5 Reasons to Support RAC-LA
Read on or CLICK HERE (
http://bit.ly/1HHjZeV) ANYTIME TO DONATE via our secure PayPal link.
Reason #1: RAC-LA is one of the only completely-grassroots efforts in LA to directly uplift the least empowered. Nearly all of the people served by our weekly giveaway of 150+ boxes of free organic food are poor, homeless, or recently-immigrated people of color. All of our work is a volunteered labor of love, with no government support and no corporate underwriting.
Reason #2: The Community Center run by RAC-LA and its partners is YOUR resource. It provides a radical-friendly safe space for organizing, community enrichment, education, and outreach. We welcome our partners-in-struggle to make use of it. Contact John at
johnaimani3@gmail.com (English) or Melva at
racateers@gmail.com (Ingles y Espanol) to find out how.
Reason #3: RAC-LA and its partners do their best to support YOU. RAC members and participants support and participate in all sorts of progressive and radical social causes locally, including efforts to stop police violence; end state surveillance; eliminate poverty; and defend and liberate the poor, womyn, queer people, trans people, immigrants, people of color, homeless people, non-human animals, and all other oppressed or exploited beings. We fight alongside you, and we support your efforts. We ask for your help in a spirit of mutual respect and mutual aid.
Reason #4: Every penny donated to RAC-LA helps support our food program or our community-empowering programs at the Community Center. Whether it’s the direly-needed food program or our ever-evolving-and-expanding-programming at the Community Center—including our free tutoring sessions, free classes, free study groups, and free cultural events—every donation to RAC-LA is a re-investment in the community and its struggle for peace, freedom, equality, and prosperity.
Reason #5: WE CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU. RAC-LA has no formal roster and no official leadership. We are of, for, and by the community. Everyone who works with us, supports us, and/or gives to us is—in ways big or small—a part of RAC-LA. In other words, you are RAC-LA. We are forever grateful for all of your help, and we can’t succeed in our efforts without your ongoing support.
Please consider donating now: