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Spring 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert!
Lee Siu Hin - Immigrant Solidarity Network
2018-03-19 9:02 PM Support DACA, Support Clean DREAM Act, No to the Border Wall, Racist Trump's Shithole Rhetoric! (text/html + 2 comments)
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Shows Shocking Eviction Trends in L.A.
rent control idVer:37eeb698d65141c9f94708f536
2018-03-17 12:40 AM The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, in collaboration with the Coalition for Economic Survival, has released an eye-popping map that reveals disturbing trends of tenant evictions through an abused state law known as the Ellis Act. It’s an indispensable tool for residents and community activists — and policymakers. (text/plain)
Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released
ucla post idVer:a98778fae64234d45f91cbd2c7527
2018-03-15 7:34 AM Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released (text/plain)
Actress and Philanthropist Tanna Frederick Hosts Project Save Our Surf Beach Clean Ups
David Thompson
2018-03-06 8:10 PM
Project Save our Surf, a nonprofit supporting clean water and oceans, will host its second of five Beach Clean Ups on Saturday, March 10th at 11am-1pm at Life Guard Tower 28 in Santa Monica. The address is 2600 Bernard Way Santa Monica, CA 90405. Food, buckets and gloves will be provided for the clean up. (image/jpeg)
After Being Told He's 'Full of Sh*t' at School Event, Mnuchin Demands UCLA Suppress Video
ucla news idVer:e438dafd4a032be43240bc1cf16aa
2018-03-02 7:44 PM Trump Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin isn't accustomed to facing direct challenges to his wild economic claims or protests over the GOP tax plan he helped craft, and after experiencing both during an event at UCLA's Burkle Center on Monday, Mnuchin demanded that video of his appearance be suppressed. (text/plain)
Resolution of the Rent Strike in Boyle Heights
2018-03-02 2:28 AM A brief summary of the conclusion, from Curbed. (text/plain)
What Big Brother Knows About You and What You Can Do About It
report back idVer:4432812160438398c415b645628
2018-03-01 11:30 PM ACLU Pasadena Foothills Chapter report back (text/plain)
Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down
police state idVer:bc9f413dbebdd193db83c3ea2e
2018-02-14 10:44 PM Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down (text/plain)
Our House Grief Support Center Hosts 9th Annual Run For Hope, April 29
Dave Johnson
2018-02-13 8:51 PM Celebrating The Grieving Community And The Power Of Uniting Hands With Paws
Don’t let this LA County Probation Department overhaul proposal sit on the shelf
police state idVer:a6eaef330f9de3d157cb619c0a
2018-02-13 7:04 PM Don’t let this LA County Probation Department overhaul proposal sit on the shelf (text/plain)
Echo Park Residents Sue LA Over Controversial Development
Friends of Kite Hill
2018-02-12 4:51 PM
The destruction of a hill in Echo Park would make way for four three-story homes. Both PLUM and City Council approved the project despite failure to meet all CEQA requirements and objections of some 50 neighbors. Instead, a developer in San Jose, California is being favored. (image/jpeg)
Former Signal Hill police officer pleads guilty in road-rage incident in Irvine
police news idVer:3f5d715ed3c646d26251b6b47c7
2018-02-10 6:25 AM Former Signal Hill police officer pleads guilty in road-rage incident in Irvine (text/plain)
Calif. Police Accused of 'Collusion' With Neo-Nazis After Release of Court Documents
police terrorism idVer:c73b3615a02ed69e056019
2018-02-10 3:14 AM Documents
"This is a textbook case of a political witch-hunt and selective prosecution," said one attorney whose client was injured during a white supremacist rally that turned violent (text/plain)
Center for the Study of Political Graphics exhibit on Police Abuse posters
lapd repost idVer:3cade8e14bc127957debbe63534
2018-02-07 5:50 PM Center for the Study of Political Graphics' exhibit: "To Protect & Serve? Five Decades of Posters Protesting Police Violence." runs through Feb. 28 (text/plain)
City Agrees to Settle Lawsuit Claiming Pasadena Police Officer Had His Sister Falsely Arre
Pasadena for Justice idVer:0001e96b86d5e0085a
2018-02-04 11:17 PM City Agrees to Settle Lawsuit Claiming Pasadena Police Officer Had His Sister Falsely Arrested (text/plain)
Professor's Study Highlights Health Risks of Urban Oil Drilling
oxy repost idVer:28207e27a51a1b05aca0616906ff
2018-02-04 8:42 PM A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health this week reveals heightened rates of asthma in densely populated Los Angeles neighborhoods located near active oil-development sites. (text/plain)
Claims paid involving Pasadena Police Department 2014 to present
Pasadena against Police Violence idVer:353e39
2018-02-04 6:52 PM Claims paid involving Pasadena Police Department 2014 to present (text/plain)
Pasadenans - get your license plate reader records from police
Pasadena activist idVer:ecf0acbc6e9834305191e
2018-02-04 7:11 AM The former head of the local ACLU is urging anyone who lives or works in Pasadena to participate in an information-gathering project by filing Public Records Act (PRA) requests for data being captured and stored in the city Police Department’s Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) surveillance program. (text/plain)
LA Times Homicide Report
homicide report idVer:c27f8863afa6333e3ab3f3d
2018-02-03 9:57 PM The Homicide Report is an interactive map, database and blog that chronicles homicides in Los Angeles County. Any death deemed a homicide by the coroner’s office -- the death of a human being by the hand of another -- is included in the database. Coroner's officials currently are providing a bi-weekly list of homicides to The Times. At a minimum, the Homicide Report provides basic details of each killing. In addition, the report includes in-depth reporting of cases and communities, as well as updates when arrests are made and suspects are tried in court. (text/plain)
Last of California's nuclear power plants is on its way out
Michael Steinberg
2018-01-30 11:44 PM Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free future. Here is out January 2018 report:
Patrisse Khan-Cullors explains why Black Lives Matter
BLM repost idVer:12a7849b45b98d94a92d0309bfcb
2018-01-27 3:02 AM Patrisse Khan-Cullors explains why Black Lives Matter in a powerful memoir with Asha Bandele, ‘when they call you a terrorist’ (text/plain)
Women's March L.A., 2018
2018-01-25 12:39 AM
There was emphasis on the importance of voting and being engaged in society, sexual harassment and assault, equal pay, and a variety of other issues including LGBT, racism, hate crimes, global warming, and war. ...... Last year's march was supposed to open with a ceremony involving the Tongva, L.A.'s first people, but things went wrong. This year, however, it happened (and there were references to the Tongva by speakers in the ensuing rally). (image/jpeg)
The case for US government sanctions on Israel
LA Jews for Peace repost idVer:66a22205b6daed
2018-01-24 1:36 AM The case for US government sanctions on Israel (text/plain)
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 4
Robert Stuart Lowden
2018-01-23 5:07 AM
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March (image/jpeg)
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 3
Robert Stuart Lowden
2018-01-23 4:24 AM
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March (image/jpeg)
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 2
Robert Stuart Lowden
2018-01-23 3:36 AM
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March (image/jpeg)
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 1
Robert Stuart Lowden
2018-01-23 3:14 AM
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March (image/jpeg)
Women's Political Representation & Electoral Reform
Michael Feinstein for Secretary of State
2018-01-21 8:43 PM Video (text/plain)
Trial Starts for Woman with Erb’s Palsy Punched in Face Repeatedly by LAPD Officers
la progressive repost idVer:a2e614866da0be570
2018-01-10 9:38 PM Opening statements are scheduled to take place in Los Angeles this week in the civil trial (Case No. BC621315) of a disabled woman who alleges that in 2015 a Los Angeles police officer repeatedly punched her, including in the face, and pinned her non-functioning arm underneath her body.
Zennea Foster, who was born with Erb’s Palsy rendering her left arm and hand immobile, is suing the Los Angeles Police Department for civil rights violations, assault and battery after she says she was viciously beaten by several LAPD officers in South Los Angeles in 2015. (text/plain)
Dear District Attorney Jackie Lacey, Prosecute Killer Cops, Signed: Your Constituents
la progressive repost idVer:a2e614866da0be570
2018-01-10 6:09 AM Dear District Attorney Jackie Lacey, Prosecute Killer Cops, Signed: Your Constituents (text/plain)
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