According to the Federal Statistical Office, 57,839 people across Germany died in 2019 as a result of mental and behavioral disorders. Repeatedly, however, there seems to be more than just a patient's illness behind the death rate, but a sick fascist system ...
"The statistics show the number of annual deaths due to mental and behavioral disorders (ICD 10 diagnostic chapter V: Mental and behavioral disorders F00-F99) in Germany from 2008 to 2019. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 57,839 people died in Germany in 2019 as a result of psychological disorders and behavioral disorders. "
"Of 504 784 psychiatric patients treated in Germany, 3,125 died in 1996 after an average length of stay of 36.5 days. This includes 76 724 addictive patients with 47 deaths Figures from the 1998 statistical yearbook. "
"There are few visible and all the more invisible deaths in and through general psychiatry, forensics, homes, etc. Behind confidentiality, data protection and unpublished statistics in the best cooperation with the judiciary and when politicians look on or look away, deaths occur Psychotropic drugs, medical malpractice, failure to provide assistance, acts of violence and suicides are hidden and covered up in and through the institutional framework. Suicides per se are rarely negotiated in connection with psychiatry and psychotropic drugs. On the contrary, forced treatment is legitimized by the claim to protect against "self-harm". It is a fact that the suicide rate after hospital stays and / or use of psychotropic drugs increases rapidly and suicides also take place in clinics.Toxic drugs work in their own way - with violent and fatal side effects.
Forcible induction, segregation and restraint practices also claim deaths. In Bremen, Hamburg, Heidelberg and Lübeck alone, at least six people have died of violent situations in general psychiatry and forensics since 2017. "
"According to investigations, more than 10,000 people die annually as a result of or during psychiatric treatment. RDL spoke to a Freiburg activist about this day and about the Freiburg alternative psychiatric or psychiatric critical structures and contact points."
Read more:
Walkthrought: continuity of German national socialist History of Psychiatry
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