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Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness!
Urs P. Gasche and Yanis Varoufakis
2022-08-16 8:28 AM Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed? (text/plain)
Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness
Urs P. Gasche and Yanis Varoufakis
2022-08-15 1:09 AM History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth. (text/plain)
Oregon: the toughest heat protection law in the US
Daniela Gschweng
2022-08-12 9:59 AM Heat waves are becoming more frequent and longer. Farm workers, people on construction sites, and even firefighters have been largely dependent on the goodwill of their employers during a heat wave. How long Oregon's heat protection law will remain in effect is unknown. (text/plain)
Hiroshima is everywhere. The never-ending struggle
Leo Ensel and Andreas Zumach
2022-08-10 2:08 PM Times have changed considerably. In the past two decades, almost all disarmament and arms control treaties have been scrapped - exclusively on the initiative of the USA - including the most important INF Treaty signed by Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan at the end of 1987. (text/plain)
Total Competition or Repressive Administration of People
Gerd Bedszent
2022-08-08 12:03 PM An awareness of the monstrosities of our glorious capitalist society is the first prerequisite for thinking beyond that society.:..The regularities of capitalist society are not laws of nature, so they can be abolished in principle. With such abolition, a new society can become possible. (text/plain)
The Unbroken: Evo Morales
Matt Kennard
2022-08-06 9:32 PM Recent events give hope for a resurgence of the left on the continent. Morales points to recent electoral victories in Peru, Chile, Colombia, as well as Lula's soon expected return to the Brazilian presidency. "These times are coming again," he says. (text/plain)
Negotiating to End the Ukraine War isn't Appeasement
Charles A. Kupchan
2022-08-04 4:56 PM A negotiated end to the conflict is the right goal — and one that needs to arrive sooner rather than later. Ukraine likely lacks the combat power to expel Russia from all of its territory, and the momentum on the battlefield is shifting in Russia’s favor. (text/plain)
The dispute over Tesla's Gigafactory
Gunter Hayn
2022-08-02 8:44 PM Theodor Fontane at the end of the book: "All reformatory power nowadays rests with the purse, ideas count for little, law counts for nothing. Tesla's Gigafactory will probably prove to be both a curse and a blessing in perspective. (text/plain)
The lure of unreason and The crisis profiteers
Jorg Bibow and Peter Frey
2022-07-28 10:15 PM The essence of transhumanism is pathological. This ideology is carried by psychopaths and narcissists. Such people love only themselves, their infallibility and uniqueness. The others are only mass. Mass is despised by "the unique". (text/plain)
Have the January 6 hearings damaged Trump's political prospects? Don't count on it
2022-07-26 3:20 PM "He chose not to act," declared Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger at the outset of Thursday's January 6 committee hearings. With those words, the congressman got right to the heart of the final hearing of the summer. (text/plain)
Energy crisis: market intervention by policymakers is necessary
Josef Thoman and David Goessmann
2022-07-25 3:31 PM We are in the middle of a multiple energy crisis. The supply of energy is in danger, and prices will continue to rise. This is not only a problem for private households and companies. There is a danger that persistently high inflation will become entrenched. Then severe economic depression (text/plain)
Guidance to the system change, Parts 1 and 2
Thiemo Kirmse
2022-07-22 2:38 PM World War II led to U.S. domination of the political West, which was able to make its mark on the part of the world it more or less controlled. Led and dominated by the military-industrial complex, any efforts of autonomous state developments that contradicted its interests were suppressed. (text/plain)
Hysterical Populism and the Appetite of Leviathan
Robert Kurz
2022-07-20 1:30 PM The relationship between economy and social order has been turned upside down: economy is no longer a function of an overarching culture, but conversely, "human society has sunk to being an accessory of the economic system" (Karl Polanyi). RK was founder of Exit & Krisis blogs. (text/plain)
Putin's authoritarian regime poses as resistance fighter
Norbert Trenkle
2022-07-14 10:06 PM After the collapse of ‘really existing socialism,’ the liberal fairy tale we were told had it that democracy and a market economy would open the way to freedom and prosperity for all members of world society. This illusion has disgraced itself miserably. (text/plain)
Making yourself comfortable in capitalism
Herbert Bottcher, T Konicz & T Regenauer
2022-07-14 3:19 PM "Whoever has a wife should behave as if he had none, ... whoever buys as if he were not the owner, whoever makes use of the world as if he did not use it" (1 Cor 7:29f). Paul is speaking here to people who were "called" as slaves into the messianic church (1 Cor 7:21). (text/plain)
errata corrige
2022-07-13 7:48 AM
Degrowth - not just Green New Deals!
Matthias Schmelzer, A Vetter & A Vansintjan
2022-07-12 4:28 PM We live in a time of many and accelerating crises. Climate breakdown is breathing down our neck. Biodiversity is collapsing in ecosystems around the world, and many natural safety nets – water cycles, soil fertility, fish stocks, microbial diversity – are unraveling. (text/plain)
don' t
2022-07-12 11:42 AM
Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world
Hans Steiger
2022-07-12 11:10 AM It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on. (text/plain)
The New NATO Strategic Concept: 6 Articles
2022-07-10 5:26 PM Collective pressure in a broad societal dimension is necessary for a cease-fire - in a viable European security architecture... At the core of a sustainable compromise between Russia, Ukraine and the US could be a guarantee of Ukraine's full sovereignty and military neutrality. (text/plain)
95 Theses Against the Rule of the Financial Markets
2022-07-06 7:46 PM The financial markets have made themselves independent of the real economy. As the selling of indulgences led to Martin Luther's 95 Theses in 1517, the rule of speculative financial markets has led to revenue shortfalls of US cities and states. Tax havens hide between $22-33 trillion. (text/plain)
Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship
Peace council and Birgit Naujeck
2022-06-29 1:37 PM Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement,and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO. (text/plain)
There is no alternative to ceasefire negotiations and The rebel withn us
Stephen Brues and Roland Rottenfusser
2022-06-27 2:21 PM There is no alternative to negotiations on ceasefires and ceasefires, is there? That is where all the power should be concentrated. If that succeeds, the bombing will also stop. (text/plain)
32.6% of Amerians are still unvaccinated.
Eric Matteson
2022-06-26 8:07 PM
Myths of the Crisis and Enemy Images in the Media
Tomasz Konicz and Sabine Schiffer
2022-06-24 2:52 PM The Ukrainian ambassador was quoted in the FAZ as saying: "All Russians are now our enemies". This rhetoric is classic enemy image cultivation... This homogenization is so pre-Enlightenment and always wrong. (text/plain)
The work critique of millenials and A new universalism of emancipation
Norbert Trenkle
2022-06-23 3:57 PM The 4-Hour League, an alliance founded in 2016 to campaign for the 4-hour day is concerned with pushing back wage labor to have more time for a good life, for a gender-just redistribution of care activities and putting an end to the over-exploitation of nature. (text/plain)
No fear of peace negotiations
Happiness Study Group
2022-06-22 2:24 PM For Ukraine, security means that a peace agreement will not be followed by renewed Russian threats or incursions. For Russia, security means that their withdrawal from Ukraine will not be followed by NATO's eastward expansion. (text/plain)
The Poetization of the World and Behind the Curtain
Roland Rottenfusser and Jochen Kirchhof
2022-06-20 2:44 PM When the poet says "autumn," he can mean a season but at the same time he can also mean melancholy, farewell, decline, the dying of a happy love affair (inside). Schelling had already praised this capacity "What we call nature is a poem that is locked in secret, wonderful writing." (text/plain)
A new quality of crisis
Tomasz Konicz
2022-06-18 3:56 PM From the systemic urge to self-destruction arises the survival necessity of the emancipatory overcoming of capital. The capitalist regime of constraint must be transformed into history. The struggle for the transformation of the system has to be the central moment of left practice. (text/plain)
Cancel reinstatement of face covering requirement.
Eric Matteson
2022-06-17 6:26 PM Los Angeles County residents should choose
to get vaccinated instead of wearing face
coverings. (text/plain)
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