fix articles 3400, class Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : class


Our Zone of Interest: The Noise of Permanent Warfare (tags)

Wars (especially when marketed as humanitarian, defensive, or “against terror”) are, in essence, criminal means to “easy money”, which is what keeps today’s financial bubbles inflated to record-breaking highs while the actual economic conditions of millions of workers (or “inactive workforce”) are cratering at an equally record-breaking pace.

Caught in the discourse of power (tags)

The problem is that the country called Ukraine does not belong to the wage-dependent Ukrainian people. This state, for which the Ukrainians have gone to war, is, like every capitalist state apparatus, an instrument of power of the rulers.. The powerful have always been forcing a classic Stockholm syndrome on the population with their propaganda.

The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego (tags)

All types of people are convinced to buy something to ward off feelings of inner emptiness. A mix of clickbait hyper-capitalism will hoodwink an entire generation. "When you lose control, you reap the harvest you have sown" (Pink Floyd)

Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment - And Things Should Stay That Way (tags)

The time has come for progressive nationalization and socialization. This includes the financial sector, because only if we gain control over the financing of socially necessary areas of production will it be possible to ensure that we as a society can plan our future.

Reflections on the Political Crisis and Right-wing Populism (tags)

The policies of neoliberal globalization have driven an enormous strengthening of transnational corporations and finance capital, and at the same time the division between rich and poor, between the top "1%" and the rest of the "99%"[28].

Against the cannabilism of capital (tags)

The subjectless rule of capital and Working class hero (tags)

Fortunately, his death did not silence him. The opposite is the case. Because John Winston Lennon became more immortal through the assassination than he already was as a member of the most successful band of all times. Not a martyr - but a working class hero.

Making yourself comfortable in capitalism (tags)

"Whoever has a wife should behave as if he had none, ... whoever buys as if he were not the owner, whoever makes use of the world as if he did not use it" (1 Cor 7:29f). Paul is speaking here to people who were "called" as slaves into the messianic church (1 Cor 7:21).

From Reagan to Trump (tags)

The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.

Labor fetish and anti-semitism (tags)

"Work makes you free" was written above the gate of the Auschwitz death camp. How did the Nazis come up with that? Isn't work something meaningful, something good? What does it have to do with Auschwitz, of all places? Because work and meaningful activity are, two different things.

Signs on the wall (tags)

Civic democracy has become as threadbare as a worn-out shirt.. While the Corona measures condemn us all to an existence as individuals, each in his cell, alienating us from each other with masks, making any experience of collectivity impossible,

Destrosying what is destroying the planet? (tags)

The decisions of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow are a disaster. They seal the course for a drastic and irreversible heating of the earth, which threatens the survival of hundreds of millions of people and countless animal and plant species.

The Last Stage of the Middle Class (tags)

Money capital is fleeing into the speculative financial markets because investments in new factories have become unprofitable. While growing parts of society are impoverished or even impoverished outside of production, only a simulative accumulation of capital through financial bubbles takes place...

The Obsolescence of Man (tags)

The history of technology has become history itself. Technology is the single subject of history. Contemporary humanity looks neither forward nor back. Rather, during its tempestuous flight, its eyes remain closed or in the best cases, are fixated on each present moment.

The 1.5 target calls for an eco-socialist revolution (tags)

The only responsible way forward is the IPCC's P1 scenario, which envisages rapid and radical interventions in existing production, transport and consumption structures, i.e. a massive industrial transformation and deconstruction in the main capitalist countries (15ff.).

The mystery of `populism' and The anarchism stereotype (tags)

How many hours would we really have to work to maintain a functioning society - that is, if we got rid of all the useless or destructive jobs like telemarketers, lawyers, prison guards, financial analysts, public relations experts, bureaucrats, and politicians?

The Invisible Cage (tags)

What kind of conditioning will we be subjected to after being stripped of our natural relationships? I want to live a life that breaks the invisible cage and firmly reaches out to nature and humanity.

The Last Stage of the Middle Class (tags)

The emancipatory overcoming of the modern commodity-producing system and the associated separation requires a social intervention on a high level. The second article "The Collapse of Modernization" was published in Oct 2004. Robert Kurz, editor of the German leftist Krisis journal, died too early at 69.

Fighting the "Immigrant Threat" (tags)

The current rise in precarious work is better understood in the context of neoliberal reform, processes of deregulation, deindustrialization, and deunionization, as well as the growing inequality that has resulted.

Pandemic leads to massive concentration in the marketplace (tags)

“We need a much more democratic system, we need to democratize all bits of the state – we need collective power"

It is up to workers to defang the fascists (tags)

How to stop the fascist upsurge.

The New Deal and Self-destructive Donald Trump (tags)

From 1929 to 1932 industrial production halved and in a chain reaction over 5000 banks went bankrupt. Farmers' incomes shrank by 70 percent, unemployment rose to 25 percent, and there were no welfare state measures to cushion the misery.

The contagion of revolt spreads…Revolts everywhere! (tags)

To the anarchist movement and everybody in the USA that participates in the struggle (tags)

Announcement of the Anarchist Federation (Greece) on the uprising in US

Radical wins! Go Bernie! (tags)

With his promise of a dramatic expansion of the hardly existing US welfare state, Sanders is the only candidate who offers at least as radical solutions as Trump. For many, everyone else simply no longer seems trustworthy.

Make Social Democracy Great Again (tags)

Erik Olin Wright spoke of smashing, taming, escaping and eroding capitalism as alternatives of the transformational left. We must resist the "selective perception" of the elite that ignores market distortions, market failures, state failures, and the attack on the poor, seniors and students

Capitalism and democracy: what if we have it backwards? (tags)

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 41 (tags)

the great anne frank swindle

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 31 (tags)

" Le journal d´anne frank, authentique ? "

The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)

The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 4 (tags)

Right-wing Populism: A Wave of Nostalgia (tags)

For decades, western societies were marked by pluralization, individualization, and liberalization. Why are attitudes and pressures of society against these trends becoming dominant? Right-wing populism is anti-liberal.

someone Should Work In Hollywood - Good Acting! (tags)

Looks like a movie, just like 911 looked like a demolition movie. Someone needs to be working in Hollywood!

Ford Gives Psych Drugs To Lower Class To Shut Them Up? (tags)

Ford (who I believe) as well as the "trailer trash" - her class gives out drugs to the lower classes to shut them up. Instead of fixing culture of rape and class and racism.,

Corrupt CDC Ignores Meat Fish Recalls (tags)

The CDC protects the butcher, factory farm industries and is involved in animal torture in laboratories.

Against The Capitalist Catastrophe (tags)

Leaflet to copy spread for the 1st of may

Poverty Pimp Definition (tags)

What is it, and who does it? I provide no solutions, just antagonism.

Book Review: "The New Bonapartists" (tags)

In the figure of Bonaparte, the state made itself independent over society at a time when the bourgeoisie lost the capacity to rule the nation and the working class had not yet gained that ability.

Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 3 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 2 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 1 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Epilogue: Pakistan on the chopping block in 2018? Zahir Ebrahim | Project Humanbeingsfirst (tags)

Under president Trump's administration, the United States of America appears to be taking all the antagonistic steps against both Iran and Pakistan to make the Wakeup call of 2007 even more pertinent as the world enters 2018. Pakistan is also a nuclear state. There will always be even greater urgency to confront Pakistan and de-nuke it if any revolutionary clergy class of Pakistan, Shia and Sunni, ever comes to power. In its calculus of primacy and hegemony, the white man's burden simply cannot tolerate any Muslim nation possessing real nuclear weapons (as opposed to tolerating the illusion of possession). The massa class well understands all that they have destroyed and stolen of the Muslims in the centuries past and cannot risk losing Western hegemony and its vassal states to a revival of “revolutionary Islam” with teeth.

The October 1917 Revolution and Lenin (tags)

Contribution to the Discussion on the Centinnial of the October 1917 BolsheviK Revolution

Identity TRheft Rings Hurting all Classes Races and Types in USA Identity Sytems (tags)

Over 16 million Citizens are being ignored as their Bank accounts, debit cards , 401 K plands and other valuable information goes down an electronic rat hole. Cyber criminals have also jammed ATM machines hospital data banks US

Get The Internationalist No. 48! (tags)

Get The Internationalist No. 48! Send US$1 to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA. Subscriptions $10.

Become a Solidarity Person (tags)

The majority of the world's population doesn't want to know anything about globalized neoliberal capitalism anymore. Many millions are dying in the consequences. The political institutions are extorted by financial elites and their media aids. The interests of big owners of capital dominate.

Gramsci on US President Trump: "Delicate and Dangerous" (tags)

The rulers integrate the ruled in their "hegemony." Our essential task is conquering power for the working class. I believe life means taking sides. Indifference is apathy, parasitism, cowardice and iws the opposite of life.

Trumpism and the Working Class (tags)

Trumpism understood via Dimitrof

IG Leaflet: LET THEM IN! (tags)

No Ban, No Wall – Full Citizenship Rights for All! Smash Racist Ban on Muslims, Refugees

The class struggle of th Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson (tags)

The Libertarians’ economic program voices the economic grievances of some of the more economically insecure layers of the American middle class through their criticisms of the domination of the major banks and corporations. Based on conceptions which originate in the right-wing and anticommunist Austrian School of bourgeois economics

Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)

This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.

Bloody Duterte (tags)

We Must Choose: Capitalism or Democracy (tags)

Middle-class democracy only knows formal political equality. Rule over public opinion grows out of the dominance of capital. The alternative is authoritarian capitalism or solidarity democracy. Resistance is the command of the hour.

Iron Fist in Turkey (tags)

It’s enough to read just a few lines of the bourgeois press to get an idea of ​​what will happen after the failed coup of 15 July: “The iron fist of Erdogan after the failed coup in Turkey: I am ready to reinstate the death penalty. 8000 police officers were suspended, opponents were stripped naked and hog-tied. The European Union: If executions resume, Turkey will not enter Europe“(1).

Philippines: The Contradictions of the Duterte Regime (tags)

Based on a talk delivered at All Leaders Meeting of BMP-Sanlakas-PLM at Claret Parish Church on July 13, 2016.

Propaganda: Making Alternatives Disappear (tags)

The main responsibility of a government in a "democracy" is protecting the minority of the ownership class against the majority of the non-owners...The neoliberal indoctrination systems serve in the manufacture of ignorance.


Duterte offers cabinet posts to Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines (tags)

On Sunday (17 May 2016), Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines president-elect, announced that his administration, which is due to take office on June 30, would restore capital punishment and issue shoot-to-kill orders to the police and military.

Philippines: The Duterte Phenomenon and out attitude towards it (tags)

Like it or not, Rodrigo Duterte has been leading the presidential polls in successive surveys.

In regard to the upcoming 2016 San Francisco Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair: (tags)

The San Francisco Bay Area's anarchist subculture critically examined, in the context of it's most significant public ritual...

The momentum story: How the Bernie Sanders crowd can still win (tags)

The media and the political class have called it — Bernie Sanders has lost the Democratic Presidential nomination. They are flat wrong, and not for the first time.

The Rise of Fascism: Trump, Alex Jones (tags)

Progressive youth in college: thank you for protesting, but know that today, there are no “safe spaces” because we're witnessing the re-emergence of fascism in the United States, and globally.

The Rich are the True Social Parasites (tags)

In the past, social events and revolts shaped a generation. That changed in the 1990s. Identity is drawn from the consumption of brands. Therefore the public longing today is for better products and no longer for a better world.

Paris Attacks - Bourgeois Terrorism (tags)

statement on Paris attacks from Internationalist Communist Perspective

After the Attacks in Paris (tags)

“We are at war!”: such is the leitmotiv of government officials and politicians from the various French parties, after the deadly attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis.



A Reminder of Nazi Germany: USA is a Nation of Traitors (tags)

See the similarities between Nazi Germany and today's USA by reading my reports.

Turkey: Class War against Capitalism! (tags)

On Saturday, October 10th, a terrible bombing attack struck the event organized by the “pro-Kurdish” HDP opposition party as a part of the election campaign

Sanders, Trump, NPR (tags)

NPR sees the two the same because they have a similar style.

Neoliberalism Blames Individuals for Inequality (tags)

In neoliberal theories, social justice is not a meaningful category and social inequality is a necessary result of market processes. Performance justice is a necessary illusion. Responsibility for poverty and misery is often shifted to individuals with the worst genes.

The Middle Class Abolishes itself (tags)

Middle class citizens with a little wealth who invested this on the stock exchange are responsible for certain jobs becoming more and more precarious... Many economists claim market forces regulate themselves and society doesn't need to intervene.

Monied Interests Run America (tags)


WW Broad & The War On Public Education In LA (tags)

WorkWeek looks at three protests on the opening day at LAUSD and the war against public education led by the Eli Broad Foundation, Walton Foundation and other privatizers.

Greece demonstrate (tags)

At the end of yet another «historic» marathon session Brussels negotiations between the Greek government and its creditors, a «definitive» agreement has yet again been found to «resolve" the Greek crisis: Greek Prime Minister Tsipras and his team have come to accept as a condition for new loans to the virtually bankrupt Greek government, a plan of austerity measures significantly harsher than he had rejected a week earlier and against which he had, supposedly, held a referendum! The only point where he apparently got something concrete, is that of the reduction in military spending: the creditors have accepted that it is weaker than what they asked for...

class war (tags)

Stealth Class War Approaches With A Sledgehammer.

Class War (tags)

Stealth Class War Approaches With A Sledgehammer.

Thoughts On Modern Police Action Against Our people (tags)

The opposing forces of the police vs. the people is not being correctly addressed by the world.

Political Disobedience (tags)

"Crisis children" can't find a job despite study, four foreign languages and four hundred applications. They earn one-thousandth what a top manager rakes in. Youth unemployment has reached unbearable levels in Greece and Spain.



Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.


Ronald L. Havner Jr., one of the Sleaziest CEO , heading one of the sleaziest companies in America today… Yes… That would be “Public Storage” who is being sued again in yet another class action law suit for ”False Advertising... Deceptive Business Practices... Bait and switch… Fraudulent Conversion… Unlawful Auctions of people’s belongings…” with more law suits on the way. “Public Storage is conscientiously ruining people's lives with an array of illegal actions and auctions.” say’s the attorney heading a team of lawyers in Los Angeles. Their fraudulent actions are sparking law suits from angry customers all over the country. If you Google ‘Public Storage Lawsuits’, you will find dozens and dozens of current law suits have been filed against Ronald L. Havner Jr ‘s company, Public Storage.



The impending eviction of San Francisco's Station 40 (tags)

As ye sow, so shall ye weep...

Conversations with 3 HOLES AND A SMOKING GUN (tags)

James Wilder screening "3 Holes and a Smoking Gun"

George Orwell in the Government (tags)

Writing in 1948 off the coast of Scotland, George Orwell foresaw the time when war would become a domestic necessity to divert the people from economic contradictions. Newspeak is used so lies are called truth and slavery freedom.

Digitalization Makes Us Happily Unemployed! (tags)

Political upheavals often precede technical revolutions.. The digital revolution hardly seems to have produced social or political revolutions.. Digitalization penetrates and changes the economy and life of people as the industrial Revolution once did.

In San Francisco, "Dispatches Against Displacement" -- a review (tags)

A work by a prominent San Francisco housing activist in a context of ongoing defeat for San Francisco renters...

Obama's Phony Middle Class Tax Relief Plan (tags)


The attack against Charlie Hebdo (tags)

After the attack against Charlie Hebdo, all the formidable power of the media and bourgeois propaganda kicked in to use the emotion born of the bloody massacre to rouse support for "national unity" and the "values of the Republic." the Government, parties of the left, right and far- right (excised by the organizers of the Paris march, the far-right Front National (FN) of le Pen called for demonstrations in the provinces), trade union apparachniks and multiple associations called for large demonstrations of unity: so that rich and poor, unemployed and capitalists, workers and employers could march together for "freedom of expression" and against "terrorism", behind French political leaders and government officials and those of other countries, German, Spanish, English, etc. or even Turkish such as the Prime Minister of that government which has imprisoned dozens of journalists, which violently suppressed Kurdish demonstrators (thirty dead) and which supports the activities of jihadist groups in Syria, Israelis such as Netanyahu still dripping in blood from all its victims in Gaza, etc. a true imperialist Holy Alliance.

Thoughts on New Year's Eve (tags)


Down with the Imperialist War in Iraq and Syria! (tags)

In early August the American government decided to launch a limited “humanitarian action” – in the form of mass bombing! – in Iraq, after an international campaign to mobilize public opinion over the plight of the Yazidi and Christian minorities who have been threatened with “genocide” by the advance of Islamist rebels of “the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (better known by the acronym ISIS).

Obama's Economy (tags)

class war

Down with the latest criminal abuses by the Israeli State! (tags)

On Thursday, June 12 evening three youths; Gilad Shaar, Yifal Efrad and Naftali Frankel were abducted by two militants suspected to have links to Hamas, the Islamic political organization, while they were hitchhiking at a crossroads near Gush Etzion, an Israeli colonial settlement in Palestinian territory. From that moment, it took 18 days before the bodies of three young settlers were found. During these 18 days at least six Palestinians were killed in the West Bank (including a child), along with no less than 600 arbitrary arrests, the closure of numerous centers and associations, including burglary and theft against the foreign media (1), the closure of roads and other forms of abuse by the Israeli army against the people under the pretext of search and capture of the abductors.

The "Great Transformation" of the 21st Century (tags)

An end of the Great Crisis is not insight at the beginning of the 21st century... The regime of finance-market driven accumulation has not brought forth any new formation of capitalism capable of development.

Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup (tags)

Outnumbered by the country’s rural voters, Thailand’s once vibrantly democratic urban middle class has embraced an elitist, antidemocratic agenda

A Tribute to Filipino Labor Leader Romy Castillo (tags)

Who was labor leader Romy Castillo to this young activist?

Democracy and socialism (tags)

Democracy is the most popular word in the vocabulary of politics but also the most brazenly abused.

Kerry at Yale (tags)


Fight for $15 in LA (tags)

Fight for 15 in LA has been hitting stores along Crenshaw

Re-feudalization (tags)

Neoliberalism has brought us back to Rockefeller's best times. Bill Gates is 1.4 million times as rich as the average American. A "feudal lifestyle" is made out to be worthwhile and in no way negatively described. Thus "re-feudalization" is dulled as a polemical term.

The anarchist subculture and the leftist protest ghetto: a review of 'Fireworks,' Issue 3 (tags)

A small contribution to understanding the larger problems of resistance in capitalist America...

The need for United Front in the Filipino People’s Democratic Revolution (tags)

The Filipino people’s democratic revolution constantly needs the revolutionary united front because this is the effective way to arouse, organize and mobilize the broad masses of the Filipino people in their millions in order to advance and win total victory. The need for the united front is more urgent than ever as the socio-economic and political crisis is rapidly worsening and inflicting intolerable suffering on the Filipino people and they must intensify their struggle against those who exploit and oppress them.

Interview with Jose Maria Sison (tags)

Interview with Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines by New Culture Magazine, Communist Reconstruction Union of Brazil


The Left Must Be Ecological (tags)

Nature is our partner and the basis of future survival, not an external, free good or sink. Building a pipeline means abandoning a decent infrastructure. Are people really happy or have they become a little fatalistic?

Philippines: 'Forward, Bayanihang Sosyalismo!' Popularising a socialism 'with local colour (tags)

The following is the English-language translation of a document on bayanihan socialism that was presented at the convention of the Philippines socialist party Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses, PLM) in December, 2013.

NATO's propaganda outlet for progressives - The Guardian's board members (tags)

It is completely disingenuous for anyone to suggest that the Guardian reports on Edward Snowden's revelations are much more than a carefully managed propaganda exercise deployed in the internal power struggle of the US-Anglo elite about how best to manage their declining global power and influence. Likewise, it is absurd to suggest that the Guardian editors are implementing a "publish and be damned" policy, as Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald has suggested, when it is inconceivable that their editorial policy on publishing Edward Snowden's material will not have been closely coordinated on the basis of the Board's relations with colleagues in the British government, in British intelligence and in the US-Anglo corporate sector.

Tea Party: Extremism of the Middle (tags)

The Tea Party wants to return to an idyllic past that never really happened. The Tea Party wants to stop the accelerating descent of the white middle class by driving ideological ideas to the extreme. The right-wing hardliners believe capitalism could be reanimated if the state were shattered.

Is Capitalism at an End? (tags)

The capitalist system in its current form is no longer fit for today's world. The system that led us into crisis has long been ourdated. The brave new world of neoliberalism lies in ruin. Surveys show that a majuority of people regard capitalism as unjust and unsocial.

Posts on social class discrimination and global ethical human rights (tags)

Many neoliberal States, in my view, execute social class discrimination but it is hidden and societies kept 'class-blind'.

Protest Underscores Continuing Privatization of Oregon Schools (tags)

The Oregon Business Association (OBA) held its annual Statesman Dinner on October 17 to honor the Statesman of the Year. The event was fraught with anomalies, not least of which was the fact that the award went to Sue Levin, the Executive Director of Stand for Children Oregon.

A Fix for Food Security and Obesity: Food Stamps for Everyone (tags)

Sugar and soda taxes don't go far enough - we need a genuine intervention into the food system that will not only improve diets, but also protect food stamp benefits for the long term.

Echo Park Community issues an "Injunction" against City of LA (tags)

[This is a report by Vik from a demonstration against the gang injunction in the Echo Park area. It was originally posted to facebook. Some background information is appended at the bottom if you need to learn about what a gang injunction is, and the gentrification in the area.]

San Diego State University Professor Ghassan Zakaria eliminates truth in his classroom (tags)

San Diego State University Professor Ghassan Zakaria eliminates truth in his classroom

The Parasite Class Jealously Guards Its Host (tags)

The plantation master doesn't like competition.

Geekout's Links 9.7.2013 (tags)

This time around, it's some Syrian history, Chelsea Manning, race in Jamaica, and thoughts about the future of labor.

Hardwired Inequality in America (tags)

class war

Normal Catastrophes and The Industrialization of Thinking (tags)

Instead of offering enlightenment about social reality, the media function as an amusement enterprise and immobilizing machine. Information mutates into infotainment... Advanced civilization is marginalized in many social areas into a sanctuary of the elites.

Greatness or Mediocrity? Global ethical human rights or Neoliberal absolutism. (tags)

Do we want a great society based on ability and hardwork (often includes character) where people can reach their full potential or the prevailing mediocrity, with its descent-based 'bi-cultural' elite and, what I see as, 'arrested development' ?

After the removal of Morsi in Egypt (tags)

The removal of the Morsi government is not a victory for the proletariat and the exploited Egyptian masses Victory can only be achieved by the proletarian class struggle against capitalism!

Javascript / General Programming Class Forming (tags)

Forming a local JS/general programming class. If you're interested, send an email.

Corporate America Loves Jason Furman (tags)

class war

Supreme Court Colludes with Monsanto (tags)


May Day against state and bosses (tags)

Solidarity with all those who fight against state and capitalist brutality, all those who fight for a society of equality - solidarity - freedom

Society of the Few (tags)

People still believe in the “faster, higher and bigger.” This fiction is maintained through over-chemicalization, over-technization, genetic manipulation or simply bribery of the judges. People lie to themselves.

Why Don't Politicians Care about the Working Class? (tags)

The national debt is not the most important problem to address. Reversing the polarization of the labor market is much more important.

America's Retirement Crisis (tags)

class war

Austerity When Stimulus Is Needed (tags)

class war

Strategies Of Containment (tags)

Many of us on the left have been kettled at demonstrations: surrounded by a wall of police, herded into a small area, and prevented from reaching our goal. But we are also kettled by the thought police, and that's even more insidious. This strategy of containment is used politically to confine potentially revolutionary energy into an area where it can't reach its goal. Instead of by cops, we are corralled by institutions that purport to be progressive or even socialist. This pseudo-left diverts our energies away from organizing a militant working class and towards supporting the Democratic Party. Their base is not in the working class but among slightly-left-of-liberal professionals who prefer progressive policies because they will benefit from them. They are well educated and have access to financial and political power. They communicate professionally and persuasively. Like the wall of cops, their message is clear: You must stay here.

The Black Panther Party’s Living Legacy --Touring Oakland and Berkeley w/ Billy X Jennings (tags)

Last week, the "Dismantling Racism" class from St. Catherine University in Minnesota was taken on a Black Panther History Tour in Oakland and Berkeley, California, led by Billy X Jennings from It's AboutTime BPP Alumni & Legacy. Angola 3 News came along and filmed the tour. This is part one.

a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA (tags)

a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA

Social Inequality in America (tags)


George Orwell in the Government: The Rich Come from the Poor (tags)

In Germany as in the US, the rightwing insists poverty is not a question of money but of attitude and thus of one's own making. Falling wages are said to be a sign of structural improvements on the labor market!

Slaverybook of Mark Zuckererg (tags)

Things get increasingly dark on the internet.

My Encounter with the 'Precarious and Service Workers Assembly' of Occupy Oakland (tags)

It's their party, and they'll cry if they want to...

Differences Between Maoism & Marxism-Leninism (tags)

Obama/Boehner Two-Step (tags)

class war

A Pretty Good Election, but the Right Still Rules (tags)

The November 6, 2012 election turned out fairly well for progressives — from Barack Obama retaining the presidency to a true Left-wing Democrat like Bob Filner winning for Mayor of San Diego — but the Right is still strong. The issue agendas and terms of discussion continue to be dictated by an increasingly militant Right wing and America's pathetic, ill-organized remnant of a Left no longer has the power to put pressure on the political system for progressive reforms the way it did in the 1890's, 1930's and 1960's.

Development of Maoist Theory and Practice in the Philippines (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) was reestablished on the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought on 26 December 1968. Since 1995, it has officially used the term Maoism as synonym for Mao Zedong Thought. The adoption of the term is due to language alignment in relation to Marxism-Leninism rather than due to any change of meaning or line in relation to Mao Zedong Thought. Since 3 September 1993 in his message to the Symposium on Mao Zedong Thought in Manila, the founding chairman of the CPP has referred to adherents of Mao Zedong Thought as Maoists.

Vote Independent or Stay Home (tags)


Predicting Protracted Hard Times (tags)

class war

In San Francisco's Mission District, Black Bloc Breaks Windows, Fails to Have An Impact (tags)

From the new issue (#111) of Berkeley, California's 'Slingshot' newspaper.

VIDEO: "The Servant Economy" - Jeff Faux (tags)

Propaganda from the right has blown away cooperation. Since Reagan, the future has disappeared from American politics. The idea of planning for the future was embedded in the New Deal and lost completely with Reagan. Reagan photoshoped the future.

Chicago Teachers v. Rahm Emanuel (tags)


Labor Radicalism Alive & Well in U.S., Smith Says (tags)

Author and activist Sharon Smith came to San Diego to speak to Occupy San Diego's Labor Solidarity Committee, the International Socialist Organization (ISO) and other community members September 1, but it was her unannounced co-speaker -- a teachers' union activist from Chicago identified only as Becca -- who galvanized the crowd. Smith used the Chicago teachers' union struggle as an example that radical labor activism in the U.S. is alive and well despite decades of repression from the ruling class.

Ryan, Akin: Two More Reasons to Vote for Obama (tags)

On the eve of the Republican National Convention, two stories — Mitt Romney's choice of arch-conservative Ayn Rand devotee Paul Ryan as his running mate and Missouri Congressmember and Senate candidate Todd Akin's comment that women almost never get pregnant from "legitimate rape" — highlighted the vast differences between the two major parties. No progressive can possibly still believe that it makes no difference whether the Republicans or the Democrats win this year's election in the face of the overwhelming evidence that the Republicans plan (and, if they win, will enact) a sweeping change in U.S. government that will eliminate ALL business regulation, environmental protection and civil rights for women, people of color and Queers.

Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Reception in San Diego (tags)

For four years, from her emergence as an anti-war activist following the death of her son Casey in combat in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan was a hero among liberals and Democrats for her attempts to hold then-President George W. Bush to account for starting the Iraq war and taking her son's life in vain. Then she ran for Congress against Democratic icon Nancy Pelosi and made it clear she held both major parties responsible for the war and the rest of America's ills. Now she's Roseanne Barr's running mate in the Peace and Freedom Party's Presidential campaign, running on a socialist platform that says education, housing and health care are human rights.

The Capitalism of Hopelessness (tags)

Regulated capitalism reached its peak in the class compromise of the 1960s when representatives of workers could put the screws on the steamroller CEOs a little. The enemy and dynamic are lost to capitalism. Capitalism flows into a society without utopia and alternative.

PHILIPPINES: Appeal for Flood Victims (tags)

In scenes reminiscent of the large scale destruction wrought by Typhoon Ondoy (international name Ketsana) in late 2009 in which 400 died, torrential rains brought widespread flooding in the capital Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Almost a million people are affected and some 250,000 forced to evacuate, majority of whom are workers and poor, with 15 deaths already reported.

Out of the Slump: The Only Road (tags)

A real analysis of the United State’s economic history is rarely discussed by politicians or media alike, since the conclusions that would be inevitably drawn would be out of step with what politicians are currently advocating.

“NO!” means “NO!” EDU response to Tentative Agreement (tags)

Workers Action Introduction The following statement was produced by Educators for a Democratic Union (EDU), a progressive caucus in the San Francisco teachers union, United Educators of San Francisco (UESF).

The Austerity Hoax (tags)

class war

Taxing the Rich and Its “Left” Critics (tags)

In a recent article published on the website of Socialist Viewpoint, Chris Kinder criticized those on the left who call for raising taxes on the rich. Identifying himself as a Trotskyist, Mr. Kinder displayed particular displeasure with Trotskyists who embrace this demand. Yet, as we will argue, his arguments fundamentally deviate from the political-strategic framework established by Marx and Engels and developed by Lenin and Trotsky.

Eroding Social Justice in Spain (tags)

class war

America's Left and Romney's Economic Agenda (tags)

Axel-Fair Schulz is a professor of political science at the State University of New York, Potsdam.

Mexico elects PRI's Enrique Pena Nieto president: What's next for Mexican-US relations? (tags)

With more than 80 percent of the votes counted from Sunday's elections, Mexico's federal election institute put Pena Nieto of the opposition Institutional Revolutionary Party in the lead, winning 37 percent of the country's votes. Leftist candidate Andres Lopez Obrador gained 32 percent of the votes, and ruling party candidate Josefina Vasquez Mota trailed with 25 percent.

Republicrats Campaign About Jobs and Do Nothing About High Unemployment (tags)

Recently, Mitt Romney made a stop on his “Jobs Tour” in upper Bucks County, Pennsylvania just outside of Philadelphia. His appearance was supposed to be, interestingly, at a local WAWA store (for those out-of-state, WAWA is a convenience store chain) Why is this interesting? Because WAWA, like so many employers these days, is a low wage, no benefit “job creator.”

The Left, Labor and Occupy (tags)

Barely half a year after it burst on the scene, the Occupy Wall Street movement is splintering left and right. This was inevitable in a movement that was united only in what it opposed and could never put forward a positive program, whether of reformist "demands" on the capitalist state or of revolutionary action against it. Liberals, who latched onto Occupy hoping it could pressure the Democratic Party in a more populist direction, want to expel "black bloc" anarchists. Reformist social democrats rail against "ultraleftists" in Occupy and cozy up to the labor tops. On the other side, many (but not all) anarchists oppose unions. Some are simply arrogant petty-bourgeois labor haters. Others are grappling with real problems, but with skewed analysis and dead wrong conclusions. Discussion of recent workers' struggles, from Wisconsin to West Coast longshore, underlines that the key question is leadership, but not just replacing one set of bureaucrats with another. Unions have always faced vicious anti-labor laws, but we have the power to defeat them. It is necessary to drive out the pro-capitalist bureaucracy, the labor lieutenants of capital, in order to turn the unions into instruments of revolutionary class struggle.

May Day Protests for Justice (tags)

May Day

May Day NYC on WBAI (tags)

LA, let's bring up our media game!

Papering Over Disaster (tags)

class war

The Error is in the System (tags)

The financial crisis mutated into a global economic crisis and a state debt crisis. The financial crisis was not a "bump in the road" or an industrial accident but a systemic and structural crisis that caused $11 trillion of wealth to vanish while millions lost their jobs. homes and pension

Financial Oligarch Power Raping Greece (tags)

class war

To Get The 1% To Beg Us For Mercy. (tags)

Occupy has run it's course as a tactic

On The New Revolutionary Tendency of the Socialist Party (RT-SP) (tags)

The following statement of purpose was approved by the now forming Revolutionary Tendency of the Socialist Party (RT-SP) Jan. 7, 2012.

On the New Revolutionary Tendency of the Socialist Party (RT-SP) (tags)

As the current crisis of capitalism threatens the break-down all that is left that is civil in our society, the Democrats charge ahead with the Republicans in making sure it is the poor, the working class, and the planet, who pay for the crisis of capitalism, not capitalist profits. The alternative to socialist revolution becomes increasingly clear as capitalist society becomes less and less able to take care of its people; climate change caused by capitalist greed becomes an increasing threat to the future of human civilization; the capitalist state becomes increasingly repressive; and the leading capitalist countries plunge the world into war after war of imperialist domination and conquest. As the great German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg said in 1918, the alternatives are socialism or barbarism.

Learning from Roosevelt (tags)

Harry Hopkins, head of WPA under Roosevelt, created 4 million jobs in 2 months. How many jobs in health care, education, bridge repair, community centers and journalism could be created today? Solutions are not lacking, only political will. Viva sharing and redistribution!

Occupation, Liberation, and Overcoming Contradictions Among the 99% (tags)

Which way forward for the Occupy movement and ideas on how to get there by embracing decolonization.

Occupy UC Davis Supports Resolution Opposing Democrat-Republicans (tags)

A child shall lead them and the Occupy UC Davis students have shown the way with a resolution supporting breaking with the Democrat-Republicans. The resolution is here.

Philippines: End the rule of elites and capitalists! Power to the People! (tags)

On the occasion of Gat Andres Bonifacio’s 148th birthday, tens of thousands of workers belonging to the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) and its allied organizations marched in key cities around the country to protest against elite rule and their failed neoliberal policies.

Misplaced attack on 'ObamaCare' (tags)

Prior to the latest bi-partisan focus on "constraining" the Federal deficit--in which both D & R political parties now unite to use this heaven-sent battering ram to beat up on the working class even more, the Right Wing had been concentrating its Fire and Fury on the so-called ObamaCare...

Some Critical Notes on the Nov. 2 Oakland General Strike (tags)

Remember, remember,the second of Novemeber -- and what can be imporved on next time...

The Occupy Wall Street movement, Engels, and the Theory of Socialism (tags)

The theoretical foundations of socialism as put forth by Frederick Engels in his book Anti-Dühring are still valid today and schould for the basis of the OCW movements around the world.

Oakland General Strike a Success, but Cops Seriously Injure another Vet (tags)

With over 50,000 people protesting in the street in three major protests through the course of the day, massive labor participation, and a shut down of the Port of Oakland, there is no question that the general strike was a success. Yet the corporate media is now blowing up the importance of a few acts of vandalism by protesters and agent provocateurs.

Unify for Occupy Oakland (tags)

To build the 99%, we must find unity across the economic and social strata, or the Occupation movement will be correctly derided as a quasi-elitist middle class project.

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Class War in America (tags)

class war

BTL:Grim Economic Data Illustrate the Severe Decline of America's Middle Class (tags)

Interview with Andy Kroll, Mother Jones Magazine reporter and associate editor at, conducted by Scott Harris

We Pay for Their Crisis (tags)

Making a game sound appealing whose frauds are obvious is increasingly hard for the governments. The neoliberal vision was always a society of the asocial. The categorical imperative of neoliberalism was always an open and cynical attack on the working class.

police reports filed for on line harassment (tags)

See criminal complaints filed by geral sosbee against cyberstalker/thugs.

Homeless 'Anonymous' Attack on Anti-Camping Laws (tags)

TPM reports on

The Capitalism of Hopelessness (tags)

The capitalism of hopelessness is a capitalism where the enemy is lost, where capitalism can no longer fulfill its promise of prosperity for the people as in the 1960s and where capitalism neutralizes all utopian energy and alternatives. Public jobs must be created in the emergency.

10 Year Since 9/11 Inside Job (tags)

September 11, 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Inside Job, the American Reichstag Fire, perpetrated for the same reason the Nazis burned their government building, the Reichstag: to perpetrate war and fascism so as to maximize profits for the capitalist class, the primary goal of capitalism, the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. Only a labor movement capable of carrying out a general strike can finally put an end to the private profit system, thereby saving the earth and humanity.

The Drug Problem Belongs to the Middle Class (tags)

This was written as a response to a post on yahoo answers. Since it can't be put up there, it's put up here. Just food for though.

These Days of Chaos (tags)

Strikes, riots, revolutions. This is the shape of the new Class War.

Israel: Rogue State Land of Inequality (tags)


Class War Without Mercy (tags)

Vast wealth for those at the top, unemployment and poverty for the rest of society

The Debt Ceiling: Where Are the Grownups? (tags)

The fact that the ruling elites haven't stepped in and forced the President and Congress to raise the debt ceiling, the way they did in October 2008 to push through the TARP big-bank bailout, suggests either that the corporate ruling class likes the "shock treatment" agenda being pushed by the Tea Party -- force a default on U.S. debt so the President and Congress will have to eliminate the welfare state virtually overnight -- or that the Tea Party has become the ruling class's Frankenstein, a monster it can no longer control.

Explained: Why the Wal-Mart Decision Matters (tags)

A short explanation of why the Wal Mart decision matters, what a class action lawsuit is, and potentially new standards applied to decisions about discrimination.

BTL:Wal-Mart Wins, Workers Lose in U.S. Supreme Court Decision Rejecting Class Action Disc (tags)

Interview with Chris Owens, attorney and executive director of the National Employment Law Project, conducted by Scott Harris

Wrongfully Banishing Professor David Protess (tags)


You Abandoned Your Most Loyal (tags)

In the lead up to the national elections of 2008 both parties rattled off their lists of things they would do differently. They told us how they would act regarding the dual wars middle class Americans have been forced to pay for ? even more so than the large corporations benefitting from the wars. They told us how they would reverse the problems caused by the sub-prime mortgage scam that caused the two bailouts of Wall Street. They told us how our civil liberties would be brought back to a place that made sense. They told us how sweeping changes Americans desired would be made reality.

New Zealanders must ?speak out? about omitted human rights or be reduced to mere ?numbers? (tags)

NZ has been taken over by an anti-human rights philosophy, 'discriminatory collectivism, which aims to destroy individual and collective potential yet human rights regards the individual as a person (and spiritually has a 'name').

Supreme Court Lets Corporations (tags)


No to imperialist military intervention in Libya! (tags)

Since Saturday, March 19, a US-led military coalition, including, besides English and French Forces, participation by Canadian, Italian, Spanish, and other countries, commenced the bombardment of military installations and concentrations of troops loyal to the Gaddafi government. The stated purpose of this military intervention which has been endorsed by the Security Council of the UN and the Arab League, is to get government forces off the offensive against the rebels, in order to avoid a “massacre of the civilian population”.

Down with Gaddafi! No to US-NATO intervention! (tags)

"In this time when events seem to be moving so fast, we must maintain focus on the essential meaning and purpose of imperialist efforts. Elites in Washington and other capitals of the west are desperate and working with full dedication to "roll back" the popular advances being made in the Mideast and across North Africa. This article is offered in the effort to support a progressive analysis while the mainstream media works triple time to confuse and obfuscate an understanding of the "full on class war" unfolding before us. No to the budget cuts. No to intervention in Libya. Organize to stand up and fight wall street and the banksters, and ther're "agents" in media and government. Organize in your communities and beyond quickly now. "You have a world to win and only your chains to lose."

Over 1,000 Turn Out in San Diego to Support Wisconsin Workers (tags)

Over 1,000 people turned out for a rally outside the San Diego County Administrative Center February 26 at noon to support Wisconsin's unionized public workers against the threat by Governor Scott Walker and the Republican majority in the state legislature to pass a bill essentially eliminating the right of the state's public employees to unionize and bargain collectively. A wide range of speakers, including union activists, community leaders and elected officials, said that if Walker's bill and similar ones in other states pass, it will essentially mark the end of the American middle class. The rally was part of a nationwide mobilization, and many of those who braved the cold and the rain to attend mentioned that the protesters in Wisconsin itself are sleeping out in the cold and snow in weather far worse than that in San Diego.

Report from the move on #wiunion demo (tags)

Live from the demo

States of Disunion (tags)

The following is an editorial written for the March 2011 issue of Zenger’s Newsmagazine before the uproar in Wisconsin over the bill introduced by that state’s governor, Scott Walker, which would essentially destroy public-sector unionism in that state and therefore likely be the final nail in the coffin of America’s labor movement as a whole. People — not just union workers directly affected by the proposal but others as well — have turned out in the streets and blockaded the state capitol, while “Tea Party” counter-protesters have been mobilized nationwide by talk radio and Fox News to come and support the governor. The Wisconsin protests have been compared to those that recently brought down Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak — though America’s corporate media have carefully avoided that analogy — but despite the uproar over Walker’s bill, America’s white working class has so far remained largely opposed to the progressive agenda and supportive of radical-Right attempts to destroy what’s left of America’s social safety net.

Proposed California budget slashes education (tags)

Amid looming budget deficits, school districts across California are preparing to fire teachers, close schools, cut programs, and increase class sizes, to cover reduced state funding. Like Democratic and Republican governors across the country, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is trying to force workers to pay for the economic crisis, while corporations make record profits. Within the state the richest Californian, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, has a net worth of $27 billion, more than the entire state deficit.

Wisconsin Labor Leads 2d American Revolution (tags)

One year ago, on March 4, California students and teachers had a one-day strike for education, but nothing has improved because we did not have a general strike. Today, Wisconsin workers are striking and protesting the planned Democrat-Republican attack on the workingclass so as to maximize the profits of the capitalist class. The whole country should join this 2d American Revolution with all deliberate speed.

Wall Street versus the Poor and the Middle Class: Obama’s FY 2012 Budget Is A Tool Of Clas (tags)

"Please help alert the people before it’s too late. Share these articles with everyone. Organize teachings in your churches, union halls, schools, or other community groups, etc. We can stop this but we have to act. Don’t wait on someone else to do it. We can’t allow the people of this country to be fooled any longer. This is a life or death situation for our citizens, for most all of us. Spread everywhere. "

Strikes, workers’ protests spread throughout Egypt (tags)

“According to a detailed account published by Al Ahram, the dictator had intended to step down but was persuaded by his wife and son Gamal not to. When this threatened to provoke a further upsurge in the revolutionary movement, the military stepped in and seized power to try to maintain control over the situation. Notably, none of the official middle class “opposition” parties—including the Muslim Brotherhood and Mohamed ElBaradei’s National Association for Change—has condemned the military’s threats against the working class. Striving to maintain illusions in the role of the army, these forces have urged an end to the demonstrations and strikes. ElBaradei and his colleagues are now preparing to enter the military regime. Britain’s Foreign Minister William Hague said yesterday that Egypt’s Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq told him that the current government would be reshuffled to include opposition figures by next week. While the successful elevation of these “opposition” forces would open up opportunities for the individuals involved, for the Egyptian working class it would signify no more than providing a civilian fig-leaf for the military government.”

'The Egyptian Revolution enters a new stage' and more (tags)

"The struggle that is now unfolding in Egypt will be of a protracted character. The responsibility of revolutionary Marxists is to develop among workers, as they pass through colossal political experiences, an understanding of the necessity for an independent struggle for power. The revolutionary Marxists must counsel workers against all illusions that their democratic aspirations can be achieved under the aegis of bourgeois parties. They must expose ruthlessly the false promises of the political representatives of the capitalist class. They must encourage the creation of independent organs of workers’ power which can become, as the political struggle intensifies, the basis for the transfer of power to the working class. They must explain that the realization of the workers’ essential democratic demands is inseparable from the implementation of socialist policies. Above all, revolutionary Marxists must raise the political horizons of Egyptian workers beyond the borders of their own country. They must explain that the struggles that are now unfolding in Egypt are inextricably linked to an emerging global process of world socialist revolution, and that the victory of the revolution in Egypt requires not a national, but an international strategy. After all, the fight against the Mubarak-Suleiman regime and the Egyptian ruling class is, in the final analysis, a struggle against the entire Arab bourgeoisie, the Zionist regime in Israel and American and European imperialism."

Egypt: Revolution in Motion (tags)

"A revolution is not a single event-it is a process. A process with ebbs and flows, advances and setbacks that can take place over weeks, months and even years..The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky developed the theory of `permanent revolution.'" Links to Howard Zinn and Marcos

Egypt in flames (tags)

A powerful wave of anger among the poor and unemployed Arab masses shakes the young, voracious and brutal capitalism of the North African and Middle Eastern countries supported by the old and bloody capitalism in Europe and America. Anticipation of a social wave that can only be resolved in favor of the vast majority of the population by the emergence of the proletarian class.

Remembering a Filipino Working Class Hero (tags)

February 6, 2011 marks the 10th death anniversary of our leader and slain comrade Filemon “Ka Popoy” Lagman.

Jerry Brown, capitalists front man in their offensive against workers and the poor (tags)

Jerry Brown's speech. He wants to re-build California. Then let's make those who tore it down pay, not workers and the poor.

Some notes and observations on the insurrection in Egypt (tags)

"The US is attempting to appear to support “democratic rights.” Mubarak will leave and the US will trumpet a great “victory for democracy and the Egyptian people.” If the masses are fooled by this, little will change. It is the current ruling clique that must be deposed from power. And this is the deepest desire of the Egyptian nation. The U.S. has chosen Omar Suleiman to be there’re next strong man and faithful servant in Egypt. In all likelyhood, the Egyptian people will reject this cynical move."

Education crisis in California (tags)

After several years of continuous budget cuts, California’s schools are in dire straits. The state superintendent of public instruction, Tom Torlakson, went so far as to call it a “state of financial emergency.” Newly re-elected Democratic Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget, however, includes widespread cuts to higher education and social services in an attempt to close the $25.4 billion deficit. Inequality in California is so staggering that the wealth of the richest Californian, Lawrence Ellison, CEO of Oracle Corporation, estimated at $27 billion, would eliminate the entire state deficit.

Oppose Brown’s cuts in California! Education must be a social right! (tags)

In his latest budget, California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, is proposing drastic cuts that will affect the lives of students and workers throughout the state, including $1.4 billion in cuts to higher education. The net wealth of the 19 richest Californians is more than ten times the entire amount of proposed budget cuts!

Waging War on American Workers (tags)

targeting the middle class

The Nation joins the campaign against Julian Assange (tags)

“Feminist opinion—as the Assange case and the Polanski affair before it have demonstrated—has become one of the means of legitimizing the suppression of nonconformists and political dissidents, and of changing the subject from the great social issues, above all, class oppression and social inequality, to stale and self-pitying concerns. Those supervising the attack against Assange are no doubt congratulating themselves on its clever design. Mounting it in the guise of a campaign against the sexual molestation of women… how else could such a filthy operation, with its threat of a sweeping assault on democratic rights, be mounted and even legitimized today? The powers that be know the Pollitts of this world, and the Nation. The magazine’s editor, Katrina vanden Heuvel, is, after all, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a leading ruling class think tank whose membership has included numerous CIA directors, along with dozens of US generals and admirals.”

Social Injustice in Israel (tags)

the data will surprise most people

Successful socialism conference held in the Philippines (tags)

A successful ‘socialism conference’ was held in Manila from November 27 to 28. The conference was organized by the socialist Partido Lakas ng Masa or Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM) and the socialist-feminist regional network Transform Asia. The conference was attended by 100 delegates, leaders of the PLM from Metro Manila, and other leading socialists of the Philippine left, as well as 13 international guests.

Calls from Joe Lieberman help force Amazon and EveryDNS to dump Wikileaks (tags)

The war against Wikileaks is gaining momentum. We must defend Wikileaks, Julian Assange and free speech. I read now that Paypal has joined the offensive. Perhaps we should all close our paypal accounts.

The Fox News Election (tags)

The November 2 midterm elections were not only a decisive rejection not only of the Obama administration but a full-scale endorsement of free-market economic policies and lassiez-faire capitalism — albeit by a much smaller segment of the American electorate than voted Obama and the Democrats into power in 2008. Millions of Americans voted against the party under whose watch unemployment has risen from 6.2 to 9.5 percent, and bought into the Republicans' critique that the reason for Obama's failure is he's been too much of a progressive, unduly burdening the private sector with regulation and taxation. Thanks to talk radio and Fox News, millions of Americans profoundly believe that Obama and the Democrats are far more radical than they are — and as long as they remain on the air and have their current level of influence, U.S. politics will continue to move even further Right.

What’s Going On In Europe? (tags)

"The attack on education is an international phenomenon. In the UK on Wednesday, tens of thousands of students walked out of classes over tripled tuition fees. Thousands participated in a demonstration in London, where more than 1,000 were penned in and contained by police for hours. Police used batons to beat back students attempting to reach parliament. The demonstrations in Britain came two weeks after more than 55,000 took to the streets throughout the UK. A crackdown by the government has included the arrest of dozens of students. In the US, there have been mass protests and, in some cases, occupations in the state of California against tuition fee increases of more than 30 per cent. The education cuts in Italy and the UK are part of a wave of austerity measures throughout Europe aimed at forcing workers and young people to pay for an ongoing economic crisis."

The KPFA/KPFK/Pacifica NPR Evening News (tags)

One segment on the Tuesday broadcast demonstrates the ongoing disconnect between the news staff and some station staffers and the political and economic reality that Obama has brought us and make many ask why contribute to a second NPR.

Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street's "Super Rich": The Financial End Time has Arrived (tags)

"Alas, the Obama administration has backed the Geithner-Bernanke policy that “the economy” cannot recover without saving the debt overhead. The reality is that it is the debt overhead that is destroying the economy. So we are dealing with the irreconcilable fact that the Obama position threatens to lower living standards from 10% to 20% over the coming few years – making the United States look more like Greece, Ireland and Latvia than what was promised in the last presidential election. Something has to give politically if the economy is to change course. More to the point, what has to give is favoritism for Wall Street at the expense of the economy at large. What has made the U.S. economy uncompetitive is primarily the degree to which debt service has been built into the cost of living and doing business. Post-classical “junk economics” treats interest and fees as payment for the “service” for providing credit. But interest (like economic rent and monopoly price extraction) is a transfer payment to bankers with the privilege of credit creation. The beneficiaries of providing tax favoritism for debt are the super-rich at the top of the economic pyramid – the 2% whom Mr. Obama’s tax giveaway will benefit by over $700 billion. If the present direction of tax “reform” is not reversed, Mr. Obama will shed crocodile tears for the middle class as he sponsors the Deficit Reduction Commission’s program of cutting back Social Security and revenue sharing to save states and cities from defaulting on their pensions. One third of U.S. real estate already is reported to have sunk into negative equity, squeezing state and local tax collection, forcing a choice to be made between bankruptcy, debt default, or shifting the losses onto the shoulders of labor, off those of the wealthy creditor layer of the economy responsible for loading it down with debt."

Class Warfare Jeopardizing American Workers' Security (tags)

waging war against vital social benefits

The Strategic Role of the Role of the United Front (tags)

What distinguished Marx from all his contemporaries who professed revolutionary aspirations was his identification of the revolutionary agent: “The emancipation of the working classes [of every country] must be conquered by the working classes themselves….”

UAW: Reform or rebellion? (tags)

"History shows that every gain won by American workers was the result of militant struggles in opposition to the corporate establishment and both big business parties. The very right to have a union, as well as the eight-hour day, child labor laws, overtime pay, health benefits, etc. was won in often bloody struggles against the violent resistance of the employers and the government. Whenever the Democrats, under the threat of revolution, conceded concessions to workers’ demands, they did so to smother the social movement so they could claw back the workers’ gains at a later point."

France: More strikes, opposition to social austerity (tags)

"At Université Lyon-2, students gathered to vote on future action and protest the detention of demonstrators at Corbas prison, according to an account in Lyon-Capitale. They criticized the unions and also bourgeois “left” parties such as the Socialist Party (PS) and its presumed 2012 presidential candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Strauss-Kahn is currently the head of the International Monetary Fund, where he pressed for massive austerity policies and wage cuts to be imposed on Greek workers in exchange for an IMF bailout, during this spring’s Greek debt crisis. One Lyon student said: “We’re in the street because we have had enough of Sarkozy. We had had enough of [ex- President Jacques] Chirac before and we will have had enough of Strauss-Kahn.... What we do not want anymore is Sarkozy, capitalism, and globalization.”

Obama's Justice Dept's Forbidden Words & Spying on Skype, Facebook, Blackberry (tags)

The forbidden fruit always tastes the best, and here are Obama's Justice Dept's forbidden words that were the basis for the latest invasion of peace activists' homes and grand jury subpoenas: PALESTINE, SOCIALISM, CLASS STRUGGLE, IMPERIALISM, REVOLUTION, MARXISM, TROTSKYISM. Learn those words early and repeat them loudly everywhere.

The CTC once again betrays Cuban workers (tags)

// Joint Communiqué MLC-GALSIC (Cuban Libertarian Movement – Support Group for Libertarians and Independent Sindicalists of Cuba)

Not Heard on Grace Aaron/Ian Masters, Free Speech Radio KPFK (tags)

The Ann Arbor Socialist Equality Party Congress Presents: The Breakdown of Capitalism and the fight for Socialism in the United States: Program of the Socialist Equality Party

Peace through Education (video) (tags)

This is a video for anyone who’s struggling for a better education, especially immigrant students. I’ll go toe to toe with Glen Beck to see who knows what about life any day.

Fear of Crash: Book Review (tags)

In "Crisis without Resistance," Werner Seppmann analyzes the "intimidation offensive of capital." "The attack on the living standards of wage-earners becomes an essential component of capital accumulation." Fear of falling is a reason for defensive conduct of crisis victims.

Prison Abolition In Practice --Part two of an interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)

Let’s get rid of prison rape. Let’s reinstitute rehabilitation. Let’s repeal certain draconian sentencing laws. All good and essential ideas. But very little – in some cases, nothing - will fundamentally change unless those ideas, and more, are advanced within a strategic framework of abolition.

US Capitalism in Crisis: An Emperor With No Clothes (tags)

The champions of US capitalism are having to get used to a changing global stage on which they play a diminishing role


The servants of these investors and money "managers," like corporate executives and our elected - excuse the expression -representatives, look from the side, taking a payoff, as we get economically raped. This is designed to prevent wage "inflation" (that's a raise in the minimum, or any other, wage) by keeping unemployment high,

22 Statistics (tags)

We urgently need alternatives to a future of stagnation and deficits. The community centers in Vancouver B.C. have a multiplier effect as surrogate counseling and class possibilities. Social justice, solidarity and sharing open doors.

Abolishing the Prison Industrial Complex --An interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)

Focusing on the prison abolitionist movement, we interview two co-editors of an exciting new series at Daily Kos, called Criminal InJustice Kos, a weekly series "devoted to exploring the myths of 'crime', 'criminals', and criminal justice and the intersection of race/ethnicity/class/gender/sexuality/age/disability in policing and punishment. Criminal Injustice Kos is committed to furthering action towards reducing inequity in the US criminal justice system." Look for Criminal InJustice Kos every Wednesday at 6 pm CST.

Philippines: The meaning of the `Noynoy’ Aquino presidency (tags)

On June 9 Senator Benigno Aquino III (“Noynoy” Aquino) of the Liberal Party, the son of former President Cory Aqunio, was proclaimed president by the Philippines Congress. Noynoy was a former senator “with little legislative record to speak of”, according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper, which nevertheless campaigned hard for Noynoy Aquino’s presidency, soon after Cory Aquino’s death in August 2009.

Freedom is not an impossible dream (tags)

A New Zealand Tragedy

Hypocrisy of PSL/ANSWER (tags)

General summary re: hypocrisy and double standards of PSL/ANSWER. (edited for clarity and errors)

State Terrorism and massacres: constant characteristics of the policy of the Israeli bourgeoisie (tags)

The Israeli attack on the “Freedom Flotilla” of pacifist organizations under the guidance of the Turkish NGO Insani Vafki Yardim, which wanted to break the blockade to bring medicine and food to the people of Gaza, starving and subjected to terrible imprisonment since June 16, 2007, is another demonstration of the military and repressive nature of the “only democratic country in the Middle East.”

Massacre in Thailand: Obama's Bloody Hands (tags)

When the White House is quiet as protestors are butchered in the streets of Bangkok Thailand, suspicions are raised. Silence often equals complicacy. One can only imagine what the U.S.’ response would be to a Venezuelan government slaughter: the U.S. media and Obama would loudly condemn such an act, in contrast to the muted response to Thailand’s blood bath. The history of U.S.-Thailand relations explains why. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. used Thailand as one of the main “anti-communist” bulwarks in an area that included China, Vietnam, Burma, and other countries that were challenging capitalism.

Philippine Democracy: Alive, but is it well? (tags)

Reflections on the 2010 Campaign. The 2010 campaign has drawn to a close, and it’s time to distill my experiences after registering hundreds of miles by land, sea, and air crisscrossing the country as a party-list candidate.

Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat! (tags)

In order to resist the policy of blood and tears which the bourgeoisie inflicts on it, the proletariat has no other possibility than the resumption of the class struggle, starting with the rejection of anti-worker measures by the government and the calls for “national solidarity”, and for sacrifices “to defend the fatherland and democracy”.

Open Letter from the Internationalist Group to the Spartacist League and ICL (tags)

The Spartacist League/U.S. and the International Communist League it leads are in deep political trouble. On April 27, the International Executive Committee of the ICL issued a statement “Repudiating Our Position on Haiti Earthquake,” headlined “A Capitulation to U.S. Imperialism.” After three months of “zealous apologies for the U.S. imperialist military intervention” in the name of humanitarian aid, the ICL suddenly declared that this was a fundamental “betrayal” and the Internationalist Group had been right all along in demanding U.S./U.N. troops out. While agreeing with the IG’s characterization of the ICL’s policy as “social-imperialist”and calling for a “savage indictment” of its own line, the ICL’s explanation for this betrayal – failure to have a formal discussion – doesn’t answer how an entire organization which proclaims itself revolutionary Marxist and Trotskyist could swallow this support for imperialism for months. Its origins can be found in years of capitulation to U.S. imperialism, notably by abandoning the call for its defeat in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The Open Letter by the Internationalist Group urges those in the ICL who do not wish to continue gyrating in centrist confusion to examine the real record of their organization’s adaptations and capitulations to “its own” bourgeoisie over the past years.

For a Proletarian and Communist May 1st! (tags)

Workers! The general conditions of life and work have been deteriorating for years, becoming ever more intolerable.

All out for May Day! (tags)

A new leaflet being passed out in Seattle. Spread the word about Obama's REAL ideas about immigration reform while building the movement for full rights for all immigrants, now. And wherever you are, march on May Day, the fighting holiday of the world's workers.

Eclectic Los Angeles Tea Party Stages Tax Day Protest at Feinstein's L.A. Offices (tags)

On Deadline Day, A potpourri Of West L.A. Tax Revolters Railed Against Massive Deficits and the Cost of Social Welfare Programs as Possible Candidates Rally For November Elections / Photo Set 1 of 2

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution (tags)

"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."

Capitalism and Democracy (tags)

Citizens are protected from incursions of the state and on the other side must accept the sovereignty of the state and the general law as prerequisites of property and security. Whoever has visions should be the physician. A good physician will urge changing one's way of life.

Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part I (tags)

The massive turnout across the state of California on March 4 in defense of public education provides indisputable evidence that this movement is just at the beginning stage. And much credit is due to the countless number of students, staff, and teachers who committed many, many hours of their time, tirelessly organizing for March 4; without this dedication, the event would have sputtered to a stop.

Education as Tranquilizer (tags)

"A false strategy of combating poverty results inevitably from a flawed analysis of the causes of poverty. Whoever culturalizes the problem relies on education reforms without repairing the structural causes.."

PGMA Appoints Her Man-Lt.Gen. Delfin (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) greeted with scorn and disgust the designation of President Gloria M. Arroyo of Gen. Delfin Bangit, a former spy master called the “emperor,” as chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo announced to reporters Monday the appointment of Bangit, who headed the Presidential Security Group (PSG) during three coup attempts against her administration.


A good Brazilian book.


" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.


-No Cuts, No Freeze! Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.

The Downtown LA Anarchist Cafe (Was A Bust!) (tags)

The Downtown LA Anarchist Cafe (Was A Bust!)

March 4 Socialist Program to Defend Education (tags)

On March 4, students and workers throughout California and the US will demonstrate against the attack on public education and increases in tuition that are making a college education unaffordable for the majority of working class youth.

Brewing Crisis in the South Atlantic: Oil Exploration in the Malvinas Islands (tags)

For Argentineans the long simmering territorial dispute between Britain and Argentina is coming to a head, as a British oil rig travels to what analysts say is a 60 billion barrel reserve of high-grade oil located in a 200 square mile zone surrounding the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands. This would make it one of the largest oil reserves in the world. Argentina had instituted a naval embargo of the islands but has recently permitted the oil rig to land in Port Stanley, capital of the island.

The Sierra Madre Anarchist Picnic (From an Organizer's Perspective) (tags)

From the LA Anarchist Weekly Blog:

The Death of American Liberalism (tags)

It’s no exaggeration to say that President Obama was the Democrats’ last chance to maintain some level of political legitimacy in the eyes of working class Americans. Now, after a year of solid pro-corporate policies, it’s obvious Obama has failed; and with him the Democratic Party.

Remarks by Richard L. Trumka, President, AFL-CIO, National Press Club, Washington, DC (tags)

Our economy does not work without good jobs, so we must take action now to restore workers' voices in America. The systematic silencing of American workers by denying our right to form unions is at the heart of the disappearance of good jobs in America. We must pass the Employee Free Choice Act so that workers can have the chance to turn bad jobs into good jobs, and so we can reduce the inequality which is undermining our prospects for stable economic growth. And we must do it now—not next year, not even this summer. Now.

Renewed Anti-Immigrant Drive Continues (tags)

The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles today reported that despite the filing of a new immigrant reform bill renewed, anti immigrant drive continues This in light of the renewed anti-immigrant bias following the botched attempt to blow-up a jetliner by a Nigerian immigrant during the Christmas season. And also this is because the immigration bill itself has serious flaws in that it accepts the logic of tightening “border security” and thus does not challenge the category of the “illegal” immigrant. This motions to pass immigration reform has given space to local and state law enforcement agencies to increase their repressive activities.

Four Videos for the New Year (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. Shriveling the financial sector is vital for a future of generalized security and environmental caring.


The case of Prof. Sarah Raymundo's firing at the University of the Philippines betokens the sharpening political contradictions and hegemonic crisis occurring in what William Blum calls the oldest longest-held colony of the US, currently ruled by the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime praised by Barack Obama.

The Economic Crisis Ends; the Political Crisis Begins (tags)

First Iceland, then Ireland, now Greece. Much of Europe is mired in inescapable debt and bankrupt nations, the result of crashing banks, bank bailouts, and soaring unemployment. The U.S. and U.K. watch from a distance, knowing their turn is next. The European corporate-elite — like their American counterparts — lavished non-stop praise on the “bold yet necessary” decision to bail out the banks; the economy was supposedly saved from “impending collapse.” But every action has an equal but opposite reaction. Bailing out the banks saved the butts of dozens of European bankers, but now millions of workers are about to experience a thundering kick in the ass.


What to do when the Mayor is enemy of the community?

In Solidarity With the California Worker/Student Movement: Statement of the WSA (tags)

Defend and Expand the Campus Occupations!

Mumia’s Life Is On the Line: Mobilize Labor/Black Power to Free Him Now! (tags)

The threat to Mumia Abu-Jamal's life is increasingly ominous. His lead attorney, Robert Bryan, warns: "There is an escalated effort by the authorities to see him die at the hands of the executioner. This is the most dangerous time for Mumia since his 1981 arrest." The U.S. Supreme Court has turned down Jamal's two appeals. If it were to rule in favor of the prosecution's appeal, this would open the way for Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell to issue a third warrant of execution, which he has vowed to do. Contrary to the misplaced expectations of many, the Obama administration is not about to save Mumia. Around the world, hundreds of thousands have marched for this courageous champion of oppressed. Trade unions representing millions of members have rallied to the defense of Mumia. It is urgent to expand this support into powerful labor/black action, appealing to the integrated union movement to join with the black, Latino and immigrant poor to demand that he be liberated.

The Team is Real (tags)

Class Struggle in the Service Sector


After more than a century of brutal colonization of the Philippines, U.S. troops continue to battle Moro insurgents and the New People's Army guerillas to protects its investments, support the bloody oligarchs headed by the Arroyo clique, and preserve its neocolonial stranglehold. The U.S. public should wake up to demand that Obama stop its support of the Arroyo regime and withdraw U.S. troops. E. San Juan's two books might help inform the US public of what's going on in the Philippines today.

Health Bill Raises Economic Concern For Real Estate (tags)

Has Obama discounted the collateral economic damage and costs the current health bill proposals will cause Americans via surcharges and higher taxes?

BREAKING: 12:45 - Clinic Defense Continues (tags)

Pro-choice activists are still outnumbered. Keep alerted for future actions, and spread the info.

Negotiating Our Lives Away (tags)

At some point we have to step to the plate and put our foot down. It's not going to stop on its own.

Coup Rumors and N0 ElECTIONS in the Philippines (tags)

" Where there is smoke, there is fire" The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) learned from news sources that after Malacanang made announced that there will be no martlal law in the Philippines" another ranking AFP general echoed the same statement. The Alliance express alarm over these statements. The same propaganda pervaded the Philippines before Marcos declared martial law in 1972. Lieutenant General Roland Detabali, current president of Philippine Military Academy (PMA) “Makatarungan” Class of 1978, defended his class from allegations that its members are plotting to keep President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in power beyond the end of her term in 2010.

Hatemongering in America—the Post-Carter Dilemma Versus Conservative Opposition (tags)

The venom and vile the spews forth from America’s body politic is endemic of a people infected with fear and prejudice; but this learned hatred of a democratic agenda is not one based primarily on racism—yet hostility and resentment is very much its spirit. Rather this anima of animosity is one that seeks scapegoats for any instability felt or imagined of America’s middle and lower class realities, and all presumptions of a relatively naïve and misinformed society.

Fletcher Rallies Progressive Crowd to Fight the Right (tags)

The leaflet advertising author and former labor educator Bill Fletcher's talk September 13 in Balboa Park promised a considerably more optimistic speech than the one he actually gave. Stunned by the mass demonstration in Washington, D.C. by radical-Right opponents of President Obama's supposedly "socialist" agenda, Fletcher gave a strongly worded warning to his Leftist audience that unless the American Left organizes now, not only to fight the Right but to appeal to the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans, the movement he called "Right-wing populism" — talk radio, Fox news, the "teabag" protests and the thug-like disruption of Congressmembers' town-hall meetings on health reform — will sweep the country and consign all progressive movements and any part of distributive justice and a social-welfare state to oblivion.

Obama vs Insurance:Pillow fights (tags)

Obama and the health insurance companies are pillow fighting. Ready to concede, the Democrats are already saying the ya-hoo attended townhalls have stopped them from passing through legislation, what about the townhalls against the war(s)? This fight is stopping because it never really was meant to win. Just another pillow fight with big business. The media wants us to believe that there is some sort of mass movement out there that is opposed to any sort of health care that is not run by the private sector.

We Fight Capitalism, Not the Crisis of Capitalism (tags)

Capitalism is a social system, not a natural law. Capitalism has proven it cannot end wars, prevent crises or make possible a good life for all people. Instead of solidarity, the capitalist social system teaches us envy and egoism. Now those who privatized the state cry for state bailout packages.


Announcing its intention to challenge the Democrats and Republicans in 2010, a national organizing effort to build a new electoral party of the left has announced its interim leadership and basic unity statement. Debra Reiger of Sacramento, who also serves as North State Organizer of the Peace and Freedom Party, is the Interim Chair of the National Organizing Continuations Committee (NOCC). The committee was empowered to coordinate the multi-state effort at the National Organizing Conference held on August 1 in San Francisco. The Interim Secretary is Georgia Williams of Fresno, who also serves as Secretary of the Peace and Freedom Party State Central Committee.

Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama (tags)

Liberals once again were fooled by "lesser evilism" tactics of the Democrats, many devoted much time and energy to elect Obama, yet only receive more of the same as their reward. Our only changes are military use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" on prisoners instead of torture, under Obama the only change we will get in reality is a well spoken war criminal instead of a war criminal that speaks jibberish! Think Obama will allow for any domestic or international war crime trial of his predecessor?? Forget about it!! More of the same!!

On the PGMA-Obama Meeting On July 29-31 in the US (tags)

“ I did not become president to be popular”. Taking a cue from the dictator Marcos who said, “I did not become president to preside of the death of the Philippine republic” in 1972, Gloria M. Arroyo made her intentions very clear and went to the United States to seek the blessing and support of the new US president. Like all Philippine presidents before her, she will kowtow and try to impress the chief executive officer of the ruling capitalist class of the United States. She will for sure in the name of “fighting global; terrorism and “climate change” align her interest with the US of the capitalist class.

Dems and Reps Unite for Cuts (tags)

While billionaires get bailed out and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continue THE BUDGET CRISIS IS A LIE! THERE IS MONEY THE RICH ARE STEALING IT.

For the Iranian workers, only one solution: the class struggle ! (tags)

The brutal repression of street demonstrations that have hit Tehran and the larger cities shows the determination of the Iranian government's Ahmadinejad not to tolerate any questioning of his political power. Accused of electoral fraud, the supporters of Ayatollah Khamenei and the outgoing president have responded with arrests, beatings and shootings; the police, the Pasdaran, and Basji volunteers headed by the Pasdaran are the instruments of the current repression.

American Private Health Insurers Are Nothing But a Bunch of Mass Murderers. (tags)

Whether you drop white phosphorus bombs on innocent civilians

Haitian Minimum Wage Struggles: A Call To Action (tags)

Miami Autonomy & Solidarity is asking progressives and revolutionaries to organize in their communities around the Haitian minimum wage struggles.


U.S.-based Filipino intellectual, E. San Juan, Jr., issues 4 new works critical of U.S. imperialism, white racial supremacy, and postmodernist ideological fashions serving neoliberal global capitalism.

A Cycle of New Battles (tags)

"We are moving into a world-historical situation where all the points of social, economic and political life will be reset..A revolutionary process is only possible when a radical reform gets going.. A radical redistribution from top to bottom must be fought for.."

Marriages and Funerals in Afghanistan and Pakistan (tags)

A discussion of the great propensity of American bombers and drones to hit weddings and funeral ceremonies in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Mass Protests Rock Iran: No to All Wings of the Mullah Regime! (tags)

For more than a week, Iran has been convulsed by mass demonstrations denouncing election fraud. Hundreds of thousands have repeatedly taken to the streets to denounce the government, which is now threatening, and beginning to carry out, a bloody crackdown. This time around, imperialist intervention is veiled: the White House feigns neutrality, the Western media go all out for the opposition, while in the background various agencies provide vital technical aid. In reality, all candidates in the presidential vote swear allegiance to the Islamic Republic, and the supposed moderate reformers are no less butchers and enemies of poor and working people than the conservative "populist" government. The situation cries out for revolutionary leadership independent of all factions of the theocracy, to wage a struggle for workers revolution against imperialism and clerical reaction.

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers Part 3 (tags)

Part 3 of a 3 Part Photo Essay.

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers Part 2 (tags)

Part 2 of a 3 Part Photo Essay

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers (tags)

Kids Raise Their Voices about Cuts and Class Size. Photo Essay Part 1 of 3


Like Big Tobacco these food & drink companies deliberately sold products that they knew would harm the public for the simple and unpardonable reasons of greed and quick profits! .............................................

With pro-market leaders, the road ahead will be difficult for working people. (tags)

It is the responsibility of all activists to learn from the past and help our movement change course.

Wall Street Ends Hope for Homeowners Via Congress (tags)

As if the bank bailouts weren’t proof enough that Wall Street owned Congress. History will likely show that these bailouts involved the largest transfer of wealth ever — from the working class to that small group of billionaires who own the corporations. This fact is recognized by most people now and is such common knowledge that even the mainstream media feels comfortable discussing it…matter-of-factly.

U.S. Ruling Class to Voters: No Change in Terror Policy (tags)

Guantanamo Bay detention center remains open at the behest of the U.S. Senate despite public disapproval and the half-hearted support for closure by President Barack Obama. Lenin called parliament, in our case the House and Senate, a talking shop given to distract us from the real process of government that goes on behind closed doors. His timely words should be remembered now in the United States’ continual War on Terrorism. The Senate is like a shock absorber that effectively neutralizes any grievances from the broad mass of the people that happen to make it through absorber number one, the House of Representatives. Recently the Senate voted 90-6 in favor of denying President Barack Obama the funds need to close the odious Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.

Hunger Strike Blog (tags)

Blog of teacher/hunger striker working to stop class size increases and teacher layoffs in LAUSD

Shepard Fairey's Obama (tags)

Chris Burnett is host of "Indymedia On Air" on KPFK 90.7 FM, Los Angeles

Raising the banners of socialism in the United States (tags)

The members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation and our friends would promote socialism whether or not there was a worldwide capitalist economic crisis. But if there was any time to revive the socialist movement and build a multinational working-class party of revolutionaries, we believe that the time is now. We realize that we are not raising the banners of socialism and calling for revolution in the United States in a vacuum.

Actually, it's the system, President Obama (tags)

"Capitalist cycles recur. Each economic cycle imposes huge, painful social costs. In a parallel ideological cycle, most politicians, mass media and academics swing ridiculously between hyped celebrations of deregulation and (re)regulation as "the solution to our economic problems.."

For the Resumtion of the Class Struggle! (tags)

The economic crisis which has crashed down on society has already had and for a long time will have disastrous consequences for the lives of the masses, as every worker can see in his daily life or her work. The bourgeois economists themselves admit it: they do not know what the causes of the crisis are – satisfying themselves by blaming the greed of the bankers or excessive financial deregulation – and they do not know when it will end and give way to the long-awaited “economic recovery”. The current crisis is the crisis of the capitalist mode of production, incapable of stopping itself, forced to produce always more commodities, at a certain point it comes up against the limits of the market.

Hechos Para Trabajadores (tags)

May 1st issue of (Hechos Para Los Trabajadores) Facts for Working People. How the police are the "swine flu" and if working class people organize we will win " Vencerenmos"

With Our Opponent On The Ropes, It’s Time To Go On the Offensive (tags)

The pages of the capitalist press reveal the level of concern they have over the survival of their system

Protest sweeps Europe (tags)

France Jan 29, 2009. Public and private workers mount a one-day strike with mass support. Schools, courts and transportation shut down in several cities. This article is from: Freedom Socialist Vol30 No2 April-May 2009.

BTL:Iraqi Unions Form New Labor Confederation (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

WSWS: Obama Declares War on Working Class (tags)

President Barack Obama's speech on the auto industry Monday was nothing less than a declaration of war against the working class.

Obama: Lot's of Noise, Little Change (tags)

We've been had.

Obama's Mistake in Reasoning (tags)

The accumulation of capital in fewer and fewer hands first made possible the worldwide economic crisis. For Obama's economic policy to be successful, he must reverse the assets disparity and force the 10% with two-thirds of the assets to solidarity through higher taxes.

23 Theses on the Capitalist Crisis (tags)

Since the middle of the 1990s, the real economy only grew on account of the expansion of credit. After the crisis, the floodgates were opened. In the next four years, the Fed brought more dollars in circulation than in the whole 200-year US history.


Hi fellows, here is the very first draft translation in English of the first pages of our last review in French "Communisme" N°60. Sorry for the language but improvements will come later. Meanwhile, have a good reading and we are waiting for your comments and critics...

COMMUNISM No.14 (January 2009) (tags)

Central review in English of the Internationalist Communist Group (ICG)

Riverside, Southern California: Community marches against raids and deportations (tags)

On Saturday, February 6th, 2009 at least 300, and by some estimates possibly as many as 500, people turned out in the city of Riverside California to demand an end to the raids, harassment, and racial profiling increasingly being conducted by US Border Patrol agents against the residents of our local communities and workplaces

The Long Night (tags)

a long night

Organizing Call- Workers' International Industrial Union (tags)

A call to organize under the Workers' International Industrial Union- a union for all wage workers, no matter what your job and whether you are employed or unemployed.

Maoist Leadership in Nepal Bans Strikes (tags)

As a strike wave sweeps the country, the Maoist leadership agrees to banning strikes.

Beer Brewing Classes at the TOW Community Space (tags)

Last Saturday beer brewing classes were held at the downtown TOW Space. And in two to three weeks those who took part in the class are looking forward to drinking the beer brewed in the class.

Obama & Olmert Shake Hands; Zionism Divides Arab & Jewish Workingclass (tags)

Two warmongers shook hands recently, Ehud Olmert and Barack Obama. Obama has always voted to give $6 billion a year to Israel, as do all Democrats and Republicans. The founding of the State of Israel was a deliberate effort to divide the Arab and Jewish workingclass with this war machine to maximize the profits of the capitalist class.

Some Thoughts on Obama and the US Empire (tags)

Chris Burnett is host of "Indymedia On Air" on KPFK 90.7 FM, Los Angeles

Visions of Class, Visions Beyond Class (tags)

Ingo Schmidt is a Canadian journalist who writes for

Wall St. and the Fed Get Fatter, While Main St. Suffers (tags)

The greed of some of the Wall St. banksters, and the Fed’s inept policies, like condoning deregulation, are the real causes of the current financial meltdown. Nevertheless, the U.S. Congress has given them a green light to rake in trillions of dollars in taxpayers’ bailout money, with little or no public disclosure. The Fed’s functions should be taken over by the Treasury Dept. Main St. needs to be Congress’ prime concern, not Wall Street.

Israel Is Doomed! (tags)

Israel is doomed because it is run by psychotic idiots who are bent on a "Greater Israel" strategy.

The Rage in Greece (tags)

May the Anger of the Unemployed and Students be Tranformed into Combativeness for the Resumption of the Class Struggle of the Proletariat !

The Bailout Intensifies (tags)

Even through its muffled language, it was obvious that the typically non-alarmist New York Times was having trouble digesting the latest government announcements. On November 26, the Treasury and Fed revealed it would spend 800 billion more tax dollars towards new “lending” programs. That day, the Times concluded that the government was “sending a message that they will print as much money as needed to revive the crippled banking system.”[!] Later in the article we learn that “the government has assumed at least $7 trillion [!!] in direct and indirect financial obligations in the form of Wall Street bailouts, emergency lending and government guarantees on bank deposits, inter-bank loans and home mortgages.” The term “blank check” doesn’t begin to describe the vast amounts being tossed about.

GM, The NY Times, & Marxism 101 (tags)

As Socialists, we are consistently asked to present our ideas in a clearer, easier to understand manner. To achieve this goal, I’ll enlist the help of former Governor of Massachusetts and candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, Mitt Romney, who appeared in the New York Times Op-Ed section on Nov. 19th. Romney’s piece, entitled “Let Detroit Go Broke,” laid bare the intent behind the angry rhetoric used by politicians against the proposed bailout for the “Big Three” automakers. Whereas the giant Wall Street banks received over 1 trillion dollars — so far— without barely having to ask, an industry that actually produces something has to beg for a handout. Why the difference?

The global crisis is a crisis of capitalism (tags)

It is time for the workers and the poor in the Philippines to prepare for the worse the moment its government keeps on repeating the mantra that the economic fundamentals remain good and thus there is little to worry about effects of the global recessionary trend. The world found itself in the present mess precisely because of such blind faith in neoliberal fundamentalism.

Obama and the Crisis of Expectation (tags)

With Obama elected President but not yet inaugurated, the question on everyone’s mind is, “what’s going to happen next?” Millions of people around the world are hoping that a Obama presidency will radically change the course of US politics, and with it, world politics. This is especially true for the huge numbers of mostly young volunteers working for Obama’s campaign, most of whom had never been involved in politics before. And while it is impossible to predict the future precisely, one can make an educated guess as to Obama’s future actions, based on answering two fundamental questions: which social class is Obama and the Democratic Party going to represent while in office, and what are the current interests of that class. For example, if Obama were to act in the interests of the working class, a number of measures would be immediately taken, such as increasing wages, improving healthcare, funding schools, ending war, etc. If, on the other hand, Obama is going to represent the ruling class, we can expect policies similar to the Bush Presidency, who long ago proved himself to be a puppet for the banks and corporations.

Barack Obama, new mouthpiece of ruling class interests (tags)

In renewing its great traditions of struggle, the American proletariat will have to fight the coming blood and tears policy of the Obama presidency

The Death of Capitalism (tags)

This latest crisis may be the last one that capitalism can survive.

No Country for Old Men (tags)

The particular problems of the old in the US version of unregulated capitalism

Parks Attacks Community Organizer (tags)

Dirty Bernie Parks is abusing his power to attack a political enemy. It's a low blow, but, not unexpected.


The Bush-Pelosi proposed law bailing out Wall Street capitalist greed and hyper-profit,will hit the American poor and middle class even harder, and prolong the crisis. Time to stop the bill! Time to change Wall Street-coddling politicians! Time to go into the streets and make the people's voice heard!

Labors Militant Voice (tags)

Pulling the plug won't mean the end of the world; there is an alternative. Let's do a Kevorkian on this rotten system.

Changing the Rules to Keep the Ruling Class in the Drivers Seat (tags)

A better solution would be to cancel all debts.

The Purpose of the Bush Administration (tags)

There is a mission to the madness.

Step Right Up Folks! It's The FEDERAL RESERVE CARNIVAL BAILOUT Shell Game! (tags)

Over the din of calliope music, the smell of hot dogs, cotton candy, and buttered popcorn, set against the backdrop of brightly colored booths filled with con-artists, charlatans, and fakes of every type and description, a new carny booth has just opened, The Federal Reserve Bailout Shell Game Booth ! And EVERYONE is a WINNER !!!

Philippine Government Launches New War on Muslim Groups (tags)

War officially came to southern Philippines again as the government of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo unilaterally put an end to eleven years of negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) September 3. A month early the government abruptly broke off talks with the MILF on the eve of signing an autonomy pact. There are numerous reports of U.S. Special Forces accompanying Philippines Army units on their deadly sweeps in the Bangsamoro (land of the Moro people) region. More than 100 people have been killed so far and half a million refugees have fled from the fighting. Bourgeois liberals and the petty-bourgeois left lamely call on the government to resume the “peace process,” which in any case was only intended to wear down the insurgents. Revolutionaries instead seek to mobilize Philippine workers to drive out all U.S. forces, whatever their legal status; to force the withdrawal of the AFP from the contested southern areas; and to defend the Bangsamoro people and their right to self-determination.

Nationalization of Freddie Mac (tags)

The Nationalization of the mortage industry by the government shows how easily the goverment can nationalize healthcare and other services. The steady now increased offensive by the bosses over the past 30 years is because of a failure of union leadership by throwing all their resources into funding the Democrats and supporting the "team" concept.

Chile's September 11 (tags)

( Note: In the Philippines during the 20 years reign of Marcos, September 11 is marked by ostentatious cerwemonies marking the birthday of the dictator most specially during his 14-years dictatorship from 1973-1986. But on Sept 11, 1973, when the coup de tat was launched in Chile it cast a giant shadow on the dictatorship and the primacy of armed struggle against the martial law was upheld. The AJLPP decided to print a version of this article that was first published in the September 2006 issue of Socialism and Liberation magazine. Let everyone remember and never forget the dark days of US-imposed dictatorships in Chile and the Philippines.) ********

RNC ’08: Pit Bulls On Parade (tags)

If you thought, in the wake of the nightmare of the Bush years, and the euphoria of the Democratic Convention, that the political pendulum in the USA was swinging to the “left”… If you thought that the Bush regime was so widely and bitterly hated that a repackaged version couldn’t seriously contend for the presidency… If you thought that the Christian fundamentalist theocrats were passé… Then you got a shocking wake up call from the Republican National Convention.


Los Angeles- Democrat presumptive candidate Senator Barack Obama completes the turn to the right. By picking the pro-War Senator Biden as a running mate, he sought to appeal to the most backward sectors of the U.S. voting population and to show the ruling class “I’m your guy.” Obama wanted to assure people that he is not really that liberal. Obama affirmed that he is insecure of Clinton and he cannot hold a candle to Hillary Clinton in policy making. He proved that he is not the man for himself and he is being lead by other policy makers.

Facts for Working People (tags)

Labors Militant Voice (LMV) publishes a newspaper which aims to talk to the working class about issues effecting us. August issue: Why Gas Prices are so High, How to Apply for a Government Bail Out, Strikers in South Africa chant "Eat the Rich" and Why we Need a Workers Party Now.

High Five (tags)

When I was a kid growing up my parents weren’t rich weren’t poor. They didn’t have a lot of money, but enough to qualify as lower middle class and at times middle class. My father had a visiting teacher’s position at a university and my mother was an administrative assistant working towards a college degree. The highest tax bracket they got to was middle class just before my dad passed away in 1987.

Why We Challenged Barack Obama (tags)

On Friday, August 1st I led a contingent of the Uhuru Movement into Barack Obama’s town hall meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida to raise the question, “what about the black community, Obama?” Without the benefit of a big media budget, our organization attempted to bring the serious issues experienced by African working class people across this country into the national political debate.

The Dangerous Logic of Blocking Protests in the Name of Electing Democrats (tags)

At a time when the tens of millions of people who have the potential strength to stop this war are being pacified and corralled into a dead-end, what meaning does it have to call oneself “anti-war” if you are not protesting outside the convention? Anyone serious about stopping this whole direction of unjust war, torture and fascist repression should be in the streets.

What Will It Take to Defeat the War? (tags)

On June 28-29, an “Open National Antiwar Conference” was held in Cleveland, called by a newly minted National Assembly to End the Iraq War and Occupation. Over objections from the conference organizers, centrally Socialist Action, the assembly voted to change the name to include reference to the war on Afghanistan, and to emphasize the connection with U.S. backing for the Zionist occupation of Palestine. (The sponsors of the confab were so right-wing that they feared losing “unity” with Democratic Party supporters of Israel and the Afghanistan war!) What did not change at all was the popular-front character of the new outfit, tying it to the bourgeois parties despite the fig leaf of electoral “independence.” Making this utterly clear, it was decided not to call a national antiwar mobilization prior to the November elections explicitly in order to court those forces who wish to aid the Democrats (and therefore want to avoid making problems for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack Obama). Here is the leaflet issued by the Internationalist Group at the conference.

Fannie, Freddie, Food and Fuel (tags)

The financial crisis deepens with the nationalization of IndyMac and the likely bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie May by the US taxpayer. The financial crisis has company as inflation, and in particular huge increases in global food and energy prices, enters the fray. The American economic model has been discredited and the American century has lasted but a few decades. These developments have and will further open up a new period in the struggle between capital and labor on the world stage and the US working class will have a major role to play as it re-connects with its militant traditions.

The Middle Class Falls (tags)

The population has to get used to gas prices three times higher than four years ago. Rising energy- and food prices and the real estate crisis accelerate pauperization tendencies in the US.

Money for those Arrested at the World Economic Forum 2003 (tags)

In late January and early February 2003, the World Economic Forum meetings were held in New York City. In a class action lawsuit later brought by demonstrators arrested at the meetings, it was alleged that the NYPD attempted to show the world it was in control by illegally arresting and detaining 215 persons.


We all know the true story concerning the injustice inflicted on America's Middlle Class and Working Poor Americans when it comes to the Federal appeal Process juudicial Process.

Revolutionary Justice for the Filipino Working Class Victims of Big Capitalists! (tags)

The Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU) in Southern Mindanao, an underground group of revolutionary unions and an allied organization of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) expresses its strongest indignation of the systematic attack perpetrated by foreign and local comprador-capitalists against the Filipino working class.

Journalists cry foul over Makati RTC dismissal of media class suit (tags)

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) on Saturday said it is ready to contest the decision of the Makati Regional Trial Court dismissing the class suit filed by several media organizations and practitioners in connection with the arrest of journalists in the failed November 29 rebellion in Makati. "We do not agree with the decision and will contest it all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. We view the court's decision as a minor setback that will not discourage us from seeking justice and ensuring that no such injustice shall ever again be committed by the police and other security personnel," the NUJP said in a statement.



A Tribute to Ka Bel- Crispin Beltran (tags)

On behalf of the SEIU United Health Workers-West (UHW West), the largest workers union in the West Coast of the United States representing 150,000 health care workers in California, and the Circulo Panpangueno of Southern California Inc., an umbrella organization of 22 towns in Pampanga. Philippines extend our heart-felt condolences to the bereaved family, friends and comrades of the working class hero- Ka Crispin “ Ka Bel” Beltran. Ka Bel and the UHW shared one thing in com

Message of Solidarity from the UHW-West (tags)

On behalf of the SEIU United Health Workers-West (UHW West), the largest workers union in the West Coast of the United States representing 150,000 health care workers in California, and the Circulo Panpangueno of Southern California Inc., an umbrella organization of 22 towns in Pampanga. Philippines extend our heart-felt condolences to the bereaved family, friends and comrades of the working class hero- Ka Crispin “ Ka Bel” Beltran.

U.S.Public's Class Action Lawsuit against Washington's Lobbyists! (tags)

The sick reality that Lobbyists are spending "$3 Billion a Year" in Washington to influence and bribe the American Govt. is in reality a form of "Racketeering" and can be prosecuted under the Rico Act and many more statutes!

“Hunger riots”, it's the struggle of the proletariat! (tags)

Cal state LA students protest budget cuts with sit in (tags)

cal state las students marched out of class early thursday morning. They are now encamped in the hallway outside of the president's office. They are protesting the budget cuts that are taking away their class options and cutting down on counselors .

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts Down All U.S. West Coast Ports (tags)

On May 1, every port on the West Coast of the United States was shut down to demand an end to the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The historic May Day walkout by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is the first time ever that an American union has struck against a U.S. war. The union ranks defied the rulings of an arbitrator, who twice ordered them to go to work. They overcame the capitulations of the ILWU leadership, which didn't want the work stoppage in the first place, tried to water it down and cowered before the threats of legal action while waving the flag. The employers' Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) declared the May 1 port shutdown an "illegal strike." But after all the huffing and puffing from the bosses' mouthpieces, the dock workers pointed the way to defeating the imperialist war by mobilizing working-class power. In the end, it was more than a work stoppage. The dock workers' May Day strike against the war was a first step, a show of what it will take to bring down the warmongers in Washington. Their "symbolic" action was felt all the way to Iraq, where dock workers in two ports stopped work in solidarity with the ILWU. But it was only a beginning. What is needed is not only industrial action but a political offensive against the Democrats and Republicans, the partner parties of American imperialism, to build a class-struggle workers party.

Venice High School Students Walk out of Class (tags)

Venice High School Students Walk out of Class, Los Angeles, May 1st, 2008

Bell Case:Courts, Police, Democrat Obama v Workingclass (tags)

The outrage at the Sean Bell verdict must be NATIONWIDE. This is an escalation of the police state terror against the workingclass and Democrat Barack Obama, the millionaire, warmonger, pro-death penalty candidate for president, announces that he supports the fascist verdict.

Why Is Oil More Expensive? (tags)

The reason for the high price of oil is that specualtive capital after the eruption of the US real estate crisis in the summer of 2007 now wreaks its havoc in the oil- and other raw material sectors. Workers have a world to win whose contours can hardly be defined.

Non-Profits, Privatization, and Capitalism (tags)

As soon as we begun organizing our workplace into a union— a drug and alcohol rehab center— the murky non-profit world proved to be an obstacle. When first approached, many of our coworkers asked the same question, “would a union even work at a non-profit”? And to this we normally answered, “why not?” – Although a better answer might have been, “Why do non-profit workers believe they should have less rights or pay than other workers?” And with this question you’ve opened a Pandora’s Box that leads down a series of questions and answers that reveal a lot about how modern society functions, especially the relationship between workers’ standard of living, non-profits, and the present state of the capitalist system itself. To help explain the gargantuan role that non-profits play in modern society, a book of essays about the subject -- cleverly named The Revolution Will Not be Funded-- was released by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence. In its introduction chapter, the book explains how non-profits have evolved into organizations that divert political movements into dead ends, shape public opinion, and most relevant to this article, perform services previously done by the state.

VOTE PSL in 2008: Put Human Needs Over Profits (tags)

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. The campaign is rooted in the struggle for socialism. We believe a better world is possible and together we can make it happen.

The Redskins - Music for class struggle (tags)

The Redskins was an old band from Britain, that made music for working class, for class struggle


After last week in Burkina Faso, it is Cameroon this week that has witnessed demonstrations and strikes against inflation and the high cost of living; and the bestial repression of these movements of protest.

Academic Freedom? Not for Arabs in Israel (tags)

"Honor the Israeli Army Uniform," Lecturer Told

Puerto Rico: All Out to Defend the Teachers’ Struggle! (tags)

We are on the threshold of a major class battle in Puerto Rico. Every day new preparations are announced for the coming strike of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR). With 42,000 members, a majority of them women, the FMPR represents almost all of Puerto Rico’s teachers and is by far the largest union on the island. The Shock Force of the Puerto Rican Police and National Guard are being readied to go after the strikers. The struggle of the Puerto Rican teachers affects everybody. The working class as a whole, students and parents, teachers and defenders of workers’ rights around the world must come out in defense of the FMPR! If there are mass arrests, the response must be massive blockades and spreading the struggle to the point of shutting the island down. In order to win this strike, it is necessary to prepare for a struggle not only of the teachers but within the whole workers movement against the pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy that sabotages the workers’ struggle. Above all, it is necessary to fight against illusions in and ties with bourgeois parties and politicians. It’s high time to begin building a revolutionary internationalist workers party.

Obama: The “Best Face” For Imperialism (tags)

Sullivan writes that a (ruling class) “consensus” agenda for endless war and increased repression will be in effect regardless of who is president. He challenges the reader to pick who could best implement all this in the face of global isolation and profound domestic alienation. And, in the process, he sheds light on the real role of elections in this society.

The Black Holocaust- a Day of Remembrance (tags)

We must start by understanding that the Black Holocaust is the greatest tragedy that has occurred in all the history of mankind; this is significant and where we must begin. We can now end our oppression; we must establish a universal basic income, we must guarantee a universal health care system, we must guarantee affordable housing for everyone and we must protect the rights of working class people, and today more than 99.99 % of all Blacks are in the working class.

Communist Party of the Philippines pursues a violent course against its left opponents (tags)

In the Philippines, one of the poorest countries in Asia, 40 percent of the people live in poverty. Conditions there have sparked a large radical movement, heavily repressed by the government.

New Energy Bill- Working People will Pay (tags)

The Democrats and Republicans have made it clear that they are the corporate parties and they only represent the interests of the capitalists and the billionaires. The new energy bill is another long term payment plan that will be required of working class people while the billionaires continue to collect.

Venezuela: The referendum defeat - What does it mean? (tags)

At about 1am, after a long delay, the Venezuelan National Electoral Commission announced the results of the referendum on constitutional reform. The proposals for constitutional change were defeated by the narrowest of margins, with 4,504,354 votes against, (50.70%) and 4,379,392, (49.29%) for the YES. Soon afterwards, president Chávez was on the television accepting the results. He said that the proposed reforms had not been approved "for now", but that he would continue to struggle to build socialism. The result, as could be expected, was greeted with jubilation by the right wing opposition and all the reactionary forces. For the first time in almost a decade they have secured a victory. There were scenes of jubilation in the well-off middle class areas of Caracas. "At last we have shown that Chavez can be defeated! At last the slide towards communism has been stopped! At last we have given the rabble a lesson!" The joy of the reactionaries is both premature and exaggerated. A glance at the results shows that the voting strength of the opposition has barely increased. If you compare these results (after 88% of the votes had been counted) with the 2006 presidential elections, the opposition has only increased about 100,000 votes, but Chávez lost 2.8 million. These votes did not go to the opposition but rather to abstention. This means that support for the counter-revolution has not significantly increased from its highest point one year ago. How the bourgeoisie "informs" public opinion

Musharraf takes off his uniform: Pakistan enters a new phase of the class struggle (tags)

Events in Pakistan are moving fast. Yesterday General Musharraf quit as army chief, and was hastily sworn as president on the same day. The general hopes that in this way he will win respectability in the run-up to the election promised for January 8. This sets the stage for a big shift in Pakistan. The splits and conflicts at the top are providing a breach through which the accumulated discontent of the masses is thrusting itself forward. Events will then take on a logic of their own. The dictatorship has been brought to its knees by mass demonstrations and protests and by the intolerable contradictions that afflict Pakistan at all levels. As we predicted, the return of Benazir Bhutto brought millions of workers and peasants onto the streets. This is not thanks to, but in spite of, the policies and conduct of Benazir, who is an ally of US imperialism and until recently was attempting to reach a compromise with Musharraf.

Mortgage Crisis Jeopardizing Working Class Families (tags)

If the two corporate parties, the Democrats and Republicans, take a wait-and-see attitude while the mortgage lenders and multi-billionaires take the hard-earned family resources of millions of Americans, the results will be catastrophic for working class families, and ultimately for our entire economy.

The Fires of Class (tags)

An analysis of how the recent fires in Los Angeles and San Diego counties demonstrates how much America has given up even lip service to the notion that "all men are created equal" and how this nation has evolved into an aristocratic society that judges people's intrinsic worth based on their wealth.

Failing Senior Care System Burdening Families (tags)

The war is still the number one issue in the 2008 Elections, but even as we work to bring this war to an end, it is essential that the country look at real solutions rather than illusory for-profit “solutions” to our basic problems: the crisis facing an aging working class, poverty, homelessness, the cost of living, low wages, inflation, the recession, and many other issues on a national agenda of things-to-do. The government must take care of seniors and relieve their families, friends and caregivers of the financial burden.

Venezuela: another coupe in the works? (tags)

On Monday, November 5th, the campaign for the constitutional reform referendum in Venezuela was stepped up with the call by retired general Baduel for a NO vote. General Baduel was a close collaborator of Chávez and remained loyal to him during the April 2002 military coup which briefly ousted him. In July of this year he resigned from his position as Defence Minister and retired from active military office. His attacks on the constitutional reform are part of a concerted campaign by the ruling class to prevent it from being approved in a referendum which will take place on December 2nd. The amendments to the 1999 Venezuelan revolution were announced by Chávez after his election victory in December 2006 with the stated aim of bringing the Constitution into line with "Socialism of the 21st century". They were then formally proposed by Chávez in July, discussed throughout the country and passed with a whole series of modifications and additions by the National Assembly on November 2nd.

Retirement under capitalism (tags)

Sometimes small statistics can have huge implications. The U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics recently reported that the age at which U.S. workers retire has risen for the first time in 100 years. According to the report, in the mid-1980s, 18 percent of people in their late 60s still had jobs; today, it is 29 percent. Millions of U.S. workers can no longer look forward to the “Golden Years” of guaranteed Social Security, Medicare health insurance and employer pensions. One in four baby boomers surveyed said they would likely never be able to retire – in other words, they will “work until they drop”. For those that do want to retire, the age at which they can do so is also being systematically raised. Workers born in 1960 or later must wait until age 67, rather than 65, to get their full Social Security benefits. There is talk of raising it further to 70. The mainstream media took scant notice of this, and for good reason; it’s a huge indicator of deeper processes that are destroying the standard of living of workers in the United States and internationally. A quick look into why workers are delaying retirement – if they have the “luxury” of retiring at all – points a condemning finger at the current state of international capitalism, while at the same time warning younger workers of the even worse conditions they’ll certainly face under the auspices of the capitalist system.

The Reconstruction Party: A New Political Development (tags)

There is a new political party on the horizon that is attempting to offer working class Blacks, working people in general, and the poor an alternative to the two capitalist parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Stunned by how little has been done by either capitalist party for anyone who was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans – other than the rich and powerful – the Reconstruction Party was officially launched on September 2 of this year. As a first step, the Party is running Malcolm Suber for City Council in New Orleans. Suber is a former textile worker and auto worker and member of the UAW, and has been active in labor struggles since moving to New Orleans, especially around union organizing. He was a founding member and national organizer of the People's Hurricane Relief Fund and Oversight Coalition, a broad coalition of grassroots groups organized around the demand for the reconstruction of New Orleans under community control. In part, this movement is a response to the ruthless policies implemented by the ruling class in New Orleans. Taking full advantage of the helpless situation of many working people, especially the Black majority of New Orleans, the capitalists have pressed to privatize everything, including schools, health care, and prisons, while at the same time preventing the vast majority of those who were forced to leave from returning to their homes.

Reviewing James Petras' "Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire" (tags)

An in-depth review of James Petras' important new book.

That Damned Marx (tags)

No matter what they say, the bourgeois cannot escape the fact that Marx's ideas still hold water after all these years. His analysis of the capitalist system, its laws and contradictions are as relevant today as they were 150 years ago. The serious journals of capitalism confirm this.

Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans (tags)

As the opposition to the Iraq War continues to mount across America and around the world, many independent voters are now rejecting the candidates of the two corporate parties and are considering third party candidates. Within the next three weeks the Socialist Party USA will meet for its National Convention, in St Louis Missouri; the organization is hoping to capture the votes of those independent voter and working class people that are searching for a new direction for the nation.

The Bubble as the Work of Criminals (tags)

A conscious and organized deceit, a criminal fraud, is perpetrated on investors when speculators create marketable securities out of bad mortgages on an overheated real estatemarket.

Real Estate Crisis in the US (tags)

Credit failures in the real estate business threaten the whole payment system between banks, private businesses and households handled through short-term credits..The US real estate crisis affects other economic sectors and countries and cal also lead to a shift in class relations.

The Anti-War Movement, the Troops, & Some Lessons from Vietnam (tags)

Life inside the U.S. military reflects the conflicting class interests in this country, often in its deadliest forms. While technically a “volunteer” military, the great bulk of its recruits come from working class families and are largely joining because of a lack of job and educational opportunities. For them, signing up is a chance to acquire the skills they need to get a decent job once they become civilians, though, in reality, military service has little to offer in this regard. On the other hand, the majority of the military’s professional officers and policy makers come from more privileged layers of the population. For them, the military is a career where they can take their “rightful place” lording over the grunts and climb the ladder as they would if they were working for a corporation or financial institution. Because of this divide in opportunity and expectations, which is rooted in class inequality, the great majority of soldiers are subject to the arrogance, lies, and disregard for their personal well-being at the hands of their superiors, as are workers are to the capitalists in civilian life.

Socialist Presidential Candidates at America’s Crossroads (tags)

Today Americans are faced with a broad range of complex issues not seen since the American Civil War; a war that divided America and created a clash of ideologies. Now, more than 140 years since the end of Civil War, Americans are faced with greater challenges and 11 socialist presidential candidates with Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party believe a new direction for the nation is critical.

Great Britain:Ex PM Tony B liar and Prince Harry Defame Princess Diana (tags)

There's room at the top they are telling you still, But first you must learn how to smile as you kill, If you want to be like the folks on the hill, A working class hero is something to be. A working class hero is something to be. If you want to be a hero well just follow me, - John Lennon

The Coupon Clippers Get A History Lesson From One Of Their Own (tags)

Bourgeois theoreticians take measures to assure their class that the present crisis will pass. "Do not panic" is the message. Good times will return and the robbery can go on. Time for a history lesson.

The Royal Prerogative (tags)

The present economic crisis has the capitalist class calling for state intervention again. They claim another bout of memory loss, they simply "forgot" the business cycle exists.

'Old Europe' Bails Out Idiot-run Free-Market US Government - Again (tags)

Right now, the entire world's banking system is being pressed to the limit of what it can do to prevent a worldwide crash of the capitalist system due to what one European banker called "a complete evaporation of liquidity" [Source: "ECB reportedly weighs dollar swap with Fed",, 13 August, 2007]. In layman's terms, that means that the world's banking system is running out of the funds needed to keep the capitalist credit system running.

National "Sick of War" Sick Day (tags)

Workers Against War is proposing the date of October 26th, 2007 for the “Sick of War” sick day.

Building Bridges Radio: Barbara Ehrenreich Covering the Class War; I.W.W. vs Starbucks (tags)

WBAI'S Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Confronting U.S. Empire: Reviewing Filipino American Insurgent Intellectual Production (tags)

This new intervention by internationally renowned Filipino scholar E. SAN JUAN, Jr. signals a renewed self-reflection by the Filipino American community and the entire diaspora of nearly 10 million Overseas Contract Workers.

For a United Anti-War Movement (tags)

The world situation is characterized by extreme political, economic, social, and military instability. Humanity has entered an unprecedented period of wars, revolutions, and counter-revolutions. This is at root a reflection of the crisis of the world capitalist system, with the crisis of U.S. capitalism at its center. Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and the relentless pursuit of profits. This leads to vicious competition between rival capitalists for control of the world's natural resources, markets and labor. Under capitalism, national governments negotiate trade deals, use diplomatic pressure, and often resort to military force to defend the interests of "their" country's corporations.

Is Barack Obama an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)

After years of Bush’s open-ended war on working people at home and abroad, many on the “left” are desperate for an alternative. For many, that alternative is Barack Obama, a Democratic Senator from Illinois. Obama, who is very careful with his words and actions, has done a good job so far of portraying himself as a “sensible progressive”. However, far from being a “progressive” alternative, Obama is at his core a typical representative of the bosses’ political parties. Despite presenting himself as a candidate of “change”, Obama is a defender of capitalism and imperialism, and hence of exploitation and oppression. On all fundamentals, he is far closer to Bush than he is to being a genuine alternative for working people.

Chrysler, Globalization, and Labor's response (tags)

The UAW will confront Detroit auto makers at the bargaining table in July for a new national contract. In what will prove to be one of the UAW’s biggest challenges since the union’s birth, this contract will bear the imprint of the wholesale restructuring of the American auto industry. When Cerberus Capital Management paid $7.4 billion to take control of Chrysler on May 13, 2007, the challenge to the Union was official: “Are you ready to negotiate with a private equity firm which specializes in gutting troubled companies?” The UAW’s position on Chrysler will undoubtedly influence negotiations with General Motors and Ford. Cerberus wants to cut costs to make money off its investment. Contract talks open up a golden opportunity for the bosses to cut costs at the expense of the workers on the assembly lines. Cutting benefits which previous generations sacrificed, fought for and in some instances, died for, is what is at risk for auto workers in 2007.

Political Genius: credit where it’s due (tags)

Few even know her name but she was responsible for the Roman Empire enduring for another fifteen hundred years as a theological empire. Most people and historical texts mistakenly refer to the Roman Emperor Constantine as the person who transformed the militaristic Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire, however, he was only a manipulated mommy’s boy.

the Iraq War -- a Socialist perspective (tags)

The war in Iraq is at the heart of the instability in the Middle East – and the U.S. It is now the third-longest-running war in U.S. history: longer than the American Civil War, the First and Second World Wars, and the Korean War. Only the Philippine-American and Vietnam Wars have lasted longer. Although control over Iraq’s oil was a major reason for the invasion, it was not the main factor. Overall strategic control over the region and teaching a “lesson” to any country that dares “step out of line” was the main objective. However, none of U.S. imperialism’s political, economic, or military objectives have been achieved. Far from demonstrating its power, U.S. imperialism has demonstrated the limits of its power. The results will be far-reaching both internationally and within the U.S. itself.

Only Pressure on the Streets Can Advance the Struggle of Immigrant Workers (tags)

Negotiations in the U.S. Senate on immigration “reform” legislation have stalled. Is this a victory or a defeat for the working class? Despite the hypocritical tears of some national immigrant rights leaders who lament that “we lost a big opportunity”, in reality, this stagnation of the process reflects an equilibrium in the balance of forces between those who benefit from the most miserable exploitation of 12 million workers, and the interests and organizational strength of those workers and their allies. A detailed analysis of the proposal clearly reveals that this is an anti-immigrant “reform” which would increase the persecution of undocumented immigrants. This law would not improve the conditions of life of millions of families; on the contrary, it would make things worse.

Build a United Anti-War Movement (tags)

After weeks of political show-boating, the Democrats have voted to continue the war in Iraq. Without even the fig leaf of a time line for a partial withdrawal, they have appropriated over $100 billion more public dollars to continue the occupation of Iraq, condemning thousands more Americans and Iraqis to death and dismemberment. This is another $100 billion that will not be used to create jobs, provide health care, or build schools and affordable housing. The total spent on the war now totals over $556 billion. Even the richest nation on earth cannot afford this policy of “guns before butter” forever. Bush is completely discredited, with little popular support and virtually none of his infamous “political capital”. And still the Democrats caved on the one issue that has galvanized the entire country, the one issue that propelled them to Congressional power in the mid-term elections. The message in November was crystal clear: “end the war now!”

Working Class Resources (tags)

Lists of working class movies, documentaries, and literature


Interview of Filipino Activist Intellectual E. SAN JUAN, Jr.

Letter to the international labour movement (tags)

On May 31, at 7:00 am, 150 police armed to the teeth invaded Cipla, a factory controlled by the workers, and "installed" an administrator appointed by the federal judge at the request of the INSS (Social Security). The management elected by the workers along with other selected workers were expelled or prevented from entering the plant. Armed terror has been imposed in the factory. One of the first measures taken by the administrator was to cover with a black canvas the plaque at the entrance of the factory which said: "CIPLA, company controlled by the workers." A marvelous national and international compaign demanding the end of the intervention at Cipla was launched just a few hours after the Federal Police carried out their war operations. Messages began to arrive to the Lula government and the Minister of Justice, Tarso Genro, who is responsible for the Federal Police and Luis Marinho, Minister of Social Security, from whose ministry the request for the intervention in Cipla came. Messages were also sent to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Carlos Lupi. This strong and immediate reaction gave us the strength and energy to organize the resistance against these riduculous events.

Capitalist Globalization and the "middle-class" (tags)

Since the 1970s, the social consequences of the current period of capitalism (commonly referred to as globalization) have primarily affected the working class, especially those in manufacturing jobs. Despite the consequential deterioration of large cities and countless smaller towns — not to mention the pauperization of large segments of the population — the effects were dismissed by politicians and the mainstream media as necessary evils. The victims of this process were told to pick themselves up by their boot-straps, go back to school, and learn to integrate into the new, technology-driven global economy. How things have changed! Experience has exposed all the promises of globalization to be lies, and now those who think of themselves as "middle-class" are finding themselves on the chopping block. These skilled workers — engineers, Information Technology workers, accountants, legal and medical personnel, etc. — are confronted by the combined forces of a shrinking labor market, outsourcing, and the corporate-led importation of foreign workers through the H-1B visa program.

Presidential Hopeful Alexander wants $10 Minimum Wage (tags)

The Democratic control Congress recently passed a minimum wage increase tied to a Bush-Iraq War spending bill for $120 billion; within the next two years America’s lowest paid wage earners will receive a $2.10 pay increase. Presidential hopeful Stewart A. Alexander says, “It’s not enough.”

Channelling Charles -- Entitling A Universal 'Royalty'? (tags)

With the Global Bilderberg and EU/G8 Summits and Protests coming on this week -- a whole planet of awakening sovereigns is learning the language of freedom from a lifetime of economic, political and cultural servitude. The question of the role of the British and Global Security State in the murder of Princess Diana -- and the contemporary dialog on how to emancipate the British population from their thralldom to 'royalty' -- is the beginning of a dialog on a Global Entitlement to Life and Prosperity.

"We Have an Upper Class Problem" (tags)

The unconditional basic income is a revolutionary idea but can only be realized in an evolutionary way.. We have long been in a foreign-provision economy. No one can provide for himself.. The state should offer people a basic income so they can live a modest humane life.

war protest (tags)

end this war or we will


Filipinos in the U.S. today comprise the largest community of Asians in the U.S. But knowledge about Filipinos is scarce; instead, trivialities, cliches, and stereotypes are disseminated by Filipino historical associations. This review calls attention to one serious effort to approach Filipinos from a historical-materialist point of view.

Class Action Lawsuit Filed For May Day Rally (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild, along with attorneys from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), filed a class action lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles yesterday on behalf of the community groups who organized a May Day immigrants rights rally at MacArthur Park in the city’s heavily Latino immigrant community.

Protest MacArthur Park Police Brutality at CSULA (tags)

Protest police brutality, the war machine, and racism at the grand opening of the Criminology Lab at CSULA on Friday, May 11th, at 2pm. The site of the grand opening is at Cal State Los Angeles, on the corner of Eastern Ave and State University Dr. It is expected that many politicians (including Arnold) as well as the who's who of law enforcement will be present. Say no to their fascist plans!

The Mexican Revolution Surges Forward (tags)

Millions of workers and students on strike: report of the first 12 hours of the May 2 strike Just six months after Calderon assumed the presidency and the anti-fraud movement and the APPO were defeated, the situation in Mexico is heating up again. The previous showdown over the elections and the revolutionary struggle in Oaxaca solved nothing. The bourgeois, foolishly, perhaps believed that the working class was finished, and that the struggle was over. They will not be able to maintain that opinion any longer. Carrying on from the magnificent struggles in March against the attacks of the weak Calderón government, a general strike was called earlier this week on May 2 - the first general strike in Mexico since 1916.


Today, the working class in the Philippines and the whole world commemorate International Workers' Day. This is in recollection and reaffirmation of the long history so far of the heroic struggle of the working class to claim their interests, rights at power against the rule, exploitation and oppression of the big capitalist class and their henchmen and instruments that are characterized by greed, rottenness, deceit and cruelty at their very core.

Full rights for all immigrants! (tags)

A new mass leaflet.


After four years of litigation, heated community protests, and on-and-off-again settlement talks, Assi Super, Inc. owner Daniel Sung Chul Rhee and his former employees have agreed to settle the workers' class action lawsuit alleging unpaid overtime wages and racial discrimination and harassment for $1.475 million.

Announcing: FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)

Finally, a collection of first-hand accounts of the Fare Strike, in which thousands of San Franciscans openly and spontaneously united along class lines and rode mass transit for free. The alienated space of public transportation was briefly transformed into an arena of solidarity and radical possibilities.

Workers Know All About Capital Accumulation, Don't We? (tags)

It is within the pages of the main Bourgeois journals that we find the strongest confirmation of Marx's economic writings.

The Tasks of the Immigrant Workers’ Movement: For a working class program! (tags)

As we approach the first anniversary of the immigrant worker mega-marches, the struggle for our rights continues. We defeated the Sensenbrenner bill, and yet the attacks on the families of undocumented workers have intensified. Dozens of raids, the limitation of habeas corpus, the militarization of the border, “no-match” letters, and other attacks on our class must be met with a decisive response! We need a clear program of struggle that can lead us to victory – to full amnesty and equal rights for all immigrant workers and their families.

BBC Reported Collapse of WTC 7 Almost 30 Min Before it Happened (tags)

The 9/11 Inside Job, America's Reichstag Fire, both perpetrated by the ruling class to promote war and fascism to maximize the profits of the capitalist class, continues to be investigated. The latest evidence that the bombings of 9/11/01 were an Inside Job is that the BBC reported the collapse of Building 7 of the World Trade Center almost 30 minutes before it actually happened!

10 simple promises (tags)

The attatched 42K PDF document is my bid for the Presidency in 2008.

Killers in the Classroom (tags)

-- -- During a heated debate in a class I teach on social justice, several US Marines who had done tours in Iraq told me that they had "sacrificed" by “serving” in Iraq so that I could enjoy the freedom to teach in the USA. Parroting their master’s slogan about “fighting over there so we don’t have to fight over here”, these students proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis. They intimated that their Arab victims are nothing more to them than collateral damage, incidental to their receipt of some money and an education.

Capitalism and Corruption (tags)

Until recently, the bribes paid by German firms abroad were deducted from the corpor-ation tax as operating expenses..The neoliberal dogma doesnt need any religion since it makes capitalism into a religion.. The cult of abstract riches cannot replace morality Mergers and takeovers are central.

Why Capitalists support the war (tags)

To put it simply, they want to maximize their profits at the expense of the vast majority. This requires access to raw materials, markets, and cheap labor, not to mention juicy government contracts with built-in profits. But don't take our word for it. Here's what the representatives and defenders of U.S. capitalism have had to say about it over the years: "War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses... "It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism." - USMC General Smedley Butler, 1933 "...We have about 50 percent of the world's wealth, but only 6.3 percent of its population... Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and daydreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction... We should cease to talk about vague and... unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better." - George Kennan, State Department, 1948

AJLPP Support The Petition to the Supreme Court To Declare VFA unconstitutiona (tags)

The Alliance for A Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) –USA militantly support the call of nationalist Filipinos led by Former Senate president Jovito Salonga, former Senator Wigberto Tañada, retired Court of Appeals associate justice Jose de la Rama; and lawyers Emilio Capulong, Harry Roque, and Florin Hilbay to declare as unconstitutional the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) for allegedly creating a "privileged class among criminals." The AJLPP –USA express elation that the Former Senate president Jovito Salonga led complainants in filing the 43-page petition before the high tribunal Friday. They said that the VFA had given the US soldiers "a class above all others" when it allowed the US to have custody of its erring

Make Capitalism History (tags)

The iron fist of McDonald Douglas protects the soft fist of McDonalds. Militarism is the back side of capitalism. We must resist normalization of war and militarization of foreign policy. Love for life and the future can change priorities and perspectives.

Millions Struggling to Survive On Low Wages (tags)

The 110th Congress is now in session and congressional leaders are expected to move on a broad range of critical matters that are a vital concern to the entire nation; topping the list is the Iraq War, the national debt, the balance of trade, affordable health care, immigration, solving the nation’s energy crisis, the environment, and minimum wage. Congress is expected to move quickly to raise the federal minimum wage from the present rate of $5.15 to $7.25 per hour by 2009; it will be the first such increase since 1997.

Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle! (tags)

For several months the town of Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican State of the same name, has been the center (of a movement) of important struggles which have undergone (or suffered) repeated attacks by the forces of repression (police, army and paramilitary) with many victims: at the end of November the toll was 22 dead and 34 disappeared.

Pinochet is dead! It is time to kill the system that spawned him! (tags)

The fact that the death of Pinochet on Sunday sparked off celebrations in Chile and around the world should surprise no one. He was a hated figure, a living symbol of the real face of the bourgeoisie. In "normal" times the capitalists prefer to govern through "democratic" parliamentary means, so long as their fundamental interests are guaranteed. But the capitalist system cannot always guarantee that its interests can be defended through parliamentary means. History is full of examples where the bourgeoisie has preferred to do away with the niceties of "democracy"... Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto... the list is endless.

Party and Class (tags)

A party lives when there is the existence of a doctrine and a method of action. A party is a school of political thought and consequently an organisation of struggle. The first characteristic is a fact of consciousness, the second is a fact of will, or more precisely of a striving towards a final end.

Exploitation and Precarity (tags)

The exclusion processes are actually the result of radicalized capital exploitation strategies.. In the last two decades capital has learned that low-wage zones can be enforced when the collapse zones are intimidatingly present.

Documenting Baggage (tags)

On November 24th, 2006, I traveled to the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica, California, to observe and document how people were spending their time on “the busiest shopping day of the year,” the day after Thanksgiving. To narrow down the focus of my documentary, I decided to use photos of people and the bag or bags that they were carrying. The bag a person carries can lead to many assumptions about the person carrying the bag. In some cases, the owner of the bag may not be the person who carries the bag, though I believe the bags shown in Baggage are all carried by their new or longtime owners.

Pinochet, chief of the mass murderers, dies (tags)

His death does not mark the end of Pinochetism. People are declaring themselves admirers of his work. Some more shamefully than others, they declare themselves his admirers, his followers, his heirs. They must pay for his entire legacy. The indictment for the crimes of Pinochet's dictatorship, which the human rights organizations have upheld valiantly and tirelessly for years, against his civilian and military collaborators, does not expire with the death of their leader.

Rightwing Anti-Capitalism (tags)

The interests of the working class are no longer defended by the dominant parties. On the background of this representation crisis (cf Gramsci), rightwing populist parties have electoral successes all over Europe.

WOT: Revolution in news will lead to overthrow of capitalist rule (tags)

The industrial revolution created the modern proletariat. The revolution in communications will allow this proletariat to make itself conscious and will lead to the overthrow of the system of bourgeois rule. For the first time in history, the majority of suffering humanity will have access to a clear, accurate and comprehensive class-based picture of what is wrong with the world and how to coordinate their actions in order to end bourgeois rule and usher in a world without hunger, privation or war. As decade rolls after decade, information war will transform the terrain of the class struggle -- including world culture, world politics and the left ecosystem which gives birth to revolutionary organizations. These nine theses are the second installment of "Seventeen Theses on the Destiny of the Revolution in Communications and the Concept of Workers' Rule". ...brought to you by the Weapon of Transparency channel...

Venezuelan elections: Cast a blank ballot (tags)

[Here's a translation of the latest article from the Venezuelan Trotskyists. It is of special interest in the United States, where the left entirely capitulates to the Bolivarian popular front headed by Hugo Chávez, thinking that their blind endorsement of class collaboration is some kind of "solidarity." Solidarity with whom? With what class?]

Liberation News Voter Recommendations (tags)

While the system is stacked against working people and the poor through rampant electoral fraud and the corrupt corporate buying and selling of candidates to the American people, Liberation News suggests people vote as one part of a broader struggle for change.

Fear of the Working Class At Home And Internationally Stirs Some Debate Among the Bankers (tags)

There is growing concern among sections of the capitalist class that the rising opposition to their global offensive and the market will get out of control.

Warrior Class Vs. the Priest Class (tags)

"The Highly Sensitive Person" book.



Feinstein asks "Which Arnold?" (tags)

Feinstein led off the rally today for Angelides. Surrounded by local Democratic candidates, Feinstein launched a withering attack that clearly defined Democrats as standing with the middle class that needs government to protect their interests.

PFP, Stewart Alexander Represents America's Left (tags)

For years America perceived the Democratic Party as the party for working class people and protecting American jobs; today this party is no friend to working class people. The party has joined the Republican Party to suppress wages; the party has supported foreign trade affecting the income of millions of Americans and the ranks of the unemployed are fueling crime, poverty and misery.

Labor must take the road of class struggle! (tags)

A Working Class Emancipation labor bulletin

US Senate votes 100-0 for $70 billion more in war spending (tags)

The unanimous vote by the US Senate on Friday to approve the Bush administration’s request for an additional $70 billion to finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan demonstrates a basic truth of American politics: the Democratic Party, no less than the Republicans, is a party of imperialist militarism and war.

The Importance of Civil Disobedience in Post-Katrina New Orleans (tags)

Citizens of New Orleans are taking it upon themselves to enforce the right of return with everyday acts of civil disobedience. Public housing residents in particular are fighting back. HUD is attempting to shutter all of public housing in New Orleans, but residents have forced the reopening of Iberville Housing Development, and have attempted reoccupation of two other developments.

Building Bridges Radio: Global Class War (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 58 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW



Katrina, one year later: For black liberation through socialist revolution! (tags)

We revolutionaries insist that black liberation, including the conquest of full democratic rights for blacks in the US, can only be achieved through socialist revolution. It is hopeless and naïve to expect the US government to "rebuild for democracy". The face of US capitalist "democracy" was unmasked by Hurricane Katrina, and it's not going to get any prettier.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Roosevelt University fires teacher for allowing questioning of Zionism (tags)

Roosevelt University has fired a religion teacher for allowing students in his class to engage in questioning about Zionism, discussion of Palestine, etc.

Poor and Elderly Die in California Heat Wave (tags)

The deaths during California's recent heat wave were due to market forces not natural causes

Israel's "Shock and Awe" Bombing of Lebanon (tags)

by Beau Grosscup

Black Commentator: Israeli Apartheid (tags)

We need to catch up with the rest of the civilized world, and talk about what we can do to emphatically withdraw our support from the apartheid state of Israel and its immoral and illegal occupation regime.

The Beauty of the System (tags)

A tale of shipping, blackmail and slow death in the lost Cul de Sac

Criticism as a Weapon (tags)

E. San Juan's recent book, ONLY BY STRUGGLE (Quezon City: Giraffe Books), represents one of the most important progressive voices in the movement for national democracy and liberation in the Philippines. This review highlights some noteworthy themes of the work.

WOT: Eight Theses on the Destiny of the Concept of Workers' Rule (tags)

These eight theses are the first installment of "Seventeen Theses on the Destiny of the Revolution in Communications and the Concept of Workers' Rule". ... brought to you by the "Weapon of Transparency" channel.

Peak Oil and Politics (tags)

Among the many shouts of warning from environmentalists about global catastrophes, ‘Peak Oil’ stands out as the newest and most imminent. The issue has gained special acceptance from different sections of the left, who have chosen it as their primary concern – aside from of course, defeating Bush. Peak Oil and other environmental issues, such as global warming, have created important political questions that need to be addressed; the following is an attempt to analyze the different political considerations that arise when one discusses the topic of Peak Oil.

For once I am speechless (tags)

But only for a moment. Go to the internet today, and what is the first thing I am greeted with?



The International Socialist Organization and the 2006 election (tags)

The International Socialist Organization is holding a conference this weekend in New York City under the slogan “Socialism 2006—Build the Left, Fight the Right.” An examination of the perspective upon which this gathering has been organized, however, makes clear that it is aimed at promoting a “left” variety of bourgeois politics, in the form of the Green Party, which can serve only to divert a mass movement that arises against the right-wing policies of the two major parties and lead it into a political dead end.



True Nature of Obscenity (tags)

We are daily surrounded by capitalist obscenities such as poverty, war, injustice and inequality. Insult is added to injury when bourgeois spokespersons such as Billy Graham blame God and human beings. It is enough to make a person swear.

May 1st: A new class being formed (tags)

This May Day showed our class is beginning to stir. When there is motion, conciousness of class interests is possible



Down with Senate Bill 2611! (tags)

In recent months millions of immigrants have been in the streets protesting the vicious attacks that Bush and Congress are preparing to legislate against them, while local governments also formulate attacks. Behind this reactionary onslaught is the fact that the capitalists want immigrant labor, but they want it without rights so that they can more profitably exploit it. They know that without the same rights as other workers the immigrant workers have little chance in effectively resisting the rotten wages and conditions they impose on them. And they know that lack of rights makes it very difficult for immigrant workers to actively support and participate in strikes and other struggles of the "legal" U.S. workers.

Brazil: CONLUTAS congress (tags)

A new setback for the Brazilian and Latin American workers at the hands of the ex-Trotskyist left of the World Social Forum

Down with Senate Bill 2611! (tags)

The reactionary features of this anti-immigrant bill are crystal clear. Renewed mass struggle is needed. Full rights for all immigrants!

Schwarzenegger Leaves Poor, Middle Class Behind (tags)

Governor Schwarzenegger has lead the State of California during a period of economic growth however the conditions for the poor and middle classes have been on the decline during the governor term in office and inflation has soared to monumental levels. The governor boasts how well the economy is doing but he has not seen the poor in the neighborhoods of Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego. He has not seen the homeless in Riverside, Santa Monica and Santa Barbara. Their ranks are growing daily.


The following remarks are intended to supplement the author's paper "Blueprint for a Bulosan Project" posted in the online journal OUR OWN VOICE. This essay critiques the position of "leftists" in the elite U.S. academies who claim a "manifest destiny" to civilize colonized subalterns and peasant radicals like the Filipino writer Carlos Bulosan who (they claim) have failed to take "America" out of a transnationalizing U.S. Studies. Are we seeing a replay of the "Thomasites" who produced generations of neocolonized "little brown brothers" now serving U.S. imperialist aggression in Iraq, Aghanistan, Palestine, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and in the Philippines, its former direct colony? "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea...."



¡Somos Milliones! We are millions! (tags)

The May Day outpouring, which was called the “Gran Paro Americano / Great American Strike” or “Un Día Sin Inmigrantes / A Day Without Immigrants” was, though in a partial form due to the minimal organized participation of most trade unions, a general strike: by all measures a momentous political advance for the working class.

Se puede? Not by protest alone (tags)

It only took a day for the effect of the immigration protests to be known. On May 2nd politicians from both parties gave a wealth of interviews and speeches that clarified their positions: nothing had changed. In fact, many had remarked that the protest had a ‘backlash effect’, hardening and inflaming the already conservative opinions of Republicans, while dulling the already flimsy stance of Democrats. Trent Lott, in speaking for many on the right, implied that a massive deportation sweep during the protests would have been appropriate, given that “we had ‘em all in a bunch”. On the other side of the isle, Diane Feinstein gave a more passive response to the protests, representing the unaffected character of most Democrats to the millions who appeared in the streets; the passionate outcry from the masses was referred to as ‘counterproductive’, since protesting does not “changes votes on the floor of the senate”— the latter point is certainly true, becoming more obvious as pro-immigration and anti-war protests continue to draw millions, but fall onto deaf ears in Congress. Demonstrations, boycotts, protests, or any other indication of public opinion has proven unable to sway the actions of either party. The façade of the two-party system is unveiling itself with impressive speed as social tensions near the boiling point.

The implications of the immigrant demonstrations for the class struggle in America (tags)

The demonstrations, strikes and boycotts by immigrant workers in cities across the United States are an indication of a sharpening of the class struggle, both in the US and internationally. Literally millions took to the streets May 1 in cities from Los Angeles to New York, Miami to Seattle and scores of towns in between. This mass protest movement, which has been building since March, is without precedent in both its size and its national scope.



MAY DAY, a day of class struggle! (tags)

Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee Statement on May Day 2006

Class Action for Chicago Anti-war lawsuit (tags)

After more than 10,000 anti-war protestors marched on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago on March 20, 2003, police detained and arrested hundreds of people. A lawsuit brought on behalf of over 800 demonstrators and passersby has recently been granted class action status.

The End of Security (tags)

The state has a social nature and isn't only a security and power state. If the state is reduced to a trough or waterboy for capital, the class compromise is dissolved and justice becomes an abstraction. Neoliberal myths legitimate the growing precariousness

US government arrests record numbers in factory raids (tags)

In a nationwide dragnet Wednesday, US immigration enforcement agents raided factories across the country arresting nearly 1,200 undocumented workers, a record number for a single operation. The raids come in the wake of massive demonstrations throughout the country protesting reactionary anti-immigrant legislation in Congress and demanding full legal status and citizenship rights for the millions of undocumented workers who have come to find jobs and a better life.

Marx for dummies (tags)

It’ no accident that many people are finding a rekindled interest in the writings of Karl Marx; the international assault of workers wages and benefits, continued warfare, and economic instability in general are causing a revival of the buried and slandered ideas of Marxism. Many of these concepts offer tremendous insight about the origins and workings of capitalism, and thus the causes of many of society’s current problems. Needless to say, involved are immense implications for anybody interested in becoming an activist. A “Marxist” is someone who accepts some of the key points about history and society first explained by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels, and elaborated further by the writings of Lenin, Trotsky, and many others (Stalin, Mao, etc are Marxists in name only). Unfortunately, one cannot learn about these ideas by going to college, aside from the many biased and bastardized versions of the subject. The following is a brief explanation of some of the more important concepts of Marxism.

CYNTHIA MCKINNEY: A Tale of Two Members of Congress & the Police – by Jeffrey Blankfort (tags)

The Democrat Party leadership was overjoyed when McKinney was defeated for re-election in 2002. After she had served five terms, AIPAC decided to make an example of her for having criticized Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. ...The Democrats were, in turn, mortified two years later when, without their help, the plucky McKinney ran and was re-elected to her seat. ...To show the party's displeasure, McKinney was denied the return of her seniority by a tight-lipped Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco congresswoman who serves as the Democrats' minority House whip. ...McKinney, of course, is African-American, and one of the few members of the Congressional Black Caucus who has not been cowed into submission by the Democratic Party and the only one who has refused to genuflect to the Israel lobby. ...To make matters worse – for McKinney, not for the pursuit of truth and justice – she has refused to accept the official Bush administration explanation of the events of 9-11.



Downtown Santa Ana flooded with upwards of 1,000 immigrant rights supporters (tags)

Marchers held up signs with statements like "We are Not Criminals," "We are America," "Keep Families United," "Amnesty," "The Working Class has No Borders," and "Justice and Dignity for All Immigrants." Another simply read: "Please Leave Us Alone."

IWW resolves to join May 1 General Strike (tags)

The Industrial Workers of the World have passed a resolution supporting the struggle for immigrant workers' rights and calling on their membership and all workers to join the General Strike on May 1st, 2006.



Building Bridges Radio: Immigrant Rights - The National Debate Heats Up (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 58 or 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK WEB ADDRESS LINK

A socialist strategy for workers’ power: the only answer to France’s “First Job Contract” (tags)

The month-long struggle against the Gaullist government’s “First Job Contract” has brought to the fore the fundamental class and political issues facing workers and young people not only in France, but across Europe and internationally. The needs of youth and workers—decent-paying and secure jobs, education, health care, a future without war or repression—are in irreconcilable conflict with the interests of a financial elite who represent a failed political and economic system. This oligarchy of wealth and power is determined to make the working class pay for the crisis of the capitalist system.

3/30: Actions Need For Senate Immigration Bill, Call Your Senator! (tags)

1. Why the Senate's Proposed Immigrant Bill is Bad for the Immigrants. 2. Take Actions! Call Your Senator to Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform!

12:15 pm Students at LA High refusing to go to class (tags)

12:10 Reports of a heavy police response to a demonstration at LA High 500 students in the field refusing to go to class.

Bush's Immigration Trap (tags)

Labor: Organize the Unorganized!

Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants! (tags)

Down With Racist U.S. Imperialism! For Socialist Revolution on Both Sides of the Border!

The Tax State in the Globalization Trap (tags)

The middle class cannot do what corporations do..German corporations pay little corporation tax; their share amounts to 2.6% of all taxes. For decades, they even received more subsidies than the profit taxes paid in Germany. Corporate enrichment in the US leads to state deficits and social cuts.


About ten million Filipinos are now scattered in the U.S. and around the world, chiefly as exploited migrant labor. Meanwhile, 85 million Filipinos--with the exception of a tiny privileged minority--are sufffering and resisting the current repressive regime in a rapidly deteriorating neocolonized social order. The Philippines has one of the most durable and vibrant revolutionary traditions in the whole world--the first Asian people to revolt against Western colonialism. 4.1 million Filipinos died opposing U.S. domination in the Filipino-American War at the turn of the last century. Today Filipinos are engaged in a popular democratic revolutionary process against U.S. imperialism and its local agents. Can overseas Filipinos contribute to the radical transformation of a world afflicted by the atrocities and terrors of global capitalism?

Execution cancelled! Victory for the Workingclass! (tags)

The spirit of Stanley Tookie Williams prevails: The death penalty for Michael Morales has been postponed indefinitely! Victory, Victory is our Cry! The Class Struggle is the Reason Why!

Beyond Mere Survival in the American Dystopia (tags)

...1984 has come to pass, both chronologically and in the Orwellian sense. Americans are "liberators" in Iraq. Opponents of this "peace initiative" are "doubleplusungood". Unchecked by the judiciary, the NSA electronically trolls for perpetrators of "crimethink". Pundits and the "liberal media" (owned by a handful of monolithic corporations despised by people with the values which many define as liberal) have become the Ministry of Truth for the Party...

Libertarianism: Bogus Anarchy (tags)

A rebuttal to this essay is Contra Sabatini: Bogus Critique by Tim Virkkala, wherein Sabatini's interpretation of the individualist anarchists is disputed. In my opinion the analytic meaning of "anarchism" takes precedence over historical factors. Thus any ideology which wants to disband the State can rightfully be called anarchist.

Southern California Anarchist Federation LA Youth Collective (tags)


Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee Statement on "World Can't Wait" (tags)

The following is a statement from the Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee on "World Can't Wait" (WCW), the organizers of tomorrow's "Bush Step Down" protests.

Catastrophe as Blueprint (tags)

"The majority of the electorate is now living outside the cities. The people there don't want to spend one cent for the cities. This rejection of all public spirit arose through America's suburbanization."

The “Free Market”: The Greatest Terror Of All (tags)

The economic system of production we live in is called capitalism or the free market. We are supposed to be fortunate because we are free to starve to death amidst abundance. This form of social organiztion has not existed for all time and need not exist in the future. The first step in eliminating it is accepting this simple idea.

Spain Betrayed (by the anarchists) (tags)

For the first time in history Anarchists had the possibility of applying their theories on a grand scale. They enjoyed an unparalleled authority in Catalonia, the decisive and most industrialised region in Spain, and had the unconditional support of the overwhelming majority of the proletariat. The truth of a theory, like the efficacy of a remedy, is verified according to experience. What remains of the theories of Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta [131] after the Spanish experience? For decades we Marxists have demonstrated the limited and petit-bourgeois character of Anarchist concepts.

NYC Transit Strike: Union Power vs. Class Collaboration (tags)

Strikers Defy Taylor Law

Green Party Window Dressing Undermines Working Class Power (tags)

Electoral politics for socialists has always been tricky. Eugene Debbs, the firebrand organizer and SP candidate for President fought a huge uphill battle based on his forward facing confrontation with capital, while always clearly identifying class lines. Of course, I expect nothing less from Todd Chretien, the Green Party US candidate for Senate.

WOT - (NYT) Chinese Government attempts to censor internet news of Dongzhou massacre (tags)

As described by the New York Times article (below) the corrupt, revisionist (ie: fake marxist) government of China is attempting to censor all news of last week's massacre of 20 or more farmers in Dongzhou, in southern China. This attempt to suppress news of this massacre may (or may not) be successful in the short run. But, in the long run, these kinds of attempts to suppress the news are doomed to failure. This story is of great significance to activists today who want to build a powerful and militant mass movement for a world that is not ruled by imperialism and the bourgeoisie.

Editorial Cartoon: "Stay The Course" (tags)

"Stay the Course" in Iraq, the US ruling class keeps braying, and I for one hope they do, as it's the surest path towards their joining the old Soviet ruling class among History's Greatest Roadkill.

What Democracy, Exactly, Are We Exporting? Let's Hope It's Not Ours (tags)

Long ago, the US stopped making things, and that was it for exporting stuff like TVs, cars, etc. Then America starting outsourcing services, so instead of exporting things like accounting or customer service, we import them. Now Bush says we’re exporting democracy, but if we don’t practice it at home, how can we hope to do that either?

Living On the Plantation (tags)

An essay on class mentality

Iraq: Turmoil Among the Warmakers, Challenge For the People (tags)

The war in Iraq, to understate the case, is not going well for the U.S. imperialists. The resistance to the U.S. occupation within Iraq has spread and grown more capable. The conflicts between the many different political, ethnic and class forces within Iraq show little sign of resolution, and the puppet Iraqi army is still not able to fight on its own. In response, the U.S. has escalated its tactics of wholesale terror directed against the Sunni Muslim population as a whole, which is the main (though not the only) base of the insurgency. Making all this worse--from the imperialist standpoint, that is--is the increasingly widespread and sharp sentiment against the war within the U.S. itself. And interplaying with that is a growing disaffection and anger within the army itself.

Is Work a Basic Social Right? (tags)

"Hard work including persuasive work is necessary so the ruled free themselves from the worries of the rulers and then become the rulers themsevles."

betrayal of a nation (tags)

betrayal my follow up to insanity


Announcing "WORK . COMMUNITY . POLITICS . WAR" a new coloring book for the angry wage-worker.


Join us for a day of Marxist views on the struggle against capitalist exploitation, war, racism and imperialism. Get answers to these questions and more: Is Socialism possible in the U.S.? How can Bush and the ruling class be defeated? What is a revolutionary Marxist party? Learn about the struggle for socialism.

Why SMALL Protests - People Want VIolence! (tags)

she says that everyone cooperated and planned at every single protest and then she backs this up with lies from some lady saying that in the 60s rude behavior was intolerable. All of this is the kind of middle class mentality that lies so easily with omissions and generalizations. I wish Jeneine had just made this up – ignorance is easier to tolerate than pre-meditated lying.

America's Middle Class: In the Tank! (tags)

Just about everyday, the news is bad! The economy is going to hell, the Iraqi War continues unabated and the energy crisis is shifting into high gear. One direct result: The Middle Class is disappearing. No Middle Class, no democracy! And yet, our people seem to be sleepwalking through it all. Maybe, Carl Jung was right when he said, “The people can’t stand too much reality.”

The Employers Can Be Stopped Starting With Delphi (tags)

The capitalist's offensive against Delphi workers can be thrown back but not without returning to the methods of the thirties


Self-educated at the Los Angeles Public Library in the Thirties, Carlos Bulosan, the militant Filipino writer and labor activist, died on September 11, 1956. His death anniversary last month provided the occasion for the Filipino community to celebrate his contribution to the revolutionary struggle of peoples everywhere for justice, dignity, and self-determination. Bulosan was part of the community of progressive Los Angeles-based intellectuals (Carey McWilliams, Sanora Babb, Louis Adamic, Ring Lardner Jr. and others) victimized by McCarthyism and fascist reaction. His example of resistance continues to inspire people of color everywhere.

Pat Robertson's Indiscretion (tags)

A historical perspective on Pat Robertson's statement about the need to assassinate Hugo Chavez, the democratically elected leader of Venezuela.

Bolivarian revolution takes steps against capitalism expropiating factories-landed states (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

There's an explanation for all this (tags)

“It will be a hard pill for many Americans to swallow--the idea of doing with less so that big business can have more...Nothing that this nation, or any other nation, has done in modern economic history compares with the selling job that must be done to make people except this reality.” (Business Week 10-12-74.)

4-Oil & Gasoline Co. "Gougers": Class Action Lawsuits by SUV Owners & Victims! (tags)

4-Oil & Gasoline Co. "Gougers": Class Action Lawsuits by SUV Owners & Victims!

Open letter to the Peace Movement From Lloyd Hart. (tags)

Humanity's Greatest Act of Inequality.

RCP: Three Fundamental Lessons of Katrina (tags)

Three fundamental things to be learned from what has been happening, including the role of the government, in relation to hurricane Katrina

Venezuela: Eyewitness report from the heart of the revolution (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Katrina Open Letter to Radical/Progressive Community (tags)

Introspective call for mutual aid to victims of both Katrina and a failed system of government.

New Orleans catastrophe: the product of a bankrupt system (tags)

This morning, September 1st, three of the worst looters appeared on CNN. President Bush himself along with two former presidents, Bush the father and Bill Clinton. The current Bush brought the two former one’s in as fundraisers. What hypocrites these characters are.

Barquisimeto, Venezuela: Successful Meetings of the CMR (tags)

Bolivarian revolution

A Little Box of Bullshit (tags)

The spinners and the bullshitters have presented us with a very narrow box to fit inside. But through acting and thinking outside that box, we can liberate ourselves.

CyberRadicalism: Book by Carl Davidson & Jerry Harris (tags)

15 essays developed over the past decade through the Chicago Third Wave Study Group's efforts to redefine a new Marxism for the 21st Century. .

THE DEATH OF PENSIONS? by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Everybody wins -- except the workers.

The Minuteman Project: Modern Day Slave Patrols (tags)

The political context of white vigilantism and why white people need to fight it.

Reflections on Socialism (tags)

The main political task at this moment is to assemble the necessary social forces to defeat Bush and his counterparts in Congress and elsewhere.

100th Anniversary of the IWW: the Wobblies! (tags)

The first real, non-elitist labor movement made its debut 100 years ago this week.

The Monster of Suburbia (tags)

They don’t know about sickness, death, or old age not so much because they have never been exposed to it, but more because they have become detached from the side of reality that is icky.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine killed in Iraq. Muir graduate dies in roadside bomb explosion.

Class Act (tags)

The sentiment behind the prohibition of panhandling is disguised behind the word “aggressive”. But really, this is about the creation of a class of untouchables and the creeps that don’t want to touch them.

Why do we call them goons? (tags)

What we in the anti-war movement need is some proper terminology.

Local Soldier Dies From Wounds Suffered in Iraq (tags)

Sgt. First Class Randy Duane Collins, 36, died Tuesday at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., according to a statement from the DOD.

Class Matters events in LA (tags)

Please join Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of "Class Matters: Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists," at one of these LA-area events:

Lacking Brains or Just Fearfull? (tags)

Some indymedia writers (or those on or sound like they make sense – very few actually show any understanding of the problems that the world faces - and fewer seem to have any ability to begin to conceptualize solutions!

Black High School Student slain in Corona (tags)

Racial Tensions STILL on the Rise; School Districts STILL Covering Up; Parents Furious at school's Lack of Response.

The Endless Cycle of Stupidity (California Style) (tags)

How does a state with the sixth-largest economy in the world go 9 billion in debt? The short answer is "Democrats."

quiet war (tags)


Bush Has Grasped the Third Rail; It's Time to Turn on the Juice (tags)

Now that Bush has admitted his plan is to cut Social Security for the middle class, it’s time for progressives to take him down. No compromises, no cutbacks, and a call for the rich to pay Social Security taxes on all income, not just the first $90,000. ---------------------

Bush Concealing Imperialist Goals Behind Democratic Rhetoric (tags)

Webster's defines euphemeism as the substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensive..Capitlaism has little to do with democracy or freedom or liberty.

May Day Anti-Authoritarian Contingent (tags)

Mayday Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Authoritarian Contingent April 30th, Gather at 12 noon at Olympic and Broadway

Labor can't win in a house divided (tags)

Like no other time in the last 50 years, a united labor movement is critical to defending the working class and the American people. It is decisive to any hope for a progressive agenda for the whole nation, not just for union members.

The Truth Lies in the Middle ---East (tags)

What is a second class citizen?????

Fox's 24 - Another Racist Show by Jewish Americans (tags)

A more than Blunt review of the Media. This article names names, just as the media does without political correctness. Afterall, Fox's 24 doesnt care about it, why should I?

The So. Cal. Grocery Strike: A Years Perspective (tags)

Its been a year since the end of the longest grocery srike in US history. Where do we stand now, and what really was at issue? Was anything really resolved? (orginally posted at


NEW ANTI-CAPITALIST WEBSITE: PROLE.INFO Announcing a new anti-capitalist website: It has lots of pamphlets in PDF form, as well as a number of online texts. Check it out.

Repressing the Class Struggle (tags)

As the employers' president said, capital and labor have long been reconciled among us. He said this while employers forced down wages with the help of politicians, cut pen-sion claims, reduced social benefits and extorted dependent persons.


Announcing a new anti-capitalist website: It has lots of pamphlets in PDF form, as well as a number of online texts. Check it out.

Importance of French Workers’ Struggle to Keep 35 Hour Week Shouldn't be Underestimated (tags)

The real reason for U.S. capitalism's attempt to create anti-French sentiment is the French workers' stand for the 35 hour week at a time when U.S. and global capitalism is trying to normalize going backwards

RCP Cries "Wolf" over Fascism (tags)

A comment on RCP's current "Battle for the Future" campaign: Hysteria about "fascism" serves to hide the essential role of the Democratic Party in the political and economic system of imperialism

Emperors and Chicken Hawks (tags)

The difference between Roman emperors and our present day versions of the same.

Arundhati Roy: DAM/AGE (tags)


The Nationalisation of VENEPAL: What does it signify? (tags)

Hands Off Venezuela Campaign

History's Greatest Land-Grab Hoaxes (tags)

Much of the written history we have in our hands today, was written by authors who were employed by the people they wrote about, including the events those people were involved in. Meaning, that the history we are reading has been manipulated to have a positive-propaganda value to the employer (usually within his or her peer group) and not of value to the general public, most of whom were illiterate at the time. It was not until after free public education was introduced (1827 in Massachusetts) and mass amounts of the general public began to become literate, did we start to see a less manipulated documentation of history.

Fox's 24 - Another Racist Show by Jewish Americans (tags)

A more than Blunt review of the Media. This article names names, just as the media does without political correctness.

Why do Homo sapiens Drive Cars? (tags)

Homo sapiens can be trained to do many tricks and learn many different skills. However, because we developed a complex "Word" language (attaching named sounds and actions to named concepts), we can also become tricked by those Alphas (male and female) who use our "Word" language as a weapon.

Christ Mass: The Birth of Human Rights (tags)

Christians all over the world tonight will celebrate the Birth of Human Rights, without knowing it. Seventy years after Spartacus, Human Rights were born. These new Human Rights were born of the humble Jewish Worker Bees, and not of the Jewish Ruling Class, the elite Levites of the Second Temple Period in Jerusalem.

Chavez in Madrid-The working class must be the vanguard of the revolution (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Boycott the professional left!! (tags)

No more [wanna-be] kings!

WAR, CAPITALISM & ELECTIONS: An Interview w STEPHEN GOWANS – Canadian Political Essayist (tags)

Read ANGIE's – regular and erudite Indybay-IMC ( Poster fm Canada – incisive interview with Canadian political essayist STEPHEN GOWANS. Angie has scored a previous interview with Israeli pro-Palestinian human rights activist Ran Ha Cohen. We await similar interviews with Uri Avnery and others who speak directly to issues of global justice – as well as global resistance to imperialist racism and the elite capitalists' rapaciousness that will gamble ALL our lives. We, finally, are at an especially critical world cross-roads: we can choose illumination or illusion, enlightenment or inconsequence, mutual respect or profligate death.

The Politics of Imperialism (tags)

Latin America provides a powerful reference point for the toilers of the world suffering from the imperial re-division of their countries.

Bush Regime Maintains Power Through Electoral Fraud (tags)

Whither Democracy In The United States?

Middle Class New Working Poor (tags)

America's Middle Class Becomes the New Working Poor

American Dream Slipping Away (tags)

The American Dream Slipping Away from the Middle Class

Possible Next Steps for the Million Worker March (tags)

Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to make the MWM a reality. I look forward to seeing everyone in DC. As hard as we have worked, we must work harder still to guarantee the continuation of this great movement for the independent organization of workers and the working class.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Army Sgt. 1st Class Joselito Villanueva, 36, Los Angeles; Shot by Sniper in Ambush

Beyond Dissent by Jeff Luers (tags)

Jeff Luers' Latest Communique

The more US troops that die the better (tags)

Some anti-imperialist words for those who really are against the US occupation of Iraq.

Building Bridges Radio - What the Matter With Kansas Meets Billionaires for Bush (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 59 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Free Books on Anarchism & People of Color Out (tags)

new books online for distro

Leo Strauss Has A Plan For Your Life (tags)

Between the Straussians, the Christian Reconstructionists and that old Ruling Class - ever wonder just who IS pulling the strings?

Bush Administration Endangers the Middle Class (tags)

"Nation-wide the social descent of many families sees a real threat.. the number of newly created jobs still lags behind the population growth. More Americans have been completely dismissed from the labor market.."



Former Soviet Union Won 2004 Olympics (tags)

Labor's collective wealth, as represented by the medals won at the Olympic Games in 2004, made possible 162 medals, with 45 of them gold, for the former Soviet Union putting it in first place, and 103 medals, wth 35 of them gold, to the US, putting it in second place, out of 301 medal events.

The Democratic Party, Unions, and Israel (tags)

Is there a line of attack that can potentially unite leftists interested in a campaign to divest from the Israeli occupation, a rank-and-file campaign to promote union democracy, and a campaign to create a political party of the working class and our allies? Misuse of pension funds.

Blood Money: The Human-Capital Equation of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq (tags)

When a state is determined to pursue war, and all forms of indirect symbolic protest actions have failed to sway politicians to halt their imperialist aggression, the only remaining option is direct action by the working class. One option is a general strike by workers that can effect the production and transpiration of military capital, that is the materials essential for the war machine. The other is to deprive the military of the labor it needs to fight the war.

homeland security gestapo (tags)

scary shit

Why I Plan on Voting for Kerry and Opposing Him When He Wins (tags)

The American ruling class must be peeing its pants for joy this election season. On the right we have a foaming-at-the-mouth fascist ready to launch the world into war, war and more war and on the "left" we have a kinder-and-gentler fascist willing to fight these pathetic wars and "do a better job at it" than the fascist on the right. What a choice for those of us who despise fascism and see Kerry for what he is - a different flavor of ruthless war criminal (read about his actions in combat during the Vietnam war)! Best yet, for the warmongers, he intends to suck up to the Likud even more than Bush does (and who thought that possible?).

seattle wto 99 protesters (tags)

if you were arrested, read this!

Resurgent America: Crimes and Times of Reagan (tags)

Ronald Reagan--the U.S. president from 1981 to 1989--relentlessly drove this planet to the very brink of nuclear world war--while preaching, with a fundamentalist fervor, that a nuclear Armageddon was "winnable." Now Reagan has finally died. And this empire, its leaders and its utterly shameless media are all honoring this monster. This myth-making, this utter reversal of right and wrong, says a lot about them and their system. And it says a lot about this moment in history--when American is in a midst of a new aggressive global offensive.

Philippines 2003: how 300 troops mutiny unmasked "war on terror" (tags)

[As you may notice, I’ve cut this part of the article because the question of peace talks between the left party RPMP-RPA-ABB and the Government has obviously nothing to do with the gangsters of GUAC. It's better to avoid any confusion. – Felix Zorba, October 7, 2003]

Loyalty to Imperialism is Treason to Humanity (tags)

Sympathy for class traitors has never shown itself to be an effective winning strategy in the class war (make no mistake, the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are but different fronts in the class war).

SHOCKER: Fox News praises Moore's F911 (tags)

"in the end, not seeing "F9/11" would be like allowing your First Amendment rights to be abrogated, no matter whether you're a Republican or a Democrat"

Well hello Mr Robinson... (tags)

A little background on Mr Robinson puts it all into perspective.

Building Bridges Radio- Class War with Bill Moyers, Meizhu Lui, and Chuck Collins (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA LINK

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead (tags)

Reagan's death is time to celebrate for working people

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead (tags)

Reagan's passing is a time to celebrate for working people

In Memory: to veterans of war and peace (tags)

... I failed that young man. I should have confronted him, made him see what he must see by now -- if he is alive ...

Second Conference of the Trotskyist Faction-International Strategy (tags)


Theses on revolution and counterrevolution in Venezuela-Part 2 (tags)

solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution

How Many Gods in One Heaven? (tags)

Analysis of the Fourth World War in the Middle East

MAY DAY CARAVAN 2004 (tags)

What the "Powers That Be" Have Feared Since Colonial Times Is coming to be. They should be shaking in their boots.


What the "Powers That Be" Have Feared Since Colonial Times

Encounters with Hugo Chavez (tags)

Solidarity with Venezuela

Bob Avakian:Elections,Resistance & Revolution:The Pyramid of Power and... (tags)


Venezuela: The Coup Makers- the Invisible U.S. Hands (tags)

U.S. War in Venezuela

Learn Adobe Photoshop and digital image editing (tags)

Class available on Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and digital image editing

A Thank-you on Tax Day (tags)

You pay because we care. A message from Mr. and Mrs. Corporate America or social programs for the richest.

Kerry isn't as ignorant on economic matters as he sounds.... (tags)

Rebuild the IV° International! (tags)

TROTSKYIST FRACTION INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY. To the organizations of the Movement for the Refoundation of the Fourth International:

Teachers and their union fight for public education (tags)

CHICAGO – Children’s paintings hang on the walls in the lobby of the Chicago Teachers Union office. It’s comforting for parents to see schoolkids’ artwork framed and on display.

Challenging White Supremacy Anti-Racist Teach in TOMORROW WED. MARCH 31! (tags)


Challenging White Supremacy A FREE anti-war Teach-In THIS Wed. March 31! (tags)


Challenging White Supremacy / anti-racist teach-in w/ Chris Crass (tags)


On the M20 Arrests (tags)

Update regarding two arrests made on 20 March.

The Lord of the Rings: Good versus Evil (tags)

A comparison of a couple of the good versus evil theories propagated by the Bush administration with one that I think bears a closer resemblance to the truth.

Race, class and obesity (tags)

Fast food giants are celebrating their recent House of Reps victory in the 'Cheeseburger Bill' -- but what about the racism and class arrogance that underlies its basic premise?

Delivering the NO! to Bush and All That He Stands For (tags)


The Lessons of Spain (tags)


Madrid Atrocities:Who is responsible? (tags)


Terrorist Atrocity in Madrid (tags)


Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment: Tightening Tradition's Chain (tags)


Haiti and Class Struggle (tags)

With the backdrop of peasant uprisings and land seizures in Zimbabwe, and the workers' rebellion in Argentina, the Haitian workers took to the streets four weeks ago -- releasing prisoners, and driving away the police. The Haitian masses in the streets were freeing the captives and burning down police stations.

A century of What to do? of Lenin: A critical defense at the light of the Argentinazo (tags)


Feeling Flaccid? (tags)

Hummers Suck!

Haiti-there is no solution under Capitalism! (tags)


Pentagon report and global environmental crisis (tags)

The Pentagon is saying in the report printed below that world capitalism is going to be thrown into severe crisis by the developing environmental catastrophe. For all activists, and for the working class in general, this is the most important report to be made available to us in decades.

Marxism or Nationalism-For a Class Policy! (tags)

Marxism or Nationalism

War and the National Question-A reply to Luis Oviedo of the PO (tags)

War and the National Question

A better world is possible: The struggle for socialism and democracy (tags)

The best hopes and dreams of the U.S. people do not lie with U.S. big corporations or the extreme right-wing movements they sponsor. In fact, the ultimate interest of the majority of our people is in a more democratic, a more egalitarian, and a more peaceful USA.

Bush's Immigrant Trap (tags)


Demand Dems support strike (tags)

Urge workers to demand the Democratic presidential candidates give substantial support to the supermarket strike; expose their false, pro-worker masks

General Strike Needed to Stop Lynching of Kevin Cooper (tags)

The pending lynching of Kevin Cooper is a good reminder of the need for a labor general strike not only to abolish the death penalty but also to shut down the prison system, promote education, and kick all of the death penalty Democrat-Republicans out of office.

Solidarity with Striking and Locked-Out Grocery Workers- For a Class Union (tags)

Solidarity with Striking and Locked-Out Grocery Workers- For a Class Union February 2004

We Are the Majority (tags)

How do we build a political movement in this country that represents all of the people and not a handful of millionaires?

Radicals for Dems (tags)

A controversial position: revolutionaries, radicals, and greens must support the Democrat for's why...

Miami FTAA Protest: Cops Rampage Against Youth, Labor (tags)

What Strategy to Defeat Imperialism?

Empire strikes out (tags)

First publicated on the trotskyist review Marxism Alive 6

Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)

An analysis of capitalism illustrating that not only are there periodic examples of large, conspicuous thefts by capitalists, but there also exists an everyday, subtle, disguised theft of the value created by the working class.

Imperialists Gloat over Capture of Former Henchman Saddam Hussein (tags)

The American imperialist butchers made clear, yet again, the kind of “democracy” they have in mind for Iraq when U.S. troops yesterday fired into a protest in support of Hussein in a town west of Baghdad, killing three people.

The Permanent Revolution: Battle cry of the 21st Century (tags)

On the trotskyist review Marxism Alive 2 - October 2000

Call for an International Congress of the IV International (tags)

This call for an international congress of the Fourth International comes from the Movement for the Refoundation of the Fourth International.

Scabs fear the camera (tags)

short video of scabs at the check out stand

Enemy Combatant Radio Live Stream from SF (tags)

Special live audio coverage from an historic election in San Francisco at:

US troops are worse than scabs (tags)

A working class perspective on the US anti-war movement's adaptation of the slogan "Support Our Troops"

Slave Master Revolt;Critique of DNC Call (tags)


The bombings in Istanbul-The reactionary face of terrorism (tags)


Wal-Mart in Rosemead (tags)

A public scoping meeting about Wal Mart is happening at the Rosemead Doubletree over by the MTC.

What is the Peace and Freedom Party’s Next Step? (tags)

A Revolutionary Point of View of the Peace and Freedom Party and the struggle today.

The Northeastern Anarchist #8 out now! (tags)


The Collapse of the Middle Class (tags)

There has always been a wealthy elite in this country, and there has always been a gap between the rich and the poor. But the disparities in wealth and income that currently exist in this country have not been seen in over a hundred years. Today, the richest one percent own more wealth than the bottom ninety-five percent, and the CEOs of large corporations earn more than 500 times what their average employees make.


Unable to repress this rebellion, and unable to negotiate separate truces with the different sectors of the movement the ruling class abandoned Lozada and the millionaire murderer Goni fled to Miami.

Protest of 27 pilots highlights class divisions in Israel (tags)


My First Day at UCLA, USSR (tags)

MIT professor Noam Chomsky (a rabidly anti-American leftist) had more books at the UCLA Store than did Aristotle, John Locke, Adam Smith, Frederic Bastiat, Thomas Malthus, John Stuart Mill, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden ... if not for the fading scent of liberty, I might as well have been at the University of Havana.

Netanyahu attacks-Israeli working class responds (tags)

Israeli working class

North Carolina Teacher Fired for Antiwar Remarks (tags)

"This is not just about me or about my job," said Ito. "It's about something very disturbing that is happening all over the country. I want people to understand that if it could happen here it could happen anywhere."

Israel-Palestine the threats to Arafats life in the end the USA always backs the Zionists (tags)

Israel- Palestine


I started thinking about writing this piece of work when I was, as I often do, pondering the failings of the British anarchist movement

Mom, Drugs, and Apple Pie (tags)

The War On Drugs has gone on for a good thirty-five years since the Sixties. It's as real as professional wrestling. Well, almost. What do we have to show for it? Nothing. Nothing. You can get any drug you have heard of, and some you haven't, from your daughter in high school.

Chile-First General Strike in 13 Years (tags)


Socialism:the only way out of the bloodshed in Israel-Palestine (tags)


(pt.1) bell hooks on Butch Lee and more.... (tags)

bell hooks read Night-Vision last year and was impressed with much it had to say. She felt that it was an important book which needed to reach a wider audience....

A Revolutionary View of the California Recall and Bipartisan Budget Crisis (tags)

Don’t Throw Your Vote Away by Giving It to the Democrats or the Republicans! OUT WITH THEM ALL! DON’T VOTE YES OR NO ON THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNORS RECALL The Recall is a Trap to Make Workers Pay for the Capitalist Crisis! VOTE FOR THE SOCIALIST CANDIDATE C.T. WEBER for GOVERNOR! PEACE & FREEDOM PARTY Organize Now to Build a Workers Party!

WHEN RACE BURNS CLASS - an interview with J. Sakai (tags)

".... They were inviting me, an Asian, as a way of my joining the crew. Only, he said, 'You got to stop talking to those Blacks. You got to choose. White or Black.' "

Philippines: 300 troops mutiny unmasks "war on terror" (tags)

A group of 296 soldiers - 70 junior officers and 226 enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)- staged on July 27 a siege of the Oakwood Premier luxury hotel at the Ayala Center in Makati.

The Forbidden Truths of Human Economic Systems (tags)

A Truth-based dissection of the genocidally evil economic policies and structures that all human governments and societies inflict upon their citizen-slaves.

Growing World Poverty and Conflict Shows the Barbarity of Capitalism (tags)

Down with Capitalism

Working Clas U.S. Perspectives 2003 -2004 (tags)

Working Class

The Death of Dr.Kelly-Britain rocked by Political crisis (tags)


Fighting Back For Democratic Rights! (tags)

Steve Argue Interviewed in The Argentinean Newspaper Prensa Obrera Regarding The Patriot Acts And His Arrests In Santa Cruz For Political Tabling.

Global Power Elites and the New Wars (tags)

"A representative republic was transformed into a plutocracy. Privatizing public property was a continuous tendency during the whole modern age." The average net worth of the 400 richest Americans rose tenfold by 1999..The Bush administration has martial plans, not a Marshall plan." From the German

Santa Cruz Police Violate Free Speech With Two More Arrests! (tags)

Steve Argue and Matt Hartogh were arrested on Sunday July 6th for distributing literature on Pacific Avenue.


the elections

Immigration control- atool of the bosses (tags)



The Left continues to spit in the face of the working class.

Argentina-attitude of revolutionary Socialists towards the Kirchner goverment (tags)

Argentina-Reformor Revolution

A memorial desecrated, a massacre remembered (tags)

Remember Ludlow! The cry of American workers ninety years ago again rings throughout the land.

AMonomaniac with a Bad idea-Bush against the Economy (tags)

Bush and the economy

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 34 (tags)

CLASS STRUCTURE. Because of a brainwashing system of higher and lower education, most ordinary Americans, unlike Europeans, are almost completely blank when it comes to understanding CLASS.

Tax Cuts and Class Warfare (tags)

An argument against the beneficial results of tax cuts for the wealthy and trickle-down economics.

Russia after the War in Irag (tags)


Lessons of the Irag War (tags)

Irag War

Class Action Lawsuit: D2KLA-Rage Against The Machine Concert, August 2000 (tags)

Seeking plaintiffs who fit the description of the class described at Class-action lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) for force used during the Democratic National Convention, on August 14, 2000, after the Rage Against the Machine concert. Sign up before the end of June!

Rational Fascism (tags)

A short history of the rise of Italian and German fascism and the reasons for the occurrence. Excerpted from Michael Parenti's book Blackshirts and Reds.

Operational Honours awarded for service at home and overseas (tags)

Honours were awarded on 29 April 2003 to British Service personnel for gallantry and distinguished service in a wide range of operations performed around the world during the period April 2002 to September 2002, including operations in Afghanistan.

Class War heats up in the USA (tags)

Class War

Spain April 10th-General Strike of Students and Workers against the War on Irag (tags)

War on Irag

What Is Socialism, and Why We Oppose The Invasion of Iraq (tags)

Resist the war in the streets, workplaces, schools, and in the barracks! Organize to end all imperial bloodshed through socialist revolution!

Liberation for Who? (tags)

Post war Iraq will look like more of the same for the general population. and the Lying US News Media (tags)

Varlet expresses "Shock and Awe" (but not surprise) at the shameless lying of the US Govt and their puppet capitalist press.

More anti-american pinkos for peace (tags)

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." ~ Henry Kissinger ~ January-February 2003 edition of Eagle Newsletter

SF March 15th: No War But Class War (tags)

In San Francisco, we keep having bigger and bigger anarchist and anti-authoritarian unpermitted marches. This group will peacefully march with IAC, then go as individuals on an unpermitted march scheduled for March 15th. Come on north!

Downtown Los Angeles CD and SoCal student walkouts make the Global Headlines (tags)

The Global Media couldn't help but put today's student mobolizations near the top of the world news, and at the top of most local news. And this mornings Civil Disobedience in LA, the highest profile CD of the day in the U.S., also garnered a fair share of attention. The following report was crafted for the LA Times; in the rest of the world, the LA CD was in the seventh paragraph of the AP's summary report.

Free Vegan Cooking and Nutrition Class on 2/27 (thurs) (tags)

This is the first class in the series on "Being a Healthy Vegan." Each cooking portion of each of the classes will feature a different vegan food genre. If you can't make this first class, contact the REACH Center to find out the date of the others. You do not need to attend the classes in consecutive order. ITS FREE SO COME!!!

Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)

Conspicuous and inconspicuous examples of theft by the capitalist system.


A Long Term Strategy for the Antiwar Movement

I dialed 911 a long time ago (tags)

Police Loyalties

The social construction of consciousness (tags)

This paper gives a theoretical discussion of the source and methodology of the social construction of consciousness. The first section introduces the piece. The second establishes the relationship between "interests" and "consciousness." The third describes growing inequality in the US. The fourth develops the structural source of consciousness. The fifth details the interlocking nature of politics and economy in the US. The sixth section discusses how our consciousness can be constructed. The final section offers some solutions.

LA Demo Breakaway Attacked!!! (tags)

Black Block Breakaway attacked by LAPD. At least 4 demonstrators clubbed by police that this reporter witnessed. 1 or more arrested. Police charged breakaway marchers.

No to Bush's war for oil & empire (tags)

For building an anti-imperialist core in the anti-war movement.

After Iraq: North Korea and Beyond (tags)

Iraq and North Korea are only the beginning.

Anarchists and Anti-Capitalists: Get Your Class War On! (tags)

The number of cities holding anti-capitalist and anarchist protests this coming weekend is growing daily. Check out our webpage for information on what folks in your city or town are planning.

Workers Action Says: DEFEND IRAQ! DEFEAT IMPERIALISM! (tags)

Workers Action Says: No to Layoffs at Home, Bombs and Sanctions Abroad! Not A Penny, Not A Person To The Military! DEFEND IRAQ! DEFEAT IMPERIALISM! Two Years of Bush: Two Wars and Two Coup Attempts! Is the U.S. Planning Permanent War?

Upcomming Events at Long Beach RECH Center! (tags)

Revolutionary Empowerment and Community Help Center

Manifetso on the Imperialist War against Irag (tags)


We REFUSE To Serve (tags)

We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements. We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.

The European Summit in Copenhagen (tags)

European summit

512 Israeli Reservists REFUSE To Serve In The Territories (tags)

We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people. We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel’s defense. The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose – and we shall take no part in them.

Build the Power: Revolutionary Organization Gets Off the Ground (tags)

Various people from around the country meet to develop an organization based on the Bring the Ruckus proposal released in April 2001.

Oil coup-strike-lockout is for the rich. Help President Chavez! Search Venezuela news. (tags)

In 1974 80% of oil income went to the state. Today 80% of Venezuelan oil income goes to the rich, and to "operating costs." Only 20% goes to the state. Chavez reforms will help reverse this in January 2003. This is why the coup-plotters, "strike"-promoters, and corporate media are in such a hurry to overthrow the fairly-ELECTED Chavez government. They want to prevent these reforms, and reverse others already-implemented. Reforms that help the poor and lower middle class. Massive corporate-media disinformation, destabilization campaign going on inside Venezuela. Support President Chavez! Please forward widely.

Help a Class War Vet buy a used 10speed in LA (tags)

want used bike, help a disabled class war vet (you will get major activist points for this) :^)

Anarcho-Leninist 'Debate on the State' is picking up steam (tags)

If another world is possible--then why can't anyone describe it in a way that is realistic?  What is our vision of the future? Competing ideas exist among progressive activists. How do we sort out what is correct and overcome the "crisis of theory" that has paralyzed the movement for a better world?  Our future world needs us to create today calm, scientific debate that is open to all activists. It is now happening ... The "Anarcho-Leninist Debate on the State" is beginning to take shape and attract talent ...

Bu$h Family Plutocracy... WHITE HOUSE ... LAWN SALE ... now going on (tags)

also... SEE em on TV... bu$h family gangsters - WAR-drob - GANG COLORS - OIL BLACK SUITS with BLOOD RED TIES...$h%20WASH%20ROOM%20777%20pg.htm

venezuala:racist rage of the caracas elite (tags)

Venezuela's Embattled President Faces A Pinochet-style Opposition

Venezuela: Class Conflict and US Intervention (tags)

The upper class and US CIA are a problem in many countries. Combined with a corrupt media they use protest tactics to cause disruption and chaos with staged media events and lock-outs masquerading as popular general strikes.







Rule of the pirates, the $ 200 billion payday – exposing Bush, Cheney and Halliburton (tags)

The figure had been bouncing around think tanks and Capitol Hill for months, and on Dec. 1 made the front page of The Washington Post: Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq will cost the American taxpayer between $100 and $200 billion.

The Veezuelan Revolution in Danger (tags)

Venezuelan Revolution

Dubya, Revolution’s Hero! Picture of Dubya Not Taken From Denver. (tags)

Expanding motis operendi intentions of our hurt presidental son.

Miss World pageant highlights terrible conitions of masses in Nigeria (tags)

Ethnic conflicts in Nigeria

Ecuador-Lucio Gutierrez opens a new revolutionary stage (tags)


dnc lawsuit (tags)

We are looking for plaintiffs who were shot with rubber bullets or hit with batons on August 14, 2000 by the LAPD after the Rage Against the Machine Concert at the Staples Center. We are trying to collect damages for people who were injured by the Police.

Spain; Students on the Streets against right wing (tags)




Gandhi and the (establishment-supported) Myth of Effective Nonviolence (tags)

Gandhi's life was history's longest experiment in nonviolent political action. The result of the experiment is fairly clear: An exploitative class structure cannot be broken without violence somewhere along the way. Property rights, defended by state violence, have never yielded to the peaceful pressure of the exploited class. Put in other terms, no exploiting class has ever left the stage of history without being pushed.


It is remind that if the state and the institutions are denouncing situation for now in Argentina as anarchy, it is not anarchy in the country ! What is happening is a step toward the decay of power. In fact the chaos in argentina is caused by the state and capitalism, not by anarchists ideals.

Class Struggle in China -Organise! AF (Britain/Ireland) (tags)

Ever since the signing of the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, the most advanced sections of capital have sought to integrate China into the world market.

Revolution or reform? (tags)

The anti-war movement is at the crossroads. Will it become a revolutionary movement fighting to sweep away the capitalist system, or will it become a reformist movement merely seeking to pressure bourgeois politicians? Reformist misleaders will seek to distract and divert the movement from any truly effective action against the system, into impotent hand wringing and pleas for peace. It is vital that revolutionary leadership win out and oust the reformists, so as to guide the oppressed masses along the path to revolution.

WHITE HOUSE... PROTEST... Oct 26... WILL LOOK LIKE THIS... see you there... from www.Roger (tags)

permission given... to copy and circulate this image far and wide... If ONLY... WE the PEOPLE... could get close enough to VOICE OUR... Right to Free SPEECH & Assembly

Weed, Youth And The Revolution (tags)

Here are excerpts from the debate on -- the online discussion site focused on the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA and the strategy for revolution in the U.S.

Workers:"Don't kill workers"! (tags)

ChiRevNet (chicago revolutionary network ) releases anti-war statement to workers of the world.

Half a Million Workers march through Madrid (tags)

Half a million workers march through Madrid against the "decretazo"

Voices of Anarchist Union Organizers (tags)

I asked a few folks to tell me a little about themselves and their views on organizing for unions. These six people identify as either an anarchist (with or without adjectives) or as an anti-authoritarian (an anarchist that doesn't know it yet!). They all work as union organizers or have worked as union organizers.

IT IS... Bu$h Family Oil Corporate, U.S.A. PLUTOCRACY STUPID... Government by the MULTI-MI (tags)

U.S.A. Government 2002 Is Now... Today... by the Multi-millionaires for the Multi-millionaires of the Multi-millionaire Class... DANGER AMERICA... Multi - Millionaire Class... NOW - OWN - the U.S.A. Military...



Who Owns US? (tags)

Who "owns U.S."? Is the "U.S. government" a private corporation? If so, why protest individual sub-corporations rather than taking lawful action against the biggest coup d'etat in history?

Thuggery by Partido Obrero of Argentina (tags)

Official statement on the detention of one of Democracia Obrera’s (Workers Democracy’s) national leaders that was given to the police by leaders of the Workers Party, after their thugs treated him to a beating with sticks during a demonstration.



When pro-Palestinian supporters become blind to prejudice.... (tags)

You are invited to read a debate in which a series of highly-charged comments are made against all Jews. Some might call it the harsh truth. Others might say it's typical anti-semitism wrapped up in blind zeal for justice. Wbat do you say?

Anarchism and the Labor Movement (tags)

The differences between Labor and anrachists need to be understood in order for any successful revolution is to take place



Honky Wanna Cracker? A Look at the Myth of Reverse Racism (tags)

Forwarded by Tom Gorman. The article's on the mark, and easy to read. -jk


Stop police repression in Argentina! Please, send your messages of solidarity . More information:


The Bush family may be more dangerous now than ever.

Class Struggle Online (tags)


Colombia's Class War (photo) (tags)

The Rich Avoid the Draft as the Poor Are Pulled Into the Trenches. History Repeats Because the Ruling Class Know It All Too Well; To Their Benefit.

Colombia's Class War (tags)

The Rich Avoid the Draft as the Poor Are Pulled Into the Trenches. History Repeats Because the Ruling Class Know It All Too Well; To Their Benefit.

Class Tensions Boil As Bourgeois Elections Draw Near in Colombia (tags)

BOGOTA -- Blown-up bridges, intimidation, fears of fraud and a gunfight that left nine people dead have heightened class tension in Colombia with just hours to go before bourgeois elections.

New at (tags)

lots of new stuff

Peru: Workers Take to the Streets Against U.S. Backed Strongman Alejandro Toledo (tags)

LIMA, Peru -- A national day of Bolivarian inspired strikes and protests against U.S. backed strongman in Peru, Alejandro Toledo, and his nine-month-old dictatorship proved a force to be reckoned with on Tuesday. The regime declared the effort a "terrorist act".

NOTICE: (tags)

To those who resist; do not be fooled; the ruling class are "extremists"; history has proved that.

History of Mayday (tags)

May 1st is a day of special significance. Its a day of worldwide solidarity. But why Mayday? What is its history?



Northeastern Anarchist #4 out now! (tags)

Magazine of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC)



Colombia's War of Position (tags)

''We didn't have any other way to live,'' stated Faiver, one of the rebels at the post. ``I'm sick of living in poverty. There are no jobs. There is no money for food or anything. You want me to surrender? I am now a revolutionary.''

Anarchists and the definition of Middle Class liberal (tags)

It seems whenever Anarchists are critiqued they begin with rants of you are nothing but Middle class liberal scum.

Everyday Life, Third Nature and the Third Class (tags)

Everyday Life, Third Nature and the Third Class An Email Exchange Between Geert Lovink and McKenzie Wark

The Alternative is Struggle! (tags)

...unite and strike like a clenched fist of all the forms of mass struggle!

America-Slavery's Still in Effect (tags)

The WTO is set to begin its meeting Friday, November 9. The IMF/World Bank will follow in Ottawa on the 16th. These institutions are on the front lines to further America's agenda of commodifying the entire world's population, along with everything else, living and non-living. We must stop Uncle Sam, the ultimate terrorist, in his tracks.

Loves Labor Lost......on The Ruling Class (tags)

It’s hard to feel empathy for those among us who, dare I say, labor under the illusion that the Earth and its biosphere are mere raw materials intended for their exclusive use

Why indymedia should have ongoing reports on Colombia's civil war (tags)

This is a comment I posted in response to the article "The FARC faces the empire"

Is America still a great idea as well as a great country? (tags)

Bono addressed the graduating class at Harvard University.Dressed in olive-green clothes, a camouflage hat and his trademark shades.

Globetrotters, Come Home (tags)

It is time for all the globetrotters chasing after these conferences to come home. You made your point and now the hard work of organizing the unorganized needs to be done. We need a labor movement in this country, and for that, we need millions of union cards handed out. There can be no revolutionary change without organization, and that organization must be of, by and for the workingclass.

Students At Locke High Demand An Education (tags)

This is the second in a series of articles about Locke High School in South Central Los Angeles, where humiliating random searches are carried out against the students on a daily basis and where a teacher was fired for standing up for her students.

Debunking Anti-Activist Rhetoric (tags)


Cal Arts TA May Day events (tags)

addressing the neglect of the institution, Art School TAs planned on stricking to raise voice of a polity. In bringing class concioussness and anarchist history from abstract discourse to practice in this small elitist, private art universityl, Art TAs wrote a plan of action. Yet due to the fact that some felt that the conversation was to new, the strike was postponed Instead, the decision was made to continue talking, expanding the circle of conversation talking

Voz De Aztlan = Counter-Intelligence from Whitey-er, Pinche Vendidos! (tags)

Just a reminder to IMC non-Latinos and Chicanos to not be phased by the counter-intelligence coming from the middle class sell-outs ("vendidos") from Whitter, CA.

La Voz de Aztlan No Se Representan La Gente Chicana (tags)

The opinions of La Voz de Aztlan do not represent those of the Chicano community and people.

Bush Budget Plan Redistributes Nation's Wealth fm Poor, Middle Class to the Rich (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Frances Fox Piven, distinguished professor of political science and sociology at the graduate school of the City University of New York who asserts that the Bush Administration's proposed budget will redistribute wealth from the poor and middle class to the most affluent sector of society.

Questions for Labor (tags)

Labor is hereby notified that the carnival has ended and the class struggle has begun. 50 years of cooperation with the capitalist class is 50 years too long. The workingclass cannot endure this destruction of our future.

Bush Budget Plan Redistributes Nation's Wealth fr Poor, Middle Class to the Rich (tags)

...distinguished professor of political science and sociology at the graduate school of the City University of New York who asserts that the Bush Administration's proposed budget will redistribute wealth from the poor and middle class to the most affluent sector of society.

Black Bloc's Refusal To Bow To Liberals (english) (tags)

(originaly published on Is this dude for real?) by SKAA 1:09pm Mon Apr 16 '01 Response to appeals made by non-violent activists for the BB not to show up at the FTAA Border action

NEFAC Solidarity Statement With Protesters In Cincinnati (tags)

NEFAC Statement of solidarity with protesters in Cincinnati

GENTRIFY THIS! Accepting submissions for the BULLDOZED film fest (tags)

Media Alliance, Global Exchange, and the Video Activist Network invite you to submit your video and/or film to the Bulldozed Film & Video Festival to be held in San Francisco, CA on March 29th and 30th, 2001 at Cell Space and Artists Television Access. The festival is a unique opportunity to present your work to the general public, other independent media producers, and community organizers fighting to save vital working class neighborhoods.

January 20th Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc, Update (tags)


A Call For a United Revolutionary Presence at the Presidential Inauguration (tags)

We Already Know Who Won…Capitalism and the Ruling Class Take to the Streets of Washington Against Capitalism, Against the State,and Against the Death Machine of Globalization FOR CLASS WAR NOW, FOR A CLASSLESS, STATELESS SOCIETY

Coup Watch: odd things happening in UK too (tags)

Not wishing to bore you with our own local difficulties, there are curious developments in Britain too



The Dubious Character of Jesse Jackson's Politics (tags)

A brief essay calling into question the class character of Jesse Jackson's political activity

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