fix articles 5168, september Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : september


Nord Stream as a reason for war (tags)

Only the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines ultimately cleared the way for the EU, and Germany in particular, to become long-term buyers of U.S. natural gas surpluses and to keep the price at a profitable level for U.S. fracked gas producers, even in the long term.

In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff (tags)

Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The growing worldwide resistance will end all plans of the globalists.

The Conversation of Sabbatai Zvi (1666) (tags)

Schabbtai Zvi, also Sabbatai Zewi or Schabbatai Zwi (born 1626 in Smyrna, Ottoman Empire, today Turkey; died on September 16, 1676 in Ülgün, Ottoman Empire, today Montenegro), was a religious scholar and, as a self-declared Messiah, the founder of the Messiah named after him Sabbatianism.

September 2020 Honduras coup update (tags)

A much loved journalist broadcasted after he was shot several times by attackers. Three elderly environmental defenders were massacred. Thousands marched in the Independence Day demonstrations and were repressed with brutal beatings and 15 arrests. Pushes begin for model cities under the pandemic. Another doctor dies of COVID-19. This and other news: This September 2020,

September 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2019, at least three indigenous defenders in social and environmental struggles were assassinated, two were Tolupans, and one was Garífuna. Repression continued also against students and teachers in struggle, and against environmentalists of Guapinol who became political prisoners this September 2019, and heavy repression was ordered against communities who fought against the luxury apartment buildings and other buildings for the high life that would take away their water source and destroy the environment in La Tigra national park - the communities' struggle had been especially firm and unbendable. Read on about this and other news from September 2019 in Honduras

911 terrorists : mr rudolph giuliani (tags)

911 inside job : the evidence


the official version of 911 is a lie concocted by the real terrorists


the truth about 911 : no planes, controlled demolition, the real terrorists

PLAYING DEAD - 9.28.2019 (tags)

PLAYING DEAD - 9.27.2019 (tags)

I argue that the U.S. establishment has been inflating the 9-11 death toll wildly for warmongering purposes.


the U.S. establishment has been inflating the 9-11 death toll wildly for warmongering purposes.

Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

Los Angeles Youth School Strike For The World Climate Crises (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

DEAD OR A LIE - 9.25.2019 (tags)

Most of the official 2,996 September 11 victims never died in the 911 terror attacks - IF that is, they ever existed at all to begin with.

DEAD OR A LIE (tags)

Most of the official 2,996 September 11 victims never died in the 911 terror attacks - IF that is, they ever existed at all to begin with.

Save the Amazon Demonstration (tags)

Glendale's Americana shopping mall was the site of a demonstration reminding consumers about consequences of shopping decisions and our culture of ignorance.

September 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2018 in Honduras. There has been heavy repressions against school students, students and others protesting the celebrating of 'independence' day since independence is not seen or felt, and more attacks against Rio Blanco by DESA hydroelectricity company only within a week or two from when DESA has been in court on trial for its members being assassins of indigenous activist Berta Caceres...

Change Links September 2018 posted (tags)

Change Links September 2018 posted

“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen (tags)

“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen, September 28th-29th at Feinstein’s at the Nikko in San Francisco, California

The Endless War (tags)

According to the ACLU, the Corker-Kaine bill is "broader and more dangerous than the current law." Article 1 of the US Constitution grants Congress the exclusive right to declare war. The new edition of the AUMF undermines this to the maximum.

Nuclear Shutdown Nres September 2017 Part 2 (tags)

The second part of Nuclear Shutdown News for September 2017.

Nuclear Shutdown News September 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is our September 217 report.

Nuclear Shutdown News September 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our September 2016 edition:

Explosions Rock China (tags)


Flashback to 2011: Libya's "liberators" Sarkozy, Cameron and Erdogan congratulate NATO's (tags)

As French President Francois Hollande calls for the “neutralization of Bashar Assad”, British Defence Minister Michael Fallon announces preparations for “Striking ISIL in Syria [...] [to] keep our streets safe here at home” and Turkish media proclaims “Aleppo to become the 82nd province of Turkey” ; it is worth remembering the September 2011 visits by the arch-war criminals French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the NATO-occupied Libya.

Republicans Again Fail to Block Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


KPFK is going topsy-turvy, still, with employees and unions (tags)

KPFK is drowning in employee-union problems with emails flying from programmers affected and some untangling of what is actually occuring hard to comprehend. But here are excerpts from an informatory website that regularly offers some answers as no one else can, it seems.

US Drones Attack Syria's Military (tags)


Obama and Putin to Address General Assembly in September (tags)


United Nations Votes for Process to Create Global Bankruptcy Framework (tags)

UN Process Could Limit Default and Stop Predatory Funds


What US nuclear plants have been shutting down and why? And did you know that nuke plants may release the most radiation when they are purposely shut down?

September 2014 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September in Honduras...we now within two months of this infamous model cities (privatisation of entire cities) actually starting unless miraculous resistance springs up. But uprisings do actually happen, in Miskitia, a long boat ride or helicopter ride from much of Honduras, when pissed cops and soldiers arrested 40 at a party after people refused to give them alcohol or money for alcohol, and these agents of the system fired gunshots,wounding 4 who were locked up, the community didn't take it,the officers ran away, the community set on fire the copshop.

Argentina Faces US Contempt Hearing (tags)

US Federal Judge Thomas Griesa scheduled Argentina to appear for a contempt hearing on Monday, September 29. At issue is Argentina's failure to follow a court order to only continue to pay the 92% of bondholders who restructured after the country's 2001 default if Argentina pays a group of hold-out hedge funds. Argentina organized payment to restructured bondholders via an Argentine bank to avoid paying the hedge funds. The hedge funds, popularly known as "vulture funds," are asking the judge to hold Argentina in contempt and fine the South American country $50,000 per day.

Flashback to 2001: President Assad to Prime Minister Blair:'Stop bombing Afghan civilians' (tags)

Reading the transcript of a joint press conference by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, which was held on the 25th day of the Anglo-American-led invasion of Afghanistan, makes it abundantly clear why another Anglo-American-led genocidal war had been launched against Syria nearly ten years later.

Kiev Grants Donbas Limited Special Status: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Russell Tribunal on Ukraine (tags)


Propaganda alert: Cameron: 'British air strikes on Syria would be legally justified' (tags)

One wonders how British Prime Minister David Cameron would try to justify his patently criminal statements in front of a war crimes tribunal...

Israel Obstructs Gaza Rehabilitation (tags)


Putin's Ukraine Peace Plan (tags)


Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)

A protest will be held at Ringling Circus in Bakersfield to call for the end of animal suffering in circuses

Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)

Ringling Circus Protest in Portland calls for the end of circus animal suffering

Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)

“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...

"COINTELPRO" U.K.: Exposing the integral role of British human rights "lawyers" (tags)

The purpose of this article is to show (beyond the obvious of why), who & -how- the biggest “Human Rights”...lawyers in the U.K, not only, work hand in hand with, but are integral -to- COINTELPRO style, state operations, in the U.K.

Appalling Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain (tags)


What a Way to Run the Country (tags)


Netanyahu Exceeds Sharonian Evil (tags)


Unchanged US Policy on Iran (tags)


Anti-Assad Media War Continues (tags)


Assad Pledges Full Cooperation for Peace (tags)


Would Obama Open a Pandora's Box in a Strike on Syria? (tags)

"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake" (Jeanette Rankin). "Every war has two losers (William Stafford). War is a horror and racket that has served as a profit-center and evasion. Orwell warned that war could become a domestic necessity to divert the people.

Britain, France, Germany and Israel Lie for Obama (tags)


Lebanon's Victory Day of National Resistance (tags)


Unbelievable, Obvious Evil (tags)

The edge is near and there's a reason it paralyses the mind with its dark depth.

Worrisome Middle East Developments (tags)


Pressure Builds for Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)


Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)

With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’] link:

Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)

“With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’]

Chavez Opposition Disintegrating (tags)


Carnival blast victims stage rally vs Philippine rebels (tags)

DAVAO CITY -- Victims of the latest grenade attack in a remote village here, including their relatives and supporters, staged an indignation rally in front of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) church in this city Thursday morning, a military official said.

Terry Williams: A Life in the Balance (tags)

police state

100 Thousand Poets for Change - Islamic Republic of Iran (tags)

Kermanshah (Iran), September 28, 2012. Islamic Republic of Iran, some poets remember Makwan Moloudzadeh a young victim of homophobia, for the “100 thousand poets for change”.

Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)


Airline unions to join PALEA in “Global Day of Action” (tags)

Airline unions are set to join the Philippine Airlines Employees Association (PALEA) in a “Global Day of Action against Outsourcing” spanning four continents on Thursday. The September 27 action coincides with the anniversary of PALEA’s protest last year that led to the cancellation of all flights of Philippine Airlines and marked the start of a bitter fight over contractualization at the flag carrier.

QE Shell Game (tags)

class war

Top US general: Turkey is facing an immediate threat to its Syrian border (tags)

In the face of mounting domestic and global dissent, Turkey’s service to NATO imperialism persists ever more blatantly.

Labor, Community Leaders Target Wal-Mart September 21 (tags)

Neighborhood activists and labor unions are organizing San Diego's biggest-ever anti-Wal-Mart demonstration Saturday, September 22 in the Golden Hill and Sherman Heights neighborhoods. Though the Wal-Mart in Sherman Heights hasn't even been built yet, it's already driving local businesses to close or cut back — and Wal-Mart has systematically refused to make any promises to the community to hire locally or mitigate the impacts of their store.



Listen for Life Musicfest 2012 Peace Day Concerts-Mission Viejo/San Pedro/Hollywood/Hemet (tags)

Listen for Life is honored to bring an impressive roster of world-renowned musicians to four cross-cultural Listen for Life Musicfest 2012 events in Southern California, September 21-29, 2012, to celebrate this year’s International Day of Peace and kick-off a world tour to promote peace around the globe.

Living Under Israeli State Terror (tags)


Sucking Up Shamelessly to Israel (tags)


Twin Cities Anarchist Bookfair Last Call for Workshops & Tablers (tags)

Last call for tablers, workshops, skillshares for the 2012 Twin Cities Anarchist Bookfair on September 15 & 16.

∞ΤΗΞ βÏG ρî¢τürë (tags)

I’ve been a huge fan of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement since it began on September 17th, but actually what I really think I’m the fan of >> is fact that people are finally starting to wake up and see that this country has MAJOR FLAWS! This is something I thought would NEVER happen - let alone in my lifetime. BUT..........

Wrecking Europe to Fix It (tags)

class war

Death of Gaddafi/The National Transitional Council's bloody path (tags)

The resistance against the former president Gaddafi was legitimate However, the rebels not only allied with the NATO, sacrifying real Libyan independence, they also commit warcrimes with little distinction between them and Gaddafi With Gaddafi gone

Abbas Feeling Heavy-Handed Pressure (tags)


Rage Against Wall Street Crooks (tags)

Wall Street

Israeli West Bank Annexation Bill (tags)


UK Prime Minister Cameron: We must not be afraid to use military force against tyrants (tags)

In complete denial of the genocides perpetrated by ten years of Anglo-American-led wars across the globe, Mr Cameron and Mr Obama would still have us believe that their aim is ?to spread peace, prosperity, democracy?.

Putin in 2012 (tags)


Quartet Anti-Palestinian Statehood Proposal (tags)


Netanyahu and Obama Spurn Peace (tags)


No Peace or Justice in Our Time with Netanyahu (tags)


State-Sponsored Murder: Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Palestinian Statehood: If not Now, When? (tags)


Obama-Style Deficit Reduction (tags)

class war

Full Court Press to Deny Palestinians Statehood (tags)


Obama and Netanyahu to Palestinians on Statehood: Go to Hell (tags)


Imperial Arrogance and Hypocrisy (tags)

state terrorism

Free the Equality Nine! Action Sept. 28 in Downtown San Diego (tags)

Over a year has passed since the ?Equality Nine? ? members and supporters of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) ? were arrested on August 19, 2010 at the San Diego County Administrative Center. Now the Equality Nine plan to present their petitions to City Attorney Jan Goldsmith at a rally Wednesday, September 28, 4 p.m. outside the City Attorney?s office, 1200 Third Avenue downtown. The next court hearing in the case is scheduled for Monday, October 17 in the San Diego County Courthouse downtown.

S. Brian Willson Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Because of what he was doing the day he lost his legs ? September 1, 1987, in Concord, California, when he was run over by a train he and his fellow activists were trying to stop before it could deliver arms to Right-wing governments and private armies in Central America ? and his involvement in the Veterans for Peace organization, most people who?ve heard of S. Brian Willson think of him as an anti-war activist. But he?s considerably more than that. At his most recent San Diego appearance September 4 to promote his book, a combination autobiography and work of political philosophy called Blood on the Tracks, Willson presented a far-reaching critique of so-called ?human civilization? and suggested it?s all been downhill since the Neolithic period, when economic scarcity forced humans to live in small communities and share equally with each other.

Abbas Speech Signals Capitulation (tags)


Palestine's Rocky Road to Statehood (tags)


Thousands Headed to NYC for Wall Street Occupation (tags)

12 noon, Saturday September 17th is the arrival date for thousands of people tired of the corporate stranglehold on economic policies. Wall Street, New York City is the place to show up ready to protest using the "legal encampment" strategy.

9/11: Echoes of the Big Lie (tags)


Imperialist War, Mass Murder, and Torture, But Did September 11th Change ?Everything?? (tags)

"Americans watched in horror as the World Trade Center collapsed. Yet it was a horror no different from what the U.S. government has done with it's bombing of civilian populations in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Korea. The U.S. bombings of just these countries, not to mention many other U.S. acts of war, murdered millions of civilians. Terror against civilians is never justified. Now the U.S. government is preparing to terror bomb Afghanistan?" -Liberation News, September 11, 2001

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: Iran is the real enemy (tags)

Unlike George Bush, who kept a low profile since leaving presidency in 2009, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (1997-2007), the other war criminal-in-chief, is still at the forefront of war propaganda efforts.

BTL:Mother of 9/11 Victim Transforms her Grief into Universal Prayer for Peace and Love (tags)

Interview with Anne McGrath Mulderry, steering group member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Scott Harris

The Price of 9/11 by Tom Hayden and Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Tom Hayden is an activist, former state senator in California and prolific author defending the rights of nature and the right to dissent. Joseph Stiglitz is the 2001 Nobel Prize winner for economics and professor at Columbia University.

Thousands Headed to NYC for Wall Street Occupation (tags)

Saturday September 17th is the arrival date for thousands of people tired of the corporate stranglehold on economic policies. Wall Street, New York City is the place to show up with a tent.

KPFK TOWN HALL meeting for all Sept 18 (tags)

KPFK?s Local Station Board is organizing a Town Hall Meeting for Sunday, September 18, 2011. 3pm ? 6pm Location: Forshay Lodge 9635 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90232

Is "Free Trade" Obama's Jobs Plan? (tags)

Mark Engler writes about President Obama's increasing detachment from the Democratic base (and from the American public at large) on the issue of "free trade."

Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel (tags)

rogue states

Turkey/Israeli War of Words (tags)


Retenes fin de semana del "D?a del Trabajo" / "Labor Day" checkpoints (1-4/sep/2011) (tags)

Lxs voluntarixs de Checkpoint response te traen esta ?ltima noticia sobre los retenes en tu ?rea. No va ser una lista completa, porque siempre hay los que no se anuncian. Para informaci?n m?s actualizada, favor de fijarse en la p?gina de facebook de RETEN, p?gina con la cual tenemos rato colaborando. Conoce y defiende tus derechos y sigue luchando por los que a?n no te garantizan.

The volunteers of Checkpoint response bring you this lates news about police roadblocks in your area. This is not an exhaustive list. There are always unannounced checkpoints, so beware, and let your community know--you are the front line of resistance against probable cause-free stops. Know your rights, stand up for them, and keep on fighting for those rights that you are still not able to exercise.

"My Name Is Rachel Corrie" Opens in LA (tags)

For four nights in September, the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum presents the controversial one-woman play that has become a flashpoint for opposing viewpoints about Israel's presence in the Gaza strip.

Follow-Up Comments on Palestinian Statehood Vote (tags)

Palestinian statehood

SHOWDOWN IN LONG BEACH CONTINUES ? 14 and 17 Felonies for Co-defendants in medical marijua (tags)

In the continuing attack against medical marijuana collectives in California, DA Cooley refuses to drop charges against humanitarian and cannabis crusader Joe Grumbine. Joe Grumbine has rejected a felony deal that would force him to sign a paper agreeing that he is a criminal for operating a medical marijuana collective as allowed under sb420, California?s medical marijuana program act. Joe Byron offered to accept a plea if the government hacks would drop charges against Grumbine and allow them to operate legally as allowed under prop 215 and sb420.


Mais j'ai quelque chose contre toi, c'est que tu as l? des gens attach?s ? la doctrine de Balaam, qui enseignait ? Balak ? mettre une pierre d'achoppement devant les fils d'Isra?l, pour qu'ils mangeassent des viandes sacrifi?es aux idoles et qu'ils se livrassent ? l'impudicit?. BIBLE DEEP IMPACT ANNONCE OFFICIALY THE INHUMANS DESTRUCTION OF THE TOWERS OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER 11 SEPTEMBER 2001

Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)


British Government's September 2002 dossier on Iraq [cartoon] (tags)

Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Assessment of the British Government, also known as the September Dossier, was a document published by the British government on 24 September 2002 on the same day of a recall of Parliament to discuss the contents of the document. The paper was part of a campaign by the government to bolster public support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It contained a number of allegations according to which Iraq also possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including chemical weapons and biological weapons. The dossier even alleged that Iraq had reconstituted its nuclear weapons programme. Without exception, all of the allegations included within the September Dossier have been since proven to be false, as shown by the Iraq Survey Group.

Tepco is the End of the Market Economy (tags)

Tepco operated antiquated nuclear reactors and glossed over the hard of a meltdown. The Japanese government will probably nationalize the firm since it cannot pay a fraction of its liabilities. What lessons do we learn? Should the public sector be expanded? We are all Wisconsin

Stonewalling Goldstone (tags)

trying to buy the findings

Ecuador, Venezuela: Danger South of the Borde (tags)

"The reason there is a bizarre attempt to pretend that this coup attempt never happened, is to hope that people won’t ask who might have benefited from such an action. A quick examination of the actions of President Correa sheds considerable light on that. In 2006, working with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Correa moved to increase state control over oil production in the country.[9] In 2008, he announced that Ecuador would not pay several billions of its more than $10 billion foreign debt, calling it “illegitimate.”[10] In 2009, he refused to renew the lease of the U.S. military airbase in Manta, saying that “the only way the US could keep their military base in Ecuador, is if Ecuador were allowed to have one of its own in Florida.”[11] In 2009, he officially brought Ecuador into ALBA – the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas led by Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia. When a country increases state control, challenges illegitimate foreign debt, pushes the U.S. military out of the country and joins a regional alliance with Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba – it is clear that the forces that would benefit from a coup would be: a) corporate interests inside Ecuador; b) International Financial Institutions; and c) the United States and its allies. There is another reason why the right-wing, corporate elite and the imperialist countries might have an incentive to minimize what happened September 30. There is now a shamefully long list of recent coup attempts in Latin America and the Caribbean – four of them against members of ALBA."

Israel Shooting and Electric-Shocking Palestinian Children (tags)

Israel torturing Palestinian children

New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal (tags)

"“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10] As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well. Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."

McDonalds, Jack, get health care coverage waivers to keep offering crap insurance (tags)

Analysis of a recent right-wing "Obamacare" eruption. Is the Investors Business Daily seeding sites and spinning stories online.

Wrecking the American Dream (tags)

bipartisan supporting for anti-populism

Obama's Hard Line Neo-Con Agenda (tags)

police state America

Brown Berets and their political goals (tags)

Brown Berets and their political goals

Imperial Israel (tags)

Like America, Israel has imperial ambitions

Philippine Green Groups Back Proposal to Proclaim September 26 as “Save Sierra Madre Day” (tags)

Manila. As the nation commemorates the fury of last year’s typhoon Ondoy this Sunday, two major green networks have thrown their support behind a growing campaign to declare September 26 of every year as “Save Sierra Madre Day.”

Days of Action for Bradley Manning (tags)

"On September 16-19, groups and individuals will call on the United States government to drop the charges against Army Private First Class Bradley Manning. Twenty-two year old Manning, held in solitary confinement since May, has been charged with releasing classified documents including a video that shows American troops shooting and killing Reuters journalists in 2007. (Watch the video at Manning’s imprisonment has resulted in an international outcry, with groups and activists throughout the US and abroad demanding his release and calling for transparency in America’s war policies. Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has called Mr. Manning, “A new hero of mine.” Act Locally! Activists should work within their communities to organize events locally during the International Days of Action. If you aren’t involved with a local group, contact your local affiliate of Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War or Code Pink, or look for activist groups in your area. Be Creative."

Hypocrisy Defined: Another Round of Peace Talks (tags)

they're more pretense than substantive

Obama Declares Another National Emergency When None Exists (tags)

Another national emergency?

BoCa En BoCa September 2010 issue released (tags)

BoCa En BoCa is an independent magazine. Its objectives are: to disseminate what happens in the organized indigenous communities of Chiapas through news summaries or excerpts from their communiqués, to denounce the government’s strategy, and to promote solidarity among the communities. In the long term, the goal is to distribute the magazine within the indigenous communities in their own language. Its September 2010 issue is now available in both English and Spanish.

Architects & Engineers Demand Renewed Investigation of 9/11 Report (tags)

Over 1,000 professional architects and engineers will be represented in Washington, DC by spokesperson Richard Gage and the AE911Truth press conference demanding a renewed investigation into the WTC collapse on 9/11.

People of All Faiths to Wear Hijab on Sept. 11th (tags)

As a protest against persecution of Muslims, a local peace activist has launched a campaign asking people to show that not all Americans are bigots by adorning themselves with symbols of the Islamic faith (Hijab head scarf for women or Kufi skull cap for men) on September 11th.

Labor Day checkpoints / Retenes del Puente del Día de Trabajo (3-10/sep/2010) (tags)

Continúa sin interrupción el "Año del Retén." Sigue la lista de retenes anunciados por la prensa corporativa para este fin de semana y más adelante. Hay utilizar máxima precaución al salir manejando en estos fines de semana que comprenden días feriados como el Día del Trabajo. La policía muchas veces recibe financiamiento que proviene directamente de la gente más humilde que es negada el derecho de trasladarse en auto. Además, hay estafadores que prometen anunciar retenes pero resulta que cobran para bastante para el servicio. (Véase este artículo de una periodista del estado de Pennsylvania.) Siempre vale más contar con sus propios camaradas de sus comunidades.

The "Year of the Checkpoint" continues relentlessly. This weekend's list of media-announced checkpoints follows. Maximum precaution is recommended for those who drive, particularly on holiday weekends. Law enformcement agencies often receive monies that come directly from the poorest, who in many states are denied the right of automobility. Moreover, there are schemers who promise to alert immigrants and civil liberties defenders about checkpoints, who later reveal that they charge high rates for the service. (See this article by a Pennsylvania journalist.) It is always better to count on your own comrades from your communities.

The Charade Exposed: Latest Israeli No Peace/Peace Talks for September (tags)

Israel wants conflict, not peace

Support "Protest the Pope" week (tags)

Support the mass protests in London against the visit of the Pope to the UK. Join the mass march on September 18th or make a donation.

AJLPP Wraps Up STP Relief Drive, 2009, Gains $12, 649.43 (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) wrapped up its successful relief and fund drive to help the victims of the successive floods in the Philippines. The relief drive commenced on September 27, 2009 and ended in December 31, 2009. According to the AJLPP national secretariat based in Los Angeles the fund drive netted a total amount of $ 12, 649. 43 from voluntary contributions and 234 Balikbayan boxes send to two non-profit agencies in the Philippines. .

More Obama Administration Witch-Hunt Prosecutions (tags)

Targeting Muslims continues under Obama

The Decapitation of Pakistan by its own Military! (tags)

Pakistani military helped destroy Afghanistan, and they are now helping to destroy Pakistan. No Pakistani civilian I know, including myself, ever authorized the Pakistani military to destroy Afghanistan, or aid the United States in its own hegemonic plans on the Grand Chessboard. Do you know anyone? So from where did they get their mandate? I would rather have clean drinking water in my tap, damn it! What good are the bloody nukes when they become the raison d'être for our very destruction in this manner without ever firing a single missile at the drones that are killing our own peoples?

The Second Honduran Coup Came Today Because the First One Failed (tags)

"A significant portion of the Honduran population has gone underground overnight. Tipped off that last night their homes would be raided and they would be hauled off to the soccer stadium in Tegucigalpa where the regime already holds at least 75 citizens incommunicado – reports of the use of torture are all the more credible because the regime won’t allow any attorney, doctor or human rights observer inside the stadium to inspect – other rank-and-file Hondurans opened their homes to resistance organizers throughout the country. They are hiding from the regime, but they are in constant contact with each other, and with our reporters. Another part of last night’s wave of state terror came in the form of this provocation: Key human rights leaders and attorneys were notified anonymously of an alleged roundup of dissidents at a particular police station in the capital. They rushed down to look for the detainees, only to be greeted by the very nervous and heavily armed station police who had, simultaneously, received an anonymous phone call telling them that a mob was on its way there to burn down the station. Fortunately, cooler minds prevailed and once the human rights attorneys explained to the police the message they had received, both sides figured out it was an attempt to trick them into a violent confrontation.

Declaration about the Situation in Honduras by ALBA Member Countries in the OAS (tags)

"We add our voice to the regional, national, and world organisations and institutions that have expressed their rejection of these barbaric acts that the coup leaders and supporters have committed in Honduras. We demand an end to the repression, a definite suspension of the curfew, respect of the inviolability of the Brazilian diplomatic headquarters, and the immediate and unconditional restitution of President Zelaya to his functions as Constitutional and Democratic President of Honduras."

What Some US Reporters Don't Get About Brazil and the Honduras Crisis (tags)

"The international community demands that Mr Zelaya immediately return to the presidency of his country and must be alert to ensure the inviolability of Brazil's diplomatic mission in the capital of Honduras." The United Nations isn't likely to ignore Lula's plea. As a body, it owes Brazil heavily for its leadership of UN Peacekeeping forces in Haiti, and also for its unique role as a respected organizer and spokes-country of "developing world" states as a force for global social and economic justice. Wealthier nations, meanwhile, from the US to China to Europe, are greatly dependent (or would like to be more so) on the gigantic consumer market that is Brazil. In eight short years, Lula has greatly risen Brazil's status and respect across the globe by playing these factors upon each other very shrewdly."

Alliance Philippines Marked 37th Martial Law Declaration with a Forum (tags)

The 37th year of the declaration of martial law in the Philippines by the US-Marcos dictatorship was marked with a forum in Los Angeles and discussion meetings in San Francisco and New York. In Los Angeles, the AJLPP made a presentation at the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) Forum on the Philippines on Friday, September 18. At their LA office at 137 Virgil St. Los Angeles, CA 9004. KMB leader and high school teacher Mark Ramos spoke on class struggle and liberation in the Philippines at a crowd of at least 70 persons. . Also in attendance were a group of Filipinos under the Ecumenical Fellowship For Justice and Peace (EFJP) based in California.

Wall Street Under Obama: Bigger and Riskier (tags)

After the financial levees broke and the crumbling banks ushered in the economic crisis, angry people clamored for drastic change in the financial system. Obama reflected these feelings well, at times using radical rhetoric to denounce the banking titans. What he promised was deep regulatory change so that such a crisis “would never happen again.” Like every other promise of substance, Obama’s pledge to “rein in” the banks has fallen by the wayside; the well-timed rhetoric smoothed over public tensions and now business is back to usual. The New York Times remarks:


When the Americans lament many give laughter... with reason.

A Call to Action for Street Medics, Clinicians, and Herbalists (tags)

A newly formed faction of the Seeds of Peace Collective, named Eastern Seeds of Peace, is committed to organizing medical infrastructure in support of the expected large-scale actions against the International Pittsburgh Coal Conference and G20 Summit in Pittsburgh in late September. This is a call to action for street medics, clinicians, herbalists, and all those interested in contributing to the medical support that is crucial to the success of the planned marches and demonstrations.

British troops to officially end combat operation in Afghanistan in September ’09.. (tags)

And hand over bases in Helmand to US.

Media Missing Supreme Court Bombshell (tags)

Order for Rehearing in September on Campaign Finance Case without Souter Gives Senate Republicans Great Reason to Delay Sotomayor Confirmation Until After Decision.

Sept. G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, PA, US -- CALL FOR A GLOBAL MOBILIZATION (tags)


CAVEAT CHICAGO -- Ogre Ognir w/ False Flag -- (tags)

Captain Eric H. May makes a strong defense for the growing opinion that Chicago is the next false flag target by presenting the ultimate credential: proof of a previous valid false flag prediction.

Immigration Reform Possible-CDIR (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) based in Los Angeles learned through immigrat rights sources that immigration reform can happen during the Obama adminstration. After two failed attempts in 2006 and 2007, immigration reform could finally be pushed through both houses of the US Congress starting in September, civil rights activists said. "We are confident and very optimistic that there’s likely to be a big window of opportunity between September 2009 and March 2010,” America’s Voice pro-reform group director Frank Sharry said in a telephone conference. As he spoke another immigrant rights conference is being planned in February in Chicago, Illinois. Immigrant Rights This was confirmed by the CDIR-USA Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia from People's CORE.

KPFK's hub called Pacifica is eliminating selected staff...why ? (tags)

Pacifica is KPFK's coordinating central source, and it's recent Executive Director has ALSO been eliminated....what is going on ??? Who decides who stays and who goes? Who is benefitting from these firings? And why does KPFK keep silent about it ?

God's Nation (tags)

The trinity of themes "Last Hope-Noble Victory-Disgraceful Defeat" has been the core of the US-American state religion, whether called the Monroe Doctrine, Cold War or War against Terror. A multipolar world with many civilizations is the best hope for the future.

The Philippines, a First World Country in 2015? No WAY! (tags)

In 1960, Disodado Mcapagal led the Philippines into the arms of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos by implementing the dictates of the World Bank-IMF in imposing decontrol and de-industrializing the Philippines with the slogan “Fight Poverty” Forty years later, in 2008, her daughter Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo promised in her speech to the United Nations last September 23 to lead the Philippines into a “First World Country Status” with the same slogan” Fighting Poverty” in 2015 .

The Philippines, a First World Country in 2015? No WAY! (tags)

n 1960, President Diosdado Macapagal led the Philippines to the arms of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos by implementing the dictates of the World Bank-IMF in imposing decontrol and de-industrializing the Philippines with the slogan “Fight Poverty” Forty years later, in 2008, her daughter Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo promised in her speech to the United Nations last September 23 to lead the Philippines into a “First World Country Status” with the same slogan” Fighting Poverty” in 2015.

Russians and Chinese Laugh (tags)

Bailing out speculators is like protecting the sharks from the sardines.or paying the robbers. Executives should absorb their losses by taking a 96% pay cut. Speculation should be discouraged, not rewarded. The Capitol switchboard is easy and free 800-270-0309

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

Bush continues to target Chavez.

ROTC Get Out, Stay Out! Obama Wants You to Serve Imperialism (tags)

Barack Obama dropped a bomb on his young enthusiasts at Columbia University on September 11. The heavily Democratic crowd booed McCain when he called for the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) to be brought back to campus (it was driven out in 1969 by protests against the Vietnam war). Liberal students expected a different answer from Columbia alum Obama, but the forum was a symphony of agreement as both candidates campaigned for expanding the military and pledged their enthusiastic support to U.S. imperialism. That should have been the tip-off for anyone who hadn't figured it out by then: Obama is no "peace candidate" but like McCain he is a certified imperialist war candidate.

Wall St's "Melt Down" is Ronald Reagan's "Legacy" on a Silver Platter! (tags)

The Scary Ghost of Ronnie Reagan: The Dow fell almost 450 points and the Nasdaq fell nearly 5 percent in its worst day since the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001 as rattled investors worried about who could be the next victim of the global credit crisis.

Socialist Candidates to File Lawsuit for Inclusion on Louisiana Ballot (tags)

U.S. Presidential Candidate Brian Moore blast Louisiana officials for “shamelessly obstructing minor party access to ballot in aftermath of Hurricane Gustav;” accuses Governor Jindal and Secretary of State Dardenne of using natural disaster to protect John McCain and the GOP.


he week-end of September 6 and 7th was not a typical day. On those two days, the 17th Festival of Filipino Arts and Culture (FPAC) came back with vengeance. While some detractors believed the FPAC is dead and some of them even did their own festival in the suburbs of Los Angeles , for two days, more than 15,000 people flocked to the festival grounds at Point Fermin in San Pedro and enjoyed the display of Filipino and Filipino American sounds and furies and affirmed that FPAC is vibrant, alive and filled with enthusiasm.

September 11th, 2008, Seven Years Latter, and Still No Clear Answers (tags)

Seven years after the attacks on September 11th, the Bush Administration still has no clear, definitive answers for the American Public, or the world, on who actually attacked the United States, where they are, and whether or not all the Billions Spent will ever bring anyone to justice.

Chile's September 11 (tags)

( Note: In the Philippines during the 20 years reign of Marcos, September 11 is marked by ostentatious cerwemonies marking the birthday of the dictator most specially during his 14-years dictatorship from 1973-1986. But on Sept 11, 1973, when the coup de tat was launched in Chile it cast a giant shadow on the dictatorship and the primacy of armed struggle against the martial law was upheld. The AJLPP decided to print a version of this article that was first published in the September 2006 issue of Socialism and Liberation magazine. Let everyone remember and never forget the dark days of US-imposed dictatorships in Chile and the Philippines.) ********

The RNC’S Outrageous Assault on Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, and Alternative Media... (tags)

Revolution Newspaper writer Larry Everest takes on the attack on alternative media at the RNC. This is what imperialist democracy looks like!

9/11 Truth and the Tuskegee 40 Year Coverup (tags)

Some say that 9/11 couldn’t have been an “inside job” because a coverup would be impossible; someone with inside knowledge would blow the whistle on such a horrible and criminal operation. The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment is one example of policy and decision makers in US federal, state and local governments conspiring to commit and cover up crimes against humanity; the “experiment” was in progress, and kept quiet, for 40 years.

CRASH THE RNC: Call-out to Individuals, Affinity Groups, and Regional Clusters (tags)

Bay Area, Santa Cruz, and other Northern California radicals have banded together as "Unconventional Action (UA) in the Bay" and collectively chosen to adopt SECTOR 4 in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota — in alliance with thousands of others nationwide who are collaborating to swarm the Republican National Convention on day one, September 1st.

Democrats: AWOL When It Mattered: Too Late, Too Little (tags)

In their first eleven months as a congressional majority, the Democrats show no progress toward fulfilling the campaign promises that won them votes from the antiwar majority last November.

1K High Temp Records Broken in Sept. (tags)

[Highlights of Sept. NCDC report] Last month's combined global land and ocean surface temperature was the fifth warmest September on record and the global ocean surface temperature was the second warmest since records began in 1880.

Public Communication of the Anarchist Movement of Temuco (Chile) (tags)

In light of the events that occurred this past September 11 (2007) that led to our anarchist companions Lucas Machacán and Italo Sepúlveda being detained in the area of the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO university) and imprisoned by the prosecutor the following day, we denounce and declare the following...

America infested with Mossad (tags)

who owns ya baby?

Beytushebab Massacre: Lies and Crimes of Turkish Militarists (tags)

On September 29th, Turkish news agencies informed the Turkish and world public about a so-called PKK attack in which 12 people of Kurdish origin (7 of whom were Village Guards working for the “security” forces) were said to have lost their lives. They were mowed down in their minibus near the village of Hemkan attached to Beytushebab town of Shirnak province neighboring Iraq.

More reports on international solidarity with anarchist prisoners Jose and Gabriel (tags)

Jose Fernandez Delgado and Gabriel Pombo da Silva are anarchists from Spain who are now serving 14 and 13 year sentences respectively in German prison.

Police State Tactics for a Police State! (tags)

What is happening in the United States? Our representatives and those sworn to protect us are negating their oaths of office, in turn, stamping on our Constitutional rights.

7 CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report (tags)

September 23, 2007 – Seven CIA veterans have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and have called for a new investigation. “I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 Report is a joke,” said Raymond McGovern, 27-year veteran of the CIA, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates during the seventies. “There are a whole bunch of unanswered questions. And the reason they’re unanswered is because this administration will not answer the questions,” he said. McGovern, who is also the founder of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), is one of many signers of a petition to reinvestigate 9/11.

ACLU attorney interviewed on KPFK about Coyotl Tezcatlipoca's case (tags)

Belinda Escobosa Helzer, an ACLU attorney representing Coyotl Tezcatlipoca, talks about his case on the KPFK program, Uprising, on Monday, September 24, 2007.

Labor Support Rally Tuesday, September 25 at CDC Headquarters GA Against Walden Security (tags)

Informational Picketing against Walden Security at several CDC locations in Atlanta Georgia shall commence all week long following our rally!

Orwell's Triumph - There is no van full of explosives reported at the Geo Wash. Bridge (tags)

If you really wanted to know this, you would already.

September 15th Rally Is Unnerving Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang is shaken by the coming massive antiwar rally set for September 15th, in Washington, D.C. On Sept. 6, 2007, it disrupted the ANSWER Coalition’s promotion of that demonstration. A cop-on-horseback interrupted ANSWER’s press conference that day. Three activists were also arrested. Plus, the antiwar activist, the Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., was assaulted by six Capitol Hill cops on Sept. 10th.

Freedom for the Cuban Five ! (tags)

An International Campaign to Free the Cuban Five will begin on September 12. This will be an excellent opportunity to knock at the doors of American people’s consciences

Boycott Western Union (tags)

Press Conference to launch the Western Union boycott

Sept 15 is 25 Yrs Since US/Israel/Fascist Massacre at Sabra & Shatila (tags)

For those of us who can easily remember 25 years ago, one event that we certainly remember and ask that all learn from is the US/Israel/Fascist massacre of Palestinian women, children and old men at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, paid for with US tax dollars, aided by the US puppet Israel.

Eric McDavid Denied Vegan Food - AGAIN (tags)

After 15 months of receiving vegan meals, Eric has been denied vegan food again - with less than a week to trial...

Front Against the Raids to Denounce the L. A. U. S. D. for Checkpoints (tags)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 5:30 P.M. Press Conference at 28th Street Elementary School, 2807 STANFORD AVE LOS ANGELES, CA 90011 South Los Angeles

Spanish authorities have prosecuted a child for terrorism! Incredible but true! (tags)

14-year-old Èric Bertran e-mailed companies requesting labeling in Catalan language, using the "Phoenix" monicker from the Harry Potter books.



Eric McDavid Update - Less than 2 weeks to trial!e (tags)

Funds still needed for legal fees...

American Airlines Edits Wiki 9-11 Entry (tags)

WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11.


You can see why banks are running scared...they know the bottom can fall out at any moment. I'd suggest keeping minimal deposits in banks and holding on to cash.

Small Town Love? (Not So) (tags)

Small towns are where people that have certain commonalities and are prefered over other other min

Urgent - Eric McDavid's Trial Quickly Approaching! (tags)

Fundraising, hearings, and September in Sacto...

$10,000 Penalty For Posters About Political Event ! (tags)

ANSWER Coalition, promoter of some of the largest. most successful Wash DC demonstrations, is threatened with $10,000 fines for posters promoting upcoming demos. This threatens ALL interests that may hope to gather peacefully to express grievances to officals and mainstream public.

Ramsey Clark: Join me in DC on Sept. 15 (tags)

Below is an important message from former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark about the upcoming September 15 mass march and rally in Washington DC., the organization Ramsey Clark founded, and hundreds of other impeachment organizations are mobilizing with the anti-war movement for the September 15 Mass March. September 15 is when General David Petraeus makes his report to Congress about the Iraq war. Congress is expected to debate and vote on the question of Iraq war funding in mid-September. The latest this decision can come is Friday, September 28 - the last business day in the 2007 fiscal year. The impeachment movement is bringing thousands of people to join with the anti-war movement on September 15 to insist that Congress uphold its Constitutional mandate and introduce articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Be in Washington DC on September 15 to make your voice heard!

General Strike! 9/11/07! No Work! No School! No Commerce! (tags)

This September Eleventh: No Work, No School, No Commerce! Hit The Streets!

Rumors of Israeli Involvement in 9/11 (tags)

Was 911 a false flag attack? My friends in the Irish Republican Army think it just might have been.

End War FAST: Military Recruiters out of Pittsburgh! (tags)

September 4-30, 2007 For details on participating in the End War FAST, a Calendar of the months events, and other resources check out

Pilots for Truth Describe 9/11 Inside Job (tags)

A detailed explanation of how air traffic control normally works and how the government story about what happened on September 11 is impossible and points to high level, internal interefence with the system.


Don't be a fool: Question 9/11 THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001

Independent Film Still Making Waves Worldwide (tags)

Independent filmmakers stand their ground while their documentary is still causing people to question the video and photographic evidence from one of the most tragic days in US History.

1 September - STOP NAZISM! (tags)

1 September - STOP NAZISM!

The War On Freedom by Nafeez Ahmed E-book (tags)

This is an E-Book edition of Nafeez Ahmed's 2002 book, The War On Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11th 2001

Did HBO Cover-Up Bomb Evidence At The WTC On 9/11? (tags)

Did HBO television deliberately delete frames of video used in their 2002 documentary 'In Memorium - 9/11/2001', that revealed the detonation of an apparent exploive device at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001?

Cynthia McKinney at Peace conference in Malaysia (tags)

Cynthia McKinney, former congresswoman and one of the few principalled people in US congress attended a peace conference in Malaysia. In it she asks people to sign a petition

Taliban chief hasn't seen Osama (tags)

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar has added to the mystery over Osama bin Laden, saying he hasn't seen his ally and fellow fugitive since U.S.-backed forces ousted the Taliban from Afghanistan in 2001.

Video Exposing Blunders of 9/11 Commission Report Airs on New Zealand Television (tags)

Controversial September 11th documentary exposing inconsistencies and contradictions in the 9/11 Commission Report erupts onto New Zealand television. This recent national airing of "In Plane Site" on New Zealand television represents a historic turning point in the global collective consciousness regarding the terrorist attacks of September 11.

Chronology of Events in Oaxaca and Mexico (tags)

A brief report from Gustavo Esteva, Oliver Frohling and myself of what is happening in Oaxaca, to add more information, yesterday november the 2nd. the people resist an attempt of the Federal Police to take the university and shot down the radio station that is the comunication sistem of the movement against the local governor. please share it with does that could be interested. love to all Sergio Beltrán (yeyo)



September Iraq War Demonstrations and More (tags)

A Peace Camp in England held a month long demonstration against the movement of American arms to Israel, and "Camps" in Crawford, Tx and Wash., DC staged many actions along with workshops and conferences where many prominent anti-war activists gave inspiring speeches. Also, Bush was pronounced "Guilty" at Camp Democracy in DC of War crimes and crimes against Humanity by “The International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration.”



The Economy of Gaza (tags)

In one of many reports and accounts of economic life in the Gaza Strip that I have recently read, I was struck by a description of an old man standing on the beach in Gaza throwing his oranges into the sea. The description leapt out at me because it was this very same scene I myself witnessed some 21 years ago during my very first visit to the territory. It was the summer of 1985 and I was taken on a tour of Gaza by a friend named Alya. As we drove along Gaza's coastal road I saw an elderly Palestinian man standing at the shoreline with some boxes of oranges next to him. I was puzzled by this and asked Alya to stop the car. One by one, the elderly Palestinian took an orange and threw it into the water. His was not an action of playfulness but of pain and regret. His movements were slow and labored as if the weight of each orange was more than he could bear. I asked my friend why he was doing this and she explained that he was prevented from exporting his oranges to Israel and rather than watch them rot in his orchards, the old man chose to cast them into the sea. I have never forgotten this scene and the impact it had on me.

Operation Cyclone & Terrorism (tags)

The CIA's "Operation Cyclone" - Stirring the Hornet's Nest of Islamic Unrest

9/11: Pathetic "Left" Disinformation (tags)

The ravings of Alexander Cockburn / CounterPunch (among others) and the Limits of Permissable Discourse Concerning 9/11

Press Briefing Re: AGUSTÍN AGUAYO (tags)

Agustín Aguayo is a Conscientious Objector and War Resister who went AWOL on September 2, 2006, when his unit deployed for a second time from Germany to Iraq. Today he will be brought by military escort to Germany or to Kuwait

Press Briefing Re: AGUSTÍN AGUAYO (tags)

PRESS BRIEFING With HELGA AGUAYO, Wife of Army Specialist AGUSTÍN AGUAYO, and Supporters Today he will be brought by military escort to Germany or to Kuwait to face prosecution by the Army.

Bush and Islam (tags)

The wide gap between U.S. President George W. Bush's words and deeds vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims doomed to failure his speech at the United nations on September 19, which could neither appease Muslims nor pacify the ever growing Islamophobia.

SOUTHCENTRALFARMERS Monthly Solidarity and Friday Vigil (tags)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SOUTH CENTRAL FARMERS EVENT! A special Friday vigil is scheduled for THIS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH AT SOUTH CENTRAL FARM BEGINNING AT 7:30PM. Religious/spiritual groups and community activists will be coming in delegations to visit the Farm. All friends and supporters are invited at the Farm to welcome our visitors!

Five Long Years with 9/11 (tags)

Israel also did not intend to strengthen Hezbollah when it initiated the recent war with Lebanon. Robert Jungk warned that the possibility of terrorist misuse of nuclear energy could necessitate a police and surveillance state.


QUETZAL* TO HIT SANTA ANA IN RELEASE OF THEIR NEW ALBUM “DIE COWBOY DIE!” +CONSCIOUS HIP HOP FROM MEXICAL TO LOS ANGELES SANTA ANA, CA (September, 2006): Experience electrifying performances by the booming Los Angeles-based, Roots-Rock band-- QUETZAL-- performing for el Centro Cultural de Mexico to share their new CD “Die Cowboy Die.” Proving their grassroot spirit, Quetzal has performed each year at el Centro Cultural, opening their music to the community of youth, immigrants, and activists of Orange County. Friday, September 29th 8 pm donations: $10 students/$12 general No one turned away for lack of funds. Food and drinks will be sold during event.

Protest Iraq war in Hollywood Monday (tags)

Come to the Armed Forces Recuiting Center 10 AM Monday, Sept 25 Hollywood Blvd near La Brea

Alliance Philippines (AJLPP-USA) September 22 (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace In the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA Community Forum: PHILIPPINE UPDATE AND THE EVILS OF MARTIAL LAW last Friday, September 22 at 7;00 PM on September 22, 2006 in Los Angeles was a success. Scores of participants in the forum mostly survivors, victims and those who witnessed and experienced martial law in the Philippines and who now are living in the U.S shared their experiences and the lessons they learned during martial law.

PHILIPPINES: Remember Martial Law! (tags)

September Twenty-One Protest against Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (STOP-GLORIA)

September 28th: End the Abuse of Immigrant Workers (tags)

250 immigrant workers, religious leaders, community members and students have already committed to risk arrest, call on others to join them

International/national Peace a Week of Actions (tags)

For immediate release For further information: September 18, 2006 Steven Gibson, (213) 489-1900 ext. 114 Georgie Noguera, (213) 489-1900 ext. 120 Week of Action in Support of National Declaration of Peace Culminating in Civil Disobedience to Shut Down Armed Forces Recruitment Center

Against Terrorism... (tags)

Against Terrorism...

9/20: National Call-In Day to STOP Congress from Passing Anti-Immigrant Bills! (tags)

On Wednesday September 20, we urge you to CALL, FAX AND MAIL your elected officials, SAY NO TO THE RACIST ANTI-IMMIGRANT BILLS!


The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA in solidarity with the people of the Philippines in their militant protest against political killings, call to resume peace negotiations and in commemoration of the 34th year of the declaration of martial rule in the Philippines launches different types of activities from September 21-23 in four major cities in the United States. The following cities will ho

Sisters Carol Gilbert, Jackie Hudson, and Ardeth Platte Inspire Nonviolent Action in Washi (tags)

Sisters Carol Gilbert, Jackie Hudson, and Ardeth Platte, Plowshares Nuns, inspire us to take action and participate in nonviolent civil resistance against the illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq. Nonviolent actions will take place in Washington, DC, on September 26 and 27, as part of the Declaration of Peace campaign, and planned by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance.

Action In Support of National Declaration Of Peace (tags)

Week of Action in Support of National Declaration of Peace Culminating in Civil Disobedience to Shut Down Armed Forces Recruitment Center Monday, September 25th (10 am – 1 pm) 7060 Hollywood Blvd.

NVCD: All out for Sept 28th (tags)

September 28th hundreds of immigrants, workers, students, and religious leaders will risk arrest in a mass act of non-violent civil disobedience. Rally begins at 4:30PM in front of the Radisson LAX (corner of Sepulveda and Century Blvds) March begins at 5:30PM

First Across-Borders Encounter-The Other Campaign (tags)

Primer Encuentro Transfronterizo de La Otra Campaña September 15, 16 and 17 of 2006 Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico


ANAKPAWIS, a militant group representing the urban and rural poor, will be spearheading an indignation rally in Mawab, Compostela Valley Wednesday to condemn the murder of their municipal coordinator, Ranbert "Alvin" Placencia. Placencia, the militants say, is the 750th victim of extra-judicial killings since 2001.


Another unionist was killed today in Southern Tagalog region. Nemesio Aquino, a worker of JAM Transit (formerly Tritran Bus Company), was shot dead by unidentified men when he just came out from the Bureau of Labor Relations office in Barangay Parian, Calamba City, Laguna at around 2:00 PM. The militant Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawa sa Timog Katagalugan (PAMANTIK-KMU) or Solidarity of Workers in Southern Tagalog expressed condemnation and alarming concern over the recent killing of a unionist.


Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary, gave away a secret of 9-11 today in his own words. And I quote: “There was no operational link between Saddam Hussein and 9-11." (aka Al Qaeda Bin Laden.) We should remember that both Bush and Rumsfeld wanted both Udday Hussein and Saddam Hussein targeted on September 11, 2001 right after the WTC was hit. It was because both Udday and Saddam knew in advance of the 9-11 Black Op and the plan to use Bin Laden as the patsy. The evidence to back this up exists so click to see Udday Hussein’s letter to Putin (CLICK) and the Stephen Cambone (CLICK) notes.

911 Truth Movement Demo in Westwood (tags)

The 911 Truth Movement is growing as increasing numbers of people are losing trust with this nation's state sponsored corporate media.

Remember September 11 (Iraq and Palestine) by Latuff (tags)

Copyleft artworks by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Report/review of 9/11 Press for Truth (tags)

by Carol Brouillet

This War on Terrorism is Bogus (tags)

"The plan shows Bush's cabinet intende3d to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power."

Women's Art Exhibit and Writer Series (tags)

"Le Deuxieme Sexe?" Women's Art Exhibit and Writer Series at Carlotta's Passion Fine Art in Eagle Rock Chicano Studies, Women Studies, and Mexican Art History. Reina Prado's link to Calaca Press: Judith Terzi Shiny Things Make Things Come Back (2002) was Ms. Terzi's first chapbook, a collection inspired, in part, by her mother's five-year long, see-saw adventure with severe vascular dementia. In her second collection, Lightning Bugs Don't Travel Westward (2004), while a few pieces relate to this illness, most are reflections on nature, transitions, institutions, or on the general political and social dementia of our times. Ms. Terzi's work has appeared in various print and online publications, including The Teacher's Voice (2005), the anthology, An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind: Poets on 9/11, Moondance ( . Ms. Terzi says, "While most of my poetry is in English, I do enjoy writing in French and Spanish as well. My CD, Wings of the Andes, is a blend of old and new poems. I hold an M.A. in French Literature and am a career teacher, having taught many different subject matters at every level of instruction. The highlights of my career have been teaching English and French at an American School in Algiers, Algeria; writing at California State University, Los Angeles; and French language and literature at Polytechnic School in Pasadena, California." Reviewer Comment "Judy has been quick in sensing the rhythm or beat of a poem. She can tell when a line has lost the rhythm. She has been showing a keen interest in correct usage of English language...When she recites poetry, her posture could be improved, however; she drops her head forward, and a bit to one side. She seems to enjoy creative work. - G. Metzner, Ms. Terzi's third grade teacher Kathleen Tyler Kathleen Tyler's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals including Runes, Solo, Margie, Coe Review, Visions International, Diner, and Poetry Motel. She currently teaches English at a public school in Los Angeles. Some poets who she especially likes are Marsha de la O, Larissa Szporluk, Yusef Komunyakaa, H.D., and Garcia Lorca. Kathleen's first book of poetry, The Secret Box, is forthcoming in September. Reviewer Comments The Secret Box is full of gorgeous and dangerous poems; poems with the flickering intensity of film noir; poems in which violence or tenderness -- or both -- might erupt at any moment, and do. I admire Kathleen Tyler's craft and her courage. These poems are gutsy and lyrical, risky and magical; they speak of, and to, a dark and beautiful world. - Cecilia Woloch Negotiating terrain that is both provocative and revealing, these poems leave the senses singed with formidable hope and startling clarity. - Jawanza Dumisani


Diffferent Immigrant rights groups and coalitions stepped up their mass actions nationwide in more than 6 major cities to force the US Congress to enact laws that will give amnesty and full rights to more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. More mass actions is slated from September 7 to September 9 in protest of the much delayed congressional action on the immigration reform law that will legalize at least 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants and at least 7 million workers as “guest workers” in the SB 2611 or the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill that all immigrant rights groups and advocate rejects as “modified HR 4437”.


Different Immigrant rights groups and coalitions stepped up their mass actions to force the US Congress to enact laws that will give amnesty and full rights to more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. From September 2, 2005 different mass actions were held all over California and other parts of the United States like Seattle, Phoenix, Arizona, Chicago and other states during the long Labor Day weekend. Labor groups, anti wart and other progressive groups together with the immigrant rights advocates banded together to push the people’s agenda.

World Can't Wait -- National Organizing Meetings (tags)

Los Angeles joins cities across the US in making plans for October 5.

Mass Civil Nonviolent Resistance to Confront Lawmakers at U.S. Capitol (tags)

Invitation to join nonviolent direct actions with the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance on Tuesday, September 26th, or Declaration of Peace on Wednesday, September 27.

Pema Chödrön's The Places that Scare You: a videotape lecture (tags)

ema Chödrön's The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times A videotape series presented by Lynda Golan and Stanley Weiser at the Santa Monica Zen Center September 5 - October 10, 2006 September 5, 12, 19, October 3, 10 Tuesday 7:30pm Price: $10.00

Labor Day Weekend 2006: Lists of Nationwide Immigrant Rights Marches (tags)

New Rounds of Marches For Immigrant Rights Movements!

Camp Democracy - This is it (tags)

This is our opportunity to do what the citizens of the Ukraine, of Mexico, and of other countries do when their democracies are taken from them. This is our chance to say, "Enough is enough!"

The Divide 911 (tags)

Music video music VOICE video FluxRostrum 5 minutes


research and investigations raising serious questions concerning what the American people have been told about 911.

Nonviolent People Power on the Move in September 2006 (tags)

Direct Action Planned for September 26th & 27th at the U.S. Congress. Peace-loving people are moving to make nonviolent history in September 2006.

Was September 11 a Great Conspiracy? (tags)

More than ten million have watched "Loose Change" on the Internet since April.. 42 per cent of Americans believe the US government and the 9/11 commission concealed things in connection with the attacks.

Campaigning about 9/11 (tags)

Overwhelming evidence condemns the U.S. Government as the Perpetrator of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. We must conduct the vital work of Public Information Campaigning to educate & politically activate the duped Public concerning the real terrorists.

Asbestos Attacks from the White House (tags)

The White House manipulated the reports of the EPA about the air quality in the environment of Ground Zero after the attacks and thus exposed all the relief workers, residents and employees in south Manhattan to extreme health risks.

Conyers Releases Massive New Report on Bush-Cheney Crimes (tags)

By David Swanson

Thousands to Take Action if Concrete Plan to End US Occupation in Iraq Not Established by (tags)

The Declaration of Peace is a nationwide campaign to establish by September 21, 2006 a concrete and rapid plan for peace in Iraq, including: • A prompt timetable for withdrawal of US troops and closure of bases • A post-occupation peace process for security, reconstruction, and reconciliation, and • A shift of funding from war to meeting human needs

Immigration Protesters Scuffle in New York (tags)

by Michelle Nichols 07/26/2006 6:14 pm

Declaration of Peace Sets Sept. 21-28 National Actions (tags)

Peace Movement Sets Sept. 21 Deadline for US Plan to Chart New Course on Iraq – Thousands to Take Action if Plan Not Established

"May Day, I Repeat, May Day," Say Vets! (tags)

No wonder why vets are now organizing and screaming “Mayday, Mayday!” And if you really think about it, could there possibly be any better reason to fly our American flags upside down?

Thermite Identified As Likely Culprit Of WTC Collapse (tags)

author: Brian A new branch of 9/11 research claims to have identified the cause of the collapse of the twin towers. The photographic and video evidence makes a very strong case for thermite being responsible for the unprecedented implosions of steel framed reinforced buildings on September 11.

More Sensitivity and Less Prejudice (tags)

Since journalists influence the political and social climate in the subject of migration, they should show greater sensitivity toward racist exclusion..Integration is not a one-way street but can only succeed when we create the prerequisites and grant equal rights.

911 – the Need for an Independent Investigation (tags)

Written by: Keith Perkins 11 September 2001, the day the world changed forever. If ever there was a time of innocence it was no longer.

Photographs From Iraq: December 2005 (tags)

A selection of photos taken in Iraq, mostly from December 2005, depicting everything from insurgents running a polling station to massive protests against fraud in the election to a day of riots in Kirkuk.

detecting terrorism by observing movements of the rich (tags)

detecting terrorism against yourself and your loved ones by observing movements of the rich

Flight 93 (tags)

This one is for you

"The People are Boiling with Rage" (tags)

Hurricane Katrina had blown the problems in GW Bush's face that he wanted to be rid of with churches and caritas. The chaotic emergency relief was also a consequence of a policy of state dismantling and deregulation

LA Indymedia Gets 2 Million and a Half Hits in September (tags)

Usage Statistics for

Art of War : Anti-War (tags)

Washington DC, September 24, 2005

Protest Racist KFI, Support Day Laborer Rights! Friday September 30: Outside KFI Studios (tags)

What: Press Conference and Rally Who: Day Laborers and their Allies When: Friday, September 30, 2005 10:30 Press Conference Where: Outside of KFI Radio Station 340 W. Olive Ave Burbank, CA 91502

British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie (tags)

Here is some information on what’s going on in our world plus a website ( at the end you can go to participate in the exciting work of some young people engaged in resisting the “madness.” Be there with them November 2. Cause “the world can’t wait!”

The Animal Liberation Front attack in LA! (tags)

“A communiqué received by the Press Office (for the ALF) reads in part: ‘The animal liberation front has taken advice from our Commander in Chief to “smoke terrorists out of their holes.” The target was Los Angeles number One terrorist Gordon Stuckey. Military Strength Smoke grenades were detonated on the floor of this animal killers abode. Sleep light … alf.”

The Animal Liberation Front attack! (tags)

“A communiqué received by the Press Office (for the ALF) reads in part: ‘The animal liberation front has taken advice from our Commander in Chief to “smoke terrorists out of their holes.” The target was Los Angeles number One terrorist Gordon Stuckey. Military Strength Smoke grenades were detonated on the floor of this animal killers abode. Sleep light … alf.”

British MP George Galloway to Speak in Los Angeles (tags)

British MP George Galloway will speak in Los Angeles, September 22 to Demand Money for Hurricane Relief, Not War in Iraq

Join us in Washington, DC! Protest Military and Economic Violence! (tags)

Global Justice Feeder March! Saturday, September 24, 2005. 11:00 am Dupont Circle, Washington D.C.

California Groups Unite Against Minutemen (tags)

On Saturday, September 17 at 5:00 p.m., groups and individuals from across Southern California are caravanning to Calexico to stop the minutemen.

small WORLD: Dr. Ben Marble, "Go fu** yourself, Mr. Cheney!" (tags)

Interview with Dr. Ben Marble. We discuss the events of September 8th that led to him telling Cheney off.

George Galloway/Christopher Hitchens Debate Streaming Live on Wed. (tags)

Two years after the invasion of Iraq, British MP George Galloway and journalist Christopher Hitchens will debate the causes and consequences of the Iraq war at Baruch College in New York City. Moderated by Amy Goodman.

SGV 9-11 Truth Movement Gets Rolling (tags)

Approximately 20 9/11 Truth activists and concerned individuals from around the area turned up at the corner of Main and Garfield in Alhambra on Sunday morning to draw attention to the glaring inconsistencies, distortions and omissions in the official government version of the events that attempt to explain the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

September 24th 2nd Las Vegas Press Release (tags)

The Las Vegas community is being challenged over free assembly rights. Find out how 15 minutes of your time can help us put the city authorities in their place and why you should be keeping your eye on what happens in Las Vegas on September 24th. We would also like to see as many people as possible come down from LA for this event. Education, Housing, Healthcare, Jobs, Sovereignty, and Peace NOW!

Stand Up and Be Counted: No War and Occupation: The George Galloway US Tour (tags)

September 13-24: Boston, New York, Toronto, Madison, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C.

Documents point to 911 attack on America by White House crime families (tags)

Sioux City, Iowa -- September 4, 2005 -- -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.

California Minutemen Attempt to Send Message on September 11 Border Watch (tags)

A CALL TO ACTION-Join the Human Rights Coalition of California against the RETURN OF THE CALIFORNIA MINUTEMEN. Jim Chase, California Minutemen Founder has announced a Border Watch to begin SEPTEMBER 11, 2005. Join the Human Rights Coalition of California and other human rights activists at the VFW in Campo, CA to protest the racism of the Minuteman Project.

New Orleans Support Rally (tags)

On Wednesday, September 7, in Westwood, Los Angeles, 95 people gathered at Westwood and Veteran to demand that the government implements a REAL relief plan for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The rally was organized by ANSWER LA.

Posters of Peace Press (tags)

The Center for the Study of Political Graphics, SPARC, and The Venice Arts Council Present A Venice People’s Centennial Celebration POSTERS OF PEACE PRESS September 10 - October 9th, 2005 SPARC - 685 Venice Boulevard, Venice CA 90291 Opening Reception September 10 2005 5-8pm Gallery hours M-Th 10am-4pm Fri 10am-9pm Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm

From A Buenas Noches Brigade... (tags) a Buenas Noches Army! A Call for Autonomous Direct Action to Smash the Rise of Fascism and Racism In Our Communities A Call for Autonomous Direct Action to Smash the Borders That Capitalism Depends On This is a call to all people who will be converging on the San Diego/Tijuana, Campo and Calexico/Mexicali regions to engage in autonomous direct action to stop the Minutemen, document it and share it with the world.

It's A Small World After All! Peace March to Disneyland! 9/24/05 (tags)


Calling the United Resistance (tags)

Mobilize to San Diego for a Movement Against All Borders / Accion en SD para un Movimiento en Contra de Todas Las Fronteras

Sept 7 Public Hearing Expands Ad Seg Torture, the power of a crowd is needed (tags)

California Dept of Corrections (& rehab - what a joke) has called a public hearing to expand the minimum time in the hole without a review hearing from 30 days to 90 days for some infractions, as long as six months MINIMUM for others. This punishes the mentally ill and children as there are no phone calls and getting visits is very hard while in cruel isolation, no canteen, no personal property in the 4' x 4' box,

McKinney's 9/11 hearing Wed-Cspan (tags)

C-SPAN has now set some times and dates for airing the event. August 31 They will air on C-SPAN from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm on Wednesday, August 31 And on Friday, September 2 from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am. It is broken into two parts as described below:

Meeting Announcement (tags)


The 911 Cover-up is starting to Unravel (tags)

Happenings: Los Angles Grand Jury finds 911 story FALSE, Rove leak tied to diversion of AIPAC and top Cheney aids complicity in selling Iran nuclear detonators Are leading to the unravelling of the 911 Cover-Up.

Protest the Annual World Bank and IMF meetings::Call for Direct Action::Sept. 23-25, 2005 (tags)

Join us and the millions around the world dedicated to a world where development, security, and democracy are no longer tools of rhetoric employed by the World Bank, the IMF, and the U.S. government but are realities in the lives of all. Come to Washington DC September 23-25th for a weekend of spirited action to shake the pillars of empire!

Protest the Annual World Bank and IMF Meetings Sept. 23-25, 2005 Washington DC (tags)

Block the Bank! Fight the Fund! Reclaim Our Communities! Confront Economic Violence and Corporate Capitalism during the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings September 23-25, 2005 :: Washington DC :: Call for DIRECT ACTION

Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation Statement on Sept. 24 Anti-War Demo (tags)


Opportunism, ANSWER and Palestine (tags)

It is so important that the movement against the war in Iraq draw the connection to all the wars the U.S. government is waging around the world. Inclusion of Palestine is a vital issue and an important part of building solidarity. But solidarity with Palestine should not be used as just a maneuver in an organizational struggle between ANSWER and UFPJ.


Last night, Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC) voted unanimously to give the go ahead for the next Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council election, which will be held September 10 and 11th. The Board's decision came more than nine months after the last GRVNC election was invalidated by the City's Human Relations Commission, leaving the neighborhood council without a quorum, ability to function, or funding.

Bush and Al Capone (tags)

A tax offense was ultimately Al Capone's undoing although he was responsible for the most serious crimes like murder.

Flight 93 - Flight 93 = Y (tags)

When Y = Revolt

Flight 93 - Flight 93 = Y (tags)

Food For Travelers

Lines In The Sky Mean Years Off Your Life (tags)

And off your kids lives, and especially off your grandkids lives...

Lines In The Sky Mean Years Off Your Life (tags)

It IS Patently Obvious--review well...this is about energy technology that the bush scum do not DARE talk about because it is highly damaging to living things, including is probable that this tech responsible for 30% of malpractice suits in the last ten years, and you can expect 25% off your life because of this tech being tested on you by a foreign power controlling America...

Ending State Terrorism (tags)

Since 1945 the US has intervened 67 times in foreign countries and caused twelve million dead, half through public overt actions (Pentagon) and the other half through secret covert actions (CIA). This is practically unknown to most Americans..

Ward Churchill responds to attacks... (tags)

Press Release - by Ward Churchill January 31, 2005

The 'Black Book' of U.S. Imperialism: Ward Churchill's Roosting Chickens (tags)

Todd Gitlin, Paul Berman and assorted intellectuals of the "decent left" have earned their keep arguing that anti-imperialism is nothing but an echo chamber of nihilism, oedipal rage and tacit support for whomever the governing class declares the enemy. Once upon a time their kind derided the Communist left as window dressing for the gulag; now they argue with parallel duplicity that anti-imperialists are shills for "Islamo-fascist" death cults and suicide bombers. As the gate-keepers of acceptable dissent, that is to say "none," they rarely take time to note what it is, this America, they've declared their loyalty to and what it is exactly the "anti-Americans" oppose.

Five Years After WTO Protests: Seattle Weekly Trashes Anti-Globalization Movement (tags)

The media spin cycle leading up to major anti-globalization protests has become so predictable that activists have been forced to come up with better media strategies to keep up with the lies and disinformation. The mainstream media starts the cycle several months in advance with articles and coverage about the upcoming summit and accompanying protests.

Open Letter to Alexander Cockburn (tags)

Throwing down the gauntlet...

Rumsfeld's War: Seymour Hersh (tags)

Did the government deceive itself? Or did it feed the Congress and the public with false information? Hersh concludes in the epilogue: This was Rumsfeld's war.. Rumsfeld did the dirty work and guarded the secrets..

Local Soldier's Funeral Report (tags)

Slain Marine eulogized as leader. J.P. Blecksmith killed in Iraq following September deployment.

Local Soldier's Funeral Report (tags)

Slain Marine eulogized as leader. J.P. Blecksmith killed in Iraq following September deployment.

Spartacist League/PDC Protest Crackdown on IndyMedia (tags)

The Spartacist League, revolutionary Trotskyist party, and its fraternal political prisoner defense organization, the Partisan Defense Committee have protested the assaults on IndyMedia through their newspaper, Workers Vanguard. "...We stand in fullest solidarity with those courageous journalists who struggle to tell the truth against the repression and lies of the American imperialists." Here is the article. ---- Varlet

LA Citizens Grand Jury Condemns US Government Roll In 911 And Subsequent Coverup (tags)

LOS ANGELES - In findings issued today, the Los Angeles Citizens' Grand Jury condemned the 9/11 Commission's official version of the events of September 11, 2001 as "physically impossible, untenable, contradictory, implausible and fraudulent" and called for the release of several documents specifically naming officials responsible for 9/11, being withheld until after the election.



Bush and the Cowboy Soul (tags)

"There is a very narrow concept of strength in this country, says David Paletz. Strength is something between Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwartznegger and has a clear connection to militarism, killing animals and chopping down trees with the axe.."

Bush and the Media (tags)

"To know how subservient, bootlicking and cowardly the media can be, one need only look at how the US media react..In part, this is natural since the media is controlled by capital. Another reason is surely the aura of fear created by the US media.."

A MOM'S FYI: THE OCTOBER SURPRISE? Scaring Voters Sh*tless! (tags)

Quotes of GWB Administration & Iran....

United Israeli Emirates of North America (tags)

Bush Beats Brutal Competition to Become Al-Qaida’s “Man of the Year” (tags)

Isn’t it funny how the guy who talks the most about defeating terrorists has done the absolute worst job of doing it? Well, no, it’s not, and what’s even more so not funny is that, if the U.S. gets hit again before the election, it would probably condemn us to another four years of the same bad routine. For more details, read on.

Protest at Santa Monica Business that Displays Hate Speech in its Storefront (tags)

Students at Santa Monica College are planning to protest ALL PHONE WHOLESALE, a racist business that displays extreme anti-immigrant, anti-arab, anti-Muslim hate speech in its store window.

This Land Is Your Land documnetary screening (tags)

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND shows that every person can make a difference, even when pitted against the enormous powers of big business. This funny and moving documentary criss-crosses the United States, interviewing experts and individuals about corporate influence on everyday life, hears how people feel their own lives have been affected, and looks at some of the brave, compelling and sometime hilarious ways in which individuals and communities are reacting.

Weekly Report On Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Territories (tags)

This week was the bloodiest week in the last two months, as 24 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 6 children, were killed and dozens of other civilians were injured by Israeli troops. The difference between the suicide bomber and soldier(s) killing civilian population including children, is the IDF uniform and the US tax dollar in foreign aid .

Anniversary of the Assassination of Folke Bernadotte af Wisborg: September 17 1948 (tags)

Count Folke Bernadotte, special UN Mediator to Mid East ...responsibile for saving 20,000 Jews from Himmler was assassinated this day, September 17 1948. The man directly responsible for his death, Nathan Friedman-Yellin was sentenced, pardoned after 5 months and was allowed to serve on Knesset

American Anarchist Motion Picture (tags)

A historical documentary video is now available---free for educational use. Explains the legacy of several American-style anarchists from Emma to Ammon.

Black September (tags)

September brings back memories of atrocities ranging from 9/11/01, to the CIA's involvement in the coup that installed General Pinochet in Chile (9/11/73), and to the massacre of Sabra and Shatila on 9/15/82. These tragedies are demonstrably intertwined beyond the coincidences of date and that they claimed similar numbers of civilian victims.

America is the Ultimate Failed State. (tags)

After knocking down most of its forests, paving over its wetlands, polluting what water it has left and making all urban environments only habitable with what has become an accepted level of collateral damage in terms of illness and death caused by environmental pollution which has set off a domino effect of ill health down through the generations exposed, America has become like a caged animal not willing to face its own condition but yet completely willing to lash out violently at the World around it.

Author Neiwert to Speak in Temecula Sept 24 (tags)

Journalist David Neiwert will be the featured speaker at the September informational meeting of Peace Works! in Temecula Valley on September 24, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Temecula United Methodist Church, and is a free event which is open to the public. David Neiwert is a journalist whose work has appeared in The Washington Post, Salon, and His latest book, "DEATH ON THE FOUR OF JULY: The Story of a Killing, a Trial, and Hate Crime in America", discusses hate crimes in a broad context as well as focusing on a particular July 4, 2000 incident in Ocean Shores, Washington.

September 11 victims - The Unaccounted victims of 9/11 (tags)

Amongst the September 11 victims, a lot are ignored to any commemoration

benefit for MOVEON.ORG (tags)

benefit for at the salvation theater with art, music & poetry

Silverlake Film Festival screens The END of SUBURBIA (tags)

The END of SUBURBIA is arguably the most important documentary of the decade. If you haven't seen it yet, this is your chance to see it and meet some great speakers on this topic. We are entering a new era in humanity - we are at or just near the global peak in oil production and our modern society is extremely dependant on oil and we are totaly unprepared for the decline in oil production. The END of SUBURBIA is very successful at introducing the topic in an entertaining way. There are many ways we, as a community, can respond, but first we must educate ourselves and understand the crisis. The guests at these events include Julian Darley (author of High Noon for Natural Gas and founder of The Post Carbon Institute and Global Public Media), Michael Ruppert (a Los Angeles local who founded and is very active in the 9/11 truth movement and educating people about peak oil) , Gregory Greene (The END of SUBURBIA director), Joan Stevens (LA Permaculture Guild leader) and Lara Morrison (LA Eco-Village leader).

AUG. 29, 2004 GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION (tags)

International call for solidarity

BTL:Victims' Families Say 9/11 Commission Report Avoids Certain Truths~ (tags)

~But Makes Some Valuable Recommendations~Interview with David Potorti, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


This flyer is pervect for getting the word out about the SEPTEMBER 11 COVEFR-UP.

Fascism Never Resigns, It Must Be Removed. (tags)

"The last time a nation past the Patriot Act and Home Land Security the first questions they asked were- Who is the Jew? Who is the Communist? Who is the Homosexual?"

RAVAGE THE RNC: Take the Streets, Take Control! (tags)

Call for Direct Action at the Republican National Convention in New York City August 29th - September 4th 2004

America Facing Collapse: Review of Richard Clarke's "Agaisnt All Enemies" (tags)

"After the first shock over September 11, the prescribed patriotism has given way to sober reflection. Many American intellectuals con-clude: Bush jr has deceived the country and drags the whole world into ruin..The Iraq war is the greatest gift to terrorists.."

Pre-9/11 World Trade Center Power-Down (tags)

Did the World Trade Center towers undergo a deliberate “power-down” on the weekend prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks? According to Scott Forbes, a senior database administrator for Fiduciary Trust, Inc. – a high-net investment bank which was later acquired by Franklin Templeton – this is precisely what took place. The perfect time for CIA agents to plant explosives to bring down the towers

Head of Sept. 11 Commission Said Iraq War for Israel (tags)

Head of Sept. 11 Commission Said Iraq War for Israel

Rice faces New Accusation on eve of testimony (tags)

"Imagine eight months before Pearl Harbor, an officially designated group of 14 Americans had told Roosevelt that the Japanese would attack some place somewhere and Roosevelt did nothing" -- that's what Bush did in early 2001.

International Citizens’ Inquiry Into 9/11 - Toronto, Canada - 2004 (tags)

An extensive international public inquiry into the events of Sept. 11, 2001, will be held in Toronto, Canada between May 30 and June 20 this year.

US knew al-Qa'ida would attack cities with aeroplanes' (tags)

A former translator for the FBI with top-secret security clearance says she has provided information to the panel investigating the 11 September attacks which proves senior officials knew of al-Qa'ida's plans to attack the US with aircraft months before the strikes happened.

Ms. Whistleblower: Officials knew Al Qaida would attack by air (tags)

Ms. Edmonds, a Turkish-American translator, said there was sufficient information in Spring and Summer 2001 of an attack being planned. But the White House is seeking to silence her with a court order citing "state secrets privilege".

BTL:Bush TV Ads and Noncooperation with 9/11 Commission Draws Fire from... (tags)

...Sept. 11 Victims' Families * Interview with Andrew Rice, steering committee member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


There are six individuals who have the power to influence whether President George Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Richard Myers, will publicly testify under oath before the American people to explain why they sat at their desks and in a school classroom, failing to take decisive action on September 11, 2001, until after four planes attacked the United States and killed 3,000 Americans.

Convicted for Alleging Israel's Involvement in 9-11! (tags)

NH Man Who Alleged that Israel and Others Orchestrated 9-11 Convicted of Trumped-Up Tax Charges!

Bush Planned The War In Iraq Before 9/11 (tags)

An article about Paul O'neill's allegations in regard to Iraq, and the Karl Rove connection to the war.

The Puppetmasters: Assembling The Legend of 9/11 (tags)

One man was Clinton's counter-terrorism "czar". The other was reputedly the FBI's most dogged pursuer of Osama bin Laden. But did these two men perform a more sinister, covert role in coordinating the global elements of the unfolding 9/11 Legend?

September 11th and the Bush Administration: Compelling Evidence for Complicity (tags)

The central question surrounding the events of 911 is how did this occur? How come there was no response from the Federal Government until ALL of the damage was done? Why does the Bush Regime to this day continue to Stonewall the Official Government investigation into 911?

Al-Qaeda, the Mythic Enemy (tags)

Bad analyses very obviously invite bad responses. This is so true that ever since this global war on terrorism has been launched, it has not really improved either world peace or world security.  On the contrary, the precipitate action supplied by the American-British occupation of Iraq and the calamitous management of the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation only reinforce the Muslim-Arab world's menace and resentment against the new "Crusaders" of a West that decides the standard of good for all civilizations.

Does Syria sponsor terrorism? (tags)

Syria, a secular dictatorship with one of the worldâ??s worst human rights records, has been on the State Department list of countries sponsoring terrorism since the listâ??s inception in 1979

George W. Bush Loves Michael Jackson (tags)

Courageously avoiding any issues of real substance, like Body Bags, the daily death toll in Iraq, the corruption of the Bush Regime, the protests in London, the toppling of the George Statue, or anything else; the mainstream Press Whores are doing their level best to bury it under the latest lurid Michael Jackson Headline. Just what we need to know: Jacko is a pervert. Gosh! Who'd a thunk.

Gov't Prosecutes Man for Alleging that Israel and the Neo-Cons Conducted 9-11! (tags)

The Justice Department is prosecuting a New Hampshire man for alleging that Israel and the Neo-Cons of the Bush Administration orchestrated the September 11th terrorist attacks as a way to drag the U.S. into wars with all of Israel's enemies!

Dancing Israelis (This story won't go away.) (tags)

heir discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.


Here is a part of what the Syrian Baath regime have been committing in occupied Lebanon

White House Still Stonewalling on 911 Documents (tags)

Former New Jersey governor Thomas Kean told the newspaper the White House was continuing to withhold several highly classified intelligence documents.


ONE DOES NOT GET ATTACKED SO FOR BEING OFF COURSE. I am publishing sensitive material, sensitive to the Bush cartel, hiding behind a facade of national security. This is it folks. This is the information that the international order, the group that smacked our psyches upside the head on September 11, 2001, does not want out there.

The Sacramento Connection To 9/11 (tags)

In this excerpt taken from Kupferberg's article "Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11", Kupferberg looks at two copy-cat mass murder episodes in Sacramento which occurred just days before September 11.

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM (tags)

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM

Real perspective on 9-11 (tags)

Can't wait to hear all the right wing apologists humming the same tune.LOL

A Disturbing Presence (tags)

Joy Lee Rutter A Disturbing Presence Press Release Contact: Joy Rutter Phone: (603) 539-7023 E-mail: PO Box 326 Center Ossipee, NH 03814 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Author will send book for review at request. Please specify if PDF file is acceptable. New Hampshire Woman becomes author CENTER OSSIPEE, NH-Joy Lee Rutter started writing her first book on an impulse. Now, it is her passion. Born in Michigan, she came to New Hampshire by way of Florida. Rutter sacrificed college to marry immediately after graduating from high school. Five sons later, with her marriage beginning to crumble, she began keeping a journal after the birth of her youngest, to raise her spirits, and maintain her sense of humor. Then she began writing “tongue-in-cheek” humorous essays. Rutter’s first novel, A Disturbing Presence, became available September 1, 2003. It was not planned. It came into being following a zany conversation with her stepdaughter. Captivated by the ideas that the conversation prompted, Rutter started writing. Five months later, she had completed a first draft. In September, just one year from the time she began writing, the book is ready for distribution to booksellers, nationwide. Even Rutter is stunned by the acceptance of her first novel’s publication, on her first try. The author proudly describes A Disturbing Presence, as “something that has not been done in print or in the movies. It’s a little bit strange, but it’s filled with quite a bit of humor, too,” she says. “Folks who have read the book tell me they couldn’t put it down. At the very least, I think A Disturbing Presence is a compelling novel with an unusual, thought-provoking theme,” Rutter says. She already is working on her next book. Synopsis: This modern-day mystery takes place in a small town in NH. An elegant manor appears normal enough. You enter, look around at the widow's artwork & then walk into the private study of the late Eric McDuggal. Of course, you do not expect to see McDuggal sitting in an antique rocker. He is dead. What were the motives behind his bizarre death wish? While the house pets wreak havoc against the embalmed corpse, his widow remains in a self-imposed limbo, reluctant to find the answers. The disturbing presence of the hideous display causes her life to collapse into nightmares & apathy. An unlikely friendship between the taxidermist & widow develop; little do they know that his probing into McDuggal's background eventually leads to the discovery of a shocking childhood trauma. A Disturbing Presence has all of the ingredients for a great page-turner! Mystery, light horror, and humor, and eventually, romance. Title: A Disturbing Presence Author: Joy Lee Rutter Publication Date: September 2003 Publisher: America House of Publishing ISBN: 1-4137-0113-2 Item Status: Active Record Binding Format: Soft Cover Pages: 232 Retail Price: $19.95

Worth reading (tags)

Interesting article from the Asia Times. A different perspective than the usual propaganda from our Wall Street-controlled media.

Dude! Where's My Country ? (tags)

I have seven questions for you, Mr Bush. I ask them on behalf of the 3,000 who died that September day, and I ask them on behalf of the American people. We seek no revenge against you. We want only to know what happened, and what can be done to bring the murderers to justice, so we can prevent any future attacks on our citizens

Update on Panama (tags)

With some fifteen hundred Panamaños living in LA, events en la Patría are heard all over the Hemisphere.

National Security or Skin Cancer? (tags)

The US military is one of largest users worldwide of CFCs. They have exempted themselves from the worldwide ban. Must be something about national security...

$10 a month fundraiser for North Coast Earth First! (tags)

Simple mass-participation fundraiser to help support the non-violent civil disobedience and direct action campaign of North Coast Earth First!, in Humboldt County, CA, to save some of the last Old Growth Redwood and Douglas Fir forest left on Earth! Call to Action for Gypsy Mountain!

from Rachel Corrie's parents in West Bank (tags)

Craig and Cindy Corrie in Jerusalem, Sept 29 2003

Panama-General strike to defend social security (tags)


The Terror Enigma: Israel and the September 11 Connection (tags)

Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with “Urban Moving Systems” sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality (tags)

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Send-Off Rally (tags)

September 20 2003 --- City Hall, Los Angeles Immigrant freedom riders will be boarding buses September 23rd to take part ...

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Send-Off Rally (tags)

Immigrant workers fighting for human rights follow in the footsteps of the 60’s civil rights movement.

Furious Americans (tags)

"Mistrust toward overly curious state snoopers is an American characteristic.. Furious Americans mix among the mourners. `Fascism is Un-American', `Patriots against Bush' and `Act American!' were proclaimed at civilrights demonstrations



8 U.S. Troops killed in Iraq ambush (tags)

While L.A. Indymedia evolves into the "All Sherman Austin, all the time" website... the U.S. occupation of Iraq grinds on. On Thursday Sept 18th... an ambush of U.S. troops resulted in the death of 8 American soldiers. What did they die for George? Hey... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over?

ANSWER Protest in SF - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th (tags)

Just reposting this in case anyone will be in SF.

International day of solidarity for Thessaloniki prisoners (tags)

Sunday 21st September

Santa Ana Activist Arrested (is this the Pomona guy?) (tags)

Josh Canole, an SAC student, was busted yesterday.


Actress/Author/Activist Mimi Kennedy To Join Star-Studded Event To Raise Money For Victims Of Santa Monica Farmer’s Market Tragedy & Victims Of AIDS In Kenya In Chili Cook-Off Launch of St. Monica’s Octoberfair, September 26-28, 2003

September 11- two years on (tags)


Fascism, Farm Subsidies and Suicide (tags)

As the fascists in the White House celebrate the success of the tragedy they helped make happen on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) on this day September 11, 2003, Lee Kyung-hae, a Korean farmer (who has been put out of business in Korea by cheap imports from the U.S. Global Economic Dictatorship) lies dead in a hospital morgue in Cancun, Mexico.

Folly Taken To A Scale Not Seen Since WWII (tags)

No, the attacks on 11 September have nothing to do with Iraq. Neither did 11 September change the world. President Bush cruelly manipulated the grief of the American people - and the sympathy of the rest of the world - to introduce a "world order" dreamed up by a clutch of fantasists advising the Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld.

Broken Wrist Project Group Show - Los Angeles, CA (tags)

BRINGING IT BACK TO WHERE IT ALL STARTED! This upcoming weekend, the Broken Wrist Project (book publishing company/artist collective) is throwing a gallery show/party in downtown Los Angeles.

9/11 Peace Vigil and Home Event featuring Dennis Kucinich (tags)

A Peace Vigil in remembrance of 9/11 will be held in Santa Ana , CA, leading into a Home Event featuring dennis Kucinich

September 11 - The victims (tags)

September 11 - The victims

urvey finds that most Americans are pretty damn ignorant (tags)

Self explanatory, and its not ingorance, just plain stupidity through watching too much television.

Protest the WTO at the US/Mexico Border this Saturday! (tags)

If you can't make it to Cancun, we call on people throughout the United States to join together at the San Diego/Tijuana border on September 13th to resist the WTO and the failed model of corporate globalization.

Mimi Kennedy to help raise funds for victims of S.M. Farmer's Mkt. & AIDS victims in Kenya (tags)

Actress/Author/Activist Mimi Kennedy To Join Star-Studded Event To Raise Money For Victims Of Santa Monica Farmer's Market Tragedy & Victims Of AIDS In Kenya In Chili Cook-Off Launch of St. Monica's Octoberfair, September 26-28, 2003

This War On Terrorism Is Bogus (tags)

The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination.

British Minister Claims 9-11 Advance Complicity, U.S. Goal is Oil Hegemony (tags)

Mr Meacher says the US goal is "world hegemony, built around securing by force command over the oil supplies", and also claims in an article in today's Guardian that the war on terrorism is a smokescreen and that the US knew in advance about the September 11 attack on New York but, for strategic reasons, chose not to act on the warnings.

Examining the Impact of Globablization on Women Around the World (tags)

In the unprecedented expansion of world markets that began more than two decades ago, women play crucial roles. Some have been called beneficiaries of this globalization; but many more are its losers. NOW sheds light on how globalization has affected women's lives worldwide.

nazi collaboration by rockefellers, kissinger, bush sr (tags)

The CIA was built around the Nazi spy agency absorbed by the US military after WWII, known as the Gehlen org.

9/11 Book Author Doug Kellner: An Interview (tags)

Text of recent e-mail interview with From 9/11 to Terror War Author Doug Kellner

Cancun Chaos (tags)

A globally synchronised ritual and an activist convergence for pagans and discordians making their way to cancun for the WTO meeting.

Sept. Mexican Independence Day Art Exhibit (tags)

The ARTINO Arts Group of Los Angeles present a Group Exhibit celebrating Mexican Independence Day.

WTO CANCUN - latest updates (tags)

The next ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization will take place in Cancun, Mexico on September 10-15. From the 8th on, a huge mobilization will greet the meeting with creative protest and visions of alternatives. Below is our report on some of the preliminary organizing we did last week in Cancun and Mexico City.


Tommy Castro, Albert Cummings and Julianna Raye perform at the All-Star Jam at this year's 9th annual Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival.

Can't make to cancun,protest at the sd/TJ border! (tags)

Cross border protest against free trade! Call to action!


The 2003 Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival (TVIFMF) is proud to announce Etta James will be receiving recognition and honors for the field of music, as she is presented the Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual Black Tie Awards Gala , 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 13, 2003 at the Ponte Family Estate Winery (35035 Rancho California Road, Temecula).

What They Won't Talk About In The Next (S)Election... (tags)

Once again the airwaves will be filled with inanities, insanities and gross fallacies ad nauseum, until election day, when the herds of gullible twits will go out and "vote" for one of these useless retards in what will turn out to be another rigged election. Take your presidential candidate and stuff him. The American system of democracy is dead. The presidential campaign is a sideshow to delude the American populace into thinking they still have a choice about what happens.

Intl. Vigils to Free Vanunu, Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower (tags)

Vigils to be held at Israeli embassies, consulates and other sites in cities large and small around the world to call for the immediate and unconditional release of imprisoned Israeli nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, on or around Sept. 30, the 17th anniversary of his kidnapping and imprisonment

BTL:White House Obstructs 9/11 Investigation. (tags)

Interview with David Potorti, cofounder of September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

US Govt Releases 9/11 Report (tags)

"In February 2002, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence agreed to conduct a Joint Inquiry into the activities of the U.S. Intelligence Community in connection with the terrorist attacks perpetrated against our nation on September 11, 2001. This report (available as both S. Rept. 107-351 and H. Rept. 107-792) consists of 832 pages that presents the joint inquiry’s findings and conclusions, an accompanying narrative, and a series of recommendations."


Many of the supposed 9-11 "hijackers" are still alive. Read about it in the linked mainstream media articles.

September 11 commission complains of “intimidation” and stonewalling (tags)

The federal commission investigating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington charged July 8 that its work was being hampered by the reluctance of federal agencies to hand over documents or provide witnesses for unimpeded interview by commission staff.

Criminal Mastermind: Donald Rumsfeld (By the Balls) (tags)

Download the actual Joint Chiefs of Staff Document this article is based on (Adobe PDF):

WAM 20th Anniversary Exhibit (tags)

Exhibit of women artists group be held at California State University, Long Beach from September 14-18, 2003

Gen. Wesley Clark Says White House Pushed Saddam Link Without Evidence (tags)

Sunday morning talk shows like ABC's This Week or Fox News Sunday often make news for days afterward. Since prominent government officials dominate the guest lists of the programs, it is not unusual for the Monday editions of major newspapers to report on interviews done by the Sunday chat shows.

Family Compensation for Miltary Deaths (tags)

There are a few inequities that need to be addressed. I know my fans at Indymedia will help me get the word out. I'm counting on you Diogenes, Sheepdog, and X.

Trading on fear (tags)

Trading on fear From the start, the invasion of Iraq was seen in the US as a marketing project. Selling 'Brand America' abroad was an abject failure; but at home, it worked. Manufacturers of 4x4s, oil prospectors, the nuclear power industry, politicians keen to roll back civil liberties - all seized the moment to capitalise on the war. PR analysts Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber explain how it worked.

9/11 inquiry alleges witness intimidation (tags)

But Steven Push, whose wife died on September 11 and who represents victims' families, said: "I believe that there is stonewalling going on here." He added: "It's beginning to look like some type of a cover-up."

From the September dossier to yesterday's backtrack: a truth-spotter's guide (tags)

Since the Trolls have no shame, like any hired flunky, they will probably dis this, but that's OK. Bush and Blair are still LIARS.

War Dictatorship (tags)

"The US attacked Iraq. The US dictated this war to the whole world. They showed they considered nothing but their national security and their national interests.. This war dictatorship is the dictatorship of arbitrariness and unpredictability."



War Dictatorship (tags)

"The US attacked Iraq. The US dictated this war to the whole world. They showed they considered nothing but their national security and their national interests.." Translated from the German in Utopie kreativ, May 2003

War on terrorism is a fraud (tags)

These are two fine articles from earlier that have been published on Independent Media Center. The first one is about the war on terrorism and the second one is about the oppressive system and what we can do together to make a real change. They interrelate. The first article lay out facts about the violent hegemony of US and the second article present concrete solutions to the situation. Please, take time to read them, print them and distribute them.

The Invisible (Toll of the Terror War and it's Lies) (tags)

The problem goes beyond religion. A new xenophobia is abroad. In Connecticut, a resident told police that he had heard two "Arabs" talking about anthrax. Whereupon police officers arrested two Pakistani men suspected of having had the conversation at a gas station. They also hauled in an Indian businessman who was minding the station temporarily for his uncle, the owner. The man was held for 18 days and then released without charge or compensation.

BREAKING: Captured Al-Qaeda Man was FBI Double Agent (tags)

The American al-Qa'eda operative unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge was first detained in March, and has been used by the FBI for months as a double agent, it was reported yesterday.

Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)

"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."

"Our Religion is called America": Interview with Norman Mailer (tags)

"Now we act as though we rescued these people from terror. There is no reason to eulogize or praise ourselves to the skies. America is not a noble country.. Flag conservatives live in the illusion that America is the good and the only hope for the world."


The world's media has reported that many of the so-called hijackers "fingered" by the FBI are still alive. For example the BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) carried this report,..............

Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Adminastration (tags)

The truth is Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, and they have closer links to the Bush adminastration than they do iraq!!!

This war came from a think tank (tags)

As far back as 1998, ultra right US think tanks had developed and published plans for an era of US world domination, sidelining the UN and attacking Iraq

It's about Oil, according to U.S. officials (tags)

Two articles reveal the true meaning of "security" - please copy/paste into an email and get the word out!

The Project for the New American Century. (tags)

he People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.

Toronto Star Column Hints at a Staged 9/11 as Pretext for War! (tags)

Roll over Chomsky, Corn and Albert! This one's dedicated to those self-proclaimed "anti-conspiratorialists" who won't even hear of the possibility and the REALITY of government/corporate/military conspiracies. Hats off to Landsberg for breaking the code of silence in the official press! Her subtle allusions to the events of 9/11 are to be commended.


The Real News Network ( has selected Jay Bookman's article "The President's Real Goal In Iraq" as the 1st Annual REAL NEWS STORY OF THE YEAR - 2002. Mr. Bookman is the Deputy Editorial Page Editor for the daily newspaper the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Bookman's powerful article revealed, in a mainstream medium no less, that there was and is much more behind the Bush Administration's publicly stated 'anti-terrorism' reasons for intervening in Iraq.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency report into the collapse of World Trade Center Seven is seriously flawed.Flawed to the point where it is considered a JOKE.


Waiting for the next 'Gulf of Tonkin': Greens call the White House's stated reasons for invading Iraq a litany of deception and PR propaganda

Mitre Corp., Warren Buffet, Global Hawk, and September 11, 2001 (tags)

Buffet also markets Biz Jets, which CEO's all over the world are buying up as the latest fad. Of course, this means that Warren Buffet, consumate money launderer and second in wealth in the US only to Mr. William Gates, the very man that may have been at the heart of the play calling on September 11 (he was at least playing along), makes the machines the powerful fly in. Fear of death always works, doesn't it?

The Price of Oil?...War (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein and CounterPunch explode the myths behind the looming Iraq War.

9-11: Bringing it all together (tags)

The NRO, September 11, UAV's, Echelon, ARPANET, the NSA, the Israeli Space Agency, NIMA, Booz-Allen & Hamilton, NASA, Ron Sega, Vince Foster, Global Hawk, TIA, Mitre Corp., Star Wars (SDI), Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia (and his satellite investments), and the NMCI.

From Containment to Pax Americana (tags)

With the NSS, the US government gives a blank check to attack nearly every country on mere suspicion. A policy of possible military preemption hammers the last nail in the coffin of Article 51 of the UN Charter that only allows armed attack.

Defence redefined means securing cheap energy (tags)


9/11 as a False Flag Operation (WBAI Radio, NYC // MP3) (tags)

trying to make sense of 9-11 // an mp3 file of a show aired on WBAI. Runs for about 57 minutes

Bush: Foreign Policy to Take Seriously (tags)

GWB to be taken seriously in the foreign policy arena.

9-11: Global Hawk, Artificial Intelligence, Boeing, DARPA, Echelon, PROMIS, SDI, and NASA (tags)

The September 11 attacks caused disruption for satellite and space companies across the USA. Someone was using some HIGHLY classified frequencies.


Many of the 9-11 "hijackers" are still alive. In fact, it is possible that Arabs had nothing to do with 9-11.

Showdown Iraq (tags)

Opinion Poll

War By Deception (tags)

Mossad and the FBI list of 9-11 Suspects


Apparently, Mainstream Media is starting to (kind of) suggest what many people here have always said: that the Bush Regime was complicit--if not directly responsible--for 9-11. IN this article in the British newspaper, the Guardian, Gore Vidal suggests that the Bush Junta deliberately allowed the 9-11 attacks to occur. Indeed, given the fact that many of the hijackers were trained at secure US military bases in California and Alabama, as well CIA connected flight schools in Florida, one can suggest that Vidal doesn't go far enough. Bush not only knew. Bush did 9-11...

Solidarity Posting for the People of Nepal (tags)

September 2002: A Communication from the Revolutionaries in Nepal on the Current (September 2002) Situation in the Civil War.

Eva Georgia v. Gay & Lesbian Center "Dismissed" (tags)

KPFK General Manager, Eva Georgia's suit against a former employer was thrown out of court today.

All out for OCTOBER 22nd Day of Protest Against Police Brutality (tags)

The call and regional logistics.

9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans (tags)

The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call.

The West as Arrogant, Greedy and Self-Absorbed: Jean Chretien (tags)

"I believe the West is too rich in relation to the poor world. We are inevitably regarded as arrogant, self-absorbed, greedy and boundless. For me, September 11 was a chance to realize this more strongly.".Jean Chretien is the Canadian premier.

Anti-Terrorist Unit Uses Excessive Force On Indigenous Family (tags)

INSET, the RCMP's new post-Sept. 11 anti-terrorist team, which raided my home and office on July 30, continues to target political dissent in Canada. This latest raid, carried out against Native rights activists on Sept. 23, shows more of INSET's true colours. David Barbarash

The Pearl Harbor Lie And September 11 (Oct.5, 2002 version) (tags)

I argue that President Bush may have known in advance of the planned September-11 attacks but may have allowed them to happen (or had them perpetrated himself), and why.

LA IMC TV: The Growing Anti-War Movement on Friday at 6pm on Adelphia Ch. 77 (tags)

LA IMC TV "The Growing Anti-War Movement" will be on Adelphia Channel 77 on Friday September 27, 2002 at 6pm.*

september 11: Thierrry Meyssan's view (tags)

Thierry Meyssan has suffered such abuse on the intenet. Lets hear what he has to say. Here is his speech in abu dhabi

Medical Marijuana Protest in Sacramento on Monday (tags)

Thousands of patients, caregivers, students and concerned citizens will march to the state capital this Monday, Sept 23 to decry the Ashcroft Justice Department’s accelerated war on state approved and licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in California which serve mostly terminally ill patients suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other ailments.

Injunction To Stop LA Music Awards...DENIED! (tags)

The injunction to stop this year's LA Music Awards was Denied! The show will go on!!!

Washington: People's Strike Update (tags)

All the information on the People's Strike activities which will cause a shutdown of the government and downtown businesses of DC on Fri. morn. Sep. 27 and related activites...

Today's Voice: Iraq: (tags)

Voice4Change Changing Hearts and Minds September 16, 2002

Today's Voice: Earth To Bush: NO IRAQ WAR! (tags)

Voice4Change Changing Hearts and Minds September 13, 2002 (tags)

Grassroots citizens' group plans peaceful boycott for Citizenship Day, September 17, 2002.

Families of 9-11 Victims Speak Out: Kelly Campbell (tags)

Short Audio (MP3) clip of Kelly Campbell

9.11.02 176 Peace Events in Seven Countries (tags)

Here's a short summary of a few of the events closer to home.

Is September 11 driving you nuts? (tags)

The people of the United States should rightly remember, and so should the people of the entire world. But the events of the 11th of September 2001 were so powerful, so disturbing, that it would be catastrophic if they were remembered for the wrong reasons.

Greg Palast just added to the Green Reel this weekend! (tags)

This just added: Saturday at 10:30pm - Greg Palast Special Reports for "Newsnight" - Straight from the unfettered broadcasts of the BBC: four powerful segments from "Newsnight" reporter Greg Palast are presented. The theft of the 2000 Presidential election, the malfeasance of criminal corporate political donors, the Bush/Bin Laden connection and the U.S. backed coup d'etat of the Venezuelan government are the subjects taken on in these potent indictments of American hegemony.

LA IMC TV 9.11 (tags)

The LA IMC TV collective's second show, featuring the documentary short "9.11", will be on public access cable TV on Wednesday, September 11. It will be on AT&T channel 43 at 5:00pm. It will be on Adelphia Channel 77 at 6:30pm.

The 2nd Annual Green Reel Film Festival!! (tags)

Only 6 Days Until the 2nd Annual Green Reel Film Festival!!

Call for Video! (tags)

We need your Progressive Video!

TODAY Peace at the SM Beach March, Rallly & Concert (tags)

In memory of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, there will be a Peace march, rally, and concert on Saturday, September 7, in downtown Santa Monica. Peace at the Beach will commence with a gathering at 3:00pm at 3rd Street and Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica. The gathering will begin a march to the Santa Monica Pier at 4:00pm. At 5:00pm, there will be a rally featuring speakers and live music at the end of the Pier.

Daniel Pearl and The Paymaster of 9/11 (tags)

It was supposed to be the key chain of evidence linking the September 11 hijackers to Osama bin Laden - a wire transfer of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. Yet less than five months later, the man initially fingered as the paymaster of 9/11 would be sitting in a Pakistani jail, accused of a wholly different crime - the murder of Daniel Pearl.

Sept. 6 - National Call-in Day to Oppose the RAVE Act! (tags)

Call your senators on Friday, September 6 - National Call-in Day to Oppose the RAVE Act!

9/5LA ILWU Press Conf (tags)

The ILWU has called an emergency press conference on the threat to use troops to break any strike action and/or to run the docks without the union.


In an effort to turn the WSSD's sustainable development goals into profit-making ventures that will "green" its image, the business lobby gathered yesterday for a full program of "Business Day" activities, featuring representatives from notorious environmental destroyers such as Dow Chemical and Syngenta Corporation. They blamed poverty for the woes of the planet and tried to downplay their own abysmal records.

A Week of Dissent Around 9-11 (tags)

They use our fear to keep us silent. It's time to speak up and listen to each other!

Where will you be on September 11? (tags)

Where will you be on September 11? Watching television and getting depressed? Turning off the TV and feeling alone and afraid? Attending an official commemoration marked by flag-waving and the glorification of war?

Protest War and Resident Bush with Sidewalk Chalk (tags)

Call for Anti-war, anti-terror, Chalking Action!


The following post is for the October 22nd coalition that is planning demonstrations against police brutality in cities across the U.S. Check the new call and contacts in your area.

2nd Call for Info Chalking Action (tags)

Sidewalk Chalk and a message!

Planning Events for NOT IN OUR NAME 06 (tags)




Nonviolent Communication workshop: 9-11 anniversary (tags)

A basic introduction to Nonviolent Communication and respond to terrorism. PLACE: The Peace Center, 8124 W. Third Street, Los Angeles - free parking in the back DATE & TIME: Saturday, September 7, 2002 from 9 AM to 2 PM, COST: donation requested

Call for anti-war Chalking Action! (tags)

Sidewalk Chalk and a message!

[LACN] Reminder - Illegal Arts Month (tags)

- (tags)

Grassroots organization plans protest of attacks on constitutional freedoms for Ciitizenship Day, September 17, 2002.

Caterpillar Corporation: Complicit in war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza. (tags)

On June 24, the SUSTAIN Campaign, Free Palestine Alliance, and the Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine sent a letter to the Caterpillar Corporation calling for a halt of all equipment sales to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). To date, Caterpillar has not responded. A international campaign to expose Caterpillar's complicity in Israel's war crimes and pressure the Peoria, Illinois based equipment manufacturer to stop all sales to the IDF is now underway.

Sep - Oct Attacks? (tags)

Will there be a next phase of the war on terrorism?

To Attempt Shut Down of 9/11 Evidence (tags)

UQ Wire: DOJ To Attempt Shut Down of 9/11 Evidence Thursday, 11 July 2002, 6:53 pm

Israel, ICC and Iraq (tags)

Today in Global Observer you can find articles about Israel, the International Criminal Court, Iraq and american foreign policy after september 11.

The Russians Are Coming (tags)

The Russians Are Coming


The Bush family may be more dangerous now than ever.

September 11, 2001 were sponsored by Israel with assistance from the US military (tags)

Independent investigator Carol Valentine(Footnote 86) has written several persuasive articles concluding that the suicide plane crashes on September 11, 2001 were sponsored by Israel with assistance from the US military

Henry the Great on September 11 (tags)

Henry Kissinger posts the Anti-Terror battleplan at at 9:04 pm on September 11. When did he write it?

Was there a knock on your door? (tags)

Tell us about cases where people have been called or visited by members of a law enforcement agency after September 11 for expressing political dissent.

Chomsky Blasts WEF From Brazil (tags)

PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil - Noam Chomsky arrived here for the World Social Forum (WSF) and immediately blasted the World Economic Forum (WEF) in New York as power-hogging, anti-global, and linked to "crude and vulgar" exploitation of the September 11 attacks.



Bin Laden Met with the CIA in July and Walked Away (tags)


The Nuclear Power Industry and the true cost of The Price-Anderson Act (tags)

The Nuclear Power Industry and the true cost of The Price-Anderson Act

International Action Center - "Peace Activists" with a Secret Agenda (tags)

A critical look at the Stalinist cult behind the International Action Center and the ANSWER coalition.

S.D. Peace Activists Discuss Post-9/11 “Global Turning Point” (tags)

Over 100 San Diegans attended a six-hour “Movement-Building Workshop” sponsored by the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice November 18 in Balboa Park. Much of the discussion revolved around the long-term ambitions of the Right to use the crisis atmosphere after September 11 to smash civil liberties and silence Left-wing dissent once and for all. Also discussed were racist or religiously-motivated attacks against Arab-Americans and Muslim Americans, and what the intense patriotic fervor sparked by September 11 — symbolized by U.S. flag displays — means for the future of anti-war activism in this country.

SDSU event - After September 11th (tags)

Monday, November, 12th, 2001 at SDSU students, faculty, staff and community members participated in a series of lectures and workshops organized around the theme of "After September 11th: Reflecting on the Past, Imaging the Future."

Call To Action Against the WB/IMF and G20 in Ottawa (tags)

Global Democracy Ottawa (GDO), has issued a Call To Action against the upcoming meetings of the World Bank, the IMF and the G20 to be held in Ottawa. GDO is working on housing, legal, medical and food resources for any groups planning on coming to Ottawa.

PLAN Conference for Progressive Activists Draws 350+ From Over 160 Groups (tags)

LA, October 21. Saturday, hundreds of activists from over 160 different organizations came together for the first comprehensive political gathering since the terrorist attacks on September 11th. Originally, a 6-month progress report on how those commitments were faring was a major rationale for the planning of this conference, but the planners and presenters did an admirable job of reorienting their focus to deal with the radically changed and highly fluid circumstances in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

Censorship of news in wartime is still censorship (tags)

The US administration began hacking at the foundations of the first amendment while the dust was still settling on the ruins of the World Trade Center, writes Veronica Forwood, chairwoman of the British branch of Reporters Sans Frontieres

Mumia sound file on 9-11 and racism (tags)

SOUND FILE BY MUMIA ABU-JAMAL ON 9-11 Mumia Abu-Jamal's comments on racist acts against Muslims and others in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 200l.

Afghan King Asks US to 'Spare Innocents' (tags)

Former King Mohammad Zaher Shah: "Although we recognise the United States' legitimate right to pursue and seek justice against those who perpetrated the criminal acts of September 11, our paramount objective is the safety, integrity and dignity of the Afghan nation and the Afghan territory… We urge the United States and its allies to respect the territorial integrity of Afghanistan and the safety and the life of our innocent people."

Fast Tracks backers use September 11 (tags)

Trading on Terror: Fast Tracks backers use September 11 to renew free-trade push.

UPDATE: UNOCAL still pushing Afghanistan pipelines (tags)

So much for the PR

Protests in Washington (tags)

Video: Travis Fox / Reporter: Christina Pino-Marina /

Sep 29-30 Nationwide listing of antiwar protests/meetings/vigils (tags)

No War For "Revenge"! - website for antiwar movements, legal information & news across the country. **URL: Since some events may change or cancel without advance notice, PLEASE PLEASE call and check with the event organizer before you go. To announce your protest, links, or good information, please send to: or

September 23 Pioneer Press Defamed Khalid al-Mihammadi (tags)

Any face with an Arab name attached to it will do in the rush to find Arab suspects in the September 11 highjackings and terror attacks.

LA Peace Calendar (tags)

September 27, 2001 Update

After Genoa and New York (tags)

The following analysis of the "leadership" and direction of the antiglobalization movement was written before the events of September 11, 2001 in New York City and Washington D.C. It was prepared as something to consider prior to the IMF/World Bank meetings originally scheduled in DC at the end of September. The events of Genoa, and the entire agenda of the movement, have been moved off center-stage by the attacks and the US Government response to them. The main body of the text has been left in its original form; an attempt to understand the new situation is briefly presented at the end as an addendum.

Brooklyn Terrorist Safe House Raided by FBI and DEA (tags)

NY reporter exposes terrorist safe house and drug network operating in Brooklyn, NY. FBI and DEA raid safe house arresting family members for WTC bombing activities and drug trafficking.


Come to a Candlelight Vigil sponsored by LA's Japanese American community, calling for the preservation of our Civil Rights and an end to Hate Crimes against the Arab American community.

LA Peace Calendar (tags)

A listing of some peace related events in Southern California

Over 200 San Diegans Gather to Protest U.S. War Plans (tags)

Over 200 San Diegans gathered at Horton Plaza September 22 for a rally and march with four major themes: condemnation of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S.; a call for a response based on peace and justice; an end to scapegoating of Arab-Americans and Muslim Americans; and protection of U.S. citizens' civil liberties during the crisis.

Marchers Across Europe Protest Against Possible Strikes (tags)

A girl holding a leaflet joins some 4,000 peace supporters in an anti-war vigil across the street from British Prime Minister Tony Blair's London residence on September 22, 2001. The U.S. is asembling a massive military force in the Gulf and Indian Ocean for a possible on Afghanistan. REUTERS/Chris Helgren


WESTWOOD FEDERAL BLDG. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 “Stop The War” protest to send the message: No war moves, including military raids, actions, attacks or intervention by the U.S. or its “allies” Stop racist and xenophobic attacks now Oppose attacks on civil liberties and labor, immigrant & political rights

Long Beach May Day Update (tags)

Updates about the current status of cout cases resulting from the May Day 2001 police riot in Down Town Long Beach

US role in WTC attacks - Investigation called for (tags)

Evidence is mounting that the Bush administration may have deliberately provoked a terrorist attack on the U.S. as a means of justifying its plans to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with a puppet government friendly to gas and oil development in the region.

SEPTEMBER 1, 1939 (tags)

Defenseless under the night Our world in stupor lies; Yet, dotted everywhere, Ironic points of light Flash out wherever the Just Exchange their messages:

Anti-Capitalist Convergence Issues New Call to Action (tags)

The Anti-Capitalist Convergence is continuing our mobilization in Washington DC September 24 through October 1. We are calling for a march against the growing capitalist war on Saturday morning September 29th and invite all those interested in creating a world free from terror, hate, racism, poverty and war to demonstrate our unity and vision for a better world.

San Diego Vigil (tags)

Peace Vigil in San Diego at Horton Plaza Saturday, Sept. 22 at 2:00 PM If the U.S. uses force before Saturday, there will be a demonstration that day at 5 p.m., at the above location.



Saturday Anti-War March Meeting and Report On Said Meeting (tags)

Date and Times of Rally and commentary on tonights meeting.

Town Hall Meeting on 9-11, tonight at 7pm (tags)

Come to tonight's town hall meeting at the Immanuel Presbytarian church at 3300 Wishire Blvd, in the Chi Chester Chapel, at 7pm.

IAC Sept.29 Planning Meeting this Wednesday (tags)

Now is the time for all people of conscience to join together. If you believe in civil liberties for all, if you oppose the scapegoating of our sister and brother communities, if you oppose war, join us on September 29th in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.



S29 - Tell Bush: NO to Racism and War (tags)

S29 - Tell Bush: NO to Racism and War - A Message from the International Action Center

Sell Your Corporate Stock for PEACE! SUFFER THROUGH PEACE - NOT WAR! (tags)

Sell Your United States Corporate Stock for PEACE! (And before they are worth less.) 911 - 2001 An EMERGENCY call asking for HELP in STOPPING U.S. World Capitalistic and Militaristic Domination.

Statement from the Afghan Women's Mission (tags)

The Afghan Women's Mission statement includes important background information about the terrible conditions in Afghanistan.

Taco Bell Truth Tour Postponed (tags)

Public Statement Date: 9/12/2001 From:

Laura Flanders: September 11: Live reports from Manhattan... (tags)

September 11: Live reports from Manhattan...

Los Angeles International Airport September 11, 2001(REUTERS/Jim Ruymen ) (tags)

Runways and roadways are devoid of activity as some 178 commercial aircraft sit idle at Los Angeles International Airport September 11, 2001, in the wake of terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

Global Exchange's Statement on the violence of September 11 (tags)

Global Exchange's statement on the the violent events of September 11. Followed by an announcement of a vigil that was held in San Francisco on the evening of September 11.

Freedom Fest for Mumia (tags)

Freedom Fest for Mumia - Saturday, September 15, 2001, noon - 6p.m., Lemeirt Park


Largest Los Angeles mass mobilization since the Democratic Convention, set for September 29, gains momentum; receives solidarity statement from Colombia

Letter to the editor, LA Times (tags)

Corrects disinformation in today's newspaper

A Call for a Student Strike- 09/28 (tags)

On Friday, September 28, 2001- a call for a student strike.

Dome Village Labor Day Stand Down (tags)

Dome Village is excited to host its second Veterans Stand Down to serve Homeless Veterans in Downtown Los Angeles this Labor Day, September 3, 2001, from 7am to 7pm. This will be a high profile event, showcasing how Los Angeles businesses and community leaders working together can help the Veterans that have served this country to get back on their feet. To accomplish this, we will be offering the 300 Homeless Veterans anticipated food and clothing, services and information to help them become self-sustaining.

WRFG 89.3 FM 100,000 Watts Airs Key News in Farm Crisis:Middle America's Crisis! (tags)

This is a rough transcript from today's broadcast of our 100,000 watt radio station. Heather Gray has done work in interviewing a wide range of human-rights activists. Including people who work with her at the 12 state Federation of Southern Cooperatives: an outgrowth of the Civil Rights Movement that took seed in 1967.

S-25 Show Taco Bell What Democracy Looks Like! (tags)

S-25 Shut Down Taco Bell corporate headquarters in Irvine, CA


The largest mass mobilization in Southern California since the Democratic National Convention protests ihas momentum building behind it as activists announce a July 20 planning meeting at CARECEN. NO TO THE FTAA, NO TO PLAN COLOMBIA are issues included in the recently released "Call."

urgent: S26 outlawed / open letter to V Havel (tags)

Prague authorities have revoked permits for all street demonstrations on September 26th. This obvious abuse of power probably won't stop the thousands of activists gearing up to disrupt the IMF/World Bank meetings next week. Activists from around the globe can also help out by signing the open protest letter to Czech President Vaclav Havel (once political prisoner himself), and by faxing it to his office and/or sending email. ©copyLEFT

Gore/Lieberman are back in California to pander for votes (tags)

The Demorats are coming to California. Let's Protest!

D2K Legal Struggles Continue, Join Broader Battles (tags)

Activists meet to continue organizing in support of those facing criminal charges from D2K and those brining civil lawsuits, and join together in the larger, ongoing battle for police accountability.

radio free palms: palestinian right of return panel (tags)

palestinian right of return panel audio net cast

September Portable Calendar (tags)

The Activists Hand Calendar for September.

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