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Corona Measures: When children are the ones who suffer (I and II)
Michael Klundt
2020-12-31 11:43 AM The government seems to be abdicating its responsibility by 1) not supplying the population with masks, 2) not compensating people so they can stay away from workplaces, 3) eliminating school meals for hundreds of millions of children and 5) not including children in decision-making. (text/plain)
Why can't the left unite into an anti-fascist force?
2020-12-30 7:52 PM
Invitation to New Thinking
Mechthild Schrooten and Michael Klundt
2020-12-29 2:19 PM The pandemic has made the risk of our extensive lifestyle tangible. For this global crisis is not an exogenous shock. Rather, crass, profit-oriented globalization has fueled its spread. (text/plain)
We have delegated our moral judgment to the market
2020-12-28 8:43 PM
Experts Criticize Lectin Attacking Steven Gundry & Paleo Diet
2020-12-28 3:59 AM Steven Gundry promotes slaughterhouse foods and attacks vegan ones. (text/plain)
imgflip.com - a cesspool for alt-rights
2020-12-27 10:14 PM A 'fun' supplement for every alt-righter, Trumpturd, fascist and the occasional woman and children abuser (text/plain)
Notes for Chapters 1 - 3
2020-12-27 6:56 AM
Many Crises-One System: Counter Power in Catastrophe Capitalism
Martin Haller, John Hegerty & Thomas Walter
2020-12-23 4:08 PM A revolution does not come out of nowhere, but emerges from the struggles in the here and now. The point is that we can only fight for social or ecological progress against capitalist principles. (text/plain)
Populists and Experts
Thomas Frank
2020-12-22 3:45 PM Privilege versus equality. "The central issue in the conflict between the government and doctors in Saskatchewan is not health insurance, but democracy," noted the Globe and Mail after the strike began. "The experts, no matter what their specialty, must always ultimately be subordinate to the laity." (text/plain)
camera claudio, squalo immobiliare
2020-12-22 11:14 AM camera claudio, criminale palazzinaro bolognese (text/plain)
"Health is not a Super basic right"
Niko Harting
2020-12-21 11:21 AM The federal government's Corona policy is not without alternatives, and it has by no means always been successful, as the unsuccessful "partial lockdown" has shown. Nor is there "science" that agrees on necessary measures; there are also many critical voices among medical experts.What (text/plain)
Self-reference in capital and in ourselves
Herbert Bottcher
2020-12-21 12:01 AM "Lateral thinkers" defend their freedom. Capital serves no other purpose than the irrational end in itself of the multiplication of itself. (text/plain)
Farm Animals And Covid-19
2020-12-19 7:26 PM We know that animals are murdered for human appetite,
tortured in laboratory research. As pets or watchdogs kept outside they freeze in winter and bake in summer.
There is a new area involving them (text/plain)
Decide For Yourself About RFK Jr
Link Listing
2020-12-19 5:39 PM A list of links about lethal injuries from vaccines,
the corruption of the vaccine industry because Facebook,
Google, Microsoft (Bing and DuckDuckGo) censor
vaccine information,
ZIP File of All Chapters
2020-12-18 4:20 AM
M3U Playlist
2020-12-18 3:07 AM
Chapter 13
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 3:06 AM
Chapter 12
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 1:50 AM
Chapter 11
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 1:21 AM
Chapter 10, Part 2
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 1:12 AM
Chapter 10, Part 1
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 1:05 AM
Chapter 9, Part 2
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 12:54 AM
Chapter 9, Part 1
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 12:45 AM
Chapter 8, Part 2
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 12:17 AM
Chapter 8, Part 1
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 12:12 AM
Chapter 7, Part 2
repost of librivox
2020-12-18 12:05 AM
Chapter 7, Part 1
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 11:54 PM
Chapter 6
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 11:44 PM
Chapter 5, Part 2
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 11:38 PM
Chapter 5, Part 1
repost of librivox
2020-12-17 11:15 PM
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