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Rodney King 2

by mitchell crooks Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 3:40 AM

Inglewood beating in Comparison to rodney king is Worse.

Some people say to me that this upcoming trial of jeremy morse for hitting a black teenager (16) is comparable to the rodney king situation. I say no! It's far worse! First, donovan jackson is 16. Rodney was 33 or so. Second, rodney kept getting up which leads to speculation and was NOT in handcuffs when that was video taped. Donovan had been subdued (by the time the tape started) and was lifeless and in custody. This would give donovan many more rights than a normal citizen. Both these two incidents are by far, not the worse beatings the pigs have handed out to people. But, they were videotaped nontheless. Third, to pat myself on the back, the video of donavan was clearer (thanks to technology) than rodney king. The defendant jeremy morse only claimed that donovan grabbed his balls AFTER john barnett (lawyer for morse and the rodney king pigs) came up with the solution. I have seen this video prolly more than anyone. And with state of the art technology. I can see in no way that donovan grabbed his testicles. This IS the cunundrum! Happens to be that I happen to focus in on situation as the supposed testicle grabbing took place. So the pig lawyer (who is a real ass) wants to make it my fault for using my focus. Thereby getting his client off.

You are going to hear alot of stuff in the coming weeks that is simply untrue and drifty. The lawyer is tricky. But more important is that the Los Angeles District Attorney's are prosecuting a cop! They won't try hard! They will do just enough to satisfy the public. The DA would never ever try to convict a cop. They need cops to do their thing. Now if you've seen "training day" or "dark blue" you know how corrupt cops are. Have you seen "biggie & tupac"? Geez the entire world knows how corrupt the LA system is. The feeling you get when donovan is slamed on the car still sickens and disturbs me to this day. People around the world feel the same way. It was wrong. Period.

The jury selection process is still going on this week. the actual trial will start soon and the media is all over it again. I have a book, dvd, cd and documentary that I am working on. Another major difference between rodney king's videographer is he made a bundle of cash. I did not. After the lawyers, court fees, fines I was able to buy a few clothes and cds. The guy who filmed rodney king was able to start a business. I have said before, It's not about the money.

Now the possible riot looming. If there is a riot, I hope people will get lots of cool stuff and loot the corporations and not the mom and pop. I would hope that people in LA have grown as a result but then again, You just signed Gary Payton to the LAKERS. I really don't wanna see a riot happen but what can you do to get justice anymore? I have friends that were present in LA during the 92 riots and they were scared to death. I doubt any of those people want to see anything like that again. Bush has his ARMY ready and it would justify more attacks on civilians and looters/rioters. Ever since the last riot police and republicans have been hard at work to create crowd control weaponry that is considerbly less lethal. The LAPD will bus in Cops from the midwest who still have a chip on there shoulder about september 11th 2001. They will never forget they say. So the opportunity to crack some skulls is what we see at every protest nowadays. Because republicans, Cops and crazed cristians feel WE are to blame. The youth, blacks, asians, anarchists, blac bloc, mexicans, rockers, hip hoppers, taggers, muslims, browns, yellows and puples ect. ect. This shit is going to stop. By any means necessary.

Keep you cool and watch the video here at my site

mitchell crooks.

Sift thru all the bullshit.
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Listed below are the 10 latest comments of 73 posted about this article.
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pictures mitchell Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 3:49 AM
by my watch it's been 15 minutes nigga please Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 5:58 AM
yeah fuck you. mitchell crooks Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 10:54 AM
HUH!?! jury Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 11:15 AM
Mitch sure needs ahug Ignatius Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 11:20 AM
solidarity? FluxRostrum Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 1:26 PM
my favorite part... fred Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 6:24 PM
what is up john Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 7:16 PM
in response..... mitchell Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 3:48 AM
oh and....... mitchell Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 3:58 AM
mitchell invoice Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:05 AM
You Should be proud of him A Supporter of mitchell Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:05 AM
15 attorneys mitchell Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:10 AM
mitchell, you idiot invoice Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:25 AM
Keep em comin..... mitchell Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:38 AM
Maxine Waters anti-racist Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:43 AM
hero are you really there? in need of a true american hero Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 7:54 AM
Jealous? mitchell Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:06 AM
Thought you were working? remember Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:18 AM
You people make me so proud of what I've done. mitchell Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:19 AM
i don't think their pissed remember Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:39 AM
real activism drunky drunkerton Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 9:39 AM
Big Fucking Deal fresca Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 5:19 PM
does your mom think your a hero? call me jealous Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 7:59 PM
good job mitch thomaston Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 1:37 AM
Thanks thomaston mitchell Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:34 AM
Wow, you got me there Ignatius Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:40 AM
Oh, and another thing Ignatius Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:44 AM
Ignatius mitchell Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:51 AM
Where's mitchie? Ignatius Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 7:50 AM
^ circle Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 7:52 AM
mitch, cant stand the heat john Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 9:26 AM
Yoo hoo, mitchie! Ignatius Sunday, Jul. 13, 2003 at 8:32 AM
mr dave Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003 at 11:54 AM
Well, not really fresca Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003 at 12:31 PM
mc thevoice Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:26 PM
Also, mitchell Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:26 PM
I think MC did the right thing. camcorder Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:35 PM
What did you accomplish? mitchell crooks Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:45 PM
We're so proud! The Logic of Aldo Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 4:14 PM
mc time Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 5:40 PM
Rodney Who? Curious george Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 6:23 PM
OneEyedMan KPC Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 2:17 PM
KPC, thanx for reminding us. just great Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 3:16 PM
OneEyedMan KPC Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 1:34 PM
KPC, thanx for reminding us. just great Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 2:38 PM
OneEyedMan KPC Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 10:40 AM
get along Rodney Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 11:17 AM
what a racist jon Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 11:18 AM
OneEyedMan KPC Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 11:20 AM
your 15 minutes is up mitchell crooks Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 2:56 PM
^ . Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 2:58 PM
please tell me hombre Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 3:02 PM
hombre mitchell crooks Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 3:04 PM
and..... mitchell crooks Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 10:17 PM
again....... mitchell crooks Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 10:35 PM
and again.... mitchell crooks Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 10:57 PM
and again and again..... mitchell crooks Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 11:12 PM
and..... mitchell crooks Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 11:18 PM
FACTS mitchell crooks Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 1:20 AM
FACTS mitchell crooks Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 1:20 AM
FACTS mitchell crooks Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 1:21 AM
hey mitch dave Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 4:46 AM
OneEyedMan KPC Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 10:09 AM
^ % Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 10:12 AM
Citizens for police Mitchell crooks Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 at 5:29 AM mitchell crooks Monday, Nov. 17, 2003 at 10:41 AM
the trolls look like this mitchell crooks Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 at 12:27 PM
jeremy morse arrested for DUI mitchell crooks Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003 at 11:24 PM
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! MR BREEDEN Sunday, Apr. 30, 2006 at 2:22 PM
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