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by builder123
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 8:35 PM
December 14, 2003 Los Angeles CA
Pouring rain wasn’t all that greeted Tony Saca the Arena Party’s candidate for President of El Salvador. A motivated group of activists stood outside FRIENDSHIP AUDITORIUM denouncing the “privatization guru” and his party’s terrorist past.
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Inside the auditorium party faithful were weaving in conga line formation to Latin rhythms as a loud speaker belted out the mantra -- Tony! Tony! all this in preparation for candidate Saca’s arrival. stream Saca speech stream music
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by builder123
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 8:35 PM
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Born in Santa Tecla El Salvador in 1943, Roberto D'Aubuisson would become one of the most important, and despised, figures in Salvadoran history. A member of the powerful military tanda which graduated from the Salvadoran military academy in 1963. D'Aubuisson studied intelligence in the United States. He became the protégé of National Guard commander Jose Alberto Medrano, a leader of the far-right within the military. D'Aubuisson rose to the position of third in command of ANSESAL, the Salvadoran intelligence agency. He left the military in 1979. Upon his retirement, he kept part of the secret agency's archives which contained information on hundreds of civilians linked to the political left
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by builder123
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 8:35 PM
audio: MP3 at 5.1 mebibytes
Run time 12:58 It’s official: privatization guru Tony Saca is ARENA’s presidential candidate for the March 2004 elections. Saca, who started out his career as a sports commentator, rose to become the president of the Salvadoran National Association of Private Enterprise (ANEP). Under his leadership, ANEP oversaw the privatization of the port of Acajutla and the national railway system. In August 2002, ANEP demanded the privatization of the public health system, which sparked the nine-month healthcare strike. Saca is a notorious free-trader, a supporter of CAFTA and the FTAA, and has stated that among his political heroes are "Ronald Regan, George Bush and George W. Bush." ARENA hopes that Saca’s lingering popularity from his days as a sportscaster will be enough to propel him to victory; however, a recent poll gave the FMLN a nearly ten-point lead in the historic ARENA strongholds of Cabañas and Cojutepeque.
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by builder123
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 8:35 PM
audio: MP3 at 1.1 mebibytes
Run time 3:01
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by builder123
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 8:35 PM
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“A Kinder Gentler Fascist”
Salvadoran President Francisco Flores, at a press conference in Miami: "Choosing between ARENA and the FMLN isn’t like choosing between Democrats and Republicans, it’s choosing between two completely different systems of life."
Salvadoran President Francisco Flores, at a press conference in Miami: "Choosing between ARENA and the FMLN isn’t like choosing between Democrats and Republicans, it’s choosing between two completely different systems of life."
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by builder123
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 8:35 PM
 image1701.jpgdyrei4.jpg, image/jpeg, 538x389
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by builder123
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 8:35 PM
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the “privatization guru” -- a firm believer in karma?
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Mr. |
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Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2004 at 10:24 AM |
OneEyedMan |
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2004 at 11:34 AM |
Arenas past |
jesus |
Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004 at 8:11 PM |
Arenas past |
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