"What remains to be said is that there were 5,000 anti-fascists against the shift to the right, neo-Nazis, right-wing networks in authorities on the street.
According to the police, around 3500 participants attended the demonstration. The action alliance “Wir sind Alle Linx”, however, reported almost 6000 demonstrators on Saturday.
According to the Federal Prosecutor's Office, she and three co-defendants (26 to 36 years old) belong to a criminal organization with "militant left-wing extremist ideology" and have attacked 13 people from the right-wing scene.
The supporters of the accused demand an end to the "defamation campaigns against left and anti-fascist engagement" and want to show "a clear edge against right-wing terror and Nazis in authorities".
The trial of suspected violent criminals from the left-wing scene continued on Monday at the Dresden Higher Regional Court with an initial questioning of witnesses. On October 2, 2018, a young woman had seen four hooded men near her home in Leipzig, who immediately afterwards attacked and beat a right-wing extremist. However, she stated in court that she had not recognized any details because hedges blocked the view of the crime scene. She heard the victim's screams and thuds. The woman, who said she was on her way to work, fled back into the doorway and called the police.
The trial of suspected violent criminals from the left-wing scene continued on Monday at the Dresden Higher Regional Court with a first questioning of witnesses.