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A Unique Theatrical Double Feature: “Dutchman” And “Train To Zakopane” At Edgemar Center
David Thompson
2015-01-09 7:27 PM Two plays exploring the bigotry of racism and anti-Semitism will be presented in a unique one-night event scheduled fittingly on Saturday, January 17, during the week of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, at Edgemar Center for the Arts. (text/plain)
Occupy the Rose Parade: People’s Parade Follows Pasadena’s Tournament of Roses Parade
Jessica Lux
2015-01-03 8:51 AM
 A people’s parade protesting the corporate takeover of our democracy trailed the official Tournament of Roses Parade. The Occupy the Rose Parade #OTRP tradition continued for the fourth year in a row on January 1, 2015. (image/jpeg + 2 comments)
Demo Against Repression Outside Spanish Consulate in Los Angeles
2014-12-27 12:37 AM
 A small group of anarchists demonstrated outside the Spanish consulate in LA against Operation Pandora. (image/jpeg + 1 comment)
The Electrical Divide: car charger deserts
2014-12-23 8:37 PM
 There's inequality in access to electric vehicles, not based on price, but on access to electrical infrastructure. (image/jpeg)
ADI awards Congressman Jim Moran the 2014 Animal Champion Award for his dedication to end
David Thompson
2014-12-19 8:07 PM
 ADI General Counsel Christina Scaringe presents Rep. Moran with the ADI Animal Champion Award in Washington DC. (image/jpeg)
#BlackLivesMatter Massive Lawyer Die-In at Los Angeles Courthouse
Occupy Los Angeles OWS
2014-12-17 6:11 AM
 Los Angeles lawyers die-in outside courthouse for 15 minutes and 30 seconds in response to the police murder of unarmed citizens, including Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO and Eric Garner of Staten Island, New York. (image/jpeg + 2 comments)
Liberal Majority Passes Sheriff's Civilian Review Board
2014-12-10 4:40 AM (These are my impressions and opinions.) (text/plain)
KPFK in fund drive, yet again , but in deeperin trouble
loyal kpfk volunteer idVer:d0a63c1abbfe85754
2014-12-09 8:01 PM here is excerpt from more updated site ..re KPFK... see lots more there re Pacifica and it's conflictual perpetual state and the dangers therein... we want some reality- radio to be heard here in LA, not just brand-image presentations... to then beg for cash.. same as the usual commercial style replicated here too. (text/plain + 1 comment)
INDY lost lots of concerned poster
indy reader idVer:3155029bec2b7a6b8c661d56e61
2014-12-09 7:27 PM indy shifted and lost lots of valuable poster and info too. not helpful. is la indy now almost defunct ? (text/plain + 1 comment)
Michael Steinberg
2014-12-08 6:52 AM For the 4th time since last Friday, people protesting killer cops who got away with murdering African American men shut down Market Street in downtown San Francisco.
FREE Silver Lake Consensus, Collaboration & Conflict Resolution Workshop w/STARHAWK
Silver Lake Consensus
2014-12-02 4:06 PM FREE Thurs Dec 4 6:30-8:30PM Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral 650 Micheltorena Silver Lake http://silverlakenc.org/2014/11/28/joint-exec-comm-gov-brd-meeting-non-mandatory-open-to-all/
RSVP to FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/287837101426124/
How do we build consensus with others? How can we work more constructively in groups? Join us for a Consensus, Collaboration, and Conflict Resolution training in Silver Lake with the author of the Empowerment Manual — global activist, internationally acclaimed author, and world-renowned animist Starhawk (www.starhawk.org) (text/plain)
Protesting Hewlett-Packard on Black Friday
2014-12-01 6:48 AM
Demonstrations against Hewlett-Packard in Atwater Village, West LA, and Long Beach. Mostly positive and receptive responses. HP visited at least one store ahead of the demos to warn it. (image/jpeg)
Wayne Pharr, Elder Freeman, Passed On in 2014
2014-11-30 10:33 AM Belated short obituaries to two important activists in Los Angeles history. Elder Freeman and Wayne Pharr were members and leaders of the Black Panther Party in Southern California. (text/plain)
Some LA Ferguson Protest Links
imc-volunteer idVer:4ada1d0a35e468f4ca07ed849
2014-11-27 8:35 AM These are some links and photos copied from the usual places. (text/plain)
Protests at fig and Washington
2014-11-25 7:09 AM Figueroa and Washington (text/plain + 2 comments)
LA Protests Grand Jury Decision
2014-11-25 5:40 AM There are currently two protest marches underway in Los Angeles following the outcome of the grand jury decision in Ferguson, MO (text/plain + 2 comments)
Chris Dixon on Indymedia On Air
imc repost
2014-11-25 2:49 AM Chris Dixon author of Another Politics, interviewed on Indymedia on Air on KPFK. (audio/mpeg)
2014-11-24 2:29 PM
 A new avant-garde, innovative book of poems and neoconceptualist writing/artwork has been launched.
AMBIL, by E. San Juan, Jr., gathers the most recent lliterary and art-work by the US-based Filipino writer, critic and public intellectual. (image/jpeg)
2014-11-23 2:27 PM
 A re-assessment of Carlos Bulosan's life and works in the context of his birth anniversary this November and Filipino-American Month. (image/jpeg)
2014-11-22 9:08 PM Reviewing Carlos Bulosan's life and work in commemoration of his birth anniversary November 1911. (text/plain)
Winter 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert!
Lee Siu Hin Immigrant Solidarity Network
2014-11-21 7:12 AM Is Obama's Immigration Plan Too Modest? Proposals Cover Less Than Half of Nation's Undocumented (text/html)
2014-11-19 9:46 AM
 Some interesting news from twitter about BDS at UCLA. (image/jpeg)
Ferguson verdict Monday?
2014-11-16 9:42 PM Official leaks report that the verdict may come tomorrow, November 17th. (text/plain + 5 comments)
Animal Defenders International
2014-11-13 7:30 PM Bob Barker makes animal rescue mission in Peru possible (text/plain)
Veterans Against Foreclosures Marches in San Fernando Veterans Day Parade
Occupy Fights Foreclosures
2014-11-11 10:46 PM
 “Homes for Vets Now!” pleads Occupy Fights Foreclosures (image/jpeg)
Disappeared Documentary in L.A
Eileen Mabel
2014-11-11 10:23 PM AN EVENING WITH MABEL – Local filmmaker to host Argentine cultural event, presents a gripping documentary, FINDING MABEL, which explores her personal journey through Argentina to find her namesake, one of Argentina’s 30,000 ‘Disappeared’. (application/pdf)
Los Angeles Questions Oversized LAPD Response to Million Mask March
Los Angeles Peoples Media
2014-11-07 9:57 AM
 #MillionMaskMarch Los Angeles began in downtown Los Angeles and moved to Hollywood on November 5, 2014. (image/jpeg + 1 comment)
Ghosts of Wall Street Occupy Hollywood Blvd Halloween Night
Occupy Los Angeles OWS idVer:dd261c8961f7c87c
2014-11-06 8:48 PM
 “Nightmares from Wall Street haunt us all,” says Occupy Fights Foreclosures, as concerned citizens took to Hollywood Blvd to educate and awaken others about economic inequality and banker crimes. (image/jpeg)
The "Cleaning Up" of Venice
Deborah LaShever
2014-11-03 1:16 AM
 LA City is wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars to criminalize and harass unhoused people. This does not solve anything! (image/jpeg)
Activists Hold Prayer Vigil for Lexi Dillon and Jonah Rief in Orange County
Stand Up Orange County Coalition
2014-10-31 9:32 PM Southern Californians fed up with the trafficking of American children through the California Courts held a protest and prayer vigil outside the Lawmoreaux Justice Center (text/plain + 2 comments)
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