The De-Generation
Musician and philosopher Robert Scheer processes his impressions of social decline in impressionistic linguistic images.
by Robert Scheer
[This article posted on 9/28/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]
Corona continues to drive Robert Scheer's writing around and around. For it is not over. In eight thematic snippets, the author impressionistically sketches the world as it presents itself to him. The bleating of the sheep included.
1. the science behind it
At almost 50 years of age, I have acquired two skills in life: Doing nothing and being in the coffee house. There is nothing to say about doing nothing on the one hand, or infinite things to say on the other. Maybe one day I will reveal my incredible knowledge in this area, but not now.
This report is about the café, people and stupidity. At least since I studied philosophy at the University of Haifa, I became enthusiastic about sitting in a coffee house. There I learned what I had to learn in life: nothing. And a lot of it!
As the dear reader can already see, doing nothing is strictly connected with sitting in the café in my case, and vice versa. The scientific formula is:
Doing nothing = Sitting in the coffee house.
Sitting in the coffee house = doing nothing
2. the Hungarian way of life
A great influence on me had some Hungarian writers from the "Golden Age", that is 100 years ago. In Budapest coffee houses, writers like Sándor Márai and Dezsö Kosztolányi sipped their black, talked, read the newspaper and wrote. Certainly, the fate of a Hungarian poet is unusually hard, since a true Hungarian poet is known to be someone who, well, kills himself.
Hungarian literature is literally full of suicides. You really have to prove what you can do, so to speak. In Hungary, things are serious. A real Hungarian writer simply has to kill himself - otherwise he will miss having his name mentioned in the annals of literature. Cowardly writers are not revered by the Hungarian people, they simply disappear from the literary stage as if they had never been there. They are forgotten.
I should not be misunderstood: It is not only artists who commit suicide in Hungary. In Hungary, suicide is a kind of national sport. The Hungarians are always world leaders in this.
Czech writers, like their Hungarian colleagues, are also an endangered species. Unlike the Hungarians, the Czechs prefer jumping from high windows.
Jump - and good night! For the Hungarians, it doesn't matter how you commit suicide, as long as you do it. To make the picture complete, I had to mention these "dark sides" of the typical Hungarian coffee house goer, according to the motto: Not everything is as it seems.
You have to imagine it like this: A Hungarian goes to the coffee house, talks, drinks, laughs, reads, writes, laughs, drinks, and then ... it's all over. Not for wimps. Not for the generation of sleep sheep woke.
3. masquerade
For two years, in the so-called "pandemic", I did not seek out a café. Yes, doing nothing in itself I probably continued to do, but in isolation, so to speak, at home. Since recently it was allowed to go to the café without a mask, I risked a visit. After so much time, it felt strange to be back. Especially since I used to be a professional coffee drinker, I didn't let my inhibitions show.
As I ordered a cappuccino, I noticed that both the waitress and the people around me had a washcloth on their faces.
I rubbed my eyes.
Instinctively, I wanted to ask everyone why, why they were wearing a mask if no mask was necessary at all, perhaps because of pimples or ugly features on their faces? But when I saw the sheep's eyes of the people, I decided not to ask anything. Living dead, I told myself, scratching my head.
"Three euros."
Baaaaay, I said.
The staring eyes seemed to ask: Excuse me?
Suddenly it was as if a voice whispered something in my ear.
De - ge ...
"Your cappuccino ..."
The young waitress ducked me.
My face cut a smile. "Thank you."
I took my cappuccino to an empty table and dropped into a chair. I looked around. Only the young people sitting at the small tables showed faces. Interesting, smiling faces - without pimples. Everyone who was about to order something had masks on.
De - ge - ne ...
The coffee didn't even taste bad. It's not the black that's the problem, I told myself, running my tongue along my upper lip.
De - ge - ne - ra ...
Pop music played in the background. People were talking, laughing. Like before, I remembered, like two years ago. Outside, the sun was shining; a perfect spring day.
De - ge - ne - ra - tion.
I took a sip of my black stained with foamy white.
All of Germany.
The whole world. Going under.
Degenerated people. Degenerated generation. Degenerated city, my city Tübingen. Degenerated mayor. Everything completely degenerated.
After reading a few pages in a book and finishing the drink that had gone cold, I walked out of the coffee house. On the street I saw many people wearing masks. Tragic carnival atmosphere. All fake.
4 The breath of nothingness
With quick steps, I made my way into nature. The trees seemed to beckon me with their majestic branches and twigs, welcoming me into their immediate vicinity.
I breathed in.
I breathed out.
Birds flew free in the skies, singing as if their lives depended on it.
Chip ... chip chip.
A framed picture of a Hungarian writer appeared in my mind's eye before bursting like an aerial balcony.
Was that ... me?
I took a breath.
Spring renewal reigned in nature, a rebirth, a celebration. A few butterflies fluttered across the grass. A squirrel listened up, looking like a statue.
Nature knows when to bloom and when to die. She possesses the knowledge, the sacred knowledge. After the day comes the night, one cycle follows the next: cycles of seconds, cycles of minutes, cycles of days, cycles of months, cycles of years, cycles of millennia, cycles of millions of years. Infinite cycles in the labyrinth of life.
Through the millennia, the system has dumbed us down, I thought, and sat down on a bench.
Slowly I closed my eyes, waited a few moments, then opened them again. The light shone with golden, radiant colors. A dog was barking. A child was crying.
A loud woman's voice said, "Don't cry, Felix. You're not getting any ice cream!
Papa, Papa! Felix tried his luck with his father.
No ice cream!
But Mama ... one scoop, just one ... Ahhhhh.
The dog barked a few more times, woof woof, woof woof. Felix cried and wanted ice cream.
Not today, Felix!
A scoop ... chocolate ... chocolate ice cream ... Ahhhhhhh.
We are going home!
Ice cream! Ahhhhhhhhh.
Stop it! Felix!
From afar, the wailing of sirens sounded, and as it approached, it intensified and intensified.
People's laughter.
5 The eternal return of the seasons
The year actually starts on March 21, I thought to myself. That's the natural calendar, that's when the sun is on the horizon, slowly rising, the day and night are the same length. The peak of the sun's rise is on June 21; this is when the day is the longest, while the night is the shortest. On September 21, the sun sets on the horizon; again, night and day are of equal length. On December 21, the sun is at its lowest; the day is shortest and the night is longest. For three days the sun stands still without moving, then on December 25 it rises again, reborn. In infinite "primitive" cultures these things were understood: The eternal cycle.
Everything is one, one is everything.
Cell phones, masks, diseases, vaccinations, war.
Circus for the people.
Life is a stage.
The sky cut by numerous airplanes.
6. dumbing down with system
We are the barbarians, we are the primitives, because we have forgotten the simplest knowledge. We only look down - never up. We are led to believe that the first of January is the beginning of the year. We have become so stupid that we consider September as the ninth month, October as the tenth, November as the eleventh and December as the twelfth.
September in Latin means seven, October eight, November nine, and December ten. The Roman emperors Julius Caesar and Augustus took two months for themselves: July and August.
We live in a madhouse, a prison of insanity. The ruling elite is made up of lunatics and murderers. Only, we don't know it. Don't want to know.
Everything we know is wrong.
Kindergarten, school, university are there to destroy our thinking.
This can't be true!
Yes, it is!
Reality is infinitely tragic.
Lunatics and murderers!
The lie is so huge that we believe the giant lie of the corrupt system.
Dog barking sounds as if from another reality.
Woof, woof ...
Rex! Stop it, Rex.
We think we understand. We rationalize. But the lie remains a lie. Only the fewest can bear reality. People flee from freedom as if it were something unbearable, monstrous, dangerous for them. We are constantly on the run from ourselves.
Enough is enough!
We are so dumbed down that we believe the stupidest of the stupidest - and the system laughs itself to death.
Hahaha, hihihi.
It's time for a change!
7. in the camp 2.0
I looked up. In the sky I saw unnatural white lines, similar to the masterpieces of modern art. Meaningless. Decadent. Sick. Sick-making. Chemical spray poisons.
The best of all worlds, the brave new world.
The system wants the best for us.
Great Reset. Agenda 2030. population reduction.
Reality or illusion?
Peace means war, health means disease.
The injection is good ... for whom?
The climate story is good ... for whom?
Hahaha, hihihi.
They are laughing up their sleeves, the psychopaths, the mentally disturbed. They hate us.
The red line has been crossed.
Don't be afraid.
Enough is enough!
8th Nation Degeneration
Like a farm, I said to myself, sitting on the bench. Slaves on the farm.
Animal Farm.
Degenerate ...
But freedom is there.
And the truth - it never dies.
Nation degeneration - time to wake up!
My eyes moved from left to right, from right to left. The sunny panorama seemed divine in its beauty. My eyes focused on the center where something was moving.
What ... what is that?
A bird?
A buzzard?
An ... angel?
I rubbed my eyes.
A dream?
A warmth rose inside me.
Goose bumps.
Yes, a white dove!
Robert Scheer, born in 1973, was born in Romania. In 1985 his family emigrated to Israel. He worked as a rock musician, interpreter and music producer. In 2004 he graduated from the University of Haifa in Israel with a Master's degree in Philosophy, Art History and German. He is currently continuing his studies at the University of Tübingen, where he also works as a bookseller and construction worker. He has been a freelance writer since 2008 and has published "The Scent of Sussita," "Matthew Passion," and "Jewish Jazz," among others.
Before closed gates
The Corona measures had serious consequences for students, and yet colleges are considering whether to close again.
by Ronny Ebel
[This article posted on 9/28/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]
According to a survey at Freie Universität Berlin (FU), exhaustion, fear of the future and loneliness characterize students' lives. Corona measures did not benefit young people, even though almost half believe in their protective function. None of those responsible resigned; there was not even an apology. But instead of the universities making a promise to stay open, they are considering closing again in the winter semester of 2022/23. The reason: they want to save energy. But that would make the situation worse for students.
The survey at Freie Universität Berlin
From the end of February to mid-March 2022, there was a university-wide survey on studying under pandemic conditions at Freie Universität Berlin (FU) (1). 1,950 students participated, 1,446 of whom fully completed the 50+ questions.
"Sixty-one percent of them were enrolled in an FU bachelor's degree program at the time the survey was conducted, and 24 percent were enrolled in a master's degree program. The other participants indicated that they were studying for a state examination (13 percent) or studying as part of an ERASMUS semester, EinS@FU or on a diploma" (2).
The results were presented in May 2022.
At the outset, one more note: This survey was initiated by students, not by the President's Office. Therefore, the FUCSI team - the FU Corona Study Initiative - deserves special thanks at this point, because without this survey, those involved would still not know how students are doing today. Now for some of the results.
Energy-sapping teaching
One question asked, "Which term most closely matches your experience in terms of teaching this semester?" Forty percent marked the answer "tough / draining / stressful," and another 17 percent marked the answer "boring / colorless / uninspired" (3), "whereas only a quarter of the students used mainly positive terms to describe their own experiences during the past semester" (4).
Students' concerns and problems
"Just over one-third of students, in response to the question about how they were feeling, reported feeling either 'not so good' or even 'really miserable.' Those who reported feeling good or even very good accounted for another third of the survey participants. Student concerns and problems show up as varied and pronounced" (5).
In response to the question "Which of the following worries and problems are currently on your mind?" most, 60.46 percent, answered "Difficulty concentrating." In second place: "exhaustion" (57.68 percent). Behind: "Fears about the future" (51.22 percent). In fourth place: "Loneliness" (37.84 percent). Followed by: "Digital teaching is a burden on me" (35.87 percent). In sixth place: "Fear of not being able to connect" (35.33 percent). In ninth place: "Financial worries" (33.29 percent) (6).
In the total of 16 responses, only one was about Corona. In tenth place among the worries and problems was "Worrying that I or someone close to me will get Corona" with 27.99 percent (6). Very surprising, since Corona measures were, after all, the reason for the restrictions on campus.
Friendships and online teaching
"More than half of the students have not yet made friends in their studies with whom both content and personal exchanges are successful. Just under a quarter stated that they had not yet even found anyone at all for an exchange outside of courses" (7).
It should not be forgotten that "courses" actually refers to online teaching. After all, it determined the course of study for many students for four semesters - summer semester 2020, winter semester 20/21, summer semester 2021 and winter semester 21/22. The result mentioned here thus also reflects the consequences of online teaching.
Speaking of online teaching: "Two-thirds of the students felt that their academic productivity had been reduced. For just under half of these, the lack of an adequate work environment was an important reason" (8). Fittingly:
"More than half of the students did not regularly use the FU libraries as a place to work. However, one in five students stated that they would like to use a library workstation regularly, but that this would be hindered by short opening hours and/or the need to wear a mask at work throughout the day" (9).
Mask recommendation = mask obligation
In the meantime the mask obligation at the university does not exist any more. At least not officially. In the FU-Berlin, there are still notes in many places, on the windows or doors, telling people to wear an FFP2 mask:
Mask recommendation
Thus this "recommendation" gets a rather official character. A high proportion of the students wore the mask in the summer semester in the seminar, although this obligation no longer existed there since the beginning of May. A brief reference by the teacher to the mask recommendation at the beginning of the seminar was sufficient for students who entered the room without a mask to quickly put one on. This increased peer pressure, and so a recommendation basically became a rule. After a few minutes, almost all but two or three students were sitting there with a mask. In summer. At 25 degrees in the shade.
If you want to wear a mask, you can do that; it was possible before March 2020. But when students learn in an environment in which they only put on the mask because they are reminded in a friendly but vehement manner to please wear one, then that no longer has much to do with voluntariness. A university should avoid this atmosphere at all costs.
Apart from the question why young people, who are hardly affected by COVID, had to wear masks, there is also the question why it still has to be FFP2 masks. The German Society for Hospital Hygiene e. V. published a statement in March 2021, which clearly states that a "FFP2 mask wearing requirement endangers the population" (10).
It is more than surprising why universities in particular, which emphasize the importance of correct, scientific work at every opportunity, consistently ignore any evidence here over such a long period of time.
Belief and knowledge
Before I get to the Governing Board's response to this survey and the energy savings universities are making, I want to point out a figure that is startling:
"Fewer than half of students felt that 3G regulations on campus were fully complied with. Fittingly, only 43 percent of students felt fully adequately protected from contracting the coronavirus on campus" (11).
This figure is very interesting; after all, protection from "infection with coronavirus" was not in place at any point in time, and yet 43 percent "felt" well protected from it. This is because it was clear that the 3G rule did not prevent infections. The University of Leipzig, for example, wrote this clearly on its website in August 2021 (12). In addition, the COVID injection also does not provide lasting and relevant protection against infection (13).
Ergo: 43 percent of the prospective academics who participated in this survey thus believed in something that was never the case.
And that's as late as February/March 2022, the date of the survey. That's worrisome. How can that be? Where did these 43 percent get their information, what were their sources?
The reaction of the Bureau
So now that it has been shown that the 3G rule, COVID injection, mandatory FFP2 masks, all the signs, chaperones, Plexiglas screens and markings at the university were of no benefit - what benefit would they be with predominantly young people who had never been greatly affected by COVID? - the presidency had no choice but to react.
On July 15, 2022, the notice was published on the FU-Berlin website:
"Summarized in one sentence, one could say: not everyone was well - but it felt good to know that we were not alone in this" (14).
This is little consolation for the 24 percent of students who were unable to make friends and for the 37.84 percent who cited "loneliness" as their biggest problem.
First Vice President of Freie Universität, Professor Klaus Hoffmann-Holland, is quoted in the release as saying:
"It has been and continues to be a central concern of ours throughout the pandemic to be in conversation with students about their perspectives. The results of the FUCSI initiative are a valuable asset in this regard" (15).
This sounds very effective, but unfortunately it is not quite true. Because even under his leadership - in the meantime the presidium is composed differently - there was no exchange. In February 2021, students wrote an open letter to the Presidential Board expressing their wish to discuss the measures with other students at the university (16). The authors of this letter are still waiting for a response from the Presidential Board.
Online teaching
Last but not least, it turned out at the beginning of this year that the video software Webex from Cisco, which has been used at the FU since the summer semester 2020, was not legally secure. This is the conclusion of the Berlin data protection authority: "Cisco is unlawfully transferring personal data to the USA" (17). The FU has known this since November 2021, and yet Webex continued to be used (17).
The agency asked the FU in August to "completely stop using Webex by the end of September" (18). But the FU went on a confrontational course in September:
"It would continue to use the video conferencing platform Webex from the manufacturer Cisco Systems - without waiting for the discussion previously offered by the presidency for mid-September" (18).
Are the universities closing again?
Although the consequences of the Corona measures, also thanks to this survey, should by now make all those in charge want to keep the universities open at all costs, they are considering closing them again. But this time it's not about Corona, but about energy savings:
"But students think less about Putin when they hear such announcements than about the Corona years 2020 to 2022: The number of mentally ill students skyrocketed at universities. The German Student Union complained that it needed to invest millions in therapists and counselors. Demand exploded for psychological counseling services at universities. In many places, such as Cologne, an admission freeze was temporarily imposed" (19).
At the end of August, SPIEGEL ran the headline: "Students must choose between food and warm showers" (20). Shortly thereafter, the government also considered students in the third relief package. Even though no one knows exactly who will receive what aid and when.
In the meantime, the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main has already been more specific. Again, the same picture: it is known that students since 2020 "increasingly suffer from loneliness and depression" and that online teaching reduces "the potential of students." Nevertheless, Goethe University is 'considering closing the university for days or even weeks this winter' (21).
In Düsseldorf, on the other hand, students 'only' have their hot water turned off. Anja Steinbeck, the rector of Heinrich Heine University tweeted on September 16:
"The universities have made a commitment to the state of NRW to save 20 percent energy. To achieve this, the hot water network has been switched off and temperatures in the buildings will be lowered earlier in the evenings. In addition, new opening hours f. the libraries are in effect." (22)
Sources and Notes:
(1) See: "FUCSI Survey First university-wide survey on studying under pandemic conditions by students for students." The two analysis papers are at Downloads:
(2) "FUCSI Survey Winter Semester 2021/22 Status of Paper: 05/19/2022 - Attachment to General Evaluation Paper - Student Survey on the Evaluation of Studying under Pandemic Conditions at the FU Berlin", page 1.
(3) Ibid. Page 5.
(4) "FUCSI survey winter semester 2021/22 Status of the paper: 17.05.2022. Please also see the attachment in the FU box. Evaluation paper: student survey on the evaluation of studies under pandemic conditions at the FU Berlin", page 2.
(5) Ibid. Page 2.
(6) Ibid. Page 2.
(7) Ibid. Page 2. The scant quarter mentioned was exactly 24 percent, these stated, "I haven't met anyone at the university yet with whom I interact outside of classes." See: "FUCSI Survey Winter Semester 2021/22 Status of Paper: 05/19/2022 - Attachment to the General Evaluation Paper - Student Survey on the Evaluation of Studies under Pandemic Conditions at the FU Berlin," page 5.
(8) "FUCSI survey winter semester 2021/22 Status of the paper: 17.05.2022. Please also refer to the attachment in the FU box. Evaluation paper: student survey on the evaluation of studies under pandemic conditions at the FU Berlin", page 1.
(9) Ibid. Page 1.
(10) DGKH statement, "FFP2 mask requirement in Berlin endangers more than it helps." 03/31/2021.
(11) "FUCSI survey winter semester 2021/22 Status of the paper: 17.05.2022. Please also see the attachment in the FU box. Evaluation paper: student survey on the evaluation of studies under pandemic conditions at the FU Berlin", page 1.
(12) The website of the University of Leipzig stated the following: "Persons with 3G status can also pass on infections." In the meantime, this interview with Professor Hofsäss has been deleted, but you can find the message in the archive here:
(13) Starting with conditional approval, "All vaccines available to date have been approved without the appropriate studies having been completed. Whether from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, or AstraZenca, none of these agents have had the usual 8 to 10 years of development, but rather were launched in 8 to 10 months." - February 2021: "The fact is that most vaccines - including those for influenza - do not protect against infection and infectivity, that is, the possibility of passing on the infection. The exception to this is the polio vaccine." - November 2020: "Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said, 'Ideally, an antiviral vaccine should do two things ... first, reduce the likelihood that you will become seriously ill and go to the hospital, and second, prevent infection, thereby interrupting disease transmission.' But even the ongoing Phase III trials are not actually designed to prove either. None of the trials currently underway are designed to demonstrate a reduction in serious outcomes such as hospitalizations, use of critical care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.'" - December 2020: "However, data to date do not indicate whether the vaccine also interrupts transmission of the virus." - Immunologist Andreas Radbruch affirms that the 'vaccine' never prevented infection: Twitter user Pace wrote on September 17, 2022: "Thanks for the classification. But if I understand you correctly, this means in reverse that vaccination never prevented infection anyway because it induces virtually no mucosal AB. Correct?" Radbruch answered on the same day: "exactly." - Stöhr in September 2022 at Talk im Hangar-7: "And one has not written in just from the beginning, reasonably, that such a vaccination can never protect against the infection certainly all and always. That's not possible at all, with these respiratory pathogens" (22:19 to 22:35 min.) - Stöhr continues: "The promise was actually there from the media and from the non-experts, the experts knew from the beginning that the infection cannot be prevented at all." (00:28 to 00:34 min.)
(14) "Our campus is a good place to learn." In a survey, students at Freie Universität asked their fellow students how they felt during the pandemic in the winter semester of 2021/2022. The findings may be helpful for the coming semesters. 07/15/2022.
(15) Ibid.
(16) The Rebels. FU Berlin students call for debate room on Corona policy in open letter.
(17) Conference systems at universities: Freie Universität sticks with Webex. Berlin's data protection commissioner found that the FU's conferencing service was not legally secure because of data disclosure. The university has formed its own opinion. By Steffen Stierle. 07.01.2022, 09:48.
(18) Dispute over video conferencing system: FU won't let Webex be banned. Berlin's data protectors wanted to force a platform change at Freie Universität. But the university says it has optimized Webex as much as possible. By Amory Burchard. 09.09.2022, 17:17. - Here is the official statement from FU Berlin: "Freie Universität Berlin is sticking with video conferencing platform Webex. Presidium of the university: "Legally compliant use for the winter semester guaranteed." No. 146/2022, 09.09.2022.
(19) Will students soon have to go back to distance learning? Published 08/16/2022. by Till-R. Stoldt.
(20) "Students must choose between food and hot showers." SPD and FDP want to relieve now also students in view of strongly risen energy prices. This is overdue, says Asta representative Amanda Steinmaus - but the proposals were not enough. An interview by Dayan Djajadisastra and Helene Flachsenberg 30.08.2022, 15.58 Uhr
(21) Comment "Please no lockdown winter at universities: rather open day and night." The university in Frankfurt (Main) is considering closing the university for days or even weeks this winter. Our author is a student - and pissed off. Franka Klaproth, 12.9.2022 - 06:52 Uhr.
Ronny Ebel, born in 1987, is studying in Berlin after completing two apprenticeships. He is concerned with human behavior and its individual and collective effects. His focus is on self-reliance and democratic participation.