(INDYRADIO 10jun15) Antoinette Ramirez writes: "My Poor Brother. He is mentally ill and the cops had no right to keep hitting him he was already on the floor. The cops have done this too many times. I see the cops in the ER walking around like they got hurt. Bull shit. He didn't hurt any of them cops. And to do that in front of my mom is so harsh. Praying for everyone in Salinas. The cops are out of control. And they can be: who's going to stop them?" Click photo to download video.
For those who are fooled by the liberal and cosmopolitan image of LA Times, be reminded it's owned by a corporation founded by the union busting Marshall Field, who used to hire his own police and Pinkertons to deliver punishment to Union Workers. When progressive Governor John Peter Altgeld pardoned the Haymarket Anarchists, The Chicago Tribune, along with all the voices Marshall Field controlled at the time, responded in a chorus to remove him and other Progressives from elected office in Illinois. Now the same corporation taints the news daily in California via the Los Angeles Times.
Trust them at your own risk. According to commentator who saw the video:
"That "drug-fueled psycho" was a human being laying on the ground, rolling around trying to avoid the baton strikes. Which is exactly what YOU would have done, had you been in the same position. There were, what, 5 cops laying into this guy while he was sprawled on the street"
Enough said. Trust your own eyes. The takeaway from the Times' report is that the Salinas PD is investigating the use of batons in the alleged "incident". Who should be investigating these employees of the City who will retire with million dollar pensions, regardless of their conduct?
There are more details and screencaps at Santa Cruz IndyMedia
David Roknich,
Don't bother with the monopoly and NSA controlled YouTube to find the video.
It can be downloaded from the story at indyradio (already linked) or from indybay -