive- getting slapped by a cop, or being afraid of going outside at night for fear of being caught in a "drive-by"? How many Latino children are "accidentally" gunned down every year by gangs? Why don't you dance that one away? Think about it (if you're as open minded as you THINK you are...)
"But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't understand and surely do not expect you to..."
Ahora, hermana/o, porque piensa usted que yo no entederia, y porque usted no esperaria que sea asi? Usted acaso piensa que todos pensamos igual que usted? And you labeled me "narrow-minded"?
"...enjoy your privilege now while you still have it."
Love the veiled "threat/warning", pero yo no tengo ningun privilegio, solo el orgullo de ser Latina. The sad thing is that according to you, we'll never have any control of our own destino...you spent the entire response to me stating how we're victims, and under someone else's control...so much for the "threat"...
"I wouldn't mind sharing my continent if you would stop calling me an immigrant".
Actually, since this is a sovereign nation with its own laws, we who weren't born here (come en mi caso), are "immigrants". No need for semantics, please. This is reality NOW, not what transpired hundreds of years ago. Besides, what's wrong with immigrants?
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by toltecatl
Friday, Aug. 16, 2002 at 8:38 AM
I sure do not want this message to come across as agressive or as if I am attacking you personally if my last message sounded like that I apologize it was not my intentions. I do enjoy exchanging ideas so I would like to point out a few points from your recent message. you stated "you failed to mention how your dance brings any kind if exposure to police brutality" -The danza is an Aztec ceremony that is used to give out positive energy from the dancers themselves into the environment or the earth their participation in the march is to do just that not directly expose police brutality. We consider that dance very sacred. Again I will agree with you that our community has many issues to deal with no doubt. What i don't understand is why the participation of these dancers in this particular march translates in your mind that other issues are being ignored. Hannah a progressive mind by my standard would not belittle a sacred ritual. There are two explanations we as Mexicans are born as ganbanging drug addicts or perhaps there are pre-existing conditions in society that leads people down the wrong path. The latter to me anyway seems much more reasonable. You stated "They didn't have it so good under Aztec rule, eighter, unless you consider being slaughtered by your own kind a good thing" -I'm not sure what you are refering to but perhaps its the myth of mass human sacrafice. To get a better insight of the reality of Aztec/Mexica society I suggest a couple of books, "We will rise" by Kurly Tlapoyawa & "American Holocaust" by David Stannard (just a suggestion) When it comes to lookin at our past our history the reason is not to "wallow in victimhood" but because our culture views the universe and its happenings in circular way, we undestand that our past is a direct reflection on our present and determining factor of our future in contrast with european philosophy which is for the most part is a linear way of thought. Again the books I suggested may give light on the subject. Furthermore it is not very suprising that a "Latina" has that kind of mentality and makes comments about Mexican ex. "get over it", "wallowing in victimhood" and "why don't you dance that one away?" suggesting indirectly that we are backwards dancing pigs. But I don't take it personal becuase I know you just lack the knowlegde of our culture and you should not take my opinion personal becuase I don"t know you. You say your a proud "latina" well I'm glad your proud of something although I don't understand the term "latina" does it mean you come from country that speaks spanish or latin I don't get it since your proud of that I hope you do. You also stated "this is reality NOW, not what transpired hundreds of years ago" (more linear thinking Hannah). I don't know your experince but my experience has been including family members, their Mexican when they are born then they come to the "u.s." they become "latinos" or "hispanos" and try to fit in a social structure that doesn't even want them. I hope you got something out of my response Hannah I sure gained something from yours.
Tlazokamati wel miak thank you very much
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by tote...tolt..tot...fuck it!
Friday, Aug. 16, 2002 at 10:24 AM
good point...you come here where you aren't even wanted!! Get a clue, you fucking beaners - GO HOME!
And stop writing shit in spanish. This is America; we speak ENGLISH here, you stupid wetbacks!
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by glenn
Monday, Sep. 30, 2002 at 9:35 AM
There's no situation so bad that the police can't make it worse.
I've seen Aztec dancers leading demonstrations against gentrification in San Francisco, it's pretty brave to appear in feathers and loincloths, in an environment where deadly weapons, gas-masks, helmets and ballistic cloth are worn by the people who are supposedly being paid to protect and serve us.
To make it clear, I feel an absolute sense of solidarity with the Aztecs, and every other 'colonised' group in the world, as I feel I am a victim of the same economic/military tactics myself. I'm white, male, college educated veteran, born in Texas.
It's pretty ignorant to diss the Aztec dancers for problems that don't have anything to do with the Aztec culture.
Also, the whole concept of 'illegal aliens' entering into an area that was taken by conquest and held by force of arms and genocidal tactics is absolutely absurd.
Then add in that the main reason we have people entering the "USA" illegally is that they can't earn enough to survive in their own country, to a great extent because "US" and trans-national corporations exploit them with sweatshop practices in their own country, then exploit them in the US when they enter here, at risk to their own life...
and imagine how it would affect the US economy if there were not cheap labor available to fuel the industries here...
earning 45 cents to pick a 15 pound bucket of tomatoes, in the blazing sun, literally killing themselves to feed you.
Educate yourself before you try to teach others... I think the Aztec dancers just MIGHT be more aware of the issues you presented than you are.
I'm standing by for the flood of ignorant intolerant emails I'm sure to receive, but I have plenty of time to reply, since I will be unemployed until such time as it is possible for me to earn a living wage (without paying illegal IRS taxes) here in 'the greatest nation on earth', the world's largest 'economic superpower'.
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by builder123
Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 at 7:29 PM
I can appreciate your thoughts, hopefully Hannah won't strike again.
all the best, jim
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by soldadoAguila
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 9:27 AM
my land Anauac
all historical refrences to Mexica (aztec) sacrifices derive from christian sources, and this should be reason enough to be suspicious of their reliability.
other defendants of human sacrice (usually child sacrifices) were witches, and Jews, who have confessed human to human sacrifices. Remember their were only two eye witness testimonies of this so called human sacrifice and guess who they were? to find out more read... www.mexika.com
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by Yolanda Davila
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2004 at 10:21 PM
This in response to the person that left the e-mail that made some very ignorant comments. The issues that go on in the Mexican Community have nothing to do with the Aztec dancing. The dancing allows people to become culturally connected and overcome these issues. You probably would not know that because you judge before you ask questions. That is too bad for you. It would also be nice if you would stop focusing on the negative of OUR, MY community and start taking a better look at yourself. You must not be very educated. Hey, I have an idea go pick your own vegetables for a week and then talk your smack. Sad for you. Eat a salad that MEXICAN HANDS TOUCHED!!!! Fool!!!!!
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by another native
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005 at 7:00 PM
the whole idea of any of you having any ties to any indigenious people is false.
by any of you I mean "mexicans" , chicanos, illegal aliens .......you have no basis for culture your whole trip is a lie.. i dare you to tell me where you came from. you can not . your whole "aztlan" lie is a dead horse its going no where. there is no Native American that can support this lie of yours. i am very offended that you would even dare to claim any of my peoples history. the mexican(you) are whiter than the whitest whiteman(no offense to the white brothers, but you get the point) in mexico we are the lowest class, lower than anything, you have real nerve to come to america and jump on a train of B.S. sayiing that you are any sort of indigenious persons. before you do that, i suggest you go back to mexico and see that all my people have thier indigenous land returned to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not to the mexicans, who stole our lands. but to the native people, until you can do that, you have absolutly no right to mimic my people die all you fakes. you think you can fool stupid white folks but you will never fool us INDIANS ! ! ! !
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