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text HUMAN RIGHTS NEWS William Hoffman 2022-05-29 5:00 AM
Alabama Bill SB184 protects most children from unnecessary genital surgeries. On April 8, 2022 Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed SB184 known as Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (V-CAP). In the Synopsis it states: “This bill would prohibit the performance of a medical procedure or the prescription or issuance of medication, upon or to a minor child, that is intended to alter the appearance the minor child's gender or delay puberty, with certain exceptions.” One of the exceptions is actually male circumcision.  (text/plain)

application The Forgotten, “finding home in a new city.” Jesse Tolbert 2022-04-08 4:04 PM
Post Katrina New Orleans seeks the means to avoid wide spread disaster relief as hurricane season approaches once again. (application/pdf)

text Leipzig/Connewitz - Tesla damaged at Anti-Nazi-Terror Demonstration Demo(n) Dummy 2021-09-20 11:03 AM
According to the police, around 3500 participants attended a demonstration in Leipzig. A Tesla was damaged. (text/plain)

text 1/11 Antifascist Watch Notes reposter 2021-01-11 10:31 PM
This thread is only for updates about fash activity in the LA area, for today, only. Create a new post for each new day (this way, it's easier to see what's current). Posts are collected from social media, email, and other media. (text/plain)

image International Scholars Raise Concerns over “an Attempt to Destroy a New Religious Movement Scott Alwin 2020-07-30 7:38 AM
International Scholars Raise Concerns over “an Attempt to Destroy a New Religious Movement
On July 20, LA local minority church members spoke out at an international human rights webinar titled “COVID-19 and Religious Freedom: Scapegoating Shincheonji in South Korea”, which addressed the recent issues of aggressive attack from politically powerful conservative and fundamentalist Protestant churches against minority faiths. (image/jpeg)

text Portland Protest Livestream imc repost 2020-07-23 6:08 AM
Links to various livestreams and other sources. (text/plain)

text America Boils Over Ian Buruma 2020-06-06 1:50 PM
A lot will depend on how hot this summer gets. If people think sensibly in November, it is hard to imagine that they will cast enough votes to keep this hair-raising government in power for another four years. But fear is the worst enemy of reason. (text/plain)

text Correct behaviour when looting burnin&lootin 2020-03-31 11:35 PM
How should I act when I'm looting. A guide for young and old. (text/plain)

image Fourth Women's March Los Angeles Robert Stuart Lowden 2020-02-14 5:12 AM
Fourth Women's March Los Angeles
Despite some significant divisions The Fourth Los Angeles Women's March is still alive and organizing. (image/jpeg)

image Fourth Women's March Los Angeles Robert Stuart Lowden 2020-02-14 1:02 AM
Fourth Women's March Los Angeles
Despite some significant divisions The Fourth Los Angeles Women's March is still alive and organizing. (image/jpeg)

application A warrior Biologist is asking for Help Ancizar Betancourt 2019-12-20 2:14 AM
Crusade to help a brave Biologist with achondroplasia to pay his hip replacement surgery (application/pdf)

text Le déterminisme des probabilités Patrice Faubert 2019-11-27 8:15 AM
Personne n'osant plus se confier... (text/plain)

text Kristalina Georgieva Takes IMF Helm Kate Zeller 2019-09-25 11:16 PM
The International Monetary Fund announces that World Bank CEO and Bulgarian environmental economist, Kristalina Georgieva, will become the Fund's new Managing Director. (text/plain)

image Tepeyac Leadership Announces TLI’s Inaugural Program for Los Angeles Cristofer Pereyra 2019-08-05 4:52 PM
Tepeyac Leadership Announces TLI’s Inaugural Program for Los Angeles
Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. (TLI) is pleased to announce its inaugural program for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For its first cohort, TLI is looking for Catholic lay professionals representing a wide range of fields, including corporate, nonprofit, education, health, finance, and legal. (image/jpeg)

image State of Cannabiz Legislative Update & B2B Expo Collective Strategies 2019-04-10 11:13 PM
State of Cannabiz Legislative Update & B2B Expo
PRESS RELEASE: State of Cannabiz – 2019 Legislative Update & B2B Expo Announcement: Keynote Speaker Tulsi Gabbard, US Representative Los Angeles, CA— Saturday, April 13, 2019 — Collective Strategies, Social Equity LA, the California Cannabis Coalition, Dope Magazine and Eaze invite you to the inaugural State of Cannabiz - 2019 Legislative Update & B2B Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center, on Saturday, April 13th, from 10 am - 4 pm. To learn more please visit (image/png)

application Lanterman Regional Center Employees Strike Marc Baca 2019-03-20 5:37 AM
Union Employees Engage in Warning Strike to compel arrogant management team at Lanterman Regional Center to settle a fair labor contract. (application/pdf)

text Kwangju City history, see the panorama e 2019-03-07 11:27 AM
South Koreans take to boxing.Unfortunately they got burned by extreme rightist elements during a short lived citizens uprising that was not communist nor socialist driven beginning may 1, 1980. (text/plain)

text Tutelle comportementaliste Patrice Faubert 2019-01-20 9:18 AM
Du comporetment et du milieu... (text/plain)

text PR Debt Cancel, Judge Reviews Cofina Debt Kate Zeller 2019-01-16 9:04 PM
The Oversight Board in Puerto Rico has just filed for a dismissal of $6 billion of the island's debt because they say it was contracted unconstitutionally. (text/plain)

text SexActs vs Sexuality USA 2018 Invitations to Power Marriages without Affection St. Valentine 2019-01-09 8:36 PM
asians say once an asian always an asian the hispanics say marriage with a mexican we are not gonna allow people to be ceded they want to take women and men and twist things so they will go to the football team, the millionaire and be taken out of relationships that are current, healthy, maybe a little unbalanced.This is naked and contaminated like adding h2o to a family car don,t do it (text/plain)

text ?Cal Needs Analysis on Fires. Are They Pre-Planned?? Fire Bug 2018-12-28 3:42 AM
Investigate Fires , all suspicious activity, any hreats or evidence (text/plain)

text Felons Shw Ninjasred Heavy Truck Tyres I.B.M 2018-11-28 2:28 PM

image Ronald L. Havner & The Sleazy Corporate Whores @PublicStorage RAPED ME! Zone Warrior 2018-11-05 10:25 PM

Public Storage thoughtlessly and illegally devastated the life of a Los Angeles artist after they wrongfully auctioned off a life time of his photography and art work without blinking an eye, or giving the artist any kind of proper notification, something they legally have to do. What they returned to him was 4 boxes of old paperwork that was literally dumped into old disheveled cardboard boxes. That is what Public Storage considered his "Personal" belongings. The artist straightened them out. And I don't think he's close to being finished. A law suit against Public Storage is being now being prepared and will be filed in the near future. (image/jpeg)

text International Student Exchange Releases Update On ISE Gives Back Initiative Dave Thompson 2018-10-29 6:04 PM
The organization is detailing how their ongoing partnership with Children Incorporated has been helping children in need across the US for the last 2 years, reports (text/plain)

text Dark Clouds Gather on Horizon for Financial System, Warns International Monetary Fund Kate Zeller 2018-10-10 1:51 PM
Bali, Indonesia -The International Monetary Fund releases its "Global Financial Stability Report" ahead of its Annual Meetings held this year in Southeast Asia. (text/plain)

text IMF Lowers Global Growth Projections and Raises Concerns of Financial Crisis Kate Zeller 2018-10-09 3:27 PM
Bali, Indonesia - The International Monetary Fund released the World Economic Outlook Report and lowered global growth projections to 3.7 percent for 2018 and 2019. (text/plain)

text Shooting Drill's Are Political Actual Shootings judy 2018-10-02 2:47 PM
These "drills" turn out to be real. They want something. It's political. They scare the people to get what they want. (text/plain)

text Weaponizing Frequencies judy 2018-10-02 2:41 PM
They are planning on amping up the towers and heating us all up. (text/plain)

text Irrémissible, l'inhumanité acquise en héritage Patrice Faubert 2018-09-26 6:37 AM
L'humanité de l'inhumanité... (text/plain)

text After Lehman Brothers, Experts Say Global Financial Crisis Can Happen Again Kate Zeller 2018-09-13 8:28 PM
September 15th marks the ten-year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers investment firm collapse, symbolizing the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis. (text/plain)

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