The Los Angeles Independent Media is pleased to present an evening of documentary films from the 2008 DNC and RNC conventions. Both Denver and Minneapolis/ St. Paul were the scene of massive state repression of peaceful protest this Summer. Those who get their news solely from corporate media channels are unaware of the events that occurred outside the convention halls. But those attuned to independent media outlets know well the level of police violence that took place at these conventions. LA Indymedia will be screening previews and rough cuts of films from documentary film makers who were on the ground in Denver and St. Paul this Summer. Please join us for an eye-witness account of happened in the streets outside the conventions this Summer..
Films scheduled for screening include: Ground Noise and Static by Pepper Spray Productions, preview cuts from the Glass Bead Collective and rough cuts of footage from the Twin Cities Indymedia center.
The event is being held at the KIWA Cultural Education Center located in the heart of Korea Town at 3471 W. 8th Street on the evening of Thursday, October 23rd, at 7pm.