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by builder123
Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 at 12:13 PM
Manual Arts High February 7th 2004
United Teacher Los Angeles Human Rights Committee presented its inaugural forum on militarism in our schools. Student organizers, activists and long time counter militarism group took part in a panel discussions and workshops.
 image4503.jpg, image/jpeg, 531x344
Above Fernando Suarez del Solar Takes part in UTLA Workshops A member of Military Families Speak Out. Fernando’s son was killed in Iraq; his from the heart comments and observations are well worth the download. stream Fernando Suarez del Solar-Audio stream J. Mariscal Audio
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by builder123
Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 at 12:13 PM
audio: MP3 at 3.7 mebibytes
Manual Arts High February 7th 2004 Duration 0:8:27
…”Last Dr. Martin Luther King Day I say something very sad. I saw young people between 10 and 14 years old dressed in military uniforms and that should not be what our youth are doing and I approached them and said, “in the military you will pay with your life, but in the school you will truly serve your country”. And an officer in charge of these Junior ROTC students approach Fernando said shut-up you can’t talk to these kids. And Fernando said to the children, “Is this the freedom that your being taught, that someone who is telling you the truth can’t speak to you?”…
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by builder123
Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 at 12:13 PM
 image8502.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x453
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by builder123
Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 at 12:13 PM
 image5403.jpg, image/jpeg, 505x346
Jorge Mariscal – Viet Nam Vet and professor of Chicano Studies at the University of California San Diego. For the past 10 years, he has worked with Project Yano, an organization devoted to countering militarism in our public schools.
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by builder123
Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 at 12:13 PM
audio: MP3 at 2.8 mebibytes
Manual Arts High February 7th 2004 "…they’re the green card soldiers that you heard about over 40,000 of them now serving in the US military who are not citizens. They’re the ones when the invasion of Iraq started last year and you saw the first list of fatalities, there the ones with the Spanish sir names, one of them is Fernando’s son…" Duration: 0:6:15
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