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Banking Warfare, Gas Explosion San Bruno, FDIC bank examiner Injected causes brain Stroke

by Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone Friday, Dec. 30, 2011 at 6:45 PM

The gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno in 2010 was likely deliberately set to explode and killed many. I smelled the gas on Interstate 280 and did not report it because I have been tortured and caused to have a brain stroke due to forced injections by federal and state officials.

Banking Warfare, Gas...
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I am Kurt Brown, former FDIC bank examiner and later an investigative journalist on government crimes in finance and medicine. They are killing each other for the control of international money laundering monies and drug monies. The post below is from Mobile Audit Club and details the war that is ongoing while we are tortured silent.

Segment December 28, 2011: BANKING_money_LAUNDERING_retaliation_SEIZURE_drugs_INTERNATIONAL_

The money laundering business in the USA is a business of kings, and the same can be said for illegal or semi-legal drugs such as marijuana. The government does not care about the American people because the government does not really have a face that can be retaliated against for crimes. There will be those who will retaliate however if their money is taken. No knight in shining armor exists to protect the American people. Simply because the kings of government enjoy the spoils of war, they have those who fight over the spoils of war, and that includes the control of illegal and semi-legal drugs and of course monies laundered in banks.

Sometimes I look for the cause and effect and you can not always be certain that an explosion or sabotage is in retaliation for an event such as seizing millions of dollars from banks. The explosion in San Bruno California in 2010 was of interest to me because I thought I smelled natural gas while on Interstate 280 which runs through San Bruno. I did not call it in to 911 because when I report things, the government tortures me. First in 2001 in Los Angeles when I was reporting a suspected covered up FDIC murder in San Francisco and a Sheriff in Alabama who was a thief of inmate food funds. Then I was tortured in 2004 for reporting a burn on my flesh and a suspected toxic spill in New Mexico to Flagstaff Medical Center. Now I look out the window and keep going, including the exploding aircraft or rocket in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma and the busted gas pipe in 2010 in San Bruno California. I likely would not stop under any situation because I have had a small stroke due to trying to do investigative journalistic work and simply seeking medical care. On several occassions I was tortured, robbed, and injected with chemicals.

I can not help but wonder if the explosion in San Bruno California that killed several people was because of monies seized during money laundering by Wachovia Bank or some other banking fiasco such as the arrests that landed many Colombians in prison in 2010. The problem becomes apparent if you work for agencies such as the FDIC in California as a bank examiner. You see the hidden things only slightly but things like jet fuel in the neighborhood of my FDIC boss in 1999 and seeing basically strategic moves by crime syndicates in the government offices in San Francisco FDIC and Roseville FDIC, you soon realize that many people are dirty in some way or another or they work for someone who is corrupt or under the gun of those who are in power and who are corrupt. Even the Vatican Bank launders money according to news reports.

I no longer see the USA as I once did. We are not one in this nation and we never were in my life since the 1960's to present. As people drift away from religion, those who are greedy or hungry reach for more money and more violently pursue those who get in their way.

If you are an accountant and if you work in banking oversight, you would likely be better off to quit and work elsewhere as to leave the side of the betrayers in government, your health and wealth will improve. I believed in the "knight in shining armor" over government and I was punished for that belief. They treated me as their enemy and do so to this day, ever since I came forward on their crimes. No one cares because those at top are corrupt, and if you challenge them you will be labeled a criminal and a menace to society. If you consort with them in unethical, allowed by law crimes, or in direct subterfuge and hidden crimes, then you can expect they may kill you if the day avails itself to rid the slate of witnesses or to seize your money. The sociopath is forever the sociopath, even though he consorts with God when his testicles are in a vice. There are many opportunities to launder money as illustrated in this link to money laundering in 2010. Because the government has those who fight within the upper ranks, I no longer report falling aircraft or gas leaks or any thing. If they are killed or maimed, I treat them as they do my self and others -- their suffering is their problem and not mine. As a journalist, I am now in cuffs and I can not witness nor report what I see as material events. However, I think we should protect our own because no one else will. Protecting others finances is not allowed by the sociopaths at the top of government and industry.

We can not trust what the media says because they are told what to say. The syndicates fight for the big money. There is no way around it because there is no knight in shining armor to protect us and most do not have any ethical or moral constraints on their actions at the top of government. Their government is the enemy to the average American. It is no different in Russia most likely. Asia is even worse it seems. Best of luck. Never stick your neck out and never expect the society to heal itself from the effects of "negative capitalism" and all it entails. Sometimes I feel like "Rocky Raccoon" as I fight with the possum men of law enforcement who are corrupt. (music).

A closing comedy scene based on truth, and this is a what-if I had reported the gas in San Bruno that I smelled strongly, intoxicatingly strong. Methane, natural gas, has no odor but it is coupled chemically to sulfur so it has an odor. Scene: I am driving down the interstate 280 and I smell the odor of gas very strong, I pull over to the side of the road and call 911. "Hello, I have a report to make. The odor of natural gas is really strong here on the 280 at the San Bruno section." The operator replies, "And what is your name sir? What are you driving? Please wait there while we dispatch the Highway Patrol."

Scene: The California Highway Patrol arrives at the roadside where I am parked and the smell of the gas comes and goes, wafting in the strong Pacific Ocean wind currents inshore. "Sir, did you smell the gas after you parked or before?" The CHP officer asks. "Before I parked sir" I reply. Officer to myself, "Were you doing any drugs at that time or drinking?" I reply, "NO". The CHP asks, "Sir do you have any weapons on you?" I reply "No". The CHP says, "Fine, turn around then, we are going to cuff you and search your vehicle and sniff around". I comply startled. He places me in the patrol car and tears my vehicle apart looking for drugs and weapons. The CHP officer asks, "Sir do you belong to a terrorist organization or have you been engaged in terrorist activity?" I reply "No, I just smelled gas and wanted to report it." CHP officer to myself, "So you are a sniffer? Did you break a nearby gas line sir? We have reports you were arrested and detained and injected in 2001 in Los Angeles by federal authorities and you reported a toxic spill in 2004 and were injected and detained also in Flagstaff." "Sir, you are under arrest for suspicion of terrorist activity and we have been ordered to take you to the San Francisco jail psychiatric facility for further evaluation." As I arrive at the facility I am taken into a back room like the federal facility I experienced in Los Angeles but this time it is San Francisco. The Italian or Mexican or German man pulls out a syringe and proceeds to inject me to my horror and to the detriment of the stroke condition they have inflicted upon me. I often wonder if we should not live like boxers, revolutionaries for our own families and remove all opposition when it presents itself, and if so, what is the final society going to look like? These are questions and scenarios that men ask when they test the limits and discover truths hidden in our societies.

As a final aside, I remember speaking with someone about their military service and how they endured 20 years. They just laughed and looked away, and never said anything. In some ways I feel like my job as an investigative journalist was to be like a part of the fourth arm of government. But it has not turned out that way. I look at myself as wearing handcuffs that exclude me from acting as witness and reporter. The USA is nothing. If you are young, best of luck in finding a paradise. They always seem to be fleeting. Just because a nation was humane and civil at one time, it does not mean it is in another. Sadly enough the world is always wrought with discrimination and favoritism, and just because this may be one man's paradise, it might still be your Hell.

In another matter, no or little snow has fallen in the California Sierra Nevada mountains this year, and it is late. They or we need the water. Perhaps it will be up to creative people like myself to make saline water safe for consumption. Perhaps it is like my ancestor said, "Nothing is as it seems and nothing is as bad as it seems." I look away, thirsty for full life or full death, and I am fully aware it is really in God's hands. Perhaps this is the end of the road, 2012. Perhaps not. I can not seem to die, therefore I am a good bet for life insurance companies. How about you? Got the vapors? Shattered (music).

As Hunter S. Thompson, the journalist who was murdered and labeled suicide in 2005 might ask, "The End of the road is where?" "Who wrote this note anyway?" I, Kurt Brown have tried to acquire some of Woody Creek Colorado property also but can not afford it. So to paraphraase, Garibaldi "Got a rope, hang the pope, up with gangsters money." It is ironic that God's banker had 11 pounds of bricks and $11,700 of various currencies in his pockets when he was found hanging from Blackfriar Bridge in London. Sometimes hit men can be so poetic in murder. Some may say the sociopaths imagination is fevered like many creative geniuses. Randy Kraft, federal medical fly boy guinea pig, was one artist I met, and they say he left a man with a cypress stump up his rear, his arms dangling like dead mosquito larvae, as he stared out over the clear blue Pacific Ocean on a stretch of Southern California beach.

Most do not have art studios so there quarry is their art. I do the same things with those whom I have audited and investigated. I play with them like a cat who plays with a mouse, and my mind wanders much like Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now as I calculate the finiteness of the infinities. It is like shooting something, camping next to it during the night as it lays wounded, and you can hear the cry for God in its unique whimper if you have empathy. It makes me want to Howl. By mourning, I finish thine meal. Perhaps when I enter government, they should be afraid, very afraid, as God's hunt is not always about the money. There are more material things, even in a Angel's eyes who may appear to be the devil to ne'er do-gooders.

My manager at the FDIC who gave me my exit interview gave me a paradigm to reconcile with a few months before at Y2K. She said I had dug myself a hole I could not get out of. My father used to hold me down for long periods in his half drunk pleasure. It was not sexual but it was similar to the hole that ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol had brought to my mind. A true Sweet Carol dilemma will always require a Sweet Carol paradigm, a way of viewing this trap. The paradoxes are uncanny. Her bosses in the banking oversight industry gave me more to think about by making my middle number 911. I was scheduled to be released from their custody on 8/11/2001 and on 9/11/2001 as I sat in the dentists chair, getting a tooth fixed that was split by a madman in custody who hit me as I ate, catching me off guard, and as I remembered my prayer for revenge against those that put me there at that moment in custody, I, in the dentists chair on 9/11/2001 watched on TV as the planes slammed into the buildings in New York, apparently. I still do not believe them because I do not have a witness I can trust. The Dentists name was Blackwell. Ironically too, it was next to Blackwell Oklahoma, in Braman, where the armed aircraft drone crashed and almost hit me in 2004. Also, ironically, years later, my primary Doctor was a person named Braman. If I cut the angles back and forth I pinpoint a location, a word, a place, on the tip of the tongue and mind. The irony of Sweet Carols ARD F-DIC hole is astounding, the depth, the complexity, the futile whorish-ness of such a pale and plastic meaningless life inside the hole whose inscriptions read WAK. I had to look up Revelations 911 to see what I was accused of or fleeing from. There it was, Abaddon in the Abyss, had labeled me, Revelations 9.11. Sweet Carols ARD F-DIC hole is dirty and hairy, and just as Hunter S. Thompson, you could not blame me for wanting to arm myself.

I am there, here, guarding what I can in a pit of vipers who walk about as men and women. I look to the Banker of God hanging on the rope, his pockets stuffed with 11 pounds of stone and $11,700 of various nations currencies and I try to translate his message. I read the revelation left there by the hit man who is a Jesuit poet of sorts, and I read in the money of 11(?) nations in his pockets, 11 peoples swindled, "Revelation 11.7-8 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that cometh up out of the abyss shall make war with them, and overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified." Now the funny thing about life is that the USA is now considered in a way to be the world's old Egypt, the crossroads, so where is Egypt and Sodom now? Let us extrapolate out and reconsider this at a later time. Give it time to gel. Could the new Sodom mean Los Angeles where I was first injected forcibly and crucified? To the Jesuit hit man with the dangling art, a song, "A ring around the rosary, a pocket full of poserie."(music)

Segment December 26, 2011: SCIENCE_social_REPORTING_astuteness_CHEMICAL_spill_REPORTING_to_AUTHORITIES

A dilemma has gripped my life. Ignorance is bliss. I weigh all of the variables I can fathom. After being injected with chemicals forcibly in 2001 and 2004, I have lost my health, after being diagnosed with a stroke in 20004 or 2005. I should have sued but I forgot about the diagnosis of stroke in 2005 after being sick since 2004 or 2001. I just remembered this year, and likely could not have sued the war criminal horde in power in these hated United States in 2005 because our enemies have written laws protecting themselves from lawsuits just as the Nazi could not be sued by their victims.

I am not sure when the stroke occured now, after the first set set of injections or after the second set of injections. I felt very sick after the first injections and psychological and physical torture. The injections and or other procedures have left me feeling half-dead. The pushing of myself out of employment illegally has made the condition worse. Only this year was I even given an interview after having my record cleared when it was supposed to have been cleared in 2004 for basically being homeless. They do things to us on purpose on a legal level and no one can be held responsible. They are killing and maiming and attacking many innocent Americans in the banking regulatory industry. There are allegations that the FBI is in the strong arm business for money laundering syndicates. I see money laundering and drug dealing as the rights bestowed upon those who control the spoils of war. We are being attacked medically when seeking medical care very often also. Some do not know what is material in life and lament the small things of the past and are distracted from these greater struggles.

There are those among us who will attack the other like wild animals in various ways. I often see humans now as dinosaurs, as heartless and inhumane as a reptile that walks on two feet, with two knees that buckle as they scurry about like large reptiles. Ignorance is their primary weakness as they tear each other and us apart. I should have read the warning sign, flee the USA when you are 8 or 12 or 18 and best of luck. 18 is best but by then you are often too damaged.

If you extrapolate to the future from the present, you can see what is material in life. Some are like retarded children however. It is part of the human condition. They can never see. Or perhaps after being injected and excluded, I must re-phrase Aristotle who said "I think I am therefore I am", and I as a forced injections victim should ask, "After those forced injections, I am? And if so, I am What? Where? How? Why? When? Who?

Perhaps the head in a nutshell reads the calendar by looking at the Mayan way and saying, "Please let 12/22/2012 be the day this all goes away, and let my entire life be a bad dream" That is a wish from a possible coma victim, I am?

A relative tried to warn me not to come in contact too closely with those over the federal government long ago. I thought I could go into their military and advance myself, and then as a degreed accountant and trained in medicine I thought I could audit them and investigate them and test them for 'truths' in the end. We do not have a federal government. We have nothing with them and perhaps in 2012 they will get blown away like pus from a wound and no one will care if a more humane dictator for the people of the Americas arises. We do not have a democracy. It is a farce if the "material" elected positions are considered and their funding methods are considered. The elected officials of significance are basically a servant for a select group of people who are international in scope with money and power.

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