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by Indyreaderwriter
Friday, Feb. 27, 2015 at 8:07 PM
changes to keep out the riff-raff repeaters were made
here at la.indy.media and notice the lack of effort most will make to jump the hurdles and whatallittakes to respond, even if we want to we seem to say "why bother if it takes that much More effort ?"
Open Letter to LA indymedia re hardly any more comments
Intentions surely were well meant to somehow curb the extraneous repeaters that filled any article with their own topics and agendas, ignoring whatever the article said or in 5 paragraphs adding 4 words of any nearby relevance. So a new system was installed, hopefully as an experiment.
so look now ! what happened ? did most commentators simply go elsewhere to do their proliferation on their own selective slanted views? where did they go to?
did this move make indymedia less relevant to many who dont read only articles but learn and also get irritated at commentators. Both are often interesting, as in the Guardian - a favorite comment site that provides extensive and diverse information beyond the limited views of any article there.
But this has seemed to be a failure and loss here at Indy with the experiment that may need to be
1. reconsidered seriously for changing again
2. a return to an altered way of having people write, read and come to Indymedia at all, as w/o comments there is less of interest here now.
3. find a different method of being able to monitor or avoid the loss of those who did actually make comments of relevance to the article - not agreement but staying on topic
4. be thanked for these efforts, knowing that volunteers have their own lives, economic woes, and limited time, but otherwise, if this stays as it is, it seems as if the site has become 1/2 of what it was before the shift to how comments can appear being changed.
5. do nothing else and more of those who returned to learn from each other here will start our own blogs and lose this community site in LA.
whatever... changes are not always productive as planned and unintended consequences are actually the norm, tho not considered 'normal' but are.
please consider # 3 above. thanks for all you workers-for-free do here.
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