another repost from another source who knows a whole more than we in LA ever can find out:
“IED [interim Executive Director of Pacifica] Vanishing Act and Who's Representing Whom?
posted April 18, 2014
Berkeley-Appointed/disputed/interim executive director Bernard Duncan failed to appear without notice at two scheduled meetings on Thursday, the first with national office administrative staff and the second, the weekly senior management call.
Duncan reported illness and may have left the Berkeley area on Thursday after missing both scheduled meetings. Duncan appeared on KPFA briefly during the April 15th fundraising drive. His full interview can be heard here. (Duncan's interview is midway through the hour-long program). ….“
If any other Indy reader knows more information about Duncan's doings or Pacifica's solutions or breakups, please share it on this site as Los Angeles is desert dry with no information or updates of what affects us seriously.
KPFK is one of the 2 ongoing vital radio stations that have most at stake at this time. Berkeley seems to be creating their own separatist group [not all at KPFA - but a strong contingent is acting in a we-want-our-own-separated-way] to break up Pacifica perhaps and to take the power to rule their worlds for themselves mostly. The older models are breaking down and the chaos continues...for now.