defund HIC
In 2021 the Los Angeles city council passed
the 41.18 anti-homeless enforcement zones act
that creates signed enforcement zones with signs like::
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Beginning on and after
Friday comma, June 28 comma, 2024
No person shall sit, lie or sleep or
allow personal property to remain in the
public right of way within 500 feet of
the underpass at 11201 Kagen blvd and GOP FWY
. .
41.18 ( map )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It is extremely unfair to outlaw sitting lying sleeping
outdoors and the other problem is that they are way too
many 41.18 enforcement zone signs all over Los Angeles so
it seems like there is no place outdoors where anyone can
sit lie or sleep anywhere in Los Angeles beginning in 2021.
The Homeless Industrial Complex consists of several
organizations that receive billions of dollars of taxpayer
money to provide services for the homeless including
healthcare services such as nursing and shelter service
and drug treatment services.
Most homeless people do not have Internet service
and are unable to e-mail their city council people to
request a repeal of every 41.18 enforcement zone.
The most likely situation is that just one tenant who
is afraid of becoming homeless in the future has written
e-mails to just one city council person to request a
repeal of every 41.18 enforcement zone that outlaws
sitting lying sleeping but as of Saturday, June 29, 2024
there is still no progress getting a repeal vote to the
floor of the Los Angeles City Council
Every organization that makes money off of the
homeless that is paid by taxpayers has a moral
obligation to restore homeless peoples rights to
sit, lie and sleep outdoors because they are
getting rich off of homeless people who are usually
incapable of adequately advocating on behalf of their own rights.
On Friday June 28, 2024 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
the legislative branch city council has the power to regulate
public space without restrictions of any kind. In two earlier
rulings the Supreme Court ruled that the legislative branch
congress gets to decide who has to register for Selective Service
System and congress gets to decide the fate of the potentially
unpopular individual mandate that requires people to buy
expensive junk health insurance that probably does not
allow them to actually see a doctor.
When the U.S. Supreme court ruled that cities may criminalize
without offering shelter to homeless people.
it also means that::
- Homeless people are no longer required to accept shelter.
- Taxpayers are no longer required to pay for homeless shelters
or anything for the homeless!!!
I have decided to
terminate all taxpayer funding for homeless services
Those of you who are working for the taxpayer supported
Homeless Industrial Complex ( H.I.C. ) need to quickly begin
demanding that the Los Angeles City Council repeal every
41.18 enforcement zone that outlaws sitting lying sleeping
and after that repeal and after every 41.18 enforcement zone
sign is removed by the city your organization will then be
allowed to try to get its taxpayer supported funding
homeless industrial complex t3
Homeless industrial complex part three
A previous radio show alleged that Prop A was a
citizens initiative that was declared passed
with a simple majority vote only.
is the link to information about California proposition 13 of 1978.
Prop 13 is extremely complex. Its encyclopedia webpage was checked for
several keywords
Citizens initiative
Sales Tax
The Altadena Library District V. Bloodgood case of 1987 was
litigated and after it was appealed it was destermined that
even a citizens initiative tax requires a 2/3 supermajority
vote in order to comply with proposition 13s requirements.
The Rider V. County of San Diego case of 1991 was litigated
and the result is that Proposition 13 requires a new sales tax
or increase be approved by a vote of not less than a 2/3 supermajority
It has been concluded that Los Angeles County made a mistake
by declaring that Prop A of November 5 2024 was passed by a simple
majority vote that was under 60 per cent.
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<h1> 2024 Prop A homeless sales tax increase in trouble </h1>
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This episode of deep space nine is written by Eric Matteson
and permission is hereby granted to copy the plain html text version
of this script and to publish it on the Internet. It may also
be used in student films and for political activism.
(Scene 1 interior. quarks bar.)
I have invested 4096 bars of Gold pressed Latinum in the Homeless
Industrial Complex of Los Angeles on Earth. There was a newscast
that said that Los Angeles County Proposition A homeless sales tax
was declared passed with a simple majority vote of at least 52
per cent.
I believe that my investment is now worth 8192 bars of Gold
Pressed Latinum.
Prop A provides twice as much money as previous Prop H.
I thought that a 2/3 supermajority vote was required to raise
any tax including the California sales tax.
The newscast said that Prop A is exempt from the 2/3 vote
requirement because it is a citizens initiative.
I never heard of any such exemption under Proposition 13.
I think that Proposition A homeless sales tax vote
requirement should be investigated.
Prop A is only a half of a percent increase in the sales tax. It is not
worth wasting valueble starfleet resources challenging it.
I disagree. Homeless sales taxes might be unfairly used to enforce unfair
city ordinances against sitting or lying or sleeping outdoors.
In order to reduce enforcement of those unfair laws homeless people
have a right to insist that the 2/3 supermajority vote requirement
be checked and reinstated by Starfleet command even if Starfleet has
to invest a vast amount of resources.
(Scene 2 interior. Docking ring.)
(Nog goes on board Enterprise and meets with Lt. Commander Data
in Engineering)
Is there an exemption to California Proposition 13 that allows a
non-educational tax to be passed as a citizens initiative with
less than a 2/3 supermajority vote?
No there is not.
Quark claims that Los Angeles County declared Proposition A of 2024
homelessness sales tax passed with a simple majority vote because
it is a citizens initiative.
Then Los Angeles County is in error. Ask the lawyers who are challenging
Prop A Homeless sales tax to begin by checking the wikipedia entry for
1978 California Proposition 13 .
Look for the part about Citizens initiative and then
the part about the sales tax.
I have a friend on Cardassia who might be interested in the investigation.
(Nog Then leaves the Enterprise.)
(Scene 3. interior. Defiant 74205)
The treaty between the Federation and Cardassia allows the Federation
and Cardassia to work together on some projects. The Cardassian
ministry of Justice has invited us to Cardassia to put Los Angeles
County 2024 ballot proposition A on trial in a Cardassian Court
to determine whether it really got a high enough percentage of votes
tp legitimately PASS.
It did because it was a CITIZENS INITIATIVE.
The Cardassians know you have invested 4096 bars of Latinum in the
homeless industrial complex that gets almost all of its funding
from prop H and then Prop A.
They will allow you to defend Paop A in Court.
The Cardassians have allowed Prop A to have two defense attorneys.
The other defense attorney is the public defender who defended
Miles Obrien when he might have
used his command codes to transfer weapons
to the Marqii.
The Cardassians will allow a unlimited number of people to
prosecute Prop A of 2024.
( Defiant arrives in orbit arround Cardassia. )
( Scene 4. Interior. Cardassian Court)
The Case of United Federation Of Planets and Cardassia V. Los Angeles
County homelessness Sales tax Proposition A of 2024 will now begin.
We begin with opening statements.
Los Angeles County Proposition A homelessness Sales tax is a
CITIZENS INITIATIVE that is exempt from the 2/3 vote requirement.
California Proposition 13 of 1978 is absolute. All non-educational
taxes including Los Angeles County Prop A homeless sales tax of
November 5 2024 absolutely requires a 2/3 supermajority vote no
matter what type of ballot proposition it is.
Prop A was declared passed by Los Angeles County with only
a final vote percentage of 57.78% which is less than
the required minimum of 66.67%
In addition to the technicality of a 2/3 supermajority
vote requirement
is there any other reason anybody could oppose passage of Prop A
homeless tax??
The City of Los Angeles passed the 41.18 enforcement zone signs act
of 2021 that is a very unfair anti-sit-lie law.
I am afraid that money from Prop A which is twice as much as
previous prop H will be used to severely enforce enforcement
zones that prohibit sitting or lying or sleeping or allowing
personal property to remain within 500 feet of each
enforcement zone signs address.
In Section C-4 of 41.18 it says that each zone is to last
for a maximum time limit not to exceed one year.
After the year is over each enforcement zone is supposed
to be terminated by the removal of its 41.18 signs.
How come so many enforcement zone signs are now more
than two years old??
The Marqii have obtained hearsay evidence from unidentified
sources that one person who was a employee of the
homeless industrial complex had had a conversation with
a alleged high ranking homelessness policy person who
claimed that the city lacks a decent system to
determine which enforcement zones have already expired.
That information has helped extend the Homeless Industral
Complex deadline to save funding from June 27th 2024 to
December 2,2024.
The Homeless Industrial Complex is required to lobby the
Los Angeles City Council to repeal 41.18 anti-sit-lie law
to preserve or restore its taxpayer paid funding.
Then instead of the mayor having deliberately issued a
executive order extending one year enforcement zones to
five years we have a defective computer database that
fails to show the start date of each enforcement zone
so we do not know when it expires.
Quark, You were not auithorized to defend 41.18
Your job is to defend Prop A only.
If the administrator of Prop A promised that its money would
not be used to enforce 41.18 could you overlook the vote
percentage requirement and let it pass?
Suppose that 98 per cent of the Homeless Industrial Complex
funding comes from Prop A and 2 per cent comes from the
General Fund. If Prop A is allowed to survive then there
is a risk that more general fund money might be available
to spend on enforcing 41.18 anti-homelessness law so 41.18
would then be getting at least INDIRECT help from Prop A.
In order to be sure that money from ANY proposition
including proposition A is not wasted enforcing 41.18
anti-sit-lie law it is essential that the Los Angeles
City Council fully legislatively REPEAL 41.18
anti-homeless enforcement zones act of 2021.
With the laws one year time limit greatly exceeded
either accidentally or intentionally it is impossible to
trust that Los Angeles could keep any potential promise
to not waste money on enforcement until after 41.18
is completely repealed.
As of Friday, December 27th, 2024 there is still no known
progress twoard getting 41.18 repealed by the L.A.
City Council.
The prosecution rests its case.
We now proceed to closing arguments.
I have invested a lot of money in the Homeless
Industrial Complex and the radio promised me that
Prop A does not need a 2/3 supermajority vote because
it is a protected exemption CITIZENS INITIATIVE that
only needs a simple majority vote to pass.
It is extremely unfair for any city council to prohibit
outdoor sitting or lying or sleeping and the
Los Angeles 41.18 anti-sit-lie law desparately needs to be repealed.
Striking down Prop A will greatly reduce funding for enforcement of
41.18 anti-homeless law and then with less money for enforcement
it should then be easier for the Los Angeles City Council to
fully REPEAL the 41.18 anti-sit-lie enforcement zones act of 2021.
The 2/3 supermajority vote requirement of California Proposition 13
is a lot more than just a technicality. It is a WEAPON of great
power that can be used to STRIKE DOWN any non-educational tax
including Proposition A that has less than a 2/3 vote.
Klingons do not ignore weapons. Klingons use weapons in battle
whether on the battlefield or in a courtroom. Recognize that
California Proposition 13 is a weapon that has earned the
respect of the Klingon Empire.
There is no honor in 41.18 and it must be repealed.
If the Homeless Industrial Complex would have lobbied the
Los Angeles City Council to have repealed 41.18 and gotten it
repealed before the vote certification date of December 2
2024 then it is extremely likely that nobody would have
noticed that the radio announcement of a citizens initiative
called Prop A passing with only a simple majority vote
actually conflicts with the very detailed Proposition 13.
The Homeless Industrial Complex is losing Prop A because
of its excessive delay in lobbying the L.A. City Council to
repeal 41.18 before vote certification day.
Continued failure to repeal 41.18 will cause additional
punishments. The Federal Government is being asked to
repeal Section 8 vouchers so more money can be spent
Additional punishments will occur until 41.18 is repealed.
This Case is hereby submitted to the three jurors.
(Scene 5. interior. Defiant 74205)
(TV monitor on screen. Announcement of verdict.)
On the charge of needing a 2/3 supermajority vote to pass
we find the defendant Prop A GUILTY.
Prop A got only 57 per cent of vote instead of 67 per cent so
we hereby STRIKE DOWN Los Angeles County Proposition A of
November 5, 2024.
Based on the CHEVRON RULING we find that 41.18 enforcement zones
that are more than one year old are beyond what the legislative
branch Los Angeles City council has allowed in the text of the law.
We also find that every 41.18 anti-sit-lie enforcement zone sign that
is more than two years old is criminally in CONTEMPT of THIS COURT!
The Los Angeles City Council has a right to repeal 41.18 and we hope
it will soon exercise that right.
This concludes the case of Cardassia V. Los Angeles County Prop A
homeless sales tax of 2024.
</textarea> <br>
<p> In conclusion Prop A deserved to be struck down. The required
2/3 vote was not acheived. There would have been too much risk that
money would have been wasted enforcing the very unfair anti-sit-lie law.
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