The Green Party supports livable urban environments with affordable housing, mass transit, schools, jobs, health care, public spaces, bicycle and walking paths, community gardens, open spaces, parks, playgrounds, and urban growth boundaries. Too often this type of urban development has not occurred, for a variety of reasons, some recent, some that go back decades. The question is what to do about it today.
The Green Party of Los Angeles County (GPLAC) shares the frustrations that many people have about development in the City of Los Angeles, particularly regarding displacement of residents, spot zoning for developers, environmental impacts, gentrification and loss of neighborhood and community character.
However, the GPLAC opposes Measure S on the March 7, 2017 ballot – officially titled “Building Moratorium / Restriction on General Plan amendments / Required Review of General Plan. Initiative Ordinance” (and sometimes called the "Neighborhood Integrity Initiative") – because the GPLAC believes Measure S will exacerbate these problems, rather than solve them. The GPLAC also believes Measure S simultaneously fails to address the structural problems around per capita representation in Los Angeles City elections that might actually give residents more voice in local development questions.
The GPLAC recognizes that some Los Angeles residents support Measure S out of desperation to stop spiraling rents, evictions, development, and traffic. Some also hope that Measure S's two-year building moratorium may give them a chance to stay in their homes.
The GPLAC shares opposition to spot zoning generally, and specifically supports Measure S's mandate to update the General Plan and neighborhood plans.
However, there are several problems with Measure S, particularly around affordable housing and transit-oriented development, that make it fatally flawed:
And it continues at