Revolutionary Autonomous Communities, Los Angeles (RAC-LA) & The Free Association of Anarchists (F@@) Invite You to
The RAC Community Center Grand Opening
Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 from 3pm to 9pm
2515 W. 7th St., Los Angeles 90057
Accessible from the 200, 18, & 20 bus lines. Less than 1/2 a mile from the MacArthur Park Red Line station.
Although the center has been open for a few months on an ad hoc basis, we are now ready to open for the public!
Join Us For: Food * Entertainment * Music * Art * Educational Activities * Discussion * Tabling * And More!
Come relax after your May 1st Workers’ Day and Immigrants’ Rights Day actions. Celebrate the movement’s recent successes with like-minded friends and comrades. Learn about upcoming programs and activities at the center, and how the center can be a resource for your community group.
Children and families welcome!
Lineup of groups, performers, and artists TBA.
For More Information: Contact Melva (English and Spanish) at
What is RAC-LA?
Revolutionary Autonomous Communities, Los Angeles (RAC-LA) is a totally-grassroots anti-authoritarian community organization that runs a weekly Food Program on Sundays, 10am-5pm, in MacArthur Park, LA. RAC-LA was founded in the aftermath of the brutal police crackdown on the immigrant rights march of May 1st, 2007 when the community decided to organize itself for a better future.
The food program empowers the local community to feed itself, aiding with the distribution of around 200 boxes of free organic food per week. All food is donated by local organic farmers whom our collective supports through labor donation (mutual aid). The food program serves an ethnically-diverse cross-section of the most under-served members of the community, including the poor, the homeless, and the recently-immigrated.
Community members themselves are the backbone of RAC, working in concert with local activists to get this critical work done.
What is The F@@?
The Free Association of Anarchists (F@@) is a small but hard-working collective of anarchists based in the Los Angeles area. We publish the quarterly newsletter Black Flag, conduct an annual Skid Row Clothing Giveaway during the Winter holiday season, and are constantly engaged in all sorts of projects around labor organizing, education, immigrant rights, animal liberation, anti-capitalism, feminism, anti-authoritarianism, and all other forms of legitimate resistance to illegitimate authority.
We are always looking for new individuals and groups to work with, so feel free to drop us a line.
Email us at OR