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Big Pharma profits at any price
Monique Ryser
2020-11-09 8:12 PM "Almost all innovations today come from public research," says Marcia Angell. This often results in spin-offs that are then taken over by large pharmaceutical companies. "The pharmaceutical companies also locate themselves locally around the universities so that they can only cross the street to buy a patent. (text/plain)
Propagande formelle, propagande informelle
Patrice Faubert
2020-11-09 8:39 AM Tout le monde est personne... (text/plain)
New corona measures. We need "Sweden light," instead of "lockdown light"
Stephan-Andreas Casdorff & Sebastian Rushwort
2020-11-08 12:37 PM COVID-19 is currently responsible for 1,2% of deaths in Sweden, but probably gets 99% of the attention. We need to maintain some perspective. Sebastian Rushworth, MD (text/plain)
L'écomorphisme, du culturel et du temporel
Patrice Faubert
2020-11-07 7:21 AM Toute intellectualité dans une cage... (text/plain)
The election as a farce: Donald Trump and the rise of the autocrats
Claus Leggewie
2020-11-05 2:38 PM To elect a demagogue is always dangerous, but it does not condemn a country to the collapse of its democracy. Strong institutions can keep corrupt or autocratic leaders in check. That is exactly what the U.S. Constitution is designed to do, and for much of our history it has been successful in doing so. (text/plain)
Kukluxklanisation des mondes mentaux
Patrice Faubert
2020-11-05 10:09 AM Tout un marquage de fausse conscience... (text/plain)
La machinerie de la perpétuation
Patrice Faubert
2020-11-03 8:18 AM Du totalitarisme démocratique... (text/plain)
Is Trump failing in the fight against the pandemic and the shattered economy?
Joachim Bischoff
2020-11-02 6:32 PM The state of the economy is rightly considered the most important factor influencing the re-election or de-election of an American president. Voters* tend to blame the leader in the Oval Office for their personal situation in the labor market and the economic situation in general. (text/plain)
Trump is violent, incompetent and authoritarian
2020-11-02 1:20 PM
Paraphysique des effets et des causes
Patrice Faubert
2020-11-01 8:39 AM Oui, nos cerveaux ne doivent pas être disponibles... (text/plain)
USA under Trump: Back to Pinochet?
Tomasz Konicz
2020-10-31 11:53 PM Only "political theater" is being staged to give Trump a "law and order" image in the election campaign. The president wants to make political capital out of the escalation, warned Governor Brown according to the news magazine Newsweek. (text/plain)
Trump's fight against the law
Albrecht von Luecke and Erhard Crome
2020-10-30 9:11 PM Trump stands for the rejection of the universalist traditions of the US, for the abolition of the rule of law and the reign of the lie. (text/plain)
Building Bridges
Gisela Glaser and Lynn Parramore
2020-10-29 3:25 PM The new normality is characterized by fear, social distancing and increasing state control. Many fear that the current situation could become permanent and that our liberal democratic legal system could be transformed into a dictatorial system of injustice. (text/plain)
Stases psychiques et stases sexuelles
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-29 8:47 AM La vie séparée n'est jamais belle... (text/plain)
The Political System in Historical Crisis
Friedrich Steinfeld
2020-10-28 10:05 PM In his inaugural speech in 2017, Donald Trump emphasized that his presidency would return political power to the people. He sees himself as the only legitimate representative of the interests of the supposedly true people. (text/plain)
Paraphysique de la biomasse mondialisée
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-26 9:31 AM De l'esclavage économique... (text/plain)
2020-10-24 10:55 PM there is no such thing as "covid" : the evidence (text/plain)
Abolir la mentalité des armes
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-23 12:14 PM Tout gouvernement est pourri... (text/plain)
Welcome to the "new normality"
Tobias Riegel
2020-10-20 5:38 PM The piling up international bad news of the lockdown consequences for the poor and sick, for women, for children and for the elderly is coolly ignored and this heartless attitude is sold as "protection for the weakest".
Corona vaccine development - they prefer not to ask about risks and side effects
Jens Berger and Tobias Riegel
2020-10-20 1:51 PM Thousands or even millions could be vaccinated on the basis of "emergency approval." We will probably have to live with the virus. The current strategy of damaging measures until a vaccine is available is a bumpy path with incalculable risks, side effects and visible collateral damage. (text/plain)
L'idée de suicide, le suicide de l'idée
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-20 7:19 AM Le mal de vivre est profond... (text/plain)
The complementary reality
Roland Rottenfusser
2020-10-20 4:33 AM Where we cannot completely displace the mainstream, we should first try to supplement it with our own more humane concepts. (text/plain)
Hunger is created
Hans Peter Vikoler
2020-10-17 1:15 PM Today we produce and waste more food - although often produced in an unsustainable way - than is actually necessary to feed all of humanity. The fact that people are starving should therefore no longer exist. Hunger is created by other, full people. (text/plain)
Conscientisation anesthésiée
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-17 6:44 AM Tout est violence là où règne le fric... (text/plain)
Behavior and body in the sights of capital
Roland Rottenfuss
2020-10-16 6:55 PM The proclamation of states of emergency in the spring of 2020, even if not in all countries, helped to consolidate a state crisis management system that overturned constitutions and now completely bypassed democratic decision-making processes. (text/plain)
Allo ?, quelqu'un, Allo ? , quelqu'une
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-15 7:07 AM Paupérisation, dispersion, isolation... (text/plain)
Allo ?, quelqu'un, Allo ? ? QUELQU4UNE ,
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-15 7:05 AM Paupérisation, dispersion, isolation... (text/plain)
Partial Agreement - but we probablly can't open up
2020-10-14 7:07 PM
The Divided Nation. White Nationalism in History and Society
Stephen E. Bronner
2020-10-13 3:35 PM Americans have always valued their liberal heritage and their political system which tends toward the vital center. Two souls dwell in the American breast to speak with Goethe. White privilege is a defining factor. (text/plain)
Cerveaux engrammés, colonisés, chosifiés, militarisés
Patrice Faubert
2020-10-13 8:53 AM Et tout est travail pour l'économie... (text/plain)
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