fix articles 1259, israeli Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : israeli


Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)

The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Israel intensifies Rafah offensive and enters the north of the Gaza Strip (tags)

The Israeli offensive has caused massive damage to schools, homes, communication and energy systems, roads and much more, according to Oxfam, the UK-based aid organization. The destruction of key water and sanitation infrastructure by Israeli forces, as well as overcrowding in camps, malnutrition and summer heat, are bringing Gaza to the brink of a deadly epidemic.

Framing Palestine (tags)

Israeli paranoia is minimized or even excusable, an expression of timeless vulnerability and absolute victimhood, and has nothing to do with Zionism’s management of Jewish supremacy over the Palestinians. So, I am inclined to say the opposite. I do not believe that we will get very far unless we repeat the formula that “Zionism is a form of settler colonialism.”

UNRWA and Co: Netanyahu's war against the truth (tags)

Journalists and Israel critics as Hamas accomplices. The Netanyahu government has also been very successful in spreading narratives that declare anyone who supports the Palestinians in Gaza with humanitarian aid, reports on their suffering & criticizes the actions of the Israeli government as Hamas accomplices, Hamas anti-Semites.

Compassionate Genocide (tags)

The issue is not whether and how Israel lets trucks with the much-needed supplies into Gaza; it is the nearly two-decade-long siege of the Strip, worsened by the most recent devastation. Both literally and figuratively, humanitarianism does not ameliorate the situation on the ground. On the contrary, humanitarian discourse strives to make the intolerable barely tolerable.

"We don't have to be enemies" (tags)

We demand a ceasefire. The release of the hostages. An end to the military occupation of Palestine. We stand side by side with our Palestinian friends.There is no alternative to peace in Israel and Palestine. Not for Jews, not for Palestinians and not for the other people who live there. This is not naïve, but realistic and pragmatic. It is not radical, but the only option to end the suffering

'FBI Tracking, Questioning Muslims In US After Israeli Attack On Gaza' (tags)

Muslims in the US have been followed by the FBI for many years, but complaints have increased after Israeli attacks on Gaza on Oct. 7, Dina Chehata, civil rights managing attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Los Angeles office, told Anadolu.

The disease of concealment: An open letter to future historians (tags)

We are afflicted with what I would call the disease of silence. We are confronted with the results of decades of propaganda, and with the insidious power of language when it is cynically misused. We look, but we don't recognize it. We hear, but we don't listen. The effectiveness of propaganda is so great that most of us are not even aware of our complicity in the genocide of a people

Joe Biden and the Gaza war (tags)

This Netanyahu, supported by the extremists in his cabinet and among his followers, disavows the US President at every opportunity. Recently, there have been repeated signs that he is not at all opposed to the idea of a "second Nakba" - a forced emigration of the Gaza population to Egypt and elsewhere. "Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized."

‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 (tags)

A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.

The Way Out (tags)

Peace can and should be lived - now and by all of us, regardless of the often wrong decisions made by those in power. Small communities in which traumas are dealt with and loving interaction with one another is practiced can become the seeds of something new that can help this often seemingly hopeless world to heal.

Denver prepares for Jewish National Fund global conference Nov. 30-Dec. 3 (tags)

The Colorado Palestine Coalition, which, composed of Colorado-based advocacy groups for Palestine, has organized many of these events, and is campaigning against the Jewish National Fund (JNF)’s upcoming global conference which will be held in Denver this November. The JNF will host its annual global conference at the Denver Convention Center from Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. The conference will feature the Israeli ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, Colorado Governor Jared Polis and a host of other speakers. Abdullah Elagha, a Palestinian activist working with the coalition, saw the conference as a chance for direct action in Denver. “Now there’s a face of the occupation that’s coming here, to our city … as we’ve seen over the past couple of weeks, Denver opposes this,” Elagha said. “Denver does not stand with apartheid states, period.”

"A total mockery of international law" (tags)

Article 51 of the UN Charter clearly states that whoever is attacked militarily has such a right of defense. This is true in this case as well: Israel can defend itself against Hamas' attack, but this comes with the caveat that such defense must always be proportionate.

Is it possible to negotiate with Putin? (tags)

For Putin, the intention to admit Ukraine to NATO was a breach of "the agreement made with NATO after the fall of the Berlin Wall not to expand it" (2:34:20). As the Americans claimed hegemony according to their "Monroe Doctrine," Putin considers Ukraine his "backyard."

Israel on the brink of civil war? (tags)

This time, the existential threat to Israel does not come from outside (e.g., from Iran), as has been and is repeatedly invoked inside and outside Israel. It comes from within Israeli society itself, because the new extremist government is also resolutely committed to confrontation.

911 Was An Israeli Coup (tags)

votes for democrats or republicans re votes for israel and the vatican.

Born Free, Die Free, L’Hiyot Am Chofshi (tags)

Liberty & Freedom vs. Covid-19 Lockdowns, Vaccinations, Power Grabs

Pollard for President of Israel (tags)

Pollard for President of Israel, Give Him Justice

Needed: More Daughters of Zelophehad in Israel Today (tags)

Explores Jewish Women's Leadership in the Redemption of the Jewish People.

Shir HaMa’alot: 15 Steps to Extending Israeli Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria (tags)

Policy Steps for integrating Judea and Samaria into the State of Israel

Behar-Bechukotai: Jews living outside Eretz Yisrael? (tags)

Rights To The Land of Israel, In The Light of The Torah

Yair Golan Has Got It Right and Very Wrong (tags)

The Left Is Totalitarian Threat To Israel, Not The Right

Israeli Policy Ideas: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

A Jewish Affirmative Action Plan, To Right a Historic Wrong

Israeli Policy Blueprint: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

Jews R Indigenous, Arabs Invaded in 7th Century.

Matot: Great Is Vengeance Because It Appears Between Two Names of God (tags)

Sometimes War Brings Peace, When An Aggressive Enemy Has Been Totally Defeated.

Ehud Barak’s Napoleonic Complex Will Save Israeli Democracy? (tags)

Ehud Barak Will Turn Israel Into a Dictatorship!

Israeli Independence Day and Lag B'Omer vs. Nakba (tags)

Jewish National Liberation Succeeded, The Nakba Narrative Is A Lie!

Happy Nakba Day and Israeli Independence (tags)

Jewish National Liberation Succeeded, The Nakba Narrative Is A Lie!

An Israeli Policy: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

A How To Guide For Annexing The West Bank

Israeli Policy Prescription: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

Annex Judea and Samaria Now! This Is How, a Policy Analytic Approach.

Purim, Dr. Goldstein, Hebron, Twenty Five Years Ago (tags)

Something happened in Hebron twenty Five Years ago. What Exactly Occurred? This Article Reviews The Facts And Evidence.

The Judicial Dictatorship in Israel, is not Democracy (tags)

Judicial Dictatorship Distorts Democracy in Israel. Israel Needs Judicial Reform Now!

Jewish Self-Hatred Rears Its Ugly Head (tags)

Looks at the self-destructive tendency of the Jewish Left in America and Israel through the prism of the Israeli election campaign, and the weekly Torah reading.

The Goldstein Incident in Hebron, Twenty Five Years Later (tags)

After 25 yrs. its time to investigate what really happened in the Cave of the Patriarchs/Ibrahimi Mosque, in Hebron/al Khalil.

Hebron, Ben-Gurion, and UNESCO (tags)

Reviews Ben-Gurion's attitude about rebuilding Hebron and toward the UN. Then calls on the Israeli government to withdraw as planned from UNESCO.

Israel Quit UNESCO, Um-Shmum, Make Ben-Gurion Proud! (tags)

Reviews Hebron, UNESCO, Jewish Rights to the Land of Israel

Pity Yitzhak Rabin Wasn’t Israel’s Trump! (tags)

Rabin didn't care about attacks on Jews like Trump does.

Reality Check: Palestinian-Israeli Coexistence is a Big Lie (tags)

This article looks at the issue of Palestinian-Israeli coexistence.

Trump & Palestine vs. Genesis, Rashi & The Land of Israel (tags)

This article looks at Trump's recent UN Press Conference

The TIPH of the Iceberg, Now UN Troops? (tags)

This article looks at the foreign occupation in the Land of Israel, and urges Jews to rise-up against it.

The TIPH of the Iceberg: Foreign Occupation of Israel (tags)

This article looks at the foreign occupation in the Land of Israel, and urges Jews to rise-up against it.

Illegal Russians Invited to West Bank at Invitation of Israeli Government Outside jewish (tags)

Russians are not indigenous to the West bank in Palestine. That's the West Banl of the river Jordan. However Russians are being invited to illegally take over and live there at the invitation of the Israeli government in Tel Aviv and Palestinian homes are bulldozed while settlement housing goes up.

The Shortwave Report 08/03/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK Japan.

The Shortwave Report 06/22/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan, and Sputnik Radio.

The Shortwave Report 06/08/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, NHK Japan, and Sputnik Radio.

Israeli Manipulation Of US 2016 & Other Elections (tags)

Netanyahu and other prime ministers of Israel have manipulated US elections for many decades.

The Shortwave Report 5/25/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Hamas’s Theater of the Absurd: “Cannibals in Gaza” (tags)

This article looks at how Hamas abuses average Gazans in its struggle with Israel.

Israeli leaders should be prosecuted for war crimes (tags)

Israeli leaders order soldiers to kill unarmed civilians who were protesting their lack of rights

The Shortwave Report 02/16/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Advocates for Terror: Why Ahed Tamimi and Her Family are No Heroes (tags)

Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi incites murder

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.

Imprisonment Extended. Free Ahed Tamimi, Nariman Tamimi, and Nour Tamimi! (tags)

{16-year-old Palestinian Ahed Tamimi shown here confronting an Israeli soldier. Credit Haim Schwarczenburg]

The Shortwave Report 12/15/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Palestinians of Hamas Condemn Saudi & U.S. Attempts to Label Hezbollah "Terrorist" (tags)

[Photo: Palestinian Gaza rally with Hamas and Hezbollah flags.] Saudi Arabian, Israeli, ISIS, al-Qaeda, & U.S. imperialist hands off Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Qatar, Palestine, Bahrain, and Iran!

Israel Must Recognize An Independent State of Kurdistan (tags)

This article surveys the historical mistreatment of the Kurds, and urges Israel to recognize Kurdish independence.

Netanyahu, Tell the World the Truth! (tags)

It looks at the relationship of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel.

Army Kills A Third Palestinian on Friday (tags)

Palestinian medical sources have reported, Friday, that Israeli soldiers killed a young Palestinian man, after shooting him with a live round to the heart, in Abu Dis town, east of occupied East Jerusalem. The Palestinians is the third to be killed by Israeli fire within a few hours.

UPDATED: List of 200+ U.S. BDS Victories! (tags)

By popular demand, below is a list of U.S. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Victories, originally released to commemorate ten years since Palestinian civil society issued the call for BDS.

Israeli Jews Say, It’s Our Jerusalem! (tags)

A review of some Israeli opinions about Jerusalem.

This Week in Palestine, May 5, 2017 (tags)

Ex-Palestinian political detainee dies this week due to hunger strike as more political detainees join the protest, in the meantime US President Trump promise this week to push the stalled peace process forward. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

This Week in Palestine, April 21, 2017 (tags)

Hundreds of Palestinian political detainees held by Israel announce this week an open ended hunger strike, meanwhile Israeli troops kill a Palestinian man during a West Bank attack.

Jewish “Defense” League: Nazis in Skull-caps (tags)

The recent arrests of JDL members for assault and hate crimes for a brutal attack on Arab, Jewish and other protesters of AIPAC (the right-wing, pro-Zionist lobbying organization) sent me to the archives to dig up some reportage and investigation I had done for People Against Racist Terror in the 1990s about the JDL. I had been physically attacked at least twice previously by JDLers, once in Brooklyn in 1968 at a sit-in for open admissions for Black and Puerto Rican high school grads to Brooklyn College (then 99% white, mostly Jewish with a small minority of Irish Catholics). I was attacked again by the JDL at an anti-Klan rally in Los Angeles in 1983, by Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel (who pulled a shiv and shouted racist threats at Black marchers). The JDL is and always has been a stone racist, reactionary, pro-imperialist, organization, breeding ground for Meier Kahane’s genocidal Kach party in israel. I use quotes around “Defense” in the title of the article because just like the so-called Israeli “Defense” Forces, they are an aggressive, abusive bunch, and have always attacked Arabs, leftists, people of color and especially Jews who don’t buy their lies.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

Israel’s Human Rights Spies (tags)

Haaretz: Israel infiltrates Amnesty International

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016 (tags)

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016

Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global (tags)

This report seeks to show how the fbi uses foreign groups unethically and fraudulently for Intelligence purposes.

Husam El-Coolaq. : proof not all harvard students are smart (tags)

Last week, Harvard student Husam El-Qoulaq rudely disrupted a panel featuring Israeli politician Tzipi Livni to ask her why she was “so smelly.”

Michael Chertoff The Man & His Star-Crossed Past (tags)

Poster's note: Chertoff made the Dept of Homeland Security an Israeli agency and has hired Michael Hayden, the man who made the NSA a universal snoop and was also head of the CIA, for his Chertoff Group)

Flashback to 1995:US-Israel-Turkey-Jordan-Egypt alliance at Prime Minister Rabin’s Funeral (tags)

6 years before the launch of a genocidal, never-ending and ever-expanding “global war on terror” across Asia and Africa, the funeral of the assassinated “hero of peace” Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin proved to be an opportune moment to discreetly reveal an overt military alliance between U.S., Israel, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt against Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah.

Israeli State Terror Rages (tags)


Deplorable Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Speeches (tags)


Swedish Activist leans the truth about the "occupation" (tags)

Daniel Borg, a Swedish political activist who years ago enthusiastically joined the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in order to combat what he believed were Israel’s crimes again the Palestinians, has just dropped a major TRUTH BOMB!

Genocide in Palestine (tags)


Israeli Forces Invade Palestinian Hospitals (tags)


NYT Ignores Root Cause of Violence in Palestine (tags)


Netanyahu Says He'll "Live Forever by the Sword" (tags)


US and Israel's Insulting Solution to Restore Calm in Palestine (tags)


Kerry and Abbas Conspire Against Palestinians (tags)


Berkeley Human Welfare Commission rejects BDS (tags)

"Divestment from the Israeli Occupation," the measure was defeated 5-2.

Zionist Zealotry: The Root Cause of Israeli State Terror (tags)


Violence Achieves One Thing Only - More of It (tags)


Israelis Are Today's Nazis (tags)


Occupation and Persecution: The Sole Cause of Violence in Palestine (tags)


AIPAC's War on Palestine (tags)


Israel' Friday Bloodbath (tags)


Scandalous NYT Anti-Palestinian Propaganda (tags)


Obama Could Stop Israeli State Terror with One Phone Call He Won't Make (tags)


Anti-Palestinian Viciousness Rages (tags)


Opposing Views on Premeditated (tags)


Daily Israeli War Crimes in Palestine (tags)


Netanyahu Unleashes Settler Violence, Targets Palestinian Hospitals and Patients (tags)


Israel's Killing Machine Takes More Palestinian Lives (tags)


Does Netanyahu Intend Full-Scale War on Palestine? (tags)


Netanyahu's War on Palestine (tags)


PA Officials Support Israeli Brutality (tags)


Obama Approved Israeli West Bank Violence (tags)


Israel: A Rogue Regime Fostering Violence, Racist Hate and Brutality (tags)


Israeli Fascist Brutality (tags)


Straight Talk on Israeli Viciousness (tags)


Israel on a Rampage (tags)


Muhammad Zoabi – I Have Risked My Life (tags)

Palestinians Standing with Israel

Daily Israeli Violence (tags)


Israel's War on Al-Aqsa (tags)


Former Israeli Prime Minister's Critique of Settlements (tags)


Where Will It End? More Israeli Murders (tags)


Pressure Gets Iceland to Backtrack (tags)


US Zionist Organizations Blast Muted UN Criticism of Israeli Violence (tags)


Blood in the Streets in Occupied Palestine (tags)


Iceland Boycotts Israel (tags)


Nazism in Israel (tags)


Israel Imprisons Muhammad Allan Again (tags)


Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site for the Third Day (tags)


Netanyahu Escalates War on Palestine (tags)


Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site (tags)


Syrian Refugees Call Israel Their Main Enemy (tags)


Israel Protecting Killers of Immolated Palestinians (tags)


Israel to Demolish 13,000 Palestinian Structures (tags)


Labeling Israeli Settlement Products Not Good Enough (tags)


Palestinian Mother Dies from Israeli Settler Inflicted Immolation (tags)


Vanunu on Israeli Television (tags)


Western Support for Israeli State Terror (tags)


Propaganda alert: 6 weeks after nuclear deal: "Israel more ready than ever to strike Iran" (tags)

Only weeks after signing a “historic” nuclear agreement with Iran in Vienna on July 14th, the NATO axis and its prime ally Israel are already escalating their threats of an overt multi-front war on Iran, Lebanon and Syria. Meanwhile, the brutality of NATO- and Israel-led genocidal overt and covert wars on Yemen, Syria and Iraq reaches new extremes...

New Israeli Police State Measure (tags)


Gaza: A Socioeconomic Dead Zone (tags)


Dubious Sponsor Launches Petition to End Gaza Blockade (tags)


Israel's War on Palestinian Children (tags)


Congresswoman for Palestinian Rights (tags)


Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza (tags)


Repressive Israeli Administrative Detentions (tags)


Gaza in Ruins a Year After Israeli Aggression (tags)


Muhammad Allan's Suspended Detention Can Be Reversed (tags)


Israel Bombs Syria (tags)


Israeli High Court Frees Muhammad Allan (tags)


Muhammad Allan Suffered Brain Damage (tags)


New York Times Mocks Palestinian Hunger Striker Near Death (tags)


Murder, Inc: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Israel Planning Ground Operations in Syria? (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Striker Muhammad Allan's Life Hangs by a Thread (tags)


Thousands Demand Netanyahu's Arrest for War Crimes (tags)


Tel Aviv sur Seine/Promotion of bloody Israeli occupation of Palestine (tags)

Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipal government, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order to promote Israel. No promotion of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach.

Palestinian Political Prisoners Protest Israeli Oppression (tags)


Genocide Advocate Appointed Israeli UN Envoy (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Striker Near Death (tags)


Palestinian Family Victimized by Immolation Ineligible for Compensation (tags)


Israeli Doctors Refuse Force-Feeding Order (tags)


NYT Features Fanatical Zionist's Op-Ed (tags)


Israel Murders Father of Immolated Palestinian Baby (tags)


Proposed Arab Resolution to Monitor Israeli Nuclear Facilities (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine Rages (tags)


Israeli State Terror Without Mercy (tags)


Hollow Israeli Sorrow Over Palestinian Baby Immolation by Settlers (tags)


Israeli Settlers Burn Palestinian Infant to Death (tags)


Israel Declares War on Palestinian Hunger Strikers (tags)


Hezbollah's Nasrallah Urges Resistance Against Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Israel Attacks Islam's Third Holiest Site (tags)


Israel Murders Palestinians with Impunity (tags)


Jonathan Pollard's Release Imminent? (tags)


Iran's Longstanding US-Inflicted Nightmare (tags)


Cruel and Unusual Punishment: An Israeli Specialty (tags)


Israel Orders Susiya Village Destroyed (tags)


Khader Adnan Rearrested, Then Released (tags)


A Case Study of Israeli Murder (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks: No Deal Yet (tags)


Israel Frees Khader Adnan (tags)


Hillary Clinton Supports Illegal Israeli Settlements (tags)


One Year After Israel's 2014 Gaza Aggression (tags)


Hillary Clinton Wants BDS Campaign Undermined (tags)


Israeli Military Court Justice: Rubber-Stamp Guilt (tags)


UN Human Rights Council Denounces Israeli War Crimes (tags)


ACT: Ask Oprah Winfrey to Renounce Leviev’s Angolan Blood Diamonds and Israeli Settlements (tags)

US megastar and social justice philanthropist Oprah Winfrey wore diamond earrings made by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev on the cover of the May 2015 edition of O, the Oprah Magazine. She wore the earrings despite the fact that Leviev’s companies have been involved in brutal human rights abuses in the diamond industry in Angola and in the construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Please join the call for Ms. Winfrey to support the human rights of Angolans and Palestinians.

Israel Falsely Claims Hamas Supports ISIS in Sinai (tags)


More Proof of Israeli Ruthlessness (tags)


High-Seas Piracy: Israel's Latest Bandit Act (tags)


Netanyahu's Statement Following His Latest Bandit Act (tags)


Israel Hijacks Humanitarian Ship to Gaza in International Waters (tags)


BDS Effect on Israel's Economy (tags)


Israel Is Murdering Khader Adnan (tags)


Some Good News from Palestine (tags)


Israel Criminalizes Delivering Humanitarian Aid (tags)


UN Report on Israel's 2014 Gaza War Postmortems (tags)


Israel Ducks Responsibility for Premeditated Naked Aggression on Gaza (tags)


UN Report on Israel's 2014 Gaza War (tags)


Israel's Response to Everything: Collective Punishment (tags)


Israel Bombs Lebanon (tags)


Netanyahu's Latest Demagoguery (tags)


Examples of Israeli Viciousness (tags)


Israeli Smear Campaign Against Forthcoming UN Report on Gaza War (tags)


Netanyahu: Serial Liar, Unindicted War Criminal (tags)


Israel Whitewashes Mass Murder (tags)


Israel Spied on Hotels Used for Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


ICC Investigating Israeli War Crimes (tags)


Treatment of East Jerusalem Palestinians: Profile of Israeli Viciousness (tags)


Israel Detonates Dirty Bombs Near Palestinian Bedouin Communities (tags)


Khader Adnan: Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Israel Bombs Gaza (tags)


UN Report Accuses Israel of Crimes Against Children (tags)


Israel Jails Soldier for Eating Pork (tags)


Netanyahu Bluster: Serial Lying Conceals Ugly Truths (tags)


US/Saudi/Israeli Axis of Evil Against Yemen (tags)


Ban Ki-moon Supports Israeli High Crimes (tags)


Palestinian Bid To Expel Israel from FIFA Dropped (tags)


Israel's War on Palestinian Fishermen, Farmers and Children (tags)


Bernie Sanders: Populist or Opportunist? (tags)


Netanyahu Appoints Right-Wing Extremist to Head Israel's Diplomatic Corps (tags)


Netanyahu: Hate-Mongering Racist, Mass Murderer, Serial Liar (tags)


Endless Nakba (tags)


Israeli Defense Minister Threatens to Nuke Iran (tags)


Netanyahu Appoints Hardline Peace Negotiator (tags)


Israeli Security Force Thugs Attack Russian Journalists (tags)


The New York Times Endorses Israeli Mass Slaughtering Palestinians by Refusing to Condemn (tags)


Raucous Swearing In of Israel's New Ruling Coalition (tags)


Rapes, Sexual harrassment Reported from International Solidarity Activists (tags)

The hidden side of Palestinian activism

Pentagon Document Confirms Israeli Nukes (tags)


Israel: Serial Terror-Bomber (tags)


Breaking the Silence: A Middleman For Anonymous Sources (tags)

Too often, when it comes to reporting on Israel and the Palestinians, unverified “eyewitnesses” or unnamed sources are a feature of media stories, especially those that impact negatively on Israel.

Israeli Soldiers Break the Silence on Gaza War (tags)


Racist Israeli Policies Target Arabs and Ethiopian Jews (tags)


Jimmy Carter Calls Gaza Conditions "Intolerable" (tags)


Don't Travel to Israel Ever for Any Reason! (tags)


Palestinians trapped dying in Yarmouk, Syria – a test for the left (tags)

Thousands of Palestinians at risk- and the left is silent

Israel: A Force of Pure Evil (tags)


Israeli State Terror Targets Palestinian Lawmaker Khalida Jarrar (tags)


Netanyahu Insists Iran Deal Include His Demands (tags)


McCain Urges Preemptive Israeii Aggression on Iran (tags)


Israel Uses Lethal Force Against Palestinian Children (tags)


Israeli Stooge Abbas Supports Obama's War on Yemen (tags)


Reelecting Israel's Greatest Con Man (tags)


Police State Israel on Steeroids Under Netanyahu (tags)


Jerusalem on the Boil (tags)


Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don't Bet On It (tags)


Israeli Election Postmortems (tags)


Netanyahu Wins (tags)


Ignored Palestinian Persecution on Election Day in Israel (tags)


Defiant Netanyahu Pledges No Palestinian State if Reelected (tags)


Netanyahu on the Ropes (tags)


Palestinians Suffer Horrifically Ahead of Israeli Elections (tags)


Netanyahu and Herzog Promise Business As Usual for Palestinians (tags)


Israeli Foreign Minister Wants Arab Citizens Beheaded (tags)


Choice for Palestinians in Israeli Elections: None (tags)


Rage Against Netanyahu (tags)


An Israeli Arab speaks (tags)

Remarkable words of peace from an Israeli Arab diplomat, George Deek

Israeli Women Wage Peace (tags)


Netanyahu's Ugly Israel (tags)


Grand Theft Netanyahu? (tags)


Dams that dont exist flood gaza (tags)

Palestinian media and officials are facing ridicule in the Israeli press for blaming the Israeli government for flooding the Gaza Strip by opening dams. But there’s one problem: Israel says those alleged dams don’t exist. “Even the weather is fair game in Hamas’s war of words against Israel,” wrote the Times of Israel, while the blog Israelly Cool had this headline: “Palestinians and Supporters Open the Floodgates of Bullcrap.” “[O]f course no crisis in Gaza can go to waste without blaming it on Israel,” Israelly Cool wrote. The claim of Israel intentionally flooding Gaza has made headlines in the pro-Palestinian media over the past week in which a freak winter storm hit the Middle East with a deluge of rain and snow, including a once-in-a-century snowfall in neighboring Egypt.

Al Jazeera Spy Cables (tags)


Israeli Barbarism: Terrorizing Palestinian Children (tags)


Israeli Hardliners Reject Palestinian Statehood, Want War, not Peace (tags)


Palestinians Between a Rock and a Hard Place (tags)


Charles W Freeman Jr Says the US Has Not Cauterized MidEast Problems But Metastasized Them (tags)

US policy toward Israeli leadership can be compared to giving car keys to a drunk.

Israeli Gaza War Crimes Investigation (tags)


Netanyahu: Symbol of Rogue Governance (tags)


Human Rights Groups Condemn Israeli Gaza War Crimes (tags)


Blowback Against Israeli State Terror (tags)


Israeli State Terror the Root Cause of Palestinian Blowback (tags)


Israel's Latest Aggression (tags)


Christians in Israel: Don’t Call Us Arabs (tags)

Long identified as part of the country’s minority Arab population, Israel’s Christian community has recently begun asserting its own unique identity—one that is deeply tied to the Jewish State of Israel. Meet the Arameans.

Deconstrcucting Netanyahu in Paris (tags)


Netanyahu in Paris (tags)


Field Notes on Reality: Hard Truths Buried When Most Needed (tags)


Israeli Persecution of Haneen Zoabi (tags)


Palestinians: On Their Own for Justice (tags)


The Mendacious Maps of Disappearing Palestine (tags)

Anti-Israel activists often use doctored maps to show Israel’s supposed malfeasance over the past century. Such claims are made by people who, in the best case, have no knowledge of the facts, and in the worst case, have no moral compass.

Appalling Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Prisoners (tags)


The Struggle for Palestine's Soul (tags)


Palestine's Pinochet? (tags)


Why Palestinian Sovereignty Matters (tags)


Abbas Signs Rome Statute: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Comments on Palestine's UN Failure (tags)


US Vetoes Palestinian Statehood Resolution (tags)


Paalestine: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (tags)


Israeli Good Tidings for Palestinians (tags)


Christmas in Palestine (tags)


Israel's Longstanding War on Palestine (tags)


US/Israeli No Palestinian State Solution (tags)


Israel's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Israel Bombs Gaza (tags)


US to Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid (tags)


Torture in Israeli Prisons (tags)


EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


PLO Security Council Statehood Bid (tags)


Academic Groups For and Against BDS (tags)


Chickens Coming Home to Roost (tags)


Israel Replicates American Ruthlessness (tags)

police state

Hard Truths in Occupied Palestine Media Scoundrels Ignore (tags)


Israel's Anti-Infiltration Law (tags)


Israel Partners with Obama's War on Syria (tags)


Israel's Gaza War Continues (tags)


Political Prisoners in America and Israel (tags)

police state

Risking Possible Bloodbath in Palestine (tags)


Challenging Israel's House Demolition Policy (tags)


Internal Israeli Wars (tags)


Punitive Israeli House Demolitions (tags)


Aryan Nuremberg Laws in Israel (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza Border Areas (tags)


Trigger-Happy: Profile of State-Sponsored Terrorism (tags)


Over-the-Top Israeli Policies (tags)


Israeli Police State Ruthlessness (tags)


Rewarding Israel for High Crimes Against Peace (tags)


Unaccountable Israeli Settler Criminality (tags)


Israeli Ruthlessness 101 (tags)


Labor Solidarity Demands a “No” Vote on Israel Boycott (tags)

The AAF currently consists of over 120 liberal and progressive scholars, affiliated with The Third Narrative, who are dedicated to combating academic boycotts and blacklists, defending freedom of expression and promoting empathy and civility in the debate over Israelis and Palestinians.

Israel: Human Rights Abuser Writ Large (tags)


Ignored Root Cause of Occupied Palestine Violence (tags)


Israeli Settlements Prevent Peace (tags)


Justifiable Rage in Palestine (tags)


Rasmea Odeh's Politicized Persecution (tags)

police state

Recognizing Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Institutionalized Israeli State Terror (tags)


UN Gaza War Inquiry: Legitimate or Whitewash? (tags)


Israel Plans Annexing West Bank Territory (tags)


Netanyahu Vows Zero Tolerance (tags)


Stop the Wall Activism (tags)


Israel's Reign of Terror on Palestine (tags)


Palestinian Solidarity Day of Rage (tags)


Israeli Iron Fist Ruthlessness (tags)


ICC Whitewashes Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Blaming Victims: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


HRW and AI Blast Israeli War Crimes (tags)


Top Retired Israeli Seccurity Officials Support Peace with Palestinians (tags)


Lawless Israeli House Demolitions (tags)


Serial Killer Netanyahu Calls for Calm (tags)


Collective Punishment: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Sadistic Israeli Murder (tags)


The Day Israel Attacked America (tags)


Cracks in US/Israeli Special Relationship? (tags)


Israel's War on Islam (tags)


The Shortwave Report 12/24/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan, and the Voice of Russia.

We're All Palestinians (tags)


Israel's Bloodstained Hands (tags)


Reinvented Scoundrel Media History (tags)


Israel's Rogue Agenda (tags)


Rebuilding Gaza (tags)


Remember Gaza: One of History's Great Crimes (tags)


Renouncing Judaism (tags)


Freedom Walking for Palestine and BDS (tags)


Racist Extremism in Israel (tags)


Palestinians uses water as a political weapon (tags)

A thesis titled ‘The politicization of the Oslo water agreement’ written by Lauro Burkart a Swiss graduate of the Institute of International and Development studies in Geneva gives an accurate and impartial picture of the topic of the scarcity of water in the Palestinian Authority.

Israel: Guilty of Genocidal High Crimes (tags)


Israel Part of US Anti-Syrian Coalition (tags)


Telling It Like It Is On Israel (tags)


Firestorm Over Steven Salaita's Sacking (tags)


Israel's Hannibal Directive (tags)


The Failure of the Block the Boat tactic (tags)

Block the Boat. Bested by a bug.

Israel's Ruthless Agenda (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine Without End (tags)


Israeli Persecution of Palestinians Unrelated to Defense (tags)


Israeli High Crimes Against Peace Examined (tags)


Abbas Blocks Israeli War Crimes Investigation (tags)


IDF Soldiers Denounce Israeli High Crimes Against Peace (tags)


Mustafa Barghouti on Operation Protective Edge (tags)


Jewish Voice for Peace= Jewish voice for Hamas? (tags)

Written by Yitzhak Santis. Exposing the extremist, pro-terror agenda of Jewish voice for peace

Israel Obstructs Gaza Rehabilitation (tags)


Abbas Scuttles Fatah/Hamas Unity (tags)


Did LA pro-Israel group conceal right-wing identity from Hollywood celebs and media? (tags)

On August 23, the Los Angeles group Creative Community for Peace (CCFP) released a widely reported on statement in Billboard Magazine - “200 Hollywood Heavyweights Support Israel.” What was not reported is that CCFP is a “creative” front group for the right-wing, pro Israeli settler nonprofit StandWithUs, that has a close relationship with the Israeli government. Though CCFP carefully avoids explaining this on their website and materials, CCFP is the same legally-registered nonprofit as StandWithUs (SWU), and, as of October 2013, operated from within SWU’s LA office.

Israel Breaches Gaza Ceasefire Agreement (tags)


Elizabeth Warren: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Israel's Latest Land Grab (tags)


Gaza War Postmortems (tags)


Another No-Peace Ceasefire (tags)


Israel v. Palestine: MSM Unreported Truths (tags)


Fascism Grips Israel (tags)


Israel's Genocidal Killing Machine (tags)


Israel Murders Journalists (tags)


Pro-Israeli Security Council Gaza Resolution (tags)


Western Leaders Support Israeli Genocide (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War Continues (tags)


Failure in Cairo (tags)


Gaza Ceasefire Extended (tags)


Netanyahu: Israel's Pinochet (tags)


MSM War on Gaza (tags)


The Great Israeli Iron Dome Hoax (tags)

Iron Dome

Sham Cairo Talks Continue (tags)


Impasse in Cairo (tags)


Boycott Israel: Now More Than Ever (tags)


Investigating Gaza War Crimes (tags)


Mass Murder in Gaza and Ukraine (tags)


Waging Genocidal War on Humanity (tags)


L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 3 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. Photoset 3 of 4

Israel y Palestina: Así es como se acaba (tags)

Tras el estallido de la última ola de violencia en Israel y Palestina y la muerte de más niños y niñas, no basta con pedir otro alto al fuego. Llegó el momento de emprender contundentes acciones no violentas que pongan fin a esta pesadilla que dura décadas.

Statement by American Muslim Organizations: End Israeli Aggression and Occupation, Uphold American Principles (tags)

Muslim Organizations and Individuals Statement by American Muslim Organizations: End Israeli Aggression and Occupation, Uphold American principle

Free Rasmea Odeh (tags)

The latest

¡Abajo las nuevas exacciones criminales de Israel! (tags)

El jueves 12 de junio al atardecer, tres jóvenes, Gilad Shaar, Yifal Efrad y Naftali Frankel, en momentos en que hacían autoestop en una encrucijada no lejos de Gush Etzion, una colonia judía en territorio palestino, fueron secuestrados por dos militantes probablemente ligados a Hamás, la organización política islámica. Desde ese momento, pasaron 18 días antes que los cadáveres de los tres jóvenes colonos aparecieran. Durante esos dramáticos días, perdieron la vida más de 6 palestinos en Cisjordania (entre ellos un menor), se han realizado 6OO detenciones arbitrarias, clausura de un sinnúmero de centros y organizaciones diversas, además de hurtos y pillaje de la logística de los medias extranjeros (1), el cierre de las rutas y otra cantidad de abusos perpetrados por el ejército israelí contra la población, so pretexto de estar tras los secuestradores.

Down with the latest criminal abuses by the Israeli State! (tags)

On Thursday, June 12 evening three youths; Gilad Shaar, Yifal Efrad and Naftali Frankel were abducted by two militants suspected to have links to Hamas, the Islamic political organization, while they were hitchhiking at a crossroads near Gush Etzion, an Israeli colonial settlement in Palestinian territory. From that moment, it took 18 days before the bodies of three young settlers were found. During these 18 days at least six Palestinians were killed in the West Bank (including a child), along with no less than 600 arbitrary arrests, the closure of numerous centers and associations, including burglary and theft against the foreign media (1), the closure of roads and other forms of abuse by the Israeli army against the people under the pretext of search and capture of the abductors.

AVAAZ_GAZA_war crimes (tags)

Please, sign in and spread worldwide Be sure we bear the UN in it Gaza's Israeli war crimes

Statement on the Gaza Genocide (tags)

In the past week, Israeli military forces have escalated their offensive on the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes have increasingly targeted houses, civilian-populated areas and civilian facilities in the Gaza strip. Israeli warplanes have destroyed a number of houses while their residents were inside, without any prior warnings, killing and wounding many Palestinian civilians.

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge 3 Photosets/ Photoset 3 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 2 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 1 of 3

The Shortwave Report 06/27/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice Of Russia.

Israel: the only nation with balls (tags)

Israel launches airstrikes in Syria after teen is killed Israeli police identified the boy as Mohammed Karaka, 14, of the Arab village of Arraba in northern Israel. Local media said he had accompanied his father, the truck driver, to work.

Palestinian Unity Governance (tags)


Hunger Striking for Liberation and Justice (tags)


Israeli Extrajudicial Assassinations (tags)


Punishing Palestinians Ruthlessly (tags)


Israeli State Terror (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinian Children (tags)


Palestine Under Siege (tags)


Israeli Independence Produced Nakba Suffering (tags)


Unprecedented Settlement Construction Exposes Sham Peace Talks (tags)


Holocaust Day Remembrance Day Duplicity (tags)


Mass Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Israel Wants Temple Mount Control (tags)


PLO/Hamas Detente? (tags)


Marwan Barghouti on Sham Peace Talks (tags)


Israel Seeks Regional Anti-Iranian Alliance (tags)


Israeli State Terrorism (tags)


Palestinian Children's Day 2014 (tags)


Abbas Intends Extending Sham Peace Talks (tags)


Netanyahu Declares War on Palestine (tags)


Sham Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Israeli Supremes Endorse War Crimes (tags)


Mideast Peace Negotiators Meet (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Flounder (tags)


Duplicitous Mideast Peace Talks (tags)


Reviewing James Petras' The Politics of Empire (Part II) (tags)


Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)


Jonathan Pollard's Imminent Release? (tags)


Olmert: Guilty As Charged (tags)


One-Sided Human Rights Council Vote on Syria (tags)


Boycott Peru - End Nazism (tags)

Peru has a growing number of neo-nazi's. The believe that Jewish people are the reason they are impoverished, particularly in the andes mountain communities. They believe that supporting a Nazi agenda will increase their wellbeing.

Israeli Crimes Go Unpunished (tags)


Willful Medical Negligence in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Rogue State Israeli Policies (tags)


Cold-Blooded Israeli Murder (tags)


Israel's Racist War on Palestine (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza - Again (tags)


Israel Denies 45,000 Palestinians Water (tags)


Israel Hypes Nonexistent Iranian Threat (tags)


Talking Peace While Waging War (tags)


Israel Accused of War Crimes in West Bank (tags)


Hardened Racism in Israel (tags)


Israel Bombs Syrian/Lebanese Border (tags)


Israel Targets Palestinian Children (tags)


Israeli Ethnic Cleansing (tags)


Racist Israeli Rabbis (tags)


Unconstitutional Protect Academic Freedom Act (tags)

police state

Abbas Accepts Occupation Harshness (tags)


Free Expression on Trial in Israel (tags)


Good News and Bad from Palestine (tags)


Israel's Secret Nuclear Program (tags)


Remembering Shulamit Aloni (tags)


Palestinians Against Fake Peace Talks (tags)


Kerry in Davos (tags)


Harper in Israel (tags)


Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)

“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...

How Israel Gets Away with Murder (tags)


Promised Land Disenchantment (tags)


Rafik Hariri Murder Trial (tags)


Israel Denies Palestinians All Rights (tags)


The Ghost of Ariel Sharon (tags)


Subverting Peace (tags)


Sharonian Evil Lives (tags)


Eulogizing a Mass Murderer (tags)


Ariel Sharon's Criminal Legacy (tags)


Israel's War on Asylum Seekers (tags)


Criminal Unaccountability (tags)


Rogue State Accuses Victims of Incitement (tags)


US Universities of Shame: Part II (tags)


Kerrys Peace Plan: Worthless (tags)


Palestinian Children in Cages (tags)


Peace Process Hypocrisy Continues (tags)


AIPAC's Federal Reserve Vice Chairman (tags)


Israel Targets Conscientious Objectors (tags)


Released Palestinian Prisoners Aren't Free (tags)


Planned Israeli Jordan Valley Annexation? (tags)


US Universities of Shame (tags)


Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)


US and Israeli Seasons's Greetings: Part II (tags)


Israel Bombs Gaza - Again (tags)


Academic freedom demands we reject the American Studies Association resolution (tags)

countering assaults on academic freedom in our schools

US and Israeli Season's Greetings (tags)


Christianity's Savior in the Middle East (tags)

With one exception, Christians throughout the countries of the Middle East are at risk or on the run, their churches burned, their property expropriated, their personal safety in peril from thugs intent on beatings, rapes, and murders

Profile of a Racist Zionist State (tags)


Mission Accomplished, Says Snowden (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza (tags)


Samer Issawi's Liberating Struggle (tags)


Rogue State Israel (tags)


Elie Wiesel's Anti-Iranian Agenda (tags)


Remembering Eyad El-Sarraj (tags)

human rights

US Scholars Endorse Boycotting Israel (tags)


Human Rights Day 2013 (tags)

human rights

Peace Without Occupation (tags)


John Kerry's Anti-Palestinian Agenda (tags)


Israeli Judaization Master Plans (tags)


Global Protests Against Bedouin Ethnic Cleansing (tags)


US/Israeli Iran Policy Remains Unchanged (tags)


Provoking Iran (tags)


Israeli Police State Lawlessness (tags)


Undermining Geneva (tags)


Israel's War on Palestinian Children (tags)


Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)


Israel Wants Walls, not Peace (tags)


Israeli Unaccountability (tags)


Israeli Rabbinical Scandals (tags)


Double Injustice (tags)

police state

America and Israel: Police States Writ Large (tags)

police state

Targeting Press Freedom in Palestine (tags)


Dead in the Water Peace Talks (tags)


Judaizing Palestine (tags)


Palestine's Land Defense Coalition (tags)


Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Israeli Settlements are War Crimes (tags)


Israel Killed Arafat (tags)


Whitewashing Crime in Israel (tags)


Sham Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Israeli Apartheid Ruthlessness (tags)


Gaza Running Out of Fuel and Medicines (tags)


Israel Attacks Syria and Gaza (tags)


Israel's Deplorable Human Rights Record (tags)


Palestinian Prisoner Releases (tags)


Israeli Persecution of Human Rights Lawyer Anas Barghouti (tags)


Israeli Responsibility for Hacking Millions of French Phones? (tags)


New Israeli Discriminatory Laws Tabled (tags)


Longstanding New York Times Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)


Review: max Blumenthal "Goliath" (tags)

Eric Alterman is a Distinguished Professor of English, Brooklyn College, City University of New York,

Suffocating Palestine Toward Extinction (tags)


Palestinians and Israelis: Unequal Treatment (tags)


Israel and Washington Target Iran (tags)


Netanyahu's General Assembly's Dissembling (tags)


More on Inventing an Iranian Threat (tags)


Netanyahu in Washington (tags)


Netanyahu Exceeds Sharonian Evil (tags)


Unchanged US Policy on Iran (tags)


Occupation Harshness Belies Dead on Arrival Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)


Israeli Forces Attack EU Diplomats (tags)


Israel's Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons Threaten World Peace (tags)


Is Capitalism to Blame for the Syrian War Drive? (tags)

Obama’s push for war in Syria seemed so deeply irrational, so crazed, that many people naturally asked, “Why is this happening?” And “who” wants it to happen? Few Americans actually believed that Nobel Peace Prizing winning Obama suddenly wanted to bomb Syria because “Assad gassed his own people” (especially when zero evidence was given to prove this).

Testimonies Prove Israel Tortures Palestinian Children (tags)


Obama Ignores Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


The War on Syria and Noam Chomsky (tags)

A careful reading of the “Left” liberals’ response to the Western-backed terror in Syria, reveals that the “Left” liberals have display a staggering level of complacency, complicity and outright hostility to the Syrian people. Representatives of the milieu of the “Left” liberals led by the like of Noam Chomsky have lost credibility. Their arguments are part of the standard propaganda talking points that serve Israel-U.S. Zionist ideology.

Israeli Lobby Targets Syria and Iran (tags)


Harsh Criticism of Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)


Israel Attacks Palestinians During Peace Talks (tags)


Roger Water's Calls On Musicians to Boycott Israel (tags)

Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has published a long-awaited open letter calling on his fellow musicians to boycott Israel. The letter explains that Waters has been part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for seven years, and has been mulling the letter over for some time. He condemns Israeli human rights violations and explains the reasons to act:

Israel Poised to Attack Syria? (tags)


Israel Behind Egypt's Coup? (tags)


Police State Terror in Egypt (tags)


Dispossessing East Jerusalem Palestinian Residents (tags)

police state

Sham Peace Talks Resume (tags)


Spinning the Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process (tags)


Israeli Occupation Harshness Prevents Peace (tags)


Israeli Business As Usual (tags)


Israeli Democracy: A Convenient Illusion (tags)


New York Times Fuels Anti-Iranian Sentiment (tags)


Palestinian Prisoners: Petitioning to Block Their Release (tags)


Decades of Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Failure : 50 Reasons Why (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Rebooting Failure (tags)


Israeli Referendum Measure Blocks Land for Peace (tags)


Profile of a Rigged Peace Process (tags)


The Illusion of Israeli/Palestinian Peace for Our Time (tags)


ZOA's LA Chairman Endorses Terrorism (tags)

On Friday, July 19, John Kerry announced the resumption of direct Israeli-Palestinian talks.The next day, the LA director of the Zionist Organization of America, Steven Goldberg, posted an announcement of a talk on "Why Israel and the Jewish People Need Another Kahane Now".

Israel: Talking Peace, Waging War (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Let the Charade Begin (tags)


Appalling Israeli Gulag Prison Conditions (tags)


Israel Terrorizes 5-Year-Old Palestinian Boy (tags)

police state

More Evidence of Fake Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)


EU Shamelessly Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Dead on Arrival (tags)


EU Guidelines on Israel: Part II (tags)


New EU Guidelines on Israel (tags)


Attacking Syria: Israeli/Turkish Denials Ring Hollow (tags)


Syrian Opposition in Disarray (tags)


Middle East Continues to Boil (tags)


Kerry's Shuttle Diplomacy Excludes Peace in Our Time (tags)


Richard Falk: Speaking Truth to Power (tags)


Washington Funds Secret Israeli Ballistic Missile Base (tags)


Syria's Qusair Victory Matters (tags)


Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)

It doesn't surprise. On June 8, Haaretz headlined "What was the Israeli involvement in collecting US communications intel for NSA?" More on that below.

Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)

police state

Israel popularity 2'nd from last of 197 nations - BBC poll (tags)

A new poll commissioned by the BBC was released this week, and it shows again that isra hell is ranked second from the bottom of 197 countries, is considered a danger to world peace, and is just about the world’s most negatively viewed country, and that it's support globally continues to evaporate.

Evidence of Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Natan Blanc (tags)


Israel Threatens Russia (tags)


Peace Process Pretense (tags)


Hezbollah's Nasrallah: Syria's the "Linchpin of Resistance" (tags)


Lebanon's Victory Day of National Resistance (tags)


Israeli Pillar of Cloud War Crimes (tags)


Israel Threatens More Syrian Attacks (tags)


Israeli Lobby Power in America (tags)


Profile of Lawless Aggression (tags)


Yair Shamir: Profile of Israeli Extremism (tags)


BBC's Longstanding Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)


America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II) (tags)


Google Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (tags)


Israel's War on Fishing Rights (tags)


America's Addiction: Waging War on Humanity (tags)


Palestinian Prisoner Diaries (tags)


Terrorists "R" Us (tags)

police state

Targeting Iran (tags)


Hagel in Israel (tags)


Palestinian Prisoners Day (tags)


Anti-Zionism Isn't Anti-Semitism (tags)


Hunger Striking for Liberation, Justice and Dignity (tags)


New York Times Anti-Palestinian Bias (tags)


Mistreating Palestinian Children (tags)


Exploiting Holocaust Remembrance Day (tags)


More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Institutionalized Barbarism (tags)


Israeli Murder by Neglect (tags)


Commemorating Land Day (tags)


Another Side of Israel: The Impact of Tikkun Olam (tags)

A side of Israel we never hear about

Obama Spurns Palestinian Rights (tags)


What Follows Turkish/Israeli Reconciliation (tags)


Obama in Jerusalem (tags)


Unbreakable US/Israeli Ties (tags)


Obama in Israel (tags)


Remembering Rachel Corrie (tags)


Holding Harvard's Crimson Accountable (tags)

managed news

Obama Heads to Israel (tags)


Israeli President Peres calls for an Arab League-led invasion and occupation of Syria (tags)

Israeli President Shimon Peres has received a standing ovation at the European Parliament after delivering an extremely bellicose speech which demonised Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and called for an Arab League-led invasion and occupation of Syria.

Hamas killed Baby in Gaza, Blamed israel (tags)

UM: A Hamas rocket killed 11 month old Omar al-Masharawi, n not an Israeli attack as previopusly reported

Israeli Violence on International Women's Day (tags)


Persecuting Hanin Zoabi (tags)


AIPAC Conference Day Two (tags)


Whitewashing Israeli Murder by Torture (tags)


Hawkish Senators Want War on Iran (tags)


Thaw in Israeli Immunity? (tags)


Israeli Commanders on Trial (tags)


Profile of Imperial Lawlessness (tags)


Accountability Now (tags)


Israeli Murder by Torture (tags)


Washington Whitewashes Israeli Murder (tags)


Understanding Israeli Settlements (tags)


Straight Talk on Israel (tags)


Guilt by Accusation (tags)


Straight Talk on US/Israeli Relations (tags)


Israel's Racist of the Year Award (tags)


West Bank Village Struggles to Survive (tags)


Lieberman's Trial Begins (tags)


Israeli Lawlessness in Issawiya (tags)


Israeli Gaza Airstrikes Violated Laws of War (tags)


Disappearing Prisoners: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Obstructing Hamas/Fatah Unity (tags)


Mavi Marmara Massacre Whiteewash Redux (tags)


Israel Commits Crimes Without Punishment (tags)


Washington and Israel Target Iran (tags)


Israeli State Terror Crowd Control Weapons (tags)


Farming Injustice (tags)

Another day, another new initiative to boycott Israel:

Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Does Netanyahu Want Regional War? (tags)


Moscow to West: Hands Off Middle East/Africa (tags)


Washington OK's Israeli Aggression on Syria (tags)


Ban Ki-moon Fails to Condemn Israeli Aggression (tags)


UN Mission Condemns Israeli Settlements (tags)


Premeditated Aggression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


The Shortwave Report 02/01/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and the Voice of Russia.

Israel Attacks Lebanon (tags)


Targeting Iran Continues (tags)


Intifada Activism Needed (tags)


Israel's Likely Coalition Partner Government Threatens Humanity (tags)


Fascism Wins Big in Israel (tags)


Israeli Election Results (tags)


Dominant Israeli Parties Spurn Democracy (tags)


Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Sovereignty and Democratic Freedoms (tags)


Israelis Vote (tags)


Israel Criminalizes Throwing Snowballs (tags)


Israel Complicit in Global State Terrorism (tags)


Police State Israel (tags)


Israeli Apologist Benny Morris (tags)


Obama v. Netanyahu Round Two (tags)


Israelis Want Out (tags)


Israeli Elections (tags)


Netanyahu: The Face of Israeli Fascism (tags)


Washington Post Supports Israeli Settlements (tags)


PA Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Hardening Israeli Fascism (tags)


Netanhayu's Warning (tags)


No Relief for Palestine in New Year (tags)


The Gatekeepers: Exposing Israel's Dark Side (tags)


Rare Israeli Justice (tags)


Israel's Long Arm (tags)


Avigdor Lieberman Faces New Charges (tags)


Netanyahu/Lieberman Coalition (tags)


Human Rights Get Short Shrift in Israel (tags)

police state

Israel's Man at State (tags)


Odd Man Out (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Striking Steadfastness (tags)


US and European Union rebuke Israel’s new settlement plans in East Jerusalem (tags)

The White House Tuesday rebuked Israel for officially endorsing 1,500 new Jewish residences in Arab East Jerusalem, saying the action makes suspicious Israel’s pledge to peace talks and an independent Palestinian state. A number of European Union countries also condemned the Israeli move.

Tortured in Sinai, Imprisoned in Israel (tags)


Premeditated Israeli Violence (tags)


Israel's Lieberman Resigns (tags)


Holding Israel Accountable (tags)


America and Israel Wage War on Humanity (tags)


Netanyahu Mocks Legitimate Governance (tags)


Raising Money for Killers (tags)


Netanyahu's Israel (tags)


Israel: Heading for a Political Cliff? (tags)


Israel Gives Chutzpah New Meaning (tags)


Israeli Settlement Construction Fallout (tags)


Waging War n Palestine (tags)


Palestine UN Vote Postmortems (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine (tags)


Arafat's Body Exhumed (tags)


World Social Forum Free Palestine (tags)


Israel Signals Hardline Policy Intentions (tags)


Gaza Still Boils (tags)


Netanyahu Plans More War (tags)


Abbas: Collaborating with the Enemy (tags)


Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


Righteous Indignation of Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Palestinians: Dying to Live Free (tags)


Gaza Postmortems (tags)


Gaza: Victimized by Israeli Terror Bombing (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 8 (tags)


The U.S. Role in Israel's Attack on Gaza (tags)

As Obama tours Southeast Asia to strengthen his alliances against China, Gazans are being killed and maimed by the hundreds, with the possibility of an incredibly bloody Israeli invasion. The United States still wields tremendous power internationally; its actions and inactions have direct consequences in international conflicts.

On the Israeli-Gaza Conflict (tags)

Manila, Philippines - Akbayan Party strongly and categorically condemns the Israeli armed forces’ (navy and air force) constant bombardment and shelling, numbering above 100, of the Gaza strip, hosting more than 1.7 million people in one of the most densely-populated areas in the world. Despite its claims of engaging in surgical operations against militant and ‘terrorist’ elements within Gaza, Israel’s air raids and naval shelling have contributed to rising casualties among civilians, including journalists and children, caught in the firing line.

We're All Gazans Now (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 7 (tags)


Israeli Aggression: Dress Rehearsal for Iran? (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 6 (tags)


Did Israel Overstep This Time? (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 5 (tags)


Straight Talk on Gaza (tags)


Targeting Civilians: Israel's Specialty (tags)


Media Cover for Israeli Crimes (tags)


Naked Israeli Aggression (tags)


Ahmed Jabari (1960 - 2012 (tags)


Christian Zionists Encourage Military-Industrial Complex Never Ending War (tags)

The Zionists in Israel and the U.S. (Christian Zionists) are encouraging the proliferation of the military-industrial complex with their escalation of religious warfare against the occupied Palestinians. The AIPAC lobby and military weapons contractors give campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans, making both status quo political parties of the U.S. puppets of greedy individuals bent on never ending warfare with soldiers and civilians paying the ultimate price with their lives.

Israel's Operation Pillar of Cloud (tags)


Israeli Threat to Annul Oslo (tags)


Pro-Israeli Media Coverage (tags)


Israel Shells Syria and Gaza (tags)


Petraeus: Resignation or Sacking? (tags)


Waging War Without Declaring It (tags)


Obama/Netanyahu Post-Election Reset (tags)


Israel's Dr. Strangelove (tags)


Haaretz on Obama's Reelection (tags)


Turkey Tries IDF Commanders in Absentia (tags)


Abbas Ill-Serves and Insults Palestinians (tags)


Netanyahu Says War is Peace (tags)


The Shortwave Report 11/2/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

failed protest at Disney hall (tags)

A scheduled protest of the israeli Philharmonic drew only a dozen participants

Tepid Palestinian Authority UN Upgrade Bid (tags)


Netanyahu/Lieberman Unite for War (tags)


Netanyahu Pledges Continued Lawlessness (tags)


Activists Challenge Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Ship to Gaza Activists Brutalized (tags)


What a one-state solution really means (tags)

Depreiving both the Israelis and the palestinians of the right to self determination in the name of justice

Israel Wages War on Human Rights (tags)


Israeli Commandos Electro-Torture Ship to Gaza Activists (tags)


Israel Again Commits Barbarism and Piracy (tags)


Sham Israeli Elections (tags)


Broken Lives and Families in Bil'in (tags)


Israel Encourages Settler Violence (tags)


Israeli Crimes Without Punishment (tags)


Arab Spring and the Israeli enemy (tags)

The Arab Spring showed the world that the Palestinians are happier and in better situation than their Arab brothers who fought to liberate them from the Israelis. Now, it is time to stop the hatred and wars and start to create better living conditions for the future Arab generations.

Palestine: One or Two State Solution (tags)


Neocon Ubeer-Hawks Want War on Iran (tags)


Living with the Enemy (tags)


Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)

With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’] link:

Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)

“With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’]

Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)


Fatah Israeli Collaborators (tags)


Stealing Palestinian Resources (tags)


Long Knives Target Iran (tags)


US Media War on Islam (tags)


Obama v. Netanyahu (tags)


State Terror: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Living Under Israeli State Terror (tags)


Democrats Throw Palestinians Under the Bus (tags)


Netanyahu: The Mouth that Roars (tags)


Sucking Up Shamelessly to Israel (tags)


Israel Uses Palestinians for Target Practice (tags)


Israeli Soldiers Break Silence (tags)


Settler Attacks on Palestinians (tags)


Israel's Anti-Rachel Corrie Verdict (tags)

Israel's verdict against Rachel Corrie, blaming her for her own death, was paid for with our tax dollars, $6 billion a year, as Israel is just an American military base to protect US oil profits in the Middle East and Israel does not make one move without explicit instructions from the US capitalist class, represented by the US government.

Inventing an Iranian Threat (tags)


New York Times Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)


Anti-Iranian Hysteria (tags)


AIPAC Wants War on Iran (tags)


Dangereous Anti-Iranian Warmongering (tags)


Israelis Against War on Iran (tags)


The geopolitics of the Syrian uprising/insurgency (tags)

The continuing mass uprising against Syria’s Bashar Assad dictatorship on the one hand, and the growing intervention by the reactionary Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with Turkey, on the side of the growing armed insurgency on the other, has led to a situation where many on the left are sharply divided over who to “support”.

Unconscionable Media Warmongering (tags)


Israel's Neoliberal Hammer Stikes (tags)


Action Alert: Act now to stop the latest effort to legitimize Israeli Apartheid Terrorism! (tags)

Take Action...The City Council of Sacramento, California, is scheduled to vote on adopting Ashkelon, Israel as a Sister City on August 14th. Given Israel’s continued policy of killing and displacing Palestinians and illegally confiscating their land, the Capital of California, Sacramento, should not be used as a stamp of approval for these policies.

Crimes Against Humanity (tags)


Another Mossad False Flag? (tags)


Stoking False Threats (tags)


To War or Not to War (tags)


Mad Dog Leaders Threaten Humanity (tags)


CIA Calls Israel Main US Regional Spy Threat (tags)


New York Times on Israel's Democracy (tags)


Torturing Children: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Stoking Fear Ahead of London's Olympics (tags)


Spoiling for Another Lebanon War (tags)


Criminalizing Dissent in Israel (tags)


Whitewashing Criminal Fraud (tags)


Maligned for Doing the Right Thing (tags)

police state

Israeli Judicial Harshness (tags)


Israel: Land of Inequality and Injustice (tags)

police state

Israel Likely Killed Arafat (tags)


Palestinian Authority Police Brutalize Peaceful Protesters (tags)


Profile of Institutionalized Racism (tags)


Social Justice Protests in Israel (tags)

class war

Israel Reneges on Hunger Striker Deal (tags)


Israeli Declared an Apartheid State (tags)


Palestinian Footballer Wins Release (tags)


Israeli Turned Palestinian Activist (tags)


Palestinian Footballer Near Death (tags)


Pressure Builds for War on Syria (tags)


Endangered Press Freedom in Israel (tags)


Israeli Commanders Face Trial in Turkish Court (tags)


Reason for Hope and Despair in Palestine (tags)


Madonna invites leftist groups to (Israeli) concert, Anarchists refuse. (tags)

Madonna's peace concert chose Israel as the first stop yet failed to speak out against the Israeli occupation of Palestine while claiming to want peace for all.

Daily Kristallnacht in Palestine (tags)


Israel's Enforcer (tags)


Separate and Unequal in Israel (tags)


Time Profiles a World Class Thug (tags)


Killing with Impunity (tags)


Jerusalem Day (tags)


Headlines Reveal Life in Occupied Palestine (tags)


Israeli Police State Crimes (tags)


Israel's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons (tags)


The Nakba: Before and After (tags)


Hunger Strike Aftermath (tags)


Hunger Strike Deal (tags)


Israeli and Palestinian Protests (tags)


BTL:Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike Marks Renewed Emphasis on Nonviolent Resistance (tags)

Interview with Mazin Qumsiyeh, a Palestinian American activist and author of “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment”, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Hunger Strikes Highlight Israeli Injustice (tags)


Israel: Profile of a Police State (tags)


Action alert: STW office raided by Israeli military (tags)

At 1.30am this morning ten armoured jeeps of the Israeli occupation forces and intelligence surrounded and raided the offices of Stop the Wall in Ramallah. Israeli military stole 2 laptops, 3 hard drives and 10 memory cards containing files and photos as well as archive material relating to the work that the organisation does in opposition to Israel's apartheid wall and the attack on Palestinian human rights that the wall and the settlement represent. This is a renewed attack upon Palestinian civil society and their struggle against the physical and psychological oppression, land confiscation and ethnic cleansing policies of the Israel.

More homes to be demolished in the West Bank (tags)

The Israeli occupation forces have recently handed notices to citizens in Kufur Qaddoum village.

Palestinian Prisoner Unity (tags)


United Methodist Church Rejects Divestment (tags)


Whitewashing Mass Murder (tags)


Glorifying Israel Shames Harvard (tags)


Dying to Live Free (tags)


Land Day: Why It Matters (tags)


Marwan Barghouti: Suspect Accusations After the Fact (tags)


Israel Using Oslo Accords to Steal West Bank Land (tags)


Collectively Punishing Palestinian Prisoners and Families (tags)


Khader Adnan: Freed for How Long? (tags)


Mass Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike (tags)


Israel Criminalizes Travel (tags)


Israel Declares War on Gunter Grass (tags)


Scoundrels Assail Gunter Grass Truths (tags)


Israel Plans Theft of 10% More West Bank Land (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Strikers for Justice (tags)


Hana Shalabi: Not Quite Free at Last (tags)


Challenging Israeli State Terror (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinians Daily (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinian Youths (tags)


Israeli Court Enforces Hana Shalabi Injustice (tags)


Israelis and Iranians Against War (tags)


Heading for Inevitable Disaster (tags)


Palestinians Denied Essentials to Life (tags)


Gaza Siege Harshness Continues (tags)


Perils of Attacking Iran (tags)


America and Israel: Modern Day Spartas (tags)


Condemning Israel's Racist Occupation (tags)


Heading for War on Iran (tags)


Ongoing Israeli State Terror (tags)


Israeli-Style Ceasefires (tags)


Targeted Killings: US and Israeli Specialties (tags)

rogue states

Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter (tags)


Israel's Rogue Killing Machine (tags)


New York Times Wages War on Palestine (tags)


Israel Terror Bombs Gaza (tags)


Israeli Buffer Zone State Terror (tags)


Israel's Ruthless Golani Brigade (tags)


Waging War on Truth (tags)


Resisting Israeli Oppression Courageously (tags)


Imperial Rage for War (tags)


Palestinian Oppression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Prospects for May Palestinian Elections (tags)


New York Times Promoting War on Iran (tags)


Hana Shalabi: Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Daily Israeli State Terror (tags)


Fadi Quran Victimized by Israeli State Terror (tags)


NGO Monitor Denies Truth for Israel (tags)


Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Khader Adnan's Struggle Continues (tags)


Irresponsible Anti-Iranian Fear-Mongering (tags)


Gaza Gripped by Crisis (tags)


Khader Adnan Ending Hunger Strike (tags)


Israeli Torture: Accountability Denied (tags)


Solidarity with Khader Adnan (tags)


BTL: Tensions Escalate as Israel and Iran Trade Charges in Embassy Bombings (tags)

Interview with Jamal Abdi, policy director with the National Iranian American Council, conducted by Scott Harris

Khader Adnan: Day 60 and Counting (tags)


Iran Falsely Charged with India and Georgia Attacks (tags)


Israeli Hanging Judge Sentences Khader Adnan to Death (tags)


Khader Adnan's Heroic Struggle for Justice (tags)


Murdering Khadar Adnan (tags)


Gaza: Isolated Under Siege (tags)


Iran: A Manufactured Threat (tags)


Israeli Political Prisoner Khader Adnan Near Death (tags)


Los Angeles participates in national day of action against war in Iran (tags)

More fauxtography (tags)

About six months ago, @madlamin tweeted a picture with a message in French encouraging users to spread it around the world in 48 hours. The photograph of a soldier pointing a rifle at a little girl on the ground with his boot on her was marked with a #Syria hashtag, suggesting to users it was related to the bloody riots that have been occurring in that country in recent months.

Promoting War, Spurning Peace (tags)


Israeli Settlements: An Obstacle to Peace (tags)


Khader Adnan Mohammad Musa: Israeli Prisoner of Conscience (tags)


Israel Lawlessly Indicts MK Sa'id Naffa (tags)


Profile of a Rogue State (tags)


Handbook on Israeli Apartheid (tags)


Israel Claims Syria/Hamas-Connected Terror Cells Uncovered (tags)


Postponing Joint US/Israeli Exercises (tags)


Israel Plans Major Gaza War (tags)


Abusing East Jerusalem Children (tags)


Racist Israeli Supreme Court Decisions (tags)


Racist Discrimination Against Israeli Arabs (tags)


Marwan Barghouti: Prisoner of Conscience (tags)


BTL:Palestinian Women's Center Faces Many Obstacles to Provide Technical Training to Those (tags)

Interview with Jihan Nasser, women's center computer technology trainer, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Remembering Operation Cast Lead (tags)

Cast Lead had the lowest ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in any asymmetric conflict in the history of warfare.

State of Human Rights in Israel (tags)


BTL:Website Exposes Companies that Profit from Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Land (tags)

Interview with Rona Moran, researcher with, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Israel v. Palestine in 2012 (tags)


Gaza: Remembering Cast Lead (tags)


US taxes go to anti-women Israel (tags)

After hearing Democracy Now's expose of an Israeli woman who was attacked for refusing to give up her seat to a man, I had to research this. I found not only this vicious anti-women story, but also one of Zionist men spitting on an 8 year old girl for being "indecent" in dress. This is the stench of religion for which we American taxpayers pay as Israel does not exist for one second without US tax dollars to the tune of $6 billion a year to protect US oil profits. Here are the stories.

Netanyahu Rejects Peace (tags)


Israel's Repressive Permit System (tags)


EU Protests Israeli Occupation Policies (tags)


Israeli Delegitimization (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinians and Israeli Arabs (tags)


Ugly Israeli Realities Emerge (tags)


Kristallnacht in Palestine (tags)


Lawless Israeli Oppression in Palestine (tags)


Treating Palestinians Lawlessly (tags)


Critical Health Issues in Gaza (tags)


Denying Palestinians Fair Access to Water (tags)


New Report on Israel Restricting Free Expression and Assembly (tags)


Israeli-Style Justice (tags)

police state

International Solidarity Day with Palestine (tags)


Palestinian Unity: A Threat, Says Israel (tags)


Israel: Profile of a Rogue State (tags)

state terror

Gaza: Good News and Bad (tags)


Palestinian Settlers Attack Palestinians with Impunity (tags)


Israel Steps Up Police State Crackdowns (tags)


Rogue Israeli Lawlessness (tags)

state terror

Israeli Anti-Democratic Legislation (tags)


War of Words on Iran (tags)


The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: South Africa Session (tags)


Washington and Israel v. Iran and Flotilla Activists (tags)


Israel Assaults Freedom Waves to Gaza Activists (tags)


Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)


Washington and Israel: Rogue State Partners (tags)


Israel Called Biggest Threat to World Peace (tags)


Washington and Israel: Partners in State Terror (tags)

state terror

Out-of-Control Israeli State Terror (tags)


Netanyahu Threatens Gazans with Death (tags)


Living Under Israel's Boot (tags)


Anti-Democratic Knesset Bills (tags)


Israeli Settlement Construction Jeopardizes Palestinian Statehood Plans (tags)


Life in East Jerusalem (tags)


Ongoing Israeli Human Rights Abuses (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Prisoner Swap (tags)


Israeli-Style Peace and Justice (tags)


Anti-Defamation League Assails Palestinian UN Membership (tags)


Palestinians Protest Israeli Prison Hell (tags)


Israeli State Terror Belies Wanting Peace (tags)


Palestinian Freedom Later, Not Now (tags)


Israeli West Bank Annexation Bill (tags)


Calls to Annex West Bank Settlements (tags)


Ahmad Qatamesh: Israeli Prisoner of Conscience (tags)


Quartet Anti-Palestinian Statehood Proposal (tags)


Netanyahu and Obama Spurn Peace (tags)


AIPAC's Ugly Agenda (tags)

Israeli Lobby

The Irvine 11: Guilty of Being Muslims in America (tags)


No Peace or Justice in Our Time with Netanyahu (tags)


Resuming Peace Process Hypocrisy to Subvert Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Palestinian Statehood: If not Now, When? (tags)


Full Court Press to Deny Palestinians Statehood (tags)


Abbas and Fayyad: Collaborationist Israeli Allies (tags)


Abbas Speech Signals Capitulation (tags)


Palestine's Rocky Road to Statehood (tags)


Face-Off: Palestine v. Washington/Israel on Statehood (tags)


New York Times: Railing Against Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Anti-Israeli Friction Helps Palestinians (tags)


Israeli/Turkish/Palestinian Tensions (tags)


Anti-Israeli Rage in Egypt (tags)


The Irvine 11 (tags)

state terror

Allegedly Foiling Jerusalem Terrorist Attacks (tags)

state terror

The Shortwave Report 09/09 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice Of Russia,

Systematic Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terror

Israeli Oppression Continues While Talking Peace (tags)

police state

Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel (tags)

rogue states

Turkey/Israeli War of Words (tags)


UN Report on Mavi Marmara Massacre (tags)

high seas massacre

Israel's Operation Summer Seeds (tags)


Eretz Yisrael: Lawless, Corrupt and Dysfunctional (tags)


Daily Rogue State Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Israeli Social Justice Protests Continue (tags)

class war

Israeli Persecution of Palestinian Children (tags)

police state

Congressional Junkets to Israel (tags)

police state

BTL:Outcome of Palestinian-U.N. Initiative for Statehood Has Serious Consequences for U.S. (tags)

Interview with Jeff Halper, co-founder and director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, conducted by Hazel Kahan

Repression in Israel and Bahrain (tags)

police state

Growing Israeli Tyranny (tags)

police state

Escalating Israeli Street Protests (tags)

class war

Israeli Street Protests: Suppressed by US Media (tags)

class war

Israel: Rogue State Land of Inequality (tags)


Israeli Home Demolition Terrorism (tags)

state terror

UN Commission Flotilla Massacre Report (tags)

state terror

Possible Israeli Connection to Oslo Attacks (tags)

Oslo attacks

BTL:New Israeli Law Targeting Activists Advocating a Boycott of Israel Provokes Backlash (tags)

Interview with Ofer Neiman, leader of Boycott from Within, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Israeli/Washington Peace Process Rejectionism (tags)


Denying Palestinian Children Education (tags)

state terror

Israel Terrorizing Palestinians Lawlessly (tags)

state terror

Aftermath of Israeli Anti-Free Speech Law Passage (tags)


Denunciation of Israel's Anti-Boycott Law (tags)


Freedom Flotilla II: Final Thoughts (tags)

Israeli terror

Israel's Knesset Passes Boycott Prohibition Bill (tags)

Israeli fascism

BTL:Greek Government Acts as Israeli Proxy in Blocking International Flotilla from Sailing (tags)

Interview with Robert Naiman, policy director of Just Foreign Policy, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Dueling UN Flotilla I Commissions (tags)


Freedom Flotilla II: Blocked but not Defeated (tags)

Israeli terror

Colonizing Libya by Military, Financial, Political and Propaganda Terrorism (tags)


Israeli Freedom Flotilla II Terrorism (tags)

state terror

Israeli Anti-Freedom Flotilla II Propaganda (tags)

state terror

Breaching Gaza's Siege Update (tags)

Israeli state terror

BTL:U.S. Boat to Join International Flotilla Challenging Israeli Gaza Blockade (tags)

Interview with Robert Naiman, policy director of Just Foreign Policy, conducted by Scott Harris

Israel Toughening Conditions for Palestinian Detainees (tags)


Breaching Gaza's Siege (tags)


Violating Palestinian Right (tags)


Turkish - Israeli Relations (tags)


Israel Divestment Campaign Marks First Milestone on the anniversary of Al Naksa (tags)

Invitation to sign the petition

Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on (tags)

The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june war protesters is not an incident, but part of the systematic violence of Israeli occupation Palestinians can only get their right by the armed struggle against the occupation army

Naksa Day Commemorates Decades of Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terrorism

Forty-Four Years of Occupation (tags)

state terrorism

Netanyahu's War on Gaza (tags)

state terrorism

Netanyahu Spurns Peace (tags)


Obama Genuflects to AIPAC (tags)


Mixed Reactions to Obama's Middle East Speech (tags)


Stealing Palestinian Land Dunam by Dunam (tags)


Killing Rachel Corrie Twice (tags)

Gaza siege

Israeli Violence Marks Nakba Day (tags)


Human Trafficking in Israel (tags)


Commemorating Palestine's Nakba (tags)


East Jerusalem Palestinians: Lawlessly Revoking Their Status (tags)


Palestinian Unity: Done Deal or Wobbly? (tags)


New Israeli Discriminatory Laws (tags)


Palestinian Unity Deal Announced (tags)


Israel's Lawless Arrest of Ahmad (tags)


Commemorating Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)


Israeli Intellectuals for Palestinian Independence (tags)


The Israeli Lobby's Poisonous Influence on US Policy (tags)


Remembering Vittorio Arrigoni (tags)


Prospects for a Palestinian Spring (tags)


Avigdor Lieberman to Be Indicted (tags)


Israel: Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)


Declaring An Independent Palestinian State (tags)


NYC Boycott Israel group posts silent video after YouTube removes original (tags)

After receiving over 30,000 views in just two days, a video of New York human rights activists commemorating Palestinian Land Day by calling on Americans to boycott Israel was taken down on the evening of April 1st by YouTube. Today, Adalah-NY posted a silent version of the video on YouTube. In the video, originally posted on March 30, more than 30 dancers accompanied by the Rude Mechanical Orchestra surprised crowds at New York's bustling Grand Central Terminal with an unannounced song and dance.

Richard Goldstone's Fall from Grace (tags)


Revisiting Israel's Terror War on Gaza (tags)

terror war

BTL:As Violence Erupts in Israel and Gaza, Palestinian Youth Call for Hamas-Fatah Reconcil (tags)

Interview with Mazin Qumsiyeh, professor at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities in West Bank, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Target Israel, Not Libya (tags)

naked aggression

Extrajudicial Assassinations: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Seventh Annual Israel Anti-Apartheid Week (tags)


Tomorrow: March 1st Protest the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: Don't Harmonize With Aparth (tags)

In the spirit of the people's revolution in Egypt and the protests across the Middle East….

Institutionalized Arab Inequality in Israel (tags)


Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for War with Iran? (tags)

"In terms of imperialist mentality, not all that much has changed since the days of 1956, when British Prime Minister Anthony Eden would become apoplectic at the mere sight of Colonel Amal abd-el Nasser, the gallant Egyptian leader who successfully nationalized the Suez Canal in defiance of the British and the French. When the imperialists look across the northern edge of Africa, the valuable assets they see are the oil of Algeria and Libya, and above all the Suez Canal, one of the classical naval choke points of the world, through which 8% of world maritime trade currently passes. The Anglo Americans are acutely aware of the endless possibilities for mischief against countries like Iran, China, and Russia that could be derived from a reassertion of the old imperialist control of Suez. If some pretext could be found for banning Chinese ships from the Suez Canal, China’s entire trade with Europe would be severely disrupted. However, in order to make a grab for Suez politically feasible, Egypt would have to descend into chaos. This may in fact be one of the prime motivations of what is currently going on. If the national states collapse, then the empire is free to step in and seize what it wants."

Obama on Palestinian Rights: Nyet (tags)

resolution veto

Israeli and PA Forces Suppress Solidarity with Egyptians (tags)

liberation struggles

Abusing Palestinian Children (tags)


Political Prisoner Ameer Makhoul Update (tags)


Salah Hamouri: One of Thousands of Israeli Political Prisoners (tags)


The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)

"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Whitewash Absolves Israel (tags)

crimes whitewashed

Israeli Racism (tags)

hate indoctrination

Turmoil in Lebanon (tags)

Lebanon crisis

Netanyahu's Government: Israel's Worst Ever (tags)

Israeli repression

Daily Israeli Crimes Against Humanity (tags)

daily lawlessness

BTL:Groups Decry Israeli Use of Tear Gas that Killed Palestinian Woman During West Bank Pr (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Israel's Knesset Targets Leftist Organizations (tags)

targeting dissent

Besieged Gaza Two Years After Cast Lead (tags)

suffocating Gaza

Israel's Barbaric Solitary Confinement (tags)

same as torture

BTL:Report: Palestinians Suffer Egregious Discrimination Under Israeli Control (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Richard Kemp on Gaza (tags)

Richard Kemp on Gaza

Palestine Today: A Reality of Justice Denied (tags)

repression continues

Israel Hardens Repression as Palestinian Recognition Increases (tags)

holiday season state terrorism

Rising Poverty in America and Israel (tags)

mostly unreported

Social Injustice in Israel (tags)

the data will surprise most people

Flotilla Support for Gaza (tags)

coming until siege ends

NGO Monitor Targets Truth for Israel (tags)

Israel's war against truth

Exposing Israel's Fraudulent Third Periodic Report to the UN (tags)

exposing Israeli lies

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: London Session (tags)

working for peace and equity

Unrecognized Palestinians: Illegally Demolishing Their Homes and Villages (tags)

actions against Israeli citizens

Ethnically Cleansing East Jerusalem (tags)

Judaizing East Jerusalem

Stonewalling Goldstone (tags)

trying to buy the findings

A Bribe too Good to Refuse (tags)

Obama offering weapons for peace

Netanyahu Nuclear False Flag: Arabesque Answers & Islamic Intelligence (tags)

HOUSTON, 11/11/10 (Veterans Day) -- With Netanyahu in the United States during a hastily announced nuclear national level exercise and nuclear emergencies occurring after his arrival, the readership of my false flag analysis shot up from 322,000 Saturday morning to over 400,000 on Sunday night, according to Google.

Lurching Toward Gomorrah: Growing Israeli Fascism (tags)

many in Israel are worried.

Shin Bet Mistreatment of Palestinian Detainees (tags)

detainees are tortured and abused

Israeli Banks Profiteering from Occupation (tags)

Israel banks operate like Wall Street

Israeli Settlers Threaten Sheikh Jarrah (tags)

Stealing Palestinian land

Eroding Conditions for Israeli Arabs: Part II (tags)

Israeli Arabs no longer are safe

Viciously Attacking Israeli Arabs (tags)

more evidence of Israeli violence


GORDON DUFF: GADAHN CALL TO ATTACK AMERICANS COMES FROM ISRAEL October 24, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 246 Comments “Israeli terrorist “clones” are responsible for most hard line rhetoric, threats and, if we investigated closely, have actually recruited terrorists and directly inspired, if not planned and executed, attacks on Americans…Gadahn is part of it, so is Wikileaks”

Anti-Defamation League Demagoguery and Islamophobia (tags)

ADL's racism belies its stated mission

Israel Shooting and Electric-Shocking Palestinian Children (tags)

Israel torturing Palestinian children

Israel's Longstanding Middle East Plan (tags)

Israel's divide and conquer strategy

Palestinian Authority Traitors Serving Israel (tags)

Abbas a duplicitous traitor

Alguien puede a creerle a Israel? (tags)


The Israeli Knesset's Anti-Democratic Agenda (tags)

Israeli repression

Boston University's Islamophobic Pro-Israeli Conference (tags)

US Islamophobia

Israel's New Loyalty Oath (tags)

Israel on a fast track to despotism

Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist Extremism (tags)

a rogue Israeli politician

Israel's Persecution of Ameer Makhoul (tags)

a prominent Israeli political prisoner

Independent Committee of Experts on Gaza War (tags)

another UN committee accuses Israel of war crimes

Guilty As Charged: UN Report on Gaza Flotilla Massacre (tags)

Israel rightfully condemned

Can America Stop An Israeli “Nuclear” 9/11? (tags)

“The American people are afraid, they see disaster coming. Everyone is waiting to see what city is chosen to be sacrificed. Will it be Phoenix or Sacramento or perhaps Atlanta? This is the real fear, the “not so secret” fear in the heart of every American.”

Israel Denies Gazans Access to Their Own Land and Waters (tags)

Ruthless Israeli repression

East Jerusalem Palestinians Denied Basic Rights (tags)

israeli repression continues

Israeli Soldiers Sexually Abuse Palestinian Children (tags)

More Israeli crimes

Fatah: Collaborationist Israeli Ally (tags)

Fatah betrays Palestinians

Growing Thought Control in Israel (tags)

Israeli censorship

Three notes from Palistine (tags)

"But Israel has condemned such calls as unfair and ruled out ever signing the NPT. President Obama has insisted that Israel has an inherent “right” to possess a nuclear arsenal." 'Listen to this,' and hold the phone out. It was just what Rachel used to do: 'Listen to this.' And you'd hear the explosions."

U.S. Aim in "Peace Process": Liquidation of Palestinian struggle (tags)

"On the day the talks began, a press conference in Gaza City by 12 Palestinian organizations including Hamas, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Islamic Jihad, Popular Resistance Committees, Palestine People's Party and others denounced the Washington talks as a sham and announced their intention to intensify the resistance against Israeli occupation. Renewed negotiations are taking place against a backdrop of the accelerated seizure of Palestinian land in the West Bank, a vast expansion of Israeli settlements and the continued blockade of Gaza. Today, there are more than 500,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank. The extreme right-wing Israeli government, which includes outright fascist elements, has intensified repression against Palestinians who make up 20 percent of the population inside the 1948 borders"

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)

And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?

WED 9/8: LA to Launch Divest from Israel CA Ballot Initiative (tags)

Californians committed to peace and justice for Palestine-Israel will launch the statewide campaign of California ballot Initiative 10-0020 with a signing ceremony in front of the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. Although California has adopted policies requiring divestment from Sudan, Iran and other nations, this is the first ballot measure in the nation aimed at changing Israeli policies through divestment by State agencies. It directs California’s large public employee and teacher pension funds to be consistent with their responsible investing policies and to divest from companies that violate the human rights of Palestinians. The description provided by the office of the Attorney General when it approved the measure for circulation last week says that the initiative “prohibits state retirement funds from investing in companies engaged in certain business activities in Israel.”

Global BDS Against Israel Is Working (tags)

Israel fears delegitimization

Israel/Palestine: More on the Sham Peace Talks (tags)

economic decline

Israel Threatens War with Lebanon (tags)

more evidence of a pariah Israeli state

Yale University's Pro-Israeli, Anti-Islamic Conference (tags)

hate and bigotry on display at Yale

US Tells Lebanon: Israel Can Destroy Your Entire Army in 4 hrs. (tags)

"I imagine that when S300 surface to air missiles start tagging those F16’s new thoughts will alight in long calcified minds. France has every right to supply Lebanon with those weapons. Given Israel’s proven imperialist nature the “real international community” will demand it."

The Israeli Lobby: Declassified Documents Expose Its Influence (tags)

Israeli Lobby exposed

Notes from Besieged Gaza (tags)

Relentlessly, Israel wages war on Gaza

The Charade Exposed: Latest Israeli No Peace/Peace Talks for September (tags)

Israel wants conflict, not peace

Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed (tags)

Senate report confirms the millions of bribe ( and other means ) money used to direct the corporate media into certain 'viewpoints' that never, ever become critical of the Israeli state. ­

Israeli Academic Freedom at Rish (tags)

israeli free expression endangered

Israel's Bogus Construction Moratorium (tags)

settlement construction continues unabated

‘Miami Herald’ breaks US taboo on describing Palestinians’ second-class citizenship (tags)

"Consider what it would be like if: • Our Constitution defined the union as a “white Christian democratic state?” • Our laws still barred marriage across ethnic-religious lines? • Our government appointed a Chief Priest, empowered to define membership criteria for the white Christian nation? • Our government legally enabled immigration by white Christians while barring it for others?"

Impact of Israeli Military Order No. 1650 (tags)

hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are at risk

President (tags)

A brand new film series is hitting the airwaves of public television stations nationwide; the Israeli Film Festival on Public Television’s premiere season features the films of filmmaker Duki Dror. KLCS-TV in Los Angeles will be the first to air the three films will air on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. beginning Tuesday, August 17, 2010.

The Real Aim of Israel’s Bomb Iran Campaign and... (tags)

“But Israel clearly cannot afford to risk a war with Iran without the assurance that the United States being committed to participate in it. That is why the Israeli lobby in Washington and its allies argue that Obama should support an Israeli strike, which would mean that he would have to attack Iran with full force if it retaliates against such an Israeli strike. The knowledge that Israel could not attack Iran without U.S. consent makes Israeli officials extremely sensitive about the possibility that Obama would explicitly reject an Israeli strike.”

The Charade Begins: Netanyahu's Flotilla Massacre Probe Testimony (tags)

whitewash and cover-up assured

Israel Prohibiting the Right to Demonstrate (tags)

Israel attacking peaceful demonstrations

Palestinians Denied Access to Water (tags)

a clear crime against humanity

Recent Israeli Provocations (tags)

recent Israeli violence

URGENT!: Intelligence professionals warn Israeli attack on Iran would drag US into war (tags)

URGENT!: Intelligence professionals warn Israeli attack on Iran would drag US into war

The Repressive Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (tags)

more evidence of Israeli lawlessness

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)

"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."

Palestinian Detainee Abuse During Operation Cast Lead (tags)

clear evidence of Israeli war crimes

W Bush's,Barack Obama's Mass Murderer Robert Gates Says Wikileaks Has 'Blood On Its Hands' (tags)


Occupied Palestine: Home Demolitions, Dispossessions and Residency Rights Revoked (tags)

More evidence of Israeli lawlessness

Investigating the Freedom Flotilla Attack (tags)

honest investigation will report the truth

Gazans Denied Medical Care Under Siege (tags)

more evidence of Israeli oppression

Israel's New Land Grab Master Plan (tags)

theft of Palestinian land

Stop the Wall: People v. Oppression (tags)

Part II of earlier article.

Palestinian Children Under Occupation (tags)

oppressing Palestinian children

BTL:Former Army Col. Ann Wright Recounts Israeli Assault on Gaza Aid Flotilla (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Gaza's Electricity Crisis (tags)

one of many problems under siege

Israel's Settlement Enterprise: Longstanding, Outrageous and Illegal (tags)

Israel wants all valued West Bank land

Obama and Netanyahu Plan Conflict, not Resolution (tags)

Permanent conflict is US and Israeli policy

Deteriorating Conditions for Israeli Arab Citizens (tags)

Israel wants the city exclusively Jewish

The Zionist Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla (tags)

South African activists describe this flagrant assault as Israel’s Sharpeville, referring to the 1960 massacre in South Africa that marked a turning point in international support of anti-apartheid resistance. There certainly appears to be a great deal of active support for the BDS campaign. Let’s hope it culminates in the eventual realization of a one-state democracy inclusive of all residents, Arab and Jewish, living in peaceful coexistence under a secular, democratic government. Free Palestine now!

Deteriorating Conditions for Israeli Arab Citizens (tags)

20% of the population affected

Democrat Obama Proclaims Unbreakable Bond with Zionist Israel (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat? Nutty Yahoo, aka Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come to DC on July 6, 2010 and was warmly welcomed by Democrat Pres. Obama, with no condemnation of the murder of 15 people of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May 31 with our tax dollars nor any demand to end the blockade of Gaza or end the production of nuclear weapons.

Judaizing Jerusalem (tags)

Israel's aim - make all Jerusalem exclusively Jewish

BTL:Israeli Activists Organize Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign from Inside Isra (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Ahmad Sa'adat: A Palestinian Prisoner of Conscience (tags)

one of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners

Report: Israel, US preparing for war with Iran (tags)

"At the same time, Iran’s Press TV reported that a very large contingent of US ground forces had massed in neighboring Azerbaijan. The independent Azerbaijani news website Trend confirmed the report."

State Terror, Israeli Style (tags)

more on the flotilla massacre

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 2009 Annual Report (tags)

another year of Israeli crimes

Occupied Palestine: Good News and Bad (tags)

Far more of the latter than former

Palestinian Women Under Occupation (tags)

Suffering and heroism for over six decades

Labor for Palestine Salutes West Coast Dockers for Embargo on Israeli Cargo (tags)

Just as labor solidarity played a critical role in toppling South African apartheid, it now has the potential to cripple Israeli apartheid. We urge the entire ILWU and all trade unionists to stand behind and expand on this critical issue of conscience and solidarity.

Easing Gaza's Siege: Bogus and Unacceptable (tags)

Israel's easing bogus

Chicagoan gives chilling eyewitness account of Israeli assault on Gaza aid flotilla (tags)

The Chicago Independent Media Center interviews Gaza Freedom Flotilla volunteer Fatima Mohammadi who gives an chilling eyewitness account of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Mamara:

BTL:U.S. and Israeli Policies Strengthen Iranian Hardliners; Undermine Green Movement (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Goldstone Commission II Essential (tags)

independent investigation essential

End the Gaza Siege (tags)

illegal by any international standard

Democratic Party Defends Israeli Attack on Freedom Flotilla (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat instead of the pro-Palestinian Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party? The Democratic Party has come out in full force in support of the massacre of 15 members of the Freedom Flotilla, with 9 officially dead and 6 missing, reported thrown overboard by Israel's military, at US taxpayer expense. Here are the statements of the latest Democrats, defending Israel, after Democratic Vice President Joe Biden did the same, and the Republicans also do the same as both are 100% pro-Israel at all levels of office. And Critical Resistance's smuggled video is also here, showing the peaceful nature of the flotilla members.

OCHA's Special Focus on Occupied Palestine (tags)

horrific Gaza conditions under siege

State Terrorism and massacres: constant characteristics of the policy of the Israeli bourgeoisie (tags)

The Israeli attack on the “Freedom Flotilla” of pacifist organizations under the guidance of the Turkish NGO Insani Vafki Yardim, which wanted to break the blockade to bring medicine and food to the people of Gaza, starving and subjected to terrible imprisonment since June 16, 2007, is another demonstration of the military and repressive nature of the “only democratic country in the Middle East.”

BTL:Palestinian Farmer Peacefully Struggles to Save his Family's Property from Israeli Tak (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

They're Coming: Freedom Flotilla Two and Others Planned (tags)

They're coming until the Gaza siege ends

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack (tags)

"The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."

Actually, the Ship Was Not Turkish-Flagged (tags)

Possible Prosecution at ICC

The Flotilla Aftermath: Historical Perspective, Aftermath and Implications (tags)

Commandos had names and photos of activists to be assassinated


To laugh... of the Israelis.


With religious intolerance a thing is only gotten: to turn the unviable politics.

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Where are the Missing? (tags)

There was a shot every minute in the Israeli pirate attack on the Gaza Humanitarian Flotilla, with an entire hour of shooting and killing. At least six people remain unaccounted for. 54 people were admitted to Israeli hospitals where many have undergone surgery and are in intensive care. This massacre was paid for with US tax dollars.

US Media's Pro-Israeli Bias: Response to the Freedom Flotilla Slaughter (tags)

appalling major media coverage

Irish Free Gaza ship heading toward Gaza coast and... (tags)

"Despite the tears and sobbing at Istanbul's Fatih Mosque on Thursday, many of the people gathered for the activists' funeral called this week a "victory," because it brought international attention to Israel's 3-year blockade of Gaza. Turkey, once Israel's closest Muslim ally in the Middle East, has accused Israel of committing an act of international piracy." and " It has also been reported that the angle of some of the entry wounds indicates that the victims were shot from above. This suggests the Israelis did shoot from the helicopters as the activists have stated and as Israel has denied."

Western News Agencies Distort Live Satellite Feed from Gaza Aid Flotilla (tags)

While watching the live satellite feed video from Al Jazeera television in the early morning of the violent attacks on the Gaza aid flotilla the chronology of events is clear.

Israel's Military, the IDF, states Massacre was Planned & Approved at the Top (tags)

The Israeli military, the IDF, planned the Gaza Massacre, and it was approved by the Prime Minister. The 5 million Zionist lunatics sitting in the US military base called Israel are now united in their hysteria to promote war and fascism around the world, all paid for with US tax dollars, and all at the behest of US oil imperialism. A small minority protests the final stages of a bankrupt social order in Israel.

Solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (tags)

STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY from the STOP the War Coalition Philippines

BTL:Israeli Raid on Gaza Aid Flotilla Triggers Firestorm of Protest Worldwide (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Democratic Party Endorses Israeli Massacre on Gaza Aid Ship (tags)

Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, a heart beat away from Democratic Party Pres Obama, announced he supported the illegal and deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza humanitarian ships. Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party support the Gaza humanitarian ships. If you are still registered Democrat, change your registration now.

Israel's New Initiative: Barbarism and Piracy at Sea (tags)

more Israeli crimes against humanity

Solidarity Online Petition with Gaza Flotilla victims and Palestine (tags)

The Bertrand Russell Tribunal Committee has an online petition to the people of the world condemning Israel's massacre of the Freedom Flotilla and the occupation of Palestine.

Complete Interview Transcript with Richard Falk from May 31st 2010 (tags)

DB "The Israelis say that these commandos who they say were armed with hand guns and paint guns were only defending themselves from armed and dangerous attacks by people on the boat. Your response to that? RF: There are two lines of response, and this is an area where the facts are contested and difficult to disentangle at this stage. The witnesses on the boats themselves, particularly the Turkish boats where most of the violence took place, claim that the commandos landed shooting, and that it was only after the initiation of that violence that there was some attempt at defense on the basis of very contrived and primitive weapons, as opposed to the kind of weaponry that the Israeli commandos were carrying. Beyond that, it’s fairly clear if unlawful attack of a vessel on the high seas is occurring, the passengers on that ship have some sort of right to self defense. So that’s one aspect of it. The second aspect is that even if there was some kind of defensive violence on the ship, that’s no excuse for an unprovoked attack carried out in this manner. If Israel didn’t want the ships to go to Gaza, they could have diverted them, and if they did what the other boats did in the Freedom Flotilla, except for the larger Turkish one, it seems pretty clear that this was a deliberate attack designed, I suppose, to punish the effort to carry out this humanitarian mission, which would obviously have disclosed the brutality of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has gone on now for almost three years. The Israeli arguments are not really seriously plausible. Given the overall circumstances it’s very difficult to give them any kind of serious credibility, and this seems to me to be as clear a violation of international humanitarian law, international law of the seas, and international criminal law, as we’re likely to see in the early part of the twenty-first century." RF

AF3IRM Calls for Justice for Killed/Wounded Freedom Flotilla Activists, People of Gaza (tags)

AF3IRM, formerly known as GABNet, condemns the Israeli military attack on the Freedom Flotilla on May 30, 2010.


Brazilians want more journalism and less Israeli propaganda.

Brave Israeli Commandos Slaughter Aid Activists at Sea (tags)

Murder at sea

Condemnation Follows Israeli Raid On Flotilla (tags)

" Hamas won an election for control of Gaza over the more conservative pro U.S. Fatah group favored by the U.S. and Israel. In the aftermath of a bloody struggle the more centrist faction was defeated militarily and by the ballot. Please remember this as most western press services have consigned important setails to Orwell’s “memory hole.” "Officials in Israel said the elite naval units were attacked as they attempted to board one of the ships, and that the commandos used live fire only when they felt their lives were threatened. Dozens of passengers and at least five Israeli soldiers were wounded in the confrontation in international waters."

5/31/10 at 4:30 Israeli Consulate Protest Massacre by Israel on Gaza Aid Ship (tags)

Emergency Demonstration Protest Israeli Massacre Of Gaza Aid Convoy Monday, May 31, 4:30pm Israeli Consulate 6380 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (Between Crescent Heights and San Vicente)

20 Dead after Israel Attacks Gaza Humanitarian Ship in Int'l Waters (tags)

At least 20 people are dead and many are injured on the lead ship of the Gaza Humanitarian Aid flotilla after the Israeli military, paid for with US tax dollars, boarded and attacked the unarmed people. Contrary to Israel's lies, obviously prepared in advance, no one attacked these heavily armed thugs; this is a humanitarian vessel with civilians on board, and Israel continued its attack after the white flag was raised, all in international waters. Support this website and protest this outrageous violation of international law by US/Israel as Israel does not exist for 1 second without US tax dollars.

• 15 internationals killed as Israel attacks and hijacks Gaza Flotilla in International Wa (tags)

Up to 15 international human rights activists have been killed and over 30 others injured after Israeli commandos attacked the unarmed Gaza Freedom Flotilla early this morning in international waters, according to reports from the flotilla organisers, while Israeli military sources confirmed 10 dead. This attack is a clear breach of international law.

Israeli forces attack and murder unarmed civilians carrying aid to the Gaza Strip (tags)

Israeli forces have attacked an unarmed civilian ship carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. They have murdered at least 16 people and injured dozens more.

Israel's Specialty: Targeting Civilians (tags)

how rogue states operate

Free Gaza From Hamas Flotilla (tags)


Vilifying Justice Goldstone (tags)

Israel attacks truth

Israel's Permanent War on Palestine (tags)

decades of Israeli war crimes

Israel's Exclusion and Restriction of Goods to Gaza (tags)

part of Israel's slow motion genocide

Israeli Persecution of Human Rights Activists (tags)

Silencing dissent

Israel's ID/Permit System (tags)

An element of Israeli apartheid

Israeli Hypocrisy: Talking Peace While Preparing for War and Institutionalizing Dire Condi (tags)

Israel always chooses violence over peace

Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (tags)

Israel violates laws it's sworn to uphold

Soldier Committed Violence and Abuse Against Palestinian Detainees (tags)

IDF crimes against Palestinians

European MPs and Ministers Assess Gaza Today (tags)

Think Gaza and imagine an image of hell

National Public Radio's Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)

NPR supports power and privilege and their worst crimes

Israel's Open Secret: Nuclear Armed and Dangerous (tags)

Israel's nuclear arsenal threatens humanity

Imprisoning Palestinian Women (tags)

Israel treats men, women and children the same way

PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war (tags)

When used as directed, the depleted uranium bullets, shells and bombs become a lethal uranium gas or aerosol. The poison uranium oxide gas aerosols last for billions of years and never stop indiscriminately maiming and killing, which is a war crime in itself.

Global Peace and Justice Groups Threatening Israel's Legitimacy (tags)

Israel losing its legitimacy

Sen Boxer's Pro-Israel,Pro-War letter signed by 76 Senators (tags)

The Democrat and Republicans Parties are the twin parties of war and fascism, and that is most evident in their 100% support of the US military base, the anti-women theocracy called Israel. Senators Barbara Boxer and Johnny Iskason have submitted a letter in support of Israel from the warmongering, anti-communist gang called AIPAC to war criminal Democratic Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with the signatures of the 76 out of 100 US Senators promoting Israel. If you want peace in the Middle East, you have to support the socialist or Green candidates.

Alarming Racism in Israel (tags)

growing Israeli racism

Imprisoning Palestinian Children (tags)

Children treated as abusively as adults

Indoctrinating Israeli Youths to be Warriors (tags)

Israel is a modern day Sparta

Obama recalls bunker-buster bomb kits to bar Israeli strike on Iran (tags)

Obama recalls bunker-buster bomb kits to bar Israeli strike on Iran

UC Berkeley Divestment Vote (tags)

Write to the Student Senate. Time is of the essence.

Demonstration Against Palestinian Honor Killings (tags)

In Honor and in Memory of Reem Abu Ghanem (murdered in 2006) Halima Ahmed (murdered in 2009) Abeer Abu Damous (murdered in 2010) and too many others

Preparations for a Hit against Iran: Stopping Israel’s Next War (tags)

"Subjectively, the time could not be more propitious for a concerted international drive to force a transformation in Tel Aviv. Israel’s standing in the world has been vanishing like snow under a hot spring sun, as even President Peres was forced to recognize. Israeli diplomats no longer feel free to travel abroad, fearing that international arrest warrants might be slapped on them as perpetrators of war crimes committed during the Gaza war. As reported in the March 15 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Israeli government has launched a desperate public relations campaign, through a website for “Public Diplomacy and the Diaspora,” aimed at preparing Israelis to project a positive image of their country while travelling abroad. If citizens have to study government-issued brochures handed out at the airport, to learn how to defend the reputation of Israel, then the moral crisis the country has entered is quicksand."

California Co-op rejects BDS (tags)

Another set back for BDS activists

Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)

bogusly accused Palestinians

The American military/industrial complex [Gen Petraeus] says (tags)

Israel’s insults to the US are becoming tiresome and a danger to the US..

Freedom of Association Restrictions and Discrimination in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

destructive Israeli policies

Notes from the La Mesa Al aAwda Palestinian right to Return Conference (tags)

Read the full conferce report here:

Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn from Inception (tags)

The peace process is a charade

Israeli Settlement Expansions Continue (tags)

all Israeli settlements are illegal

Brutalizing Palestinian Children (tags)

state-sponsored terrorism against children

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: Barcelona Session (tags)

Explaining Israeli crimes

Targeting Israeli Apartheid (tags)

Apartheid is the worst form of racism

Funding Israeli Militarism, Belligerence and Occupation (tags)

funding Israel's war on Palestinian civilians

Israeli Unaccountability and Denial: Suppressing the Practice of Torture (tags)

Torture is official Israeli policy

Prince Saud al-Faisal calls on his Israeli brothers (tags)

To attack Iran.

Livni threatens British Government. (tags)

“Change British law on war criminals or I will come over there and change it for you”.

Breaking the Silence: Women Soldiers Speak Out (tags)

Women soldiers expose IDF crimes

Human Rights Abuses in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Jews are also affected

Israeli Occupation Supportive Companies to Boycott (tags)

Supporting BDS essential

Focus on Israel: Harvesting Haitian Organs (tags)

Israel doesn't offer humanitarian aid

The Lessons of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (tags)

how to stop Israeli crimes

Israeli hand in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib exposed (tags)

Israeli hand in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib exposed

Israeli Democracy or Hypocrisy (tags)

Its illusory even for Jews

Israeli Prohibitions Against Free Expression and "Enemy Alien" Contacts (tags)

Erosion of civil liberties in Israel

Israeli Theft of Palestinian Property (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing

Blocking Freedom Marcher/Viva Palestina Aid to Gaza (tags)

Egypt complicit with Israeli siege

Israeli Use of Painful Shackling As A Means of Torture (tags)

torture as official Israeli policy

Israel's East Jerusalem Linked Settlement Expansion (tags)

continued land theft

Arresting Peaceful Protesters in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israeli oppression continues

The Occupied West Bank Latroun Villages (tags)

occupied and persecuted

Netanyahu is running scared. (tags)

The Saudis, Abbas and the Emerites about to declare an independent Palestine at UN.

Israel orders Britain to change its laws (tags)

So as war criminals can not be prosecuted.

AIPAC charged (tags)

Obama to get him out

Israeli Occupation, Colonialism and Apartheid (tags)

Israeli oppression continues

Targeting Civilians in Gaza (tags)

Illegally targeting civilians

J Street—Progressives or Propagandists? (tags)

Follow up article to previous J-street piece

Jews Against Zionism (tags)

Courageous Jews for justice

Will Congress Criminalize Anti-Semitism and Israeli Criticism (tags)

criminalizing dissent

Al-Quds cut off (tags)

By illegal Israeli settlements

Submarines sunk (tags)

Reign of Terror begins

Submarines sunk. (tags)

Reign of Terror begins

Peres goes to Cairo (tags)

To discuss prisoners

Israel says it will not attack US ship again (tags)

If allowed to join exercise Active Endeavor

Dear AIPAC (tags)

This is what Haaretz thinks of you. They must be Anti-Semitic.

The AIPAC is a danger to democracy (tags)

And it has spread to Europe

The False Hope of J Street and the Gentile Problem (tags)

commentary on a new strategy of Israeli Lobbyists

The Israelis should have made peace (tags)

while they had the complaint Abbas in charge

Trouble in U.S. Ranks and Not All Powerful Nations Bow to Israel (tags)

"Sixteen American soldiers killed themselves in October, an unusually high monthly toll that has senior military officers worried about the impact of sending tens of thousands of new troops into Afghanistan. WSJ's Yochi Dreazen reports. .The Army's top generals worry that surging tens of thousands more troops into Afghanistan could increase the strain felt by many military personnel after years of repeated deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. The October suicide figures mean that at least 134 active-duty soldiers have taken their own lives so far this year, putting the Army on pace to break last year's record of 140 active-duty suicides. The number of Army suicides has risen 37% since 2006, and last year, the suicide rate surpassed that of the U.S. population for the first time. The health of ground combat forces is emerging as an element of the Obama administration's review of its Afghanistan strategy. Conditions there have deteriorated in recent months amid lingering political instability and a worsening Taliban-led insurgency. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander in Kabul, wants more than 40,000 new troops, in addition to the 68,000 that will be in Afghanistan by year-end, and has warned that the U.S. faces possible "mission failure" unless it adopts a new strategy and quickly deploys significant reinforcements." and "Ever since the 22 day brutal and merciless bombardment of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza by the Israeli criminal regime, many Israeli tourists are receiving the cold shoulder in countries they visit and some do not want them at all. It is no surprise that high level Israeli government and military officials do not dare set foot in certain countries for fear of being arrested but snubbing the regular Israeli citizen is a relative new phenomena."

Clinton's said that Israel is making "unprecedented" concessions (tags)

On West Bank

They have been killing children for a long time now (tags)

And don't see why they should stop.

Israel not going to set up War Crimes investigation (tags)

As instructed by Goldstone.

BTL:Israeli Military Refusers Bring Their Message to America (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Tzipi Livni (ex Israeli foreign Minister) cancels visit to London (tags)

For fear of being arrested as a war criminal

Israeli Nazis attack (tags)

Photographer Abed hashalmoun who is trying to cover the olive harvest in West Bank.

Lieberman, Israeli foreign minister, announces Israeli policy on peace. (tags)

No peace but Palestinians must stop resisting occupation, give up using force and do as they are told. Which part of this does Obama not understand?

The Gaza War's Effect on Women (tags)

they suffered terribly

Behind the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS) (tags)

The hypcrisy of omar barghouti

Ahmadinejad speech at UN 2009/Not anti-semitic, but just criticism on Israel (tags)

Not only the Western walkout at the UN 2009 Ahmadinejad speech is a part of a repeating show, consciously the Western countries make no distinction between Ahmadinejad's just criticism on Israel and his alleged ''anti-semitism'' Since the Western countries are directly and indirectly supporting the Israeli occupation, it is a shame and disgrace, that they walkout at this very speech, which brings into light the Israeli war-crimes and the Western implicite consent.

Israel's Ofra Settlement on Unauthorized Palestinian Land (tags)

more Israeli land theft

Chief Israeli war criminal (tags)

Gabi Ashkenazi is trying to bribe and blackmail his way out of a war crimes trial.

How Israel Targets and Suppresses Opposition to Its Annexation Wall (tags)

Israel attacks non-violent demonstrators

Goldstone Commission Gaza Conflict Findings and Reactions (tags)

Goldstone accuses Israel of war crimes

Israel wants US cover-up (tags)

of Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

Problems Defending Palestinians in Israeli Courts (tags)

justice for Palestinians is a nonstarter

Deshelve Israeli products this week! (tags)

JOIN US AND TAKE ACTION!! The main places locally to buy Israeli products are the Arab markets. They should know better! We are here to support you to ask these stores not to carry Israeli products. If they will not deshelve Israeli products, and voluntarily cleanse their shelves of products that support occupation and apartheid, we are here to provide resources for you to create disencentives for stores to stock Israeli products

Playing the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Card Against Venezuela (tags)

"Although the arrests helped ease the anxieties of Venezuela’s Jewish community, the international media pressed on with the storyline of a politically motivated attack. The very week that the Venezuelan Israelite Association issued a statement praising the swift and successful investigation, The Washington Post ran an editorial titled “Mr. Chavez vs. the Jews,” which again blamed the robbery on the government, or, more specifically, on an ugly comment left on a “pro-government Web site,” demanding “that citizens ‘publicly challenge every Jew that you find in the street, shopping center or park’ and called for a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, seizures of Jewish-owned property and a demonstration at Caracas’s largest synagogue.”4 The editorial concluded that the synagogue was then “duly attacked.”5 The idea that the sacking of the Caracas synagogue was based purely on anti-Semitism has persisted, even showing up in a recent piece authored by two academics in the high-brow Boston Review. The authors claim the attack is a sign of “state-directed anti-Semitism.”

The Smearing of Mary Robinson (tags)

The Israel Worshippers (IWs) are clever! As I write, 1.5 million Gazans are languishing under Israeli occupation. The IDF’s siege of Gaza from Dec. 27, 2008 to Jan. 18, 2009, took about 1,400 innocent lives. To change the subject from Gaza, the IWs orchestrated a campaign against Mary Robinson, whom President Obama had nominated for a “medal of freedom.” The IWs’ campaign failed. Ms. Robinson got her medal and the focus remains on Gaza.

Global Depression and Regional Wars - Part II (tags)

continued imperial plunder

Religious Fundamentalism in Israel (tags)

religious extremism in Israel

Israel to set up slave colony in West Bank (tags)

And it's about time the Arab nations got behind this.

Woodstock 2009: A Slow Learning Curve? (tags)

One generalization, that unfortunately holds true for “many” musicians and rock bands is, despite the fact they often have potentially huge audiences (the marketer’s dream), is that they often have little, if anything, intelligent and insightful to say about social and political issues. But more specifically, they will not likely assert the likelihood—that U.S. sponsored torture of Islamic prisoners has probably rendered “zero” results of quality or worthwhile intelligence (save perhaps what “Israeli” objectives might have wanted).

Woodstock 2009: A Slow Learning Curve? (tags)

One generalization, that unfortunately holds true for “many” musicians and rock bands is, despite the fact they often have potentially huge audiences (the marketer’s dream), is that they often have little, if anything, intelligent and insightful to say about social and political issues. But more specifically, they will not likely assert the likelihood—that U.S. sponsored torture of Islamic prisoners has probably rendered “zero” results of quality or worthwhile intelligence (save perhaps what “Israeli” objectives might have wanted).

BTL:Rise in Israeli Violence Against West Bank Palestinians Requires U.S. Response (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Israel's Discriminatory Land Policies (tags)

Israeli laws sanction Palestinian land theft

"Breaking the Silence:" Testimonies of Israeli Soldiers (tags)

Israeli soldiers reveal ugly truths

The Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza Strip (tags)

A comparison of the present fascist policies of the Israeli government with the past atrocities of the Nazis

Israeli settlement petition (tags)

Yes we all hate those dreadful and awful solicitations and solitciators. But I wanted to share a petition I found on Its entitled, "Israeli settlements are a main obstacle to peace." The petition carries a long summary on settlements in terms of how they have caused destruction to Palestinian families through Israeli home demolitions, olive orchards destruction, the near completation of the illegal Apartheid-Speration wall running deep into the West Bank and also reminds the reader or anyone interested how the settlements are illegal under International Law. It was originally written in 2006 and originally addressed to President Bush and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. So far thirty one people have signed the petition. Anyone interested please pass this on to your colleagues, friends and relatives. The author wishes to remain anonymous. Sign petition here:

Cynthia McKinney, the Israeli Navy, and $4 billion worth of natural gas off Gaza (tags)

Upon her release and return from Israel, Cynthia McKinney spoke to WBAIX-New York, from New York's JFK Airport, where she reported that the Israeli Navy had towed the "Spirit of Humanity," not directly to Port Ashdod, but, on a circuitous route, bypassing the Gaza Coast. This, she said, suggested that the Israeli Navy is engaged in activity that they do not want observed in the off the Gaza Strip, known to be the site of billions of dollars worth of natural gas reserves.

Is Obama a Real "Manchurian Candidate"??? (tags)

The U.S.,British and Israeli Govts have made a lot of progress in sinister "mind control" since the days of the Lawrnce Harvey,Frank Sinatra Manchurian Candidate movie!

Former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) Writes From an Israeli Jail (tags)

Last week, former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) was taken to an Israeli jail after trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Palestinian kids. Although she has been released, this letter she wrote from the jail is so informative that it should be republished here.

BTL:Ship Carrying Humanitarian Aid for Gaza Seized by Israel (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

VIDEO: Santa Monica Activist Beaten by Israeli Police and Military (tags)

Israeli police and military violently shoved the group back into a wall. Delegation member Tighe Barry from Santa Monica, Cali. was struck in the face with the butt of a military rifle and pushed to the ground where he could barely breathe. He was taken by ambulance to the Trauma Center of Tal-Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv where he was treated for a concussion, an injured neck and an asthma attack.

Israeli War Crimes Against Children During Operation Cast Lead (tags)

Israel's slow-motion genocide

The USS Liberty Saga as Told by a Survivor’s Son (tags)

James Scott’s book, “Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on the U.S. Spy Ship,” makes for a compelling read. The onslaught, on June 8, 1967, in international waters, during the Six-Day War, off the coast of Sinai, killed 34 crew members and injured 171 others. Israel claimed that it was all “just an accident...a case of mistaken identity.” Scott makes a very strong case that the assault on the “Liberty” was deliberate.

Fight the BDS Movement--Shop at Trader Joe's on June 20! (tags)

Fight the BDS Movement--Shop at Trader Joe's on June 20!

UN Official Says Only a Worldwide Mass Movement Will Stop Israel's Oppression of Palestine (tags)

UC Santa Barbara professor Richard Falk, elected by the UN Human Relations Commission as special rapporteur on Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories, spoke in San Diego June 5 and said only a worldwide mass movement, comparable to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, can end Israel's oppression against the Palestinians and enable a truly just solution. He called on his listeners to take on the pro-Israel monopoly of opinion in American politics and the mainstream media, and help make Americans more aware of the depths of the suffering Palestinians experience under U.S.-funded Israeli arms.

George Galloway and Viva Palestina US: Our Convoy to Gaza (tags)

Endorsments continue to pour in for Viva Palestina US - A Lifeline from the United States to Gaza, including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and David Swanson of After Downing Street. Organizations wishing to endorse the Convoy can email in their endorsements here:

IDF bans checkpoint monitors from checkpoints (tags)

Checkpoints are sites of violence not only in warzones like Israel/Palestine and Afghanistan, but increasingly in the United States as well. Here we have counter-checkpoint communication networks and legal monitoring. Until very recently, Israeli human rights activists had the same thing...

AUDIT THE FED by Bill Gallagher (tags)


Come to Palestine! (tags)

Thinking of Coming to Palestine? Interested in Being a Responsible Solidarity Activist? Palestine Solidarity Project Needs YOU!

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? (tags)

"Rather, what began Monday, September 15, 2008 was the beginning of a terminal and irreversible collapse of the global financial system, which is part of a controlled Model through which other objetives will be achieved."

Israeli / Christian Terrorim (tags)

Israeli terrorists continue to commit crimes against humanity, backed by their Christian terrorist colleagues. The terrorist State continues to defend its crimes against humanity while the rest of the world refuses to hold the terrorist State response for its crimes.

Open Letter to the Labor Research Association: Don’t Honor Israeli Apartheid (tags)

As head of the Jewish Labor Committee (JLC), Stuart Appelbaum leads the witch-hunt against labor bodies in South Africa and around the world that support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid.

All from our greatest little democratic ally (tags)

In the Middle East.

Western diplomats walk out of Ahmadinejad speech/Hypocrisy and violations of human rights (tags)

Not only the Western boycott of Durban II and the attitude on the Ahmadinejad speech lacks a fundamental respect for fundamental human rights, it is also hypocritical seeing in the light of her implicite support for the Israeli regime of occupation, letting get Israel away with human rights violations and war-crimes

Join ISM's Summer Campaign in Palestine (tags)

Israeli Use of Palestinians As Human Shields (tags)

another egregious international law violation

Come to Palestine! (tags)

Thinking of Coming to Palestine? Interested in Being a Responsible Solidarity Activist? Palestine Solidarity Project Needs YOU!

NorCal News; Dr. Norman Finkelstein visits CSU Chico (tags)

(4/13) Chico - Dr. Norman Finkelstein visited Chico State University and discussed recent events in Gaza, occupied Palestinian territories. He gave the packed auditorium details (omitted by our corporate media) about events leading up to the recent violence and disproportionate deaths of Palestinian civilians from IDF incursions into Gaza..

Thank the AIPAC (tags)

For telling Netanyahu everything

Israel's Illegal Annexation of East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing

Pro-Zionism - Defending the Indefensible (tags)

exposing Zionism

Incriminating Evidence of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (tags)

Israeli war crimes

BTL:Former Israeli Soldier Turned Peace Activist Tells Story About Rifles, Rabbits and Occ (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Statement of Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair on San Francisco Police Riot (tags)

After the Monday evening demonstration at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco was broken up by club-wielding police, video of the incident was widely distributed on the internet. One of those who saw it, Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair Kevin Akin, issued a statement demanding that the police videotaped beating demonstrators "at random, for no apparent reason, with clear malice and intent to inflict serious injury," be arrested and charged with assault. "This criminal assault shows us that after the murder of Oscar Grant, it is apparent that more members of Bay Area police forces need to be reminded that they can no longer get away with violent crime in this age of video."

Israel Apartheid Week Berkeley (tags)

The Shortwave Report 03/06 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Human Rights in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

serious human rights violations

VIDEO Israelis open fire at international activists & palestinian farmers (tags)

24th February 2009 Khoza'a, Khan Younis , Gaza Strip: Palestinian farmers, accompanied by international human rights workers, were fired upon by Israeli forces in the village of Khozaa, near Khan Younis, this morning. The farmers and human rights workers were attempting to work on land around 300m from the Green Line.

Targeting Israel with Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions and Prosecutions (tags)

It's time to hold Israel accountable.

San Diego Activists Show Pro-Palestinian Film "Occupation 101" (tags)

Activist San Diego showed the movie "Occupation 101," a documentary denouncing the Israeli occupation of Palestine, February 16. Leading a discussion after the film, Edgar Hopida, public relations director for the San Diego chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and filmmaker and public-access cable show producer Ed Sweed mostly talked about the American corporate media's near-total pro-Israel bias and ways to use nontraditional media to get alternative perspectives to the American people.

Fascist Rule in Israel (tags)

Israel lurches to the right.

Stars and Award Organizers Asked to Boycott Tainted Leviev Diamonds at Oscars (tags)

Adalah-NY and Jews Against the Occupation-NYC (JATO-NYC) have called on 16 Hollywood PR firms and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to ensure that no stars wear Leviev diamonds at this Sunday’s Academy Awards. In a two week campaign involving letters and dozens of phone discussions with PR firms, the groups drew attention to Leviev’s violations of human rights and international law in the occupied West Bank where his companies build Israeli settlements, and in the diamond industry in Angola and Namibia. Leviev reportedly controls one third of the world’s diamond mines.

Israel is a gansta state. (tags)

To be in power in Israel you must be either a rapist, a fraudster, a baby killer or a smuggler.

Amnesty international: Israeli army used flechettes against Gaza civilians (tags)

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights of Global Research reported on Amnesty International finding in Gaza which did not hit the media.

Israel will now have, under Lieberman, an openly fascist and racist state. (tags)

In these elections, Israel has completed the transformation into an apartheid state with an apartheid racist political system.

Bar Refaeli Copies Gisele Bundchen’s Pose and Pastes Tzipi Livni (tags)

The hard evidence.

Evette dumps Livni (tags)

All her baby killing in Gaza was for nothing

A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue (tags)

Israel chooses violence

Pandemic of anti-Semitism (tags)

Israel's recent war in Gaza has unleashed the worst outbreaks of anti-Semitism in decades, the U.S. head of the Anti-Defamation League said on Friday.

Month-long Gaza Protests in U.S. were the Largest Ever for Palestinian Rights (tags)

In an unprecedented outpouring of popular opposition to U.S. policy supporting the Israeli invasion of Gaza, a full month of nearly continuous protests brought tens of thousands into the streets. Arab American youths mobilized as never before. Even after Israel’s troop withdrawal, advocates for the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza vowed to continue the campaign until Israel lifts its blockade on the tiny territory.

Ceasefires, Israeli-Style (tags)

Israel never honors them.

He was a terrorist (tags)

Just like Hamas.

Free Gaza Activists Welcomed Home as Heroes, then Join Protest Against Israeli War (tags)

After spending six months in Gaza and Cyprus working tirelessly to defy the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian territory and defend Palestinians from military attacks, two San Jose residents found upon their return that the protests that they had helped start had mushroomed a hundred-fold in response to Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Humanity Under Attack by the Zionist Enemy of Life (tags)

Not only that but the BBC argued that to show innocent Human Beings suffering, in CRITICAL life threatening need of desperate food and water that Israeli nazi stole, (because they are unlawful murderous thieves), would have them look like they were partial to serving Humanity's interest in compassion for US humans.

Israel Killed Everything but the Will to Resist (tags)

Palestinians are unbowed.

Paremos el partido de tenis Suecia-Israel (tags)

Los latinoamericanos residentes en Suecia demandan que la Federación Sueca de Tenis suspenda el partido de Copa Davis con Israel planificado a tener lugar entre el 6 y el 8 de marzo.

The Israeli lobby (tags)

Must be prosecuted for the Gaza genocide

Peace Group Demands Shutdown of Israeli Embassy (tags)

‘SEVER TIES WITH WAR CRIMINALS’ SAYS GROUP 13 January 2008: Carrying a giant eviction order and a mock padlock, the broad anti-war group, Stop the War Coalition-Philippines, went to the Israeli embassy today to symbolically order its closure.

SDSU Hosts Teach-In on Israel, Gaza (tags)

The political science department of San Diego State University (SDSU) fully intended their "teach-in" on the conflict between Israel and Gaza to be as objective as possible. The speakers were all professors — two Jewish, one Arab — but they agreed more than they disagreed, particularly that both Israel and Hamas had committed war crimes. Nonetheless, when the audience had a chance to ask questions, many of them proved to be militant supporters of one side or the other — and the supporters of Israel got to the public microphone first and gave the impression of having "packed" the meeting.

Al Nakba Redux (tags)

The liberation struggle continues.

Why We Chained Ourselves to the Israeli Consulate (tags)

On January 14, 8 Jewish Angelenos — including us — chained themselves to the Israeli Consulate on Wilshire Boulevard in protest of Israel's attacks on the people in Gaza.

Israeli Cultural Exchange Not Welcome in Santa Barbara (tags)

A Call to Boycott and Protest of Israeli Cultural Exchange at Santa Barbara's Arlington Theatre on February 24th, 2009: Israel's Batsheva Dance company

Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians (tags)

World outrage condemns Israeli war crimes

John Mearsheimer: Israel's Real Purpose In Its Atrocities in Gaza (tags)

John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, co-author of the paper (available online) and subsequent book (with Stephen Walt) _The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy_, presents a concise timeline description and absolutely the clearest account of the true reason behind Israel's wanton atrocities in Gaza. Mearsheimer argues that diminishing Hamas or stopping their rockets are subsidiary goals for Israel, to Israel's more central goal of controlling all of historical Palestine via an "Iron Wall" policy that would permanently subjugate the Palestinian people and ensure Israeli control of all Palestinian land, air, water, borders/sea, and economy. Mearsheimer points out that this goal cannot be achieved, and certainly not by the brutal method of a total war on the Palestinian people. The likely outcome even in the case of relative Israeli success is a permanent Apartheid, which itself will [thankfully] doom Israel as a chauvinistically and exclusionary "Jewish State"[and its racist state ideology of Zionism].

1/17 Palestine Watch:Latest News from Israel Invasion of Gaza, Over 1,200 Killed (tags)

The death toll from the now more than three weeks of assault stands at 1,199 Palestinians killed, including more than 400 children according to UN and Palestinian medical sources....

Peace Vigil Middle East-- Monday--MLK Day (tags) click on above--pls come Monday Martin Luther King Day for a silent vigil--to stop the Israeli War on Gaza silent--and/or bring signs

Phosphorus denial outweighed by evidence (tags)

"There are many ways to “light” a battle field. In Gaza, no such area exists anyway. There are just people’s hovels, holes and “homes.” Such as they are after years of blockade and bombardment by Israeli forces. The White phorpous is a terror weapon perfect for driving people away, “never to return.” The Zionist dream is and has always been for many, at least, to remove the native Arab population and posses all of “Greater Israel.” This inhuman weapon nicknamed “Willie Pete.” is perfect for the effort. When it comes into contact with human flesh it moves down toward the bone, tissues evaporate. Victims may survive for some time before vital organs are compromised, effecting death. Parents watch the agony and may be forced to end their children’s wild sufferings by shortening their lives in “other ways.”

Jewish activists block Israeli Consulate (tags)

Early morning action by Los Angeles Jewish protesters blocks entrance

Jews Shut Down Israeli Consulate -LA (tags)

Early this morning, Jewish activists in a historic first in Los Angeles, chained themselves to the entrance of the Israeli Consulate and blocked the driveway to the parking structure, blocking all traffic in and out of the building. "We sent a clear message to the world that LA Jews are part of the global majority in opposition to the Israeli siege of Gaza," said Lenny Potash a 72-year old protester who was cuffed to eight other activists, blocking the driveway to the consulate. The activists were joined by 50 other supporters and who chanted "LA Jews say, End the Siege of Gaza" and "Not in Our Name! We will Not be Silent!" Protesters also held up signs reading "Israeli Consulate: Closed for War Crimes."



The Blame Game in Gaza: Covering for Israel, Concealing War Crimes (tags)

Israeli war crimes in Gaza

BREAKING NEWS: Jews Shut Down Israeli Counsulate in Protest of Attack on Gaza! (tags)

Concerned Jewish residents of Los Angeles have shut down the Israeli consulate for the first time ever in a historic protest against the policies of Israel. An ad-hoc, multi-generational group including members of the recently founded International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, will send a message to the Israeli government and its US supporters: "Not In Our Name! We will not be silent! Jews demand an end to the Israeli siege on Gaza and an end to Israeli apartheid." The demonstration will kick off a wave of demonstrations across the United States uniting Palestinians, Jewish people, and other Americans outraged by the siege.

1/14: Palestine Watch:Latest News/Videos from Israeli Invasion & Killings in Gaza (tags)

The Israeli army continued its offensive against the Gaza Strip for the seventeenth day on Monday, killed twenty-six Palestinians, including 23 civilians, and wounded dozens of residents. At least 917 Palestinians were killed and more than 4260 were injured since the army initiated its attack....

All Hamas has to do is survive and they have won. (tags)

Israel would have to Auschwitz the whole population of Gaza to win.

The Final Solution (tags)

Israel has found the final solution to the Palestinian problem

[Italy] Milan : protest against israeli agression ends in riot :: (tags)

This evening, trying to perturb a meeting of israeli sympathizers, some people from Centri sociali fought against policemen.

1/12 Palestine Watch:War and Natural Gas-Israeli Invasion & Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields (tags)

Here's another critical information the reason behind Israeli invasion of Gaza, has been motivated by the Gaza's offshore oilfield. Major oil companies like: BP and CCC are involved....

Remember Gaza - One of History's Terror Bombing Victims (tags)

a historical account

US/Israel: Expanding war into Egypt, Attempt to Overthrow Gaza Gov't & Bomb Iran (tags)

We need hundreds of thousands on the streets of every city in this country if we are to stop the US/Israel war machine. The open escalation of the war in the Middle East by US/Israel is continuing, with invasions of Egyptian airspace and bombing of Egyptian border towns, increasing Israeli military forces for an obvious attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government in Gaza, and an increase in plans to attack Iran.

1/10 Palestine Watch: People worldwide protest against Israel+Videos (tags)

The prolonged Israeli war and killing against Gaza has triggered continued anti-Israeli demonstrations across the globe....

127 Australian Jews Speak Out on Gaza Assault (tags)

Members of Independent Australian Jewish Voices condemn the current war as "inhuman, superfluous" and "abominable"

Israeli attacks on Gaza/Dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population (tags)

By their unlawful and systematic character,combined with the blockade of Gaza, housedemolitions and extrajudicial executions, the Israeli attacks on Gaza are a dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population

So Called U.S.Journalists Aid/Abet Israeli Genocide in Gaza !!! (tags)

My Prayer: May all these willing American media collaborators,in this gutless,cowardly Israeli genocide in Palestine,be made to suffer as the Palestininas have!

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

Israel to flee Gaza. (tags)

Israeli ministers have decided on the rapid conclusion of the Gaza attack and an immediate pull out the troops without reaching a formal cease-fire.

On the Gaza Conflict (tags)

Israel’s claims of self-defense are clearly refuted by the disproportionate consequences of its aggression. With the death toll rising to 599, including 133 children, 33 women, and 6 medics, Israel can no longer hide the fact that its actions are tantamount to genocide, as Richard Falk, the United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Territories, has pointed out.

The Shortwave Report 01/09 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Gaza Incursion Protest and Counter Protest January 7th (tags)

Fervent Protest continues at the Los Angeles Israeli Consulate.

The Quartet's Hypocrisy and Failure in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Quartet's complicity in Israeli war crimes


The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) congratulates and highly commends the militant action of all the individuals and organizations that joined the thousands who came out for the emergency response and mobilization last night, Januar 6, 2008 at the Israeli Embassy. Their all out support and their militant call to STOP THE MASSACRE AND SIEGE OF GAZA and FREE PALESTINE! reverberates throughout the world. Not only on the streets of Los Angeles

Israeli security cabinet cancels "third phase" of Gaza attack (tags)

Obama's warning and too many Israeli body bags did the trick

U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel (tags)

Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.

Israel, Bloody Executioner for the World Capitalist Order (tags)

On Saturday evening January 3, after one week of air raids which left more than 450 dead and more than 2000 wounded, the Israeli army began its land offensive into Gaza. Its military officials declare that the operation will be “long”. The odious Israeli propaganda, broadcast by the majority of the international media, presents this bloody attack as a “response” to the salvos of the “terrorists”of Hamas in power in Gaza.

Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza (tags)

Israeli genocide

Jan. 10: Mass March & Rally in Los Angeles for Gaza (tags)

Take to the streets of Los Angeles for a mass march and rally at the Westwood Federal Building (11000 Wilshire Blvd.) on Saturday, Jan. 10. Everyone should build for this protest, which is a coordinated National Day of Action for Gaza. Bring all of your family, friends, coworkers, fellow students and everyone you know.

1/3: Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza, Worldwide Protest Against Invasion (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Worldwide Protest Against Israeli Invasion and Killing at Gaza

Dead Israeli terrorists (tags)

Are removed from Gaza

Gaza Protest at the Los Angeles Israeli Consulate (tags)

Photos from the Protest Against Gaza Assault in Los Angeles on Friday,January 2nd 2009.


We call on the people to condemn and protest the Wall Street-Bush-Zionist megaterrorist border-occupation and invasion of Gaza and the atrocities against its civilians.

1/3 Palestine Watch URGENT ALERT! Israel Begin Invade Gaza! TAKE ACTION! (tags)

We encourages you to go to the street, hold emergency protest against Israeli Invasion and Massacre!

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)

the blame game

1/1 Palestine: Cynthia McKinney-We Lived to Tell the Story: Lebanon Rescued Us (tags)

Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney says the aid ship she was on was rammed by an Israeli warship, an allegation Israel denies....

Palestine Watch:1/2-1/3 Weekend of Worldwide Protests Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)

Over 60 protest at coming weekend across U.S. and Europe!

The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War (tags)

Yet another Israeli-led and U.S.-backed massacre is taking place as the world watches in horror. The western media, desperately trying to peddle the puny rockets of Hamas as bullying, does journalistic back flips in avoiding the utter carnage brought down by the much more powerful –- U.S. made and paid for — Israeli missiles.

The Shortwave Report 01/02 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War (tags)

Yet another Israeli-led and U.S.-backed massacre is taking place as the world watches in horror. The western media, desperately trying to peddle the puny rockets of Hamas as bullying, does journalistic back flips in avoiding the utter carnage brought down by the much more powerful — U.S. made and paid for — Israeli missiles. In an effort to target Hamas, the Israeli military has massively bombed over 300 sites and counting, including a five story building that was demolished at a university campus. As of this writing, 391 Palestinians have been officially counted as dead with nearly 2000 wounded. The number of dead is certainly undercounted, as bodies still lie under mountains of rubble (the number of dead Israelis is five). To say that only “Hamas militants” are being targeted is a most shameful lie.

Los Angeles Protest at Israeli Consulate (tags)

These are photo of the protest at The Isreali Consulate.

End the Massacre in Gaza – No Solution Through Violence (tags)

Today, Gaza City is a squalid ghetto under attack by overwhelming military force intent on the inflicting collective punishment on the Palestinian people “to the bitter end.”

Stop US-backed Israeli War Crimes (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) joins the ANSWER Coalition and the many other organizations gathered today to protest the US-backed Israeli War Crimes. 
Today’s action is part of an International Day of Action to show solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza and to demand an immediate end to the murderous attacks carried out by the Israeli military.

 Nearly 400 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and over 1,600 wounded as Israel has launched a massive bombing campaign against the people of Gaza. U.S.-provided F-16s have bombed homes, hospitals, schools, government buildings, water treatment facilities and busy urban areas, killing children and adults. We must end this senseless war against the people of Palestine.

Israel No Victim (tags)

from, 12/31/08

NYCLAW Antiwar Bulletin: Israeli Massacre in Gaza -- 12.30.08 (tags)

Read Between the Lines

Cel Phn Photos from Gaza Massacre Protest (tags)

6:20 pm – Photos from the scene outside the Israeli Consulate sent to the LA-IMC newsroom

'I didn't see any of my girls, just a pile of bricks' (tags)

Israeli air strike kills five daughters from one family as Gaza death toll passes 300. The family house was small: three rooms, a tiny kitchen and bathroom, built of poor-quality concrete bricks with a corrugated asbestos roof, in block four of Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. There are hundreds of similar homes crammed into the overcrowded streets, filled with some of the poorest and most vulnerable families in the Gaza Strip.

12/30: Latest Lists of Protest Worldwide Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)

Over 60 protests will be schedule at the U.S. and the World on Tuesday December 30 and the following week!

Israel Bloacks UC Prof/UN Rappateur (tags)

Before invading Gaza, Israel made sure to blockade medical supplies and food shipments - and also the UN's independent special rapportuer. Adding the the SHAME!

TUES 12/30: Two LA Prostests Against Gaza Massacre (tags)

Two Demonstrations Protesting the Israeli Siege & Bombing of Gaza Over 300 Palestinians Estimated Dead, 1400 Injured Both on Tuesday, December 30th WHERE: Westwood Federal Building WHEN: 3:00 to 5:30 PM *** WHERE: Israeli Consulate WHEN: 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM

Israel's Wanton Aggression On Gaza (tags)

Israel's crimes of war and against humanity

Zionist Mass Murder: Break the Siege, Defend Gaza! (tags)

At midday on December 27, Israeli warplanes launched a massive bomb attack on the densely populated Gaza Strip. More than 270 Palestinians were killed as wave after wave of U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter jets and Apache helicopters dropped more than 100 bombs. The Israeli military said they were targeting Hamas installations, but numerous civilians were killed, including a number of children, as schools had just let out for lunch. The Zionists' attack on downtown areas was deliberate mass murder. The Israeli slaughter was carried out with the full knowledge and a green light from its imperialist patrons in Washington, as well as U.S. client regimes such as Egypt. The Internationalist Group and League for the Fourth International condemn the Israeli mass murder in Gaza and call for action by the international working class in defense of Gaza and the Palestinian people, including efforts to break the siege.

They are murdering little girls now (tags)

We must stop giving them the guns

Israel attacks Warsaw ghetto (tags)

And slaughters the women and children

3 Local Emergency Protests Against Gaza Massacre (tags)

Three local emergency protests are planned against massacre in Gaza. First one today (Sunday 12/28) in Anaheimat 2 PM. Two protests are planned for Tuesday (12/30) at Westwood Federal Building 3PM and another at 4:30 PM at Israeli Consulate. We must act now, to halt these brutal massacres! Over 200 people were killed in Gaza on Saturday, December 27 in a series of Israeli attacks - with US-made and paid for weaponry - upon the Palestinian people.

12/28: Israel launches new wave of Gaza attacks, facing international condemnation (tags)

12/28: Israel launches new wave of Gaza attacks, facing international condemnation, UN call to halt attack

12/27 Palestine Watch URGENT:Gaza Massacre! Latest News on Israeli war planes attacks Gaza (tags)

Gaza massacres must spur us to action!

NYCLAW Antiwar Bulletin: Israeli Massacre in Gaza -- 12.27.08 (tags)

Brought to You By . . . U.S. F-16s

NYCLAW Antiwar Bulletin -- 12.23.08 (tags)

Read Between the Lines

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 12.20.08 (tags)

"[UFPJ leaders] will obfuscate a little bit, but I think in the long run, they are moving away from an antiwar position, and they are going to be losing a lot of people who are interested in building an antiwar movement."

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 12.14.08 (tags)

Chicago Protest: U.S. Out of Middle East Now "This is the first speak out of this sort [that I know of] since Obama has been elected."

Israeli envoy to U.K. accuses church service of being anti-Semitic (tags)

Ambassador upset by lyrics sung to tune of Christmas carol.

Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine (tags)

a decades long policy


"This is more 'Groundhog Day' than a fresh start."

Human Rights Activist Recounts Path-Breaking Voyage to Break the Siege of Gaza (tags)

Paul Larudee, co-founder of the Free Gaza Movement, described the elaborate measures taken to certify that the first historic voyage to break the Israeli siege of Gaza was completely harmless, non-violent, and transparent. Speaking to supporters in Sunnyvale, California, he said, “We don’t preach non-violence, we practice it!”

hHe's Back: Israeli Terrorist Mass Murderer And Businessman Dominik Suter Applies (tags)

Dominik Suter, the mysterious figure behind the 9-11 dancing back

Fannie Mae: Barnie Frank Goes Down On Moses,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts' (tags)

Of particular interest to me although not the biggest part of the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac money laundering fraud is the lie told by the SEC Chairman and social parasite and war criminal Chris Cox that Fannie Mae, were 'naked shorted' a term made up by penny stock manipulators meaning 'counterfeitted' when Cox can't point to a single example and those who have run penny stock scams and pump and dump money laundering ops are in fact protected by him and so continue to lie about their criminal enterprises or public companies being 'naked shorted' because they are never punished !


The Palestinian cause is the right of return for all refugees and nothing less.


[B]oth Messrs. Obama and McCain are reiterating their commitment to good, old-fashioned American-style war making. . . . Rather than offering relief, the new entrant to the White House come January is likely to simply exacerbate the mayhem.

Reviewing Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power (tags)

The destructive nexus between Zionism and militarism.

Another Israeli West Bank Land Grab Scheme (tags)

Israeli land theft.

Conscience of the Israeli spymaster’s daughter (tags)

Igal Sarna meets a Mossad chief’s daughter who is in jail for refusing national service Omer Goldman is a very pretty girl, slender as a model. Never still and very restless, the expected loss of her freedom fills her with anxiety. For months before she refused to be drafted into the Israel Defence Forces she went to a psychologist every week to prepare for what was to come: incarceration in a cell in a military prison. A narrow cage for a songbird.

The Transparent Cabal (tags)

A review of a book that proves Necons are the driving force behind the War in Iraq


The most destructive, expensive empire since WWII No other country in the post-Second World War world has been so globally destructive or inflicted so many war fatalities. . . . Yet, so gargantuan and labyrinthine are U.S. military expenditures that the above grossly understates their true magnitude, which, as we shall see below, reached $1 trillion in 2007.


It was Mr. Obama who seemed more aligned with President Bush's current policy of authorizing American special forces to cross the Afghan-Pakistan border into Pakistan's tribal areas that Al Qaeda and the Taliban have used as a sanctuary.

Is the “Mega” Spy Case Headed for Hollywood? (tags)

I can see the newspaper advert: “Dustin Hoffman as ‘Mega,’ the Israeli Spy who outwitted U.S. officials for more than 20 years!” In May, 2008, an ex-U.S. military engineer, Ben-Ami Kadish, was indicted for spying for Israel. Supposedly, he has ties to the convicted Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard. The Feds believe that another Israeli operative, known only as “Mega,” is still on the loose. But, they are closing in on him--fast. What a film “Mega” will make!

9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International (tags)

Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's's ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud. Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...

Swissair 111,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky,AIPAC Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up (tags)

Morris Talansky the New York rabbi who bribed Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is in danger of being investigated in the U.S.. Rabbi Talansky s far more than a far right wing Jew who resides outside Israel - Talansky is a big investor in ImageSat of the Israeli government's military public company Israel Aeronautics Industry and is sueing it for not selling its satelite images to Hugo Chavez and Venezuela among others in order to increase his stock investment.

Breaking the Gaza Siege (tags)

This small band of creative activists have shamed all world powers. History will not judge us kindly for allowing this to happen. Especially after we vowed "never again" after failing to intervene on behalf of the Jews of Europe 70 years ago.

America's Israeli-Occupied Media (tags)

Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land

US, Israeli Roles in Georgian Crisis Raises Alarms (tags)

Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran.

Israel's Front-Line Thugs (tags)

Your tax dollars pay for this.

Christians join forces with Militant Israeli Jews (tags)

Christians join forces with Militant Israeli Jews in a fanatical effort to help Mossad, fbi,cia, etc., to control the world and to subjugate all human beings on earth by inhumane and satanic methods.

War with Iran On, Off or Undecided? (tags)

Strong crosscurrents both ways.

Gaza Under Siege (tags)

Continuation of one of the world's greatest crimes.

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

Jeff Halper's "An Israeli in Palestine" - Part II (tags)

Part II of Halper's important book.

Jeff Halper's "An Israeli in Palestine" - Part I (tags)

Halper's excellent book.

LA Jews for Peace support upcoming 'Free Gaza' sailing from Cyprus (tags)

Susan Sarandon's Double Standards on Palestine (tags)

Susan Sarandon has expressed surprising unwillingness to denounce her support for the Israeli Billionaire, Lev Leviev, who is has been criticized by a variety of NGOs for his involvement in building settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Drought and Israeli Policy Threaten West Bank Water Security (tags)

Inadequate West Bank water.

Bush/PNAC Escalates 'Covert Operations' in Iran (tags)

So much for opposing 'any state supporting terrorists' ... Of course, immorality breeds contradiction.

Israel "Reassures West": No Iran Attack in 2008 (tags)

"The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices" "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," Interesting to note that most of the criminal politicians starting these illegal wars draw most of their profits from the oil and defence industries ...

Award-Winning Palestinian Journalist Brutalized by Israeli Shin Bet (tags)

Welcome to Israel's great "democracy", as seen from the Palestinian perspective! Of course, this kind of brutal sadism is routine for Palestinians; this time, Shin Bet got caught doing it, something they loathe to have happen. And of course, the one thing Israel will understand, no country dares to do (for fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic") , and that is immediately, pull all funding from Israel, period, end of discussion, until it decides to act like the kind of mature, adult country which does not beat journalists senseless because they have had the courage to tell the truth.

Trump Mansion Sold To Russian Mobsters (tags)

The Enemy.

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle: (tags)

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle:

Samir Twair: Rembering Don White (tags)

The Arab American Press Guild extends its condolences to all activists who are mourning the sudden loss of Don White. I first met him in 1986 when I was regional director of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee. I immediately admired Don for his enthusiasm and tireless efforts to acheive justice for all people who are denied it.

If Israel Attacks Iran.... (tags)

"Friday's New York Times is reporting that multiple U.S. officials have stated that the Israeli military carried out what seemed to be a 'rehearsal' for a strike directed at Iran's nuclear facilities."
– The Raw Story

BBC's Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)

media propaganda

Cross Your Fingers: Israel Claims It's Decided Against Gaza Invasion (tags)

Let's hope.

Senate Report Exposes Key Role of the Israel Lobby in Fomenting War with Iran (tags)

It's no secret, this time around, that it is Israel demanding the US fight another war for its ruling Extremists, the real threat to the world.

The Nakba: The Catastrophe that Befell Palestine in 1948 (tags)

Review by Sd -60 years of resistance by the people of Palestine after the great catastrophe and their on going struggle for justice and survival against the racist israeli state.

US Politicians at AIPAC "Hate Iran Week" (tags)

Sadly, these fanatics don't care if something is true (or has been proven false). All they care is that they are allowed to repeat these LIES in order to create the illusion of a crisis, because it distracts from their actual plot to attack the country, in the process, once again committing "The Supreme International Crime". It's interesting to watch these criminals as they keep doing, over and over and over, exactly what they call their opposition "antisemitic" for pointing out ...

They Protest Too Much: Another False Flag Imminent? (tags)

Their hopes for feigning a justification for another illegal war - this time against Iran - because nobody bought their attempts at 'the Iraq treatment' this time around, I worry that the US/Israeli 'Neo-Cons' are planning another False Flag Attack, as recent headlines bring back memories of those immediately preceding the Israeli-American Neo-Con False Flag of 9/11, 2001.

Chief Palestinian Negotiator to Israel: Acknowledge Right of Return (tags)

"The guideline of our policy has always been the idea that a permanent situation of no peace and a latent war is the best situation for us, and that it must be maintained at all costs. ... we are becoming stronger year by year in a situation of impending conflict where it is possible that actual fighting may break out from time to time. SUch wars will usually be short and the results guaranteed in advance, since the gap between us and the Arabs is increasing. In this way we shall move on from occupation to further occupation. ... this criminally mischievous policy has led us into the crisis we are living through today" (Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973) "We have not been seeking peace for twenty-five years -- all declarations to that effect have been no more than coloured statements or deliberate lies. There is of course no assurance that we could have made peace with the Arabs if we had wanted to. However, it has to be heavily emphasized that we have not only made no attempts to seek peace, but have deliberately and with premeditation, sabotaged every possibility of doing so." (Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)

The Masada Complex: Bush and Olmert are Exhibit A (tags)

President George W. Biush and Israel’s PM, Ehud Olmert, are setting the stage for a U.S. led attack on Iran. Only a mostly spineless Congress can stop Bush from committing yet another War Crime. Recently, the war-loving duo visited Masada, a desert fortress in Israel, where 960 Jewish zealots committed suicide, in 73 A.D., rather than surrender to Rome’s legions. Are Bush and Olmert both suffering from “The Masada Complex?”

On Independence Day, Israeli Arabs Reminded of Their Place (tags)

The media might have caught this violent act of repression on camera - if they hadn't been supressing the other side of the story.

The 60th anniversary of Israel Nothing to celebrate! (tags)

In contrary to the outburst of festivities among zionists and their adherents, regarding the ´´celebration´´ of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, for the Palestinian victims of the etnic cleansings in 1948 and 1967 and the continuing occupation, there is nothing to celebrate Remember the Naqba

Stop the next war (tags)

"Yet as the years wear on and the facts pointing to the validity of my thesis accumulate, the reality can no longer be ignored. Why, in the name of all that's holy, are we expanding a war that has proven to be such a monumental failure? Why are our leaders ignoring the evaluation of our own National Intelligence Estimate on the question of Iran's nuclear program – which shows that they abandoned their nascent nukes, just as Saddam did – and insisting that Tehran will soon wield a nuclear sword, perhaps against Israel? Why are American politicians defying their own war-weary people and launching a conflict that will doubtless prove even less popular than the one in which we are currently engaged? None of this makes any sense unless we accept the hijacking thesis: U.S. policy is the captive of foreign interests, specifically Israeli interests. We are, all of us, held hostage by the Israel lobby, which has a stranglehold on the political establishment in this country. That's not a "conspiracy theory," because it's no secret: the effort to mold U.S. policy to suit Israeli interests is open to the point of brazenness."

Ramzy Baroud's "The Second Palestinian Intifada" (tags)

The agony continues.

Sixty Years of Palestinian Displacement, Occupation and Suffering (tags)

On May 14, remember the Nakba.

Israelis jailed for spyware espionage (tags)

London-based Michael Haephrati, who honed his computer skills during three years' military service in the Israeli army, developed the spyware Trojan horse, while his wife, Ruth, marketed it to several private investigation firms who bought the code and installed it onto the computers of its clients' rivals.

No Middle East Peace Without Tough Love (tags)

It's great to finally see prominent voices addressing Zionist Extremism's rejection of peace, and their role in deliberately perpetuating their war. with the aim of destroying the chance of a Palestinians state. The shameful inaction of the International Community also features heavily, and a solution cannot be far off. Unfortunately, this has made these Extremists desperate, and their last-ditch effort to destroy Palestine threatens to be bloody.

Israel STILL Beating Iran War Dead Horse (tags)

Shades of Iraq ...

Denying Palestinians Free Movement in the West Bank (tags)

West Bank repression.

Olmert Offers Phony Remourse (tags)

For international consumption.

Calling Israel's Bluff: Hamas Offers Truce, Israel Rejects Peace (tags)

Israeli and American Extremists engineered this 'crisis', in order to undermine the ELECTED representatives of the Palestinians, and do not want it stopped. However, if Israel continues to reject peace, the world is going to start publicly debating these facts, as well as the fact that it is the Palestinians who have no 'partner for peace'.

Israel Might Have Many More Spies Here, Officials Say (tags)

The elderly New Jersey man arrested last week on charges of spying for Israel years ago was probably still working for the Jewish state’s espionage service in tandem with another, as yet unidentified spy, former American intelligence officials say.

Syria's Nuclear Reactor (tags)

First allegations of supporting insurgents, then Hariri killing, now the nuclear threat. Part of the continuing drumbeat against Syria, one hit at a time...

The Shortwave Report 4/25 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)

They no longer will kill Palestinians

Israel Uses Attack to Justify Further Aggression (tags)

Despite the fact that Hamas was not responsible, and others claimed responsibility, Israel's ruling Extremists plan to use the attacks to 'justify' further aggression into Gaza.

Should the U.S. End Aid to Israel? (tags)

Since Israel maintains clandestine programs of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons (WMD), under existing US law, every one of the BILLIONS of dollars in tax money sent to Israel is illegal.

Anti-Arab Racism and Incitement in Israel (tags)

For more on this subject, the excellent documentary "Lessons In Hate" is required viewing. I thought it would find Palestinian schools disseminating hateful material, as the Israeli line goes. However, the producers found that, whereas Palestinian schools teach the reality of the conflict (what the Zionists refer to as 'spreading hate'), Israeli curriculum disseminates Revisionism to Israel's children, breeding misunderstanding and perpetuating hatred. This is designed, of course, to allow the Extremists who design this curriculum, to fool its population into allowing it to perpetuate its war to eliminate Palestine.

Human Rights Violations in Israel and Palestine (tags)

Violations in Israel and Palestine

Jonathan Cook's "Blood and Religion" (tags)

Israel's imperial plan.

Israeli Coercion A Form Of Torture (tags)

Israel is not only guilty, then, of Collective Punishment, a War Crime, but of Torture as well.

Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)

A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.

U.S. Media Coverage of Israel-Palestine Conflict (tags)

Please take some time to download this excellent documentary, as share (or screen) it with friends and family. Then, act on what you've learned. After all, this only succeeds because the people aren't informed, and don't do anything to demand change. Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land

Israel's Goals: Regime Change, Reoccupation (tags)

Like the Germans of the 30's, Israelis can't claim they don't know what their Government is doing. Likewise, Americans can't claim they don't know what is being paid for with their tax dollars.

Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing (tags)

US Government guilty of underwriting these crimes.

UN: Israel Must Halt Use of Excessive Force (tags)

The US Government is the #1 sponsor of these War Crimes. Taking no action to stop them using your tax dollars to fund this Ethnic Cleansing enables these Extremists.

Anatomy of Racism (tags)

Since Israel could not legally or morally defend its slaughter in Gaza, following months of illegal Collective Punishment, they took to Blaming the Victim, aided by the tightly-controlled media. However, in doing so, the racism underlying their violent, Cultish political Ideology was exposed.

Abbas: Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing (tags)

Put the conflict in fast-forward. A shocking picture emerges. Your Government is this Crime's biggest sponsor.

Anatomy of Racism (tags)

History will not look kindly on those who Appeased Zionism's Extremists, as they pursued a course of eliminating an entire People.

WaPo Columnist Gives AIPAC Talks on How to Help Israel in `08 Election (tags)

Why not 'how to make the 08 elections work for the US? This talk is fairly pointless, however, as all 3 major candidates have pledged their loyalty to Israel and to AIPAC.

Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war' (tags)

Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war'

Israeli Ambassador Cancels Visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in Face of Protests (tags)

Israeli Ambassador cancels visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in face of planned protests.

Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria: (tags)

Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria:

Israel's Goals: Regime Change, Reoccupation (tags)

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)

Israeli crimes of genocide

Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff (tags)

Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff creates artworks that call on the world to condemn Israeli holocaust of Gaza

Israel threatens to unleash 'holocaust' in Gaza (tags)

Zionists: Nazis in drag

Academic Freedom? Not for Arabs in Israel (tags)

"Honor the Israeli Army Uniform," Lecturer Told

The Israeli Agenda and the Scorecard of the Zionist Power Configuration for 2008 (tags)

The Israeli Agenda and the Scorecard of the Zionist Power Configuration for 2008

Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Orthodox Jews,Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes,Death Threat (tags)

Had Ehud Olmert been involved in Michael Zwebner's multi-million or centi-million dollar swindle in Israel instead of the USA and had he profited from a stock fraud whose money went to harrass and intimidate and threaten the lives of Israeli citizens as he and his 'business' partners have done to Americans and to pay lawyers(with money from UCSY penny stock scam) in an attempt to suppress Americans Constutional rights to free speech and to hire male prostitutes - he may not have gotten off as lightly as his other partner in U.S. penny stock fraud and money laundering,ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav.

Leviev asks Academy Award stars to wear diamonds tainted by human rights abuses (tags)

Lev Leviev, the Israeli settlement builder and diamond mogul who has been accused of supporting human rights abuses in Angola, Burma, New York City and Palestine, is lending his jewelry to some attendees of the 80th annual Academy Awards this Sunday. Leviev has made a concerted effort to associate himself and his businesses with global elites, but a barrage of negative publicity related to these rights abuses has tarnished Leviev’s image, suggesting that, as NY Jewish Week wrote recently, “For Leviev, All that Glitters Isn’t Gold." Human rights campaigners from Adalah-NY have pledged to contact Academy Award organizers and attendees to voice their concerns over Leviev’s involvement.

The Lemon Tree: Palestine Author Reviewed (tags)

A typically wry and world weary reveiw of a talk by author Sandy Tolan.

Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby: (tags)

Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby:

9/11:U.S.IRS,SEC,AG Mukasey,Homeland Security Michael Chertoff,Israeli ICTS International (tags)

Who within the U.S. IRS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TERMINATING AN INVESTIGATION INTO TAX EVASION BY THE CRIMINALS OF ICTS INTERATIONAL !? ? ICTS evecutive Menachem Atzmon was even convicted in his own country of Israel for the equivalent of money laundering between Israeli government accounts Ariel Sharon's and his own Likud Party.And then the U.S. government allowed him and his far right Israeli partners to enter the U.S. and set up a stock 'securities' scam on the NASDAQ that defrauded American investors in order to buy Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops corp that conveniently had the contract to guard Boston's Logan Airport PRE 9/11 ! And I presume you know the results of that fiasco !

Blockade on Gaza: Crime against humanity (tags)

With the whole or partly blockade on Gaza, the Israeli authorities are guilty of crimes against humanity

A McCain-Lieberman Ticket in 2008? (tags)

Will the presidential election of 2008 reprise, to some extent, the 2000 event? Don’t be surprised if Sen. “Turncoat Joe” Lieberman (IND-CT) ends up as the V.P. choice of Sen. John McCain on the GOP ticket. At every photo op during this election year, Lieberman’s mug has showed up next to McCain’s. Lieberman helped to drag Al Gore down to defeat in 2000. Will he do the same for McCain or will another Israeli Firster get the nod? Stay tuned.

Jonathan Cook's "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations" (tags)

Israel, Iran, Iraq and the plan to remake the Middle East.

Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)

The current Gaza crisis reviewed.

VOTE PSL in 2008: End the Criminal Israeli Blockade of Gaza Now! (tags)

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. The La Riva/Puryear presidential campaign demands an immediate lifting of the Israeli blockade, an end to U.S. aid to Israel and self-determination for the Palestinian people. The candidates joined the emergency protests to "End the Israeli Siege of Gaza" that book place across the country on Jan. 25-26.

Israeli Oppression in Hebron (tags)

A case history.

Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims (tags)

by Paul Craig Roberts

Now You Know (tags)

Now you know who the real masters are.

Christmas message 2007:Against war,racism,poverty and exclusion ''illegals'' (tags)

Contrary the hypocrisy of the traditional Christmas-celebrations and the consumption-hysteria, the message is to work for peace, against racism and exclusion of ''illegals'' To say it shortly: the advancement of human rights, without distinction

Sept 11=zionist job (tags)

mossad participated in 9/11



The Lobby Strikes Back (tags)

A new book riles the AIPAC crowd, but makes it to the bestseller list anyway. by Scott McConnell

Annapolis Hypocrisy Hides Occupied Palestine Reality (tags)

Sham peace process denies Palestinians what they want most.

O’Malley Hugs Olmert, While USS Liberty Is Forgotten (tags)

Annapolis, MD, on Nov. 27, 2007, was the backdrop for a propaganda ploy concerning the Mideast. Meanwhile, MD’s Gov. Martin O’Malley had lunch with Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, but he failed to invite Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas. Last summer, O’Malley cheerleaded the Israeli Defense Forces attack on Lebanon. It is highly likely that topics like: Occupied Gaza, Rachel Corrie or the USS Liberty, never came up at his meal with Olmert.

Tragedy and Travesty at Annapolis (tags)

The latest chapter in the sham Middle East peace process.

Promote Peace in Palestine, exclude CUFI!! (tags)

If there is to be peace between Palestinians and Israelis, one option is to exclude the influence of CUFI, the Christian Zionist lobbyist group of John Hagee who consistently derails any peace process that provides Palestinians with their land and sovereignty restored..


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 : There are more than 10,000 Palestinian prisoners currently being held in Israeli jails. Amongst them are 750 administrative detainees who have never been charged or tried for any crime, as well as 350 children and 182 women in Israeli prisons. Israel was the only country in the world where torture was still lawful before it was made illegal by the Israeli high court in 1999. But since the start of the second intifada in 2000, it has been reported that torture is regularly practiced in Israeli detention centers. Crossing the Line host Christopher Brown speaks with advocate, author and law professor Lisa Hajjar about the issue of political prisoners. Listen Online

Israel's state-Druze rift (tags)

Israeli Druze close association with the state is increasingly under threat with violent scenes in a Galilee village and protests over land confiscations.

AOL buys Israeli Internet startup (tags)

America Online (AOL) is fighting what many believe to be a losing battle against Google and Yahoo!, but the Internet giant hopes its purchase this week of Israeli startup Yedda will help turn the tide.

Death of Ashraf Marwan (tags)

Death of Mossad Spy Ashraf Marwan

Torturing Palestinian Detaineed (tags)

Israel, like the US, condones and practices torture routinely

Israel Prepares for Nuclear Strike on Iran (tags)

With no alternative but to fight fire with fire, the Israel Air Force is training for a tactical nuclear strike on Iranian nuclear production facilities.

Mossad hired by Zimbabwe (tags)

Itai Dzamara - Israeli intelligence operatives have been hired by the Zanu (PF) government to implement systems that will enable the regime to snoop on phone and internet communications by opposition and civic society leaders as well as journalists. It is unclear what has happened to the much-touted Chinese snoopers and their equipment, imported last year at huge expense by the Mugabe regime, to intercept communications.

Annapolis A Charade-Israel Plans Massive Aggression (tags)

The meeting is designed to give the impression that Israel is interested in peace, while they're actually plotting against the Palestinians. The media's silence suggests complicity.

Punishing Gaza (tags)

Israel's unending war on Palestine.

Ashraf Marwan (tags)

Death of Ashraf Marwan

Death of Ashraf Marwan (tags)

How Ashraf Marwan died

The Shortwave Report 11/02/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

US, Israeli LIES About Syrian Attack Exposed (tags)

Note how this phony story has taken the place of any real debate on Israel's Act of Aggression, its illegal attack on a sovereign country. So then ... what was the true purpose of this illegal Act of Aggression? This appears to have been a 'back door' attack on Iran, since Syria and Iran have mutual defense agreements. If action isn't taken against the Extremists in the Knesset, they WILL plunge us all into a destructive war, from which we may never recover.

Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Pt. 2 (tags)

The Zionists built the propaganda war around Palestine and promoted it through mainstream media, particularly American. The Zionists always have won it, no matter how repressively they deal with the Palestinians.

Israeli Escalation of Collective Punishment to Start Today (tags)


True Intent of Gaza's Collective Punishment (tags)

The intention of this long-planned crime is the 'softening up' of the world's largest Concentration Camp, paving the way for an Israeli attack which was planned alongside 'disengagement'. Regardless of the reasons, this is an illegal policy.

Israel Plotting War On Egypt?? (tags)

How far will you allow these Extremists go in threatening you and Israel before you take some action to stop their Madness?

Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud ,Terrorism (tags)

With the best Georgetown University 'education' money can buy and his U.S. and Israeli economic and political connections,ex U.S. Ambassador to Morocco,(and the first Jewish-American ambassador of a Moslem nation),Marc Ginsberg is among other things,just another sleazy Beltway or Washington, D.C. - U.S. penny stock con artist using his American and Israeli connections to defraud naive investors in the U.S. penny stock offshore money laundering underworld in which Marc Ginsberg operates to illicitly enrich himself and his Israeli mafia or Mossad connected partners in Israel.

Expanding the Frame: Gaining a global perspective on the Holy Land Foundation Case (tags)

The Holy Land Foundation was the largest Islamic charity in the nation. Its trial has serious repercussions for domestic issues, such as the right to face one's accusers in court and domestic wiretapping, as well as international concerns, like Palestine and the so-called "War on Terror." Cut through the propaganda and get informed.

Israeli military aid to Burmese regime: Jane's (tags)

all these zionists and nazis need to be eradicated this time no war trials and allowing of the perps to be split up all the luftwaffe and the department of homeland security people, the bush regime and the usa govt except for 15 or so people need to be eradicated out of hand the death penalty, we have all the lists of these scum at hand now no 5th reich, no zion never ever again they shall be eradicated like rabid dogs all of them b

Inside Intel / The story of Iranian oil and Israeli pipes (tags)

With the help of pumps and pipes "confiscated" - meaning stolen - from an Italian company and a Belgian company operating an oilfield in Ras Sudar in Sinai, Israel built a pipeline from Eilat to Ashkelon. The pipe, 40 centimeters in diameter, was paid for by Baron Edmund de Rothschild. The initiative was called Tri-Continental. By demand of the Iranians, who wanted to conceal their involvement in selling oil to Israel and in the joint company, the parties established a secret partnership called Fimarco, which was registered in July 1959 in the tax shelter of Lichtenstein. Iran owned 10 percent of the partnership. Tankers transported the oil from Iran to Eilat, and from there it was sent to Ashkelon through the pipeline.

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Being “Guarded” by Israel (tags)

American supporters of Israel were delighted to learn that an Israeli company, Magal Security Systems-owned in part by the government of Israel-is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.

New Details in Attack on American Spy Ship (tags)

An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner. The Israeli inquiry later concluded that that information had simply gotten lost, never passed along to the ground controllers who directed the air attack nor to the crews of the three Israeli torpedo boats who picked up where the air force left off, strafing the Liberty's decks with their machine guns and launching a torpedo that blew a 39-foot hole in its starboard side.

Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (tags)

in your face you lazy superstitious fuckheads, i guess americans are going to get what they deserve soon...

Palestinian Propaganda Coup (tags)

Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann cuts off calls about the pro-Israel lobby (Mearsheime (tags)

Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann cuts off calls about the pro-Israel lobby (Mearsheimer & Walt book)

Turning Ahmadinejad Into Public Enemy No. 1 (tags)

"Demonizing the Iranian president and making his visit to New York seem controversial is all part of the neoconservative push for yet another war."

Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (tags)

Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged a communique from Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Levni which requests that all foreign aid payments and loans from the United States be made in Euros rather than in Dollars. Foreign Minister Levni cited the rapidly declining dollar and it's disfavor as a world currency as reasons for the request.

Israel to be bombed (tags)

for trying to get nuclear weapons

Rosh Hashana Message: Celebrate Jewish Glasnost! (tags)

Despite a Backlash, Many Jews Are Questioning Israel

"Unrecognized" Palestinians (tags)

How Israel discriminates against its non-Jewish citizens.

Venice Film Festival:No Shalom for Jimmy Carter (tags)

The late Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin once compared Jimmy Carter’s efforts to bring peace to the Middle East to a slave building a pyramid in ancient times. Carter, the former U.S. president, is still pyramiding. Only these days he harvests no accolades from Jews who accuse him of having metamorphosed into an anti-Semite, a coward, a plagiarist and a lover of ‘terrorists.’

Sept 15 is 25 Yrs Since US/Israel/Fascist Massacre at Sabra & Shatila (tags)

For those of us who can easily remember 25 years ago, one event that we certainly remember and ask that all learn from is the US/Israel/Fascist massacre of Palestinian women, children and old men at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, paid for with US tax dollars, aided by the US puppet Israel.

Colombia, Israel and rogue mercenaries (tags)

Earlier this year, Klein's Colombian shenanigans attracted the attention of Interpol, which on 3 April responded to a Colombian request and issued an international arrest warrant for Klein and Israeli nationals Melnik Ferri and Tzedaka Abraham, with the warrants alleging that the trio was involved in criminal conspiracy and instruction in terrorism.

Ex-Mossad chief+German uberspy+top-dollar GOP lobbyists = Kurds snag 15 tons of $100 bills (tags)

During Saddam Hussein’s rein, the Oil-for-Food “revenue was spent in Arab parts of Iraq but not in Kurdistan,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “Kurdistan’s share of the fund was set at 13%. At least $4 billion accrued in Kurdistan’s name, Kurdish officials say, and some contend that the amount could be as much as $5.5 billion.” The paper reported that in late June 2004, just five days before he turned Iraq back over to domestic rule and flew out of Iraq, then-top US official in Iraq Paul Bremer ordered the transfer by three U.S. military helicopters of $1.4 billion in 100 dollar bills to Kurdistan—his calculation of the Kurds’ share of Oil-for-Food funds; but the Kurds and their advocates believe they are owed a few billion more. It was so much cash—15 tons’ worth—the paper further reported, that no bank could be found in which to deposit it.

Israeli wanted in Colombia on terror-related charges detained at Moscow airport (tags)

MOSCOW: A former Israeli army officer wanted in Colombia on terror-related charges has been detained at a Moscow airport, Russian media reported Tuesday.

Edwards Veers Hard Right, Supports Escalating Middle East Conflicts (tags)

During a speech at the Herzliya Conference, a major international gathering dedicated to Israeli security and diplomatic issues, Edwards stuck to his hawkish positions on Iran.”—The Jewish Daily/Forward John Edwards promised to be a progressive candidate, but he now appears to be a devotee of the Democratic Leadership Council who is obviously under the heady ether of the Israel Lobby.

Israel in danger of being wiped off the map. (tags)

the AIPAC to be holocauster, this time.

America Used UN Veto to Protect Israeli War Crimes – 24 Times! (tags)

Since the sixties, Israeli Jews have ruthlessly raped, butchered and murdered their way through large chunks of Palestine and the Lebanon; have acquired thousands of weapons of mass destruction, and openly shown their utter contempt for international law, by openly bragging about the “New Israel” planned to stretch eastwards to the Euphrates and thus encompass Iraq’s oilfields. Because of immunity from international prosecution afforded by perpetual American vetos at the United Nations Security Council, Israeli Jewish terrorists have become emboldened in their attacks, to the point where their excesses have sickened most of the civilized world.

Chatter about an "incident" on West Coast at all time high (tags)

The FBI and WJAC have asked anyone with information on the two suspicious ferry passengers in the Seattle area to report it to 206-622-0460. Yesterday, WMR reported on Israeli press accounts that the Israeli branch chief of Interpol is under investigation for using his contacts within the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem to obtain U.S. visas for criminal Israeli suspects to enter the United States.

War for Water on the Golan Heights (tags)

Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections. Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections.

Is It Time to Rein in AIPAC? (tags)

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, “AIPAC,” is the nine ton elephant in the room! It is the ultra-engine that drives the Israel Lobby. After the Walt/Mearsheimer Report came out in March, 2006, its cover was blown. Now, Grant F. Smith’s latest book, “Foreign Agents: AIPAC,” is hitting the streets. It is a searing indictment of AIPAC in the Court of Public Opinion and should be read by every American who cares about the fate of the Republic.

Boycott Israel (tags)

Israeli firm Solel contracts to build world's largest solar park in California

Rumors of Israeli Involvement in 9/11 (tags)

Was 911 a false flag attack? My friends in the Irish Republican Army think it just might have been.

Oi,oi,oi (tags)

says the donkey

US escalates ME arms race (tags)

US military package for allied Middle East states is designed to create a de facto Sunni Arab front against Iran as the region slips deeper into crisis.

Call for support by Anarchists Against the Wall (tags)

URGENT CALL FOR DONATIONS ---------------------------------------- *** PLEASE DISSEMINATE WIDELY ***

Pluristem Placentas,James D Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud (tags)

Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance, he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington !

Thanks for all the guns (tags)

says Hamas to Olmert

No, with a smile (tags)

If the Arabs want to get peace they will have to cut off the AIPAC from Ccongress and the White House in the US.A long, if not impossible job.

High noon for Israel's political gunslinger (tags)

Russian-Israeli billionaire Arcadi Gaydamak will succeed both in whitewashing his dubious past and emerging as a political kingmaker in the next Israeli elections.

Rush on Israeli passports (tags)

As spies and traitors about to be exposed

WTC,9/11,Logan,Boston,Israeli ICTS 'Security'Trials:Judge Alvin Hellerstein Cover Up (tags)

You find below onlinejournal investigative reporter Jerry Mazza's take on this ongoing legal saga that has been dragging along for years,(when did 9/11 happen again ?),and proof that the 9/11 Commission NEVER began much less completed the task of a credible 9/11 investigation.

CUFI's Christian Zionists convene for Holy $$ War in DC (tags)

Right-wing Christian Zionist evangelicals of CUFI are fanning the flames of war with Iran, citing defense of Jews in Israel. CUFI depends on bribes to influence politicians and resettle Jews to Israel. However, Iranian Jews refuse cash offers in exchange for resettlement to Israel and remain a cohesive Jewish community in Iran.

New island found in Mediterranean (tags)

with Arabic speaking people

Anniversary of Second Israeli Invasion of Lebanon (tags)

Jerusalem conference (tags)

To recommend withdrawl from West Bank

Brave Israeli soldier (tags)

stops proaganda coming out

Our terrorists are winning (tags)

From the Afghan mountains to the cities of Gaza and Sadr we are now creating the terror that will hit us in the future

Katas and jumpers (tags)

get their man

Blair arrives in Gaza to help (tags)

in an Israeli tank.

Disaster over Palestine: The Refugee problem and the ideology of transfer (tags)

In contrary with the allegations of zionist non-deniers, the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 was no ad hoc war-crime, but a yearlong deliberate planned strategy

"Demonstration" Government in Palestine (tags)

IS-Israeli led coup against the democratically elected Hamas government

We are now the nazis (tags)

and you are now the Jews

International Solidarity Movement planning "Invasion" of Gaza (tags)

Project Description This movement is an international nonviolent resistance project to challenge Israel's siege of Gaza. Israel claims that Gaza is no longer occupied, yet Israeli forces control Gaza by land, sea and air. We'll enter Gaza from international waters at the invitation of Palestinian NGOs but without Israeli authorization, thereby recognizing Palestinian control over their own borders.

Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock Scam and Bloody Murder (tags)

Does Barney Frank plan to confront Christopher Cox for allowing the fraudulent Israeli penny stock ICTS International,(incorporated in the USA !) ,that provided 'security' to his Massachusetts constituents on 9/11 to remain an active penny stock up until at least June 5 of this year and to continue its penny stock share distribution or dumping scheme(defrauding investors) while the W Bush regime provided them immunity from prosecution or litigation ?

The world says no to Israeli occupation (tags)

Israelis' faith in their democracy is lower than ever (tags)

As the country prepares for the selection of a new defense minister and president, in votes that could decide the government's fate, Israelis are more disillusioned than ever with their elected officials, according to findings released by the Israel Democracy Institute on Sunday.

Remembering the USS Liberty: Four Decades Later (tags)

On June 8, 1967, the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans. They insist it was an “accident.” Lt. James M. Ennes, Jr., a Liberty veteran and an author, said it was “deliberate.” A book, “Operation Cyanide,” claims the attack was a set up to blame the Egyptians and bring the U.S. into the 1967 Six Day War on the side of Israel. Will the U.S. Congress do the Liberty justice? Lt. Ennes doubts it, but he adds: “We can’t stop asking for it.”

My open letter to Jared Israel of TENC: on his support for the war on Lebanon (tags)

Jared Israel of The Emperor Has No Clothes (TENC) website, a former leftwing activist, is not only not wearing any clothes, but is seeking the naked destruction of Hezbollah, which as we saw in the 2006 war with Lebanon, means the total destruction of that counrty,as well as the ovethrow of the current israeli government; which is called sedition. Here is my comment to his genocidical ambitions.

Stop killing the children (tags)

you bastards

Video: Balata Camp Incursion May24 (tags)

On May 24, the Israeli Occupation Forces stormed Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus (Palestine). Several people got arrested.

Israel to accept Arab Peace Plan (tags)

The 50 year war is over.

U.S., Israel Negotiate New Aid Package (tags)

"Danny Ayalon, who served as Israel’s ambassador to the United States until November, said Israel was hoping to seal a new 10-year deal before the end of President George W. Bush’s mandate in January, 2009."

Israeli ethnic cleansers (tags)

They teach 'em young, over there.

Zio-Christianity (tags)

And the Lord said: PAY YOUR TAXES....

Israeli banks profit from Holocaust (tags)

"Investigations by the Israeli parliament have dug up disturbing evidence that Israel has been profiting for decades from vast sums invested in local banks by European Jews who died in the Nazi death camps."

Israel now kills unborn babies (tags)

How much lower can they go?

Israel may get F-22s (tags)

"The United States would be inclined to allow the sale of advanced stealth F-22 fighter jets to the Israeli Air Force if the State of Israel's security was in jeopardy, former US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen told The Jerusalem Post Thursday night."

American bomber (tags)

Kills the kids

The Zell[ing] Out of the Baltimore Sun (tags)

Sam Zell, a multibillionaire and “committed Zionist,” will soon gain control of the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, and 23 TV stations. Zell, an AIPAC supporter, has promised he won’t interfere with the news sections of any of the media outlets. I think he’s another Mortimer B. Zuckerman of the NY Daily News, who pushed for the Iraqi War. America--prepare for a “Dark Age!”

U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud (tags)

Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.

On Current Issues TV Tonight: Capt Ward Boston who investigated USS Liberty attack (tags)

On Current Issues TV Tonight: Capt Ward Boston who investigated USS Liberty attack

AIPAC army council meet (tags)

4 members of the AIPAC's executive met as the Army Council

Shaikh Ahamed Yassin Assassination, The Three-Year Anniversary (tags)

In Brussels, the European Union condemned Israel's "extra-judicial killing" as illegal and likely to further inflame violence.

Photos of the March on the Pentagon 3-17-07 (tags)

Images of Resistance to the terrorists who now control our government.

Israel, U.S. hold large-scale Nuke Terror Drill March 21st (tags)

JERUSALEM: Israel and the U.S. are conducting a large-scale missile defense exercise aimed at combining their systems, American and Israeli officials said Sunday, as both countries warn that Iran could obtain nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. The operation, code-named "Juniper Cobra," is taking place in the Negev desert in southern Israel with thousands of American and Israeli troops. Both sides described the timing as routine, denying a direct connection to the Iran threat.

Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court (tags)

Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis.

(Video) Nablus: 2 New Clips from Military Operation "Hot Winter" (tags)

Today, a-films and RJI released another two short video-interviews from the recent military operation in Nablus, Occupied Palestine. The first interview was conducted with Ashraf al-Tibi, the injured son of 'Anan al-Tibi, whom the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) shot dead on February 26th, 2007. The second interview is with 11-years-old Jihan Tahdush, who was used as a "human-shield" by Israeli soldiers during house-to-house searches in the Old City of Nablus.

How Barack Obama learned to love Israel (tags)

Obama offered not a single word of criticism of Israel, of its relentless settlement and wall construction, of the closures that make life unlivable for millions of Palestinians.

How Barack Obama learned to love Israel (tags)

Only if enough people know what Obama and his competitors stand for, and organize to compel them to pay attention to their concerns can there be any hope of altering the disastrous course of US policy in the Middle East.

100,000 RADIATIONS - A REVIEW (tags)

The Zionists Poisoned/Radiated 100,000 Sefardi Jewish Children.

Economic sanctions on Israel (tags)

It is a disgrace that the Iranian government should be able to tell the US government what to do.

Israel Human experimentations: the truth revealed. (tags)

The Time is coming to reveal the most terrible crime committed by the Israeli regime!

Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 1 (tags)

Following you'll find the links to our most recent work on the current military operation (named "Hot Winter") in Nablus, Palestine.

Quartet splits (tags)

Israeli killers isolated

A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)

An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.

It was a middle aged wedding (tags)

and the young folks wished them well

Rafik Hariri and the Salvador Option in Beirut (tags)

Suppressed evidence of US-Israel role in Lebanese PM Hariri's Killing

Tzipi's nightmare (tags)

has come about

Israel comes begging, again (tags)

The US peace movement should ask Congress to stop this.


In the fevered minds of Bush administration ideologues, Palestine has become another front in what they conceive of as a new Cold War against "Islamofascism."

The Shortwave Report 2/2/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.

Services sector overtakes farming (tags)

Services sector overtakes farming

Israeli minister: IOF troops might invade Gaza (tags)

Nazareth - An Israeli minister on Sunday said that his army might venture into the Gaza Strip in a large-scale invasion targeting Hamas leaders and institutions. Jan 28, 2007, 14:51

Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards wants another war! (tags)

In another important news item conveniently ignored by the pro-war Zionist media… Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards among others is in “Israel” pushing for an attack on Iran. Republicans and Democrats, two wings of the same old bird.

Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract (tags)

..president is headed to court on rape charges, it's Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption.. But that does not prevent them from getting sweet deals right here in the U.S.

Rice gets proposal (tags)

and said she would think about it , if Georgie-boy does not declare

The Coming Attack on Iran (tags)

Is Bush's War Winding Down or Heating Up? The Coming Attack on Iran On January 7 the London Times reported that it has learned from "several Israeli military sources" that "Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons."


Bushfraud, the un-elected president of the United States, is about to defy the American people, about to defy his own Joint Chiefs of Staff, about to defy the Congress of the United States all in the name of taking 20,000 more troops into Iraq to continue to wage his war based on a lie. Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, who is not even an official member of the Israeli government,is blackmailing Bushfraud vis a vis using Bush's homosexual sex and financial fraud, election fraud, criminal fraud, telling Bush either you do this in Iraq and Iran or else.

corruption in Israel (tags)

and we are fighting for these crooks

Peace Initiatives for the Middle East (tags)

For decades, the Israeli and Palestinian people have lived as neighbors. Cooperation and joint development are possible. Instead their life is poisoned by war and violence. The Israeli occupation is the essential evil.

Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan (tags)

"A good case can be made that it is. The US Congress and media are focused on President Bush’s proposal for an increase of 20,000 US troops in Iraq, while Israel and its American neoconservative allies prepare an assault on Iran. "

Israel's Extremists Plotting Nuclear Strike (tags)

Israel leaks it’s plan to nuke Iran (tags)

A report in yesterday’s London-based Sunday Times revealed that the Israeli military has been training to use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran’s uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and other nuclear facilities. Based on several Israeli military sources, the article said two air force squadrons were involved, with the preparations being overseen by air force commander Major General Eliezer Shkedi. Israeli officials were quick to disparage the report. Foreign ministry spokesman Mark Regev “formally denied” the claim and restated the official stance that Israeli was committed to a diplomatic solution and supported last month’s UN Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran. Top government and military figures have repeatedly warned, however, that Israel would not allow Tehran to develop nuclear weapons.

Will Jimmy Carter’s Book Liberate the Palestinians? (tags)

The year 2006 was another hell on earth for the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza. Is there any hope for relief? Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” led to freedom for African-Americans. Question: Will ex-President Jimmy Carter’s tome, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” play a comparable role in ending the evil of the Israeli Occupation?

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads (tags)

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads

Former Longtime Confidant Accuses Ariel Sharon of Assassinating Yasser Arafat (tags)

Ariel Sharon likely poisoned Yasser Arafat

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic (tags)

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic

five years of infamy: close Guantanamo (tags)

five years of infamy: close Guantanamo

Left Wing Zionists to the Rescue? (tags)

According to a article by Gregory Levey there is a new left leaning lobbying group being set up by the likes of George Soros and Clinton adviser Jeremy Ben-Ami

More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006 (tags)

More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006

Kathy Kelly to James Baker: “Tell the Truth about Iraq!” (tags)

Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly, gave a talk at the UMBC campus, on Nov. 20, 2006. She mocked the ex-Secretary of State, James Baker, for saying he wasn’t going to “wring his hands” about past mistakes in Iraq. Baker heads up the so-called “Iraq Study Group.” Kelly roared: “We will wring our hands! One of the ways to stop this next war is to tell the truth about this war. And, it’s not going to be such a pleasant mirror to look into.”

The elephant has spoken (tags)

And he said Hoyer

Call it What it Is: A Massacre (tags)

THE FIRST revolutionary act is to call things by their true names, Rosa Luxemburg said. So how to call what happened in Beit Hanoun?

A project of dispossession can never be a noble cause (tags)

"The secret rotting at the core of the state of Israel is its refusal to admit that the Zionist project in Palestine - to create a state based on the dispossession of the non-Jewish inhabitants of the land - was never noble: the land it coveted was the home of another people, and the fathers of the Israeli nation killed, terrorised and displaced them to turn the project into actuality. But the Palestinian nation lives on - visibly and noisily and everywhere. To make its own denial stick, Israel has to deny and suppress Palestinian history"

The elephant says... (tags)

Let Hoyer rule

UPDATE: AnthraxGate and MurdochGate (tags)

Anthrax case getting legs again. It can now be reported that Russian microbiologists working with rogue U.S. CIA and British Intelligence aka Gary Best Inc. had anthrax in frozen form transported to the U.K. in late Sept. 2001. The anthrax in perfume vials then found its way to none other than Pier 92 New York City, New York. Pier 92 linked to the FEMA Command and Control Center during the 9/11 Attack on America. Reference: Is it a coincidence that Bush had lunch with Putin in Moscow today on his way to Vietnam? What was the desert? Anthrax a la mode.

Avigdor Lieberman and the substance of Israeli politics (tags)

The Institute for Middle East Understanding ( is submitting this on behalf of the author.

My enemies (tags)

Are powerful.

NEW TIME/PLACE: Protest Israeli PM Olmert in LA (tags)

Protest racist Israeli PM Ehud Olmert in Los Angeles. Olmert is responsible for the deaths of thousands. He helms the apartheid government of Israel.

Bush-Blair surrender (tags)

And what it will lead to.

Slaughter babies (tags)

Bolton tells Olmert it's OK to slaughter babies

Protest Olmert @ Jewish General Assembly w 3000 (tags)

L.A. gets ready to be the center of Jewish universe 75th Annual General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities by Julie Gruenbaum Fax, Education Editor

Emanuel is pro-Israeli (tags)

It would be strange if he were not.



My apologies. (tags)

To the dead babies.

UN Officials Shocked at Israeli Terror (tags)

8 November 2006 - United Nations officials voiced shock and dismay at Israel's shelling of a residential area in the occupied Gaza Strip in which 18 Palestinian civilians were killed, including eight children and seven women, with Secretary-General Kofi Annan calling on the Israeli Government to cease its military operations there forthwith.

Israel "Apologizes" after its Murder Spree (tags)

srael has apologised for an artillery barrage which killed 18 civilians in Gaza, as the Palestinian government declared three days of mourning to commemorate those who died. At least 13 members of one extended family died as they were sleeping when tank fire hit their home in Wednesday's incident. The killings happened a day after Israel started to withdraw its tanks from Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza after a week-long offensive in which dozens died. Tzipi Livni, the Israeli foreign minister, called the deaths in Beit Hanoun "a regrettable incident". "The Israeli military does not intend to harm civilians - that is never our aim. But in the framework of such things, incidents like these happen," Livni said. More

The very worst President ever. (tags)

Impeach him now.

Pummeling the Victim (tags)

The terrible imbalance of power between the Israelis and Palestinians makes it impossible for Israel, regardless of which government is in power, to deal with the Palestinians in any way except through a lens of assumed moral, cultural, and racial superiority, as though military prowess equates with civilization and home-made rockets equate with savagery and a sub-human status.

BREAKING INTEL ALERT: Foreign Tampering of USA Election (tags)


From Israel: Stop the Siege – Stop the War! - Join Our International Campaign (tags)

A month of protest: November 4 – December 2, 2006

Israel continues Deadly Assault (tags)

BEIT HANUN, Gaza Strip — In what was called by Washington as "self-defense," Israel continued on Saturday, November4 , its campaign of deadly air strikes in the Gaza Strip, killing four more Palestinians, taking to 39 those killed since its latest operation began four days ago.


Reverend Haggard Made 35 Trips to the Private Residence of the White House Along with Male Prostitute Jeff Gannon Reverand Ted Haggard, the head of the Evangelical Ministry and chief spokesman for Bushfraud and the Republican National Committee, has been fingered tonight for having a three year homosexual relationship with a male prostitute. Haggard, of course resides in Colorado; the Box Nest for FBI Div 5 and the National Headquarters for what we now know as the pedophile ring. Of course, supplying these prostitutes is none other than NBC's Wm Morris Agency out of Denver Colorado. That's right folks NBC General Electric: Pimps More Than Light Bulbs. It can now be reported that the clientele list nationwide includes some of the following: William Frist (R. Tenn.), Charlie Crist (R.Fla), Robert Dryer(R.Ca.), Trent Lott(R. Miss.), and, of course, the Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. All of them in the closet....

Blitzkrieg in Gaza (tags)

They're killing the kids again

Bush's Skull & Bones Stooge John Kerry's Treasonous Exploits (tags)

It can now be reported that Skull & Bones John Kerry, Bush's 2004 Patsy opponent, met at the Israeli Consulate the day before his famous speech in which he seems to insult American Military personnel as uneducated and stupid. Folks this is no accident. Remember Kerry is Bush's third cousin and was scripted to be his "Dukakis-type stooge" in the 2004 Election cycle. Kerry's meeting at the Israeli consulate is significant. He received his marching orders and he also received a large promissory note from the Mel Sembler, Mega-MOSSAD gang...


It can now be reported that major political and media types are now being linked to an expanding spy scandal tied to the MOSSAD riddled Pentagon and the procurement and theft of U.S. Treasury Funds designed for the expenditures of the War In Iraq. Grand Jury sources have now fingered former Republican Senator James Thompson (R. Tenn. Gay-in-the-closet) along with current Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana (gay-in-the-closet) as major targets of the FBI Justice Dept. inquiry....


SUPER HOT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING and ALERT on the occupation of America by the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate + Mossad + MI6 + KGB

Barred from Contact (tags)

Barred from Contact: Violation of the Right to Visit Palestinians Held in Israeli Prisons. Israel holds in prison more than 9,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The vast majority are held in prisons situated inside Israel 's sovereign territory, and not in the Occupied Territories .

Israeli Military Hides Report Confirming Expanded Settlements (tags)

Israeli Military Hides Report Confirming Expanded Settlements The Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that the Israeli military is withholding the release of a secret study that confirms there has been rampant illegal new construction in dozens of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Some of the expanded settlements has occurred on privately owned Palestinian land. Security sources familiar with the study described the study as "political and diplomatic dynamite." Sources in the Israeli military said the report is not being made public in order to avoid a crisis with the U.S. government.

World silent as fascists join Israel government (tags)

It is time for action

Israel's Cluster Bomb War "What We Did Was Insane and Monstrous" (tags)

Dropped so late in the war, it's hard to imagine what specific military objective these bombs could possibly have been meant to accomplish. Instead, they seem to have been dropped as a final, gratuitous act of violence in a war waged against an entire population. The vast majority of the 1,200 Lebanese killed by Israeli bombardments were civilians; one in three was a child.

History of a Struggle for Survival (tags)

This is not a book for those who want surface, sanitized, accounts of the Palestinian Diaspora. Ramzy Baroud is committed to truth telling, and his new book will undoubtedly disturb, shock, and outrage his readers. One can only hope that those who claim to love and support the state of Israel will not only read, but study, this important book. Not to make anyone feel ashamed, but so that even Israel's most ardent supporters will understand that no nation can brutalize, indeed terrorize, an innocent people forever.

Israeli / US Cluster Bombs Litter Lebanon: Desirable Duds (tags)

On September 26, the UN announced that the number of unexploded cluster "bomblets" left in southern Lebanon by Israeli forces may be three times higher than previous estimates. A million or more antipersonnel weapons may be strewn across a region one-third the size of Rhode Island.(1)

Israeli Attacks Kill 22 Palestinians (tags)

Israeli Attacks Kill 22 Palestinians Israel has stepped up its attacks on the Gaza Strip killing at least 22 Palestinians since Thursday. This comes as tensions remain high between the Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah. On Sunday Hamas accused Fatah of accepting over forty million dollars in aid from the Bush administration as part of a US effort to topple the Hamas-led government.

Israeli President Faces Possible Rape Charges (tags)

Israeli President Faces Possible Rape Charges Israeli President Moshe Katsav faces possible indictment for rape, sexual harassment, fraud and wiretapping. The Israeli police said Sunday they have uncovered enough evidence to charge Katsav with the crimes. Police have received complaints from 10 women against Katsav. As president, Katsav is immune from prosecution but he could be charged if impeached by the Knesset.

Gaza as Laboratory: The Great Experiment (tags)

IS IT possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it?

Boycott Israel (tags)

Keys for an effective boycott of Israel

The state of Israel is totally corrupt (tags)

And always was.

Gaza Clashes Intensify (tags)

Israeli troops have killed nine Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip amid a surge in violence in the coastal territory.

Boycott Terrorist States (tags)

But always, always, remember the goal and vision. Anger and hatred, arising from the Lebanon debacle, must be channelled not into retaliation and vengeance but into principled action. Armed struggle against occupation remains legitimate and, if properly handled (no killing of civilians), is a key tool. But the goal of all efforts, of every stamp, must be to secure security for everyone, toward building a new peaceful future. It's very hard, in the midst of our moral outrage, to stay on the high road. That challenge is, however, well-known to human rights campaigns as it is to all three monotheistic faiths. It is what Islam knows as the "great jihad" - the struggle of the heart. It must remain the guiding torch of this effort, which we must defend together.

Israel engaged in more terror (tags)

Not only has there not been any significant improvement in Palestinian movement in recent months but the number of Israeli checkpoints and other obstacles has actually increased, hindering access to essential services, according to the latest United Nations update published today.

The Coming World War (tags)

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

The King of the Jungle (tags)

It is time that the Quartet revises its "principles" to protect the weak against the strong, and not the other way around. Only then will international law replace the reigning law of the jungle.

Civilians as ''legitimate'' military targets, Israeli attacks on Lebanon (tags)

In the july-war on Lebanon, as well as Israel as Hizbollah have committed serious human rights viollations and warcrimes against as well the Lebanese civilian population as the Israeli civilian population. Despite the ''justifications'' by both parties, they are both subjective to International Humanitarian Law, which forbids, under all circumstances, military attacks on civilians

Brief history of Palestine (tags)

Brief history of Palestine

Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water (tags)

Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water Israel’s actions during its attack on Lebanon continue to come under scrutiny. A top United Nations human rights expert says the International Criminal Court should investigate whether Israel is guilty of war crimes for a bombing campaign in Lebanon that blocked access to food and water. Jean Ziegler, the UN Human Rights Council's special envoy on the "right to food," said the presence of unexploded cluster bombs could affect the ability of the Lebanese people to access food and water for years. The United Nations is reporting that around 124 people in southern Lebanon have been killed or wounded by cluster bombs since the Israeli attack ended. The Israeli army fired at least 1.2 million cluster bomblets into Lebanon.

Double Standards of Morality: The Age of Terror (tags)

This reluctance to confront unpleasant truths diminishes the reader or viewer for whom Middle East reporting in the US media is almost incomprehensible to anyone who does not know the region. It also has its trickle-down effects even in theatres, universities and schools in America. The case of the play about Rachel Corrie--the young US activist twice run over by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes--taken off the New York stage was one of the more deplorable of these. I was also surprised in the Bronx to find that Fieldston, a private school in Riverdale--was forced to cancel a college meeting with two Palestinian lecturers when parents objected to the absence of an Israeli on the panel. The fact that Israeli speakers were to be invited later made no difference. The school's principal later announced that the meeting would "not be appropriate given t! he sensitivity and complexity of the issue". Complex problems are supposed to be explained. But this could not be explained because, well, it was too complex and--the truth--would upset the usual Israeli lobbyists.

Bomblets continue to kill in Lebanon (tags)

Unexploded Israeli bombs and devices dropped during Israel's war on Hezbollah have killed 21 and injured more than 100 Lebanese civilians.

URGENT APPEAL: Please Help the Ghalia family (tags)

On June 9th, 2006, the Ghalia family was severely hit in an Israeli attack, during a picnic on the Gaza beach. The incident received worldwide attention mostly due to the horrifying video footage taken minutes later of devastated Huda Ghalia (11 y.o.) next to the dead body of her father, Ali (43 y.o.).

The US, Israel and Lebanon: Historical Roots and Patterns of Conflict (tags)

The destructive and lethal forces unleashed this past summer by the United States and Israel upon Lebanon are not surprising in light of their historical roots in at least four patterns of conflict:

Peace with Syria, Lunch in Damascus (tags)

THIS AFFAIR throws some light on the complex relations between Israel and the United States: who is wagging who--does the dog wag its tail or the tail its dog?

Brinkmanship Tactics or Coup D'Etat?: Removing Hamas (tags)

One could not but wonder whether the real Israeli-U.S.-backed provocateurs' aim is to bring about the downfall of both Abbas and Hamas in order to maintain and sustain a pre-Hamas comfortable status quo, where their interests and privileges are preserved and the interests of their backers are ideally served.

Gaza Clashes: The Struggle for Palestine's Soul (tags)

Do Israel and the United States not understand this? Or maybe, like serial felons who cannot de diverted from the path of crime, they are simply incapable of changing their ways.

Gunning Down Itemad Ismail Abu Mo'ammar: Just Another Mother Murdered (tags)

Almost no one bothered to report it. A search of the nation's largest newspapers turned up nothing in USA Today, the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Chicago Sun-Times, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Houston Chronicle, Tampa Tribune, etc.

Christ Crossed (tags)

Christ Crossed "The most powerful audio recording ever created."

HOT INTEL: 9/11 Now Exposed (tags)

It can now be reported this morning that a U.S. Justice Dept. warrant and an Interpol Red Notice has been issued for Israeli Mossad agent Jacob Coby Alexander. Alexander linked to the noted Urban Moving Systems/Odigo Mossad Group which operated in the New Jersey, New York area pre-9/11. Fact Not Fiction: An SEC case issued against Alexander (Docket 19796 Aug.9/06) has accused Alexander of backdating Put Options on United Airlines and American...


Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions, and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message. To effectively present Israel to the public, and to counter anti-Israel messages, it is necessary to understand propaganda devices.

Lie Less in Gaza: An Open Letter to Jeremy Bowen (tags)

Above Bush House, the maxim still reads: Nation shall speak peace unto nation. In Gaza, one nation is illegally occupying another, claiming that there is no-one to speak peace to after having arrested those who tried to speak peace to it. When the BBC ignores stories that challenge their narrative, it colludes in speaking lies to the world.

Meeting Nasrallah: An Encounter with a Fighter (tags)

You need to reach the American public before American politicians. The public in the US is generally ahead of the politicians. Often public opinion conflicts with policies set in Washington. US politicians are usually elected by a minority of the population and represent two parties that are virtually indistinguishable on fundamental issues. If you can inform the public and get them to understand your position, they will put pressure on the politicians and hopefully prevent them from conducting their most destructive policies. Without internal public pressure, US policy is not likely to change significantly.

The Roadmap to Nowhere: An Interview with Tanya Reinhart (tags)

During his four years in office, Sharon stalled any chance of negotiations with the Palestinians. In 2003 - the road map period -the Palestinians accepted the plan and declared a cease fire, but while the Western world was celebrating the new era of peace, the Israeli army, under Sharon, intensified its policy of assassinations, maintained the daily harassment of the occupied Palestinians, and eventually declared an all-out-war on Hamas, killing all its first rank of military and political leaders. Later, as the Western world was holding its breath again, in a year and a half of waiting for the planned Gaza pullout, Sharon did everything possible to fail the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, who was elected in January 2005. Sharon declared that Abbas is not a suitable partner (because he does not fight terror) and turned down all his offers of renewed negotiations.

BREAKING INTEL: Pedophile, 9/11 Update (tags)

Marc Grossman, former Undersecretary of State under Colin Powell, has been indicted (sealed), in the Valerie Plame outing case. Grossman now tied directly to Israeli espionage against the U.S. Grossman linked directly to the attempt to plant WMD in Iraq thru Turkey and to the 9/11 Cover-up of the July 2001 warning to America in which Donald Rumsfeld and Con Rice knowingly ignored the warnings of George Tenet, former CIA Director... MORE



Human Rights Experts: “Israel Committed War Crimes!” (tags)

On Sept. 27, 2006, two leading experts on Human Rights spoke at the Palestine Center, in Washington, D.C. Curt Goering of Amnesty International, said Israel’s massive bombing campaign in Lebanon, including dropping more than a million cluster bombs, was a “war crime.” His group is pressing the UN for a full inquiry. Joe Stork of Human Rights Watch called the Israelis’ destruction of Gaza’s only electric power generating plant a “war crime.”

The Water Question In the Occupied Lands (tags)

Israel steals the Palestinian's water then sells it back to them at 15 times the price the illegal Israeli settlers pay

9/11: Pathetic "Left" Disinformation (tags)

The ravings of Alexander Cockburn / CounterPunch (among others) and the Limits of Permissable Discourse Concerning 9/11

Electrical shock to testicles NOT torture so says Congress (tags)

To use electrical shock on testicles is NOT torture so says our self-proclaimed 'Family Values', sold-out, extortion-friendly, NON-representative Congress!!! Presumably okay for female labia as well???

Israeli Espionage Nest with Bushfraud as the Stooge (tags)

The Washington Post will report tomorrow that Bush had Colin Powell fired on November 10, 2004. Question: Who was Undersecretary of State under Colin Powell? Answer – 9-11, Iraq-Gate, WMD, Mossad asset Marc Grossman. The dots now have been fully connected. The Israeli espionage nest directed against the entire U.S. Government with closet queen Bushfraud as the stooge.

Israel-Palestine Debate - SAVE THE DATE! (tags)

On October 26, two pro-Israel debaters and two pro-Arab debaters will discuss the question: which side is at fault in prolonging the conflict?


The failure of the U.S. government as well as the Israelis to talk with leaders of governments they disagree with underlines the acute paucity of diplomacy being exercised at the current time, which can only jeopardize in the long run the security of ordinary people both in the Middle East and in the United States. It is time for governments to listen to their people, to start talking and stop preaching.

Political Corruption in Israel (tags)

HAD HAMLET been a reserve soldier in the Israeli army, he might now declare: "Something is rotten in the State of Israel!"

How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)

The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.

Should We Deny Lebanon the Right to Defend Itself? (tags)

Let me finally suggest a further two questions for her. Does HRW characterise Hizbullah's return of fire as a war crime even though its undiminished ability to launch rockets was what finally brought Israel's war machine to a standstill and led to a ceasefire? And exactly how much of a war crime would the firing of those rudimentary rockets be if it turned out that not only did they halt the war but they also prevented its expansion to include Syria and Iran?

Israeli Diplomat Carrying Large Quantity Of Explosives Arrested In Argentina (tags)

Another Israeli false-flag "terror" plot is uncovered in Buenos Aires. This is the extreme zionists will go to to manipulate the world into supporting Israel. On a positive note, public awareness of their criminal insanity is growing geometrically

Two Kinds of International Law (tags)

In an absurd way, president Bush also justified the Iraq war as "self-defense." Lebanon has the same right to security, territorial integrity and inviolable borders..Israel's right to exist is not a reason for violating the rights of others.

What Made Israel Burn Lebanon, Again? (tags)

What made Israel burn Lebanon again? The decision to go to war hurled Israel's economy into a wall, smashed the deterrent' power of the country's army, plunged its northern population into misery, and magnified the hatred felt towards it in the region - all without achieving Tel Aviv's stated goals.

Business Owners, Workers Charge Israel Deliberately Targeted Lebanon's Economy (tags)

Business owners and factory workers in Lebanon are charging that Israel deliberately targeted the Lebanese economy in its month-long offensive. Democracy Now! producer Ana Nogueira files a report from Beirut on the long-lasting effects of the conflict on Lebanon's economy. [includes rush transcript] We turn now to Lebanon. The Israeli military's chief of staff was quoted as saying the Israeli army will complete a pullout from southern Lebanon within a few days.

Getting the word out on NPR (tags)

Getting the word out has always been difficult for Palestinians. The major reason for this is that Israel often succeeds in framing the issues from its point of view, and the mainstream media in the West goes along with it. A favorite gambit that Israel uses to cloak its outrageous policies towards the Palestinian population is to cry "security", which then pretty much allows it to do anything. When "security" is too conspicuously untrue, it justifies itself by referring to its own policy. This can be questioned only through its own legal system, which is not exactly designed to safeguard Palestinian rights. It sets up the equation of "lawful" Israelis and "unlawful" or criminal Palestinians.

National boycott action targets Irish stores selling Israeli goods (tags)

Shops and supermarkets across Ireland were picketed on Saturday as the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) commemorated the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres with a National Boycott Israel Day.

Deadly Harvest: Lebanese Fields Sown with Israeli Cluster Bombs (tags)

The war in Lebanon has not ended. Every day, some of the million bomblets which were fired by Israeli artillery during the last three days of the conflict kill four people in southern Lebanon and wound many more.

Pro-Syrian Lebanese president Lahoud harbored Nasrallah during part of the Lebanon War – o (tags)

Pro-Syrian Lebanese president Lahoud harbored Nasrallah during part of the Lebanon War – on orders from Damascus

Appeal to petition Israeli government to respect the right to education (tags)

The racist Israeli policies deprive and violate Palestinians' right to education and are used by the hegemonic power holders as a means of discrimination. Such discriminatory practices are apparent in not providing safe access to schools and institutions of higher education in unrecognized villages in the Galilee and the Negev, or by the militarization of educational spaces, the imposition of checkpoints or other militarized barriers (such as the separation wall) in the occupied Palestinian territories. The cumulative effect of these practices is a blatant violation of the right of students (especially females who are the most vulnerable segment of society) to study in an educational context that is safe and free from violence.

The Evil Conspiracy of the Peacemongers! (tags)

THE ARAB peace initiative could be successful if it puts in front of the Israeli public the straight and unequivocal choice: peace without the occupied territories - or the occupied territories without peace.

Kevin Zeese: “It’s Time to Try Diplomacy in Middle East!” (tags)

Since the end of WWII, the U.S. policy in the Middle East has created only “more anger-more hatred for our county,” said Kevin Zeese. Speaking on 09/13/06, at the Palestine Center, in D.C., Zeese ripped the Bush-Cheney Gang for giving Israel the “green light” to terrorize Lebanon for 33-days. Zeese also took it to task for abandoning the Palestinians and for its hostile attitude towards Iran. “It’s time to try diplomacy in the Middle East,” he said.

Next Year in Jerusalem (tags)

Both inside Israel and in the international community, many people wait and watch to see if President Beinisch and her two Justice colleagues will have the courage to uphold international law and basic common decency and justice and restore Mordechai Vanunu's right to his basic freedom of speech and movement. The result of this appeal will indeed give us an indication of the future strength of Israeli justice for those who go to ask for its help. We wait in hope that we may yet see JUSTICE IN JERUSALEM.

The Prison of the West Bank: Death and Tears in Nablus (tags)

If you wander the streets of the Old City and listen to even a few of the tales that are imprisoned within it, you will understand better the reality of this occupation, and the sadness of the city will seep into your unconscious

Pro-Israeli editors seek to influence Al-Jazeera International English Satellite TV (tags)

When the Qatar-based pan-Arab Al-Jazeera Satellite Television announced two years ago plans to launch Al-Jazeera International (AJI), many people around the world hoped the new satellite channel would provide a genuine alternative to the notoriously biased western media, which often operate under a certain Zionist influence.

Katyusha Damage Much Less Than Claimed by Israel (tags)

srael's military superiority has not changed. There is no Arab power which can challenge it, and it has had unprecedented support from the US and Britain. Even so, its inability to defeat Hizbollah has reduced its military deterrent. This may tempt it into another round in Lebanon, a war in which it would hope to avoid any further mistakes.

Israel's Use of American Cluster Bombs: A Walk Through the Rubble (tags)

As the initial assessment and clean up of American cluster bombs, estimated at more than 130,000 unexploded bomblets across the south of Lebanon, gets underway, unanticipated findings are emerging:

Report: Settlers continue to commit violence against Palestinians with impunity (tags)

Since the 1980's many reports have been published on law enforcement upon Israelis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. All of the reports - whether published by official government bodies or produced by human rights organizations - warned against the failure of the authorities to enforce the law effectively upon Israeli offenders, especially those who committed offenses against Palestinian civilians. The conclusion that arises from all the reports is serious: Israel is abusing its obligation to defend the Palestinian civilian population in the OPT against the criminality of Israeli civilians. Years have gone by, committees have been established, recommendations have been made, and governments have come and gone - yet the problem of attacks against Palestinian people and property by Israelis has only grown worse, becoming a daily occurrence.

There are No Monopolies on Suffering: My Israel Question (tags)

"Israel was created as a result of one of the worst racial atrocities in modern history. It was in part a sense of guilt and sympathy that persuaded the West that it must help the Jews create their own state. From the outset, two factors were always likely to haunt the project; first, it involved the annexation of land that was Arab; and second, it implied the foundation of an ethnic state, with all the exclusivist and racist attitudes that this potentially involved."

Blind Flight by Noam Chomsky (tags)

The incompetence of the Bush planners has led to a catastrophe in Iraq.. The US administration may face a nightmare, a loose Shiite alliance that controls the greatest energy supplyt in the world and builds close ties to the Shanghai group.

The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)

The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea

The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea: The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)

s it only observers outside the conventional mainstream who have noticed that by its murderous assault on Lebanon and simultaneously on Gaza, Israel finally exposed, for even the most deluded to see, the total bankruptcy of its very founding idea?

UN warns of Gaza 'breaking point' (tags)

In July and August Israeli security forces killed 226 Palestinians, 54 of them minors, in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Human rights group, B'Tselem has reported. More that 220 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the end of June Living conditions for Palestinians in Gaza have reached breaking point, a senior UN official has said.

Parallels between Nazism, Zionists striking (tags)

Take this, Bill O'Reilly! Someone had to tell you...

From Bil'in to Birmingham: A Missing Link in Support for Palestinian Human Rights (tags)

One of the latest in the long series of unpublicized Israeli attacks on civilians took place on August 25 in the West Bank village of Bil'in, a longstanding bastion of nonviolent Palestinian resistance. It occurred during the weekly protest against the Israeli de-facto-boundary wall being constructed in their midst. About 100 protestors -- Palestinian, Israeli and international activists -- were walking to the site of the wall when, without provocation, soldiers in riot gear waded in and began clubbing demonstrators and firing rubber bullets at close range.

"Gaza is a jail. Nobody is allowed to leave. We are all starving now." (tags)

As the economy collapses there will be many more young men in Gaza willing to take Ala Hejairi's place. Untrained and ill-armed most will be killed. But the destruction of Gaza, now under way, will ensure that no peace is possible in the Middle East for generations to come.

Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. War with Iran (tags)

Leave it to a Far Right Likudite, Benjamin Netanyahu, to show up on 09/06/06, in Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love,” and beat the drum for a U.S. war with Iran. What a lethal irony! In his spiel, Netanyahu, an ultra Israeli Hawk, sounded like President George W. Bush, while also ignoring Israel’s many wrongs against the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon.

The Wounds of War Must Be Healed (tags)

The human rights violations during the war between Israel and Hezbollah must be investigated and researched. Amnesty International presses for this.

How Israel failed its Arab citizens before, during and after war (tags)

After the war, the Education Ministry hired extra psychologists to work with Jewish children and issued counsellors with special kits on how to identify and deal with post-traumatic disorders. The same services were not offered in Arab communities. The Ministry said it could not hire Arab psychologists because there were not enough qualified candidates among the Arab population.

How Human Rights Watch Lost Its Way in Lebanon: The Israel Lobby Works Its Magic, Again (tags)

This sophistry is fooling no one, least of all, of course, Israel's apologists. They will keep up their relentless defamation of an organisation like Human Rights Watch as long as Israel comes under its scrutiny. By trying to appease them, our human rights champions damage only themselves and those they should be seeking to protect.

Who Gained Most from the Fox Reporters' Kidnapping? The Gaza Maze (tags)

Two Fox News journalists, Steve Cantani and Olas Wing were released by their Palestinian kidnappers in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, August 27. Just one day earlier, two Reuters cameramen were seriously wounded in an apparently deliberate Israeli strike on their clearly marked vehicle, according to news reports. The names of the two wounded cameramen, as well as their story went largely unreported. Why was their fate deemed inconsequential, compared to that of the Fox News journalists.

Palestinians train to kidnap more Israelis (tags)

Palestinians train to kidnap more Israelis Terror leader thanks world for legitimizing tactic, says abductions 'bring big results'

Pro-Israel lobby targets BBC online poll (tags)

'Megaphone' lobbyware mobilisation

Lebanon in Context: An Interview with Bilal El-Amine (tags)

The heart of why Israel is such a source of instability and wars in the region is because its very foundation was at the cost of hundreds of thousands of people - Israel was founded on stolen land and it is in continuous confrontation with all of the people around it. We have to find a way of removing that source of friction and aggression and the only way is to address the Palestinian question and all of the outlying problems that have developed from that, including Israel's occupation of Syrian and Lebanese land.

Will Robert Fisk tell us the whole story? (tags)

hese central issues -- taken together with the persuasive accounts that Israel and the Pentagon had been planning an attack on Lebanon for at least a year -- make Fisk's implied claims that Syria and Hizbullah started the war to provoke Israel into destroying Lebanon look misleading at best.

Devastation: Made in U.$.A. (tags)


The Muslim Public Affairs Committee is useless (tags)

The MPAC is useless. It can't even begin to imitate what The AIPAC does.

Criticize Israel? You're an Anti-Semite! (tags)

How can we have a real discussion about Mideast peace if speaking honestly about Israel is out of bounds? Publish something sharply critical of Israeli government policies and you'll find out. If you're lucky, you'll merely discover that you've been uninvited to some dinner parties. If you're less lucky, you'll be the subject of an all-out attack by neoconservative pundits and accused of rabid anti-Semitism.

Israel: Beyond Good and Evil? (tags)

Ehud Olmert's Nietzschean foreign policy

Congressman Kucinich Returns From Southern Lebanon With Message of Peace (tags)

"We do not hate America. We love the American people. We do not like what your government does. Please tell the American people that we are not terrorists. We do not hate Israel. We want to be safe in our village. We want to be left alone. We want peace."

Lebanon Considers Suing Israel for War Crimes (tags)

The Lebanese government is considering possible legal procedures to sue Israel for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israeli President Moshe Katsav:Did plagiarize me ? (tags)

Hmmm,seems more like plagiarism than coincidence to me.The phrase,'appear more of a political prostitute and hypocrite rather than the morally upright ' Orthodox ' almost identical to my indymedia article right down to 'Orthodox' in parenthesis as if cut and paste from my indymedia posts !

The US Peace Movement and Hezbollah (tags)

Many peace activists may have felt somewhat bewildered by Hezbollah's smashing success in outfoxing and outfighting the Israeli army in southern Lebanon. Was it right to feel such a visceral satisfaction from these battles fought by a group that was also lobbing rockets at Israeli civilians? Where did we stand on Hezbollah, really? We who seek peace must ask ourselves if we have not also gone 'insane', expecting different results from actions that obviously haven't worked. To guard our optimism in the New World Order, we Americans will have to learn to see peace the way most Palestinians see it: as the inevitable fruit of resolute resistance to aggression and injustice.

The Red Cross Ambulance Incident (tags)

The Red Cross Ambulance Incident How the Media Legitimized an Anti-Israel Hoax and Changed the Course of a War

(mp3) La guerra olvidada (tags)

Radio Mundo Real entrevistó a Hernán Zin, periodista independiente radicado en España que ha escrito y dirigido documentales para El Mundo TV y TVE, ha publicado artículos y reportajes en numerosas publicaciones alrededor del mundo y ha escrito varios libros, que se han editado en diversas editoriales.

Israel Condemns Israel (tags)

Millions of land mine cluster duds ungodly Israel has thrown into 170 towns of Lebanon to murder innocent children with for decades. Along with radio-active toxic waste that will suffer G-d's Humanity indiscriminately for untold generations. Terrorist Crimes the Israeli State with corporate bushite News america claimed repeatedly, are worth targeted execution of themselves for.

Ilan Pappe on the Israel-Palestine conflict (tags)

Last October, when Prof. Ilan Pappe was visiting the San Francisco Bay Area, he was interviewed by Steve Zeltzer for his Labor Video Project cable TV program. This is the audio for the 57 minute program in which Pappe talks about the history of Zionism, the Palestinian Nakba, Israeli-Palestinian labor relations, the need for a one state solution, divestment, and the support of the Israeli public for the Iraq war. You can download or listen to the program by clicking on and scroll down to the bottom right hand corner of the page.

Faking Palestinian Resistance (tags)

In keeping with the idea that this particular Palestinan group does not actually exist, Hamas, Abbas and every other known Palestinan grouping denied any involvement and indeed condemned the kidnapping, with Haled Abu Hilal, Hamas interior ministry spokesman saying "this is not acceptable at all" and stating that Hamas security officials have put police across Gaza on alert and set up roadblocks to find the gunmen and free the reporters. Sadly, to no avail.

Stop Israeli War Crimes (tags)

Creating A Sustainable Future (CASF) has prepared a petition addressed to the United Nations General Assembly demanding that they immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI).

Israeli President Katsav pardons Rabin assassin insider,aids fraud of Mohamed Hadid ! (tags)

I'm sure they,(the ' Islamic charity folk'), have been quite impressed that Palestinian-American Mohamed Hadid and British-Israeli Michael Zwebner have been able to use not only Katsav's as well as IFA founder Gal Lusky's name in 'pump and dump' fraud using worthless U.S. penny stock shares but also with Moshe Katsav's willingness to pretend he doesn't notice they also 'drafted' Israeli soldiers and the whole of the Israeli army into their scammy press releases claiming the Israeli army would buy 'UCSY's' or Universal Communications Systems' non-existent 'air-water machines', (sometimes supposedly manufactured in Israel itself or sometimes in Brazil or sometimes in China, etc.,etc.).

An Interview with Noam Chomsky: The Strong Do as They Can (tags)

The maxim of Thucydides again. But it is worth bearing in mind that Israel can go just as far as its protector in Washington permits and supports.

BREAKING INTEL: HezbollahGate & the Extortionist Time Magazine (tags)

Israeli Intelligence has been caught redhanded by French Special Forces in trying to set an espionage organization inside Lebanon to spy on the International force that is on its way to the Middle East to supervise the Lebanese Ceasefire.

ATTENTION: All admirable soldiers and police officers (tags)

Again, I will remind all admirable soldiers and police officers: CNN, CBC, and FOXNews has forbidden our truths to be broadcast in support of Justice for ourselves. WTC7. Zionist corporate medias are deliberately working to mislead our kids to have them willingly sacrifice their lives in further blind support of the real terrorists that committed the crimes of 911. As according to the FBI.

Kevin Zeese: Attack on Iran May Lead to WWIII! (tags)

Takoma, Maryland’s City Hall was the scene for a lively discussion on Middle East issues, on Aug. 17, 2006. Kevin Zeese, the “Unity candidate” for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, and one of the panelists, said Israel’s attack on Lebanon was premeditated and that an attack on Iran might lead to WWIII. Noura Erakat said Lebanon had been devastated ‘on a humanitarian level” by Israel’s War Machine. She also denounced Israel as an “Apartheid state.”

Real Photo Fakers, Real War Crimes (tags)

During Israel's war against the people of Lebanon, our media, politicians and diplomats have colluded with the aggressors by distracting us with irrelevancies, by concocting controversies, and by framing the language of diplomacy. In the fragile truce that is currently holding while Lebanon waits for Israel to withdraw, we are simply getting more of the same.

The Thirty Three Day War: From Mania to Depression (tags)

Uri Avnery is an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is one of the writers featured in The Other Israel: Voices of Dissent and Refusal. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's hot new book The Politics of Anti-Semitism. He can be reached at:

BTL:Lebanese & Israeli Civilians Clear Losers as... (tags)

..Cease-Fire Ends Israel's Offensive ~ Interview with Stephen Zunes, Middle East editor with Foreign Policy in Focus, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

A Poem For our Children (tags)

Our Children!

Lebanese deaths, and Israeli war crimes, kept off the balance sheet (tags)

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth

Israeli President Katsav's sex scandal,stock fraud,Senator Joe Lieberman's Semitic Lie (tags)

JOSEPH LIEBERMAN could make a stronger case for being an albino than a 'semite'. And the only 'orhodox' thing I can think of about Israeli President Moshe Katsav at this time is an orthodox hypocrite and crook for aiding and abetting British-Israeli Michael Zwebner and his Muslim terrorist charity money laundering suspect 'business' partner with Saudi money ties Mohamed Hadid and their 'UCSY' or Universal Communications Systems pump and dump scam.

A Real One of All Things - Terrorism by the Bush Administration (tags)

Others too have come out with this, 'it looks like this last big terrorism bust, was actually a real one of all things’. It's too sloppy with the blatant ISI-Qaeda-ISI hanging all over it. The bushmob might actually go down on this one, if more evidence should arise linking the let escape ISI from 911 to carry on, with yet another attempt at murdering undefended Americans left dying forsaken.

partial list of members of bush admin with israeli passports (tags)


This Pain Has No Ceasefire (tags)

This stunning essay by Barucha Calamity Peller is a must read, and rightfully was rightfully listed in Google headlines tonight - reposted by Juan Santos

Digitally Erasing a Massacre:Why Hezbollywood Was Born (tags)

Maybe they did win. While the bombardment of Lebanon has claimed hundreds of lives, the controversy over a single demolished apartment building kept the media spotlight on Qana. The argument here in the United States shifted away from the brutality of Israel's actions and U.S. culpability for it, and became entrenched in whether casualties on the ground took place at all. Debate about the morality or reasons behind the death, destruction went up in a cloud of digitally manufactured smoke.

A Victory for Hizbollah, Syria and Iran: israel Wasn't Hoping for This (tags)

Far from driving the Hizbollah north across the Litani river, Israel has entrenched them in their Lebanese villages as never before.

Letters From Lebanon: This Pain Has No Ceasefire (tags)

Israeli Missiles Still Crash into The Memory of What Once Was Five hours after the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. In a village just north of the Litani River I walk over houses, houses that have become ruins of what once was.

THE YOKE OF ZION [The Fallout from Lebanon] - by Israel Shamir (tags)

Why the war? Leave small details to a future Plutarch; this is another round of battle for Palestine. Supported and supplied by their captive empire, the US, the Jews had all the weapons, all the ammunition, all the diplomatic support, when hubris-drunk they drove into disarmed and starved Gaza to kill off its last resisters and impose the Yoke of Zion. Who would disturb the lion of Judah roaring at his prey? And a tiny force from the Mount Lebanon said: we will. They attacked the all-powerful Jews; the hobbit pierced the sinew of Nazgul as he stooped to kill. The Israeli army roused from its prey turned north and lashed with all its might at the Hezbollah fighters. But they stood fast.

A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)

A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

Tracing a Trail of Destruction: Report from Lebanon, August 13, 2006 (tags)

BEIRUT, Lebanon - The wounds of war were evident shortly after we crossed the Syria-Lebanon border at 1130 in the morning on August 12. At Haissa, about three kilometers from the Dabboussiyeh border crossing, we come across the ruins of a bridge hit by Israeli war planes just the day before. Villagers tell us 12 people were killed and 10 wounded, all civilians.


You will need cable to see it but it is a welcome departure from the pro Israel propaganda on CNN.

Rogue Israeli State Protested at White House Rally (tags)

What are people of conscience suppose to do in response to the unspeakable acts of barbarism being perpetrated daily by Israel? In America, they can still go out on the streets and protest. This is what happened on Sat., Aug. 12, 2006, in Washington, D.C. A rally at Lafayette Park, near the White House, organized by Arab-Americans, protested the relentless terror bombing of innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).

Letters from Lebanon: The Proximity of Death (tags)

Israeli airstrikes, humanitarian aid cut off, and the proximity of death in Lebanon



Hizbullah, Zionism and the Ideology of late Imperial America (tags)

Awakening the Resistance


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Cuba, Netherlands, Spain, and Russia.

Israeli Ambassador Caught Lying (tags)

Israel's ambassador to the United States, Daniel Ayalon, was questioned last Sunday in Washington DC as part of a press stakeout. Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy was there to ask the tough questions. He grilled Ayalon on Israel's targeting of civilians and use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, Israel's nuclear arsenal and its lack of adherence to United Nations Security Council resolutions. [includes rush transcript] Israel's cabinet authorized an expanded ground offensive into Lebanon on Wednesday, backing a push towards the Litani river which lies 18 miles from the border. The decision came on a day of fierce fighting in southern Lebanon. Fifteen Israeli soldiers were killed in action - the highest number in a single day since the conflict began almost a month ago.

Resistance fighters destroy 14 Israeli tanks along border region (tags)

Zionist Terrorists Falling

Lebanese Civilians 2 March SOUTH (tags)

After August 12, the campaign will continue with a series of civil actions, leading to an August 19 civilian march to reclaim the South. "Working together, in solidarity, we will overcome the complacency, inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will deny Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and destroying the fabric of our country," explained Samah Idriss, writer and co-organizer of this campaign.

'We are just hit-and-run guerrillas' (tags)

Israel has done absolutely nothing to diminish Hezbollah



Neocons’ Middle East Scheme Is Backfiring (tags)

Back in 1996, a clique of Neocons, led by Richard Perle, concocted a scheme for Israel to “destabilize” the Middle East. The Palestinians were to be crushed and Iraq and Lebanon balkanized. The U.S. and UK were conned into doing the Neocons’ dirty work in Iraq. Now, Hezbollah fighters have tossed a huge wrench into the not-so-clever plot. Instead of Israel becoming “safer,” the Neocons have put its citizens at risk and its army in danger of defeat.

Petition: International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (tags)

We, the undersigned, demand that The United Nations General Assembly immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a ‘subsidiary organ’ under U.N. Charter Article 22 to prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and Israel’s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.

All Out for Aug. 12 Mass March in LA to Stop the U.S.-Israeli War (tags)

Come out to defend the people of Lebanon and Palestine for a mass march and rally in LA. The march is coordinated with national and international actions on Aug. 12.

On the August 12 International Mobiizations Against US-Israel Agression in Lebanon and Pa (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS), strongly condemn the ongoing barbaric attacks of the Israeli military on the people of Lebanon and Palestine. Under the pretext of rescuing Israeli soldiers captured by Hamas and Hezbollah, the Zionist Israeli government has unleashed wave upon wave of air, naval and ground attacks on the civilian populations of Lebanon and Palestine. These unbridled acts of international terrorism are emboldened and supported by US imperialism.

Power and Powerlessness (tags)

Many fear Israel's terror machine encouraged by the pathological, indictable George W Bush. Might does not make right. Military logic is helpless in solving political conflicts. How sad the UN is instrumentalized to legitimate aggression!

Israeli war crimes aimed at “cleansing” south Lebanon (tags)

On Tuesday, Israeli warplanes struck the southern Lebanese town of Ghaziyeh, killing at least 14 people. Missiles demolished civilian homes just as some 1,500 mourners were participating in a procession to bury 15 of their relatives and neighbors slain just the day before. The explosions sent the crowd running in panic, dropping shrouded corpses in the street.

On The Zionist Israeli Nazi Liar (tags)

No democracy or religion is going to vote in rights inferior to the supreme nazi zionist enemy. A "Jewish State" is a State where all GODLY people are treated equally with respect and honor. As according to Hillel. That is not the practiced tyrannies of the zionist Israeli liar, therefore Israel is not a Jewish State. John has spoken in our own image, while Israel continues to victimize the innocent unjustly.

Behind Bush’s “truce” plan: the drive towards a wider Middle East war (tags)

US President George W. Bush on Monday declared his full support for a US-French United Nations resolution that dictates Israel’s terms to the Lebanese people while allowing the Israeli military to indefinitely continue its occupation and devastation of Lebanon.

While the world's head is turned (tags)

While the world’s media has focused attention on Israel’s four-week offensive in Lebanon, a no less ferocious assault is also underway in Gaza. The Palestinian territory’s 1.4 million residents have been subjected to an unrelenting Israeli military offensive, as well as an air, land, and sea blockade which threatens a humanitarian catastrophe.

What would happen if Israel had won the war? (tags)

It is impossible to speak of a Hizbullah victory' when nearly a thousand Lebanese civilians have been killed, thousands more injured, a million people internally displaced; and Lebanon's infrastructure, environment and economy laid to waste as the world watches. The general consensus however is that Hizbullah's and Lebanon's steadfastness after four weeks of merciless Israeli attacks means that Israel has failed to achieve its objectives through military means: crushing/disarming Hizbullah, reinstating its deterrent, and protecting the security of northern Israel. Indeed, Hizbullah's resistance has gained unprecedented support throughout the Arab world, and Nasrallah has emerged as a Nasser-like figure who has restored pride to Arabs everywhere in contrast to the uniformly servile and unpopular Arab regimes.

Israeli Intellectuals Love the War (tags)

Dedicated to the too few Israeli intellectuals who do dare speak out against this war.

UN resolution on Lebanon: blueprint for intensified war and colonial occupation (tags)

The US-French resolution that is to be voted on by the United Nations Security Council early this week represents an imperialist diktat to the people of Lebanon and an attempt by Washington to legitimize and consummate the geo-strategic goals pursued in the last month of US-Israeli war of aggression.


From Iraq to Palestine: Occupation Is a Crime (tags)

Protestors marched in the third largest Jewish city in the world to stop the U.S. and Israeli war machine.

Boycott Now! The case for Boycotting Israel (tags)

But always, always, remember the goal and vision. Anger and hatred, arising from the Lebanon debacle, must be channelled not into retaliation and vengeance but into principled action. Armed struggle against occupation remains legitimate and, if properly handled (no killing of civilians), is a key tool. But the goal of all efforts, of every stamp, must be to secure security for everyone, toward building a new peaceful future. It's very hard, in the midst of our moral outrage, to stay on the high road. That challenge is, however, well-known to human rights campaigns as it is to all three monotheistic faiths. It is what Islam knows as the "great jihad" - the struggle of the heart. It must remain the guiding torch of this effort, which we must defend together.

Paving the Way for Another 9-11 (tags)

In Israel two civilians were killed by Hizbollah missiles but, as usual, Lebanon bore the brunt of the day's attacks which centred - incredibly - on the Christian heartland that has traditionally shown great sympathy towards Israel. It was the Christian Maronite community whose Phalangist militiamen were Israel's closest allies in its 1982 invasion of Lebanon yet Israel's air force yesterday attacked three highway bridges north of Beirut and - again as usual - it was the little people who died.

Hezbollah Putting Up Strong Resistance against Invaders! (tags)

Hezbollah's sophisticated anti-tank missiles are perhaps the guerrilla group's deadliest weapon in Lebanon fighting, with their ability to pierce Israel's most advanced tanks.


"If this scenario is possible, why then would US, UK, Israeli, and other Western leaders who see what's going on, be willing to take the risk? Ahmed states what a growing number of knowledgeable observers now believe - that the Western, mainly US, so-called neoliberal imperial freewheeling "free-market" model is failing and may collapse short of a desperate "Hail Mary" military solution to try to save it even though the chance for success at best would be uncertain and in some views unlikely."

Young Jews stage "Die-in" (tags)

A group of young American Jews staged a "Die In" on Tuesday August 1, 2006 at South Station in downtown Boston to demonstrate their opposition to recent actions by the Israeli government in Lebanon and Gaza.

Osama Has Won (tags)

Anyone who even attempts to defend the killing of the children in Qana by Israeli air strikes is criminally insane. There can be no justification for slaughtering children, in any circumstances, anywhere.

The US Media's "Special Relationship": Out to Lunch (tags)

The US media's biased coverage of the crisis in Lebanon should come as no surprise. While the White House and Congress claim a "special relationship" with Israel, our news outlets are not supposed to have a "special relationship" with anyone. Their job is to fairly reports on matters; anything less is a disservice to those watching their news programs and reading their newspapers.

Bombing Milk Factories, Grain Silos, Churches, Bridges,Bridges, s, Power Stations... (tags)

I wish, one day, that Israeli Jews could crest that ridge, and have their breaths taken away as the magic of Beirut unfolds below them. But they will never see the full beauties of the region they inhabit by dominating others militarily, and denying equal rights to Palestinian Christians and Muslims.


Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.

Germany joins US, British, Israeli axis of aggression (tags)

Last Sunday, German government spokesman Ulrich William spoke on behalf of the chancellor, Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union—CDU), and expressed Merkel’s “great regret and deep sadness over the consequences of the Israeli air raid on Qana.” Two days later, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Social Democratic Party—SPD) began an interview in the Süddeutsche Zeitung with the words: “What took place on Sunday in Qana was appalling. The large number of civilian victims of the Israeli air raid is terrible and unacceptable.”

Kevin Zeese Challenges Rep. Cardin on Israel (tags)

Kevin Zeese, an Independent candidate for U.S. Senate from Maryland, is shaking up the Establishment. Despite the “unmatched power” the Israel Lobby exerts over our foreign policy, Zeese is challenging Rep. Ben Cardin to speak out about Israel’s “terror military policy” in Occupied Gaza and Lebanon. Cardin, who is also running for the U.S. Senate in MD, submitted a two sentence reply to Zeese. The people of Maryland deserve better!

The Bankruptcy of the Hawks (tags)

The pcitures of victims among the civilian Lebanese population and the heroic fighting Mudschahedin play into the hands of the Jihad-rhetoric of Al-Qaida..The war against terror can only be won when the ideas of Al-Qaida are discredited.

IDF Investigation of Themselves a Whitewash (What a Surprise!) (tags)

he investigation carried out by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) into the air-missile attack on Qana was clearly inadequate and reinforces the need for the urgent dispatch of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC).

Israel, Not Hizbullah, is Putting Civilians in Danger on Both Sides of the Border (tags)

Giving the lie to the "human shields" theory, HRW says its researchers "found numerous cases in which the IDF [Israeli army] launched artillery and air attacks with limited or dubious military objectives but excessive civilian cost. In many cases, Israeli forces struck an area with no apparent military target. In some instances, Israeli forces appear to have deliberately targeted civilians."

A Message to Impeachment Supporters from Ramsey Clark (tags)

Bush Making More Enemies in the Middle East

A new face to Hezbollah's resistance (tags)

"This is not a question of Hamas, Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah. Neither is it a question of [Hamas leader] Khaled Mishal or Sheikh Osama [bin Laden] or [Hezbollah leader] Hassan Nasrallah. This is a question of do or die. And whoever leads the battle, we will be with them."

Cease-Fire Now! Take Emergency Action (tags)

A Joint Call from United for Peace and Justice & the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Qana Victims Killed by Israel with U.S. Weapons Demand that Congress Support Cease-Fire Resolutions and End Weapons Deliveries to Israel Now! THIS WEEK: Call Congress and the White House Every Day NEXT WEEK: Emergency Week of Action, Aug. 7-11

Israel's True Goal (tags)

Less than three months after its formation, the Olmert-Peretz government succeeded in hurling Israel into a two-front war.. When the weapons speak, the muses fall silent. When the cannons roar, the brain stops functioning

ACTION ALERT! stop the war crimess!! (tags)

* Tell your representatives that you support an end to aid to apartheid Israel until it learns to live in peace with its neighbors. The events taking place now did not occur in a vacuum. Israel occupied Lebanon in the early 1980’s and imprisoned thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian nationals. This is merely a continuation of that conflict.

Palestine, Lebanon: Zionism-Assassin, Imperialism- Accomplice! (tags)

Palestine, Lebanon: Zionism-Assassin, Imperialism- Accomplice!
The Israeli attack in progress in Lebanon received, according to the expression even of the international press, the "green light" of the United States and the "tacit agreement" of the other great imperialists States, beginning with France (in spite of the declarations of "amity" with Lebanon!).

The Tortured Language of War: Whitewashing Atroicites (tags)

If the deliberate slaughter of hundreds of civilians -- including more than a hundrend innocent children -- elicits such a timid, pathetic response from American-Arab human rights organizations--one cannot complain against the American media for being the Israeli government's apologists. If the ADC uses Orwellian language, covering up the Israeli government's heinous crimes -- can we really expect anything else from mainstream media?

Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)

Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.

What way forward in the struggle against war? (tags)

As the brutal US-Israeli war against the Lebanese people enters its fourth week, there is no sign that the massacre of innocent civilians is about to end. On the contrary, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), backed by air strikes and artillery fire, are pressing deeper into Lebanon, with the apparent aim of advancing 18 miles to the Litani River, either killing or driving out the entire population between it and the Israeli border.

Hizballah: A Primer (tags)

Middle EastHizballah, the Lebanese Shi‘i movement whose militia is fighting the Israeli army in south Lebanon, has been cast misleadingly in much media coverage of the ongoing war. Much more than a militia, the movement is also a political party that is a powerful actor in Lebanese politics and a provider of important social services. Not a creature of Iranian and Syrian sponsorship, Hizballah arose to battle Israel’s occupation of south Lebanon from 1982-2000 and, more broadly, to advocate for Lebanon’s historically disenfranchised Shi‘i Muslim community.

Israeli paper reports that Israel Lied (tags)

In its lead story [1] today (August 1), the Hebrew edition of Ha’aretz Online reported that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) claim that Hezbollah missile launchers and Hezbollah fighters were in and around the building in Qana which they shelled early Sunday morning was false.

Was Racism and Fundamentalism a Factor? The Massacre at Qana (tags)

This often ignored menace of Jewish fundamentalism needs to be addressed as seriously as other forms of fanatic religious thought which sows racial hatred, animosity and war mongering. While adhering to moral principles alone will certainly not bring any of Qana's murdered children back to life or compensate any bereaved parent or loved one anywhere, perhaps insisting on the equal worth of all human lives, regardless of ethnicity or religion, and rejecting racism from any source, including from sanctimonious former victims, can help diminish the chances of such ruthless crimes recurring in the future. Irrespective of the Holocaust, or precisely because of it, Israel should not be allowed to get away with its racist, at-will flaunting of international law and its state terrorism against defenseless civilians. It is time to go beyond mere condemnation to properly channel irrepressible grief and simmering anger into morally sound acts of intervention. Just as it worked against apartheid South Africa, a comprehensive regime of boycott against Israel is urgently called for. People of conscience everywhere share the responsibility of stopping this unrestrained behemoth before it scorches everything in its blind quest for hegemony and colonial control.

Shin Bet Vetoed Secret Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement (tags)


Drafted by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Department of International Relations, University of Sussex

Qana Massacre Protested at State Department Rally (tags)

As a result of the Israeli massacre of 56 civilians, mostly children, in the village of Qana, in Lebanon, a protest action was held in front of the State Department in Washington, D.C. on Monday, 07/31/06. The activists were there to protest the massacre and to demand an immediate ceasefire. Noura Erakat said, “Israel needs to be held accountable for its murders.” Four of the demonstrators were arrested in an act of civil disobedience.



Why must the Right wing be so brutally stupid? (tags)

Israel uses some of the world's best long-range artillery pieces, and it fills their breeches with deadly depleted-uranium shells which bring the added gift of long-lived vaporized uranium after exploding. It uses American cluster bombs, the horrible things that dismembered or crippled thousands of Iraqi children. And it now appears to be using the white-phosphorus shells or bombs Americans used in Fallujah to burn flesh in much the same way they used napalm in Vietnam.

Katyusha rockets don't discriminate, but Israel does (tags)

As the world continues to watch Israeli atrocities in Lebanon and the occupied territories (West Bank and Gaza) unfold, it is important to keep in mind the violence that the state is committing within its own borders against its Arab citizens, who remain a minority that is unwanted and unprotected.

Israel = Baby Killers Using Racism to Hide Their Crimes (tags)

This post is in response to the racist Zionist propaganda posted earlier which is emblematic of Israeli racism against the Lebanese and Arabic people who have been slaughtered by the Nazi-like aggression of Israel. Its sad the depths these aggressors will sink to to defend their crimes against humanity, whether its dehumanizing Palestinians to taken their land, or Lebanese to taken theirs. And the indications starting to seep out of Israel is that not all of the Israeli population shares in this internalized racism and anti-semitism. Anti-semitism also describes racism against Arabs as well as Jews, by the way.

The "hiding among civilians" myth (tags)

"You can be a member of Hezbollah your entire life and never see a military wing fighter with a weapon," a Lebanese military intelligence official, now retired, once told me. "They do not come out with their masks off and never operate around people if they can avoid it. They're completely afraid of collaborators. They know this is what breaks the Palestinians -- no discipline and too much showing off."

All Sides Wanted Escalation (tags)

The kidnapping crisis could have been solved very differently through a prisoner exchange. Since negotiations were impossible with either Hamas or Hezbollah, a military strike was presumably the only possible reaction.

The Qana massacre: Slaughter of innocents in Lebanon (tags)

The repeated missile strikes, launched in the dead of night while the targeted victims were asleep, reduced a four-story apartment building and nearby houses to rubble, killing at least 57 residents, including 37 children.

Israel’s Allies and the Lack of Civility! (tags)

I wrote back: Chris, I believe you are caught up in the Zionist hype. No civilization in the world regards freedom fighters as terrorists except Israel and its allies. Strange enough, your buddy, Britain, once regarded the American freedom fighters as terrorists. According to your standards, which I don’t agree with, they were right and we now have a terrorist “civilization”.

Who cares about Lebanese lives? (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Israel massacres 56 civilians - 34 of them children (tags)

Photo: A civil defense worker carries the body of Lebanese child recovered from the rubble of a demolished building at the village of Qana, Sunday, July 30, 2006. Israeli missiles killed 56 civilians... at least 34 of them children. AP Photo/Nasser Nasser

Mayor Martin O’Malley Pimps for Israel Lobby (tags)

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is a politician that regularly sucks up to the powerful Israel Lobby. Fortunately, she has an opponent in this year’s primary, Jonathan Tasini, who is calling her on her shameless behavior. In Baltimore, Mayor Martin O’Malley, who wants to be governor of Maryland, is following in Clinton’s footsteps. When the Israel Lobby called a rally, on 07/25/06, to boost support for Israel, O’Malley showed up to do its bidding.

'20 children' among Israeli raid dead (tags)

Many of those hit in the raid were fleeing attacks in Tyre At least 20 children are among more than 40 civilians killed after an Israeli raid destroyed a three-storey building in the southern Lebanese town of Qana, Aljazeera's correspondent reports.

Willful Blindness (tags)

Weapons bound for Israel said to pass through California

Professor of Propaganda The Lies of Alan Dershowitz (tags)

In a characteristic op-ed, titled "Arithmetic of Pain", that would surprise neither his supporters nor his critics, published by the Wall Street Journal on 19 July 2006, Alan Dershowitz sinks to new lows of depravity and inhumanity in his long-standing hate-mongering and truth-twisting anti-Arab, pro-Israel crusade.

Down the Memory Hole-More Mainstream media por-israel Bias (tags)

In the wake of the most serious outbreak of Israeli/Arab violence in years, three leading U.S. papers—the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times—have each strongly editorialized that Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon were solely responsible for sparking violence, and that the Israeli military response was predictable and unavoidable. These editorials ignored recent events that indicate a much more complicated situation.

Lebanon crisis reveals an Anti-Jewish Israeli State (tags)

"The Jewish people are commanded by Almighty G-d to live in peace with all peoples and nations on the face of the globe."

Operation "Save Israel's High Command" (tags)

"Israeli propaganda, except in the United States where there isn't any other kind, doesn't work its old magic."

Israeli strikes may boost Hizbullah base (tags)

Hizbullah support tops 80 percent among Lebanese factions.

Holy War (tags)

A Texas Preacher Leads Campaign To Let Israel Fight



German Peace Movement Demands Israeli Withdrawal (tags)

Both the occupation of the Gaza strip and the arrest of members of the Palestinian government are clear breaches of international law.

Israel’s New Math 2 = 500,000 (tags)

This is obviously the outcome of the newly emerged Hebraic arithmetic laws. For 2 kidnapped Israeli soldiers who are still kept alive, 500,000 innocent Lebanese civilians are displaced. For 2 abducted Israeli soldiers, Lebanon, a sovereign state, is brought back down on its knees. Its civil infrastructure is ‘gone’. Some of its capital’s residential quarters and southern villages are already wiped out. Indeed, ‘two equals half a million’ is the new arithmetic the Israelis insist upon imposing on the region. Is it that surprising? Not at all, as predicted by Gershon Sholem already in the 1930’s: once the Jews start to speak Hebrew, it won’t take long before they consider themselves to be God. In the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah were "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" (Genesis 13:13; 18:20; 19:24, 29; Hosea 11:8). The two towns where erased by God for the sins of its inhabitants. In the Biblical narrative (Genesis 18), God informs Abraham that he intends upon demolishing the city of Sodom because of its gross immorality. Abraham pleads with God not to do it. God is willing to agree as long as there were 50 righteous people in town, then 45, then 30, 20, or even just 10 decent people.

The Lies Israel Tells Itself (And We Tell On Its Behalf) (tags)

And how many of us believe that deliberate barbarity, at least when we do it, is only "apparently" a crime against humanity?

Six Fallacies of the U.S. Hizballah Campaign (tags)

The idea that the region is going to fall in line behind a U.S.-Israeli campaign against Hizballah is ludicrous.

Tide turns sooner than imagined (tags)

The LA Times is now reporting on how Israel has changed its war aims. To my untrained eye it looks like war is Israel's war aim.

Lebanese towns desolated by the bombings of Israel. (tags)

I THROW, 28 of julio..La Israeli aviation bombarded 130 targets in the dawn of this Friday, while the night it was marked by the attacks of the marine one and the Zionist artillery, in a destruction combination and death that it desolated whole towns.

The call that tells you: run, you're about to lose your home and possessions (tags)

The voice sounded friendly enough. "Hi, my name is Danny. I'm an officer in Israeli military intelligence. In one hour we will blow up your house."


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

BTL:Israel and U.S., Partners in Lebanon Offensive (tags)

Interview with Phyllis Bennis, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Appeasement 2006: Europe capitulates to American-Israeli aggression (tags)

The international conference in Rome held Wednesday to address the crisis precipitated by the Israeli attack on Lebanon ended without a call for a ceasefire. According to numerous press accounts, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stood virtually alone in opposing any language in the conference statement suggesting that the Israeli onslaught, which has already caused close to 500 civilian deaths and destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, should be ended any time soon.

Diplomatic roads lead to Damascus (tags)

"Israel is losing this war," said Ralph Peters, a staunch pro-Israel columnist and military expert with the neo-conservative New York Post. "Israeli miscalculations have left Hezbollah alive and kicking."

Israel's "Shock and Awe" Bombing of Lebanon (tags)

by Beau Grosscup

Kidnapped in Israel or Captured in Lebanon? (tags)

Israel’s Invasion Pretext Under Fire

U.S. Aid to the Terror State of Israel (tags)

It would be interesting to know how many of those American taxpayers believe they and their families have received as much from the U.S. Treasury as has everyone who has chosen to become a citizen of Israel. But it's a question that will never occur to the American public because, so long as America's mainstream media, Congress and president maintain their pact of silence, few Americans will ever know the true cost of Israel to U.S. taxpayers.

The next trick (in a series of tricks) (tags)

It will be just wide enough to allow Israel to grab the water! Once Israel grabs the water, it will rely on it (filling the settler’s swimming pools), and will never return it,

The spirit of resistance (tags)

The practical result is that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is ever more popular all over the Arab street. Kind of like the new, 21st-century Saladin. Hezbollah's moral and political cache could not but rise among peoples and movements worldwide who keep being bombed to oblivion but never had a chance to bomb back.

Israel’s Barbarism in Lebanon/Gaza Protested (tags)

On July 25, 2006, a spirited rally was held in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. The protesters demanded an end to Israel’s murderous attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. The rally was preceded by a march through the neighborhood, which included the protesters carrying 50 coffins draped in black. The coffins symbolized the innocent Lebanese and Palestinians, who have been slaughtered in the latest war crimes committed by Zionist Israel.

Targeted Arson (tags)

The dominant policy only knows the language of violence. Whoever tries solving problems with violence only produces more violence.. A war against terror is not waged. This is a war against a whole people.



Rice leaves bloody footprints in Lebanon (tags)

At some point in the future, when the ill-fated American drive for hegemony in the first decade of the twenty-first century is subjected to critical study, historians will discover ugly parallels between the tenure of Condoleezza Rice as American secretary of state under President Bush and that of Joachim Ribbentrop as German foreign minister under Chancellor Hitler. All the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Third Reich as it set the stage for World War—its depraved deceitfulness, cynicism, hypocrisy, recklessness, fascination with violence and utter contempt for human life—are to be observed 70 years later in the operations of the Bush administration, for whom Rice serves as chief foreign policy spokesman.

Israel kills UN observers in Lebanon, bombs Red Cross (tags)

This image was taken from video made by Lebanese Red Cross workers Sunday, July 23, 2006 in Qana, south Lebanon. It shows the roof of a Lebanese Red Cross ambulance destroyed in an Israeli airstrike. The Red Cross said that nine ambulance workers were wounded in the explosion as they tried to ferry injured civilians from a town near Tyre to the hospital ( Full story at:;_ylt=AuiWWmDmt7opeB95hWMvCijlWMcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA-- )

"We're Obviously Very Sorry" (tags)

A U.N. observer post was hit by an Israeli airstrike in south Lebanon Tuesday, killing four peacekeepers, U.N. officials said.

Lebanese Devastated In All Sorts of Ways (tags)

BEIRUT, Jul 23 (IPS) - Much of Beirut is a devastated city, infrastructure in many areas lies in a shambles after the Israeli bombing. But the Lebanese are also just feeling devastated.

The U.S. is helping to destroy Lebanon in its tacit support of Israel. (tags)

After getting out of Lebanon, writer June Rugh told Reuters on Tuesday: "As an American, I'm embarrassed and ashamed. My administration is letting it happen [by giving] tacit permission for Israel to destroy a country."

Emergency Peacemaker Vigil for a Cease Fire in the Mid-East (tags)

Emergency Peacemaker Vigil for a Cease Fire in the Mid-East!

Hezbollah banks on home-ground advantage (tags)

By Sami Moubayed


URGENT! SEND A LETTER TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE NOW! click here: Please copy, e-mail and distribute as widely as possible. *In the past few days Israel has killed hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians—in many cases wiping out entire families—in clear violation of international law. I am dismayed that, despite the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, the U.S. has stifled any attempts to bring the matter to the United Nations in hopes of reaching a resolution. I demand that my representatives speak out against the war crimes taking place in the Middle East right now.

Jane Harman is no friend of Israel (tags)

Jane Harman's failure to condemn Israel's military aggression against the Lebanese people is detrimental to the cause of peace in the Middle East, which is in Israel's long range interests.

Israel’s Indiscriminate Onslaughts (tags)

Targeting Civilians As Deliberate Strategy

Mark Dankof's Article on Zionist John Hagee Vanishes in Canada. Why? (tags)

Mark Dankof's "John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism, the Coming War With Iran, and The New World Order" Vanishes in Canada. Why?

Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know (tags)

A perilous excursion into the distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago

Dershowitz and Grades of Human Beings (tags)

So you see, one reason that you can just bomb the hell out of the Lebanese in general is that they aren't human beings at all. They are "animals."

Democrats, Republicans line up to back Israeli war crimes (tags)

Last week, both the US House of Representatives and Senate overwhelmingly passed resolutions praising the Bush administration for its full support of Israel’s military campaign in Lebanon. Democrats joined with Republicans to endorse Israel’s bombing campaign, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of civilians.

U.K. minister warns Israel of consequences of IDF assault (tags)

"Children are being killed, families torn apart, towns are being destroyed and the infrastructure of a country razed," she wrote. "It's the civilian population that is being attacked in both countries - Lebanon and Israel."

Stop now, immediately (tags)

The fact that George Bush and Tony Blair are cheering Israel might be consolation for Ehud Olmert and the media in Israel, but it is not enough to persuade millions of TV viewers who see the images of destruction and devastation, most of which are not shown to Israeli audiences. The world sees entire neighborhoods that have been destroyed, hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing in panic, homeless, and hundreds of civilians dead and wounded including many children who have nothing to do with Hezbollah.

Lies, Double Standards, and Culpable Fallacies (tags)

"Lebanon is being sold for the price of a word: Terrorism. What a bad joke!" by Beirut artist and blogger Mazen Kerbaj. View more of his work. The following is a list - by no means exhaustive - of lies, double standards, and culpable fallacies perpetrated by US and Israeli officials.

Israeli crimes against humanity (tags)

Gruesome images of charred and mutilated bodies following Israeli air strikes We bring to the attention of Global Research readers photographic evidence of Israeli sponsored atrocities. ( caution : very graffic and disturbing content.)

The New York Times and the war in Lebanon: A cynical defense of US-Israeli war crimes (tags)

In an editorial published Friday, the New York Times weighs in as the liberal voice of American imperialism on the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon. Under the headline “More Than a Cease-Fire Needed,” the Times repeats the propaganda line of Washington and Jerusalem that Israel is the victim and Hezbollah the aggressor. It lines up with the US and Israel in opposing demands that Israel halt its bombing campaign—an assault so flagrantly in breach of international law and so nakedly directed against civilians that Louise Arbour, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, was moved to declare on Wednesday that those “in a position of command and control” could be held personally responsible for war crimes.

STOP the War Coalition (Philippines) call on Philippine Government (tags)


Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian Conflict (tags)

Public Education Campaigns in Israel are vitally needed to educate the Israeli Public to (1) the illusory threat of a free and independent Palestine, indeed how this would benefit Israel, and (2) the stain left on the Jewish heritage and soul of Israel by such aggression.

Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events (tags)

Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events:

U.S. rushes extra bombs to Israel (tags)

The New York Times is reporting that the Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Full story at:

Israel to ethnically cleanse Lebanon up to Litani River. (tags)

Israel continues as it began. Murder and ethnic cleansing.


ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon JOIN US IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM Take Action, sign up for political action alerts and tell Congress to stop using your tax dollars to support Israeli terrorism. For further political action and information see and and and Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.

The real aims of the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon (tags)

As the onslaught against Lebanon enters its tenth day, Israeli troops are poised for a full-scale invasion that has been prepared by murderous aerial bombardment, and the far-reaching imperialist aims of the war have become all too clear.

Black Commentator: Israeli Apartheid (tags)

We need to catch up with the rest of the civilized world, and talk about what we can do to emphatically withdraw our support from the apartheid state of Israel and its immoral and illegal occupation regime.

Lebanese defense minister: Army will fight ground invasion (tags)

"The Lebanese army - and I stress - the Lebanese army will resist and defend and will prove that it is an army that deserves respect," he said.

Israeli spies in Lebanon (tags)

Another terrorist cell was caught earlier this year in Lebanon, which was charged with having links to the fundamentalist group Al-Qaeda. The group was also charged with planning the assassination of Hizbullah�s secretary-general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Will Americans Join Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians as Neocon Victims? (tags)

The Unfolding Horror Show

The Most Dangerous Alliance in the World (tags)

After getting out of Lebanon, writer June Rugh told Reuters on Tuesday: "As an American, I'm embarrassed and ashamed. My administration is letting it happen [by giving] tacit permission for Israel to destroy a country." The news service quoted another American evacuee, Andrew Muha, who had been in southern Lebanon. He said: "It's a travesty. There's a million homeless in Lebanon and the intense amount of bombing has brought an entire country to its knees."

Lebanon’s Expendable People (tags)

''We get no sense of rage in Israel’s behavior, just the calculated savagery of men who see their duty as systematically decapitating an entire civilization and leaving it in ruins.''

CONFIRMATION: Captured IDF Were Inside Lebanon (tags)

Twice in one month, the Olmert Government has been caught LYING you into war, Israel. First, with the phony, exposed "investigation" into the shelling of a Palestinian family on a Gaza beach, and now this.

Military analysts question Israeli bombing (tags)

But the growing list of civilian casualties — despite Israel's use of U.S.-designed precision-guided bombs — could turn Arabs and others against the Jewish state and its key ally, the U.S., and still not fatally wound Hezbollah, said military analysts.

Tom Hayden regrets his past support for Israeli aggression. Warns of dangers ahead. (tags)

In 1982, Tom Hayden shocked peace activists by his unqualified support of Israel's aggression in Lebanon. Hayden now writes of the political pressures he was under, and warns that politicians should *not* be afraid to speak up now, as he was then. It is yet another reason why Bay Area progressives will continue to oppose the agenda of AIPAC, and protest its presence this coming December.

Is Israel Using Arab Villages as Human Shields? (tags)

Notes from northern Israel


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

Tom Hayden regrets past support for Israeli policy (tags)

In 1982, Tom Hayden shocked peace activists by his unqualified support of Israel's aggression in Lebanon. Hayden now writes of the political pressures he was under, and warns that politicians should *not* be afraid to speak up now, as he was then. It is yet another reason why progressives throughout California will continue to oppose the agenda of AIPAC, and protest its festivities this coming December.

¡Detengamos la ofensiva israelí sobre Palestina y el Líbano! (tags)

Pero, el elemento que puede alterar significativamente la relación de fuerzas y hacer fracasar los planes del Estado Mayor más poderoso, como es el Ejército sionista, es el hecho de que una intensificación aún mayor de su ofensiva en el Líbano puede incitar a la movilización de las masas de Medio Oriente, que durante semanas vienen viendo los bombardeos, el sitio y el castigo colectivo a que son sometidas las masas palestinas en Gaza, lo que ha incrementado el odio y el ánimo de venganza hacia el Estado sionista. También, aunque todavía en forma muy minoritaria, comienza a despertar al movimiento pacifista israelí, cuestión que puede crecer si siguen los costos no sólo sufridos por su ejército (formado en buena medida por soldados conscriptos) sino también por la población civil, si el gobierno israelí no logra detener rápidamente los bombardeos de misiles sobre sus centros poblados.

Hillary Clinton celebrates Israeli war crimes (tags)

The speech given by New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton to a rally staged by Zionist organizations Monday across from the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan amounted to a celebration of massacres and war crimes. Her remarks left no doubt that a vote for Clinton in November is a vote not only to continue the US war in Iraq, but to expand and intensify the slaughter throughout the region.

Zionism as a Racist Ideology (tags)

"Unconsciously, of course, many Americans also seem to believe that the shameful policies of the U.S. government toward Native Americans somehow make it acceptable for the government of Israel to pursue equally shameful policies toward the Palestinians. The U.S. needs to face its racist policies head on as much as it needs to confront the racism of its foremost partner, Israel."



Note from Lebanon (tags)

by Rania Masri

Hostages and history (tags)

Soon after the start of the second Palestinian intifada in September 2000, Hizbullah abducted a former Israeli colonel from inside Israel. Following tortuous negotiations, in January 2004 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged 436 Lebanese prisoners and 59 corpses of Lebanese soldiers for one Israeli hostage and three corpses of Israeli soldiers. At the last minute Sharon held back three prominent Lebanese detainees. Since then Hizbullah has talked about getting them released by abducting Israeli soldiers. A recent poll showed that more Lebanese were interested in their release than settling the dispute about the Shebaa Farm with Israel.

Recent Israeli History (tags)

by naufragus

Sun Jul 16, 2006 at 01:55:55 PM PDT

This was originally meant as a response to a another diary. It ended up being too long and would have really messed up the formatting and screwed that diary up. I decided to post it on its own because I believe it contains information that people should be aware of. This is to give some perspective on one of the players in the current conflict -- Israel. This is just a smattering of highlights of news stories that don't seem to get much play here in the US. Its just 6 months in the life of Israel. I think it is important to remember that after Israel killed a family on a beach in Gaza their first reaction was to deny it. Then they tried to pin it on Hamas. After the shrapnel evidence revealed that they were indeed behind it, they reluctantly admitted guilt. I believe that fits the pattern of how they operate and speaks to their character. The current Gaza situtation was not started by a soldier being captured. They are not a country that, in my opinion, represents our values but rather one we generally oppose.

ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon (tags)

BACKGROUND: Israel is using weapons supplied by the United States to target Palestinian & Lebanese civilians and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon in violation of the US Arms Export Control Act and the Geneva Conventions. * On July 12th, Israel killed 23 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with missiles fired from aircraft and shells fired from tanks. Israel killed 9 members of one family in a missile strike on a house near Gaza City.

National Emergency Marches on Washington, LA & SF, Sat. Aug 12: Defend Palestine & Lebanon (tags)

Saturday, August 12, 12 Noon, at the White House: NATIONAL EMERGENCY MARCH ON WASHINGTON! Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel! Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Occupation!

Israel War Crimes. (tags)

Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, July 6, 2006 Human Rights Watch written statement

Hamas, from islamic revival-movement to Palestinian government (tags)

In contary with the leading opinions of the American-European politicians and media, the aim of Hamas, calling by them the ''distruction'' of the State of Israel, is not to kill or expell the Israeli-Jewish population, but to dismantle the zionistic State Model and to make an end to 39 year Israeli occupation and settlementspolicy

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Flattened (tags)

A nation under fire and its rights, press and lives flattened

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Attacked (tags)

Attacks on free speech continue with increasing brazenness

50 Things I've Learned About Israeli Propaganda, the U.S., and Zionism as White Supremacy (tags)

In response to the Zionist malarky posted earlier.

50 things I've learned about the Arab-Israeli Conflict (tags)

50 things I've learned about the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Targeted (tags)

targeting the media under "self-defense" and with holocaust immunity

7 Canadians killed by Israeli air strike in Lebanon (tags)

The Israeli militarists have killed 7 Canadians in an air strike on Tyre, Lebanon, July 16, 2006. ( Reuters photo showing Lebanese civilians who were wounded from an Israeli aircraft strike on Tyre, Lebanon, July 16, 2006. - photo REUTERS/Elie Abou Faysal. )

Racism (tags)

Racism is "the belief that one 'racial group' is inferior to another and the practices of the dominant group to maintain the inferior position of the dominated group. Often defined as a combination of power, prejudice and discrimination."

Several reasons for peacefully dismantling Israel (tags)

Following the latest unprovoked attacks on Lebanon by Israel, it is clear that the Zionist apartheid regime of Israel needs to be dismantled ASAP>>

Mayor Villaraigosa supports Israeli bombing of Lebanon (tags)

At a pro-Israel rally organized by L.A.'s Simon Wiesenthal Center, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made clear his support for the Israeli bombings of Gaza and Lebanon (Photo: AFP/Hassan Ammar - What if this was your mother? A wounded Lebanese woman, covered in blood, is evacuated after surviving an Israeli air strike in Tyre, south Lebanon.)

Children die in convoy attack as Israel widens Lebanon assault (tags)

'" Dear friends and colleagues ,You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It's pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the Israelis in South Lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help. I am almost certain these pictures won't be published in the West, although they are Associated Press pictures. I need your help exposing them if you can..."

Lebanon crisis: Don't let them fool you - ISRAEL STARTED IT (tags)

Ever since the bloody carnage in Lebanon started, the mainstream media has echoed Israel's self-righteous indignation about how they're merely defending themselves - "Israeli sovereignty was violated" when Hizbullah "kidnapped" their soldiers from "across the border." What they conveniently reverse is that Hizbullah confronted Israeli troops on the LEBANESE SIDE OF BORDER.


International Action Center statement: STOP THE U.S.--ISRAELI WAR AGAINST LEBANON AND PALESTINE! July 13, 2006 The blood in Gaza and Lebanon is on George Bush's hands. The bombs, shells and missiles now pounding Lebanese and Palestinian cities and villages, wiping out entire families and leaving hundreds of thousands without power or water, are made in the U.S. So are the planes and cannons that launch them.

Massacre of 20 civilians in Lebanon (tags)

An Israeli missile incinerated a van in southern Lebanon, killing 20 people, among them 15 children. Police said the van was carrying two families fleeing the village of Marwaheen after Israeli loudspeaker warnings to leave their homes. Many of the bodies were charred and broken. All photos by Reuters photographers. Full story:;_ylt=Aozer6GRALvzhiDpD_s8qh.aK8MA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA

John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism and the Coming War With Iran (tags)

Old Right Topic News Senior Editor Mark Dankof notes that John Hagee of Cornerstone Church and "Christians United for Israel" (CUFI) have now openly advocated a preemptive military strike on the nation of Iran, as reported by Julia Duin of the Washington Times. Hagee's cozy relationship with the Jewish Lobby and Israeli intelligence is reaching new highs--or lows--including the hiring of David Brog, former Chief of Staff for Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), as the Executive Director of CUFI. In evaluating how close demagogues like Hagee and his Neo-Conservative pols aligned with Israeli intelligence are to touching off World War III, Dankof's references to Mr. Hagee in his recent review of Kevin Phillips' book American Theocracy are worth the reader's time, as well as a more dated review of Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment, which chronicles the role of the Israeli Mossad in assassinating John F. Kennedy. Piper reminds us that Arlen Specter, probably the most Jewish Lobby-owned member of the United States Senate, was the Warren Commission's architect of the fraudulent "single bullet" theory, designed to obscure from public view the physical--and political--crossfire that killed the 35th President of the United States in Dallas. Finally, Mark Dankof's paper on the History of Dispensationalism for Westminster Theological Seminary will give the reader additional background on what fuels the Zionist--Christian Right alliance as it heads toward a self-fulfilling prophetic Armageddon fulfillment.

Information brief: History of Israeli-Arab Prisoner Exchanges (tags)

Israel's failure to release Palestinian political prisoners and its continued arbitrary arrest of Palestinian civilians serves only to highlight Israel's belief that it is above the law and that the Palestinians are beneath it.

Is the Arab Spring turning to Dust under Israeli Bombardment? BACKFIRE (tags)

Some press reports suggest, moreover, that a lot of Lebanese, seeing their capital under attack from Israel, are rallying behind Hizbullah. Even many formerly pro-American Christian Lebanese are deeply upset that Bush seemed to say it was all right for the Israelis to bomb their civilian airport and blockade the whole country. If the country goes to new elections, the results could be quite different this time.

Israeli military aggression, Bush and Terror (tags)

After all hasn’t the war on terror been the defining issue of the two-term Bush presidency? A president as short-sighted and ill-informed as this one is not about to learn from his grievous errors, partly no doubt because the greatest human price is being paid in Arab blood and tears.

Trapped In Beirut (tags)

A first-hand account of how the Israeli strikes have traumatised Beirut asks why the EU and America have done so little to help Lebanon

Gilad Atzmon - Pour out your fury upon the people of Lebanon and Gaza (tags)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Iran warns that Israel is Playing with Fire (tags)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday an Israeli strike on Syria would be considered an attack on the whole Islamic world that would bring a "fierce response", state television reported.

GAZA (tags)

Dear All, The Israeli media has diverted attention, almost entirely, from Gaza to Lebanon since yesterday's events there. So that you will know that Israel's war on Gaza has not ended, below are 2 reports on Gaza, followed by statistics (from Mona's blogg). Lastly is an analysis by Tanya Reinheart of why the IOF is in Gaza and what the government intends the IOF to do there. Best, Dorothy

Israel Continues Terror (tags)

Israel intensified its attacks against Lebanon on Thursday, blasting Beirut's international airport and the southern part of the country in its heaviest air campaign against its neighbor in 24 years. According to Al-Jazeera TV station, 52 Lebanese civilians were killed in the attacks.

How I've come to know Gilad Shalit (tags)

Media humanize Israeli soldier, but what of Palestinians, asks Simon Black

What If Israel Had Never Been Created? (tags)

What would the world look like, if in 1948, the state of Israel hadn’t been created? Unfortunately, President Harry S. Truman, under the “influence of the Zionists,” gave his endorsement to that violence-inspiring project. Since that time, life for the Palestinans has become a hell-on-earth under the heel of Israel’s brutal Death-Mayhem-&-Occupation Machine. John Lennon said, “Imagine there’s no countries.” Okay, let’s imagine: There is no Israel!

The Real Reasons for Israel's Invasion of Gaza (tags)

An Experiment in Human Despair


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Spain, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.


An explanation of Israel's real aims in assaulting the Palestinian people

Government as Hostage (tags)

In the Bundestag, only the leftist party PDS condemned the Israeli action. Wolfgang Gehrcke dedlared it was "an unparalleled act of political terrorism and adventurism" to abduct eight ministers and 20 delegates of a freely elected government.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Public Forum on Palestine: Behind the Crisis in Gaza (tags)

This Friday night, join the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition to discuss the crisis in Palestine caused by the recent Israeli invasion of Gaza.

Gaza: the Transparency of Naked Aggression (tags)

In spite of strict censorship, even blocking Reuters, a growing minority see proof that 9/11 was an inside job, a cynical self-terror act to ignite a new war of civilizations for total world domination. They endorse "9/11 Truth" as the only way to stop the war on Iraq and Iran. Here we explore parallels with the endless war on Palestine.

Palestinian Choices and an action alert on Gaza (tags)

...a luta continua

Gaza militants say fired chemical-tipped warhead (tags)

GAZA, June 29 (Reuters) - A spokesman for gunmen in the Gaza Strip said they had fired a rocket tipped with a chemical warhead at Israel early on Thursday.

Emergency LA Protest to Defend Palestine (tags)

Join a protest on Thurs, June 29, 4-6 pm to defend the Palestinian people against a brutal Israeli assault on Gaza. Stop the attack! No U.S. aid to Israel!

Protest Israeli invasion of Gaza (tags)

Half hour vigil in response to Israeli terror in Gaza Sunset Laemmle Theatres, 8000 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, Ca. 90046 9:15-9:45

Stop Terror at Its Source (tags)

Becky Johnson gets trashed by the JTR (tags)

copied from

Israel Engineers Another Cover-Up (tags)

Leaving the Truth Buried in Gaza's Sands

What’s Next for the Palestinians - Starvation? (tags)

Since 01/06, when the Palestinians elected a Hamas-dominated government, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have accelerated their brutal treatment. After Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert, appeared before the lapdog U.S. Congress on May 31, 2006, the IOF also slaughtered 32 Palestinians, including 10 children. On 06/23/06, Tim Rothermel and Laila El-Haddad, at a Capitol Hill forum, warned that the Palestinians may, eventually, face starvation, too.

New study predicts Jews will outnumber Arabs by 2:1 in 20 yrs (tags)

A new study recently presented to the United States Congress found Jewish birthrates are far outstripping Palestinian rates, and Israel's own statistics fail to account for even low levels of Jewish immigration when calculating national demographic trends. Alarming Palestinian birthrates claimed by the PA and quoted by Olmert are greatly exaggerated.

Two Palestinian civilians killed in IOF raid including pregnant woman (tags)

More children killed by Israeli terrorism. Mohammed Roka, 5-years old, right, and his sister Needa. Massacred by the Israeli Gestapo on Tuesday 20 June in Gaza.

"Internal" UN report contradicts Israeli version of events of beach shelling (tags)

If no one had been at the beach to capture the explosion's aftermath, the incident might have passed quickly with a few Palestinian condemnations and a brisk Israeli retort.

Israel’s first Bedouin envoy (tags)

Ismail Khaldi used to be a shepherd; now he’s been appointed Israeli consul in San Francisco

The Left's Israeli Lobby Denial (tags)

Unlike the lies and omissions of the mainstream, the Left is good on telling the truth about the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians. But its unwillingness to accept the Israel lobby's role in shaping American Middle East policy helps to maintain that very policy

Palestine's children want Peretz condemned as war criminal (tags)

Gaza - Palestinian children have tagged Israeli war minister Amir Peretz as a "war criminal" that must be internationally condemned and prosecuted before the court of war criminals in The Hague for being directly responsible for the killing of Palestinian children and innocent families.

The Power of the Israel Lobby (tags)

Its Origins and Growth

Israel Occupation Forces' strategy (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed Israeli occupation.

Revealed: the shrapnel evidence that points to Israel's guilt (tags)

Mr Garlasco [HRW's military analyst and former Pentagon battle damage expert] produced a four to five-inch, mainly blackened shell fragment which he collected about 100 yards from the scene of the explosion and in which the figures 55 and the letters "mm" are clearly discernible...Israel has dismissed continuing calls for an independent international inquiry into the beachfront explosion... Mr Garlasco who accompanied a small group of journalists to the Beit Lahia beach, pointed to three separate craters, each covered in a whitish powder, which he said were fresh, one of which was at the spot where witnesses agree the fatal blast occurred, and the two others separated it from it by about 120 and 250 yards. Mr Garlasco added: "It would be a really ridiculous coincidence if there is active shelling and then suddenly an IED [improvised explosive device] goes off."


Nine Palestinians killed in Israeli missile raid Gaza - Nine Palestinian citizens were killed and more than 25 others wounded in an Israeli air raid on Gaza city Tuesday morning. Jun 13, 2006, 11:33

10 Palestinian martyrs in the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza (tags)

10 Palestinian martyrs in the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza Gaza – At least ten Palestinian people, including 3 children and 2 women were killed and 40 other were wounded Friday afternoon in four separate attacks by Israeli occupation forces on various parts of the Gaza Strip according to Palestinian sources. Jun 9, 2006, 19:28

Crushed by Gate of Occupation (tags)

Rafeda Thaer, a three-year-old Palestinian girl killed at an Israeli checkpoint. “During 2005 some of the world’s most powerful governments were successfully challenged, their hypocrisy exposed by the media, their arguments rejected by courts of law, their repressive tactics resisted by human rights activists.” Sam Bahour writing from El-Bireh, Occupied Palestine, Live from Palestine

srael Tunes Out: Denies entrance to piano tuner from California (tags)

Paul Larudee, PHd, a piano tuner from California, was denied entry to Israel based on his political support for Palestinian liberation.

BTL:Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act Unnecessarily Punishes Innocents & Moderates (tags)

Interview with Josh Ruebner, U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Lecturers back boycott of Israeli academics (tags)

Critics of state policies exempt from sanction · Narrow vote welcomed by Palestinian groups

Anti-Arab Racism Prevalent in Israel According to Poll (tags)

A recent poll confirms what many Arab Palestinians already knew - many Israeli Jews hold racist views toward Arabs. Israeli parties with anti-Arab platforms made electoral gains in the recent elections. What does this mean for the Arabs of Palestine?

Cementing Apartheid in the South Hebron Hills (tags) Cementing Apartheid in the South Hebron Hills May 31st, 2006 | Posted in Press Releases, Hebron Region FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The villagers of Qawawis woke up Wednesday morning to workers building a meter-high cement wall along the road that runs through their land between the illegal Israeli settlement of Susya and Hebron. The mini-wall designed to keep Palestinian cars from accessing the settler-only road will have the effect of preventing the villagers from being able to access their villages by car or being able to access their lands on the other side of the road. Sheep, tractors or even donkeys will be unable to access the land. Tomorrow morning villagers will lie down along the route of the wall demanding the a gap is left for them to be able to pass through. Qawawis villagers, whose sole income is shepherding are forced to live in caves since any structure they construct is demolished by the Israeli authorities. Today alone, thirteen structures were demolished in the south Hebron region. Most of the structures served as outhouses for Palestinians, according to a report in Haaretz (1). Qawawis’s outhouse and their taboon oven are slated for demolition by the Israeli authorities. The villagers are also subject to ongoing attacks from the Israeli settlers who occupy the area. For more information: ISM Media Office: 02 297 1824



Israeli occupation opens fire at ambulance with pregnant woman (tags)

Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) called Saturday for providing an immediate protection to Palestinian paramedics working in the Palestinian territories.

Occupation is unilateral (tags)

From the early 1990s, the Israeli occupation has had but one goal: the complete destruction of the Palestinian national cause, writes Gabriela Becker*

Is Abbas a Traitor? (tags)

“Any Palestinian that is not focused first and foremost on defending the land and people against Israel's escalating aggression and colonialism, and prefers instead to fight for scraps from the master's table, is truly working against Palestinian interests, and against any possibility of a peaceful settlement.” - Hasan Abu Nimah, former representative of Jordan at the United Nations.

British human rights lawyer denied entry to Israel (tags)

British human rights lawyer, Kate Maynard, has been denied entry to Israel – faced with a claim that she presents a security threat to the state. Despite a court ruling Ms Maynard has been deported and future access to her clients remains in the hands of the Israeli security establishment.

Palestine Update (tags)

News, generally suppressed by US mainstream medias

Weekly Summary of Israeli War Crimes (tags)

Should Noam Chomsky Reset His Compass? (tags)

Noam Chomsky was interviewed for the 2005 book, “Imperial Ambitions.” In it, he addressed the Iraqi War, but he failed to take on the hawkish Neocons. Chomsky said the war was about the “control of oil.” He also ignored the influential Israeli Lobby’s role in agitating for the conflict. In the introduction, a colleague said that he “misses nothing.” Question: How can that be true, if Chomsky missed the six ton elephant in the room - the Israeli Lobby?

The Bush Administration's Dual Loyalties (tags)

Since the long-forgotten days when the State Department's Middle East policy was run by a group of so-called Arabists, U.S. policy on Israel and the Arab world has increasingly become the purview of officials well known for tilting toward Israel. From the 1920s roughly to 1990, Arabists, who had a personal history and an educational background in the Arab world and were accused by supporters of Israel of being totally biased toward Arab interests, held sway at the State Department and, despite having limited power in the policymaking circles of any administration, helped maintain some semblance of U.S. balance by keeping policy from tipping over totally toward Israel. But Arabists have been steadily replaced by their exact opposites, what some observers are calling Israelists, and policymaking circles throughout government now no longer even make a pretense of exhibiting balance between Israeli and Arab, particularly Palestinian, interests.


Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews world-wide were filled with the Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a truly democratic country, and the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.


It reviews recent events and opinion polls in Israel.

9-11: Israeli spy ring and the exposive experts (tags)

A little known fact is that the israeli spy ring of 9-11 infamy had demolition experts.

Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)

"From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks".

Nakba, 58 years later, 2 accounts: (tags)

It is that time of year again. Oversized Israeli flags fluttering above buildings, homes and cars, firecrackers lighting up the night May sky and Israelis packing up their cars with picnic baskets and beach balls as they kick off the 58th anniversary of Israel’s independence. In a place full of contradictions, double standards and hypocrisy, for many Palestinians, this occasion represents the worst hypocrisy of them all.


Please join thousands in signing a petition that may encourage the international community to head off the serious humanitarian crises in Palestine from getting even worse. There is also a link to this on Dr. Marcy Newman’s blog Additional information about the region and political action at Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.

Stop the Neocons from Digging our Graves! (tags)

The Neocons are at it again! Besides Iran, they now are verbally assaulting Russian and China. Robert Kagan, the cofounder of the Zionist-dominated “Project for the New American Century,” (PNAC), accused those two nations of being protectors of a “league of dictators,” which includes Iran. Meanwhile, since “Imperialism,” is supposedly the bad guy, the Israeli Lobby and the Neocons, who helped to push the Iraqi War, continue to get a pass.

What an Odd Bird that Elie Wiesel Is! (tags)

To some, Elie Wiesel is a “messenger to mankind.” Well, Alexander Cockburn doesn’t think so. He said that Wiesel, a devout Zionist, failed as a messenger when it comes to those “victimized” by the policies of the U.S. and Israel. After the first Persian Gulf War, Wiesel gave Dubya’s daddy, Bush I, a humanitarian award and called that bloodbath “a magnificent victory!” This supposed moralizer has also been silent about the evils of the Iraqi War.

Israel's Silent Holocaust Against the Palestinians (tags)

While Israel commemorated the “holocaust” on 25 April, the Israeli state, through its army, paramilitary police forces and armed settlers were carrying out a silent genocide against the helpless Palestinian people, aimed primarily at killing, maiming and tormenting as many Palestinians as the “current international atmosphere” would allow.

"The United States of Israel?" – by Robert Fisk (tags)

Perhaps the most incendiary paragraph in the essay [The Israel Lobby] - albeit one whose contents have been confirmed in the Israeli press - discusses Israel's pressure on the United States to invade Iraq. "Israeli intelligence officials had given Washington a variety of alarming reports about Iraq's WMD programmes," the two academics write, quoting a retired Israeli general as saying: "Israeli intelligence was a full partner to the picture presented by American and British intelligence regarding Iraq's non-conventional capabilities."

Kevin Zeese: “Hawkish Israeli Lobby Wants War with Iran!” (tags)

The Israeli Lobby, with others, helped to instigate the Iraqi War. A scholarly report, the “Harvard Study,” which was recently released, also documents the “unmatched power” of the Lobby over the national interest. Now, the Bush-Cheney Gang is targeting Iran for a pre-empted strike. Is the hawkish, hard right, pro-Israeli Lobby pushing for a war with Iran, too? Kevin Zeese, an independent candidate for U.S. Senate In MD, thinks that it is.

Israel's Strange Connections to 9/11 (tags)

Israel's bizzare connectins to th 9/11 attacks.

Israel's Strange Connections to 9/11 (tags)

Re-posted because of bad spelling

U.S. funded bloodbath in Palestine (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. funded Israeli occupation.

The chosen and the chased (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. funded Israeli occupation.


This article defends Israel against charges of racism, looks at the perfidy of Arab MKs and the upcoming elections in Israel.


This article looks at the upcoming elections in Israel and what Israel's leaders should say.

Pentagon Gets Coffin, While Protesters Get Arrested! (tags)

Activists marched on the Pentagon, on March 20, 2006. In a direct action, a symbolic coffin was hoisted over a fence by the protesters at the facility, located in northern Virginia, just opposite Washington, D.C. About 20 demonstrators were arrested. The “Iraq Pledge of Resistance” organization sponsored the event on the third anniversary of the bloodbath in Iraq. A prayer was also offered near the Pentagon to honor all of the Iraqi dead.



Christian Zionists support nuclear militarization of Israel (tags)

On the third year anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death by Israeli Defense Forces, author attempts to expose right-wing Christians as a financial/political source of Zionist Israel's apartheid and military oppression of Palestinians. Also examines the role Christian fundamentalists play in the escalation of environmental destruction..

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? (tags)

That might also explain why Michael Zwebner did not take the opportunity of the Hurricane to promote his and his 'business' partner, Palestinian con man and Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist charities connected suspect Mohamed Hadid's,'s 'airwater machine'. Perhaps he felt using you or Israeli President Moshe Katsav again to promote his worthless 'UCSY' shares might get old.Originally I imagined it was because New Orleans was too close to his scam in Miami but then again he sent 120 or so fictitious 'airwater machines' to Texas somewhere in one press release.

Under/Non Reported (tags)

Coverage Trends Photostory: Israeli extremists' attack on Nazareth's most famous Christian church goes virtually unreported Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 8 March 2006

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? (tags)

The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

"Thou Shalt Not Criticize the Zionists!" (tags)

There is an 11th Commandment! It states: “Thou Shalt Not Criticize the Zionists.” Recently, the Brit’s Royal Court Theater wanted to put on a play, in NYC, entitled, “My Name is Rachel Corrie.” Corrie was the peace activist, who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer, on March 16, 2003, in Occupied Gaza. The NYC theater company, however, has “postponed” the production because Jewish leaders objected to it. This is an example of that 11th Commandment!

Israel's Final Solution (tags)

The 3 state solution

ISM describes Nazi-like Israeli raid on Balata Refugee camp (tags)

Feb 20, 2006, 17:22 Occupied Jerusalem - The following is an International Solidarity Movement ( ISM) on-the-ground report from Nablus on the latest Israeli atrocities and rampage in the area.

5 REASONS to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (tags)

"You must end the illegal occupation." -Kofi Annan, addressing Israel in a meeting of the UN Security Council, March 12, 2002 "I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and West Bank could describe events in South Africa." -Archbishop Desmond Tutu

RABBI MICHAEL LERNER: Liberal Zionist Apologist, Moral Equivocator, HYPOCRITE! (tags)

NO ONE has a _right_ to self-determination "in their *ancient* ancestral homeland", from 2,000 years ago, 1,000's of miles away, on another continent, in another inhabited land, at the expense of the people who actually _LIVE_ there! It's an arugment that is _literally_ worse than *medieval*! — READ LERNER'S LIBERAL RACIST PABLUM FIRST! — : Rabbi Michael Lerner will speak about his new book, "The Left Hand of God: Taking Back our Country from the Religious Right"; Monday, February 20th Los Angeles, 5 pm, Book Soup, 8818 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, 310.659.3684; 7 pm, Dutton’s Beverly Hills Books, 447 N. Canon Dr., (just south of little Santa Monica), Beverly Hills, (310) 281-0997

Help Needed in Hebron (tags)

What kind of place is this where a mother has to make sure her daughter isn’t in danger so she can go see her eleven year old son, who was just attacked by seven adults, in the hospital???

My Personal Experience With the Israeli Occupation (tags)

The following is Khalid Amayreh's account of his life lived under Israel's "dehumanizing miltary occupation." Khalid's story is harrowing and, in his own words the occupation is "perpetual misery, torment, persecution, enslavement, and dehumanization." His frustration is that he can not fully communicate "the full extent of [its]enduring evil."

Israeli President Moshe Katzav aids massive penny stock fraud,possible money laundering (tags)

One can say of Saddam Hussein what they wish but to my knowledge Mr.Hussein never aided a penny stock fraud of a mafia connected con artist who may well be responsible for tens of millions of dollars if not well over $100,000,000 + in frauds against Americans caught up in his penny stock scams over the years. Israeli President Moshe Katzav gets credit for that....


An account of Israeli oppression against the Palestinian people

Hamas emphasizes need for Israeli withdrawal (tags)

Khalid Mashal, a leader-in-exile of the Palestinian Hamas party, stated Monday in an interview that Israel must withdraw its troops from Palestinian territories as a prerequisite for peace talks. "If Israel recognises our rights and pledges to withdraw from all occupied lands, Hamas, and the Palestinian people together with it, will decide to halt armed resistance."

Israeli occupation troops murder young woman in Gaza (tags)

Another Israeli crime against humanity.

Bush Pot Calls Hamas Kettle Black (tags)

What’s wrong with this picture? Here’s our president, who began an unprovoked war of aggression that has killed as many as 250,000 civilians, telling Hamas to renounce violence.

Israeli Study: Most Israelis are willing to give up E. Jerusalem Arab neighborhoods (tags)

According to a study published, on Thursday, in the Israeli online daily Haaretz, more ore than half of the Israelis are willing to give up East Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods and to effectively re-divide the city as part of a genuine peace agreement. Yet, the overwhelming majority which is 75 percent of those willing to make these concessions do not believe in the possibility of achieving a genuine peace with the Palestinians.

BTL:Israeli-Palestinian Impasse Likely to Persist after Sharon's Stroke (tags)

Interview with Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Things I Wish I Had Not Said In Public: (tags)

Why Israel cannot be trusted.

Fanatic Netanyahu stands waiting with a bomb for Iran (tags)

"Netanyahu has the inside track on winning the election and forming the government - by a narrow margin. One of the more likely outcomes is that voters who would have gone with Sharon to Kadima will be less likely to support Olmert. They will come home to Likud," said Gerald Steinberg, a professor of political studies at Bar Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

Ailing Sharon back in operation room (tags)

Ailing Sharon back in operation room 1/6/2006 2:00:00 PM GMT Israeli Prime Minister ARIEL SHARON is undergoing another emergency surgery on Friday after a scan showed fresh bleeding in his brain, doctors said, according to The Associated Press news agency.

Ariel Sharon se muere, Bush reza (tags)

Primer Ministro israelí Ariel Sharon agonizante: Bush y el gobierno estadounidense "oran por él"


An Appeal to all Citizens of the World:

Spielberg on Munich (the movie - a review) (tags)

But of course, the kinds of folks who push an ideology that required the expulsion of three-quarters-of-a-million Palestinians from their lands, and then lied about it, claiming there had been no such persons to begin with (as with Golda Meir’s infamous quip), can’t be expected to place a very high premium on truth. -- Tim Wise, anti-racist, anti-Zionist, Jewish-American activist, essayist & public speaker

Spielberg on Munich: dehumanization of Palestinian civilians (tags)

...But this begs the question: why is Munich more famous than the savage bombardment of Palestinian refugee camps back in February prior to Munich? And why did the letter bombs to three Palestinian writers not get any world attention? Why did American liberals and PEN not notice it back then? ...The movie did not tell you that by the time the Israeli terrorists finished with their “mission,” some 100 Palestinians and Lebanese were murdered on that day in April 1973.


A review of Professor Norman Finklestein's important new book that exposes Israeli crimes against the Palestinians and prominent Israeli supporters who approve of them

Israeli occupation army murders three Palestinians in Nablus (tags)

Occupied Jerusalem - The Israeli occupation army (IOF) on Thursday murdered three Palestinians in the northern West Bank town of Nablus, hospital sources said. Dec 22, 2005, 11:07

Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)

Can real peace ever be achieved with a legacy as dark as these? “…From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” - Jesus

Israeli aerial raids on Gaza Strip inflict civilian casualties including children (tags)

Gaza - A number of Palestinian civilians, including small children, were wounded in the missile raids by Israeli warplanes and assault Apache choppers that launched twelve sorties over the Strip at dawn Sunday firing a number of air-to-surface missiles against Palestinian civilian targets, including main roads

Help Stop Caterpillar, Inc. (tags)

Throughout the Israeli belligerent occupation, now in its 39th year, Caterpillar, Inc., a US based cooperation, has supplied the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) with Caterpillar bulldozers and other products. The specifically designed bulldozers have carried out the IOF’s illegal home demolition policy in the Gaza Strip and West Bank

Israel murders two Palestinian civilians (tags)

Occupied Jerusalem - Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday murdered at least two Palestinian civilians, a teen-ager and farmer, hospital sources said

Israel plans demolition of tens of Palestinian homes in Ramle (tags)

Occupied Jerusalem - The Zionist government in Tel Aviv has recently sanctioned the demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in the city of Ramle (occupied in 1948) at the usual excuse of lack of construction permit

Israeli troops storm Nablus, arrest six Palestinians (tags)

Nablus - The Israeli occupation army at dawn Monday swept into the West Bank city of Nablus and rounded up six Palestinians after storming and ransacking their family homes, witnesses reported.


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Launch More Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Ex-Rep. Findley: “It’s Time to Exit Iraq!” (tags)

On Dec. 1, 2005, at a public forum, on Capitol Hill, ex-Rep. Paul Findley (R-IL), urged President George W. Bush to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq-promptly. He offered a four point plan to that end. Findley said that his greatest fear is that Bush “will persist in his quest for a military victory.” He praised Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) for demanding an “early and complete exit from Iraq.” Findley called for ending the U.S.’ “ugly role in the killing fields of Iraq.”

From South Central to Palestine: Land Confiscation knows no borders (tags)

Making connections between South Central and Palestine

detecting terrorism by observing movements of the rich (tags)

detecting terrorism against yourself and your loved ones by observing movements of the rich

Palestinian/ Israeli speaking tour in LA (tags)

National Speaking tour on the non-violent resistance movement to the wall in Palestine featuring: -Palestinian Ayed Morrar -Israeli Jonathan Pollack

WED 10/26: An Evening with Ilan Pappe Renowned Israeli Historian & Author (tags)

An Evening with Renowned Israeli Historian and Author Ilan Pappe Speaking on 'Israel and Palestine: The Peace Charade' and Book Signing WHEN: Wednesday, October 26, at 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Westwood United Methodist Church 10497 Wilshire Blvd. (at Warner, West of Beverly Glen) Los Angeles 90024

AntiMcDonald's Daze in Israel 2005 (tags)

A report on actions carried out against McDonald's in Israel during the 16th of October International day of Protest Against McDonald's

Most favored religion bill Must be stopped (tags)


Researcher Sometimes referred to as the “Hate Bill”, Senate number S.1145, if passed will bring TYRANNY to America. President Bush (reacting to Mrs. Mier’s nomination) had the audacity to say, it matters not what the American people think, it matters what Congress does. Please cut and past this letter and send it to your Senators. A closer look at the Bill shows it would end political dissent, and makes jail a possibility for others with different religious beliefs.

Judith Miller, Larry Franklin, Office of Special Plans, PNAC & WMDs (tags)

'Judith Miller & Larry Franklin, sitting in a tree...'

The Butcher of New Orleans (tags)

9-11 Insider & Director of "Homeland Security" Michael Chertoff

About Tali Fahima and Other "Traitors" (tags)

Tali Fahima is an Israeli young peace activist jailed for already over a year before being sentenced. This article was published originally in Hebrew in Israel-Indymedia. I wish to thank Hava Keller(*) for her much appreciated help in translating this article.

Holy Land or Living Hell? Ecocide in Palestine (tags)

From the Jordan River valley and Dead Sea basin, through the central highlands comprising the West Bank's populated core, to the fertile western hills bordering Israel, recent reports from occupied Palestine reveal a worsening environmental crisis.

Why is the Federal Government destroying National Security ? (tags)

Federal officials are more responsive to foreign interests than to American citizens ! The President believes in unprotected borders. The Congress aids foreign governments. The Supreme Court evicts private citizens from their property to enrich foreign private profiteers. WHY?

How To Succeed As A War Criminal (tags)

......lest we forget the acts committed against humanity, in particular the 23rd anniversary of Sabra & Shatila: September 16, 1982 with special consideration of Ariel Sharon's visit to the United Nations and the attempted arrest of Doron Almog in the UK.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

BTL:Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza Accompanied by Destabilizing Expansion of... (tags)

...Settlements in the West Bank ~ Interview with Neve Gordon, of Ben-Gurion University, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Israel: The withdrawal from Gaza... a step towards peace? (tags)

Middle east


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

Uncle Sam to give Israeli settler families 1 mil each to relocate (tags)


Israeli Disengagement Plans Include The Use Of Deady Force Against Protestors (tags)

In the event of violence on the part of anti-disengagement protestors during the planned Gaza pullout of Israeli settlers, an Israeli team of high-ranking military officers and academics has recommended the use of deadly force against them.


This article confronts the criticism of Arabs and others, that Israel favors the Jews.

Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)

Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.

Two Families’ Dreams Were Not Demolished (tags)

When the Israeli government forced out the Nasrallahs from their home in Rafah, at Gaza’s southern edge, the Nasrallahs didn’t get a shekel. Their house was among more than 3,000 that stood in the way of a security cordon that Israel established along the border between Gaza and Egypt. The border district stood above tunnels that were, according to the Israeli government, used to transport weapons and bomb-making materials.

Tempest in Santa Fe: Confronting Israeli Myth-Making (tags)

Propagandists on behalf of Israel have held a corner on public discourse about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for the nearly six decades of Israel’s existence, but these purveyors of the Israeli line have become increasingly deceptive and malign -- and increasingly effective – with time.

Stop the Nazi Lies of the "USS Liberty Lobby" (tags)

The USS LIberty Lobby are a pack of neonazis who lie about what happened

Genocidal Pacifists and the Hookers in Black (tags)


MON 6/13: Rachel Corrie's Parents & Family Who Lived in Gaza Home She Died to Protect (tags)

Local community groups and across the US are working together to help a Palestinian family rebuild their home and hundreds more -- in the name of Rachel Corrie, 23, who was killed two years ago as she faced down an Israeli bulldozer to keep it from knocking down a home in Gaza. On their first visit to U.S., Khaled and Samah Nasrallah, members of the Palestinian family who lived in that home, will join Cindy and Craig Corrie, Rachel's parents, on an unprecedented U.S. speaking tour arriving in Los Angeles Monday, June 13

Israel investigates N-secrets hacking (tags)

Which is an open admission that multi-stage nuclear weapons are being built at Dimona. To what end? Germany foolishly gave Israel 3 Submarines capable of launching nukes onto any continent! Plus Israel has threatened European and other capitals with nuclear annihilation if it doesn't get it's way on everything.

It's OK to be anti-Jewish politics! Really! (tags)

If it's OK to be anti-Republican or anti-corporation or anti-Christian fundamentalism or anti-Communism or even anti-God, I can be anti-Jewish Politics!

May Day Versus Loyalty Day (tags)

May Day versus McCarthy era like "Loyalty Day" opened a UN Conference against Nuclear Weapons that seemed doomed by ambiguities and lack of reportage from its very start… including vagueUS intentions towards peace contrasted by recent trends and “nuclearised” weapons that support pre emptive strikes. Meanwhile, Israel still vague about possessing nuclear weapons adds to its crimes against humanity in the Occupied Territories by dumping its waste on someone else’s homeland.

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 (tags)

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian non violent campaign against Israeli occupation — This summer, With the participation of international supporters, Palestinians will continue their long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the occupation and draw the world's attention to what is really happening in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

poster child for israel (tags)

aboiut israel

Ahhh Berkeley (tags)

I have traveled far and wide, but the heart of California always enlightens me.


Academic freedom is central to resolving the conflict.

Guess who REALLY Killed Tom Hurndall! (tags)


Who is the REAL nuclear threat? (tags)

The real nuclear threat is Israel. The Talmudic Zionists Jew pulled off 911 with high US offical Zionist help, both NORAD, plus FEMA, plus Pentagon, Plus Bush and administrative allies, and sold you the Moslems did it. Who else would benifinit from the Iraq fiasco? They were hoping to get Israel cheap oil and US world hegdemony.

Wendy Campbell: Smeared by the Jewish Defense League (tags)

Since the Zionists cannot win with Truth and Reason, they resort to lies and name-calling.

Triumph of Spirit: Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu April 2005 (tags)

It is one year since Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from a cruel and barbarous imprisonment into a 1948 British Mandate that keeps him further imprisoned by a state that does not want him but does not wish for him to go free or live free.


On April 9th three Palestinian youth were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers as they chased a soccer ball that was kicked near the Israeli apartheid wall.

Mark Green and Wendy Campbell: Hollywood Advances 'Soft Assault' on Christian Imagery (tags)

Deconstructing Hollywood mind-control...

Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911 (tags)

I think this is a nice summary of the criminals in charge. And some interesting points I didn't know like:

Palestinian political prisoners tour in Los Angeles 4/14 (tags)

Hosted by IWitness Palestine (IWP): The tour's main objectives are to raise awareness and solidarity around the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners inside Israeli occupation jails and to connect the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners to struggles against the prison industrial complex in North America.

April 13: International Day of Action to Stop Caterpillar (tags)

Human rights groups to demand investigation of Israeli war crimes at Caterpillar's Annual Meeting in Chicago on April 13 - Simultaneous protests scheduled for dozens of cities around the world.

The Truth Lies in the Middle ---East (tags)

What is a second class citizen?????

The moral short-sightedness of prime-minister Balkenende and the EU regarding Israel (tags)

Although it is of main importance the Dutch prime-minister Balkenende has referred to the universal values in respect of the holocaust, it is striking that is lacking in moral indignation with respect to the Palestinian victims of the Israeli occupation.

Rejecting the US "anti-Semitism" Act (tags)

Jews in the US and elsewhere continue to endeavor to make it a "crime" to criticize Judaism, organized Jewish politics and behavior, as well as the Jewish state of Israel. This is consistent with the Jewish “modus operandi” of oppressing and silencing others who attempt to reveal their innumerable historic-and ongoing-crimes. They are truly a race that deserves to be hated and hopefully destroyed!

Urgent Press release from from Rayna Moss in Israel (tags)

Further punishing the Whistleblower = Democracy At Its Most Dismal and Repressed Please tell Israel to honor the basic freedoms and rights of a free man in democatic society

Remembering Rachel, Recognizing Oppression (tags)

SUMMARY:The West Coastrecently hosted a visit by Amy Goodman, spurring some debate but widespread admiration. On Wednesday March 16, Democracy now spotlights the Corrie killing, also hotly debated in these parts. Stein asks if we recognize "sowing of bitterness, suspicion and intolerance as crimes in themselves".

March 17- Commemorating Rachel Corrie (tags)

Women in Black - Los Angeles presents... A Special Event Commemorating Rachel Corrie Rachel Corrie, a young human rights activist from Olympia, Washington, was killed on March 16th, 2003. She was trying to prevent a family home in Gaza from being demolished, when an Israeli bulldozer ran her over. Film Screening: "Dispatches: The Killing Zone" Talks: Dr. Laila Al-Marayati - Media's whitewashing of this crime Rev. Darrel Meyers - Presbyterian Church's divestment decision Mary Hughes - Witnessing the situation in Palestine Date and Time: Thursday, March 17th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Liberty Hill Foundation, 2121 Cloverfield Boulevard, Suite 113 Santa Monica, CA 90404 (NE corner Cloverfield & Pico - Free parking on site) Film description and speaker bios below; no admission charge; free literature available For more information, see

ISRAEL'S 'NUREMBERG' LAWS: Apartheid Targets Palestinian Home-owners Inside Israel (tags)

You won't hear about the story of my Palestinian friend Ali Zbeidat and the threatened demolition of his "illegal" home, either from the hundreds of international correspondents in Jerusalem or from the Hebrew media - not even from those remarkable Israeli journalists Amira Hass and Gideon Levy, two lone beacons inside Israel in the campaign for justice for the Palestinians.

*PRICELESS*!: Israeli history professor rhetorically gives the ADL 'the *finger*'! (tags)

Hebrew University Israeli history professor Moshe Zimmerman compares Israel's IDF (military) to the Nazis! Conservative kneejerk gadfly Jewish ADL -- Zionist domestic spy & harassment organization -- head Abe Foxman butts in, as usual, to demand apology. (Many prominent Jews, both contemporary and historical figures, have compared Israel/Zionism/IDF to *NAZIS*!) Israeli history professor Moshe Zimmerman retorts: "Regarding the involvement of ... [Abe] Foxman in the affair, he says, "I don't have to respond to every barking dog in the street"! A comment that's long overdue!

BTL:Peace Process Bound to Fail if Israel Expands West Bank Settlements (tags)

Interview with Dr. Jeff Halper, coordinating director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Israeli Report Condemns Support for Settlement Outposts (tags)

Withheld until now, the report was written under American pressure and finished in early January. It accuses the government of Mr. Sharon and previous Israeli governments of "blatant violations of the law" and complicity in helping settlers construct illegal outposts in violation of stated Israeli government policy.

Why I Am a Pro-Palestinian Activist (tags)

I was brought up Roman Catholic, but now consider myself a progressive,

An appeal for solidarity concerning the threatening demolition of a Palestinian house (tags)

Underlying information isn't only revealing a highly condemnable event, but especially symbols the Israeli policy of mass land and house-exproprations within Israel at the cost of a great number of Israeli Arabs.

The Mayor of London - Honestly At Last Regarding Jewish Racists (tags)

Commentary on London Mayor Ken Livingstone' recent remarks about Israel and the Jewish Community

For Israel/Palestine: The Meaning of 'RELATIVE CALM' – LA Times Style (tags)

Over all, I guess what he [THE L.A. TIMES] means is relatively obvious: That he can run whatever he wants, distort whatever he desires, lead with whatever his lies. I guess he means that FACTS don't matter, TRUTH is irrelevant, and deceit the order of the day. I guess he means that Americans are pawns, readers are sheep, and people will just keep swallowing whatever the media choose to dish out. I hope you'll tell him he's wrong: 213-237-5000 or


READ!: Black Jews rejected in "the Promised Land of milk and honey" -- "the light unto the world": Israel.

"BLACK/ETHIOPIAN JEWS REJECT ISRAELI SOCIETY -- as it has rejected them!" (tags)

READ!: Black Jews rejected in "the Promised Land of milk and honey" -- "the light unto the world": Israel.

ICAHD Launches Bottom-up E-mail Campaign (tags)

A new campaign from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions to apply more international pressure to the Israeli government.

Israeli Interpol Fugitives in Washington (tags)

Russia's billionaire "oligarchs" are closely connected to Israel. Recently, some cronies, wanted by Interpol, were feted by pro-Israel Congressman Tom Lanton (D, Calif) -- AP covered this up -- and much more.

The Truth About Killing Palestinian Children (tags)

The vast differences in the news about murdered Palestinian schoolchildren With little or no responsibility from US mainstream medias to corroborate truth.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, China, Cuba, and Russia.

SF Examiner ad demonizes Palestinian children, shows young girl with gun (tags)

Such anti-Palestinian stereotypes obscure the reality that over the past four years Palestinian children have been the principal victims of violence and other human rights abuses in the Israel-Palestine conflict. 625 Palestinian children were killed by the Israeli army and settlers in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip between 29 September 2000 and 31 December 2004 according to the Palestine Red Crescent Society. Over 100 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians during the same period.


It looks at the recent concern of the UN for the Holocaust, as it yet continues to deny the Jewish People full rights in their homeland, and then compares that attitude to the present Israeli government's policies.

BTL:New Palestinian Leader Confronts Familiar Obstacles in... (tags)

...Restarting Peace Talks ~ Interview with Ali Abunimah, writer and activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Hasbara (tags)

Listening and reading mainstream US media outlets creates the illusion that the "peace process" between Israel and the Palestinians revolves around "curbing the violence" and Palestinian "reforms." Devoid of any self-reflection, the pundits ignore realities on the ground and distort history in ways that try to deceive the US public to continue the massive military and economic aid to Israel at the expense of US public interests (in addition to its devastating impact on Israelis and Palestinians).

Palestinian Elections – Charting the Palestinian Future (tags)

Marina del Ray, CA 90292

S. KOREA. Last Year's Last Struggle Report... (tags) - still drunken - activists in Seoul

Rachel Corrie vs Kobe Mandell (tags)

The latest crime bill has something in it for everyone.

CKUT Radio: Gaza Strip Military Occupation - Canadian Complicity (tags)



This article examines a recent under-reported vote in Israel's parliament, it then asks and answers the question, "Why do so many Jews not want Arabs living in their neighborhoods, or in Israel at all?"


This article counterattacks the best-selling author's recent op-ed claim that Israel's Right was unhappy about Arafat's demise. It points out his own left-leaning proclivities, and argues that it's the Left not the Right saddened by Arafat's death. It then questions what he's doing at the Israeli right-wing research institute, the Shalem Center.

Feinstein deaf 2 Wintu and Palestinian voices, hears only $$$$ (tags)

CA Senator Diane Feinstein shows no concern for the original inhabitants of Palestine or Shasta County. Her campaign funding from pro-Israel AIPAC and Central Valley agribusiness could be blinding her to the objections of the Palestinians and the Winnemem Wintu..

Willing Pimp" Jay Leno "denigrates" Yassar Arafat for his Pro Israel backer (tags)

Willing Pimp" Jay Leno "denigrates" Yassar Arafat for his Pro Israel backers!

Arresting Vanunu While Burying Arafat (tags)

"Mr. Vanunu, who is a Christian and who claims his faith profoundly directed and sustained him during the worse of his imprisonment, gives much credit to the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ."


Palestinian Freedom fighter Marwan Barghouti is Arafat’s likely popular successor. Fatah Secretary-General (since 1994) and a key figure in both the first Intifada and the present Intifadat al-Aqsa, Marwan sits in an Israeli jail, sentenced last June 6 and serving five life sentences plus 40 years. Israeli and international progressives should raise two demands now loud and clear: for Barghouti’s immediate release from prison and for the protection of his safety wherever he is. There is a definite danger the Israeli government may decide to ‘eliminate’ him if they think he is the likely choice of the Palestinian masses.

One Democratic State in Israel/Palestine (tags)

There is need now to build a mass non-violent movement toward a single democratic non-national state, a “politics from below” for a sustainable just future for Israelis and Palestinians, forging bonds of ta'ayush (togetherness) in common struggle, the return of refugees in massive numbers – and inside Israel moving beyond apartheid ethnocracy and its oligarchy.

BTL:Continuing Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Poses Grave Risks for U.S. (tags)

Interview with Clayton Swisher, author and Middle East analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Every One Get Out and Vote for Nader (tags)

Vote for Nader, the ONLY anti-war candidate and the most visible candidate with regards to criticizing US foreign policy and Israel.

Refusing to Kill: Update (tags)

Israeli refuseniks come to London

"Let Me Leave and Be Free", pleads Israeli whistleblower Vanunu. (tags)

Since April 21 2004 Mordechai Vanunu has been pleading for his freedom to leave Israel along with telling the Israeli government , and anyone else who will listen: 1. He told the truth about nuclear weapons 2. He has no more secrets to tell.

The "Days of Penitence": Gaza Sinks in a Sea of Blood (tags)

The Iraq War has Increased Terrorism (tags)

"The British and American population does not believe that the war against iraq has made the world safer..Only 30 percent in the US agree with the government.. The Iraq war represents a great diversion from the global struggle against terrorism.."


DAVID GEHRIG of Urbana-Champain IMC, and "nessie", an editor at sf.indymedia, often spar back-&-forth with each other over who's the bigger CENSORSHIP ass (to put it politely). But, the fact is that they both are! HOWEVER, the URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDYMEDIA CENTER ( has been *HIJACKED* by ARCH-ZIONIST David Gerhig & Cohorts.

Death Toll from Israel's Gaza Offensive Rises to 100 (tags)

"Rockets were never fired from among our houses and not from my garlic store," said Anwar al-Shafai, 60, gazing at the rubble of his business. It seems to us that Sharon's so-called unilateral withdrawal will be only an illusion. An Israeli bulldozer uprooted the graves of my mother and uncle. I will have to rebury their remains."

Israel withdraws charge that driver loaded rocket into UN ambulance (tags)

Israeli PR in Action: After releasing FALSE CHARGES to news medias, Israel withdraws FALSE CHARGES

The “chosen ones” like to like to murder Elementary school children (tags)

and show this fact by murdering another 9 yo Girl Sitting in Class today.

On Mossad Spy Ashraf Marwan (tags)

Egyptian Spy Marwan exposed (tags)

Director of Military Intelligence on Ashraf Marwan

Trees Not Walls! Call to Action: For Eco-Justice/Palestine Solidarity O17 @ MWM and Beyond (tags)

Come all who conscientiously object to the capitalist transformation of Earth into industrial wasteland! In defiance of Walls designed to divide and displace us, on October 17 in Washington DC, before, during and after the Million Worker March, we invite you to join the Eco-Justice/Palestine Solidarity Bloc to participate in a powerful, long-overdue fusion of movements!

US To Veto UN Resolution Condemning Israel (tags)


Ex intelligence chiefs at Odds over leak of spy's name Ashraf Marwan (tags)

Ex intelligence chiefs at Odds over who leaked name of Egyptian spy to Historian Ahron Bregman

United Israeli Emirates of North America (tags)


Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. But the idea that an Israeli owned company had inside access to the airport used to launch an abortive terror attack brought to mind the strange message Odigo Systems, another Israeli owned company with offices near the World Trade Towers, received that warned of the impending attacks before the hijacked planes had even left the ground.


An assessment of Palestinian losses during 4 years of uprising against occupation, the world's reaction (or lack of it), and the responsibility that activists for Palestine need to fulfil for meaningful change.


-The Al Aqsa Intifada is a disaster for Israelis and Palestinians as it hits its fourth year with no significant advances, no real agreement in sight or an end to the violence.

UN Report Blames Israel For Building Fence To Confiscate Land (tags)

Israel continues to steal land for Apartheid Wall/Fence devestating thousands of lives , creating more refugees and re creating racist ghettos . US tax dollars support this form of ethnic cleansing:

Madonna, Mr. Big and Richard Gere (tags)

The Israeli Tourism Authority has taken to inviting Hollywood stars to Israel to boost tourism.


This article suggests that a future Israeli government might prosecute those who planned and participated in the illegal expulsion of Jews from their homes.

Weekly Report On Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Territories (tags)

This week was the bloodiest week in the last two months, as 24 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 6 children, were killed and dozens of other civilians were injured by Israeli troops. The difference between the suicide bomber and soldier(s) killing civilian population including children, is the IDF uniform and the US tax dollar in foreign aid .

Anniversary of the Assassination of Folke Bernadotte af Wisborg: September 17 1948 (tags)

Count Folke Bernadotte, special UN Mediator to Mid East ...responsibile for saving 20,000 Jews from Himmler was assassinated this day, September 17 1948. The man directly responsible for his death, Nathan Friedman-Yellin was sentenced, pardoned after 5 months and was allowed to serve on Knesset




Vanunu Not Yet Free

Black September (tags)

September brings back memories of atrocities ranging from 9/11/01, to the CIA's involvement in the coup that installed General Pinochet in Chile (9/11/73), and to the massacre of Sabra and Shatila on 9/15/82. These tragedies are demonstrably intertwined beyond the coincidences of date and that they claimed similar numbers of civilian victims.

For Fresca (tags)

Israeli Army Jeep Crushes Palestinian Boy to Death


It focuses on several points of contention Israel has with Russia's foreign policy. Russia's take on the peace process-the Palestinians; Russia's support for the Iranian nuclear program; Russia's relationship with Syria and its occupation of Lebanon.


This article looks at Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's dictatorial behavior at a recent cabinet meeting that made fateful decisions about the Gaza disengagement plan.

Time to Put America First (tags)

Another Israeli Spy, as reported by CBS is suspected in the Pentagon, though some news sources state this is the first time since Pollard during the 1980's one has been caught.


Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied territory too? It will if Gerald A. Gerash of the L.A. Green Party has anything to do with it -- complete with Zionist mudslinging and character assassination against anyone who ever dares to criticize Israel or its ethnochauvinistic state ideology -- and, of course, complete with the usual promiscuous charges of "anti-Semitism".


It discusses the increasingly regular discriminatory treatment against Jewish settlers and settlement products by the international community and now the Israeli government itself. It raises the question, are there two types of Jews, and asks, will the settlers declare independence?

200 Birds: The First Victims of Dimona's Nuclear Reactor (tags)

GAZA, August 24, 2004 (IPC + Al Bayan) -- Israeli environmental officials declared that about 200 migrating birds between Africa and Europe died when they stopped near the Israeli nuclear reactor Dimona

Israeli activists- Peace comes from justice and coexistence (tags)

The Olga Appeal-FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION, FOR EQUALITY AND PARTNERSHIP --This document represents a new initiative brought by Israeli activists and scholars that deserves widespread attention and dissemination.


I met with anti-Zionist Israeli activists in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, all of whom I informed, as an example of the sorry state of affairs on this [US] side of the water, about the subject of your upcoming [Oakland "Anti-Semitism"] Conference on what is alleged to be anti-semitism on the part of what passes for the left in the United States.


Barghouti eats during a hunger strike. Arafat rips off the Palestinian treasury. Hamas leaders hide while they send off others to die. This article takes a look at these phenomena.


It surveys the Israeli government's attempt to liberate the economy from socialist occupation. It looks at the fight over the just passed 2005 budget and gives a cautious "green light" to the direction of the reforms.

Ralph Nader Takes Out The Trash: A Rebuttal To The ADL's Abe Foxman. (tags)

A letter to Abe Foxman of the ADL, after Foxman had issued one of his standard "he's a bigot" responses to Nader's criticism of Israeli policy.

Nader Shows Courage Bush and Kerry Lack (tags)

While Bush and Kerry vie to show who is more uncritically supportive of right-wing Israeli government policy, Nader has the courage to expose how powerfully the pro-Israeli government lobbying effort in the U.S. is distorting public debate on the Israel-Palestine crisis.

Hope Floats! (tags)

Hope floats! eternally light above these darker times. Hope floats! and gives cause to celebrate the small and large gestures we make individually and together towards one another. Hope floats! and gathers momentum, purpose and solidarity. Hope Floats and carries the human spirit higher as the work continues...."

The world bury the head in the sand (tags)

The preparation for US invasion of Iran goes according to plan

Both Sides of The Wall (tags)

Are you really reading both sides of the story?

Racial Accountability (tags)

In this world, there are many races, and many people who are of mixed race. Still, how you act is always going to be construed as a part of your culture.

Why Does the World Hate Israel? (tags)

The ICJ vs. Israel (tags)

Israel is forvever.

Up Against The Wall ! Israel ! (tags)

People who attack the World Court for its July 9 Ruling on the Israeli wall in the Occupied Territories should beware.

Israeli shot dead by LA cops (tags)

Los Angeles police and the county district attorney are investigating the death of Assaf Dery, a 25-year-old Israeli, who was shot and killed by police officers on Friday.

Women Raped Before Their Husbands (tags)

Statements and findings by non-governmental organisations and human-rights groups detail how one female detainee had been raped 17 times in one day by ‘Iraqi’ police in the presence of US troops. Another NGO reported of how one mother-of-four killed herself after being held by her hair and raped in front of her restrained husband, who was forced to watch.

P10K Founder Beaten in Israeli Jail (tags)

Irish Political Activist Ken O'Keefe suffered concussion and bruising at the hands of an Israeli prison guard Monday evening, five days into his hunger strike against detention and possible deportation. He was arrested last Thursday for attempting to enter Gaza to discuss the P10K plan with representatives from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Activist on Hunger Strike in Israeli Jail - attempting "peace" talks with Hamas (tags)

Irish American political activist Ken O'Keefe is on hunger strike in an Israeli jail whilst fighting deportation after being arrested for attempting to enter Gaza on Thursday. Last year, the former US Marine and Gulf War veteran returned to Iraq with more than 500 Human Shields. After entering Gaza via a settlement, he was detained by 10 Israeli soldiers whilst walking along the beach into the Palestinian area.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ex-US Marine/Gulf War Veteran & Founder of the Human Shield Action to Iraq Ken O’Keefe announces ‘P10K FORCE’ plan to Mobilize 10,000 International Observers from Western Nations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) - Launching September 11, 2004.

Genocide Unnoticed (tags)

Black Muslims are dying by the hundreds of thousands and we still focus on Israel.

BTL:Israeli Raid on Rafah Refugee Camp Results in More than 50 Dead, and... (tags)

..Hundreds Homeless Interview with Maher Nasser, representative of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Worst Rape Photos Of Iraqi Woman By US Military And Israeli Operatives Not Yet Released (tags)

The new photographs released of the depraved sexual abuse of Iraqi POW's by the US Military Police on orders of CIA and Israeli operatives at the Abu Ghraib prison still do not show the worst of the war crimes. The photographs so far officially released are, without exception, only of male Iraqi prisoners of war.

Robert Fisk: Israeli subcontractors involved in directing interrogations at Abu Ghraib (tags)

"The head of an American company whose personnel are implicated in the Iraqi tortures, it now turns out, attended an "anti-terror" training camp in Israel "

May 20th Protest Against Israeli War Crimes (tags)

Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held...

Are the Israelis planning something for the G-8 Summit? (tags)

Nuclear Submarine Base Locked Down Report; Posted on: 2004-05-24 02:58:05 [ Printer friendly ] Two Israelis attempted to enter posing as furniture movers. Just last week two Israeli "movers" were arrested in a rural area of Tennessee, where nothing exists except two active nuclear power plants, and a third under construction

Holocaust revival (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's ethnic cleansing.

Israeli Sniper Assassinates Two Children (tags)

Israeli Sniper Assassinates Two Children

Israeli Consulate Los Angeles CA – May 20, 2004 (tags)

Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in L. A. against the death and destruction the Israeli army is inflicting on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Protesters expressed their outrage at Israel’s continuing war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Israeli Consulate Los Angeles CA – May 20, 2004 (tags)

Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in L. A. against the death and destruction the Israeli army is inflicting on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Protesters expressed their outrage at Israel’s continuing war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Anger over razing of Gaza zoo (tags)

RAFAH, Gaza Strip - During the past five years, Mohammed Ahmed Juma and his brother, Fathi, slowly built their privately owned zoo into one of this city's best-loved community institutions. Last week, it took less than 30 hours for Israeli army bulldozers to destroy it.

Palestinian family blames Israeli sniper for deaths of two children (tags)

About 11.30am last Tuesday, within moments of each other, Asma al-Mughair, 16, and her brother Ahmed, 13, died on the roof of their home in the Tel Sultan district of Rafah. The Israeli Defence Force, whose soldiers and tanks had just occupied Tel Sultan, said the next day that it had investigated the incident and concluded that the siblings were killed by "a work accident" - a euphemism for a militant's bomb that explodes while it is being assembled - or by a roadside bomb set by Palestinian militants.

Once upon a time in Rafah (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's ethnic cleansing.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, China, and Cuba.

JUNE 5: Protest Massacres in Rafah (tags)

Demonstration the end the occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti and everywhere on June 5 in LA!

Stop the Zionazi hero (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's ethnic cleasing.

What Israel Represents (tags)

Ethnic Cleansers with..a sworn army that routinely kills women and children . Honor only in REFUSAL ; all else is hideous life long complicity.

CKUT Radio: War Crimes in Rafah (tags)


Amnesty International Rafah Update and Plea to All Communities (tags)

An offending military demolishing homes and killing civilians. Does an offensive government have the right to call you a “militant” when you defend your home and land against it? US Tax dollars is being spent creating more refugees, more violence Foreign Aid to Israel is Aid in Ethnic Cleansing.


A Palestinian man carries an injured child after Israeli occupation forces fired missiles at a demonstration in the Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip. A dozen Palestinians were killed... most of them children, with up to 50 seriously wounded. The occupation troops also fired tank shells and machine guns at the unarmed protestors. (AP/Khalil Hamra)

Israeli Forces Kill 10 in Gaza, mostly children and teenagers (tags)

This is an AP article, please see website for alternative coverage. Thank you.

Protest Israeli War Crimes in GAZA (tags)

Emergency protest against Israeli war crimes in Gaza Thursday, 4-6pm, @ the Israeli Consulate.

Exit NeoConservatives, Enter NeoLiberals (tags)

Israel's Democratic Operatives in the U.S. are Preparing to Pick Up and Run with the Bush War.

Israel's wild destruction in Rafah, Palestine (tags)

The Israeli occupation army has destroyed dozens of civilian homes in Rafah, at the southern tip of the Gaza Strip.

Racial Discrimination by and in the State of Israel (tags)

Perhaps those who suffer the heaviest discrimination are those Palestinians who were ejected from their homeland in 1948 and again in 1967, dispossessed of their homes and land, and rendered stateless.

Building Bridges Radio - Unemployment and Contract Workers in Iraq, Israel and Palestine (tags)


U.S. Occupiers abolish Iraqi national flag (tags)

The U.S. occupation has designated a new national flag to replace Iraq's national colors as they've existed since 1921. Iraq's traditional colors of red, white, green, and black... clearly identifying the country as part of the "Uma" (the Arab nation), are to be replaced by white, blue, and yellow.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

Cuba Denounces Terrorism of State by Israel (tags)

United Nations.-

Top HAMAS leader killed by Israel (tags)

Using a U.S. supplied attack helicopter, Israel assassinated the top leader of HAMAS, Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi (show in this file photo). Occupation troops fired two missiles at Rantissi's car, killing his two bodyguards and a third Palestinian. Rantissi later died at the hospital from shrapnel wounds to his head. (REUTERS photo/Mohammed Salem)

George Bush, recruiting sergeant for Bin Laden (tags)

By endorsing Ariel Sharon's plan George Bush has legitimised terrorism. What better recruiting sergeant could Bin Laden have than the President of the United States?

Today in the MidEAST 14TH of april (tags)


Israeli Deputy Prime Minister at UCLA Next Week (tags)

Natan Sharansky, a member of the Israeli Cabinet serving as Minister of Housing and Construction and Deputy Prime Minister, will be speaking at UCLA next week.

Today in the MidEast (tags)


PA to nix any U.S. pledges that endanger final status issues (tags)

U.S.: Israel does not need to retreat to 1949 borders

Today in the MidEast 12th of april (tags)


651 Palestinian children killed (tags)

651 Palestinian children were killed by Israel during the last 3 1/2 years, many of them while on their way to school or returning home.

The Occupation: " Do uproot that which is planted" (tags)

“The whole project of settlement in the territories was born in sin and expanded in deceit, underhand planning and shady organising that by-passed the Knesset and Budget allocations.” Shulamit Aloni Shulamit Aloni, the founding leader of Meretz (no, of Ratz, one of the 3 parties from which Meretz was formed. D) and an Education Minister in the government of Yitzhak Rabin is a fierce critic of the Occupation and a leading activist in the Israeli Peace Movement. Her views are always worth listening to:

Free Mordachai Vanunu (tags)

Vanunu is being unjustly held by the Israeli government because of his opposition to Israel's nuclear weapons. Right wing Zionists beat him while in prison in hopes to make his stay longer.

Iraq in Israel's Grand Strategy (tags)

Iraq in Israel's Grand Strategy

Today in Palestine April 3rd (tags)


Israeli-Arab Workers Are Marked With A red X To Help Israeli Snipers (tags)

This is what Zionist Democracy looks like! The Arab construction workers building the Israeli Knesset building must mark their hardhats with a red "X" so that the Israeli Army snippers can keep better aim on their heads! Read this report from Ynet-online, Israel's biggest paper.

Today in Palestine the 31st of march (tags)


When We Should Stop Supporting Israel ! (tags)

When and Under What Circumstances the US should stop Support for Israel

Part 1 Muslim Community Condemns Yassin Assassination (tags)

Los Angeles 3/27/04 Free Palestine supporters met in Los Angeles at the Israeli consulate to voice outrage over the killing of Shaykh Ahmed Yassin and honor him in martyrdom.

Part 2 Muslim Community Condemns Yassin Assassination (tags)

Los Angeles 3/27/04 Free Palestine supporters met in Los Angeles at the Israeli consulate to voice outrage over the killing of Shaykh Ahmed Yassin and honor him in martyrdom.

Part 3 Muslim Community Condemns Yassin Assassination (tags)

Los Angeles 3/27/04 Free Palestine supporters met in Los Angeles at the Israeli consulate to voice outrage over the killing of Shaykh Ahmed Yassin and honor him in martyrdom.

Protest Murder of Hamas (tags)

Saturday, March 27th, at noon, more than two hundred people came to the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles to show their outrage at the assasination of Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin by the Israeli army.

Pro-Israel Lobby vs Free Speech (tags)

CFL ALERT: Oppose H.R. 3077

Israel & Occupied Territories: US Country Reports on Human Rights Practice (tags)

We can assume this is why Israel did not wish to make an appearance at the Hague but sent instead a bus. All of these offenses needed to be discussed but Israel refused to show up and be present. The US continues to reward such behavior with American Tax Dollar$.

Kerry Indicates He Would Continue Bush’s Pro-Sharon Policy (tags)

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League’s national director, who was present at a recent meeting in New York City between Kerry and 40 Jewish leaders, reported that Kerry laid "to rest a nagging concern - that relentless Democratic criticism of Bush’s foreign policy implied criticism of Bush’s closeness to Israel." This is according to Ron Kampeas in a column published in The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. The article further quotes Foxman as saying that Kerry "tried to exempt Israel from the [Democrat's] critique of Bush’s foreign policy." According to Kampeas, Foxman characterized Kerry as "agree[ing] with administration policy on isolating Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, [and] supporting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s plan for unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and on the security fence."

Refusing For Israel (tags)

"The bloodshed will not end unless we refuse." Arik Diamant, Director

On the Murder of Sheikh Yassin (tags)

there will never be a safer israel than a freer palestine

A Tale of Two Murders (tags)

Jogger Killed in 'Mistake' Was Cosmopolitan Student Who Straddled Mideast Divide/ Sheik Yassin Assasinated

Hamas spiritual leader killed by Israel (tags)

Palestinians gather around pieces of the wheelchair and blood stains at the scene where an Israeli air strike killed Hamas spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin, near his house in Gaza City, Monday, March 22, 2004. Israeli helicopters fired missiles at Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin as he left a mosque near his house at daybreak. (AP Photo/Kevin Frayer). Tens of thousands of Palestinians chant anti occupation slogans as they march through the streets to the house of Sheik Yassin after his killing. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Reveals Failure (tags)

Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Reveals Failure

Taxpayer Financed Jihad (tags)

Shut Down NPR!


What really happened ten years ago, in Hebron, at the Cave of Machpela - the Tomb of the Patriarchs - or as the Arabs call it the Ibrahimi Mosque? . But a new study by Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons, entitled, "Did or Did Not Dr. Baruch Goldstein Massacre 29 Arabs?" has just appeared on the Internet.

The Crats of Hebron (tags)

".... this rising "third" population lives ferociously in Hebron, along with the Palestinians and the settlers and soldiers. They have come about as a direct result of the illegal occupation, but are in some ways symbolic of the different kind of existence that Old Hebron has become as it is called, Area H-2."


A WALL AS A WEAPON By Noam Chomsky New York Times, Opinion February 23, 2004

Welcome to IsraHell (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terrorism.

Israelis Fire at the People of Gaza (tags)

Israeli helicopters and snipers shoot indiscriminately at people in Rafah and Gaza City.

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up/San Diego Union Tribune Article on Captain Ward Boston (tags)

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up

BTL:Palestinians Charge Israeli Barrier Will Bring Neither Security Nor Peace (tags)

Interview with Mazin Qumsiyeh, co-founder of Al-Awda, Palestinian Right to Return, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Palestinian factions turn on each other in West Bank city (tags)

Among the dead are several innocent bystanders killed in the crossfire of botched abductions and gunbattles on the streets. They include a 13-year-old boy shot on his way to get a haircut and a mother of three murdered while buying medicine for one of her children.

Israeli Army Kills 14 in Gaza (tags)

Israeli aggression on Gaza City and Rafah claims the lives of 14 Palestinians

Arafat and Sharon 2 Sides of the Same Coin (tags)

Palestinian journalists in Gaza and the West Bank have also come under attack by armed men - some associated with Fatah's military wing - who did not like what they wrote or broadcast.

Silvia Cattori : BBC The child victims of repeated lies (tags)

This is the commentary that accompanied the BBC's televised pictures of Palestinian children from Balata camp (1) throwing rocks at a tank : "The violence in Palestine continues ».

Israel Shoots Palestinians in the Head (tags)

Funny how when Palestinians are killed, some IMC trolls feel remorse and have doubts about the role of the Israeli government and Sharon in the occupied territories. But when Palestinians kill, its like "fuck'em, kill'em all." But the same spite isn't leveled at the IDF that perpetuates massacres in the Gaza Strip. A double standard, no doubt.

Arabs need to try nonviolence (tags)

Stanley is a program director for a Jazz center and the author of an upcoming biography about Charlie Parker.

The Truth About How Israel Screws Over The Palestinians (tags)

The Israeli Government maintains a "Matrix Of Control" over the 3 million Muslim And Christian Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. In most areas they cannot get an Israeli Military "building permit". When they do build a home anyway, it gets bulldozed

Why Some Men And Women Refuse (tags)

Ethnic cleansing without a concentration camp.

Mideast Truths and Myths (tags)

Read it and weep, leftist fascists!

The Top 100 Heroes of Peace (tags)

Everyone on this list have spoken at great risk to their jobs and their lives.Not a few of them have lost their jobs and too many have lost their lives speaking out against the Bushes and the Blairs and the Sharons.Suicides, Plane Crashes, Accidents.One was bulldozed to death.

Peaceful Ways (tags)

Now that's what I'm talking about.....

Los Angeles Activists Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People (tags)

Activists gather at the Israeli consulate to affirm their solidarity with the Palestinian people, and to protest Israel's brutal occupation.

IsraHell's Apartheid Wall Fact Sheet (by Latuff) (tags)

In the words of Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition: "There is no intention to allow a viable Palestinian state."

USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

The USS Liberty, attacked by Israel, resurfaces on Washington

Landmines: Palestine's hidden danger (tags)

All over Gaza, large well-illustrated billboards sporting the UNICEF logo can be seen alongside major streets and busy intersections.

Landmines: Palestine's hidden danger (tags)

Mine warning in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip All over Gaza, large well-illustrated billboards sporting the UNICEF logo can be seen alongside major streets and busy intersections.

Baby Killer Ziombies (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

Palestine: HISTORY and LAND THEFT in DEIR BALLUT (tags)

Deir Ballut is an extremely fertile area, with large tracts of waterlogged land being used as the main growth area for summer crops for the entire Salfit region.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, China, and Cuba.

Despite all Rhetoric - Israel still has No "Right" to Exist!!! (tags)

In spite of all the Sham Rhetoric by Israel and by the wealthy "Pro Israel" American lobby - Israel still has No intrinsic "Right" to Exist!

USS Liberty Attack Panel Discussion at US State Department on January 12, 2004 (tags)

US State Department Panel Discussion on Treacherous Israeli Attack on USS Liberty

Controversy has raged for (tags)

Controversy has raged for years over the sinking of the Liberty, a signals intelligence ship, in international waters by Israeli jets and torpedo boats in which 34 US sailors were killed and 171 wounded. Israel

145 Illegal Setttlements: No Bulldozers In Sight (tags)

There are around 261 Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The Israeli government considers 145 of them as illegal

The Truth About Checkpoints: Sentiments & Article by Shlomo Lahat (tags)

Below Shlomo Lahat writes about the disasters that are known as check points. There are a number of additional kinds of disasters in the West Bank and Gaza; they not only will not contribute to anyone’s security, least of all Israel’s, but as a result of this are also likely to keep Jews and tourists away from Israel’s doors and encourage many residents and citizens here to leave for happier and safer grounds.

From Nablus Under Seige (tags)

CALL TO ACTION Jan 4th and 5th "We are not two different sides. We are rather one in our common struggle for justice in Palestine, for an end to the occupation, for peace for all."


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Cuba.

The Story of an Action. (tags)

The International Women's Peace Service reports action and reaction in Budrus.

sorry, i thought he was an arab (tags)

“ I thought the protesters were all Palestinians and non-Jews.” So its ok to shot at non-jews(that is foreigners)

Who is to Blame? (tags)

Clearly, Palestinians are suffering, and their situation must be remedied — the sooner the better. The question is, who was responsible for creating their situation and who is accountable for remedying it?

Live ammo against pacifists in IsraHell (by Latuff) (tags)

It was the first time since the start of the intifada more than three years ago that an Israeli had been wounded by live fire during the course of a protest.

Defining Terrorism (tags)

DEFINE TERRORIST And You Will Be Calling For An Israeli Accountability Act

how israel manipulated western intelligence agencies (tags)

WASHINGTON, 19 December 2003 - It's no secret that much of the news reported in Israel's Hebrew-language media never reaches the mainstream American press, for the simple reason that items unfavorable to Israel generally are not translated.

Living in the Shadow of Death: Gay People Between Fundamentalism and Occupation (tags)

The police officer shoved the Palestinian into the patrol car. “This time,” he said, “we are going to take care of you; I will personally make sure that you are sent back to where you came from.” For Fuad Moussa, a 27-year-old gay man who grew up in Ramallah, these words amounted to a death sentence.

Tariq Ali Speaks in Seattle on War (tags)

Tariq Ali, author of "Bush in Babylon," spoke in Seattle recently about Arab culture, American history in the Middle East, ways to thwart being called an anti-Semite for criticizing Israeli policy and more....

U.S. military attacks Iraqi trade unions (tags)

A U.S. occupation force involving 10 armored vehicles and dozens of soldiers attacked the headquarters of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions in Baghdad, Dec. 6.

Israel trains US assassination squads in Iraq (tags)

Israeli advisers are helping train US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations in Iraq, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders, US intelligence and military sources said yesterday. (photo did NOT appear with original Guardian article)

The Geneva storm's silver-lining (tags)

The rejuvenating efforts of the Geneva Groups have; shattered dangerous myths, rekindled hope, put Sharon in a corner, and led to a healthy redefinition of the meaning of being pro-Israel.

Fear and Intimidation: My Abduction by Israeli Undercover Police (tags)

What does the Israeli government have to fear from nonviolent civil disobedience against the occupation that it would put so much time, money and energy into the abduction and arrest of a 25-year-old female American non-violent human rights activist?

Newport Beach, CA ISMer Jailed After Suing Israel (tags)

ISM Activist Radhika Sainath was abducted by Israeli police from a Tel Aviv street, jailed and threatened with deportation 15 minutes after leaving an Israeli court and testifying in her suit against the Israeli government for false arrest in November, 2002.

The Regimes "tactical perception-management campaigns" (tags)

JERUSALEM, Dec. 4 -- Israel was a "full partner" in U.S. and British intelligence failures that exaggerated former president Saddam Hussein's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, a report by an Israeli military research center has charged.

Ethnic cleansing on the Jordan River (tags)

The euphemisms roll off of his tongue. "It's not genocide; it's transfer." Czechoslovakia and Poland did it to Germans after World War II. Forcing nearly 5 million Arabs from their homes is OK because "Jews are not Nazis."

How the hell do you explain a 37-year military occupation to a 3 year old! (tags)

Last night was not a good night. We put our two girls to sleep at 9am. My wife followed at 10. At around 11:30pm I was on the computer when out of nowhere Israeli IDF soliders were yelling out of loudspeakers for our neighboors, 2 streets over, to exit their house with all kids. A few moments later the annoying wizzing sound of the unmanned plane...



Jewish Web Sites Opposed to Israeli Ethnic Cleansing etc... (tags)

This is a listing of Websites that are Jewish, and opposed to current Israeli Government Policies. The Zionists do not speak for all Jews.


This article points out that while there are several "peace initiatives" and much discussion about "Palestinian Refugees" and their "right of return"; no one ever defines the term. This article does that.



Accusing Israel’s critics of anti-Semitism will have dangerous consequences (tags)

...a man asked “How can one support justice for the Palestinians without being branded anti-Semitic?” Before I had a chance to respond, a woman stood up and said “So what if they call you anti-Semitic. The first time it may feel bad, but hey, trust me, you’ll get used to it. We all have!”

'We Didn't Know' Will Be No Excuse - The Wall (tags)

No longer content to chop away at Palestine until it eventually disappears, Israel is now using the "security fence" as a vehicle for the more rapid and overt methods of large-scale ethnic cleansing. This grave step ushers in the terminal stage of the cleansing process, in which years of organized persecution, brutality, bigotry and theft, all the patriotic acts required in the effort to dehumanize another people, finally succeed in radically dehumanizing the perpetrators.

The Three Israeli Monkeys (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

The Learning Experience of Rakan (tags)

The Palestinian Political Prisoners We Do Not Hear About , the Children: The wretchedness of a 12 year old in Israeli military prison and the US Ambassador to the UN, a man known in Central Americas as one who "speaks five languages and knows when to be silent"

Global Intifada (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

ART OF WAR: Dreams of Muhammad (tags)

IN MEMORY OF THE PALESTINIAN BOYS KILLED BY ISRAEL. These Palestinian boys were gunned down, often by Israeli snipers from fortified positions, that picked them out of the crowd, using high power rifles with telescopic lenses and silencers, who shot these boys in the heart, in the head. They were among the more than 140 Palestinians who were killed during the first month the intifada; killed before there were any suicide bombings in Israel, killed for daring to throw rocks at Israeli tanks, killed for wanting their FREEDOM!


The UN says that Israeli policy is starving Palestinians to death. Please contact Congress about this genocide today!

Avraham Burg OK's State of Judea? (tags)

It looks at some of the recent statements and activities of the former speaker of the Israeli Knesset, and jokingly puts them into context.

Jewish settlers hack Palestinian olive groves (tags)

The Peace Loving and Tolerant people of Israel demonstrate their love and kindness towards their neighbors.

Arab states oppose UN measure on Israeli children (tags)

UNITED NATIONS - Arab nations will oppose an Israeli resolution condemning Palestinian attacks on Israeli children that is awaiting a vote this week in a UN General Assembly committee, a Palestinian diplomat said on Monday.


Please join efforts with international and domestic organizations on November 9, 2003 to demand that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon takes down his apartheid wall.

He's An Anti, She's an Anti, You're an Anti Too (tags)

As the neocon foreign policy fiasco plays out like a slow motion viewing of the car wreck scene from The Blues Brothers, the neocons are backing into their burrows like frightened, angry wolverines. Like any other mustelid, when cornered they'll attempt to make their opponent stink, in the case of neocons by employing the smear. And their favorite smear of all is to call opponents "anti-Semitic."

The Chomskybot Code: Conduct In the Time of Terror (tags)

In spite of constant reassurances about the term "democracy" one is rarely allowed to criticize the country of Israel without suffering some punishing consequence for it. If you are a Jew you may survive the accusations of anti-Semitism but if you consistently express yourself online in any dissidence about Israel's current politick, you will probably not be immune to cyber attack.

November 9th: Popular Mobilization throughout Palestine to Mark Day (tags)

Throughout Palestine, communities affected by the Apartheid Wall--local councils, civil society organizations, political parties, youth groups, schools and universities, and the population at large--are coordinating a momentous week of activities beginning on November 9th for opposing the Israeli Apartheid Wall.

Israeli Roulette - The Settlements As Cancer Cells (tags)

The Palestinians, of course, suffer more than anyone else. Any who come near the settlement are shot. Anything that was standing or growing nearby, or along the road, has been destroyed or uprooted long ago. This week, the army demolished two Palestinian high-rise apartment blocks, each 12 floors high, some hundreds of meters from the settlement, because from there the goings on in the settlement could be "observed".

JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France (tags)

JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France

Israel Destroys US-Built Water Wells In Gaza (tags)

Spokesmen at the American embassy were careful not to criticise the Israeli army. But according to reports in the Israeli press yesterday, they were less diplomatic behind the scenes. The newspaper Ma'ariv reported that the US had threatened to stop all reconstruction work unless the Israeli army promised not to demolish anything built by the Americans. (We couldn't have that. Criticizing War Crimes of Israel would be "anti-semitic" - or so the apologists for Israeli War Crimes would claim.)

Statement Condemning Geneva Accord (tags)

The Palestinian refugees' Right of Return to the homes and lands from which they were exiled is an individual, collective, national and human right that cannot be abrogated, denied or modified by any negotiation or agreement.

Story Archive on Israeli Spy Ring and 911 (tags)

This is a good collection of articles and links to articles documenting the Israeli Spy Ring operating in the U.S. at the time of 911.

Dancing Israelis (This story won't go away.) (tags)

heir discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.

Winds of change in Israel? (tags)

A recent article by Akiva Eldar in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz signals the realisation that by supporting the Likud-rightwing combination, the United States is actually working against the long-term interests of Israel. The op-ed is appropriately titled: “With friends like these”.

Israel's Chief of Staff Denounces Policies Against Palestinians (tags)

In the northern West Bank, Israeli troops shot and killed a 12-year-old Palestinian boy on Wednesday night during a confrontation in Nablus, Palestinian residents said. The military said troops fired when Palestinians began throwing rocks and firebombs at soldiers on patrol.

Israel To Raze With Robot Bulldozers (made usa) (tags)

Describing a day of field trials, a Technion statement quoted an Israeli army officer as asserting the thousands of dollars invested in each machine would save lives. "Today the bulldozer drivers are exposed to great danger when they knock down buildings that have militants hiding in them," the statement quoted the officer as saying.

Re The Loss of Liberty (tags)

Re The Loss of Liberty

Sharon grilled by police in corruption probe (tags)

JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was grilled for seven hours by fraud squad detectives over a simmering corruption scandal involving two of his sons, police sources said.

Israel Destroys Shipment Of Vitamins For Disabled Palestinian Children (tags)

A spokesman for a Hebron-based charity accused the Israeli government of seeking "to starve Palestinian children."   "I think they are waging a war of starvation against us. It is a kind of holocaust," said the official who asked for anonymity.

My Obsession with Jews (tags)

Now and then I get letters and e-mail messages asking why I am so "obsessed" with Jews and Israel. The question amuses me. It would be one thing if I often wrote about Mali, or Honduras, or Borneo, or any other nation or country most people remember only as a name from geography class.

Security tactics will fuel terror, says Israel's army chief (tags)

The chief of Israel's defence forces has sparked a row with the Government by telling journalists that harsh Israeli security policies were provoking despair among Palestinians and would lead to more terrorism. "Poor Ariel" he is so beset. Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy.

Israel's Chief of Staff Denounces Policies Against Palestinians (tags)

"In the northern West Bank, Israeli troops shot and killed a 12-year-old Palestinian boy on Wednesday night during a confrontation in Nablus, Palestinian residents said."

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up on "Democracy Now" Today (tags)

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up on "Democracy Now" Today

BTL:New Women's Coalition Advances Non-violent Solutions to... (tags)

...Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Interview with Yael Martin, executive director of Promoting Enduring Peace and the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace, produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes & Lies Israel's Attack on the Liberty, Revisited (tags)

After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty. An officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?" The wounded commander of the Liberty, Lt. William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you."

More direct and damning eyewitness evidence USS Liberty attact was intentional (tags)

Here's a repost of this article because a troll trashed the thread after it was originally posted, while text can be formatted to work around it, pictures are not appearing

Criticizing Zionism - It's Forbidden To Say Such Things (tags)

Can you imagine the outcry if Americans passed a law denying citizenship to people of African descent who marry US citizens? The Israeli Knesset passed just such a law July 31, forcing Palestinians who marry Israelis to live "separate and unequal" lives from their spouses.

The Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up After 26 Years (tags)

Israeli Pilot Speaks Up Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.

Intentionally Firing Into the Palestinian Crowds of People (tags)

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE between the TERRORISM of suicide bombers and IDF/IOF firing at Palestinian Civilians ( including children) on purpose? ANSWER: The Uniform and the US Tax Dollars That Fund It

Even Faux News is covering the USS Liberty Story (tags)

When even the rabidly Pro-Zionist Faux News is forced to report on a story that puts Israel in an unfavorable light you know the story has legs.

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace

Toronto Star: Lyndon Johnson Ordered USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

Lyndon Johnson ordered cover-up: Former navy lawyer

President Ordered Phony Verdict on USS Liberty Inquiry (tags)

The USS Liberty was an electronic intelligence-gathering ship cruising international waters off the Egyptian coast on June 8, 1967. Israeli planes and torpedo boats opened fire on the Liberty at the outbreak of the Israeli-Egyptian Six-Day War. In addition to the 34 Americans killed, more than 170 were wounded.

Israel carrying out policy of ethnic cleansing by inducing poverty, starvation, expulsion (tags)

On October 2, the Israeli military released an order declaring all occupied West Bank land between the “security” wall and Israel’s pre-occupation 1967 border a “Closed Zone”. The order states that “no person will enter the (Closed Zone) and no one will remain there.” Free access to the Closed Zone will only be granted to “Israelis”. In this October 2nd order, General Moshe Kaplinski defines “Israelis” as any citizen of the state of Israel, resident of the state of Israel, and any one eligible to emigrate to Israel in accordance with the Law of Return, 1950.

Another Israeli Raid Against Civilians Funded By US Tax Dollars (tags)

"Israel's Channel 10 TV said that none of the dead were militants, characterizing the refugee camp strike as a "mistake."Residents said one of the dead was a doctor who was treating victims when a second missile struck. The identity of the other victims was not immediately known."

Land Theft near Jenin (tags)

* is the website of a group of people working In Jenin, Occupied Palestine. On the website are written articles and reports, and radio and real-media video files for download, made both by Palestinians and Internationals, some available in both English and Arabic. We aim to provide a direct voice from the residents of Jenin to the world, and also provide on the spot, witness based news from the town.*

BTL:Israel's Bombing of Syria Increases Fear of Regional Conflict (tags)

Interview with Robert Blecher, assistant professor of history, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)

The Last Essay. I am honored to post with my name and hopefully await what respect Real Democracy teaches by its practice in a civil society.

Israel/Occupied Territories: Wanton Destruction Constitutes a War Crime (tags)

The War Crimes Israel Perpetuates Continue to Feed the Terrorist Mentality While Punishing the Innocent

Bush JINSA/PNAC Neocons Follow "A Clean Break" for War with Syria (tags)

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel) (tags)

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel)

Reference Links: Jews against Zionism (tags)

Zionists, and Israel, do not speak for all Jews - not even a majority. Any attempt to claim otherwise is Zionazi Propaganda.

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM (tags)

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM



LA Times: Officials Confirm Israeli Nuke Launching Subs (tags)

The story contains the first official confirmation from both American and Israeli officials that Israel can launch nuclear weapons from its submarines. The ultimate guarantee of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The acronym MAD also makes for a most appropriate word to describe the human condition.

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow

Does President Bush Plan To Attack Israel Next ? (tags)

We must stop terrorist states and rogue nations. President Bush has made this abundantly clear. The Mideast has only one country that is a bigger nuclear power than England, unregulated and unchecked by the International Atomic Energy Commission or the U.N., with an unsafe,aging nuclear reactor at Dimona, Israel. There is a fleet of Phantoms to deliver the nuclear bombs, as well as missiles that can hit all European capitals, as mentioned by an Israeli diplomat recently. It has advanced chemical and biological weapons. It occupies a land inhabited by 3 1/2 million people, terrorizing innocent civilians, not allowing them to build a home on 2/3's of their land.


Israeli Soldiers Make Death Threats to Berkeley Based Non-Profit After Israel-Palestine Debate on UC Campus

More subhuman Paleostinian atrocities (tags)

And the bulk of the assholes here still support these animals.

Protest of 27 pilots highlights class divisions in Israel (tags)


Abusing "Anti-Semitism" (tags)

The abuse of alleged anti-semitism is morally despicable. It took hundreds of years and millions of victims to turn anti-semitism – a specific case of racism which led historically to genocide – into a taboo. People abusing this taboo in order to support Israel's racist and genocidal policy towards the Palestinians do nothing less than desecrate the memory of those Jewish victims, whose death, from a humanistic perspective, is meaningful only inasmuch as it serves as an eternal warning to the human kind against all kinds of discrimination, racism, and genocide.

27 Israeli pilots refuse raid duty (tags)

Twenty-seven Israeli air force pilots, who are considered the most elite servicemen of the Israeli Defense Forces, pledged in an open letter published yesterday that they no longer would take part in raids on Palestinian population centers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, describing them as "illegal and immoral."

from Rachel Corrie's parents in West Bank (tags)

Craig and Cindy Corrie in Jerusalem, Sept 29 2003

Conscience or Complicity: The Altered State Solution (tags)

While USA continues to support Israel with BILLION$ of tax dollars, Israel blatantly disregards International and Humanitarian Laws and USA mainstream medias continue their biased & slanted coverage reporting one terror victim and not another.And why is criticism of Israel always labelled "anti-semitism" ?

Israeli Left: Love Your Enemy, Hate Your Brother (tags)

All blood is red, and I guess Israel's lemmings can't tell the difference between the blood of innocent Israelis cut-down in the "act" of living their lives, and the blood of socio-pathic murderers, who Israel liquidates - in self-defense - before they can plan or kill again.

Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)

As of yesterday on CounterPunch at: there is a 13-page Said excerpt from the book ‘The Politics of Anti-Semitism’, from which further extracts below: --------------------------------------------------------

Netanyahu attacks-Israeli working class responds (tags)

Israeli working class

Israeli Settler Killed and Media Slant (tags)

Associated Press Writer NEGAHOT, West Bank - A Palestinian gunman fired into a trailer home in this hilltop Israeli settlement during Jewish New Year's festivities

Zionist Savagery At Jenin Recalled (tags)

rimes that cry to heaven were committed in Jenin by the IOF. By way of illustration, despite the desperate pleas of Ulm Jamal, a 68-year old woman, the Israeli thugs bulldozed a house, where her paralyzed son was trapped. His last words from underneath the tons of rumble were, "Oh Allah, Oh Allah" (See pp.149-151, "Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion," Ed. by Ramzy Baroud.) The callous bulldozer driver called the mother, and others who were begging for him to stop, "Whores!"

Israeli Brigadier General Yiftah Spector and A Few Good Men (tags)

As US media continues to downplay the massive retaliations against civilians in the Occupied Territories, a few Israeli pilots absolutely REFUSE to engage in the slaughter of civilians, including the famous Brigadier General Yiftah Spector...actual statement enclosed. Stop US Funding of Terror In the Occupied Territories

The Terror Enigma: Israel and the September 11 Connection (tags)

Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with “Urban Moving Systems” sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.

Happy 5764 (by Latuff) (tags)

...pilots said air strikes on crowded Palestinian areas are "illegal and immoral." They also condemn Israel's continued occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, saying it corrupts Israeli society...

Belgium war crimes cases dismissed (tags)

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Belgium's highest court dismissed war crimes complaints Wednesday against former U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, ruling the country no longer has a legal basis to charge them.

Israel-Palestine the threats to Arafats life in the end the USA always backs the Zionists (tags)

Israel- Palestine

Focus On Jerusalem ~ (Michael Tarazi's Bad Fences Part IV) (tags)

International And Humanitarian Law IS Non-Negotiable. US tax dollars should NOT be funding any kind of terrorism, including this!

BTL:As Middle East Road Map Peace Plan Unravels, Israel Threatens to... (tags)

...Expel or Assassinate Yasser Arafat. Interview with Hussein Ibish, communications director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The World condemns Israeli racism... (tags)

ISRAEL IS DEMOCRATIC? FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION? THINK AGAIN.... JERUSALEM - Israeli leaders shrugged off condemnation of their decision to "remove" Yasser Arafat whenever they choose, saying Friday the Palestinian leader should have been ousted long ago and the world has no right to judge a nation facing constant suicide bombings.

Morn the loss of MURDERED Saudi Anarchists on this day (tags)

The United States Government MURDERED ITS OWN CITIZENS. I support civil rights for unjustly held prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Join the Anarchists Defense League

Do not be a coward! Stand up! (tags)

On this day two years ago, a clique within the United States Government, aided by Mossad, murdered 3,000 Americans in a deliberate act designed to seize power, strip Americans of their civil liberties, and wage an illegal and genocidal war against the people of the Middle East.

Garrick Ruiz Confirmed Speaker, Sept. 12 (tags)

Free Film Showing and Speakers. Garrick Ruiz, just returned, will speak about his experience working with the International Solidarity Movement in the West Bank, where he took part in a protest against the Apartheid Wall at which his ribs were broken by a soldier with the Israeli Occupation Forces. Also speaking is Emma Rosenthal, poet, writer, activist and educator. "Gaza Strip" is a documentary shot during the first months of the Palestinian Intifada.

Germany's Apology to Israel for Iraq Poison Gas Sales (tags)

Germany, after being called on the carpet for supplying Iraq with poison gas intended to be used against the nearly 6 million Jews who live in Israel, gave three undectable German-built submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles to Israel for free as an apology of sorts.

Israel Inquiry Finds Pattern of Prejudice Toward Arab Citizens (tags)

Well, it looks like the Israeli police force is prejudiced against Arabs after all... (dont tell Fresca that...she'll call you an anti-semite) hA h@ Ha


ISRAELI SCHOLAR Baruch Kimmerling's EXCELLENT and BREATHTAKING delineation of Israel's political genocide--"politicide"--against the Palestinian people. ...As Martin Luther King, Jr., once said, "Truth crushed to earth will rise once again!"

Socialism:the only way out of the bloodshed in Israel-Palestine (tags)


A Drug for the Addict (tags)

How the Israeli Junta conspired to kill the Road Map

Israeli Occupation Army Assassinates 4 Palestinians in Gaza Strike (tags)

The Palestinian man shown in this Reuters photograph was decapitated by an Israeli helicopter gunship missile strike.

Journalists Find "Calm" When Only Palestinians Die (tags)

Media reports are one sided in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Yikes! Pikes! Trying to Put an Extremist in the US Institute of Peace.. (tags)

A sly and sneaky attempt to put a friend with a reputation as an anti-Muslim and an Extremist into US Institute of Peace- a federally funded think tank that doesn't need to feature right wing extremism in order to follow its mission.

Libertarians who loathe Israel (tags)

Irrational hatred for "an isolated Sparta, bristling with weaponry and little else" prompts libertarians to forget their welfare economics. For example, Raimondo menacingly warns that without US aid, Israel would cease to exist... Come again?

Disciplining Palestinians: arbitrary arrests, military incursions, and the shooting ... (tags)

Disciplining Palestinians: arbitrary arrests, military incursions, and the shooting of water tanks.


Removal of the international witnesses

L.A. Activist Detained by IDF, May Face Deportation (tags)

At 8am today (Palestinian time), Los Angeles native Garrick Ruiz was arrested along with 45 human rights activists who were trying to stop Israel's "Apartheid Wall" in the Ma'sha area near the Palestinian City of Qalqiliyah (Kal-Key-Lee-Ah).

Intl. Vigils to Free Vanunu, Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower (tags)

Vigils to be held at Israeli embassies, consulates and other sites in cities large and small around the world to call for the immediate and unconditional release of imprisoned Israeli nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, on or around Sept. 30, the 17th anniversary of his kidnapping and imprisonment

Petition to Howard Dean for Clarification of Stance on I/P Conflict (tags)

Time to corner and expose the "good Doctor"

"NAZI"-Style Law for Israeli-Palestinian Couples (tags)

JERUSALEM - Israel's parliament passed a measure Thursday that would force Palestinians who marry Israelis to live separate lives or move out of Israel. The government said the law was necessary to prevent terror attacks, but critics called it racist.

The Quality of Mercy (tags)

Releasing militants?while innocent administrative detainees remain in jail?Further Manipulations in the Roadmap....

Israel?Palestine-Why Marxists oppose the Road Map (tags)

Road Map

zionist myths (tags)

what israel hope yu dont learn

THE WALL (tags)

The photo shows Palestinian farmer Hassan Kharouf leaning against the gigantic concrete wall that Israel is building in order to enforce it's apartheid style separation of Palestinians and Israelis.

Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax:Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Cooked in Israel (tags)

In fact, at least 11 of the 16 pages were lifted, verbatim, from an Israeli journal, Middle East Review of International Affairs, whose sole proprieter is Dr. Barry Rubin, an American-born Israeli citizen. The 11 pages were drawn from two articles, by Ibrahim al-Marashi and Robert Rabil, that appeared in the September 2002 edition of that journal.

Who deserves to be mourned in America? part II (tags)

Was the settlement of white colonists on Native-American land a just and beautiful cause? If so, what are we to make of the Israeli Zionists' attempted colonization of Palestine?

SHAME-SHAME:Questions and Answers About the Palestinian Prisoners (tags)

Avigdor Lieberman as Israel’s Transport Minister on Israeli Radio July 7, 2003, was heard to offer to bus Palestinian political prisoners to the Dead Sea to be drowned, “It would be better to drown these prisoners in the Dead Sea if possible, since that’s the lowest point in the world.”

IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall (tags)

Despite Promises:IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall:For more information on the Wall of Apartheid see

571 Palestinian children killed by Israel since the intifada (tags)

The Human Toll continues. Zionism Kills.

Letter from Jenin (tags)

The Apartheid Wall is nearing completion on the West side of the West Bank - where its estimated to have confiscated around %10 of the most fertlie land. As well as cutting through or displacing - redefining - 30 towns or villages. This is ethnic cleansing on a massive speed and scale. Remember that when the media talks about a roadmap to peace.

Collective Punishment & the Violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention (tags)

The international community does nothing to enforce Fourth Geneva Convention and so the confiscations go on, slowly changing the landscape and dispossessing the Palestinians; confining their existence to smaller parcels of land while the colony-settlements expand. One more way for the Israelis to pressure the Palestinians to move away. It is wrong and wrongful and does nothing to perpetuate peace.

Eulogy to Rachel (tags)

Poignant and moving. The utter callousness of this documented war crime, the premeditated character of the Israeli driver's acts; and also of the by-standing Israeli security troops who couldn't be bothered for 10 seconds of pepper spray to move Rachel and friends aside, all of this defies our comprehension.

israels secret weapon (tags)

for those who havent seen the BBC documentary that has israels govt in anti-semitic hysterics, here is the transcript

Israeli's sense they've won (tags)

Israeli officials are expressing growing confidence that after 33 months they have defeated the Palestinian uprising, or intifada.

In The Beginning there was Terror (tags)

So, with the suppression of the actual History of the founding of Israel come the PR Flacks retelling a more palatable and "heroic" beginning. However, is the new revised story true?

Israeli Army Destroys Buildings, Farms As It Leaves Gaza (tags)

Ali Zaaneen, 35, stood in the ploughed-up fields where he and his seven brothers grew cucumbers, tomatoes and okra. His four-acre farm was levelled, and nothing remains of his glasshouses. "Now I am able to go every day to my farm," he said, "but I will find nothing to harvest ... and to take to the market. What is the guarantee they will not change their minds and come back again?" he asked of the departing Israelis. "They are not far away."

Mideast death toll over 3,000 (tags)

2,414 people have been killed on the Palestinian side and 806 on the Israeli side.

4000 Jews - One Lie (tags)

[Addendum, Oct. 7, 4 p.m. ET: Osama Bin Laden essentially claimed credit for the Sept. 11 attacks in a statement recorded before Sunday's strikes on Afghanistan. "America was hit by God in one of its softest spots," he said. "If it continues with this policy [against Iraq and the PLO], the sons of Islam will not stop their struggle."]


"Furthermore Arafat was given an offer of 97% of the territories. The point here is that he rejected it because it "wasn't generous enough." The Zionists learned well from Geobbels about the constant repetition of the propaganda lie -- and make it BIG !!

Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel (tags)

First published June 6th 2002 by UPI Terrorism Correspondent produced by your friend and ally for freedom Sy$teMF@iLuRe

Rafah the cursed (tags)

"The reality is that the process of Apartheid they sat up and that consists in asphyxiating the whole population , is far more sophisticated and far more atrocious than what has been described to us until now."

The Stratification of Racism In Israel -- Phyllis Bennis via JA (tags)

Within Israel there are really 4 levels of citizenship, the first three being various levels of Jewish participation in Israeli society, which are thoroughly racialized. Beneath all these layers of Jews come--4th--the Palestinian citizens.

Compassion: Israeli Style (tags)

The beloved and compassionate Israeli Government Killdozes the House of a crippled Israeli Arab.


The Israeli army has arrested peace activist Huwaida Arraf for protesting the abuse of a Palestinian trying to cross an illegal checkpoint near Nablus. Peace groups around the world are dumbfounded by these malicious and confusing Israeli actions.

Huwaida Arraf Arrested at Huwara Checkpoint Please Protest (tags)

From Bad To Worse: ISM founder Huwaida Arraf was taken into custody at Huwara Checkpoint near Nablus today after she protested the abusive treatment Palestinians were receiving from Israeli forces.

The Israeli Spy Ring Scandal (tags)

Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel.

Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)

"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."

Report From The Apartheid Wall, First Phase (tags)

These reports are based on human rights monitoring and/or nonviolent direct action in resistance to the Israeli occupation. This report arrives from: International Women's Peace Service in Hares, Salfit, Palestine:

Jewish settlers build new outposts (tags)

Israeli-Palestinian violence that has battered the peace plan affirmed at a June 4 summit in Aqaba, Jordan. "(Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon wasn't serious when he said at the Aqaba summit that he would dismantle outposts," said Yariv Oppenheimer of Israel's Peace Now group, which opposes settlements on land seized in the 1967 Middle East war.

''Pogroms in America'' (tags)

The oddest thing about the "Jewish lobby" is that while its ability to intimidate both the U.S. government and the American media stems from a well-deserved reputation for highly effective grassroots organizing, it does so without having a genuine constituency.

Israel and Gaza: The News While Awaiting the Presence of Justice (tags)

"I am very pleased that President Bush has included in his supplemental budget request that just went to Congress $1 billion in Foreign Military Financing funds to help Israel strengthen its military and civil defenses. And that's just for starters." Colin Powell, AIPAC: March 30, 2003

Israel's Hamas (tags)

The mantra that Arafat crack down on terror has always been a fraud. Who is to do this cracking down? Obviously, Palestinian police, security forces and courts. But they are the chief target of Sharon's murderous onslaught. Sharon's strategy today is the same as it was in Beirut in 1982. He wants to destroy and discredit the Palestinian Authority so as to ensure the Palestinians are left without a credible leadership.

Hamas Ties To Israeli Government (tags)

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

BTL:Growing Number of Israeli Soldiers Refuse to Serve in Occupied Territory (tags)

Interview with Yaniz Iczkovits, Israeli reservist and cofounder of "Courage to Refuse," conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

A dangerous Israeli pattern (tags)

The helicopter attack against a Hamas political leader (which missed him but killed a woman and a child) has been nearly a regular occurrence in the Palestinian areas during the past two years. Israelis killed more than ten Palestinians including children and women before and after the suicide attack in Jerusalem.

'Fighting terror with terror' (tags)

While it claims otherwise, Israel has been fighting "terror" with "terror." It is impossible to suggest that Israel is worried about Palestinian civilians when it launches raids like the one on June 10. Authorizing helicopter gunships to launch missiles into crowded Palestinian streets? Only a ruthless government would authorize such attacks.

The Middle East Road Map is destined to fail (tags)

Middle East

Mossad & Moving Companies - Masterminds Of Global Terrorism? (tags)

On September 11, five employees of Jewish owned Urban Moving Company were detained as a result of witness accounts that they were taking pictures of the flaming ruins of the World Trade Center and celebrating!

Israel to 'dismantle 15 West Bank outposts' (tags)

Translation: All but 15 ILLEGAL settlements, and consequent LAND THEFT are to be allowed to remain on the STOLEN land.

Whitney Houston meets Sharon in Israel (tags)

Whitney Houston visits Israel with Husband Bobby Brown. They meet with Sharon for a photo op. Houston is in Israel to meet "friends and family" in Israel... members of the "Black Hebrews." The Black Hebrews are around 2000 African Americans who believe they are descendants of one of the "lost tribes of Israelites." Question is... how come African Americans from Chicago and other American cities have more rights to the land of Palestine than do Palestinians?

Hamas' Israeli Roots (tags)

Since coming to power, Sharon has done everything to ensure the collapse of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. If successful, it would either bring Hamas to power or lead to political chaos within the terrorities.

The Peace Dove, Israeli Style (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.


As supporters of democracy, we must demand that President Bush and the American government truly and justly speak out for self-determination and sovereignty for Palestinians on their own land.

Save Palestinians From Themselves (tags)

...a national struggle is not a free-for-all street rumble. It is supposed to be a movement led by astute leaders...

Give it a chance (tags)

The Road Map is reason for hope, but the real dangers lay ahead and even an optimist must be wary. Extremists - Israeli, Palestinian and American - all remain committed to scuttling this still too feeble attempt to restart negotiations on the road to peace.

Mobs of Jewish Settlers Attack Palestinian Farmers (tags)

The Thugs are at it again.

Israel seeks formal "Jewish" state label (tags)

Israel's diplomatic efforts appear to be focused on U.S. officials who are helping prepare Bush's subsequent meeting Wednesday in Aqaba, Jordan, with Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, and Jordan's King Abdallah II expected to attend.


Tell the President and your Reps that you demand the removal of all Israeli settlements from the Palestinian territories.

Who Are... The Righteous and Courageous Jews In Israel: (tags)

As the brutality of the military State of Israel continues to wage its unmerciful oppression against international peace workers AND the people of the Occupied Territories, young Israeli conscientious objectors wage their own courageous battle against the IDF.


What you are reading about is the first attack of the Arabs on poor little Israel. Read the above again, does it sound like the Arabs attacked the Jews or that the Jews attacked the Arabs. The lies that Israel has fed people are so outrageous, they are laughable, except for one thing... they have worked. No one, who has studied the 1948 war, believes the Israeli version, yet it is still fed to the general public, and particularly in the United States, people actually believe it.


On the admission of many Israeli leaders, this war was the result of a long-planned, calculated aggression. It was undertaken in order to expand Israel's ocupation of Arab territories and not (as falsely claimed by Israeli apologists) as a pre-emptive strike to avoid annihilation.

Israeli Nationals, Rental Trucks And TNT (tags)

Two conspicuously under-reported incidents involving Israeli Nationals in the past two weeks.


This MUST be the work of the Mossad right?


This article documents some of the many Jewish massacres of Arabs. In particular, it documents the many Jewish massacres of Palestinians in 1948. These massacres were usually committed to strike fear in the hearts of Palestinian civilians and force them to flee for their lives (with the intention of never letting them return to their homes, that is, these massacres were committed to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its Arab population).

From Jordan to the sea (tags)

Islamic militants declare war on road map for peace

The Stars of Israel (tags)

Ariel Sharon = Hitler Supporters of Israel = Nazi's Palestinians = Victims of the holocaust

Suicide Bombing Hits Israel for 5th Time in About 48 Hours (tags)

Suicide Bombing Hits Israel for 5th Time in About 48 Hours

Ah-salam-ay-lakem (tags)

Great News! More peace-loving Arab freedom fighting to apologize for.

I feel sympathy for the dead, do you? (tags)

In this world, various people think that some dead people are better than others. The fact is that the civilian victims in the wars around the globe are all people you can say didn't deserve their fate

Survey: Israel yet to grasp concept of democracy (tags)

The general conclusion of the survey, which is dubbed the "Israeli Democracy Survey" and will be conducted every year, is that Israel is basically a democracy in form more than in substance, and that it has yet to internalize fully the concept of democracy.

Gaza, the land of the sad oranges (tags)

Silvia Cattori is an independent journalist. she lives in Switzerland To those who went martyred for the land of the sad oranges… And those who have not been martyred yet…

GOOD MORNING, MOSHE -- Thoughts on Israel, Palestine (tags)

There is no law that states Israel is set apart, that says it cannot be judged on its conduct, that it can kill at will, disregard international law, and moral, ethical and judicial conduct. So why is this tyrannical behaviour allowed to continue?

FRIDAY: LA Jews & Palestinians Decry Israel’s Killings of Journalists, ISM, Palesti (tags)

On Friday at Noon, wearing day-glow vests similar to those worn by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and journalists, who work in Gaza and the West Bank, members of Jewish & Palestinian peace organizations and their supporters will protest outside the Israeli Consulate.


Protest Israel's *We have the right to kill you* visa for Gaza, and the brutal and illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and call for an end to U.S. aid for Israel.

The War on Human Rights Groups (tags)

This is the beginning of the War on Human Rights Groups, perpetuated by the IDF and aimed in particular at those who wish to help Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and Gaza.


Israeli forces raided the ISM office this morning, confiscating equipment and material and snatching three women. At 12:30pm on Friday, May 9, approximately 20 military vehicles, army jeeps and a large armored personnel carrier (intended for many arrests) surrounded the ISM media office in Beit Sahour.

UCLA Bruin Today/Israael (tags)

power of the press, re-writing a letter to the editor-but close

Recent Developments Concerning the International Solidarity Movement (tags)

New Profile, a Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli society, hopes to continue to circulate the following ISM information in order to bring awareness and attention to what is taking place in Israel and in the Occupied Territories.


What you are reading about is the first attack of the Arabs on poor little Israel. Read the above again, does it sound like the Arabs attacked the Jews or that the Jews attacked the Arabs. The lies that Israel has fed people are so outrageous, they are laughable, except for one thing... they have worked. No one, who has studied the 1948 war, believes the Israeli version, yet it is still fed to the general public, and particularly in the United States, people actually believe it.

UK envoys held at gunpoint by Israelis (tags)

Israeli forces opened fire above a British embassy convoy and held it at gunpoint in Gaza while it was carrying diplomats and the family of an English peace activist left in a coma by an Israeli bullet.,2763,950072,00.html


This article presents a detailed time line of the Jewish aggression against the Palestinians in the 1948 war.


A listing of Jewish/Israeli massacres of Palestinians and other acts of Jewish/Israeli terrorism.

Isreal Seeks Pipeline For Iraqi Oil (tags)

Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential future government figures in Baghdad.,11319,940109,00.html

The Road Map to Peace is Just More Catch-22 (tags)

This so-called road map to peace that was delivered to the Palestinian and Israeli governments today is just a continuation of the unstated Bush regime policy of "no negotiations as long as there's violence which means no negotiations at all ever".

IsraHell's Wall of Shame (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

Fatherland The Remake (tags)

If you liked the Third Reich you'll just love the latest hilarious episode of Georgie Takes over the World. It's got laughs, and action, and blood n guts, and more blood, and more blood, and more blood, and more blood, and more blood,...

Protocols of the Elders of NeoCons (tags)

What the administration fails to understand is that it cannot hide or ignore the huge elephant in the middle room, namely Israel. Retired US Gen. Anthony Zinni said “my worst nightmare would be an Al-Jazeera TV picture of American troops in combat fighting Iraqis, at the same time the Israeli defense forces is in the West Bank and Gaza killing Arabs.

The Anti-Defamation Leaue Of B'nai B'rith Facts Versus Its Smears And Lies (tags)

But what I complain of about the League is this. No matter how favourably I have handled Israel in the past, the slightest criticism brings down a garbage-can of attacks in its newsletter.

Brain Dead before he was shot (tags)

ISM are terrorists and commies

US wants to impose sanctions on Syria! Call your Rep!!!! (tags)

US wants to impose sanctions on Syria with new legislation! Tell the US that they can't traffic the world with their unilateral actions! Write, call, etc... your congressman!!!

Doing the US's Dirty Work: The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel (tags)

''I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis.'' -Carlos Castano, Mi Confesion, 2002

Baghdad- a second Beirut ? (tags)

Irag War

Israel's Racist Textbooks Teach Hate (tags)

Israeli schoolbooks promote hatred toward Palestinians:Direct delegitimization and negative stereotyping of Palestinians and Arabs are the rule, rather than the exception, in Israeli schoolbooks.

Israeli bulldozer makes a martyr of American peace campaigner (tags)

There are times when one person's courage can and does make a difference. The Zionist Monsters have been put on display for what they are. Criminal Murderers.

BITTER RICE: Beware the Shiites (tags)

George Bush is a primitive man, but the people behind him are far from being stupid. They are the oil barons and the arms industry giants. They want to do what great powers have always done: use their military might in order to acquire economic hegemony. In simple words: to rob the poor peoples in order to enrich themselves even more.

Rachel Corrie: "I think the word is 'dignity'" (tags)

A few words on a young woman silenced and now too quickly forgotten.

War - The Final Solution (tags)

The continuing escalation of the never-ending Israeli war against the entire non-Jewish population of mandated Palestine has become the model for the Bush administration's never-ending war against all those who stand in the way of U.S. economic and military hegemony around the world.

Palestinian war-mongers (tags)

It's hard to protected regular Palestinians when Palestinian leadership and main organizations, for decades, have been impossible to deal with.

Email Congress to Stop Aid to Israel due to murder of a USA citizen (tags)

Email Congress to Stop Aid to Israel due to murder of Rachel Corrie a USA citizen

Israeli Forces Break Up Memorial Service For Rachel Corrie (tags)

Israeli forces fired teargas and stun grenades yesterday in an attempt to break up a memorial service for Rachel Corrie, the American peace activist killed by an army bulldozer in Gaza on Sunday.

Family of Rachel Corrie to Attend Vigil in Front of Israeli Embassy (tags)

The family of the 23 year old peace activist who was deliberately crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer on Sunday in the Gaza Strip, will be attending a candlelight vigil in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. this evening at 5:30 P.M. (EST).

LA Times article on Rachel Corrie's Murder (tags)

For the mainstream press a decent article; though it still soft-peddles Israeli atrocities.


Tomorrow, March 18th 2003, residents of Los Angeles who have been to Palestine as human rights observers/ activists will hold a Press Conference at the Offices of Senator Barbara Boxer - 312 N. Spring Street - to mourn the death of our murdered sister Rachel Corrie by the Israeli military

USA Peace Activist Crushed to Death by Israeli Army Bulldozer (tags)

On 16 March 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of a Palestinian home as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement.

Rachel Corrie In Her Own Words (tags)

Excerpts from email written by Rachel Corrie who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer today Sunday.

Photos Shows Rachel Corey Was Murdered! (tags)

Photos show Rachel Corey was Murdered! Associated Press & Haaretz Reports Available Now.


One big lie is that Mohammed Atta met with Khalil Ibrahim Samir al- Ani, an official at Baghdad's Embassy in Prague. U.S. intelligence agencies went over records of Atta's travels and concluded that during the period in question he was in Virginia Beach, not in Prague. Perle knew this was a fabrication. He attempted to pass it off on the American people as truth.

MOODY'S International Ratings Co. URGES TURKEY TO ACCEPT US TROOPS; Backs ISRAEL's Ratings (tags)

International ratings Co. MOODY's is URGING TURKEY TO ACCEPT US TROOPS QUICKLY, (so as not to lose US $$$) and at the same time re affirms ISRAEL'S ratings because of expected US $$$$$.

The war starts Tuesday, says source (tags)

Israeli monitor intercepts orders: 'War to begin Tuesday'...


"(Recently. at a children?s activity in Nablus. someone asked a room full of children how many had someone from their family in prison. Over half the children in the room raised their hand.)"


CFL ALERT: NATIONAL DAY OF ADVOCACY TO OPPOSE ISRAEL'S AID REQUEST ON MARCH 12 AND 26. (part of a national call with other peace groups)

Road to nowhere (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Israeli pacifists and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli occupation in Palestine.

Israeli HOMICIDE bombmen (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.


Asked by Bill Moyer about Perle's arguments for a war, Wilson said, ``Well, he's certainly the architect of a study that was produced in the mid-'90s for the Likud Israeli government called `A Clean Break, A New Strategy for the Realm.' and it makes the argument that the best way to secure Israeli security is through the changing of some of these regimes beginning with Iraq and also including Syria. And that's been since expanded to include Iran.''

The Great Wall of Denial by Gila Svirsky, Jerusalem (tags)

Why, I am trying to understand, are we Israelis so blind to this brutality? Where are the expressions of revulsion by decent Israelis? Why don't the major newspapers report these heart-wrenching stories ? Why didn't a single Jewish political party in the recent election criticize the government for its policy of collective punishment?

US Peacekeeper Susan Barclay Successfully Resists Deportation from Israel (tags)

After tenacious physical resistance aboard a 5:20 AM KLM Airlines flight at Ben Gurion Airport, Susan Barclay appeared before an Israeli judge this morning and has been released, free to stay in Palestine through March 10th (or longer if she chooses to fight her visa extension denial).

U.S. Activist Susan Barclay Faces Deportation From Palestine+Other ISM Reports (tags)

The Latest Reports From Palestine by Activists of The International Solidarity Movement

IOF Outrages Continue in Nablus, Palestine-Activist Reports (tags)

The Latest ISM Activist Reports

The Israeli Godfather (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

In the ass of Trojan horse (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

According to Article 147, to "willfully caus[e civilians] great suffering or serious injury to body or health" is a "grave breach" of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the most serious type of war crime. There appears to be prima facie evidence that "great suffering" and "serious injury to body and health" were "willfully" inflicted on Palestinian civilians during the gas attacks conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces.(62)

Area from Egypt to Iraq (tags)

The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making. The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.

CFL ALERT (tags)


LernerGate: None of this Helps Kids in Iraq, But it Sure Got Michael Lerner Airtime (tags)

Michael Lerner's Ego Detracts From Worldwide Anti-War Protests.

Israel scorns 'anti-semitic little Belgium' (tags)

Israel accused Belgium of anti-semitism yesterday following a court decision which could lead to the prosecution of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister. The Belgian supreme court ruled on Wednesday that Israeli military commanders could be prosecuted for complicity in the massacre of 800 Palestinians in Lebanon in 1982.

Arabs and Jews unite against war (tags)


A Jewish Response to Rabbi Lerner Flap (tags)

A report from the "Jewish Voice for Peace" organization on the so-called "banning" of Rabbi Lerner by ANSWER



Richard Perle: Israeli Spy? YOU DECIDE ! (tags)

Want to know more about the men who are sending your son to fight in Iraq? Wondering just who's country he going to fight for: America? or Israel? Go to google an put in ("richard perle", espionage, jackson) There are more than 130 articles. Below is one:

Richard Perle Is An Israeli Spy (Corrected Title) (tags)

Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's office in the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy

Susy Mordechay – Israeli Peace Activist (tags)

Susy Mordechay was born in Austria to parents who were refugees during WWII and who had lost family in the Holocaust. She was raised and educated in Israel, where she finished her studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Later, she did graduate work in Linguistics at UCLA. She has worked with Various Israeli groups, in particular the Committee against Home Demolitions, the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace, and Ta’ayush, an Arab-Jewish partnership.

Again-Palestine:On the tactics of the Intifada (tags)




Colin Powell Negates Propaganda That Arafat Was Entirely To Blame For Camp David Failure (tags)

Secretary of State Colin Powell said in Switzerland on Sunday that Israel must offer Palestinians more than a "phony state diced into a thousand different pieces." What will surely be missed by the corporate U.S. media is that this statement flies directly in the face of the line towed by most U.S. and Israeli officials regarding the failed Camp David Accords.

Seven-year-old boy, killed by army fire (tags)

Also Sunday, a seven-year-old Palestinian boy was killed and his six-year-old brother were wounded by army fire while playing near a military outpost on the outskirts of the Rafah refugee camp in southern Gaza, relatives said.


I was perusing the site and noticed that there are no IndyMedia sites available for countries that I have a particular interest in, such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, U.A.E, etc. Why not? Israel is the biggest fascist state in the world and they have and Indy Media Site? This just doesn't seem to make any sense?!?

The US Press And The (tags)

A educated American pro-life activist was surprised to disbelief when I told him that the Israeli death losses run about one-fourth the number or Palestinians killed by Israelis. He thought the statistics were reversed

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT (tags)

This neither-confirm-nor-deny posture has evolved since the late 1960s, primarily as an Israeli hedge against the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

After a few minutes, the gas started to smell. "Like mint," several people said. One resident later recalled that, "the smell was good. You want to breathe more. You feel good when you inhale it." A girl reported that "its taste was like sugar. The smell was sweet."(4)

Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel (tags)

Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel

5 Reasons to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (tags)

"I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and West Bank could describe events in South Africa." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Breaking the Silence on the Israel Lobby (tags)

I placed much of the blame for the escalation of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the actions of the organized American Jewish community and by individual Jews working independently who over the years have successfully stifled, intimidated, and marginalized critics of Israeli policies.

Wife Of European Central Bank Chief, Tells IT The Way It Is Re: Israel And The Palestinia (tags)

Man, this woman tells it the way it is. Good for her. No mealy mouth, "tsk tsk" of Israel, just the harsh truth.She shows the same courage as the Dutch who hid Jews from the Nazis.

The war to annihilate Palestinian civil society (tags)

Not In My Name is a gathering of Jews, especially and primarily American Jews, who criticize Israel and seek changes in Israeli policies precisely because we are Jewish, because of those Jewish values we hold dearest

Environmentalism, Zionism and the Social Framing of Natural Open Spaces (tags)

The dominant Israeli discourses on nature and the environment act as elements that contribute to framing the public's conception of their social space. These environmental constructs, which partially stem out of, and partially become reintegrated into the Zionist nationalist discourse, are utilized by different social elements as a legitimation for both the creation of demarcated open 'natural' spaces, and the enforced retention of their 'pristine' state.

English translation of Pocket Guide for IDF soldiers (tags)

English translation of Pocket Guide for Israeli Occupation Forces serving in the occupied territories, distributed by The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, B'Tselem (Visit their website link in Israel, below)

Some disturbing twists in the road of Israeli "Democracy" posted in the NY Times (tags)

A Decision That Hurts Israeli Democracy January 6, 2003 By DAVID NEWMAN

What The Washington Post Has To Say About Israel (tags)

Well, if you're wondering what you're Government is reading (those who CAN read!) here's today's editorial in the Washington Post re Israel.

Stop funding Israeli war crimes: Divest NOW! (by Latuff) (tags)

Support Virginia Commonwealth University Divestment Campaign.

Eyewitness to Occupied Palestine: Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf (tags)

Free and open to the public: Discussion on Israeli occupation, and about leading non-violent protests to end occupation

Israeli (tags)

Israel kicks Arabs out of its parliament

Palestinian Hospital attacked by Israeli Soldiers (tags)

When is a hospital not a hospital? When it's filled with Palestinian patients and under the Israeli gun.

Write to a hatemonger (by Latuff) (tags)

Well, well...Just another hate email from an advocate for Israeli war crimes. This time, Keith Daves, CEO of Top Executive Greeting Cards.

We Watch For Guys With Your Profile (tags)

Mark Dankof notes that the problems Iranian immigrants are having in Los Angeles and Southern California with the Bush/Ashcroft National Security State may soon mirror similar difficulties for the average American.

Merry Christmas, Israeli style (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, wishing Merry Xmas to the brave Palestinian people and all those who are supporting their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

The 9-11 Investigation (tags)

Here are many of the most significant connections - from the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz regime to the World Bank Group to the Bilderberg Group to the Rothschild Group - that you're not supposed to see. Neither "right" nor "left", but real....

PSG Statement on Israel's Detention of Jaggi Singh (tags)

Israel Denies Entry to Activist from Canada

Bush To Help Sharon Election By Blocking Settlement Freeze (tags)

Bush is blocking efforts to find peace in the Middle East, and stop the settlements. "Is it his (Bush's) desire to win the support of Jewish officials and tycoons, who have mostly lined up on Sharon's side? "

Just Another Day For Little Israel (tags)

Let's see, last week they "accidently" shot 2 UN workers to death. The week before they "accidently" shot to death the head UN worker (in the back, using a sniper from 30 meters, no less). Jeez. Now they've "accidently" shot an Egyptian. They Also shot a bunch of Palestinain school kids who were throwing stones at tanks (but this is OK, because it was on purpose).

A Conspiracy about a Conspiracy (tags)

S. Boyle claims that is not what it appears to be

Picture of slain Iain Hook and other victims of Israel (tags)



After shooting to death the chief UN Official (in the back by an Israeli sniper) last week , Israel now kills two more UN workers. (Israel hails raid as "successful")

A New Movement Against Apartheid (tags)

International Movement Against Israeli Apartheid

Israeli tank kills seven in refugee camp (by Latuff) (tags)

Seven people were killed and at least seven others were seriously wounded when an Israeli tank fired a shell into a two-story building in a refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip early Friday, hospital officials said. (Associated Press)


Here are two versions of yesterday's "clashes" in the occupied territories. One from the "liberal" Haaretz, the other from the Chicago Tribune. IT'S WORTH READING


Here are two versions of yesterday's "clashes" in the occupied territories. One from the "liberal" Haaretz, the other from the Chicago Tribune. (of course, a couple of dead Palestinian boys isn't "news" for Israel)

Nefarious Cabal of Fascist Geeks Rampage on the Net (tags)

Source of online harassment against Muslims and leftists identified.

Palestinian olive trees sold to rich Israelis (tags)

Palestinian olive trees uprooted to make way for a security fence are being sold illegally to rich Israelis

Israel Shoots To Death Palestinian For Banging On A Drum (tags)

and you thought South Africa's apartheid was bad........It ain't nothing like little Israel's version. And this wasn't any "accident" this is Israeli on-going policy. Declare a "curfew" and then kill any man, woman,and child that they see; shoot them with snipers from tanks.

New racist policies against impoverished Gazan workers (tags)

The Israeli Occupation Authorities has issued new work policies in the 'Eretz industrial zone' in the northern Gaza Strip, which forbid Gazans from wearing shoes, coats or bringing food from home.


5 homes have been completely destroyed during the last 18 hours in Bethlehem. 150 Palestinian civilians lost their homes this week alone. Over 15 houses demolished in the past 7 days

Israeli army attacks Christian worshipers outside Church of the Nativity (tags)

Israeli occupation soldiers on Sunday pushed, beat and dragged to the ground Christian worshipers who were on their way to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

I Was Shot While Escorting Jenin's School Children (tags)

shocking to read this . . . CounterPunch, November 23, 2002

Irish Poet, Tom Paulin's Poem: "Killed In The Crossfire" (tags)

Harvard professors met for two hours Wednesday and voted to reinvite Tom Paulin, who has made statements comparing US-born settlers in the West Bank with Nazis, and saying they "should be shot dead."

Nov 18 02 PeaceNoWar: Latest News from Irarq, Palestine, SOA Protest... (tags)

UN Backed to Iraq, US Want to War with Iraq Israeli Force Again Assult Palestine! School of Americas Protest-Ft Benning , GA Big Brother is Watching Everyone

Adventures of Kahane, the Israeli soldier (by Latuff) (tags)

I'd like to introduce you Kahane, the Israeli soldier, my new character I will use to tell stories related to daily massacre of Palestinian people by Israel Occupation Forces, in a form of comic strips. Everybody is invited to reproduce and forward it as a way to expose Israeli war crimes and promote Palestinian struggle for freedom. :)

War By Deception (tags)

Mossad and the FBI list of 9-11 Suspects

Dome of the Rock to Collapse? (tags)

According to Israeli archeologists, the Haram al-Sharif, which houses the Muslim holy site of the Dome of the Rock, al-Aqsa Mosque, and a whole prayer center, is on the verge of collapse. Who is to blame? Israelis, Palestinians, or just old age? Is there even an answer, and is it politically motivated? Could it happen during the Muslim holy period of Ramadan.


Two Israeli companies monitor EVERY U.S. telephone call. One tracks "billing", ie who calls whom, the other is used for wire tapping. This is an extract from Fox News, and can be found easily on Google, or by going to the "9/11 timeline" at

Nov 5: News Upates from Palestine-Amnesty International Accues Israel (tags)

Amnesty International Accues Israel "War Crime" From: The full Amnesty report is available online at:!Open

U.S. Aid to Israel: What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know (tags)

Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel.

Israeli Zionists collaborated with German Nazis in the 30's and 40's (tags)

"Zionism promised independence; it has produced a society in which the Prime Minister must periodically affirm to the people that the existence of the nation depends on the delivery of fifty or a hundred Phantom jets from the United States... Zionism promised physical security to the Jews; Israel is the most dangerous place on earth today for a Jew, and it will remain so as long as Israeli-Jewish society retains its colonial character and its function as an instrument of imperialism." -- the Israeli Socialist Organization, in 1972

Interview With South African Activist Against Israeli Apartheid (tags)

Interview with Na'eem Jeenah

Child's Play, Israeli style (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

israeli antisemirism (tags)

innocent palestinians treated worse than criminals. Rare case of an isreali with a conscience

Israeli made C4 explosive used in Bali bombing (tags)

(OCTOBER 16,2002) Police investigating the deadly bombing of a nightclub in the Indonesian island of Bali in which nearly 200 people died have found traces of plastic explosive manufactured in Israel at the site of the attack.

Manufacturing Anti-Semites (posted by Latuff) (tags)

Relevant article on anti-Semitism from Uri Avnery, founder and activist of Israeli peace organization Gush Shalom.

The Israeli Embassy Needs Copies of Pro-Israel Online Harassment (tags)

Help us stop online harassment by pro-Israel cyber terrorists.

Israeli war crimes and pizza (by Latuff) (tags)

Send a pizza to a war criminal!

An open letter to my fellow American Jews (tags)

American Jews must come to terms with our/Israeli faults before peace can exist.

reel bad arabs (tags)

or how hollywood vilifies a people

Let Israel Know (tags)

Israelis are under the false assumption that American support is unconditional. It is time to let Israel know the real truth. Here are some uggestions on how to let Israel know where we really stand.

Josh Ruebner of Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel Speaks in LA (tags)

Josh Ruebner, Director and Co-Founder of Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel (JPPI) to Los Angeles. Ruebner has just returned from leading a delegation of Congressional staffers--who were originally denied entry--to Israel/Palestine. Monday, September 2 (Labor Day) at 1:15 PM at the Peace Center, 8124 West Third Street (near Crescent Heights)

IMC Video from Palestine available now! (tags)

New Video from Palestine

Terrorism, Israeli Style (tags)

What follows are the two leading stories in the August 29, 2002, Israeli Ha’aretz newspaper. This is but another example showing how the racist Sharon government is joining America in the fight on terrorism.

Firsts hand account from arrestee in occupied Palestine - some corrections (tags)

Being back in Los Angeles comparing the two ways of life. Police brutality in Los Angeles does not even compare to Israeli occupation. One though, must draw the correlation, that Israel’s brutal occupation would not even be possible without the backing of the United States. Anybody who's oppressed can have some unity with the Palestinian people who have nothing to lose and a world to win. My friends and other youth (who constantly get harrassed or brutalized by police) can draw inspiration from Palestinian youth's fearlessness going against tanks with their slingshots for their dreams of liberation.

First Hand Account from Arrestee in Occupied Palestine (tags)

On August 7th of 2002, 9 international activists were arrested in a village near Nablus, called Hawara. There was a demonstration organized by Palestinian farmers, against curfews imposed on them by Israel


Tamara Rettino, a Jewish mother of three, and resident of Los Angeles spoke of her recent trip to the West Bank and Gaza Strip to a standing-room-only crowd of more than150 people at a local Jewish community center. Rettino traveled to the Middle East to join with the hundreds of international volunteers who gathered as a part of "Freedom Summer,” sponsored by the International Solidarity Movement.

A strange kind of freedom (tags)

We all know about the perils of Islamic fanaticism. But, says Robert Fisk, the biggest threat to liberty in the US may come from other kinds of fundamentalism: Jewish and Christian

192 UC Faculty Say Respect Human Rights, Divest from Israel (tags)

Faculty at UC Berkeley have initiated a petition for divestment from Israel that includes all of the University of California campuses, inspired by the anti-apartheid campaign of the 1980's. Please go to to sign the petition.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian teenager (tags)

DUMDUM BULLETS!. Palestinian teenager shot in his back from close range.


These actions contravene the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Geneva Convention, which forbid the arbitrary detention of children and their use as instruments of war.

Jews, Muslims and Christians Condemn US Military Aid to Israel (tags)

Bombing of Gaza Unites Jews, Muslims and Christians in Protest Condemning US Military Aid to Israel. Outfitted as Israeli Soldiers Jewish Group Stage "Checkpoint" Outside Israeli Consulate

Two Sides of the Road (tags)

Israeli embassy on Thurs July 25, a protest was called by LA Jews for a Just Peace and other orgs and individuals sympathetic to the Palestinians. It was in response to the latest Israeli bombings in Gaza. The other side was present across the road.

The politics of murder (tags)

Pressed as to why the U.S. has not done so after twenty two months in which barely a day has passed without U.S. weapons being used to add to the mounting list of Palestinian victims in the Occupied Territories, Boucher said: "All we've ever really answered in response to these questions is to note that we have not made such a report, and should we do so we'll tell you. At this point we haven't."

IAP Action Alert (tags)


Peaceful Protest to Decries Bombing as Sharon Answer to Cease-Fire Offer (tags)

LA Jews to Construct "Checkpoint" Outside Israeli Consulate 4:30 PM on Thursday July 25th at 6380 Wilshire Blvd. Less than twenty-four hours after, the Hamas leaders made an unprecedented public call for a cease-fire with Israel, Prime Minister Sharon responded by sending an F-16 fighter plane on a bombing spree in Gaza, killing 15 including 9 children.

What's So Bad About Israel? (tags)

Israel has pioneered the science of making life unlivable with as little violence as possible. The Palestinians are not merely provoked into reacting; they have no rational choice but to react. If they didn't, things would just get worse faster, with no hope of relief. Israel is an innovator in the search for a squeaky-clean sadism.

LA Jews to Construct "Checkpoint" Outside Israeli Consulate (tags)

LOS ANGELES-- A local Jewish group will construct a street theater check-point outside the Israeli consulate to "highlight one of the many injustices that Palestinian people face every day." WHEN: 4:30 PM Thursday, July 25, 2002 WHERE: The Israeli Consulate 6380 Wilshire Blvd (west of Crescent Heights) WHAT: Picket and Street Theater Checkpoint Outside Israeli Consulate

Continuing Curfew Creates Humanitarian Disaster (tags)



Harvard President Summers sticks to his guns in support of Israeli war crimes and the use of Harvard's money to fund them. Under the Nuremberg Principles (adopted by the UN in 1950) this implicates him under international law too.

U.S. Mercenary fighting for Israeli occupation. (tags)

An American Mercenary fights for the Israeli occupation of illegally held Palestinian lands.

LA in Palestine (tags)

Part of an ongoing series of first person accounts from Los Angelenos working in Palestine.

U.N. official says Israel blocks Palestinian aid (tags)

Zionazis want Palestinians starve to death, at the barbedwired extermination camps they are confined. Zionazis also want UN refugee agency to spy on refugees.

Aid agencies condemn Israel (tags)

More than 30 international aid agencies working in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have accused Israel of obstructing their operations to the point that they can no longer fulfil their mandates.

Israel's Obstruction of S.A Humanitarian Aid To Palestine a Political Issue (tags)

Israeli Government deliberately prevented from delivering life saving humanitarian aid to Palestinians, besieged under Israeli occupation and 18 hour curfews.


The Gaza strip is a perfect realization of the Israeli vision of "separation". Surrounded with electric fences and army posts, completely sealed off the outside world, Gaza has become a huge prison. About one-third of its land was confiscated for the 7,000 Israeli settlers living there (and their defense array), while over a million Palestinians are crowded in the remaining areas of the prison. Now Israel is considering the imprisonment there of families of suicide bombers from the West Bank.


Our daughter's death by suicide bomber is a result of the terror of Israel's occupation. A BIG red "Free Palestine" sticker has prominent place on the Elhanan family's front door. This is not a Palestinian house in the occupied territories.

The BUSHARON Global War - by Dr. Lev Grinberg (tags)

Dr. Lev Grinberg is a political analyst, senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University, Israel, says, President George Bush's speech intensified the plight of the peace supporters in Israel, and in the entire Middle East.

DESMOND TUTU and IAN URBINA speak against Israeli Apartheid (tags)

The United States has a distinct responsibility to intervene in atrocities committed by Israel the single largest recipient of US arms and foreign aid. Israel occupation's end should be TOP concern for ALL Americans.

Gov Davis says state won't divest Israeli holdings (tags)

Gov. Davis apparently feels that California should continue to support the apartheid policies of Israel. Apparently Davis is unaware of the racist similarities between Israel and the apartheid poliices of South Africa.

Blind Palestinian compliance with US and Israeli demands is not a solution (tags)

If Mr. Bush truly understands the "deep anger and despair of the Palestinian people," then he must also understand that the occupation must end before anything else can be achieved

Los Angeles airport shooting kills 3: 'No indication' that terrorism involved (tags)

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A gunman opened fire Thursday at Los Angeles International Airport while standing in line at the ticket counter of Israel's El Al Airlines, officials said, killing two and wounding four others before an airline security officer shot him dead.

Reports From Palestine (tags)

Garrick Ruiz, a Los Angeles activist and food justice organizer, has been sending reports from Palestine. These are the first few, which have been sent to several listservs in LA.

Israeli Right-wing Minister Effi Eitam wants to KILL Marwan Barghouti (tags)

Support immediate release of elected Palestinian Parliamentarian Marwan Barghouti, one of the leading Palestinian reformers by signing the online petition! Pass it to others Please.

Sam Bahour's Palestine update and some important reading material (tags)

Every Palestinian is getting edgy and uptight. Our cities, economy, projects, and lives are being destroyed as we helplessly watch from our front windows.

What Bush Doesn't Know About Palestine (tags)

Yasser Arafat established a Constitution Committee in 1999, long before either George Bush or Ariel Sharon came to power and assumed the right to tell Palestinians how to run their affairs.

Palestinian update, 7/01/02 uninvited guests become neighbors by Sam Bahour. (tags)

Today is July 1st. We enter our eighth day under Israeli military curfew (house arrest). We were rudely awakened at 7:20am by someone pressing and holding the doorbell of our home.

Stop Israeli Genocide against the Palestinians! (tags)

Of course I have great respect for Palestinian negotiators. They have done the very best they can negotiating in good faith with the Israeli government that has been invariably backed up by the United States. But there has never been any good faith on the part of the Israeli government either before, during, or after Oslo. The same is true for the United States.

Christison: Full Story of Resolution 242.. A MUST READ (tags)

Kathleen Christison worked for 16 years as a political analyst with the CIA, dealing first with Vietnam and then with the Middle East

A day in the life of a Palestinian-American's extended Faily and more! (tags)

Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-American businessman living in the besieged Palestinian City of Al-Bireh in the West He is co-author of HOMELAND: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians (1994)

First the Carrot, Then the Stick: Behind the Carnage in Palestine (tags)

A MUST READ!, by Prof. Finkelstein, a jew whose parents were extermination camps survivors

Anti-Democratic developments on the Israeli parliamentary scene (tags)

Dear friends, It is our sad duty to bring to your attention a set of very serious and dangerous developments on the Israeli parliamentary scene. The ruling coalition, headed by the Likud and the Labor Party, has given its support to a set of recently adopted draconic measures. These new laws are cynically aimed at canceling the representation our faction, the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality and that of the Arab lists, which together hold ten seats in the 120 member Israeli Knesset.

Bush the Marty by Sam Bahour and Dr. Michael Dahan (tags)

Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-American businessman living in the besieged Palestinian City of Al-Bireh in the West Bank and can be reached at

June 24: Updates from Palestine (tags)

1) Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs and Jews’ Reactions to Bush’s Speech (Palestine Chronicle) 2) Israeli Helicopter Missiles Kill Six Palestinians, Wound 13 in Rafah (Palestine Chronicle)


This photograph shows Israeli tanks and bulldozers entering the Palestinian village of Beitunia, near Ramallah, Friday June 21st.

Israeli Textbooks and Children’s Literature (tags)

Israeli Textbooks and Children’s Literature Promote Racism and Hatred Toward Palestinians and Arabs

BTL:Unending Conflict & 35 Years of Occupation Take Psychological Toll on... (tags)

...Exhausted Palestinian Population. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Dr. Elia Awwad, director of Mental Health Services in the Palestinian territories with the Palestine Red Crescent Society.

Israeli State Terrorism Increases (tags)

Israeli state terrorism, a campaign of human rights abuses, serial violatons of international law, and ethnic cleansing hidden by a grotesque Orwellian disinformation camapaign is increasing, but so is global activism and outrage


Director of the Humphrey Institute for Social Research at Ben Gurion University What is the difference between State terrorism and individual terrorist acts?

The Old Women Project (tags)

MAY 19, 2002--Led by "Power," a giant puppet of an old woman, 10 members of the Old Women's Project demonstrated today in San Diego's Balboa Park in support of "brave Israeli voices for peace."

Beliefs (tags)

I have received today an invitation to stand for a trial in my university, the University of Haifa.

May 12: News from Palestine, Cuba!! (tags)

**Think Locally, Act Globally! **Courage to Stop War, and Love your neighbour


Possibly over 100,000 Israelis marched in Tel Aviv on May 11th to tell Sharon and his militarists that the people want PEACE and an END TO THE OCCUPATION!

International boycott Israeli goods (BIG) day (tags)

Saturday May 11 is International Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) day. This is a global initiative, which aims to bring pressure on the Israeli government to 1)end its illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem 2)stop its human rights violations and 3)comply with UN resolutions

Hundreds of Israeli Army Reservists Refuse to Serve in Occupied Territories (tags)

Lt. Noam Wiener is a 27-year-old lieutenant in the Israeli Army Reserves and a law student who has signed the Courage to Refuse declaration. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Lt. Wiener about why he has refused to serve in the occupied territories and in so doing, risk imprisonment.

Devastation Only Feeds Resistance to Israeli Rule (tags)

Not only has Israel been allowed to prevent a United Nations investigation into serious allegations of war crimes in Jenin by Israeli troops, it has placed Yasser Arafat in a daunting position. He is now seen to have benefited, personally and politically, from the exchange of his freedom for the truth.

Israelis Arrest Two Americans, one from Cali (tags)

Israeli authorities have arrested two Americans affiliated with relief organizations, including a Muslim commentator who recently described by telephone and in e-mails the destruction he saw in Jenin: 'He reported basically the destruction and smell of death under the rubble...'


The real problem is the fact that the Israeli government is telling the whole world, including the United Nations to go to a place where it's much hotter then where most of us are.

Israel-Palestine - Refusniks: the other side of the Truth (tags)

As of the latest count, 41 Israeli soldiers - conscripts and reservistsare at this moment behind bars, for refusal to serve in the occupied territories, guards over Palestinian prisoners, or serve in the Israeli armed forces altogether

Sunday PROTEST against Benjamin Netanyahu (tags)

Former Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who thinks Arial Sharon is not hard enough on the Palestinians, will be speaking in L.A., Sunday morning. People who believe in Peace and Justice will be there to greet him.

Israel the world worst place to be a journalist (tags)

At the top of the list is the West Bank, where Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon's government has used extraordinary force to keep journalists from covering its recent military incursion

Media and the Israeli Forces (tags)

Media and the Israeli forces.


The money that U.S. gives to Israel go mainly to U.S.war plants. The Saudis buy $4 billion a year from the same "defense" manufacturing companies. The clout of the Israeli lobby is way overrated. is way o

Israeli Army Has Just Bombed the Church of the Nativity (tags)

A Spanish language radio stations in L.A. just interrupted its programming to report that the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem has just been bombed by the IDF. A vague confirmation has been posted on

Corporate America and Israeli Occupation (tags)

Corporate America and corporate boardrooms across the globe wield enormous political influence. It may in fact be argued that in today's material world corporate interests are the primary motivating factors for political action. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that power, for a multitude of reasons, has been unjustly mobilized to help sustain 35 years of an illegal Israeli military and economic domination of the Palestinian people.

April 30: Latest News from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan & Indonesia (tags)

Stop Israel Aggressions in Palestine! No US Invasions Against Iraq! By:

Tutu Condemns Israeli Apartheid: BBC News Africa (tags)

Tutu said 'oppression' would not bring security

NETSTRIKE for Palestine (tags)

CALL FOR ACTION WORLDWIDE *please forward* *post* *translate* *distribute*


The Israeli government has decided to withdraw its approval for a UN fact-finding mission to visit the devastated West Bank Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin, Israeli public radio reported tonight

Journalists accuse Israel of media violation (tags)

"These have not been blunders but a deliberate policy of hiding from the world the truth of the Israeli army's violence and abuses,

A list of the Israeli crimes LAST 24HR (tags)

Israeli forces suspended the licenses and permissions of 24 journalists and photographers working for the international press and media.

“Israel has crossed all red lines” (tags)

He expressed his fears when remembering the Israeli soldiers who take picture on top of the Palestinian dead and rubble, saying that he is certain that Sharon has proven beyond all doubts that he is a military, heartless and inhuman Tyrant.

Vatican calls on all Christians, so listen up! (tags)

Just for those of you that didn't get the message earlier, about who really runs the show..... listen up

PEACE WALK IN Newport Beach: in the belly of the beast (tags)

"Not In Our Name" Peace Walk

U.S. Envoy Calls Jenin Camp a 'Terrible Tragedy' (tags)

JENIN, West Bank (Reuters) - A U.S. Middle East envoy toured the ruins of Jenin refugee camp on Saturday after an Israeli army pullback, saying enormous suffering had been visited on Palestinian civilians there

April 16 02--Latest News from Palestine--Jenin camp 'horrific beyond belief' (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

Fresh evidence of Jenin atrocities (tags)

Evidence of atrocities by Israeli troops in Jenin refugee camp grew yesterday when a British pathologist said he found "highly suspicious" wounds during the first autopsy on a victim.

Fresh evidence of Jenin atrocities (tags)

Evidence of atrocities by Israeli troops in Jenin refugee camp grew yesterday when a British pathologist said he found "highly suspicious" wounds during the first autopsy on a victim.

Sharon :: already 508.804 signatures online (tags)

there are needed 1.000.000 last 24h more than 30.000 signatures let's put Sharon on the just started international court!!! let's see if that court is a joke or not

Lee Siu Hin (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

April 16 02--Latest News from Palestine, Life and Dead in Jenin (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

April 10: Latest News from Palestine-over 100 reported had been killed in Jenin! (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC: Alert! Over Hundred People Reported had been Killed in Jenin


Yesterday I was informed of an interesting phenomenon: a peace-supporting Jewish organization called Tikkun published an ad in favor of us, the Israeli Reservist refuseniks [now over 1,000 Israeli soldiers officers & generals], and was Immediately bombarded with hate mails and phones from other American Jews.

April 9: Latest News from Palestine (tags)

**For complete coverage, please visit: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

Israeli Invasion Long-Planned (tags)

The US and Israel planned this assault on Palestine long time ago. See the World Socialist Website editorial, "Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palestinians", April 4, 2002, at:

RALLY AND MARCH in support of Palestine (April 6th) (tags)

Show your solidarity with the Palestinian People at the April 6th march and rally at the Westwood Federal Building



March 30th - Mass Demonstration to support Palestine! (tags)

A "Free Palestine" mass March and Rally is to take place Saturday, March 30th, at the Westwood Fed. Building (noon).

Today's rally at the Israeli Consulate (tags)

Sometimes social justice and peace campaigns need to start out small to get somewhere. At Wilshire Blvd. Israeli Consulate



Israeli Defense Forces execute Palestinian civilian (tags)

The following pictures were published in a number of Arab media outlets -- they show an unarmed Palestinian civilian, Mahmood Salah, held down, stripped, and executed by the Israeli Defense Forces.

Postmodernism Alive and Killing (tags)

Israelis are killed every day now, while one of the world's strongest armies is bravely proving it can turn even wretched refugee camps into ashes, I feel rather uncomfortable talking about ideology. Still, I'll do it. In a previous column I analysed several arguments of the right-wing ideology of Israeli occupation: a rather simple task, actually. More difficult, and more interesting, is the question: how do parts of the Israeli progressive camp live with the Occupation?

STOP KILLING PALESTINIANS!! Protest at the Israeli Consulate Mon. March 25 (tags)

read on

Israeli Police Execute Suspect (tags)

Photos showing an extra-judicial killing by Israeli Police

Virgin Mary Shot in West Bank (tags)

A statue of the Virgin Mary was hit by shrapnel Thursday when a shell from an Israeli tank slammed into a church in the City of Jesus's Birth.

Anti-War Demo Mon. March 25 front of Iraeli Consulate.STOP KILLING PALESTINIANS! (tags)



An Italian photographer was shot dead covering Israel's offensive in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Wednesday, the first foreign journalist killed in 17 months of Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed.

Official statement from Gush Shalom on Latuff's cartoons (tags)

Gush Shalom (Peace Bloc) is the hardcore of the Israeli peace movement. Often described as "resolute", "militant", "radical" or "consistent", it is known for its unwavering stand in times of crisis, such as the al-Aksa intifada. This is an official statement from Gush Shalom on Latuff's "We are all Palestinians" cartoon series.

Occuption Begins to Crack (tags)

To date, 272 officers and soldiers of the Israeli army have signed the initiative to refuse to serve the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinians, while thousands of other Israeli citizens have expressed their support. Those that have signed are not pacifists nor are they particularly radical. They are well- trained combat officers and soldiers who are no longer willing to take part in the crimes being committed against the Palestinians.

Demonstration in Tel-Aviv under the title "The Occupation is Killing Us All" (tags)

Approximately 10,000 people attended a demonstration in Tel-Aviv on the evening of Feburary 9, under the banner "The Occupation Is Killing Us All" The main issues discussed were an immediate end to the occupation of Palestinian land and solidarity with the growing number of young Israelis who are refusing to serve in the military occupation force.

The Minister of Justice and the very dangerous lunatic subversives (tags)

This morning Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc, had the doubtful honor of being chosen as the target of a verbal broadside by Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit. The minister was apparently ired by the Jan.9 forum discussion on war crimes held under Gush Shalom auspices at the Tzavta Hall in Tel-Aviv, and particularly at the suggestion made by several speakers that peace-seeking Israeli groups start preparing war crime dossiers against military officers known to have ordered or carried out specific violations of international law

The Minister of Justice and the very dangerous lunatic subversives (tags)

This morning Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc, had the doubtful honor of being chosen as the target of a verbal broadside by Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit. The minister was apparently ired by the Jan.9 forum discussion on war crimes held under Gush Shalom auspices at the Tzavta Hall in Tel-Aviv, and particularly at the suggestion made by several speakers that peace-seeking Israeli groups start preparing war crime dossiers against military officers known to have ordered or carried out specific violations of international law

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah offer truce, Sharon says ''No'' (tags)

The main Palestinian resistance groups have offered to suspend attacks inside Israel if the Israeli occupation army and paramilitary Jewish terrorists agree in return to stop assassinating Palestinian citizens and end tank and aerial bombardment of Palestinian population centers.

International Solidarity Movement in Palestine - D15-J1 2001/2 (tags)

The International Solidarity Movement is converging again in Palestine from D15 to J1 2001/2 to bring the world's attention to the Israeli occupation and demostrate solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Hezbollah: Israel Security to be Rocked, Support Palestinian Resistance (tags)

Sheikh Qassem said, " the continuation of the intifada worries Israelis and the security of 'Israel' must be rocked from within and outside Jerusalem, Palestine must be completely liberated." He also said Hezbollah "will place its gun alongside of the Palestinian resistance and it will act to liberate all Palestine though all human and material means".

Fatah: Sharon wants Arafat to be another Antoin Lahd (tags)

"It is the Palestinian people alone, and no body else, who will chose their leader. And he must say a big 'NO' to Zionist terror and expansionism. A Palestinian leader who would surrender to the Zionists or collude with them against his own people will be killed even before he is born."

DFLP: Demonstrators mark 84 years since Balfour Declaration, 2 Nov. 01 (tags)

The DFLP and other Palestinian organizations staged a rally at the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp and another in front of the UN House in downtown Beirut to protest the creation of the State of Israel after British promises for a Jewish homeland during World War I.

"end israeli occupation of west bank & gaza" [anti-war rally/march] (tags)

"end israeli occupation of west bank & gaza" banner


MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/17: For some time now Palestinians have been warning that because of Israel's assassination of Palestinian leaders, "crossing the red line" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they would respond. When one of the founders of the PLO was assassinated by helicopter missile shot directly into his body as he sat working in his high-rise office in Ramallah in late August, many have expected that some counter-assassination attempt would be made by Palestinians. Today is just happened:


Pakistan's ex-spy Chief blames Israeli Mossad & U.S. Air Force for WTC attack.

Ha'aretz: Israeli workers were warned of attack (tags)

Paul H. Rosenberg is quite disbelieving that Israel's Mossad shared foreknowledge with the US government prior to the events on September 11, 2001.

The Shortwave Report 9/28/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files (broadcast quality 13.6MB) streaming/quick 3.4MB. Times and freqs for listening at home. Radio Netherlands, Germany, Russia, and Cuba. Free to rebroadcast

Is Israel Responsible for the Attack? (tags)

After posting "For California's Independence", resumed checking other Indymedia sites for updated information and ran across two articles at the Arizona Indymedia implicating Israel in the attacks! Read and decide for yourself!

Israeli Forces Enter West Bank Towns(AP) (tags)

An Israeli tank is positioned on the edge of the West Bank town of Jenin early morning Tuesday Sept. 11, 2001. Israeli tanks ringed the city of Jenin early Tuesday, taking up positions on Palestinian territory and triggering a firefight with local gunmen which left seven Palestinians wounded. (AP Photo/Uriel Sinai)


Over 10,000 people march in Durban South Africa to support the Palestinian People.

Jewish shareholders play hardball over CNN's Intifada coverage (tags)

Jewish shareholders play hardball over CNN's Intifada coverage


This is a call for a GLOBAL BOYCOTT against the state of Israel. The daily attrocities being committed by the Israeli government are INTOLERABLE.

IMC Israel Journalist Jon Rapoport Tortured, Forced In Army, Flees to Palestine (tags)

I have fled into Palestinian controlled “Area A” after being involuntarily inducted into the Israeli military. I fled because I was involuntarily drafted into the army and have been tortured by Israeli security service agents.

Palestinians View Israeli Occupation of East Jerusalem's Orient House... (tags)

Hussein Ibish, of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, discusses the significance of the Israeli takeover of Orient House and the consequences for those working to implement a cease-fire.

Palestinians 580- Israelis 130 (tags)

Palestinians and Israelis are engaged in fierce gun battles across the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Suicide bombers are killing civilians and children. Israeli troops have killed children. Intentional or not, innocent people on both sides are being killed.

Danish MP To Ask Danish Police To Arrest New Israeli Ambassador Carmi Gillon (tags)

Danish Minister of Parliament Soren Sondergaard and a group of torture survivors from around the world who have obatined politcal asylum in Denmark are filing a complaint with the Danish Police against Israeli Ambassador-Designate to Denmark Carmi Gillon. Carmi Gillon is the former director of The Shin Bet General Security Service who was forced to resign as director due to The Shin Bet’s failure to protect assasinated Prime Minster Yitzhak Rabin.


May 19th March and Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People(Westwood Federal Building).


Drawing by a young Palestinian Girl living in the Israeli occupied West Bank.


The ART FOR A CHANGE Web site has just published an emergency Palestine Solidarity issue that documents Art Activism's role in bringing about a just and lasting peace between the Palestinian and Israeli people.

world justice (tags)

a point of view from a Palestinian

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