The spring edition of our newsletter, 'Spirit of Freedom' is now available for $1 from our address below.
This issue covers:
-the "Green Scare"-the US governement's propaganda attack on the ELF/ALF and their supporters.
-USA Patriot Act summary
-Report on the Congressional 'Eco-Terror' hearings and the ELF press office
-Legal updates on Andy Stepanian, the Santa Cruz 2, Jon Batchelor and Mark Sands
-Prisoner writings by Craig "Critter" Marshall, Matthew Whyte, Jeff "Free" Luers and Marco Camenish
-Grand Jury updates
-European earth liberation prisoner news
-Updated prisoner addresses, prisoner support groups contacts, resources for prisoners and more.
If you would like a paper copy sent to you, send $1 to our box or email us.. If you can distribute 'Spirit of Freedom' in your community, we will send you a flat, copy suitable for copying.
We will send a free copy to any zine that will review
it. The newslettter is anti-copyright but we ask that the prisoner writings not be edited in any way.
North American Earth Liberation Prisoner
Support Network
POB 50082, Eugene, OR 97405.