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by jlr
Wednesday, May. 26, 2004 at 7:17 PM
Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held...
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a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in L. A. against the death and destruction the Israeli army is inflicting on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Protesters expressed their outrage at Israel’s continuing war crimes against the Palestinian people.
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by jla
Wednesday, May. 26, 2004 at 7:30 PM
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"It is outrageous that Israel can get away with this ongoing genocide. Various organization have identified Israel's actions as war crimes, but Israel continues its destruction of homes and lives throughout occupied Palestine. Without the support of the U. S. this couldn't happen. We cannot stand by and watch these massacres - many in Los Angeles are outraged, and we are here today to express that"
--Yael Korin
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by Degavar Modgnik
Monday, Sep. 13, 2004 at 6:35 PM
USA, The New Third World
Corruption in USA government, a media that ignores Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, and a government that destroys all nations around Israel.
Get the picture, but understand that not all Israelis want to ravage Palestinian lands, just as not all Americans want to ravage Iraq.
The double standard and hippocricy of the American billionaire and his war torn world makes me want to crash the program.
I do not have to. It will do it on its own. Spaghetti logic in the biosphere through transgenics and then the endless loop in nature, in which we are just a part of the dieing meal at the non existent end of the program.
I used to think Israel could do no wrong, following the logic of those who were around me. And then I developed a conscience.
I am just some nobody who was abused in Los Angeles and Alabama, and I really do not care what happens in the interim, but I hope my people do not suffer to greatly when the biosphere goes, "Snap."
I give up on America. Criminals rule all houses of government, and they wear suits and rob more money than King Solomon made in trade. So be it, it all will come tumbling down.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, if American Indians wanted to reclaim their holy land, Bush and Kerry and most of us would be strung up by our balls.
I pity Palestinians under fire, and I pity Israelis who are forced to fight a war for some rich guys who really do not really care if they live or die or even how much they suffer. Just like the rich war mongers in America, See Bush Kerry us to the final war for our species.
America's political system is an atrocity. We should organize an army to disrupt their elections and then take over their mass media. But that will never happen. Everyone is doing the government's drugs, or in prison, or labeled some sort of number by those wealthy criminals hovering over us Americans like Buzzards over roadkill.
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