Jrnal of Aesthetics & Protest- editorial towards occupying everything
as angelinos, balance sheet, both, brian holmes, brooklyn new york, change you want, chicago surrealists, city government, clinton era, collective, concise philosophy, continental drift, cultural, does, forms, from seattle, frontlining currency, gabriel mindel saloman, general, gerald raunig, gesa helms, grassroots, grassroots mapping, grassroots modernism, grassroots modernisms, harry hay, ian milliss, issue, issue 8, jaleh mansoor, janus mask, jodie dean, khristopher flack, lauren berlant, libertad guerra, marc james, marco cuevas, marina vishmidt, mathias regan, may day, meg wade, mega, mindel saloman, new york, northern california occupations, not an alternative, notions, olive mc, paulo virno, populist poetics, power, preliminary materials for, production, protest, protest and stagnation, public laboratories, schizoanalytic cartographies, see gallery, social, social movement, southern california, specific, stagnation collective, sue bell yank, this issue, tim jenson, towards, variant volume, victor tupitsyn, within, world