On Saturday the 27th, a group of KKK fascists were gathering in Anaheim to hold an anti-immigrant rally.
Several anti-KKK counter protesters showed up to resist.
The lead up to this was covred in the LA Times. This is part of an ongoing effort by "KKK" to organize in Whittier and Orange County.
http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-kkk-anaheim-rally-20160226-story.html http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-klan-rally-in-anaheim-erupts-in-violence-one-man-stabbed-20160227-story.html This photo album by Heather Davini Boucher shows some of the fighting:
https://www.facebook.com/daviniphotography/media_set?set=a.1683258705280576.1073741863.100007893880732&type=3&pnref=story Note that one of the Klan signs has a message that could be considered a "Trump" message.
The next day, allies went to protest against the Anaheim PD to demand the release of the counterprotesters. The Anaheim police department released all the Klan members. The antifascist counter-protesters remain jailed.
This excellent article by Dylan Sevett has details:
http://usuncut.com/news/look-who-got-charged-and-who-didnt-after-the-kkk-brawl-in-anaheim/ Some counter-protesters are being charged with "elder abuse" by the district attorney. It's telling that the DA is opting to stretch to find a charge.
As of today, antifascists sit in jail, even if they were exercising self-defense. KKK are walking free, even though they were the ones using weapons in their sefl-defence, and stabbed three people.
The antifascist side will need money to fight this, because, clearly, the city and county, and perhaps even state, may be biased to favor the Klan.
Early Saturday afternoon violence erupted at Pearson Park in Anaheim, California as antiracist protesters clashed with members of the Ku Klux Klan. In the end three protesters were stabbed—one was left in critical condition after a Klan member speared him with an American flag—and seven antiracists were arrested. Initially they were held on minor charges, but by Saturday night the charges were upgraded to felony assault and elder abuse. All people concerned about racism and the rising tide of white nationalism sweeping the country should support the immediate release and dropping of charges against these seven individuals.
Continued at Counterpunch...