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In response to the global call-out for New Years Eve noise demos at prisons, jails, and detention centers around the world, we are calling all rebels and opponents of the Prison-Industrial Complex to converge on the Metropolitan Detention Center in Downtown Los Angeles December 31st.
Rally at City Hall's North lawn 10PM
March to Metropolitan Detention Center
Bring noisemakers and banners!
Full announcement: Los Angeles NYE Noise Demo by LA Rebels
Free Our Political Prisoners: Salgado and Stewart
Tuesday December 10, 4-6PM, at the Mexican Consulate, 2401 W. 6th St., protest the jailing of Nestora Salgado, a naturalized U.S. citizen and leader of her indigenous community in Olinala, in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Over the last four years, Salgado, a grandmother, made numerous trips from her residence in Renton, Washington to deliver clothing and supplies to the desperately poor residents of her hometown.
Good news! Lynne Steward has been granted compassionate release, and is headed to New York to be with her son! Democracy Now
See You @ the @ist BookfairSaturday, December 7, come by and visit us at the bookfair. IMC will be sharing a presentation slot with The Black Flag Newsletter by the Free Association of Anarchists, at 11:45 in the CeCe McDonald Room
At the tables, we'll have some info about the latest drama and gossip going on with IMC. Bring your own gossip to share. Learn how to post to the site, and learn what kinds of help we need, and share your project ideas. We don't have anything to vend.
At least one of us will also be hanging out on the 8th at Macarthur Park, but that day is really about R.A.C.
Friday, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM at Cielo Galleries - Cafe, Film Night, Music - Chicano Son, Money Mark
Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM at Cielo Galleries - Bookfair, Workshops, Speakers
Sunday Noon - 5:00 PM at MacArthur Park - Skill Sharing, Community Outreach with RAC
Imagine NAFTA on steroids and affecting multiple continents (North and Central America, Australia as well as parts of South America and Asia) and Pacific island nations (e.g., Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and New Zealand). Although this partnership has been negotiated in secret, "leaked text reveals that the TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership] would empower corporations to directly sue governments in private and non-transparent trade tribunals over laws and policies that corporations allege reduce their profits." ( 350 Campaigns)
TPP would affect nearly every aspect of Americans' lives. If passed, it will undermine state, local and federal laws, including those governing food safety, environmental protection, internet freedom, worker rights, democratic sovereignty, healthcare and drug prices, and banking and finance regulation.
On November 25th, Barack Obama came to Beverly Hills for a high dollar fundraiser. 250 protesters were there to greet Obama and tell him to flush the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Here's how the day and night went in pictures.
Story and pictures: TPP Protesters Greet President Obama in Beverly Hills — in Pictures by Lauren Steiner, et al
Birds rescued from meat production, cock fighting rings, and the ritual of Kaporot have, in many cases, gone on to live decent/happy lives (some of them have even reproduced). Profiled here are turkeys Biggie and Autumn Tootsie of Riverside; Pooka, a goose in northeast L.A.; and several chickens. People who rescue them give advice about mistakes to avoid.
"There's nothing more impressive than looking at these turkeys every day and just counting the blessings that they've been given--and they know it," says Jen DeCarlo. "They're very grateful animals, just like we're very grateful humans to have them here. That's two less on someone's Thanksgiving platter, which is better than both of them being gone.
" . . . Our species domesticated them, so now we have to take care of the damage we've done. They can't go out and do it themselves anymore."
Full story and photos: Birds Who Survived the Holidays and Other Tragedies by R. Plesset
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