Bay Area
the Not in Our Name project is calling for a convergence march on October 6th, and massive direct action on October 7th, the Eve and the Anniversary of the U.S. bombing Afghanistan, respectively. We feel an urgency to bring together all communities affected by U.S. militarism, from streets under siege here, in the belly of the beast, to people under fire in Palestine, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Colombia, Vieques, and beyond. The world waits for us to stop this monster from within. Make no mistake, we are yet still at the beginning, as we need to pull forward thousands to organize the millions necessary to do so. For October 6th, we hope to penetrate consciences with visibility and education. This is not to be a typical march. Imagine the powerful statement we could make with thousands of people from all walks of life, coming from all directions, descending upon Union Square, having spread information along the way. The rally will hopefully have guerilla theater, visual art, hip hop, spoken word & poetry, drums, and music, all unified against the U.S. waging a war on the people, at home and abroad. The centerpiece of the day will be a mass recital of the Pledge of Resistance, giving voice and breath to opposition in an individual and also a collective manner. This event needs more than anything to bring forward those who we know have no interest in this supposed "war on terror," and to take the political stage to audaciously inspire other sections in society.
For October 7th, we are calling for direct action, or "laying our bodies on the war machine" as some say. Bold courageous acts against the war have happened already and they must keep happening. Those not in a position to take part in direct action are being asked to give support and to call, fax, or write the Senate, Congress, and the White House to read the pledge and voice opposition to war and repression.
Leading up to September 11th, we know that our government will be using this anniversary to further their agenda of endless war, attacks on immigrants, and police-state restrictions here at home. In response, Bay Area activists have joined together to declare "Our Grief is Not a Cry for War", that we will organize for a "Bay Area United for Peace", and to promote the symbol of the Earth as an alternative to blind patriotism and fear. This full-page ad, which will run in the San Francisco Bay Guardian the week of September 4-10, will be a significant expression of our intent to resist what is being done in our names.
Let everyone know where you and your organization stands! The Not in Our Name project, Bay Area needs organizations and individuals to co-sponsor this ad today. The final deadline for inclusion is Wednesday, August 28 -- but we need to hear from you now.
The suggested minimum contribution of a sponsoring organization is $100. Organization listings may include a contact phone number, website or email address (of less than 25 characters). Individuals are needed to co-sponsor at $50 a listing. Anonymous contributions of any amount are also greatly needed! The cost of the ad is $2000.
Any funds raised above and beyond the price of the ad will be used to print a 13"x17.5" color poster version to be distributed at upcoming September and October anti-war/peace events--complete with sponsor listings.
We need your help to spread the word about this ad.
The names used in the mockup above are fictional. The final layout may change slightly based on the number of sponsors. Actual ad size will be 10 1/8" x 11 7/16".
Not in Our Name Bay Area will meet every Friday night from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the Grassroots House in Berkeley now thru the "National Days of Action" October 6-7. Everyone who wants to take a stand against the "war without end" is invited to attend. Grassroots House is located at 2022 Blake Street in Berkeley (a half block west of Shattuck).
The NION (Not In Our Name) project organizes for two days of mass action to voice opposition to the U.S. Sunday, October 6th there will be a mass protest in L.A. starting at 2 p.m. (gathering at 1 p.m.) at the Federal Building in Westwood. A march to the U.S. Army Reserve Center is planned, ending with a Rally after returning to the Federal Building around 6 p.m.
On Monday, October 7th, the first anniversary of the U.S.-declared war on Afghanistan, everyone is encouraged to organize for, and/or participate in actions all over Southern California (colleges, universities, schools, government buildings, churches and so on) to publicly express resistance to the U.S. government's course of military aggression abroad, and domestic police state repressions. We need YOU, your ideas, your creativeness to plan details of these events. Help us to make them a big success. Anyone's talents can be put to practice, and we cordially invite you to contribute in whichever way you can. Only in collective effort will a change be possible. Come on out and flummox us with your most outrageous ideas. Make the events fun, and have a good time yourself!
Please come to NION's weekly meetings on Wednesday night, 6:30 p.m., at the Peace Center, 8124 W. 3rd St, Los Angeles (half a block west of Crescent Heights). VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (no previous activist experience required)!!! For further information about NION, fact sheets and links, check out the national website at Contact NION at, or (310)236-0732