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by d
Tuesday, Sep. 06, 2005 at 12:20 PM
It is not acceptable to sit in our seats while people within our own borders are systematicallydying in New Orleans under martial Law. We need to STEP UP our EFFORTS. SUGGESTIONS?
 in_flood_no_pd.jpgsfbfej.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x282
HOW CAN WE ORGANIZE LOCALLY FOR THE RELIEF EFFORT IN New Orleans? It does not feel acceptable to me, or most of us, that we just go about our daily lives while we have a black majority genocide taking place within our borders. I'm sure you've all read the reports how the national guard won't even let you thru to help the refugees, or how they're taking shots and initiating martial law, all this cruel stuff.
I just don't understand what to do. Whatn Israeli troops invaded Jenin a few years ago [for isntance], me and several students organized a day of demonstration within like--a week! and, we had over 400 people within a weeks notice marching down University ave. in riverside as some act of defiance against what was being done to our sisters and brothers (which was a massacre) thousands of miles away.
Possible ideas are: Driving to New Orleans (maybe even organiznig a demonstration against hte National Guard THERE to protest the national guard) we could fill our vehicles with supplies to disperse by traveling there, we couldf amiliarze ourselves more, and if nothing else, just be volunteers, and to behonest--crisis counselors if anyone has any experience in this (i do), then you'd understand that by having outsiders there not tramatized who are able to give their attention to the situation can be extremely helpful Driving to a refugee location (which, supposedly there are some in nearby states, and even in CA where they are getting shipped off to. There we could interview, assist, and /or spend time w/ victims w/o driving so far or taking as much time away) organizing protests here and everywhere on our streets to demand an end to themilitarization and injustice gonig on in new orleans. Please email back to let incorporate current actions already going on, or possible ideas or groups we could join in on.
I really am strapped for financial resources--but, i have a hybrid vehicle that I could drive [gets about 40 miles to gallon], and a job felixible enough to take up to 7 - 10 days off for travel and relief work.
This is unacceptable that we are able to organize andmobilize as well as we do for all our sisters and brothers in Iraq, Chiapas, etc., yet cannot seem to do anything more than passing around emails when it comes to people [of color] wtihin our own borders.
debbie... i'm so sick,of us just sitting around.dooing nothing for the people that were hit by the hurricane...i dont want to act like this piece of shit gov't.u actually care..and it breaks my heart,that thousands of poor people are dying,while the whole world is watching....and sitting on their asses..and saying"oh how terrible"and they go about their daily lifes.. DEBBIE THIS SHIT IS SERIOUS...we need to fuckin orgz.because if we cant help these people..in our own country..then who the fuck are we going to help.. i'm kinda out of it right now..and i was watching the news...and i saw little kids..crying..and old women trying to swim acoss that dieased water..
like..we really should talk about maybe going down to a shelter..i think they even might open one here in CA.i know they have some jam-packed in TX..and other places....i just think giving money isnt enough...millions of people have reached deep into their pockets.. and for what i have seen... the money hasnt gone to the poor people who are still on top of their roofs with no food or water..!!!
and its been 6 fuckin days...
no debbie.... i know i go back to school this week. but if we lefted firday,afternoon and spent the whole weekend somewhere in the nearest shetler..wouldnt that be enough?..talk to the people..maybe record their stories...on their struggles..and how they feel..... we can so vounlteer over at a shelter...and learn...
tell me what your ideas are.. if i sound too werid..just tell me : D ok i need some sleep goodnight dear
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