Locals Protest Vulture Capitalists and the Iraqi War

adams, america, america revolution, attorney general, baltimore, baltimore city council, baltimore speak, baltimore sun, barry kissin, bob heiniger, bush, cheney gang, chesapeake bay, chuck michaels, cindy farguhar, city council, city hall, council, david rovics, dean pappas, donna blackwell, ed boyd, ellen barfield, empires are evil, father richard lawrence, fred mason, general, george bush, george w. bush, governor martin, heber brown, honorable shelia dixon, iraqi, iraqi war, iraqi war  on march, jim baldridge, joe curran, john adams, john c. miller, locals protest vulture capitalists, march, margaret flowers, maria allwine, marjorie kelly, mat callahan, o. mason, paul wellstone, peace, peace movement, peace rally, pierre williams, rally, reagan was right, rev, revah hawkins, richard rosen, robert f. kennedy, rod ryon, ronald reagan, s. senator, sam adams, sons, st vincent, tim wheeler, troops home, us constitution, vincent, vincent de paul, virginia rodino, vulture capitalists, war, war party, william ellison, william hughes, wire pullers, yvonne moore