In April 2016 the International Uranium Film Festival was held for the first time in Hollywood and it was a great event. "I loved the films, the panels, the entire concept", said Ivana Massetti, Women Occupy Hollywood Founder & CEO. Now the Uranium Film Festival plans to return to California and Hollywood in Spring 2017. We will bring a selection of new breath taking movies and must see documentaries about the nuclear power question - from nuclear bombs to nuclear waste - to Hollywood. In addition we are planning a nuclear panel discussion with nuclear experts and socially & environmentally responsible personalities, like we did in 2016. For that the festival needs supporters and sponsors.
„If you make it in LA, you make it everywhere," said journalist and activist Harvey Wasserman from Solartopica who attended the amazing first Uranium Film Festival in Hollywood this year 2016 in April. In fact the Uranium Film Festival made it already also in New York, Santa Fe, New Delhi, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin and dozens of other cities. „But still the independent International Uranium Film Festival has no prime sponsor. The Festival depends on you, depends on thousands of people concerned about the use of uranium and nuclear power and nuclear weapons," says Uranium Film Festival co-founder Norbert G. Suchanek. „To continue with our precious work in 2017 we kindly ask for support and donations from all people concerned about nuclear energy, nuclear and uranium weapons, uranium mining and nuclear accidents like Fukushima."
“The International Uranium Film Festival was – you should pardon the expression – a blast! Wonderful people came to watch the films and were blown away by what they viewed,“ Libbe HaLevy, producer of Nuclear Hotseat, the weekly international news magazine on all things nuclear.“I Loved this event! Great to see so many Hollywood stars supporting nuclear disarmament! The red carpet was amazing”, Elena Nicklasson, director of Development of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. “I loved the films, the panels, the entire concept”, Ivana Massetti, Women Occupy Hollywood Founder & CEO. "The films were really moving and I am so honored to be a part of the festival. What you're doing is so relevant and important right now“, Yoko Isabelle Kumano, Artist and Filmmaker in California. "In my 25 years as an anti-Depleted Uranium activist this experience of the Uranium Film Festival has been a highlight in the exposure of a very serious problem that faces mankind today: The use of radioactive waste as a military weapon", Damacio A. Lopez, USA, Founder and Director of IDUST (International Depleted Uranium Study Team).
The non-profit International Uranium Film Festival - the Atomic Age Cinema Fest - was founded in 2010 in Rio de Janeiro to inform about nuclear power, uranium mining, nuclear weapons and the risks of radioactivity, nuclear waste and nuclear war. Today it is the world wide most important film event that addresses all nuclear and radioactive issues. The horror of atomic bombs and those who suffered from them, and nuclear accidents like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima should never be forgotten - nor repeated.
During the last six years the Uranium Film Festival has shown more than 250 documentaries and movies about the nuclear question in cinemas and cultural centres in about 30 cities world wide and stimulated the public discussion about use and risks of nuclear power. In 2017 festivals are planned in Los Angeles, New York, Brazil, France, Germany and Japan.
The Uranium Film Festival welcomes any donation and support.
International Uranium Film Festival