In the eye of the typhoon
After numerous escalations in the Ukraine conflict, the world is at a fork in the road: do we choose de-escalating negotiations or plunge into chaos?
by Kai Ehlers
[This article posted on 10/12/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]
After the incorporation of four "subjects" from the previous Ukrainian federation into the Russian Federation, after Vladimir Putin's speech on the occasion of this process, with which Russia says goodbye to the West, and after the declarations of Ukraine and its supporters that they never want to recognize this process, the question is: Where do we go from here? Is it still about Ukraine at all and was it ever really about it? Who is to be "destroyed" and with what consequences? Let's assume for a moment that it is about Ukraine and that it is not just being used as a proxy to "re-regulate" the global order of power: In this case, there should be no East or West affiliation of the territory that has so far seen itself as Ukraine. Rather, a statehood would have to emerge that corresponds to the kaleidoscopic history and reality of this space. This would mean putting an end to all attempts to force parts of the region, or even the entire region, into forms of statehood that do not correspond to its social, cultural and structural constitution. What the population of this region needs instead is the possibility of developing for itself the form of state in which it can and wants to live between the blocs of the EU and Russia.
If one looks at history, then this is possible, if one is to speak of the Ukrainian country as a whole, neither in a return to the Russian Federation nor in a transition to the European Union without serious internal and also further external conflicts. Possible and in the interest of a peaceful and long-term stable development would be only the initiation of consultations for the development of a federally connected community of different self-governing autonomous regions, which shape their relations with their neighbors according to their own interests in cooperative freedom.
Sounds like utopia ...
It sounds like utopia, but it will remain utopia if the fighting is not stopped immediately and negotiations are started that will allow the development of such divisions of the country that correspond to real conditions.
Otherwise, the current war will continue in a conflict that will not only destroy Ukraine as a whole and its parts, but also lead the European Union and Russia into a destructive permanent conflict, if not into warlike confrontations that will consume Europe's as well as Russia's forces in enmity to each other, instead of the two parts of Eurasia being able to unite in prosperous cooperation.
As things stand, no one can expect any benefit from such a development - except perhaps the U.S. for its buildup against China. Perhaps not because it would not be wanted by the warmongering forces of the U.S. - but because even this could prove deceptive, since such a decline of the Eurasian region can only lead to a global catastrophe, and also because neither the U.S. nor China would be able to bind the centrifugal forces that would inevitably be unleashed by such a development.
Reverse Brzezinski
This brings back memories of the U.S. strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski, who died a few years ago. As a learned disciple of the Anglo-Saxon Commonwealth, he declared that whoever wanted to dominate the world would have to dominate Eurasia. Whoever wants to dominate Eurasia must dominate the heartland, i.e. Russia. If you want to dominate Russia, you have to remove Ukraine from its sphere of influence. Then Russia could no longer be an empire.
The U.S. has developed its policy toward Russia along this strategy since 1991 at the latest. This will not be repeated here. The stages are well known: NATO and EU expansion to the East, fomentation of colorful revolutions in the post-Soviet space.
However, we should take a closer look at the mirror-image inversion that is currently emerging behind this strategy like a nightmare, namely:
Who destroys the grown connections of Ukraine to the heartland of Eurasia, destroys the heartland. Whoever destroys the heartland, i.e. Russia, leads the world into chaos.
Unless he or she would be not only willing but also able to take over the role that the heartland has held for the stabilization of Eurasia for a good 1,000 years and still holds now, even if signs of fatigue are showing on Russia's fringes in the face of the war Moscow is currently waging in Ukraine.
Are Kiev's supporters aware of this when, like Joe Biden or, in his wake, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, they proclaim the "destruction" of Russia as a strategic goal, what they want to put in its place, that is, in the place of a centralized multi-ethnic structure? Are they able to understand the Nightmare of this inverted Brzezinski as a warning not to stagger into this black hole?
That is almost not a question any more, because for that one would have to look more exactly at the realities, than only to spout ideology of "values", which are to be defended against Russia as embodiment of the evil.
Destroy Moscow - and then?
Russia's administrative structure resembles a spoke wheel connecting peoples and regions to the hub of Moscow. What do those who want to destroy 'Moscow' want to put in the place of this structure to prevent a political explosion of space? What do they want to put in the place of the established links between peoples of Russia and Europe? Do they expect a new political partner along the lines of Boris Yeltsin or even Alexei Nawalny, who could replace an ousted Vladimir Putin? Do they hope for a "regime change"?
Is one aware of the role Putin has filled in stabilizing the space?
Putin was and is, like him or not, not only a stabilizer in post-Soviet Russia, but also a crisis manager in past global conflicts. He has been the most active force around the UN so far in opposing U.S. dominance for the creation of a multipolar world. To put it bluntly: He would be the ideal partner for a German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the path to a multipolar future that the latter has recently loudly propagated - if Scholz were not mentally and politically entangled in U.S.-dominated globalism.
All this suggests that such questions, i.e. the danger of a disintegrating Eurasia, including a drifting apart of its European parts, are currently coming to the fore; viewed differently, they should be brought to the fore.
However, the reality is developing differently: Volodymyr Selenskyj, as could be expected, immediately tried to escalate the situation regardless of all the consequences involved: Request for accelerated admission of Ukraine into NATO, which would activate paragraph 5 of NATO's standby obligation against Russia and make Europe, not least Germany, the theater of extended hostilities.
NATO has put this request on the back burner. Selenskyj apparently feels this to be a betrayal. In any case, he immediately issued a decree putting any start of negotiations with representatives of Russia under massive threat of punishment with immediate effect. Putin, on the other hand, has offered new negotiations on the basis of the facts now created by Russia's incorporation, but with the addition that the results of the referenda would not be up for debate. One could go along with this, but does one want to?
So far, the screws have only ever been turned in the direction of escalation. Now the world has arrived in the eye of the typhoon. Our resolute rejection of this war is called for, also, no precisely because none of the people's representatives involved asks us for our opinion.
Kai Ehlers is an independent publicist, researcher and book author. His work focuses on developments in the states of the former Soviet sphere of influence and their local and global consequences. In Germany, he is involved in the debate on social alternatives. For more information, visit
Hardened fronts
Foreign Ministers Annalena Baerbock and Sergei Lavrov accuse each other of propaganda and cruelty - but accusations are no path to peace.
[This article posted on 10/11/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]
The fronts in the Ukraine war seem to be hardened. Two examples can be used to show how opposing and yet mirror-image positions are: on the one hand, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and her interview on Markus Lanz on September 21, 2022, as well as her speech at the UN the following day; on the other hand, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his two speeches at the UN on September 22 and 24, 2022. Both use partially correct but one-sided interpretations of what is happening. It is amazing to observe how much the accusations made by each side resemble the other. This may create a satisfying feeling of being right on both sides, but peace cannot be achieved in this way. This would require the ability to self-criticism and the willingness to recognize the truth as completely as possible.
The position of Annalena Baerbock
The German foreign minister recently made her position clear in an interview on Lanz and during a speech at the UN. On Markus Lanz, Baerbock was pleased that for Putin "things are not progressing militarily as he had imagined." Therefore, she said, the Russian president is now "desperate," waging a war with fear and threatening nuclear weapons in connection with the referenda.
Baerbock continued:
"We have to analyze the different methods carefully, because it is precisely not a war that is waged as in the 19th century, with tanks alone. But it is a hybrid war, also with a lot of propaganda, with fake news, you can also say lies, and now there is this additional element, in that it stirs up fear in the hope that support for Ukraine will then decrease. We've already seen that with regard to energy, and there, too, the goal was to divide our society, to create uncertainty. And the important thing is not to follow fear in such moments, but to keep a cool head. That you have to be aware of all the risks, but at the same time you have to be aware that these blackmail attempts won't work" (1).
In addition, Baerbock referred to the "torture" and the great suffering of the civilian population in the ZDF as well as a day later at the UN. "There you can only then let the tears flow yourself," were Baerbock's emotional words. Therefore, she said, it is important to continue supplying weapons:
"There you can see that the liberation is the liberation (sic) by the Ukrainian troops. Because peace and security is finally back, and which is why these arms deliveries save lives."
Addressing the UN, Baerbock again stressed the great suffering the war was producing and that Russia must end its war of aggression with "murders and rapes." She also said that the "fake referendums" were illegal and that Russia was plunging the nations of the South into hunger with its grain war (2).
While Baerbock's claim that wars were fought with tanks in the 19th century is rather dubious, she is correct in her analysis that wars today always include war propaganda.
At the latest since modern war propaganda began more than 100 years ago in the First World War (3) - at that time most advanced by the Creel Commission in the USA (4) - the exercise of hard power, i.e. military force, also includes soft power. Here, psychological tools are used to specifically influence people in information warfare and to elicit consent for war.
Baerbock is also right when she says that the targeted appeal to deep feelings, above all the stirring up of fear or even pity, is one of the tried and tested means of war propaganda. It may also be true that Russia uses this propaganda in a targeted way. However, it forgets to mention that war propaganda and military force are rarely used by only one warring party - usually all countries involved in a conflict engage in their form of propaganda and each military uses force.
It would therefore be important in this context to point out that it is not only Russia that engages in propaganda, but that the United States has developed the most advanced propaganda methods and is a leader in this field. Furthermore, military violence is not only coming from Russia, but also from the Ukrainian side since 2014. Therefore, to what extent Annalena Baerbock's statements are themselves propaganda is for the listener to decide.
The point of view of Sergey Lavrov
In his speech on September 22, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, like Baerbock, pointed out that international law was being broken - but by Ukraine, according to Lavrov. He stressed that the Maidan's 2014 crimes have not been punished to date and that many thousands of people have died in the civil war since then.
Lavrov also accused his opponents of spreading war propaganda. In his view, Western coverage of the Butcha atrocities would have served a "propaganda effect" for Ukraine, and they are not interested in real enlightenment today. "Nobody remembers Butscha anymore - except us," (5) Lavrov complained. Moreover, in his September 24 speech, he spoke of "gross staging" (6).
Even today, he said, Ukrainian soldiers were deliberately shelling civilians as well as creating the threat of a nuclear catastrophe by shelling the Zaporzhye nuclear power plant. Russia has "numerous proofs" of the Kiev regime's "criminal acts committed regularly since 2014," Lavrov said.
He also explained how Ukraine and the West were engaging in war propaganda: Russians, he said, had been devalued as "subhumans" or "creatures" who could consequently be killed.
This, he said, was possible because the West was doing so by spreading the one-sided "narrative" that the Russian invasion was the source of all problems, while ignoring the civil war that had been going on since 2014 and failing to punish Ukraine for the crimes they had committed.
Lavrov is right to mention the civil war, which, according to a UN study, claimed more than 14,000 victims by 2022.
Like Baerbock, Lavrov may be right when he accuses the West of deliberately spreading a narrative and disseminating war propaganda. Lavrov is right to criticize the targeted devaluation and dehumanization of the enemy as war propaganda.
It is clear, however, that the mutual accusations and claims that the adversary is particularly cruel, does not respect international law, and spreads lies with war propaganda may be true for both sides - but they do not show a path to peace.
Dialogue and compromise required
Nor can the path to peace consist of supplying Ukraine with ever more weapons. Here, Annalena Baerbock is wrong when she claims that supplying weapons to Ukraine would save lives and create peace. Both war propaganda and arms deliveries do not create peace, but rather make war and the suffering and death of people possible in the first place.
Therefore, in order to create peace, "honest dialogue and the search for compromise" (6) are needed on the part of politicians, as well as an understanding of the geopolitical motivations of all parties involved. Propaganda must be replaced by honest clarification, not devaluation, but compassion for all involved.
On the part of the population, it is crucial to see through the war propaganda that poisons people's thoughts and feelings.
A change in people's minds and hearts can lead to a decrease in support for the war from both the Western and Russian sides - and this desire for peace and rejection of propaganda and violence is the basis for softening the hardened fronts and actually walking the path to peace together.
Sources and Notes:
(2) Speech by Annalena Baerbock to the UN Security Council on Russia's war against Ukraine on September 22, 2022.
(3) Eberhard Demm (2021): Censorship and propaganda in World War I. A comprehensive history, Bloomsbury, London
(4) Detlef R. Peters (1964): Das "US-Committee on Public Information" - Ein Beitrag zur Organisation und Methodik der geistigen Kriegsführung in den USA im Ersten Weltkrieg, Köhler Minden, Berlin; cf. also:
(5) Speech by Sergei Lavrov to the UN Security Council on Russia's war against Ukraine, September 22, 2022.
(6) Speech by Sergei Lavrov at the UN General Assembly on September 24, 2022.
Jonas Tögel is an Americanist and propaganda researcher. He received his doctorate on the topic of soft power and currently works as a research assistant at the university. His research interests include propaganda, motivation, the use of soft power techniques, and epochal challenges of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Instead of standing up for its own interests, Europe is allowing itself to be harnessed in a self-destructive way for the U.S. geopolitical project to conquer the Eurasian heartland.
28.09.2022 by Kai Ehlers
The view from below
The Nuclear War Bluff
The scenario of a nuclear inferno seems like an empty threat - as if globalists wanted to use it to distract from their dwindling power.
by Lothar Obrecht
[This article posted on 10/11/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]
In order to adequately assess and classify current developments on the world stage, it is necessary to take a top-down view, a certain distance from everyday events and news. Only then does it become clear that the stagings of the globalists, while formidable, are amateurish and transparent in their execution. None of the recent decisions of those responsible in the governments of the transatlantic alliance stands up to critical scrutiny. Invariably, the measures taken are based on elaborate propaganda by the mainstream media and sweeping stigmatizations of any critics of the marching orders of NATO, the World Health Organization (WHO) or other NGOs hijacked by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Neither in the assessment of the Ukraine conflict and the sanctions policy of the West, which primarily harms Europe itself, nor in the assessment of the so-called Corona pandemic or the causes of climate change are dissenting opinions allowed. This one-sided policy without foundation cannot be sustained in the long run. Therefore, a new fear factor must now be used.
It is Friday, September 23, 2022, 5:30 p.m. in Puglia, Italy. The lawn sprinkler rattles in the background, the shimmering turquoise pool water laps peacefully, the sky shines blue, and the sea on the horizon of the Golfo di Taranto (Gulf of Taranto) shines even bluer. Pleasant 25 degrees on the sun lounger here at Finca Cala D'Aspide in Santa Maria al Bagno on the boot heel of southern Italy.
Every now and then I flick a little ant off my mint-colored bath towel with my middle finger. The headlines of today can not spoil my mood, after I have eaten with wife and daughter in a small taverna at the port of Gallipoli delicious swordfish to a half liter of Apulian white wine and now prepare myself at the pool for the joint dinner on our terrace with outstanding sea view, to which we will treat ourselves to another drop, but a Rosso from Calabria.
But now to the headlines:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov addressed the United Nations in New York on the war situation in Ukraine (1). Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission without a mandate from voters, receives the Goalkeeper Award of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in recognition of her uncompromising enforcement of the interests of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2).
The Federal Reserve Bank raises interest rates again in its supposed fight against U.S. dollar inflation (3). Right-wing conservative Giorgia Meloni, leader of the "Fratelli d'Italia" party, seeks the office of prime minister of Italy, whereupon EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen threatens action if the Italian people do not decide according to her will, that is, vote freely (4).
The German U.S. vassal government disgraces itself at all levels with, among other things, "the most stupid energy policy in Europe" (5), while resistance is finally stirring in the country. Bild makes fun of Putin (6). Meanwhile, Hansi Flick nominates the provisional World Cup squad for Qatar as if nothing had happened (7).
Transhumanism fails
The protagonists of the Great Reset, above all Klaus Schwab, whose family Nazi past is coming more and more to light (8), now definitely want to know. It hails awards for good goalkeepers and ass-kissing machinists in the leaking gear of the WEF.
The mainstream media trump themselves with hold-out slogans and clap their heels together all the more firmly, the more their own mendacity and hopelessness of an over-ambitious transhumanism of the cult around the New World Order becomes apparent, whose followers once again believe they can play God. They, the mainstream media, secretly know that they will inevitably go down with the cult.
Mastermind and WEF advisor Yuval Noah Hariri, who believes quite firmly in the optimization of man through Artificial Intelligence (9), stoops even more into his vision of Homo deus and has not realized that his time is running out, while he believes he can accurately predict the future of man.
Habeck and Baerbock sound a bit like Oleg and Boleg - without wanting to discredit them - comic characters from a joke book. Karl Lauterbach tirelessly haunts the gazettes and TV studios in the style of a cheap curbside swallow who doesn't seem to have noticed his wandering poker existence yet.
The washed-up frigates Ricarda Lang and Claudia Roth from the Green Party are celebrating their self-staged downfall at the Oktoberfest completely unconsciously according to the motto: Who cares, the disaster is already in full swing anyway. We, the long since awakened observers of this gruesome soap opera, have to save ourselves through the days with humor and sarcasm, knowing that it is far from over, on the contrary, it is just beginning to get exciting.
The threat of nuclear war should do the trick
While Vladimir Putin decides on a partial mobilization of 300,000 troops to defend Russia against the allied West after referendums have just taken place in Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson, and a senildement Joe Biden, holding the dutiful Olaf Scholz by the hand, counters with pithy slogans, the people are now to be put into fear and panic again. After Corona just fizzled out, the climate crisis staged with the help of juvenile panic girls no longer itches anyone who can count to three, so now the nuclear war is to fix it. There is a method to this madness.
The best conditions for the end of the world? That is the question, because the madmen have not reckoned with us, who have long since seen through their madness. They obviously think we are all idiots, but there are millions of people with hearts and brains who will resist now that things are finally escalating. All red lines have now been crossed, so that even the hitherto reticent, head-shaking observer can no longer hold on if he wants to leave his children a future worth living.
Dilettantes do not win
Here, at the heel of Italy's boot, looking up at the starry sky and the Ionian Sea, I realize that we are winning. I am glad to have made this trip to Italy, to have been immersed in the culture of two millennia, from Lucca to Florence, Assisi, Perugia, Rome and the deepest south. We are overwhelmed by the creative art of mankind. It awakens in us the humility that is needed to understand and evaluate the dilettantism of the present, with which those in power act.
The history of mankind and the centuries-old culture associated with it, which has enriched our present society with the sweat and blood of countless people over many generations with a maximum of complexity and beauty, cannot possibly be annihilated by dilettantes of the caliber of a narrow-minded Minister of Economics and a Foreign Minister trainee in a coup de grâce.
It is merely an episode of tidying up that will enable a new beginning by ridding the world of ballast. Like the fisherman who throws his by-catch back into the sea, where it serves as food or fertilizer for the survivors to bring forth better things, or an immune system that conquers a disease and emerges stronger. Likewise, humanity will overcome recurring aberrations.
The Great Reset is a Great Error
The Great Reset is a Great Error. There never was a reset and there never will be a reset. Creation is not a computer program. God is greater. Everything is always evolving, never going back, always going forward. Build back better is an illusion of the unconscious and borders on childish irascibility. Now is the time to show the irascible their limits and weed out the weeds.
If we want to evolve, we need to get the weeds by the roots. All the garbage that has been washed to the surface by technocracy and a capitalist neoliberalism that was unleashed long ago does nothing to change the broad base of conscious and soulful people that makes up the basic substance of fertile humanity, in which the seeds for a society of freedom, truthfulness, trust and love have been planted and are also deeply rooted in the German middle class. It forms the fertile soil on which the prosperity of the Western world is founded and on which the New World will flourish after the present and coming conflagration has purged all that has grown too far on unconsciousness, illusion, fear and control. The seduced will have to realize that they were wrong.
The last straw of the globalists
No one can seriously contemplate a nuclear war, a nuclear confrontation. But the fear and panic of it, they want to use it, especially now that Corona and climate are no longer working. The fear of nuclear war is in truth the last straw of the globalists, who do not give a damn about how many young Ukrainians and young Russians will be sacrificed to their perverted cult; just as they do not give a damn about whether Europe will be de-industrialized and break up as a result, or whether people will freeze in winter.
Nuclear war is a big bluff and the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control and decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this and not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The worldwide growing resistance will end all plans of the globalists and expose all deceptions. Those responsible will be exposed. It is always like this.
Love remains when illusion and fear give way.
Sources and Notes:
(9) The world ideologue of the animal -
Lothar Obrecht works as a psychological coach and writes about the human psyche in the context of political and social developments. Social crises as an opportunity for the further development of civilization towards more common good, solidarity and compassion are the topics of his publications and non-fiction books. His most recent publications are "Herzzeitwende" and "Unconditional Trust: The End of Exploitation." For more information, visit