fix articles 3600, love Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : love


The Way Out (tags)

Peace can and should be lived - now and by all of us, regardless of the often wrong decisions made by those in power. Small communities in which traumas are dealt with and loving interaction with one another is practiced can become the seeds of something new that can help this often seemingly hopeless world to heal.

Society of the self-righteous and Realizing Love (tags)

Love does not want to be owned. It does not allow itself to be put in chains or locked up in a museum. Love does not belong to anyone. It is there for everyone. The more we give it, the greater it becomes. We don't have to do anything but open the door to it. Our own resistance alone can keep love out.

The Humor of Jesus (tags)

Jesus made fun of individualism and profit-oriented economic systems. Winning people to trust the infinite, invisible and transcendent God was surely his central goal. “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?”“No sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s consent..."

The Poetization of the World and Behind the Curtain (tags)

When the poet says "autumn," he can mean a season but at the same time he can also mean melancholy, farewell, decline, the dying of a happy love affair (inside). Schelling had already praised this capacity "What we call nature is a poem that is locked in secret, wonderful writing."

Look for me in Rainbows (tags)

A Saturday Night

Look for me in Rainbows (tags)

Margret Christine Okeke (age 70) ........Rest in Peace!....we will remember you forever. Loving mother of 5 children, wife, neighbor and friend. We miss you!

Favorite Poetry Lines And Paragraphs (tags)

brief and powerful lines

The Three Weeks: Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, Mourning Or Redemption? (tags)

Pro-BDS, IslamoFascist Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and PalestiNazi Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) intended to go to visit Israel and the “Palestinian territories” in a few weeks.

Bein HaMetzarim – The Three Weeks – Mourning or Redemption? (tags)

Has the Israeli government lost it’s mind? The government recently decided to let IslamoFascist Ilhan Omar and PalestiNazi Rashida Tlaib enter Israel.

USA Man-Living Country Woman Hating (tags)

They force girls to love men.

12 Step Programs Free Me From Addiction (tags)

My Name is Freedom

Peace in the Park 2017 – Summer of Love Edition! (tags)

One speaker described this event as the antithesis of the recent hate demonstrations.

LA Solidarity Protest Rally For Japanese American Apparel Workers Who Face Loss (tags)

American Apparel Workers Union Japan

Westside Thanksgiving for everyone in LA ! (tags)

Best FREEE turkey event ever in West LA - for every-any one .. it's even on bus routes and there is a a van to help those who need transportation to North campus of Veterans Administration grounds. NOV 24 11 am to 3pm . Great generous foods, hair cuts, clothes, kiddie events, music, lots of love and caring from volunteers.

Sylvia Opens October 21 at Odyssey Theatre; Tanna Frederick Stars (tags)

Tanna Frederick stars in "Sylvia"

Fbi fights for power and glory (tags)

This parable captures the reality of two worlds forged by fbi, one where fbi controls the love song and the other where fbi delivers the death blow.

Sylvia Opens October 13 at Odyssey Theatre; Tanna Frederick Stars (tags)

Tanna Frederick stars in "Sylvia"

Sylvia Opens October 12 at Odyssey Theatre; Tanna Frederick Stars (tags)

Tanna Frederick stars in "Sylvia"

Public to share the love to get rescued lions home to Africa (tags)

ADI is inviting the public to visit, share the love and help get the 33 lions home

New York Times Editors Love Ruthless Despots (tags)


The fake sincerity of pro-Palestinian commentators (tags)

Politicians, professors and journalists alike carry on mindlessly suggesting untenable immoral prescriptions that ostensibly help the Palestinians but which in fact brings about their demise.

Thoughts Of John Clifford Lehman Jr (tags)

John Lehman (1955 to 1991) was a philosopher, a humorist, a comic.

Pacific Radio Discovers Audio Of Speech by Dr King To London Audience (tags)

Pacific Radio has discovered audio tape of a speech Dec 7 1964 Dr Martin Luther King gave in London days before his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize as the youngest recipient ever at that time. It is in audio at and in text at

George Harrison, Steve Jobs, And Paramahansa Yogananda (tags)

Los Angeles was the second home to the great yogi Paramahansa Yogananda who opened up the first US vegetarain restaurant here, who brought meditation and yoga to the West. He died at the Ambassador Hotel.

Out of the Darkness: UN's (and often State's) hidden agenda. (tags)

Brief discussion on linkedin describing UN's human rights omissions from international human rights law.

New Zine on Activist Collective Living (tags) A new zine on living in an activist collective intentional community written as a practical guide with tools and references to assist in achieving a more sustainable approach to strategies and tactics for reaching goals

Can Pope Francis End Forced Celibacy for Preists? (tags)

The recent report from the U.N. implicates the Catholic Church in enabling priests who abuse and sexually molest children to evade the law and consequences. Maybe Pope Francis can help repeal the dictate of forced celibacy in priests by recgnizing their natural human need for sexual relations with another adult human being. It is unnatural and a form of psychological torture to expect a human male to be celibate for their entire practiced profession. The need for sex that is suppressed can emerge in abberant forms like pedophilia.

Dorothee Soelle: Teacher of God and Prophetess (tags)

Twenty years ago Dorothee Soelle warned of that totalitarian religion in North America that is in power today. She spoke of “Christo-fascism” and meant the “Christian” glossing over a capitalist system that goes along with murder, exploitation and destruction.

Marianne Wiliamson Challenging Henry Waxman For Congressional Seat (tags)

Noted spiritual author Marianne Williamson whose books include interpretations of the Course In Miracles is challenging Henry Waxman for a California congressional seat.

Career-accelerator Narcissism (tags)

Narcissism has nothing to do with self-love since the narcissist cannot love anyone, not even himself. Rather narcissism involves self-infatuation. The narcissist has a craving for superficial love and affection as an addict is driven by longing for hollow feelings...

The Homeless: Violence, Love, and Illness in the Streets (tags)


love for mexico (tags)

love for people

Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs? (tags)


Congressional candidate Kyrsten Sinema (tags)

Did you know that Congressional candidate Kyrsten Sinema authored a bill to put a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana???

Mitt "47% Victims" Romney Reveals His Allegiance to Wealthy (tags)

Despite his attempts to appeal to the 100%, Mitt Romney spoke his mind and heart by showing disregard for the 47% of people whom HE (NOT US) considers to be victims who want to live on welfare for their natural lives. If anyone is promoting class warfare it is Mr. Romney himself by appealing to the wealthy elites who will fund his commercials.


American films, largely absent in recent years, made a startling comeback to the 69th Venice Film Festival this month with a vivisection of an American society whose moral restraints have become as elastic as a worn rubber band, a malaise which, like American culture, has infected many parts of the world.

Chris Hassett: Queer Activist, Teacher Tells Stories in Music (tags)

San Diego Queer folksinger Chris Hassett released his most recent CD, "This I Promise You," last May. It's a collection of 11 songs, mostly quiet and understated but with country, rock, pop and jazz influences reflecting Hassett's broad musical tastes. Zenger's Newsmagazine interviewed Hassett in late June and discussed the album, as well as gossiping about musicians ranging from Willard Robison to Lady Gaga.

Israelis and Iranians Against War (tags)


We are all Greeks (tags)

"We are all Greeks. We are all subjects whose subjectivity is simply being flattened by the steamroller of a history determined by the movement of the money markets. Or so it seems and so they would have it."

Video Tsunami of Rationality I (tags)

The expression of joy of a former Muslim turned an atheist and a humanist on his liberation from shackles of Islam.

Nine Days with Mother (tags)

In this pioneering article from the December 1968 issue of Vector, an early Queer publication, Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence, J.D. tells his coming-out story and advises other Queer people on how to come out. Four months after this article was published, Leo co-founded the Gay Liberation Front in San Francisco and led the first demonstration against a private employer for anti-Queer discrimination in U.S. history in March 1969, three months BEFORE Stonewall.

Epilogue to a Life: Dorothee Soelle (tags)

Dorothee Soelle combined political activism and mysticism, unconventional thinking and passion for life. This epilogue written by her partner, the theologian and former Benedictine monk Fulbert Steffensky, reveals the feistyness and childlikeness of the liberation theologian.

BTL:Mother of 9/11 Victim Transforms her Grief into Universal Prayer for Peace and Love (tags)

Interview with Anne McGrath Mulderry, steering group member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Scott Harris

Seeking Locations For New Guide To LA's Assholes! (tags)

Let Us know Who Is Noir In Our City Of Angels

To our people (tags)

With love

Jesus' Nonviolence (tags)

Jesus' way is a third way, not the warrior cult or indifference but nonviolent resistance. Jesus himself is the auto-basileia and auto-aletheia of God, the fulfillment of the land promise to Israel. Jesus did not stop at words but drove out the moneychangers and traders.

Abolish Teenage Sexual Abstinence (tags)

The truth about the destructive effects of teenage sexual abstinence has been suppressed for more than 100 years. Religions have promoted unhealthy attitudes toward sexuality for thousands of years. The truth must be heard, and honest dialogue encouraged.

Venice Homeless Harassed by LAPD, CD11 Rosendahl, backed by City Attorneys Office (tags)

Venice, Homeless, RVs, Harassment, or Town Hall,

beliving in the power of love (tags)


Through the Eyes of the Fans (tags)

Book and Documentary Project Provides Unique Perspective of Michael Jackson.

The Harmony Project (tags)

The Harmony Project is a way for individuals and small groups to directly and positively change the world and themselves –– with a minimum of effort. It's a simple,uncomplicated and powerful way for individuals to positively change consciousness.

Letter from Traci to Mina and Malcom (tags)

Note; We published the letter of Traci to the family of John Delloro, a union leader who passed away unexpectedly. We pay tribute to this great guy -Editors) Saturday, June 5, 2010 Dearest Mina and Malcolm, I'm sure this finds you alongside a large pile of notes, letters, and cards on your dad for you and your mom. I wanted to share some thoughts with you - thoughts that will surely live among an infinite number of countless stories that so many of us out here in the world have about your dad. I hope they all reach you, hold and lift you with the love we have for him and all of you. This is just one of an innumerable many.

Keep Venice Streets Free for All (tags)

Prevent Venice parking permit and vehicle height restrictions proposed implementation on public streets. Keep Venice free for all members of our community. Current settlement of anti-homeless group does not represent the majority of Venice. Venice is love. Love is free. Keep Venice Free.

Pianeta di Amore Planet of Love Planeta lásky 愛的行星 Planeet van Liefde Planet of Love Плане (tags)

Radical global performative action: how 'bout a hug?

all you need is love (tags)

Love is all you need

What Makes Jewelry An Ideal Gift (tags)

A small piece of a jewelry item is worth a dazzling smile on the face of the special person. Be it Christmas, New Year, Birthday, Thanks Giving Day or any other occasion, jewelry is a special gift and its charm will never fade.

Love Is The Answer (tags)

The Mastery of Life requires a sincere, complete and total belief in LOVE as being the answer to all questions and the solution to all problems - t

The Reaction Will Be Televised (tags)

If you want to stop their Beckistas, unplug their televisions.


What I am going to share with you now is known through your I AM Presence and is recorded within the deepest recesses of your heart

Michael Moore’s Movie ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ a Must See (tags)

Michael Moore’s movie, ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ will be a shocking revelation to the millions of Americans who believe in capitalism; however, socialists will understand that ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ does not reveal the ultimate danger and damage that capitalism is wreaking on the working class and world economies on a global scale.

Alexander: Go See “Capitalism, a Love Story” (tags)

Michael Moore’s movie, “Capitalism, a Love Story” will be a shocking revelation to the millions of Americans who believe in capitalism; however, socialists will understand that “Capitalism, a Love Story” does not reveal the ultimate danger and damage that capitalism is wreaking on the working class and world economies on a global scale.

Heather Forbes LCSW (tags)

Heather Forbes was a successful architect, then she started a family and qualified as an LCSW.

The Fifteen Major Tests Of The Spiritual (tags)

A Course In Miracles states that there is only one problem in life, and that is separation from God. In truth, we have never been or will ever be separate. This is illusion.

10 Ways To Creat Peace In Our World (tags)

"We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization," King said. Here are 10 real ways you can cultivate deep in yourself the loving peace you want to see in the core of the world.

God's Power and Powerlessness (tags)

"The stock market conditioned destruction of jobs widens into a new atom bomb of our days through which the social and cultural peace in the one world is destroyed..Jesus told parables, lives as God's parable and enables believers to be God's parables.."

From Obsuristan to Absurdistan: Barbarism or Human Future (tags)

Individual security can be emphasized so global vision fades. Half-truths and fish stories carry the day. "Communism is oppression of many by man and capitalism is just the reverse." Our challenge is to reawaken wonder and interdependence, to consider the way of nonviolent resistance.

I can't get no...SATISFACTION! (tags)

THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERY ABERRATION OF BEHAVIOR IMAGINABLE. But is that place for us? As individuals? We decide. NOONE ELSE. If it's not our thing why do it or bother to look at it? Curiousity

Inland Empire Resists Supreme Court's legitimization of Discrimination (tags)

In response to the California State Supreme Court's hate crime of a ruling upholding proposition 8, the homophobic proposition that repealed the right to same sex marriage, the community of the Inland Empire joined together to demonstrate our resistance to the decision with a boisterous rally.

creating the new world (tags)

Very important, because in each heart, this Love is powerful. But this Love is also as powerful as it is disregarded. So, we are trying to make you know it better, feel it better.

You are the ONE (tags)

In short, YOU ARE THE ONE CREATOR GOD. All that is, and all that is not. Think about this for a second. Being the energy of pure consciousness. This consciousness had great intelligence, wisdom and compassion.

It’s Time For You To Wake Up! (tags)

Ask yourself, do you have fear about what other people think of you? Are you worried about your reputation? Why? How do you see yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Is there anything that you would change about yourself

The Face of Love (tags)

So dear and special friend... delve into that treasure house within your own soul to get the resources to change your life into day by day magnificence and bliss

A Mass Awakening in Process (tags)

WE Love you with the Highest Love, Honor and Respect. WE Love you Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God/Amon Ra, ALL your Family of Light, ALL your Angels

Kamala Devi: "Bliss Coach" Lives and Teaches the Love of More than One (tags)

What if you can't love just one person? What if you can only be completely expressive of your romantic and sexual potential, and fulfill your own and your partners' needs, with more than one relationship partner? San Diego-based "bliss coach" Kamala Devi not only lives in "polyamory" -- a multiple-partner romantic and sexual lifestyle -- but she works with other people who want to adopt a polyamorous lifestyle and handle the problems it can raise.

Messages of love~ listen to your heart (tags)

Ah, what a great gift this angel has given you, the gift of silence, a treasure beyond all imagining, and the power to give it to yourself whenever you choose.

Everyone Must See the Film Che! (tags)

After watching Che, my love for this great hero of the revolution has been completely renewed.


Dear Brothers & Sisters, We all need to pray for one another, and to love oneanother. We should always pray for the safety, peace,love and brotherhood for people all over the world. Too bad we can't have an independence day for theentire world

quantum leap (tags)

Calling all light workers- The time is now. It’s up to all of us that have been a wake for a while- to stay in love and light. All those millions of people around the world who helped raise the vibration in many cases

Rev. Billy on Black Friday (tags)

this is something he sent out. it's not related to the man who was killed at walmart.

Live, Love, Unite!" (tags)

live love unite follow your heart and make it right

Just for today (tags)

Anti-Proposition 8 Protests in San Diego (tags)

The statewide wave of protests against the passage of anti-Queer, anti-marriage, anti-family Proposition 8 hit San Diego November 7 and 8 with a nighttime rally in Balboa Park November 7 and a march from Hillcrest to North Park, through San Diego's most Queer neighborhoods, the next day.


Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing yourself is Enlightenment

Trust yourself, Be The ONE (tags)

Let life be a meditation. Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose love, feel the heart. Dont resist your Deep heart Disires, its like a song, It is You. You know what you love. This is the easy way to heaven

The Bush B.S. 700 Billion Bail Out Plan, or, "Let THEM FALL!" (tags)

This is my commentary on the current situation of the fear tactics being used by the current adminstration to attempt to "cow-down" the American public that each and every American Family MUST cough up $10,300.00 EACH to bail out the American Economy.

The Angels on the Economy by Doreen Virtue (tags)

Economic conditions are more affected by human beliefs and expectations, than by oil prices or political concerns. This is true for you personally, as well as for everyone globally. Your personal finances are greatly influenced by your expectations and emotions

81 spiritual thought by baba (tags)

You are not a mere man, but God Himself. Do not be under the delusion that God is residing somewhere and that you have to search for Him God is within you

David's Daily, Day Journal Of A Freelance Reporter, 09/12/08 (tags)

According to the people who work with the homeless in Los Angeles, the problem of homelessness is getting worse, much, much worse, not better. According to one source, "We are seeing people we have never seen before, full time students from very good schools like USC and UCLA, full time working singles who cannot afford to pay the high rents in Los Angeles, Grandmothers, the elderly, with retirement incomes, forced out of their apartments by the ever escalating rents, even during a time when housing prices are spiraling downward, the inflated rents of Los Angeles keep going ever higher, not lower."

Celebrate Constitution Day On The 221st Anniversary Of The US Constitution (tags)

Tell her you still love her after all these years. Who? The Constitution! Join us 17 September 7PM in Los Feliz

Love of Place vs. Patriotism (tags)

Americanism creates anti-Americanism.

A Message to You from Mary (tags)

Dear Ones, I have not come forth to teach you anything new, nor to show you THE WAY or THE TRUTH, for that is within each of you and always has been. I simply come to stir recognition to some long forgotten memories

John McCain Ridicules 200000 Berliners Chanting Barack Obama Obama (tags)

Where up is down, and day is night.

Some thoughts on "patriotism" written on July 4 (tags)

Incidentally, the American soldiers who have refused to serve in Iraq are the ONLY ones with the Rule of Law on their sides. The rest have only duty, patriotism on theirs ...

The Nature of the Christian Faith and the New Atheism (tags)

New atheism fights against fundamentalism, human religion, sees all violence as the product of faith, doesn't recognize the positive good in the church and theology and conflates all faith with fundamentalist literalism and reductionism. That Jesus is the way means no mone is alone.

Don White Presente...With Love (tags)

I have memories of Don....on a bus to a border event. Making sure that everyone had water. Making sure everyone on the bus had his cell number in case something should happen to anyone. Making sure that we were all accounted for on the way back.

Obama vs. The Lobby (tags)

The fact that Obama places American interests above Israeli/Zionist Appeasement should be reason enough to support him.

George Bush Leona Lewis sing Bleeding Love to Jenna Bush (tags)

From sadist to proud papa in under 60 seconds.

Awakening of consciousness (tags)

reality which seems to be just an illusion created from a system of beliefs which keeps us powerless

on the path of light (tags)

Welcome to the mutual study of ancient wisdom, here we are exploring the limits of our reality. We are a group that goes by the name Procyonlotor, the majority of our group observes from the non-physical dimension

Love a Snitch for Progress (tags)

Snitches get stitches. Is there a better way?

divine inspiration (tags)

from me and the book of truth it is say the one who falow the spirit shall become imortal.we all have the power of creating the reality we want. the pivot is the use of the law of atraction this universal law of life visualise you self in the place you want

VIDEO: "This government, using corporate media, is laying the groundwork for a murder (tags)

The new video features a shortened slide show presentation of the newly discovered crime scene photos taken by press-photographer Pedro Polakoff, as well as Pam Africa, David A. Love, Linn Washington Jr, and Dave Lindorff. Also interesting is the exchange between the Reuters journalist covering the press conference, and the panel, as he questions them about why it took so long for the photos to emerge publicly as they are now.

I'm kidding (tags)

This is just a joke, folks. No one in their right mind would try to

Jesus Christ Martin Luther King John Lennon Sarah Dylan Peace Dreamers (tags)

They showed us the way to everlasting peace on earth.

College of Christ Consciousness (tags)


Mahatma Gandhi (tags)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Hearts for Makwan. Hearts for a world without homophobie. (tags)

The executioners broke Makwan’s body and took his breath away for ever. But Makwan is now a symbol and symbols cannot die.

Muslim Scholars and Leaders move towards The World Peace Religion (tags)

A giant leap in the right direction.

Shifting Targets (tags)

The power of love is greater than the love of power. The power of nonviolence is greater than the power of irrational violence.



Faith is More than Morality (tags)

With Jesus, there are only two models and two basic movements that ethically train a person. One leads from the heart of a person outwards in ever-greater distance. The other leads downwards from the heights where one stands. The first is loving. The second is descending.

Jeremiah: True Prophets and False Prophets (tags)

Jesus says to us: there is something greater than your heart and your head. I call it: God's reign. Happiness and fulfillment can be found beyond the borders of your life. The word of God comforts hearts without shattering rocks. Jorg Zink has been a German pastor for 50 years.

The expression of the subversive love of the Cuban revolution (tags)

Not only have you graduated as medical doctors, but also as humanists. You have learned what it means to practice international solidarity and have understood the reality of preventive and healing medicine in a socio-political context. This brings to reality the much celebrated phrase of José Martí: Homeland is Humanity.

Eric McDavid Update - Fundraising, Trial Dates, and Eric Says... (tags)

Matching funds, Eric says, and more...

Love Thy Neighbor (tags)

In New York City, Afrocentric blacks and liberal whites fight over the image of Africa.

Stonewall: Reclaiming The Legacy (tags)

An article about pride and the legacy of stonewall

My poverty (tags)

All mine was thine before thou hadst this more

LA Gay Pride has 1st Transgender Programming (tags)

For the first time ever, Christopher Street West is hosting transgender events inside the festival.

Film Review: The Piracy of the “Pirates: On the World’s End” (tags)

What I enjoy with Hollywood is that it has a license to do everything with anything. Like the voyages of the pirates that went awry from Southeast Asian port of Singapore to the icy poles and to the sea of legendary Hades. They were quiet on the fact by piracy, England and Holland built their empires on the skulls and bones of their victims at the sea. Try to visit Amsterdam and you can see the monuments to the Dutch pirates who colonized a lot of nations like Indonesia also called the Dutch East Indies for the Netherland

From Historic Jamestown, VA to the Endgame (tags)

Virginia is steeped in history. Recently, I decided to take in Jamestown. It sits on the James River, not far from the Chesapeake Bay. Founded in 1607, by the Brits, it almost went the way of the lost colony of Roanoke. However, Captain John Smith, a so-called “commoner,” saved the day. By the time, the Native Americans leaders figured out what a mortal threat the British interlopers posed to them, it was too late for them to do anything about it.

Urgent - Eric McDavid in Need of Funds for Legal Fees (tags)

After paying for all of Eric's legal fees for over a year, his family is in need of assistance. His trial date is approaching and the legal fees are mounting. We need to raise $15,000 to ensure that Eric's legal fees - lawyer, investigators, etc - are covered through trial.

The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution (tags)

The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution and the solution for everlasting peace on Earth.

Theology of Tenderness (tags)

The weakness of God is stronger than men (1Cor1,25). The soft will overcome the hard (Lao-Tse)..What is usually regarded as important in the world fades into insignifi-cance. Here tenderness is subversion! The last becomes first and the first becomes last

Christmas Sermon (tags)

For you, the Savior is born today. He comes first to you and the people living in the shadows. The healthy and successful often do not understand that the world needs him, that it needs God's love and mercy. They are often blinded by their efficiency and success

wakup or die alive (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

a wish of life from the one and ony one (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

Colorado City police chief pledged devotion to leader of polygamist sect (tags)

Fred Barlow the top cop in Colorado City wrote a letter pledging love and allegiance to Warren Jeffs the leader of a FLDS sect on the Arizona Utah border.

Elton John Backed by The World Peace Religion (tags)

Only we can because the other religions command the killing of all non group members in their Holy Bibles.

World Peace Religion Lambastes U.N. Report of Alliance of Civilizations (tags)

Once again the UN drops the ball.

OAXACA Worldwide, Photos and text for flyer (tags)

Flyer to distribute to the unaware at marches and other Oaxaca solidarity actions. I was not able to upload typeset flyer, but below are the photos & text used if you want to use any. On the 8 x 10 flyer, the six photos from around the world are smaller than they appear here, about 1.5 x 1.5. The flyer includes a 3.5 x 5 photo of the girl confronting the PFP (Policia Federal Preventiva, Mexican Federal Riot Police), and a separate large poster was made just with her photo and the legend: the world is watching OAXACA November 2, 2006

An open letter to Christians who vote (tags)

Millions of American Christians have had enough of watching our faith being hijacked and warped for partisan political gain, and watching as "Christian" leaders annihilate Christ's message of love, compassion and peacemaking to replace it with a message of fear, arrogance, greed and warmongering. On November 7th, we'll reject the tactics of fear, hatred and deceit, and we'll vote Christ's values: love, compassion, gentleness, caring (including caring for gays and for women's medical privacy!), humility and peacemaking.

Condi's love life. (tags)

Putin invited her upstairs and she went. Don't tell Georgie-boy.

democracy- bullshit since day 1 (tags)

pride makes retarded assholes of us all

CTFF:Connecticut Film Festival Announces Partial Film Slate, Sponsors... (tags)

Connecticut Film Festival Announces Partial Film Slate, Sponsors Coming On Board To Support First Year Statewide Effort

Interview with Jurgen Moltmann (80) (tags)

Hope is a power in this life to begin life again, to be reborn in an affirmation of life from deep depression.. Hope continues like a star over our life.. We developed political theology to break through this prison `religion is a private matter'.

Top-Secret World Loses Blogger (tags)

CIA Contractor Is Fired When Internal Post Crosses the Line

Solidarity from Canada for the South Central Farmers' (tags)

Solidarity from Canada: Never Give Up! We live in a time of great crisis, in which the very life support systems of the planet are under threat. South Central Farms offers a model that needs to be replicated everywhere, a model of restoration, of healing both the land and the human community, of urban sustainability, of possibility in a place where possibility is precious and rare.

(English) Atenco Sends Solidarity to South Central Farm w/ fotos (tags)

"From the love arising from the fiery edge of the machete" (see also fotos of Atenco receiving Seeds from SC Farmers, T-shirts after presentation about FArm in San Salvador ATenco)

SCFs have won the political dialectic! (tags)

“First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi


TIAMO....LIFE IS GOOD Tiamo will be performing at Borders in San Diego's downtown gaslamp district on Friday, July 7 @ 8 PM. Admission is FREE. You can also catch Tiamo live on Saturday, July 8 @ 8 PM at the Carlsbad Borders. Gaslamp Borders is located at 668 6th Ave. San Diego, CA 92101. 619-702-4200. Carlsbad Borders is located at 1905 Calle Barcelona Carlsbad, CA 92009. 760-479-0242.

Christopher Street West Parade This Sunday (tags)

OUR AGENDA: LOVE, EQUALITY, PRIDE This year’s Christopher Street West Parade will take place this Sunday, June 11th at 11:00 a.m. along Santa Monica Blvd. from Crescent Heights Blvd. to Robertson Blvd.

Pro-People News *NATIVE GUNS* Interview and Show (tags)

In Downtown Los Angeles Native Guns members Kiwi and Bambu had performed at Lost Souls Cafe for their Barrel Men Album Listening Party and gave KmB Pro-People News an interview about what the youth and community should expect in this long anticipated release.


6 APRIL 2006. MEXICO CITY MONTHLY.- It’s a tragic-cynical reality show. The street is a mesh where rich and poor mingle without suspicion, but not because they want to be good neighbors. The rich have no guarantee of happiness, but they do have a secure present. This will continue because the poor don't hate them yet, since they can’t even imagine the macabre nature of income distribution. When they find out, everything could burst into crime.

(part 2) a black anarchist's take on the march/walk-outs (tags)

an indirect but inspiring experience of the walk-outs

PTL EARTH (tags)

ptl ya'll....

Crimethinc: In Love With Love Itself (tags)

A true review in three parts of Crimethinc's "Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook"

Peace Love and Bikes (tags)

[CORRECTED VERSION OF PREVIOUS POST] There's a new ride in town...

The Valentine Peace Project (tags)

This is a creative peace visibility project. Please join us in re-imagining Valentine's and create a new expression this February 14 celebrating peace and community.

"Kill Me Not Tookie Williams" (tags)

What example are we setting for our children? Kill to teach the youth of today that killing is Justice at work. Killing is the right thing to do.

conservitive an religion (tags)

hate and conservitism

Books of the Year (tags)

Critics name their favourite books of the year 2005

To Ángel's Baby in Heaven (tags)

My little brother Ángel, who's locked up in the Illinois correctional system, sent me this drawing and poem. It explains a very traumatic event in his life, and how his faith in God is helping him overcome his pain and straighten out his life. I will let Ángel's words speak for themselves.

Katrina Open Letter to Radical/Progressive Community (tags)

Introspective call for mutual aid to victims of both Katrina and a failed system of government.

When Anarchists Organize; Lessons from the Love and Rage Federation (tags)

Love and rage was a North American revolutionary anarchist federation in the 1990's. Roy, SanFiippo, a former member of ove and rage, will talk about the rise and fall of Love and rage, as well as its accomplishment's and failures.

The Ancient Wisdom of the Breath (tags)

This may be the beginning of the most fascinating adventure that you have ever undertaken because it begins with you.

Confessing Chriwst in a World of Violence (tags)

"A theology of war starts from the highest circles of the American government.. Political idolatry is strengthened today by a politics of fear..We reject the false doctrine that a war against terrorism has a prioirity over ethical and legal norms.. No nation or state may replace God."

Reading to Kids July Reading Clubs (tags)

Reading to Kids is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to inpiring underserved children with the love of reading.

Worldwide Celebration (tags)

the 75th anniversary of "Sex Month,"

Anarchist's Love Song (tags)

Anarchist's Love Song

Cynthia McKinney (tags)

Cynthia, I love you.

Thoughts on love, compassion, sex, and relationships after seeing "The Goat, Or Who I (tags)

Last night I saw Edward Albee's The Goat, Or Who is Sylvia? The play was intense and provocative. Your notions of "morality" are challenged-- it definitely challenges you to think!

Love Parade SF 2004 (tags)

Berlin's Love Parade arrives in San Francisco, USA

BTL:Connecticut Set to Become 2nd State to Pass Same-Sex Civil Union Bill (tags)

Interview with Ann Stanback, president of the group Love Makes a Family, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

A Nights Tale (tags)

When it came to "The Good Doctor" a little of him went a long way.

Film: Why I Love Shoplifting from Big Corporations (tags)

subMedia completes second short film inspired by crimethinc's manifesto.

The Power of Money and Expectation (tags)

Money is a means of power over people and not only a means of exchange.. The expectation of the future gives us strength in the present.. God's love is boundless and refers to public life and economic and political conditions as much as to the individual heart.

God's Message To The World Today (tags)

God's concern for mankind, his views on current events, and suggested solutions.

Mumia Abu Jamal Remembers Ossie Davis: ''A Lion Has Fallen'' (tags)

Democracy Now! plays a prison radio commentary by journalist and death row prisoner, Mumia Abu Jamal. He remembers Ossie Davis and plays an interview with him from 1980.

Actual Astrology for Jan. 8-14 (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. They relate how things will be based on the information recorded by the inventors of this art. No matter what your sun sign, these are the things that will be.

Remembering Dorothee Soelle by Renate Borger (tags)

The fate of love in the middle-class world is its reduction.. The language of love is often destroyed by institutions like the family and the church.. Love is reduced to a private, helpless and sentimental affair.

song One Love One World (tags)

World peace and tolerance song changing lives in a positive way!

Inner Dialog of a Backstabber (tags)

What goes around comes around.

The Secret (tags)

An essay about love, truth and world events


The Gay Nation must NUKE THE CLOSET: Come out and use our real names! We must unify the Gay Nation, the Youth Nation, and Anarchy into a single concept and campaign, to overthrow the dark age and launch the Age of Light!


Good-hearted Christians are rising up against Bush's compassionless regime of fear, greed, and arrogant imperialism. They're reclaiming "the radical message of Christ‘s love--the perfect love that casts out fear." They're putting faith into action and urging others to join them in voting for change on November 2.

A letter in the interest of the America we love (tags)

A letter in the interest of the America we love

Democrat: A Love Story (tags)

a short story...cause it's too obviou.s it's all to oobvious and democracy in the united States would be like, well Ghandi said something about western "civilization" herein for your sunday evening is a simple short story. yeah, it is about current events. if you read it and weep i did it right. Dedicated this sad October sunday to the late activist kathleen Chang. --bongo

"If You Tell a Lie" - anti-Bush music video warns (tags)

"If You Tell a Lie" - Blame Sally Video

Film & Discussion this Saturday Night (9/18) in Santa Ana (tags)

Submedia TV ( has produced a 15 minute video inspired by the "L is for Love" chapter of Crimethinc's Days of War, Nights of Love.

"Join the Resistance: Fall in Love" Movie Screening in Santa Ana (tags)

Submedia TV ( has produced a 15 minute video inspired by the "L is for Love" chapter of Crimethinc's Days of War, Nights of Love.

Can the Militarist See Outside the Box? (tags)

Liberation theology and the theology of hope can give us strength against fundamentalism intolerance and jingoism generated by hyper-materialism. False consciousness can be replaced by exchanging roles and egalitarian passion.

Livin' in the Love of theCommon People (tags)

So some corporate bigwigs are planning a tribute to Johnny Cash for delegates to the RNC this year. Guess they haven't got enough trouble with all those restless demonstrators-without-a-park, huh?

Abused Women (tags)

I cry in darkness within these realms I shall never forget. I continue to carry the scars of unity wouldn't link. Humility to reap, Hands of divinity, which he turns his head? Conversions that falls upon his children's head. Following flocks, but not the Shepard who brings great love. I remind my self the dead is not dead. My body that fights the battle upon my spirit, the begging words lord protects me from my self. Thy conscious that stands before me, the weakness of the earth that trembles my bone. The spirit cries for the nutrients of Spiritual growth.

Right Silly Arguments (tags)

How come so many screwball claims about the left from the right come right from left field? Why don’t conservatives balk at throwing so many verbal wild pitches? How many really bad baseball analogies can one introduction contain? Fret not: A look at a few of the ongoing dippy assertions made about liberals is now at the plate.

Truth Beyond Michael Moores Movie. (tags)

Dear Friends and Truthseekers, Does Michael Moore's recent movie, Fahrenheit 911, seems to be a brilliant display of truth unloaded in mass upon the American and world public - or does it still leave you bewildered and without any sort of ultimate and clear direction? Does it seem to leave something out? Because it did, appearing quite intentional to those who have been researching and discovering the true nature of problem we all face, that is, the forces behind the international banking controllers abominable quest to create a "New World Order" for their selfish benefit, that is the same New World Order that Hitler often proclaimed. Please read this 217 page downloadable PDF book available at and other places around the world wide web.

- Art of War : Love (tags)


Compassion. (tags)

My love is compassion.

La mala educación: Mini Review (tags)

A mini review of Pedro Almodóvar's film La mala educación (Bad Education).



A Response to Violence (tags)

A short peice in response to the recent beheading of Nick Berg.

How Do I Stop Using Money? (tags)


PFLAG Chapter Forming in Temecula (tags)

How can you help take a stand against discrimination and intolerance? Jim Woodward of Temecula is organizing a local chapter of PFLAG -- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Persons.If you want to be part of the PFLAG chapter, there is an organizing meeting in Temecula on Sunday, May 16 at 3:00 p.m. For directions and more information, please call Jim Woodward at (909) 693-4852.

Stupid Old Semitic Men (tags)

Between Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat is a very limited amount of braincells. However, it is their mutual incompetance, not Sharon or Arafat's alone, that makes them a disaster.

Neocons: Learning Disabled (tags)

The Bush administration, I fear, is severely learning-disabled.

The Pascal Lamb (tags)

This Friday celebrates the Great Sabbath.

WEDNES. 7 PM APRIL 21: Amy Goodman's 60 City Book Tour Hits LA (tags)

An Evening with Amy Goodman Host of Democracy Now! Presentations By Amy and her brother David Goodman with a Book Signing for their NEW Book The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them written by Amy Goodman acclaimed host of Pacifica Network’s Democracy Now! with David Goodman

STOP the WAR machine! (tags)

THE Conglomerate Homogenous Unilateral Military-MEDIA, POLICE. STATE “CHUMPS” They’re so FUNNY: They kill ya. First they: stupefy you with: BU__! SH__! Then they bomb ya. GOD enslave the KING King George II

I hate bushite (tags)

No words from the bushites who rule our communications through corporate news censorship, while Christian parents call out unheard: why has corporate america allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign?

A Transman Meets Dennis Kucinich (tags)

Here is an article I wrote about what happened when I met Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Please vote for Dennis for President tomorrow, Super Tuesday!


This two part article will descibe just how and why the Southern primaries may be the defining moment of the 2004 cycle.

Desperate animals in California: please, please help spread the word (tags)


The Watchers Wait... (tags)

The Watchers Wait... Valentine To The World



Love & Schooling: Love should be first and foremost (tags)

Caring institutions must be explicit and intentional about the role of love as their guiding principle, without apology. There can be no greater justification for providing good care and education for our children than the value of love. The basis and ultimate justification for early childhood education must be, first and foremost, love - without apology.

ThinkPeaceSpeakPeaceActPeace by VOlunTEer for KUCINICH (tags)

SupPOrT the TroOPS? TrancePORT the TROOPS ! hoME ! Anti - War = Pro - Peace. Do You Promote Peace? ARE You 4 Peace? Did You Protest to Protect? You DO Know There is a PEACE CanDiDate. CAN You Support Peace by Supporting the Only Peace CanDiDate with a PEACE Plan? Respect the Troops Who Are Stuck There. HONOR Those Who Have Been Wounded and TRY to Heal the Families Grieving for their Loved, LOST by Demanding A Cease and Desist on the Archaic Ritual of KiLLing in THIS, the 21st Century!

WE QUIT:Response to US Empire (tags)

How do we chant down Babylon system of oppression? End corporate imperialist US empire global domination?

The Sin of Gay Marriage (tags)

Despite the hysterical rhetoric of the Left, Christian activism is not based on fear or hatred or lust for power, but because (with love and honor toward God) we love our neighbors and want the best for them.

Aphorisms of Dear Leader KIM JONG IL sent from NDFSK Mission in Pyongyang (tags)

Red Suns of Militant Juche-Style Socialism Study Room Update- Aphorisms of Marshal KIM JONG Il sent as a present from the National Democratic Front of South Korea Mission in Pyongyang!!!!

Martin Luther King, Love and Terrorism (tags)

There is a universal love throughout humankind that we must not ignore or forget.

SupPOrT the TroOPS? TrancePORT the TROOPS ! hoME ! (tags)

Anti - War = Pro - Peace. Do You Promote Peace? ARE You 4 Peace? Did You Protest to Protect? You DO Know There is a PEACE CanDiDate. CAN You Support Peace by Supporting the Only Peace CanDiDate with a PEACE Plan? Respect the Troops Who Are Stuck There. HONOR Those Who Have Been Wounded and TRY to Heal the Families Grieving for their Loved, LOST by Demanding A Cease and Desist on the Archaic Ritual of KiLLing in THIS, the 21st Century!

Big Dough=Status Quo/ABC=Already Been Chosen, Please Fall in Line (tags)

Applause for Dennis at events the day after,the remarks broke into public AWAREness in a dramatic Way , a powerful Impression simply seeking to imperatively broaden debate!, --from Democracy NOW interview where executive top down decision called it mundanely Decided? The exec. said the protests were unfair and UNfortunate, You know whats REALLY Unfortunate? it is 2003! And it might as well BE 19Seventy ThREE, 1963! Trickle-Down Reality Control? We SAY Bubble up Truth, People of the Web---Close the Wisdom Gap! NO! Pop-Up ad Policies, when is the next debate? RoadReport from PeaceWalkers,claiming no debate necessary at end of post.

MLK: A Christmas Sermon On Peace (tags)

After reading MLK'S "A CHRISTMAS SERMON ON PEACE," I thought about Kucinich's "Department of Peace." Could MLK'S Vision become a reality with a Kucinich administration?

Presupposing (tags)


Action for Worldpeace (tags)

You might not be able to stop wars, but you can surely do something.

And Now for Something Completely Different (tags)

We all need a little levity break from time to time. As opposed to levitation break.

elliott smith remembered (tags)

my thoughts as I visited Elliott Smith's memorial in LA

Not Fade Away (tags)

I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.

Not Fade Away (tags)

I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.

Protesters Should Love WTO (tags)

Why the anti-globalization movement should try to disrupt the work of the World Trade Organization is a mystery to me. Instead, they should learn to love corporations like McDonald's.

Treated as a terorist for seaching for his daughter in Iraq. UK man captured by USA. Iraq. (tags)

Along with Turkish Special Forces, Michael Todd, a British performance artist and writer was captured in North Iraq on 4th July. After been taken to Kirkuk Air Base the group were flown to Baghdad. The Turks were released on the 8th July but the British man, in Iraq to find his missing half-Iraqi daughter, was held as a prisoner of war / terrorist suspect for 3 weeks at Baghdad Airport under 24 hour armed guard. His crime? Walking down the street, searching for his daughter !

Open Letter from an Antiterrorist to Mr John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United Stat (tags)

Open Letter from an Antiterrorist to Mr John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United States of America

A Message About Sherman (tags)

A message about Sherman.



The Real Deal on Iraq (tags)

This e-mail received from a good friend and he vouches for the authenticity of the message. As you read this, think about the murder rate on the streets of every metroplex in this nation. Summed up -- very likely in the double digits-daily. So why is there not the outrage exhibited by the Liberals in the media to match their outrage about our forces in Iraq? Do you suppose it is safer for our troops on the streets of Baghdad than it is for us on the streets of our large cities? Or is it the Vietnam card being replayed?

I think that the US should allow North Korea to develop nuclear weapons (tags)

The Usited States should allow North Korea to create a threat in Asia. Maybe that might stop the fascist spread of Capitalism and help Anarchy

"Have a nice police state!" (tags)

This time they descend on you -- a covey of smiling security screeners bearing balloons and brightly wrapped packages, accompanied by National Guardsmen with flowers poking out of the barrels of their MP-5 machine guns -- singing the Barney the Dinosaur theme song. "I love you, you love me ..."

Clear Channel Fires DJ for Anti-War Views (tags)

So much for "objective" News from Clear Channel Stations. Toe the Party Line of Love that Georgie's War or be fired for maintaining an honest view.

On "Hating America" (tags)

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Bernie Weiner and I open a progressive web site ("The Crisis Papers" []) and write a few dissenting essays, and sure enough, we get an e-mail such as this: Are you people stoned? ...

Metaphysical Didactical Armor with Biblical-Analogy basis presented in Anarchistic format (tags)

If I were to tell you a story which held up in many instances and proved useful, while not hindering your efforts at leading a normal sane life... why would you mind? Here is a thought that occurred to me, the latest in my internal discource on Lucifer, Satan, God, Jesus, the fall of man, all that good stuff. I am an bona-fide anarchist, so my sources and assumtions follow that bent--there are law, rules and common sense, but no authority outside of those things. (Laws but no ordained rulers. That kinda thing.) ...enough said here, read on!

Revolutionary Anarchism: Book Release Event (tags)

Book Release Event and Discussion at Flor y Canto, Sat June 14th, 7PM

Bill Clinton Gets Taxpayer-Supported Blowjobs (tags)

Liberals will go after you for talking - or basically doing anything human. You may think for youself. They hate that.

Revolutionary Anarchism (tags)

Book Release Event: A New World in Our Hearts 8 Years of Writings From the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation

Where is your nobility? (tags)

a question

Be the thing that Babylon resists. (tags)

a reiteration

my apoligy to daveman (tags)

my apoligy to daveman

Dear Elizabeth the Second, Queen of England (tags)

on being true to divinity

I love the USA (tags)

As a leftist, I'm getting just a bit weary of hearing how much I "hate America." Ever since the big you-know-what in late 2001, that little zinger has been the comeback of choice for any objections to US foreign policy. Don't like our new wars? Gee, you must really hate this country.

Attacks on Iraq an organised butchery of Innocent civilians (tags)

Muslims and Islam dragged into Mire. The Islamic World seem vulnerable and cold-blooded. Clear signs of appearance of the awaited Imam Mehdi, yet the Muslims reject it so are they suffering now.

there's no stopping them now (tags)

wednesday evening.... the third week


I have found the light. I have turned away from the immorality of the Freepers. I love you Liberals. Peace and Love to ya. T. Rex

Yankee Doodle, send them up (tags)

A ditty and some worldwide anti-war boycott news

good (tags)

honour's way

If love is blind, patriotism has lost all five senses (tags)

From "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower," by William Blum

honour's way (tags)

on owning honour

To Master Your Focus is to Master Yourself / LOVE (tags)

to get to the future all things must pass through love

The only smart phrase I've heard outta Bush (tags)

The soft bigotry of low expectations.

On Fear and Anger Being False Motivators (tags)

only love matters

Americans (tags)

Song, "the Russians," redone so it applies

Forgive Absolutely (A.K.A. The Way of Honour) (tags)

representing all fun and honour

Forgive Absolutely (A.K.A. anger dishonours all victims) (tags)

highest sacredness

Our Cause (Grammar Fix) (tags)

This is in response to the growing will, a conscensus of the people, as become more organized then-ever in solidarity in resistance of a war using our new age technology & education. This is bringing our responsiblity to our system & the realities of that system, for the purpose of awarness & inspiration to our cause!

Our Cause (tags)

This is in response to the growing will, a conscensus of the people, as become more organized then-ever in solidarity in resistance of a war using our new age technology & education. This is bringing our responsiblity to our system & the realities of that system, for the purpose of awarness & inspiration to our cause!

Before all things be not proud. (tags)

highest sacredness

Protection (tags)

Who will help us when our own police won't?

The walls of Jerico (tags)

Magic, God, and the Tyrrany of evil men.

SOA 86 Sentencing Statement (tags)

" is the U.S. Government and the U.S. Army who are guilty of crimes: the crimes of fraud and terrorism carried out by the proxy agents of U.S. policy trained at this school, and the subsequent cover-up that has ensued, which, in the end, further demonstrates the corruption and moral and ethical bankruptcy present."

Before all things be not proud. (tags)

highest sacredness

Love is the master spirit. (tags)

highest sacredness

Love is the master spirit. (tags)

highest sacredness

Jesus said "Be not proud" because we are perfect- If You Don't Like War Stop Pay (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

There is no evil; only lazy kids pretending pride is virtue. Love is real... (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

There is no evil; only lazy kids pretending pride is virtue. Love is real... (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

Love is real. Pride is sin. (tags)






Activism 101: revealing pride (tags)

Assuming love is real.

The Only 'Action' That Can Work (tags)

Assuming love is real.

Earth First!ers unite! (tags)

Check out our NCEF! group site and listserv, and then join the group to receive updates, announcements, and to find out how you can help to save some of the last remaining Old Growth forests left on the planet!

Anger Cannot Be Justified (tags)

Assuming love is real.

Anger Cannot Be Justified (tags)

Assuming love is real.



The Only 'Action' That Can Work (tags)

Assuming love is real.

The Only 'Action' That Can Work (tags)

Assuming love is real.

War of $$$ (tags)

What we all need to do



you are God (tags)

the way of nobility

Consider love's responsibility or continue supporting pride. You know, whatever. (tags)

love is pretty AND nice

Opinion Needs Humility (tags)

love is pretty AND nice

Sorry State of the Union (tags)

Brief political rant/inspiration piece I wrote after hearing how unrelated to the facts Bush's speech is going to be.

Children Want Honour More Than Food (tags)

Children Want Honour More Than Food


An articulation of practicality to happiness.

Children Want Honour More Than Food (tags)

articulation of practicality to happiness

Concerning Your Happiness/Sanity (tags)

Putting pride into context.

In the Name of All Holiness and Royalty (tags)


do not confuse 'self-righteousness' with righteousness (tags)


Calling Exodus (tags)


Faith as a Balancing Act of Life (tags)

Like personal relationships, the modern world is out of balance. This chapter views faith as the discovery of the happy medium and the discovery of God. Nearness and distance, individuality and community can be redefined from the faith perspective.

Imagine Exodus from Pride (tags)


The Reality of Manifesting a World of Trust (tags)




Virtue Demands Pulling All Support from Pride (tags)


Prepare to be Houseless (tags)


How bad do you want to be good? (tags)


love letter (tags)



Hi Revolution



masters of our future (tags)


Letters from a prisoner (tags)

The following letters are from Peter Schnell, one of the Santa Cruz 2. This is being posted with his approval, in hopes that you’ll read his letter and be inspired to write and support him. Writing to prisoners is one of the most gratifying activities I’m involved in because I feel that I’ve made a tangible improvement in someone’s life. If you all have responses to his letters, post them, I’ll send then to Peter.

Virtue 101 (tags)

A primer for those interested in being good.

Imagine (tags)


Happy Queer Ween (tags)

A thought about Queer Theory and Indigenous Theory Contributions to one another on this most indigenous Queer Holiday.

no resolution... (tags)


Patriotism (tags)

The definition of patriotism

An 'Asymetrical Threat' Aimed at Those Who Police (tags)


for the lazy Christians (tags)




Alfre Woodard's Hot New Movie! (tags)

Alfre Woodard is being offered the role of an American feminist who goes to Nigeria to stop the stoning death of a sexually defiant housewife!



People become police because- (tags)


What is Happening Now (tags)


Support for Cali Rising Star (tags)

California singer, Goapele Mohlebane, appears in Santa Monica! She rocks politically and musically!!

Leftwing Defeatism (tags)

I am strong, and resolute, trying to find stratagems to beat the big guys at their own game, but guess what? It appears that only Republicans are allowed this sense of exhilaration these days! The attitude of my liberal minded friends? Expect nothing less than DEFEAT! They are generally angry, and whatever hostility that comes their way from others, the more they feel PERSECUTED. Enemies of the state. And when the FBI doesn't come knocking? They're a little miffed.

'turn the other cheek' is a moral responsibility (tags)




Emma Goldman in Los Angeles (tags)

Come see a performance of "Emma Goldman: Love, Anarchy, and Other Affairs"

about the living dead (tags)

about the living dead

The reality is- PRIDE ISN'T REAL (tags)


Love, Anarchy, and other affairs (tags)

Actress needs help booking shows for her one women play. love, anarchy, and other affairs

Innocence is More Important than Security (tags)


The World's Cure Lies in the End of Pride (tags)


The Amalgamation of the Bodies of truth (tags)


the cows will forgive (tags)


so important it's pretty (tags)

an array of information that attempts to articulate why, exactly, there is no honour in carrying a gun for your job

carer,companion,driver,handyman job (tags)

carer,companion,driver,handyman job.offers and contact leads welcome.

Do You Love America? Do You? (tags)

Do You Love America? Do You?

email smuggled from osama's network (tags)

Just a few little things to remember during this war.

Praise Jesus and pass the Humanitarian Relief (tags)

It was a wonderful sermon in church today!

$ love bombs the Right (tags) love bombs the right wingers by slamming the Berkely peace movement. I guess the Editor wanted a new coporated sponsor so they're leaning more right. Take a look at their obnoxious article at Then have a chuckle when you compare my art to their lousy PhotoShop illustration.

Make Love, Not War (tags)

Make Love, Not War

George Bush And Osama bin Laden: Make Love, Not War (tags)

Make Love, Not War

A True Holy War (tags)

holy war

SEPTEMBER 1, 1939 (tags)

Defenseless under the night Our world in stupor lies; Yet, dotted everywhere, Ironic points of light Flash out wherever the Just Exchange their messages:

Global Exchange's Statement on the violence of September 11 (tags)

Global Exchange's statement on the the violent events of September 11. Followed by an announcement of a vigil that was held in San Francisco on the evening of September 11.

Loves Labor Lost......on The Ruling Class (tags)

It’s hard to feel empathy for those among us who, dare I say, labor under the illusion that the Earth and its biosphere are mere raw materials intended for their exclusive use

Gore's Vietnamese Love Child Cries out for his daddy (tags)

US vice president Gore's Vietnamese love child seeks reunion with famous father

Digging dirt on Oxy (tags)

Occidental Chemical Corporation, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum, is no stranger to diplacing people. Formerly Hooker Chemical and Plastics, the company was responsible for Love Canal, one of the most severe environmental disasters in this country.

To the Protestors (tags)

Thank you!

We love you, Tipper Gore (tags)

Don't you know you're wrong--you only make us want to hear it--you make it much more fun--that's why we love you TIPPER GORE!

Ted Hayes reflects upon the march back to Pershing Square (tags)

Ted Hayes, a local homeless advocate with the Dome Village speaks out in love and concern for the homeless and the current movement that rocked LA downtown LA today.

For those at the WTO protest and the coming DNC battle (tags)

This is our time to change the world... and I can think of no better philosophy than to live your life in the way you wish this world to be, not accepting anything less than ultimate freedom for yourselves and your Brothers and Sisters...

He seems to know allot about police equipment (tags)

Love the Fake Responses (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags