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Chapter 4
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 11:01 PM
Chapter 3
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 10:47 PM
Chapter 2
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 10:47 PM
Chapter 1
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 10:47 PM
Audiobook John Brown by W.E.B. DuBois
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 10:47 PM Audiobook of John Brown by W.E.B. DuBois (audio/mpeg)
Climate crisis and social transformation in times of corona
Norbert Trenkle
2020-12-16 12:25 PM Companies go bankrupt, workers are laid off, and because the sources of income dry up, millions of people can no longer even buy the most basic necessities... What counts is whether the things produced can be sold on the market and make a profit. (text/plain)
camera claudio, usuraio immobiliare
2020-12-15 8:52 AM camera claudio da Bologna è un criminale (text/plain)
Panem et circenses ( Du pain et des jeux )
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-14 9:17 AM Une seule et même cage... (text/plain)
The discussion about Corona
Herbert Bottcher
2020-12-14 12:39 AM Corona can only become a kairos if we gain the theoretical capacity of recovery and create the conditions for a transformation. Taking the healthcare system away from the markets and obliging large companies to be oriented in the common good would be steps to infrastructure socialism. (text/plain)
Les tutelles du genre humain
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-13 9:31 AM Dominantes et dominants... (text/plain)
"There is no vaccine to save the planet"
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
2020-12-12 12:22 PM In the Arctic, 2020 has seen exceptional warmth, with temperatures more than 3 degrees Celsius above average - and more than 5 degrees in northern Siberia. Arctic sea ice in October was the lowest on record - and now re-freezing has been the slowest on record. Greenland ice has continued its long-term decline. (text/plain)
immobiliaristi criminali : camera claudio
2020-12-11 11:27 AM camera claudio da bologna è un delinquente matricolato e il suo posto è in galera (text/plain)
Stéréotypie éducastrationnelle
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-11 5:50 AM L'éducation de la stéréotypie... (text/plain)
Thoughts on the Silence of Republican Lawmakers
Heather Cox Richardson
2020-12-10 5:51 PM Coronavirus continues to devastate the country, with official deaths topping 281,000 today, but it turns out that the Trump administration did not actually have a plan for distribution of vaccines. Federal officials have drastically slashed the amount of vaccine they promised to states before the election. (text/plain)
From senseless working to senseless learning
Erich Ribolits
2020-12-10 3:26 PM Up to the threshold of modern times, work - as the traditional term for externally determined action(!) - had been perceived from the perspective of the biblically mediated, divine curse. It was regarded as a bitter necessity imposed on people. (text/plain)
The long struggle for a post-capitalist society
Klaus Wagener
2020-12-09 5:39 PM The (Corona) crisis has relentlessly exposed the inability of neoliberal capitalism and its political personnel to meet the elementary needs of the people. Even if it is not felt to the same extent in Germany due to the depressing political conditions: the neoliberal offensive is in a deep existential crisis. (text/plain)
Aucun complot, stratégie gouvernante
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-09 6:43 AM Stratégie dominante... (text/plain)
Game over for monopolists?
Matt Stoller
2020-12-08 3:40 PM Elizabeth Warren, for instance, seeks to break up large technology platforms and then use public utility rules to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest in the dominant platform business model. In other words, if you operate a marketplace and set its rules, you cannot also sell products on it. (text/plain)
Capitalotest, amalgamisme, confusionnisme, dépolitisme
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-07 5:52 AM Du morcellement en généralisme... (text/plain)
Reduced working hours as a socio-economic investment
Michael Schwendinger
2020-12-06 3:32 PM In this Austrian article, reduced working hours is seen as a socio-economic investment, not as a cost-trap. In a 1909 study by Sidney Chapman, shorter working hours leads to higher productivity and greater output. More time sovereignty and better health of workers would be long-term gains. (text/plain)
ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 5.12.2020
2020-12-05 10:17 PM Moro non fu rapito e ucciso dalle "brigate rosse" (text/plain)
Le morcellement d'unification
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-05 8:18 AM La guerre des territoires... (text/plain)
Journalism reeks of betrayal of democracy
M Klockner, B Druecke and J Steinbeiss
2020-12-04 4:07 PM A "new normality" has taken root in our society. A climate of fear and severe, permanent encroachments on fundamental rights are shaping politics and social life. From the beginning of the pandemic, the media and politics have created a reality that almost treats the principles of democracy with contempt. (text/plain)
Hormonothérapie biopsychosocioculturelle
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-03 7:39 AM Les hormones de la culture... (text/plain)
"We have delegated our moral judgment to the markets"
Michael Sandel
2020-12-03 2:17 AM "Yes, we can" was a call to solidarity and common goals. The legend that everyone in America can rise as high as their talents can carry them goes back to Ronald Reagan. Access to education should not be a substitute for policies that directly address the roots of inequality and the dignity of work. (text/plain)
Paraphysique d'ultracrépidarianisme randomisé
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-01 7:08 AM Intrication biopsychosociologisée... (text/plain)
Paraphysique d'ultracrépidarianisle randomisé
Patrice Faubert
2020-12-01 7:07 AM Intrication biopsychosociologisée... (text/plain)
The tale of the stolen winner
Conrad Taler and Kurt Stand
2020-11-30 12:42 PM The man unable to speak for a minute without lying, who had neither values nor ideals, who never read a book and knew nothing about music tried in an incredible and ridiculous way to create the fairy tale of the cheated victor. Nevertheless, a majority of American voters rejected Trump's lies and demagogic failures. (text/plain)
Earthquakes and Nukes
Michael Steinberg
2020-11-29 8:23 AM Most of us associate earthquakes with California. But what happens when there's a shaker on the East Coast? (text/plain)
Biggest humanitarian crisis in the world-US government complicit
Rafael Lutz
2020-11-28 11:08 PM Trump concluded an arms deal worth almost $110 billion with the ultra-conservative kingdom. In total, the deal included arms purchases worth about $350 billion over a ten-year period. Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz then presented the U.S. President with the Kingdom's highest medal. (text/plain)
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