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Hysteria in Suburbia
Thomas Frank
2021-02-19 8:19 PM Our leading scholars are disciples of post-structuralism; our best college graduates are recruited by the CIA; our best newspapers blur the line between reporting and opinion; our most influential political actors are the spin doctors whose job is to bend the facts this way and that. (text/plain)
Schibboleth en salmigondis
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-19 10:50 AM La production de l'élimination... (text/plain)
Life Lies of the Islands of Prosperity
Stephan Lessenich
2021-02-18 11:30 PM The embarrassing secret of the 'Western' model of society and development is that it only works under very specific political and economic, ecological and social conditions. Preconditions that lie essentially outside this model and are hidden or made invisible by the social actors of its glorifying preservation. ' (text/plain)
State Of Mayhem: The Not So Perfect Days
Michael Lupa Jr.
2021-02-17 3:36 PM This material was taken from the book "Memories Of Oblivion", written by Michael Lupa Jr. (text/html)
Des Monte Verità, passé, présent, futur
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-16 8:35 AM La foire aux époques... (text/plain)
Des Monte Verità, passé, présent, futur
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-16 8:33 AM La foire aux époques... (text/plain)
Indignez-vous vraiment
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-15 9:06 AM Pour une révolution holiste... (text/plain)
Message to the Grass Roots
Malcolm X
2021-02-14 9:12 PM Text of the speech from November 10, 1963, at the Northern Negro Grass Roots Leadership Conference, which was held at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan. (text/plain)
How the economic doctrine of salvation is changing education
Daniel Nuebold
2021-02-14 7:41 PM Economy always takes place in social contexts - even more: It is itself a result of social contexts. In this respect, a discussion in the context of sociology, culture or politics is essential. However, this insight is already missing in academic economics. (text/plain)
Crisis rent instead of debt trap
Armin Kuhn
2021-02-12 9:51 PM Store closings, event cancellations, slumping orders, short-time work and job losses, especially in precarious employment, have left many unable to afford their apartments or rented commercial space. Despite initial easing, there is no end in sight. (text/plain)
Corona in global retreat
Kai Stoppel and Mechthild Schrooten
2021-02-12 5:14 PM The number of reported cases in the US has fallen massively since the beginning of January-by around 60 percent. Experts consider the Corona measures in the US to be less stringent than in many European countries. (text/plain)
"We must look at the side-effects"
Hendrik Streeck and Harald Neuber
2021-02-11 6:34 PM "Restricting basic rights is no small matter, and it is the duty of politics to restore their exercise as soon as the infection situation permits." (Lockdown consequences: daycare centers and schools to open) German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (text/plain)
Météorologie de la souffrance
Patrice Fauber(
2021-02-11 12:59 PM La souffrance du monde... (text/plain)
Open Letter: Write off debt, win the future!
104 signatories including Thomas Piketty
2021-02-10 12:35 PM We are fortunate to have a creditor that does not have to fear losing its money: the ECB (European Central Bank). Our proposal is therefore very simple: let us conclude an agreement between the European states and the ECB. The ECB writes off the debt it holds (or converts it into perpetual interest-free debt). (text/plain)
Corona and psychology: Fear works against democratic coexistence
Jane-Anna Spiekermann
2021-02-09 2:38 PM The current "simultaneous consolidation and weakening of the state" (Nicos Poulantzas) are two sides of the same coin: the rise of the punitive state goes hand in hand with growing social insecurity and disenfranchisement, rather than an increase in rule-breaking and crime. State authority & police strengthen (text/plain)
L'artilect et les insectes
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-09 9:43 AM Déjà nous sommes des artilects... (text/plain)
Struggles in the Shadow of the Pandemic
John Clarke and Vishwas Satgar
2021-02-07 11:35 PM For Trump, wealth, privilege, and power was even license to invent reality as he saw fit. Thus any divergence from his worldview and interests were ‘fake news’. Trump ensured the plutocratic wealthy were no longer in the political shadows but now in the mainstream. (text/plain)
L'espèce humaine n'est pas intelligente
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-07 8:04 AM Mémoire de l'intelligence, l'intelligence de la mémoire... (text/plain)
December 2020 Honduras Coup Update
Sydney With Honduras
2021-02-05 8:46 AM This December 2020 saw council police kill a car washer in a war against the poor majority. Also assassinated was a peasants' organiser and a journalist whose work is driven by social conscience. A number of peasants and human rights defenders were judicially persecuted and arrested, including one peasant who was denied bail. Meanwhile, as applications for bail came from political prisoners and prisoners accused of assassinating Berta Caceres, with wishes to be home for Christmas, courts show whose side they are on in who is granted bail and who isn't.
https://sydneywithhonduras.wordpress.com/2021/02/05/december-2020-honduras-coup-update/ (text/plain)
A better future after COVID-19
European Attac Network
2021-02-03 11:30 PM People must decide how they want to live and what they want to produce in a fair ecological exchange that respects the interests of all people. This would also reverse the logic of competition between countries which is based on lowering labor costs, and promote ecological goals. (text/plain)
Fidéicommis de perpétuation
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-03 8:27 AM Psycho-écologie, psychosociologie, psychobiologie... (text/plain)
Fighting the "Immigrant Threat"
Lola Loustaunau
2021-02-02 2:54 PM The current rise in precarious work is better understood in the context of neoliberal reform, processes of deregulation, deindustrialization, and deunionization, as well as the growing inequality that has resulted. (text/plain)
Asexuel ( Hommage à Lautréamont )
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-02 7:56 AM Du chant programmatique... (text/plain)
Trump's White Mob
Jeffrey Sachs
2021-02-01 6:38 PM Trump may have been unusually heavy-handed in his race-baiting. But his approach fits perfectly with the party's approach, which it has taken at least since Republicans adopted the "Southern Strategy" in the 1968 election in the wake of the Civil Rights Acts. (text/plain)
Paraphysique de l'anatomie sexualisée
Patrice Faubert
2021-02-01 7:16 AM Anatomie de la sexualité... (text/plain)
Croissance de l'idéologie
Patrice Faubert
2021-01-31 8:08 AM L'idéologie de la croissance... (text/plain)
So how exactly can we fix this economic mess?
Grace Blakeley
2021-01-30 10:01 PM “It’s the conditions that generate pessimism, which are also the conditions that are likely to generate the resistance, which is a source of optimism,” says Blakeley. (text/plain)
Pandemic leads to massive concentration in the marketplace
Grace Blakeley
2021-01-30 8:59 PM “We need a much more democratic system, we need to democratize all bits of the state – we need collective power" https://theface.com/culture/the-corona-crash-grace-blakeley-interview-coronavirus-economy-uk?token=44 (text/plain)
It is up to workers to defang the fascists
Freedom Socialist writer
2021-01-28 11:58 PM How to stop the fascist upsurge. (application/rtf)
What could change with Biden and Harris?
Stephanie Odenwald
2021-01-28 6:00 PM The next few years will be all about democracy in the U.S., about the social cohesion of a diverse population, about stopping environmental destruction, and about a successful structural change of the economy that goes hand in hand with the creation of sufficient, well-paid jobs and humane working conditions. (text/plain)
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