fix articles 1948, collective
Peace can and should be lived - now and by all of us, regardless of the often wrong decisions made by those in power. Small communities in which traumas are dealt with and loving interaction with one another is practiced can become the seeds of something new that can help this often seemingly hopeless world to heal.
Capitalism as Mental Illness (tags)
As to the stress mechanism, Adam Smith supplied that with his theory of “selfish interest” providing collective benefit. And while it’s inarguable that being forced to compete in a self reinforcing and ever accelerating rat race has provided us with many industrial and technological milestones, we must ask ourselves: at what cost? The fracture of social cohesion?
Collective working-time reduction is long overdue (tags)
The overall economic fact is further that from 1960 to 2019 the volume of work (despite reunification) increased only from 56.2 to 62.6 billion hours (by 11.4%), while the potential labor force grew from 26.3 to 46.5 million persons, i.e. by 76.8%.
Learning to Feel Collectively (tags)
The starting point of the upheavals are the anti-colonial movements that have been spreading across the globe since the end of World War II. With the Black Civil Rights Movement, they penetrate into the heart of the capitalist world system starting in the mid-1950s, where they politicize liberal students* and the beat culture.
Mutu: rethinking our radical media (tags)
Link out to a story about radical media
Israel's Response to Everything: Collective Punishment (tags)
RAC-LA Community Center Grand Opening (tags)
RAC-LA and the F@@ invite community members to the public grand opening of its new community center on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
Ignored Root Cause of Occupied Palestine Violence (tags)
Collective Punishment: Official Israeli Policy (tags)
Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats. (tags)
Describes a Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination. Driven by the bureaucrats in the interest of secular, liberal collectivists it required a hijacking of human rights hidden by a 'divide and rule'.
New Zine on Activist Collective Living (tags) A new zine on living in an activist collective intentional community written as a practical guide with tools and references to assist in achieving a more sustainable approach to strategies and tactics for reaching goals
Statement on the Gaza Genocide (tags)
In the past week, Israeli military forces have escalated their offensive on the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes have increasingly targeted houses, civilian-populated areas and civilian facilities in the Gaza strip. Israeli warplanes have destroyed a number of houses while their residents were inside, without any prior warnings, killing and wounding many Palestinian civilians.
Press Release: 2013 LA Anarchist Bookfair (tags)
The 5th Annual 2013 LA Anarchist Bookfair takes place this weekend, from December 6-8, featuring Ward Churchill, Scott Crow, IWW, Money Mark and much much more...
Michigan’s Proposal 2: Labor’s Big Test (tags)
For some time now, Labor has been punched into a corner when it comes to state legislation. Over the last two years legislation has been passed in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan that has attempted to gut largely public workers of their union rights.
Top academics rebel against State capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights. (tags)
Top academics rebel against State capture and discuss ethical approach to human rights,development, globalization to replace neoliberalism and omitted children's rights. Former emphasizes bottom-up, unleashes potential the latter is top-down, crushes potential.
Gaza Blockade's Fifth Anniversary (tags)
Imagining the Post-Occupy Social Movement (tags)
If one were to honestly assess Occupy's current strengths and weaknesses as a movement, confusion must be the inevitable result.
(VIDEO) Workshop: Capacity Building for the Long Haul (tags)
Jenna Peters-Golden of Philly Stands Up and AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance) Collective presents a workshop on capacity building for radical organizations.
Jrnal of Aesthetics & Protest- editorial towards occupying everything (tags)
Issue 8 of the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest is out. Our forward, recently written but conceived in the afterglow of the 2009/2010 UC occupations looks into the broad strategy of occupying everything.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Anti-Union Law (tags)
union busting
FCGOA's 9(b)(3) Status is in Jeopardy as a Legitimate 9(b)(3) Security Union (tags)
Who is Really Running FCGOA? Are They Assiciated With a Non-Guard Union? Is Guy James Really a Front Man for FCGOA? These Questions may soon be answered soon before a NLRB Hearing Officer.
Battleground Wisconsin: Corporate Power v. Worker Rights (tags)
worker struggles
BTL:Union Solidarity Mobilization in Madison May Signal Political Realignment in Wisconsin (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
Wisconsin State Senate voted Today to end End Collective Bargaining! (tags)
Late Wednesday, Wisconsin Republicans rammed a measure through the Senate stripping collective bargaining rights from most public workers in the state.... Republicans were able to push through the measure... by separating the collective bargaining provision from the other elements of Governor Scott Walker's "budget repair bill.".... Scott Walker spent three weeks claiming that collective bargaining was a fiscal issue, and then the legislature just passed the bill as “non-fiscal.”..... Within hours of the vote, the Capitol was flooded with thousands of furious protesters......
Waging War on Working Americans (tags)
labor struggles
The word crisis describes a turning point where a decision about direction must be made. A dramatic turning point where business as usual is not an option does not correspond to our picture of an ordered world.
Wisconsin governor raises stakes in union fight with threat of job losses (tags)
Republican Scott Walker warns Wisconsin he will fire state workers if his union-busting bill does not pass
Live Reporting from the Wisconsin Protests (tags)
Madison, Wisconsin IMC is offline right now- however there are other NONCORPORATE places to go for breaking news from Wisconsin-
Tenants Deliver Valentine’s Day Message to Councilmember Wesson (tags)
Members of the L.A. Right to Housing Collective deliver valentine to Herb Wesson and demand that he move forward with the community's recommendations to reform rent control.
a collective response to a collective injustice (tags)
a collective response to a collective injustice
LA's Transgender Film Festival (tags)
The second annual TG Film Fest will be held at the Renberg Theater on August 28th 2010 with four ninety minute screenings. The TG Film Fest continues to showcase entertaining, poignant, and intriguing visions from the queerest part of the LGBT spectrum.
Switzerland: Video on Undocumented Occupation (tags)
On 26 June, about 300 migrants and solidarity activists occupied a park right besides the seat of the Swiss government in Bern. They've been protesting against Switzerland's inhuman asylum and migration policy and demand the collective regularisation of the country's undocumented migrants.
Switzerland: Short film on Zurich's Autonomous School (tags)
On 19 April, a barrack on a plot belonging to the freight depot of Zurich's railway station was squatted and revived. The barrack has been empty for more than a year. The Canton of Zurich plans to build a new police and justice center for 570 million Swiss francs (US$ 500 million) on the plot.
For Immediate Release
Finance Capitalism Devalues Labor (tags)
Businesses are capital investments in the hands of shareholders. Consequently managers only serve the interests of shareholders.
20 Theses against a Green Capitalism (tags)
Is a Green New Deal possible? These theses were published in an English translation in: Prager Fruhling (Prague Spring) in December 2009.
Actions + Conversations + Intersections 2010: Second Annual Los Ángeles Anarchist Bookfair (tags)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
HOLLYWOOD - For the second consecutive year, Los Angeles anarchists organized a bookfair, which, in addition to facilitating exchanges between vendors and literature-hungry readers, also provided an array of panel discussions, workshops, and most importantly, quality interactions with fellow activists in the liberation movement.
Anarchists to Hold Bookfair, Disseminate Radical Literature (tags)
Public is invited for workshops, performances, experiments in non-oppressive relations.
Why Obama's Surge in Afghanistan? (tags)
Tuesday’s announcement that President Obama will send an additional 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan — while begging his foreign allies to send an extra 10,000 — will have dramatic effects throughout the American and world society. The hope that Obama’s election would drastically change U.S. foreign policy has been destroyed. The effects of his troop surge will change the minds of millions of Americans, who, until this point, were giving Obama the benefit of the doubt. Such moments in history are capable of instantly removing piles of dust from the collective eyeball — just as the bank bailouts did.
Calling Long Beach Area Anarchists! (tags)
Starting organization of a Long Beach anarchist collective, help wanted and needed!
Indymedia Los Angeles 10th Anniversary Event! (tags)
On Saturday, November 14th, 2009, Los Angeles Indymedia will celebrate 10 years since the first Independent Media Center (IMC) opened its doors in Seattle to cover and support the demonstrations against the meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). LA IMC is hosting an all day event, open to the public, encouraging current and former IMCistas to come out. There will be workshops, food, music, and community groups sharing their knowledge.
Anarchist Film Series: Screening of Masacre de El Amparo (tags)
Film Night! Donations suggested* Refreshments, Popcorn, and interesting discussion facilitated by a member of the Venezuelan collective of El Libertario, an anarchist journal in print since 1995. Wed. Sep. 30, 2009 7:30 PM Eastside Café 5469 Huntington Drive. L.A. (El Sereno)
Film Night: Venezuelan Autonomous Social Movements (tags)
FILM NIGHT!!! VENEZUELAN AUTONOMOUS SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Thursday, Oct. 1st, 2009 7:30 PM KIWA 3471 W 8th St. K-Town 90005
Second Southern California Anarchist Conference and Feria Libertaria
Indymedia every so too often decides to CENSOR an article by hiding it from public view..but based on nothing more than it's own group's version of what they like politically or an article that someone there with the power of that clever click who has decided what was offered to the LA public readers now needs to be "gone !" out of sight ! Why they do this is unrevealed and non-transparent. And LA.Indymedia offer no way to reverse their discriminating acts either as there is no one ‘home’ when a letter is written to either !”
Official Schedule of 2009 Anarchist Conference & Cultural Fair (tags)
Official Schedule of 2009 Anarchist Conference & Cultural Fair
The First LA Indymedia Journalism Workshop Was A Huge Success! (tags)
A diverse group of people participated in the first LA Indymedia Community Journalism Workshop on April 4, 2009 at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy at USC.
The Slow Decline of a Dying Rhizome (tags)
This Tuesday, the Rhizome Collective will begin to die its slow death. All residents and backspace organizations have been forced to vacate. Many fear the blow of losing one's home will taper any gained momentum to save the space.
Project Chanology Shows How It's Done (tags)
Project Chanology was launched edarly this year and already the the collective has become well respected around the world with favorable as well as idiotic news coverage within the increasingly obsolete mainstream media. Chanology shows the world the coming thing in Internet-based anonymous organization of citizens for the opposition of organized crime and unethical corporations.
Bilingual publication "Talk on Anarchism" (tags)
Publication in English and Serbo-Croatian language which is result of ten debates on anarchism held between May 2006 and May 2007 at the Cultural Center "Dom omladine" in Belgrade/Serbia.
The Odds of Change: A Statistical Look at Our Democrat’s Voting Records (tags)
We want change. Obama says he will deliver change, as did the Democrats in '06. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth. Even the statistics prove the Democrats have failed us.
Settler-Extremists Fire Mortars into W. Bank Villages (tags)
Israel's own Extremists are desperate to provoke another round of attacks on the Palestinians. Did you see this on the news ... ?
Lebanon: Cleaning Up Nahr al-Bared Camp (Video) (tags)
The anarchist film collective 'a-films' announces another short film from Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in North Lebanon.
Cross Your Fingers: Israel Claims It's Decided Against Gaza Invasion (tags)
Let's hope.
Lebanon: Writings on the Walls of Nahr al-Bared Camp (tags)
The anarchist film collective 'a-films' has just published another short film from North Lebanon. It documents many racist, sexist, humiliating and insulting graffiti that Lebanese soldiers had written on the walls of the houses in the destroyed Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.
Conscientious Objector Status—Who Should Decide? (tags)
It is a fallacious and legalistic straw man ploy for any society or organization (such as the Department of Defense) to arrogate, as definition, that an individual must oppose “all” war on religious or ethical grounds to be considered a “conscientious objector”. Simply to be “conscientious” means to act from one’s “own” conscience—not from the collective hearsay of any particular group or on legalistic grounds of some corporate presumption. The individual conscience is the moral compass of conscientious authority.
New video from Nahr al-Bared Camp (tags)
The anarchist video collective "a-films" announces its latest short film (10 min.) from the destroyed Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in Lebanon called "Traces of Collective Dispossession".
Anarchism in Venezuela, past and present (tags)
* This is a brief outline of the libertarian footprint in the history of Venezuela, prepared by members of the Collective Editorship of El Libertario We hope that this serves as a useful point of reference for those who are interested in the subject.
Help my feminist collective with video links! (tags)
I need help finding good quality videos on feminism, asap. Its for the new Feminist Collective at El Camino College. please email me.
Women Say Fund Caregiving Not War & Occupation (tags)
In Los Angeles, for the 9th Global Women’s Strike on International Women’s Day, March 8, women along with men supporters gathered at a town hall meeting entitled ‘Fund Caregiving Not War and Occupation!’ at the Southern California Library in South LA. On and around every March 8 since 2000, women in 60 countries have taken part in the Global Women’s Strike under the theme Invest in Caring not Killing. Women who are working to reclaim the money and other resources for crucial survival needs for themselves and their communities, told their stories and shared their struggles and victories.
VOTE PSL in 2008: End the Criminal Israeli Blockade of Gaza Now! (tags)
The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. The La Riva/Puryear presidential campaign demands an immediate lifting of the Israeli blockade, an end to U.S. aid to Israel and self-determination for the Palestinian people. The candidates joined the emergency protests to "End the Israeli Siege of Gaza" that book place across the country on Jan. 25-26.
Infoshop Opening Soon in Santa Barbara (tags)
A collective in Santa Barbara is currently working to open an infoshop in the city. We hope by February to open our doors to the public.
Biodiesel once, twice recycled? GMO smog? (tags)
Background on risks of promoting biodiesel as petroleum alternative, guarding against biotech's corporate takeover of corn, soy and other potential biodiesel sources. Local control of used fryer oil or rendering corporation monopoly??
Press release: Free Palestine Alliance (tags)
The Free Palestine Alliance (FPA) had launched an initiative approximately 2 years ago in response to the escalating need for an alternative to the downward and destructive spiral that is plaguing the Palestinian Arab people. Our intent was and remains to be empowering our community and leveraging its resources in favor of the fundamental principles of the Palestinian national liberation movement, paramount of which are the right to return and the indivisible unity of Palestine as a people and land inextricable from the larger Arab Nation (Al-Watan Al-Arabi).
Venezuela: Reforms take away what is gained through the struggle (tags)
*This is the editorial of the latest edition of El Libertario(Venezuela, #51, November 2007, now available -in spanish- in in which this mouthpiece of Venezuelan Anarchism set outs its position with regard to the Constitutional Reforms which the current Government seeks to impose on this country.
Israeli Escalation of Collective Punishment to Start Today (tags)
SMC Revolutionary Student Collective to Hold Discussion About Free Software (tags)
On Tuesday, May 29. the Santa Monica College (SMC) Revolutionary Student Collective (RSC) will hold a discussion on Free Software in LA-136 at Santa Monica College between 11:15am and 12:35.
Medical Cannabis Community Rallies to protest LAPD Raids and Civil Rights Violations (tags)
Medical Cannabis Patients and Supporters come together on Monday, April 30, at 12:00PM to protest ongoing abuses at the hands of the LAPD.
Free Movie Screening: Peace Press (tags)
A feature-length documentary about Los Angeles' Peace Press produced by students in L. A. Valley College¹s Media Arts Dept.'s Directed Studies workshop in conjunction with several Peace Press "alumni" and the Center for the Study of Political Graphics. [ Image: "Evict Nixon" Poster created by artist Mark Vallen in 1971 and published by Peace Press.]
Abraham's Music Collective Shutdown; The Pictures; Round III (tags)
Abraham's Music Collective Shutdown; The Pictures; Round III
Abraham's Music Collective Shutdown...Second Round Of Pictures (tags)
Abraham's Music Collective Shutdown; The Pictures; Round II
Abraham's Music Collective SHUTDOWN on Venice (tags)
Abraham's Music Collective SHUTDOWN on Venice
Freedom for Anarchist Prisoners in Oaxaca! Freedom for Oscar and Sacramento! (tags)
Anarchists and anti-authoritarians have played a vital role in the struggle against the government of Ulisses Ruiz Ortiz in Oaxaca. Among the many prisoners being held in jails around Mexico are anarchist activists Oscar Santa Maria Caro and Sacramento Delfino Cano Hernandez who were arrested on November 30th in Oaxaca.
Immigration Wkshp & Hip Hop Show in Costa Mesa! (tags)
This event is being organized by and supporting the Tonantzin Collective, the same collective who has been confronting the racist, I.C.E. policies of the City of Costa Mesa. Please support this community sponsored, community driven event in efforts to raise awareness and information about immigration issues--reminding us that NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL, with funds raised from this event going towards a local community space:
Submit an article/letter on your views of the 1960s for our book!
Proposals for APPO Congress (tags)
These proposals presented to the APPO Constitutional Congress held from Friday to Sunday, November 10-12, are based on traditional indigenous horizontal structures.
LSB: the listener's voice at KPFA (Pacifica Radio) (tags)
Descent into the gnarly tangle: the epidemiology of advanced parliamentarianism at KPFA--a yearlong empirical study in causes and possible treatments
Sandpaper books: abrasive texts & other printed matter.
Pasadena Anarchist Collective (tags)
the pasadena anarchist collective is back. we need you.
Police begin Arrests of supporters at the farm (tags)
reports from the south central farm are that the police in riot gear are now arresting and using batons against the supporters of the farm.
Save the South Central Farm - Photo Essay (tags)
The city of Los Angeles is in the final stages of their effort to take the collective South Central Farm away from the community. HELP SAVE THE FARM!
For May Day and Beyond: White People Step Up for Immigrant Rights (tags)
Open Letter to White Communities.
Southern California Anarchist Federation LA Youth Collective (tags)
Costa mesa City council hears protests of The community (tags)
A week after protestors watch an activist arrested and hurt by police they return to tell the mayor it should have been him that was arrested.
Mexican Activist is Beaten & Brutalized by Costa Mesa PD (tags)
TV Cameras catpure and broadcast footage of Costa Mesa PD beating, dragging, and brutalizing Mexica Activst while speaking out against anti-immigrant policies
Ressurrecting Climate Indy (tags)
The global importance of reporting on climate issues and community climate action/protests cannot be overstated. To this end, I am proposing the resurrection of climate indymedia.
A great opportunity was missed by coalition members from both LA and San Diego for a mass protest of Gilchrist at the Jacumba gap and with a second opportunity lost to disrupt Chases minutemen the next day at their sign up at the VFW. This last weekends excursion revealed that the battle is still out there at the border. With no one to confront them the minute men simply have free reign over the desert.
Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 3 (tags)
Part 3 of a series. See part 1 at, and part 2 at
SCAF with IWW and the Harbor Truckers March on Labor Day (tags)
Families with happy faces are bathing in a sea of american flags, proudly holding their union's banner and some signs, most of them telling us "Teachers are the real action heroes" and "Nurses are the real action heroes" (we loved these signs!).
The Center for the Study of Political Graphics, SPARC, and The Venice Arts Council Present A Venice People’s Centennial Celebration POSTERS OF PEACE PRESS September 10 - October 9th, 2005 SPARC - 685 Venice Boulevard, Venice CA 90291 Opening Reception September 10 2005 5-8pm Gallery hours M-Th 10am-4pm Fri 10am-9pm Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm
Beginning the Discussion on Goals and Strategy - SCAF (LA) (tags)
Beginning the discussion on Goals and Strategy [and structure] -- Southern California Anarchist Federation (Los Angeles Chapter)
Join us in San Diego - August 27-28, 2005 - for a weekend of strategizing and organizing against the border and the minutemen.
What's Left? Freedom to Dream? (tags)
A new ruling by the NLRB strips workers of the right to hang out and talk with fellow workers even during coffee breaks or off the job entirely. Welcome to the new feudalism. -------------
Comment Regarding Venice Food Not Bombs (tags)
Comment received regarding a post by Barbara Peck.
Disrupt the MinuteMen, Campo, July 16th-19th (tags)
This is a call from the o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective to all those who oppose racist violence to come to Campo, California, one hour east of San Diego, from July 16th to 19th and disrupt, interfere with and stop the activities of the MinuteMen.
A New World in our Hearts: Anarchist May Day Festival! (tags)
A New World in our Hearts: Anarchist May Day Festival! (tags)
Portland IMC responds to SF Indymedia Conflict (tags)
Portlands response, on SF IMC
Cops Disrupt Anti War Meeting (tags)
On Saturday March 12, the Pasadena Anarchist Collective was having a meeting to plan for a March 19th Anti-War protest at a gathering in South Pasadena when two cops in their uniform disrupted the meeting.
Grassoots America is now actively designing and collaborating plans to rival the Republican think tanks that started in 1980 with the Reagan Administration. Here's a look at a group of 40 members in it's infancy. This online organization is one of the first of its kind in an era where think tank masteminds like Karl Rove almost singlehandly influence national and international policy in our nation.
DC Bush Inauguration Protest Vudeo (tags)
"Check Point "Dubya" is a clip from "Mandate?" a half hour documentary of the 2005 Inauguration protests from DC IMC, NYC IMC, and the Glass Bead Collective.
Pasadena Anarchist Collective (tags)
Pasadena Anarchist Collective is a new group of anarchists from the pasadena, california area.
A call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc for the Inauguration. (tags)
The Parade Must End: A call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc for the January 20, 2005 protest of the Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.
ERR Communique from the Cultural Front (tags)
The Ever Reviled Records Worker Collective is proud to announce the launching of our new website: another step in on our on going efforts to undermine capitalism and the state while building the counter-culture. We got our cyberspace guns loaded and ready to storm the internet front!
Victoria Indymedia Facing Shutdown in Hostile takeover (tags)
Vic-IMC's server is being shut down by its host in Vancouver. The collective is unsure why this decision was made, and how it will be implemented. It appears to be the decision of a former member of Vancouver-IMC.
Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its memb (tags)
Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its members).
For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network. (tags)
For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network. Collective Indymedia Santiago. (Official notice from the Collective Indymedia Santiago about it’s imminent expulsion from the Indymedia Network).
2nd Evening of Feral Visions Continues TONIGHT!!! (tags)
Only 3 events left in Southern California...
Feral Visions Weekend Starts TODAY!!! (tags)
The root of the problem is not republicans or capitalism- it's civilization!
4 Events of Feral Visions Weekend in Southern California (tags)
Nothing man-made lasts forever.... ....and this civilization will also fall
Feral Visions - A presentation by the Green Anarchy Collective (tags)
An Introduction to Green Anarchy...
all volunteer collective (tags)
Houston Indymedia is declaring itself (on our front page) an all-volunteer collective, for many reasons (see below).
A gathering to build community in Southern Orange County, meet new people, and share our concerns.
The Monsoon Anarchist Collective (MAC), a member collective of the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition (PAC) invites radicals, anarchists, and anti-authoritarians to Tempe, Arizona to confront the third, and final, presidential debate on October 13, 2004.
Humboldt Sheriff's pepper spray attack blinds collective vision (tags)
When Humboldt Sheriff deputies Q-tip swabbed chemical pepper spray into the eyes of forest defenders, the collective vision of people everywhere was blinded with searing pain. People who see the problems caused by corporate logging (Maxxam/Pacific Lumber) are using their bodies to protect the trees. The pepper spray eye swabbing response by the Sheriffs shows their fear of our collective vision, they want people to be blinded to the truth..
9/6KPFA Labor Day Radio Programming (tags)
KPFA Labor Collective will be producing labor radio programming from 10:00 AM To 3:00 PM PST. You can listen to it on the web at
FREE guerrilla video primers (tags)
For those of you serious about making your own radical media, the Cascadia Media Collective wants to offer you a tool. FREE. This is not a joke or a scam; CMC is giving away 250 "Guerrilla Video Primers". If your group is interested, the details are in the full story.
Author Reading-"Liberty in Troubled Times" SM B&N 7/8 7:30pm (tags)
Author James Walsh reads from his 4th book "Liberty in Troubled TImes" 7:30pm Thursday July 8th, Barnes and Noble, 3rd St. Promenade, SM.
Deportations Are an international Problem (tags)
Deportations happen in Europe too! In France, people decided to organise themselves into groups to fight for the right to live in the country of one's choice. Here translated is a discussion between 2 of these groups.
Occupied Territory: Tarps, Forks, and Community (tags)
Things you need for the Occupied Territory Gathering this Friday!
Regional June 5th Demos (tags)
Demonstrate against war, in your neighborhood! Save the date, June 5th!
We do in large part bear much responsibility for the events that are transpiring, in Iraq as well as here at home ... We have sold our souls on the marketplace in exchange for the Wal-Martization of America.
When the collective allows the kind of filth to stand that I have seen, it can serve forth no reason to claim it can't understand why the readership has dropped.
Occupied Territory Gathering CA FAQ (tags)
Occupied Territory FAQ *Note: The meeting spot for the gathering on Friday June 18th has been changed to 3pm-5pm San Pablo and Belmont in Fresno CA. FNB feed, park located under freeway, ample parking.*
Los Angeles Harbor shutdown (tags)
Los Angeles Truck drivers to shut down the Los Angeles harbor and the ninth largest economy in the world. May 1, 2004
Get into the barrel, Condi, it's your turn. (tags)
We keep hearing at the hearing of botched opportunities to go after al Queada. And the missed briefings. And the restraints we were under. And all those damn WALLS.
AVC serving first Antelope Valley FNB (tags)
serving FNB this sat. the 17th at Eastide park lancaster 5pm
FTAA Indymedia: The Miami Model (tags)
On Friday 16th April there will be a screening of the documentary The Miami Model. Produced by the FTAA Indymedia Video Collective, it is an exploration of the extreme police brutality that took place against activists opposing the FTAA and NAFTA in Miami last November.
Update with CA Anarchist Gathering Fresno June 04 (tags)
Open Letter to the Global Indymedia Network from San Diego (tags)
SF Bay Area IMC's open letter to IMC newswire echoes problems faced in San Diego and other cities.
Open Letter to the Global Indymedia Network from SF Bay Area IMC (tags)
It is with much sadness and urgency that we inform the greater indymedia community about the ongoing crisis within the San Francisco Bay Area IMC.
Collective sentences passed in Sweden. Nixon Nuñez excommunicated by law (tags)
Collective sentences passed in Sweden. Nixon NuNez excommunicated by law
War In Iraq: The Punishment of Abu Hishma (tags)
DONATIONS needed to support FTAA/ALCA Indymedia Organizing (tags)
Many people associated with Indymedia are preparing to cover the FTAA/ALCA Ministerial meeting in Miami this coming November. Several work groups have been formed to coordinate different aspects of our effort. Since Indymedia is an all volunteer collective, to cover this historic moment in history, we are in need of funds to pay for the costs of computer, video and web radio hardware, Internet access and a public convergence space.
There is another shill at la-imc. (tags)
There is another shill at la-imc. His goal is to discredit the Left and waste bandwidth.
Beach Cities IMC will be moving webhosts immediately. PLEASE READ (tags)
Beach Cities IMC was deceived into taking a web host which is either shared by or run by the same group which has been abusing our newswire. We seek information.
Beach Cities undergoing IMC Process. Bugs fixed! (tags)
Beach Cities IMC is undergoing the IMC Process, and we are currently writing our Mission Statement. We are interested in active editors who live in and around the beach cities in Southern California.
Al Giordano interviews Latuff (tags)
Exclusive interview with Brazilian cartoonist Latuff for Al Giordano's Big, Left, Outside.
Hunger Strike in protest at LA IMC censorship. (tags)
I am starting a hunger strike as a protest against the unjust and biased censorship of the LA Indymedia collective.
Independant? I think not....
Event tonight and tomarrow only:Chicagos Counter Productive Industries presents ShowNtell (tags)
Coming to LA: COLLECTIVE PRANKS, PROTEST GRAPHICS, AND SPACE RECLAMATION (tags) presents COLLECTIVE PRANKS, PROTEST GRAPHICS, AND SPACE RECLAMATION, a west coast tour of Retooling Dissent, the video documenting creative resistance projects from protests against the World Economic Forum.
Autonomous Art Collective (tags)
We need artists! Artists from all walks of life and from all corners of the planet are welcome to join. We will also need cyber-punks and technical gurus to help facilitate the website and archival systems. We have already procured server space for media storage and are ready to start recruiting dedicated humans to help fight for justice in a unique and fun way. If this sounds like you and you are willing to donate autonomous works to the collective free of charge then we are interested in seeing some of your work and discussing your personal views when concerning activism and change.
Gather 'round, children
Conformity and Uniformity is the Collective Way (tags)
From the book "The Coming Aristocracy" by Leonard Read.
Old news being recycled. Why? Lots of nick stealing too.
The Bush Outrage(s) of the Month list (tags)
(see related story below) As part of its campaign to put a four-year limit on George W. Bush’s tenure at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the AFL-CIO has drawn up what might be called the “Outrage of the Month” list of attacks against working people by the Bush administration since taking office in January 2001.
ART AND RESISTANCE! Come celebrate the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the ARTS IN ACTION space! Help support another year of creating an environment, which generates artistic and political dialogue and action. Keep the doors open for another year! Keep this independent cultural center alive! Arts in Action is a cultural and political collective housed in the Westlake/Pico Union area of Los Angeles. Our vision is to create an environment which generates artistic and political dialogue and action.
Come to the Beehive Collective Presentation on Plan Colombia (tags)
COME WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH TO THE REACH CENTER IN LONG BEACH for a presentation about the connections between colonization, militarization, and resource extraction in the Andean Region of South America.
Upcomming Events at Long Beach RECH Center! (tags)
Revolutionary Empowerment and Community Help Center
OCRC (Orange County Revolutionary Collective) Meeting THIS Thursday Feb 6 @ 7:00 PM (tags)
What the Iraqi people are thinking (tags)
It is morally repugnant that people walk in marches across Western cities calling, essentially, for the Iraqi people to be kept in their collective jail with their tormentors.
BeeHive Collective Present "Plan Colombia" at Flor y Canto (tags)
BeeHive Collective Present "Plan Colombia" at Flor y Canto Friday Jan. 31st @7pm
LA-Radical Film Collective Meeting (tags)
Come one, Come all .The first membership meeting of 2003 at the LAFCO building. Tuesday night 7-9pm 660 Venice Blvd. Get involved
first meeting of anarchist radio collective - l.a. sunday, 1 pm (tags)
first meeting of anarchist radio collective - l.a. 1pm - 4pm sunday, november 24th '02 1405 Scott Ave., Echo Park.
Poetry Night with Jackie Joice (tags)
Long Beach Womyns Collective Presents: Poetry Night / Open Mic Featuring Jackie Joice
Among all the horrifying testimonies of sexual violence to emerge from Gujarat, one story has come to symbolize the collective suffering of the Muslim community. It is told and retold on news stories, in NGO reports, in eyewitness accounts: "I was running [and] I saw a pregnant woman's belly being cut open," states a young boy on Indian television. "The fetus was pulled out and thrown up in the air. As it came down it was collected on the tip of the sword."
Cascadia Media Collective Presents... (tags)
The Cascadia Media Collective's newest film, Guerrilla Video Primer, will rock your heart, head and body.
Volunters needed!
7/15 8 PM: KPFK Asian Pacific Islander Radio Collective production meeting (tags)
**Next KPFK Asian Pacific Islander Radio Collective (API-LA) production meeting **Monday, July 15, 8:00 PM **Arts in Action-Los Angeles, 1919 W. 7th St. 4th floor (between westlake and Bonnie brae near MacAthur Park) **For more information, contact: Lee Siu Hin (626)695-3405
KPFK needs help- is this the answer? (tags)
90.7 KPFK Back Online (tags)
Los Angeles Anarchist Collective web site is back online at,
Northeastern Anarchist #4 out now! (tags)
Magazine of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC)
Los Angeles Anarchist Collective (tags)
The Los Angeles Anarchist Collective web site is back up .. We are trying to rebuild the mailing list , if you are interested, please go to the site and subscribe!
Support Gyroscope-A New Arts Cooperative in Riverside (tags)
Gyroscope is a new collective being organized in the Riverside area to promote and support the arts.
"Fight the Power, Build the Power" Tour hits Los Angeles in March (tags)
A national speaking tour addressing the fight against white supremacy hits Los Angeles this March.
Los Angeles Anarchist Collective (NEW) (tags)
Our goal is to create a society in which individuals within our communities can freely co-operate together as equals, without a form of government. We oppose all forms of economic, political and social hierarchy.
We are an international collective formed for the working-class struggle of freedom and social justice.
our grief is not a cry for war (tags)
a collective of NYC artists promotes the theme "our grief is not a cry for war"
Yellow Overalls formation in DC?
Shadow of the Dark Christ Inc. (tags)
New Order hides Old World shadow
Tax Rebate? Give it Back! (tags)
Getting a tax rebate? The Monkeyfist Collective suggests you give it to those who should be getting it in the first place.
Racism at the Twin Cities IndyMedia (tags)
Racism at the Twin Cities IndyMedia--as experienced by a former member of the collective.
Barricada January Out Now (tags)
Barricada January Out Now
Barricada December Out Now (tags)
Barricada December Now Available